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=== Chapter 1 === Chapter 2
inclined, prone, disposed <-> disinclined ~하는 경향이 있는 residence, abode 주소
apt * address
appropriate, proper, suitable <-> inept
appropriate 적당한 speech, lecture, discourse
speech 강연
astonish ** surprise, astound, shock, startle 놀라게 하다. undertake, take on 맡다
chronically constantly , continuously , inveterately, habitually 만성적으로 assume ** put on, pretend, affect ~인척하다
daub *** coat, cover, plaster , slather 흠뻑 칠하다 think, suppose , presume ~라고 생각하다, 추측하다
region, area, territory, realm
region 지역, 영토 reach 도달하다
domain ** attain **
field, sphere
area, field 분야, 영역 achieve, accomplish
achieve 성취하다, 이루다
enthusiastic * eager, ardent, zealous, passionate <-> apathetic
eager 열성적인 boast brag, swagger <-> depreciate 자랑하다
stretch, reach , range (어떤 거리까지)걸쳐있다 volume, dimensions 용적
extend ** capacity
expand, enlarge, increase, prolong, lengthen <-> shorten 확장하다, 늘리다 ability, flair, talent 능력
feat * achievement, accomplishment, exploit
achievement 업적 cede * yield, surrender, relinquish <-> defend
yield 양도하다, 포기하다
accomplish, achieve , execute 성취하다 refuse, reject, dismiss <-> accept 거절하다
fulfill ** decline *
satisfy, meet
satisfy 만족시키다. decrease, fall , fail, weaken 하락하다, 쇠퇴하다
give over to dedicate, devote, commit
dedicate 헌신하다, 바치다 desert * abandon, forsake <-> cleave (to)
abandon 버리다
heavy ** ponderous, weighty <-> light ; burdensome
ponderous 무거운 ; 고된 disassemble apart, dismantle, take apart <-> join
break apart 분해하다
hibernation sleep, dormancy
sleep 동면 dispose * arrange, order
array, arrange 배치하다, 배열하다
illusion * false impression 착각, 오해 dispose of * get rid of 처리하다
attract, fascinate , interest <-> bore (주의, 관심을)끌다 erode * wear away 침식하다, 부식되다
intrigue *
plot, conspire 음모를 꾸미다 reasonably, moderately, tolerably, pretty <-> extremely
reasonably 꽤
fairly *
luxuriant * abundant, exuberant, opulent <-> withered
abundant 무성한, 풍부한 impartially 공정하게
magnitude ** extent, measure, degree ; volume, size, amplitude 정도 ; 크기 glossy * shiny, bright, glazed, lustrous <-> dull
shiny 빛나는, 광택이 나는
affirm, contend, claim 주장하다 grounds reasons, rationale, root, basis
reasons 근거, 이유
maintain **
sustain, preserve, continue , keep 지속하다 hallmark ** feature, a distinguishing trait 특징
monitor check, examine, inspect
check 조사하다 perfect, model, exemplary <-> average
perfect 이상적인, 전형의
ideal **
epidemic (전염병 등의)만연, 창궐 abstract, theoretical, hypothetical <-> actual 관념적인
outbreak *
eruption, explosion, burst 폭발 inhabit ** live, occupy , dwell, abide, reside <-> emigrate 거주하다
periodically at intervals, from time to time, once in a while, infrequently 때때로, 가끔 laborious diligent, industrious 근면한
free liberate, loose <-> detain 해방시키다 remain, stay, tarry
remain 남다
linger *
release ** emit, give off, discharge, exude 뿜다, 방출하다 lag, procrastinate, loiter, drag, delay <-> hurry, hasten 꾸물거리다, 질질 끌다
loose, untie, unfasten (묶인 것을)풀다 loathe ** abhor, abominate, detest, hate <-> tolerate
abhor 혐오하다
rendering *** performance, presentation , rendition 연주, 공연 mimic *** copy, imitate, echo 모방하다
renowned * famous, celebrated , eminent, prominent 유명한 model ** specimen, prototype, example , pattern 견본
copy, duplicate , imitate 복제하다 watch ; perceive, notice, 관찰하다 ; 알아채다
reproduce * observe *
breed multiply, spawn <-> perish 번식하다. conform, follow, comply <-> violate 준수하다
rugged uneven,
uneven rough, bumpy 울퉁불퉁한 plentiful ** abundant, bountiful , rich<->scant(y), meager 풍부한
self-sufficient independent 자급자족의, 제힘으로사는 preoccupied * engrossed, absorbed 몰두한
theoretical, academic 이론적인 estate, havings, possession , asset 자산
speculative * property **
thoughtful , reflective, meditative 사색적인 character, characteristic, quality , feature 특성
stimulate * prompt, activate, spur , inspire <-> discourage 자극하다, 격려하다 recurring * recurrent <-> isolated 되풀이 되는
subordinate inferior, subject, dependent, secondary <-> dominant 종속적인 rooted * ingrained, fixed, embedded 뿌리 깊은, 정착한
torrential * wild, violent 격렬한 thoroughly completely , perfectly, utterly, entirely 철저히, 완전히
1. vigor : 활기 2. contract clause : 계약조항 3. adulation : 아첨 4. measles : 홍역 1. telescope : 망원경 2. microscope : 현미경 3. periscope : 잠망경 4. engaging : 매력 있는
5. hug : 껴안다, 포옹하다 6. delightedly : 기꺼이 7. morality : 도덕 8. disclaim : 포기하다, 부인하다 5. drowning : n. 익사하는 것 a. 혼란된 ; 좌절된 ; 이해할 수 없는 6. disconcert : 당황케 하다
=== Chapter 3 === Chapter 4
afford * provide,
provide give, grant 주다 achieve ** accomplish,
accomplish perform, effect <-> fail 성취하다
