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A fetus recovered during autopsy of

pregnant woman is 28 cm long, 550gm in
wt with differentiable sex and hair on scalp
the age of the fetus is
a. 2-3 months
b. 4-5 months
c. 5-6 months
d. 6-7 months
e. 7-8 months

Q2. After eruption of second molar , the

ramus of jaw grows behind when body of
the jaw increases in length to make room
for the eruption of 3rd molar at the age of
a. 17-19year
b. 19-21 year
c. 21-23 year
d. 23- 25 year
e. 17-25 year

Q3. The minimum age of fetus to be viable

A. 24-26 weeks
B. 26-28 weeks
C. 28-30 weeks
D. 30- 32 weeks
E. 32-34 weeks

Q4. On autopsy of an aborted fetus the

weight was 2kg, nails were nearly at the
end of fingers and toes, scalp hair were
thicker and softer and ossification center at
lower end of femur was present age of
fetus is
a. 4-5 month
b. 5-6 month
c. 6-7 month
d. 7-8 month
e. 8-9 month

Q5. Obturator foramen in female is

a. Oval shape
b. Round shape
c. Triangular shape
d. Rectangular shape
e. Square shape

Q6. The endocrainal suture of skull start

obliterating at the age of
a. 25-30 year
b. 30- 35 year
c. 35-40 year
d. 40- 45 year
e. 45-50 year

Q7. The brachi-cehalic skull is seen in

a. Aryans
b. Aborigines
c. Negroes
d. Europeans
e. Mongolians

Q8.cural-index is also called as

a. Tibio-fibular
b. Tibio-femoral
c. Tibio-radial
d. Tibio-ulnar
e. Tibio-humoral
Q9. Cephalic index gives clue to determine
a. Age
b. Sex
c. Race
d. Stature
e. Occupation
Q10. The cranial capacity of the female as
compared to male is
a. 5% less
b. 10% less
c. 15% less
d. 20% less
e. 25% less

Q11. The brachial index is also called

a. Radio-ulnar index
b. Radio-humeral index
c. Radio- tibial index
d. Radio- femoral index
e. Radio-fibular index

Q12. Bartillons system is applicable to

a. Newborn
b. Infants
c. Children
d. Adult
e. Old age

Q13. Importance of fingerprint was first

discovered by
a. Sir Henry Galton
b. Henry faulds
c. J.A Purkinje
d. Sir w. Herschel
e. Sir Ram Mohan

Q14. X-ray of hand shows that pisiform

bone has been ossified competely .what
will be age of individual
a. 6-8 year
b. 18-20 year
c. 10-12 year
d. 14-16 year
e. 4-6 year

Q15. At what age does the xiphoid process

unite with the body of sternum
a. 20 year
b. 30 year
c. 40 year
d. 50 year
e. 60 year

Q16. On examination of boy it was

observed that growth of pubic hair has
started but moustaheshve not appeared .
on x-ray examination the pisiform bone
has ossified . what is the most probable
age of the boy
a. 8-10 year
b. 10-12 year
c. 12-14 year
d. 16-18 year
e. 18-20 year

Q17. The rate of growth of hair after death

a. 0.1mm/day
b. 0.2mm/day
c. 0.3mm/day
d. 0.4mm/day
e. 0.5mm/day

Q18. An accurate method of age estimation

by means of incremental lines was
discovered by
a. Boyed
b. Gustafsons
c. Locard
d. Stack
e. Francis Galton
Q19. The absence of any sign of closure any
suture of skull indicates that the age has not
a. 30 year
b. 35 year
c. 40 year
d. 45 year
e. 50 year

Q20. The sacrum beings to fuse from below

upwards and along the sides ossification is
completed up to 23 years except a gap
which persists between 1st and 2nd sacral
vertebrae upto
a. 32 year
b. 34 year
c. 36 year
d. 38 year
e. 40 year

Q21. A mandible on autopsy shows its

ramus at angle with the body, condyloid
process elongated and projecting above
coronoid process, and mental foramen
midway between upper and lower border
belongs to
a. Infant
b. Child
c. Adolescent
d. Adult
e. Old age

Q22. Permanent impairment of finger print

occurs in
a. Leprosy
b. Eczema
c. Scalds
d. Scabies
e. Herpes

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