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1. Leiam o texto a seguir. / Read the text below.

Today, I'm going to do the shopping and clean up the house. In the afternoon, I'm
going to meet my friends and watch a video with them. We're going to spend some
time together as we haven't seen each other for a while.

In the evening, I'm going to call my grandmother and tell her I'm going to send her
some pictures of my wedding. She's really curious to see them.

Today, I'm not going to work too much because I don't want to get tired. I have an
important party to go to on the weekend. I'm really excited about it! 

2. Responda as perguntas / Answer the questions

a. Is Jane Brown going to buy things today?______ b. Is she going to wash


3. Mark True or false - Verdadeiro ou Falso

a. Jane is going to make a video with her friends. (.....)

b. She isn't going to spend any time with her friends. (.....)
c. Jane is going to call her grandmother. (.....)
d. Jane is going to work a little. (.....)
e. She has a party to go to on Monday. (.....)

1. Leiam o texto a seguir. / Read the text below.

Today, I'm going to do the shopping and clean up the house. In the afternoon, I'm going to meet my friends and
watch a video with them. We're going to spend some time together as we haven't seen each other for a while.

In the evening, I'm going to call my grandmother and tell her I'm going to send her some pictures of my
wedding. She's really curious to see them.

Today, I'm not going to work too much because I don't want to get tired. I have an important party to go to on
the weekend. I'm really excited about it! 

2. Responda as perguntas / Answer the questions

a. Is Jane Brown going to buy things today?______ b. Is she going to wash anything?________

3. Mark True or false - Verdadeiro ou Falso

a. Jane is going to make a video with her friends. (.....)

b. She isn't going to spend any time with her friends. (.....)
c. Jane is going to call her grandmother. (.....) d. Jane is going to work a little. (.....)
e. She has a party to go to on Monday. (.....)

Hoje, eu vou fazer as compras e limpar a casa. Na parte da tarde, eu vou me encontrar com os meus amigos e
assistir a um vídeo com eles. Nós vamos passar algum tempo juntos, já que não se viam há algum tempo.


À noite, eu vou ligar para a minha avó e dizer a ela que eu vou lhe enviar algumas fotos do meu casamento.
Ela é realmente curioso para vê-los.

Hoje, eu não vou trabalhar muito, porque eu não quero ficar cansado. Eu tenho uma festa importante para ir
para no fim de semana. Estou muito animado com isso!
2. Responda como perguntas / Responda às perguntas

a. É Jane Brown vai comprar as coisas hoje? ______ B. Será que ela vai lavar alguma coisa? ________

3. Mark Verdadeiro ou falso - Verdadeiro Falso UO

a. Jane vai fazer um vídeo com seus amigos. (.....)

b. Ela não vai passar algum tempo com seus amigos. (.....)

c. Jane vai chamar sua avó. (.....) D. Jane vai trabalhar um pouco. (.....)

e. Ela tem uma festa para ir na segunda-feira. (.....


] 2) a. Yes.
b. No.

3) a. false;
b. false;
c. true;
d. false;
e. false

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