announce * proclaim, publish, declare 공포하다 anchor * hold in place , secure, fasten <-> release 고정시키다
a wide range of * a wide variety of 다양한 ascribe, impute, refer
ascribe ~의 탓으로 돌리다
attribute **
chance ** probability , likelihood ; opportunity 가능성 ; 기회 quality, trait, characteristic, property 특성
chart * map,
map plot (지도 등를) 작성하다 brisk active, vigorous, energetic, lively <-> passive
active 활기 있는
promise, contract, pledge <-> disengage 약속하다 codify ** classify, arrange, systematize <-> randomize
classify (체계적으로)정리하다
engage ** reserve, book
reserve 예약하다 consummate ** superb ; complete <-> incomplete 뛰어난 ; 완전한
hire, employ <-> discharge
hire 고용하다 falling 하강
descent *
esteem * respect, revere ; prize, value <-> despise
respect 존경하다 ; 중하게 여기다 origin, blood, lineage
origin 혈통, 기원
evidence * proof ; sign 증거 ; 증후 disseminate ** spread out, distribute, disperse , scatter 퍼뜨리다
fertile * bountiful, productive , fecund, fruitful <-> barren 비옥한 earn acquire, attain, win
acquire 획득하다
generate * produce, create <-> extinguish 발생시키다 emergence rise, appearance, advent 출현, 부상
innate * inborn, natural <-> acquired
inborn 타고난 facilitate * make more available (easier) (일을)용이하게 하다
invaluable * precious, priceless <-> worthless
precious 매우 귀중한 fervent * passionate, ardent, earnest <-> impassive
passionate 열정적인
irreparable * irremediable, permanent , irrecoverable<->reparable 돌이킬 수 없는 fine ** slight, subtle, delicate ; thin 미세한, 섬세한 ;가느다란
maxim * saying , proverb ; principle 격언 ; 행동원칙 frivolous trivial, trifling, petty, unimportant
trivial 사소한
protest, remonstrate <-> acquiesce 항의하다 giant * ogre <-> dwarf 거인
object **
goal, purpose, function
goal 목적 golden age a period of great achievement 황금 시대, 전성기
remarkable, prominent, excellent , eminent 뛰어난 grip, clutch, grab, seize 붙잡다
outstanding ** grasp
unpaid, owing, unsettled, remaining <-> paid
unpaid 미결제의 catch, understand , comprehend, apprehend 이해하다, 파악하다
patron * protector, supporter, advocate ; customer 후원자 ; 고객 hamstrung * ineffective, powerless ; disabled, crippled, lame <-> able, fit 불구의, 무력한
predominate * outweigh, prevail, rule, dominate
outweigh 우세하다, 지배력을 갖다 haphazard random, casual, unplanned, chance
random 되는 대로의, 우연의
previous ** prior, earlier, former , preceding <-> subsequent 이전의 incidental minor, secondary;accidental, casual<->essential
minor 중요하지 않은 ; 우연한
premise * assumption, supposition
assumption 전제 initiate ** start, begin, originate , commence, inaugurate <-> terminate 시작하다
primeval, uncivilized, savage <-> civilized 원시적인 make up invent 창작하다, 창안하다
primitive *
rudimentary 기본적인 manifold * various, multiple , diverse <-> single 가지각색의
proficiency * skill, ability, expertise, mastery <-> imcompetence
skill 능숙함 obliterate ** delete, erase , efface, eradicate, wipe out <-> establish 제거하다
proposition * suggestion, proposal
suggestion 제안 period ** age, era, epoch
time, age 시대
questionable * doubtful, suspicious, dubious <-> indisputable
doubtful 의심스러운 proceed advance, progress <-> recede 나아가다
rife with * full of 가득찬, 수없이 많은 procure * obtain, gain, secure, acquire
obtain 얻다
shield ** protect, defend, safeguard, guard <-> expose
protect 보호하다 professional * specialized, expert, adept <-> amateur
specialized 전문적인
solitary ** isolated, remote, secluded , lonely<->gregarious 외딴, 고독한 redundancy * superfluity, extra capacity <-> shortage of ; wordiness 여분 ; 장황
stick ** cling, adhere , cleave, hold 달라붙다, 고수하다 responsible charged, liable, accountable, answerable <-> exempt
charged 책임이 있는
stimulus * motivation , incentive, incitement, 자극, 격려 keen, pointed, shrewd <-> dull 날카로운, 예리한
sharp **
stir ** agitate, provoke, rouse, spur, excite
agitate 자극하다 sudden, abrupt, rapid
sudden 급격한
taboo * prohibition <-> approval 금기 add to 보충하다
supplement **
thrive ** prosper, flourish <-> stagnate 번성하다 extension , extra, addition <-> omission 추가, 부가
vagary ** uncertainty, sudden desire , caprice, whim 예측 불허의 변화 defer, postpone, delay, procrastinate <-> precipitate 연기하다
wane * decrease, decline , fade <-> increase 감소하다, 쇠퇴하다 suspend ** interrupt, cease, arrest, stop 중지하다
outlook, opinion 견해, 의견 hang, dangle, sling <-> collapse
hang 매달다
wiew *
consider, deem, regard
consider 간주하다 tailored ** adapted, fitted 맞추어진
1. homicide : 살인[범,행위] 2. strikes : 파업 3. cannibalism : 사람 고기를 잡아먹는 풍습 1. conspicuous : 눈에 띄는, 뚜렷한 2. drastically : 강렬하게, 급격하게 3. obscure : 숨기다
4. scarcity : 부족, 결핍 5. patriotism : 애국심 6. chauvinism : 맹목적 애국주의, 배타주의 4. powerhouse : 발전소 ; 세력을 가진 사람이나 집단 5. oust : (왕을) 내쫓다 6. fire : 해고하다
=== Chapter 5 === Chapter 6
aimlessly ** without purpose , purposelessly 목적 없이 agile * quick, nimble , light <-> torpid 민첩한
ally * confederate, affiliate, associate ~ 와 동맹하다, 연합하다 sizable, large , spacious, vast, capacious <-> limited 넓은
ample *
anonymous ** unnamed, unknown , innominate <-> named 익명의 plentiful, abundant <-> meager 충분한
anticipate ** foresee, predict, expect , forecast 예견하다 arbitrarily * randomly 임의로
archaic primitive, ancient ; antiquated, antique <-> novel
primitive 원시적인 ; 구식의 attest * confirm, support , prove 입증하다
asset advantage, resource, benefit 이점, 장점 break with ** separate from , discontinue and association 관계를 끊다
behavior ** conduct <-> misconduct 행동 brightness * radiance 빛
ceaseless * constant, uninterrupted, eternal
constant 끊임없는 conjure * recall ; implore, supplicate 불러내다, 상기키시다 ; 간청하다
change ** alter, vary, turn, convert, metamorphose 변화시키다 contrive ** invent, concoct, improvise
invent 고안해내다
confederacy * ally, alliance, confederation <-> adversary, antagonist
ally 연합, 동맹 agreement, conformity, harmony
agreement 일치
cut ** sever, chop 절단하다 communication , exchange of letters (편지로 하는) 통신
disturbance agitation, disorder, confusion 동요, 혼란 durable ** lasting, enduring , constant 지속적인
elucidate * clarify, clear up, enlighten, shed light on <-> confuse
clarify 명료하게 하다 dwarf pygmy <-> giant 난쟁이
encroachment * invasion, intrusion <-> defense 침범 enigmatic puzzling, mysterious , cryptic, perplexing 알기 어려운
entice * allure, tempt, seduce <-> scare
allure 유혹하다 extinct ** out, vanished, defunct <-> extant
died out 멸종된
equivocally ** ambiguously 애매하게 fabricate * make, build, construct, concoct
make 만들어내다
exterminate extirpate, annihilate, eradicate 근절하다 flake fragment, bit, chip <-> whole
fragment 파편
fortify * strengthen, reinforce <-> weaken
strengthen 강화하다 harm damage, mischief, detriment <-> benefit 손해
formerly * previously, before, earlier, once
previously 이전에 innocent sinless, blameless, guiltless <-> guilty 결백한
immunity exemption, impunity 면제 in the course of* during ~동안에
improve ** enhance, refine, enrich , better, ameliorate <-> deteriorate 개선하다 in vain unsuccessfully 헛되이
in retrospect looking back 되돌아보면, 회상하면 inconsequential unimportant , insignificant, petty, trifling 하찮은, 사소한
lose sight of * forget 잊다 leave depart 떠나다
nuts and bolts basics, practical details 기본 liken * compare, equate, match, parallel
compare 비유하다
permit * allow, let <-> prohibit
allow 허락하다 literally * really, actually
really 실제로
fundamental , basic <-> superficial 근본적인 moderate * gentle, temperate , reasonable, mild<-> excessive 온건한
radical **
extreme, drastic, revolutionary
extreme 급진적인 prolong * extend, lengthen, protract <-> curtail 연장하다
rarely * extremely seldom , infrequently 드물게, 좀처럼 ~ 않는 purify * clear, purge, cleanse <-> contaminate, pollute 정화하다, 깨끗이 하다
sparse ** scanty, meager, scarce, limited <-> rich 빈약한, 부족한 reasonable raional, logical, sensible <-> extravagant, absurd 이치에 맞는
sting smart, hurt 얼얼하다, 쓰리다 refined purified, clarified, distilled <-> vulgar 정제된
assist, back, advocate <-> oppose 지지하다 retain * keep, maintain, preserve 유지(보유)하다
support *
maintain, sustain, provide for, take care of
maintain 부양하다 scarce ** rare, sparse ; scant , deficient <-> abundant 드문 ; 부족한
tangible ** material, concrete, real, substantial <-> intangible
material 실질적인 scope ** extent, range 범위
tolerate ** endure, stand, bear
endure 견디다 shabby ragged, beggarly, poor <-> spruce 초라한
train ** aim, head
aim ~로 향하게 하다 short-lived ** lasing for only a short period <-> permanent 단기간의
unambiguous * clear, distinct, definite <-> ambiguous
clear 명확한 solidify unify, consolidate <-> divide
unify 결속시키다
virtually ** in effect , practically ; nearly, almost 사실상 ; 거의 strong, sturdy, solid <-> weak 튼튼한
substantial **
wary ** distrustful, cautious , heedful, alert <-> foolhardy 조심(경계) 하는 significant, noticeable, considerable <-> insignificant 상당한
wealth * affluence, abundance, profusion
affluence 풍부함 vacant * empty, void, unoccupied <-> occupied
empty 텅빈
wiggle move up and down, move from side to side , wriggle 이리저리 흔들다 wizened * shriveled, withered, shrunken <-> blooming 시든, 주름진
1. lassitude : 나른함, 무관심 2. tumulus : 고분 3. porcelain : 자기 4. diversity : 다양성 zone * area, region
area 지역
5. vegetation : 식물 6. summit : 정상 7. constitutional theory : 입헌이론 1. convert : 변화[전환]시키다 2. depict : 표현[묘사]하다 3. traitor : 배신자 4. hurtle : 충돌하다
8. the accused : 피고 9. willingness : 기꺼이하는 마음 10. peninsula : 반도 5. impeach :탄핵하다 6. inferior :(능력등이) 떨어지는 사람 7. incommodious :비좁고 옹색한, 불편한
=== Chapter 7 === Chapter 8
abolish * annul, nullify, revoke <-> conserve 폐지하다 abort quit,
quit call off 중단하다
adage proverb, saying, maxim
proverb 속담, 금언 acquire * obtain, earn, gain, procure <-> forfeit 얻다
aesthetic ** artistic 미적인 affection liking, attachment, fondness, love <-> hate
liking 애정
influence, act on ~에 영향을 미치다 agree assent, accede, consent <-> deny 동의하다
affect **
pretend, feign, assume ~인 체하다 attentive, vigilant, wakeful, wary <-> inattentive 경계하는
alert **
alteration * change, modification <-> preservation
change 변경 warn, alarm, forewarn 경고하다
amenity * facility, pleasant situation , convenience 편의 시설 allure * appeal, attract, invite <-> repel (마음을)끌다, 유혹하다
approximately ** about, roughly, nearly , almost <-> precisely 대략 amplify * increase, enlarge, expand, magnify <-> abbreviate
increase 늘리다
artisan * craftsman 숙련공 arid * dry, barren , waterless <-> fertile 메마른
carry, transport, convey
carry 운반하다 ascribe * attribute, impute, refer
attribute ~의 탓으로 돌리다
bear ** yield, provide, produce 산출하다, 생기게 하다 barge a large low boat 배
support, hold, sustain <-> put down
support (무게를)지탱하다, 견디다 compensate ** atone
atone, recompense ; offset, counterbalance 보상하다 ; 상쇄하다
bountiful * plentiful , abundant, ample, prolific,liberal <-> sparse 풍부한 configure * shape, form, mold ~의 형체로 만들다
constituent component , elemental 구성하는, 구성요소의 drastic * extreme, desperate, radical <-> slight
extreme 과격한, 극단적인
argue, debate <-> concede
argue 논쟁하다 embarrass abash, discountenance <-> relieve 무안케 하다
dispute **
argument, disagreement , debate, controversy 논쟁 focus concentrate , center, zoom in 집중하다
faculty * ability, capacity, aptitude <-> inability
ability 능력 purpose, role, use
purpose 기능, 역할
field * area 분야 act, work, operate, go, run
act 기능하다
guiltless sinless, blameless, innocent <-> guilty 결백한 gathering * amassing, collection ; assembly, convocation
amassing 수집 ; 모임
influx ** arrival, inrush, inflow <-> outflow
arrival 유입 haul * pull, tug, drag, heave
pull 끌어 당기다.
inundate * flood, deluge, swamp, submerge
flood 물에 잠기게 하다 immediate * nearest, close, next <-> distant
nearest 인접한
lexicon vocabulary 어휘 increase augment, enlarge, escalate <-> decrease 확대하다
lure * attract, draw , seduce, allure, decoy <-> repel 유혹하다 loom ** emerge, appear, take shape <-> disappear
emerge 어렴풋이 나타나다
mixture combination , compound, blend, composite 혼합(물) overtax * burden heavily 지나치게 과세하다
ascend, climb, scale <-> descend 오르다 paradox * contradiction 모순
mount **
increase, multiply, grow, rise <-> decrease
increase 증가하다 pervasive * widespread, prevalent <-> limited
widespread 퍼지는
mundane * ordinary, routine, commonplace <-> exceptional
ordinary 평범한 pleasing ** attractive, agreeable 마음에 드는, 기분 좋은
nearly almost, approximately, virtually
almost 거의 primary * fundamental , elementary, basic <->secondary 근본적인
outstrip * surpass, transcend, exceed, excel <-> follow
surpass 능가하다, 뛰어나다 proper ** suitable, appropriate , adapted, fitting 적당한
pertinent * relevant, germane, applicable <-> impertinent 관련된, 적절한 recur return, reappear
return 재발하다
preclude * prevent, rule out , forestall, obviate 그만두게 하다, 막다 save for *** except for ~을 제외하고
refrain * pause, stop, cease
pause 삼가다, 중단하다 serve * suit, function (as) , suffice, answer 소용이 되다, 도움이 되다
roughly ** approximately, nearly 대략 simulate * imitate, copy ; pretend, feign
imitate 흉내내다 ; 가장하다
appearance 외관 spot, splotch , stain, blot, soil 얼룩
semblance ** speck **
analogy, similarity, likeness, resemblance <->dissemblance 유사함 particle, atom, bit, grain
particle 소량
sophisticated * complex, complicated <-> unsophisticated
complex 복잡한 strive * try, endeavor, struggle
try 노력하다
stage * level, phase, step
level 단계 suppose assume, presume 가정하다
thick dense, compact <-> thin 빽빽한 surprise * amaze, astound, startle, astonish
amaze 놀라게 하다
thus * consequently, therefore , accordingly 따라서 treat handle, deal with, manage
handle 다루다, 대하다
tiny ** little, minuscule, minute <-> huge 작은 undertake ** attempt, set about
assume ; attempt (책임,역할을)맡다; 착수하다
verge * brink, threshold
brink 경계, 찰나 variant * variation, modification 변형
1. legislation :법률 2. impudent :건방진, 뻔뻔한 3. polygraph :거짓말 탐지기 4. detective : 탐정 1. menace : 위협 2. archaeologist : 고고학자 3. plagiarize : 도용, 표절하다 4. blunt : 퉁명스러운
5. shellfish :갑각류 6. stroke :(뇌졸중 등의)발작 7. on the verge :하기직전에 8. properous :번영하는 5. momentarily :잠시,잠깐 6. attorney general :법무장관 7. tubercle :결절,결핵 8. Bacillus :간상균
=== Chapter 9 === Chapter 10
abandon * give up, desert , relinquish, forsake <-> acquire 그만두다, 버리다 advantage * benefit, profit, gain <-> drawback 이익
antidote ** remedy 치료법 arise from emerge from ,originate from ~에서 기인하다
at hand available, accessible, handy
available 사용 가능한 barrier ** bar, obstacle , obstruction, barricade 장애물, 장벽
bear in mind remember, keep in mind
remember 명심하다 betray be disloyal to, be a traitor to 배신하다
boost increase, raise, amplify
increase 증대시키다 bind * tie, fasten <-> release
tie 묶다
conspicuous ** noticeable, obvious, prominent <-> hidden 뚜렷한 blur make vague, obscure, cloud 흐리게 하다
important, crucial, essential, indispensable <->insignificant 중요한 circumvent bypass, detour, go around 우회하다
critical *
dangerous 위험한 clumsy awkward, unskillful, maladroit <-> apt
awkward 서투른
discriminate * distinguish , discern <-> confound 식별하다 commence begin, start, originate
begin 시작하다
dorsal * relating to the back, on the back of <-> ventral 등(부분)의 behavior, demeanor, bearing, manner
behavior 행동
conduct **
eliminate ** remove, get rid of, discard 제거하다 transmit, administer , convey, carry (빛,열 등을)전도하다
fuse * melt, dissolve <-> solidify
melt 녹다, 녹이다 conserve ** keep, protect , preserve, save <-> waste 보존하다
hinterland bush, boondocks 배후지, 오지 contradiction * paradox
paradox, inconsistency 모순
in earnest * serious <-> facetious 진지한 culminate * result, end <-> begin
result ~로 끝나다.
laden * burdened, loaded, weighed down (짐을) 실은 delineate * trace, outline , describe 윤곽을 그리다
lumber * board, timber, wood
board 판재, 재목 donation * contribution , gift, offering 기부(금), 기증(물)
mirror * reflect, echo
reflect 반영하다 embark on * start, commence, begin <-> conclude
start 시작하다.
mutual ** reciprocal ; joint , common 상호간의 ; 공동의 foundation ** basis, underpinning , base, ground 기초
obtainable available, achievable , attainable <-> unavailable 손에 넣을수 있는 fundamental * basic, essential , primary, elementary <-> incidental, trivial 근본적인
mend, repair, fix
mend 수선하다 handful few, smattering <-> large quantity 소량, 소수
patch *
area, part, section
area 작은 부분, 지역 height * peak, apex, crest, zenith <-> nadir
peak 정상, 절정
protest remonstrate, complain, object 항의하다 identical * same, indistinguishable , alike, equal 동일한
recall * remember, recollect
remember 회상하다 impediment * obstacle, barrier, difficulty, obstruction
obstacle 장애
reflection ** indication , expression, manifestation 반영 justify * prove, confirm, verify
prove (정당성을) 증명하다
regain restore, recover, retrieve
restore ~을 되찾다 lament grieve, regret , deplore, bemoan, mourn <-> rejoice, delight 슬퍼하다, 애도하다
reinforce strengthen, fortify <-> weaken
strengthen 강화하다 microorganism * microbe
microbe, bacterium 미생물
relevant applicable, pertinent, germane <-> irrelevant
applicable 관련된, 적절한 origin ** beginning, source 발생, 근원
reminisce ** remember, recollect , recall, look back 추억하다 peculiarity feature, characteristic, quality
feature 특성
route path, course, road, direction
path 길 physical material, substantial ; bodily, corporeal
material 물질의 ; 육체의
secrete ** produce, discharge
produce 분비하다 predict foretell, prophesy, foresee 예측하다
semiarid rather dry 반건조한 progress ** strides, improvement, advance, development <-> regression 발전
soothe * allay, mitigate, relieve <-> excite 완화하다 scoop ** gather up 긁어 모으다
stay * remain, reside, sojourn <-> go
remain 머무르다 gain, win <-> lose 얻다
score *
surplus * extra,redundance,excess,excessive quantity <-> deficiency 나머지, 잔여 musical composition , musical note 악보
toothed * uneven, jagged, ragged <-> even
uneven 들쑥날쑥한 scrap * fracture, piece, portion 파편
transform * convert, change , alter 변형시키다 singularly particularly, especially <-> unexceptionally 각별히
unbalanced * asymmetric, lopsided, unequal <-> symmetric
asymmetric 균형을 잃은 skilled * skillful, expert , adept, proficient <-> unskilled 숙련된
uniformly consistently, regularly, evenly 균일하게 stem from ** arise from, originate from, derive from ~에서 유래하다
utilitarian * practical, pragmatic, functional 실용적인 subsidize * assist, encourage, finance, support , back, fund 후원하다
variety ** diversity, multiplicity ; type , species, sort 다양성 ; 종류 unanimity total agreement , accord (만장) 일치
wonderful marvelous, remarkable, awesome <-> lousy 놀라운 1. timid : 겁많은, 소심한 2. pneumonia : 페렴 3. charity : 자선 사업 4. dizzy : 현기증이 나는
1. addiction : 중독 2. deflation : (통화)수축 3. coral reef : 산호초 4. organism : 유기체 5. defendant : 피고인 6. bucket : 양동이, 물통 7. seemly : 예의바른 8. sloth : 태만, 게으름
5. euphoria : 행복감 6. impending : 곧 일어날 듯한 7. loquacious : 수다스런 8. robust : 시골의 9. staid : 침착한, 안정된 10. stolid : 멍청한 11. testy : 화 잘내는 12. vicissitude : 변천, 변화 ; 부침
=== Chapter 11 === Chapter 12
account description , narrative, explanation 기술( ) adaptable flexible,
flexible adjustable, malleable 융통성 있는, 적응성 있는
alloy ** mix, blend , fuse, compound <-> separate 혼합하다 adhesion getting together, sticking together 달라붙음, 부착
barely * scarcely, hardly <-> wholly
scarcely 거의 ~ 않다 blame * incriminate , reproach, censure, condemn <-> praise 비난하다
carry on continue ~을 계속하다 chaotic disorganized, disordered , anarchic <-> ordered 무질서한
cohesion ** bond, unity <-> incohesion 결속 comprehend grasp, perceive, apprehend <-> misunderstand 이해하다
exist at the same time, occur at the same time 동시에 일어나다 decided * obvious, definite <-> questionable ; resolute, determined
obvious 분명한 ; 단호한
coincide **
agree, concur <-> differ 의견이 일치하다 displace * supplant, replace
supplant 대체하다
colossal * enormous, monstrous, gigantic, tremendous <->undersized 거대한
enormous enclose ** surround, circle, encompass <-> reveal
surround 에워싸다
significant, substantial, meaningful <-> trivial 중요한 entail ** involve, require ~을 수반하다
considerable **
large, big, sizable
large 상당한 excel * be superior to , surpass, outdo, transcend <-> be inferior to 능가하다, 빼어나다
converge * meet, come together , merge <-> disperse 한데 모이다 expend use, spend (시간,노력등을)쓰다,들이다
conviction ** strong belief, strong opinion , faith 신념 facility aptitude, skill, ability
aptitude 재능, 소질
covet * desire, long for, aspire to, envy, crave <-> spurn
desire 갈망하다 genre * sort, kind , type, style 유형
defect * shortcoming , blemish, fault, flaw <-> merit 결점 illustrate ** represent, picture 묘사하다
defection apostasy <-> loyalty 변절, 탈당 infrastructure *foundation , base, basis, groundwork <-> superstructure 기반, 하부구조
dull boring, prosaic, uninteresting, tiresome, tiring <-> lilvely 지루한 inhibit ** hinder, limit ; ban, prohibit, forbid <-> allow, approve 억제하다 ; 금지하다
endeavor * strive, struggle, attempt 노력하다, 애쓰다 involve * include, entail
include ~을 수반하다
flock * group, herd, bevy
group 무리, 떼 lease ** rent, hire, charter 임차하다
grant * bestow, confer, award
bestow 주다 likewise ** also, as well ; similarly <-> differently
also 마찬가지로, 또한
rush, hurry , hasten <-> dawdle 서두르다 limited ** narrow, confined, restricted <-> infinite 제한된
hustle **
push, shove 밀다 lodge in ** embed, implant 박다, 꽂아 넣다
intermediate * between extremes , mean, median, halfway 중간의 mingle * unite, mix, blend
unite 섞이다, 혼합되다
intolerant bigoted, illiberal <-> forbearing 옹졸한, 편협한 obligation ** requirement, duty, responsibility <-> option 의무
benign, humane, compassionate <-> unkind 친절한, 인정많은 oblige require, compel, force, impel <-> disoblige
require 강요하다
kind *
type, sort, variety 유형, 종류 offer present, proffer, tender <-> receive 제공하다, 제안하다
bound, boundary 경계, 한계 on occasion * occasionally, periodically <-> frequently
occasionally 가끔
limit **
restrict, confine <-> broaden 제한하다 pare ** peel, skin ; reduce
peel reduce, whittle, trim 껍질을 벗기다 ; 삭감하다
margin * border, edge , rim, verge 가장자리 predominately * primarily, predominantly, chiefly
primarily 주로
militia * military, army
military 시민군 preordained * determined beforehand , predestined 예정된
moreover ** in addition, additionally, as well , besides 게다가 make ; represent ~가 되게하다 ;표현하다
render **
necessary ** required, indispensable, essential, vital
required 필수적인 provide, give , afford, impart 주다
obstruct block, bar, hinder, impede 막다, 방해하다 renown ** fame, repute, distinction, reputation <-> infamy
fame 명성
on the spot * instantly, immediately
instantly 즉시 repel ** away, repulse, parry <-> allure
drive away 물리치다
biased, prejudiced, unfair 편파적인 sanitation * health, hygiene
health 공중위생
partial **
incomplete , fractional <-> whole 부분적인 scorching exceedingly hot , boiling, broiling 몹시 뜨거운(더운)
placid * calm, serene, tranquil, untroubled <-> turbulent
calm 평온한 secluded remote, isolated, solitary
remote 외딴
porosity * space, pore ; porousness <-> density
space 구멍 ; 다공성 save, economize
save 절약하다
spare *
reform * amend, improve, ameliorate
amend 개정하다, 개선하다 give, afford, allow 주다, (시간을) 할애하다
stiff, hard, inflexible <-> elastic
stiff 단단한, 뻣뻣한 stimulating * restorative, refreshing, inspiring <-> deadening
restorative 활기(자극)을 주는
rigid **
strict, severe, rigorous <-> indulgent
strict 엄격한 typify * represent, embody, symbolize 대표하다, 특징을 나타내다
scarcity lack, shortage , insufficiency, deficiency 부족, 결핍 wholesale * extensive, indiscriminate <-> constricted 대규모의
1. customarily:관습적으로 2. fugitive : 도망친 3. profanity : 신성모독언행 4. scribble : 낙서하다 1. affable : 상냥한 2. bridle : 굴레, 억누르다 3. covert : 감추어진, 비밀의 4. dissolute : 방탕한
5. continence : 절제 6. divest : 벗기다, 박탈하다 7. limpid : 맑고 투명한 8. lull : 달래다. 5. enmity : 증오, 적대 6. garble : 왜곡하다, 혼동하다 7. intact : 원래그대로의, 온전한
=== Chapter 13 === Chapter 14
admire ** esteem,
esteem revere <-> despise 존경하다 actually * in fact,
fact as a matter of fact, literally 실제로
adroit * skillful, dexterous, proficient <-> incompetent
skillful 능숙한 adorn ** decorate,
decorate beautify, ornament <-> disfigure 장식하다
ambivalent unsure, mixed , undecided <->certain 불확실한, 상반된 감정이 공존하는 calculate * figure, determine 추정하다, 어림잡다
camouflage * hide, disguise, conceal <-> expose
hide 감추다, 위장하다 claim * call for, declare , demand, request <-> renounce 요구하다
calm, tranquil 차분한 commemorate * celebrate 기념하다
composed **
created, written , formed 작성된 conformity * agreement, accordance <-> discord 일치
conceal ** cover, obscure, mask, bury <-> reveal
hide, cover 숨기다 copious ** plentiful , ample, bountiful 풍부한
careful, thoughtful, cautious
careful 신중한 desire ** covet,
covet long for ; seek,
seek request 열망하다 ; 요구하다
deliberate **
intentional , designed, planned, voluntary <-> casual 의도적인 diligently * assiduously, carefully, earnestly , industriously 열심히
exhilarate excite, thrill, elate
excite 들뜨게 하다 enthrall * fascinate,
fascinate captivate, enchant, mesmerize <-> repulse 매혹하다
exposure disclosure, revelation, uncovering, unveiling
disclosure 폭로, 발각 feast celebration, festival, fiesta ; eat,
eat gorge, indulge 축제 ; 배불리 먹다
glow * shine, radiate, beam
shine 빛나다 gather * collect,
collect aggregate, assemble <-> scatter 모으다
hiatus ** break, interruption , gap 중단, 단절 gauge measure,
measure calculate, appraise 평가하다, 판단하다
incinerate * burn 태우다 glue * stick,
stick fix, cement, paste <-> unfasten 접착시키다
ineffectively ** without any reslut , inefficiently, unproductively 비효과적으로 grand * imposing,
imposing stately, august <-> trivial 웅장한
inert * motionless, inactive , stationary <-> active 자동력이 없는,움직일수없는hearten ** encourage,
encourage inspire, cheer <-> dampen 격려하다
luster ** sheen, brightness , brilliance, radiance 광채 hub ** center 중심
massive ** huge, colossal, enormous , bulky, large <-> puny 거대한, 막대한 hybrid combination , cross, mixture 잡종, 혼합물
occupy * engross, engage, absorb
engross (주의,마음을)끌다, 사로잡다impetus * stimulus 자극
precede * come before , antecede, forerun <-> follow 앞서다, 우선하다 improvise extemporize, ad-lib <-> rehearse (연주) 즉흥적으로 하다
prove ** verify, substantiate , confirm <-> refute 입증하다 irresistible * attractive,
attractive fascinating ; overwhelming 매혹적인 ; 저항할수 없는
purchase ** buy, procure <-> sell 얻다, 획득하다 incised * carved 새겨진
restrict ** limit, confine, restrain <-> free
limit 제한하다 inherent in *** characteristic of , built in 내재된
breach ; burst 불화 ; 파열 juvenile * children's, puerile , young <-> adult 어린
rupture **
apart, burst, split, tear
break apart 찢다, 파열시키다 main chief, prime, principal <-> minor 주요한
scrutiny * examination , investigation, inspection 정밀조사 negligence * carelessness 부주의, 태만
seductive * tempting, enticing <-> repulsive
tempting 유혹적인 outweigh preponderate, outbalance, override, prevail over ~보다 뛰어나다
seep * go through slowly, pass through slowly , permeate 스며들다 pigment ** color,
color dye, tincture 색소
segment portion, division, section, part
portion 부분 plausible believable,
believable credible, likely, probable 그럴듯한
shatter ** break, pulverize, smash, crash
break 박살 내다 prudent cautious, discreet, careful, wary <-> imprudent 조심성 있는, 신중한
shock * jolt, startle, stun
jolt 충격을 주다, 놀라게 하다 revise * modify, correct, alter, edit 수정하다
important, essential, considerable, substantial, spirit * mind 정신
significant ** 중요한
serious <-> unimportant skillful ** deft, skilled , adept, dexterous, adroit, proficient <-> maladroit 숙련된
slab single piece of material 조각 tenet *** principle,
principle doctrine, dogma 원칙
slaughter ** massacre, butcher, kill
massacre 학살하다 transformation * change, conversion, metamorphosis 변화
strife conflict, struggle, fight <-> accord 싸움 traverse * cross, go across , pass 가로지르다
style ** mode, manner, technique
mode 방식 unbearably * extremely 극도로
sustained * continued , constant, prolonged, steady <-> intermittent 지속적인 variable * unstable, changeable, inconstant , fickle <-> uniform 변하기 쉬운
temperance moderation, continence, self-discipline <-> intemperance 자제, 절제 during the time ; as long as ~동안에 ; ~하는 한
tremendous ** great, gigantic, colossal <-> minute
huge, great 엄청난 although ; whereas ~할 지라도 ; ~와는 반대로
vivid * bright, brilliant ; graphic , pictorial <-> lifeless 선명한 ; 생생한 1. destination : 목적지 2. shift : 이동, 변화 3. inflection : 굴곡 4. rather : 다소, ~대신에
wedge cram, squeeze, crowd <-> loosen up 억지로 밀어 넣다 5. ruse : 계략, 음모 6. sketchy : 피상적인, 불완전한 7. topsy-turvy : 뒤죽박죽의, 혼란스런
1. gust : 돌풍 2. imbibe : 들이키다, 흡수하다 3. intimidate : 협박하다 4. lissom : 유연한, 민첩한 8. torpid : 둔한, 활발치 못한 9. veto : 거부권, 금지 10. disparate : 본질적으로 다른
=== Chapter 15 === Chapter 16
affluent wealthy, plentiful , opulent, abundant <-> poor 부유한, 풍족한 alternative *** choice, option , substitute ; substitutive 대안 ; 대용이 되는
aggravate * worsen, exacerbate <-> soothe
worsen 악화시키다 analogous * comparable, similar, parallel <-> dissimilar
comparable 유사한
cling to hold tightly , stick to, adhere to 달라붙다, 고수하다 annually yearly, per annum
yearly 매년
craft skillfully produce , fabricate, make 솜씨있게 만들다 awkward clumsy, unskillful <-> deft 서투른
crest acme, peakpeak, apex, top, crown 정상 capability ** flair, talent, ability , aptitude <-> inability, incapability 재능
critic * reviewer, judge 비평가 cleanse * purify, clean
purify 깨끗이 하다
cross-hatching shade 음영 collide * hit each other , smash, clash, bump 충돌하다
decimate * eliminate, wipe out, extinguish , eradicate 많은 사람을 죽이다 congested ** overcrowded, crowded <-> sparse 혼잡한
disciple * pupil, student, scholar
pupil 제자 contemporary ** current, modern ; coexisting , simultaneous <-> antecedent 현대의 ; 동시대의
disclose * reveal, divulge, unveil <-> conceal
reveal (사실 등을) 밝히다 cover ** include, contain, encompass
include 포함하다
dispositon temperament , temper, nature, spirit 성질, 기질 deceitful * misleading, dishonest, deceptive <-> trustful
misleading 허위의
dissimilar different, heterogeneous , unlike 다른 exception * exclusion 제외
dominant * supreme, prevailing , ruling, prevalent <-> subordinate 우세한 feature * characteristic 특징
effect * influence, impact ; result, consequence <-> cause
influence 영향 ; 결과 fractious irritable, petulant, tetchy, fretful <-> good-humored 성미가 까다로운
enhance improve, enrich, intensify , upgrade 향상시키다, 개선하다 incorporate ** combine, include , integrate 통합하다
enunciate * articulate, phonate, pronounce
articulate 분명하게 발음하다 intimate ** close, familiar <-> remote
close 친숙한
eradicate ** root up, extirpate, eliminate, remove <-> implant 근절하다 invariably without exception 예외 없이, 반드시
harsh ** severe, rigorous, inclement, ruthless <-> mild
severe 가혹한 inveigle * entice, lure, coax
entice 꾀다, 유혹하다
heritage * tradition, inheritance, legacy
tradition 전통, 유산 lead * clue, hint, indication ; cause
clue 단서 ; 야기하다
inappropriate ** improper, unsuitable 부적당한 loop * knot 묶다
insolent ** impudent, impertinent , rude, audacious <-> deferential 무례한 lucid ** clear, obvious, distinct <-> obscure
clear 명료한, 명쾌한
jeopardy * danger, venture, peril, risk, hazard <-> safety
danger 위험 master * learn thoroughly , pick up, grasp 정통하다
luxury extravagance, frill
extravagance 사치스러운 option * choice, selection
choice 선택
manipulate * operate, control, handle , maneuver 조종하다. 다루다 paradoxical * seemingly contradictory 역설적인
mock * ridicule, make fun of , deride, jeer 조롱하다 plumage * feather 깃털
precious valuable, dear, priceless <-> worthless
valuable 귀중한 prevent * preclude, avoid, impede , avert, deter <-> allow ~을 방해하다, 막다
regard * attention , notice ; affection, respect <-> disdain 관심 ; 호감, 존경 profuse * abundant, plentiful, copious, lavish <-> meager 풍부한
return ** recur, revert, come back <-> advance
recur 되돌아가다 revolve ** rotate, circulate, circle, turn
rotate 회전하다
set * situate, place, put, lay, locate
situate ~을 놓다 scale ** climb, mount, ascend ; extent
climb (기어)오르다 ; 정도, 단계
spacious ** roomy, ample, capacious, extensive <-> confined
roomy 넓은 scant * minimize, reduce, decrease <-> amplify
minimize 줄이다
spectator * viewer, observer
viewer 구경꾼 sensational ** exciting, stimulating
exciting 세상을 들끓게 하는
strict rigid, rigorous , stringent <-> lenient 엄격한 shallow * deep, shoal
not deep 위로
swift * quick, speedy, fleet, rapid <-> sluggish
quick 빠른 classify, class, assort <-> merge
classify 분류하다
sort *
synchronize * occur at the same time 동시에 일어나다 type, kind 종류
throughout in every part of, in all parts of ~의 도처에 stylus * pen, pencil 첨필
undermine attenuate, weaken <-> reinforce 약화시키다 typically ** usually, normally, ordinarily 일반적으로
capsize, overthrow, overturn 뒤엎다, 정복하다 vary * differ, be unlike, be diverse
differ 다르다
disturb, distress, perturb
disturb 당황하게 하다 voracious * insatiable, greedy, gluttonous
insatiable 만족할줄 모르는, 탐욕적인
virtuous righteous, good, moral <-> vicious 덕있는 1. means : 수단, 방법 2. issue : 주제, 간행물, 자손 3. amongst : ~사이에, ~이 함께, 협력하여
wrangle * argue, debate ; quarrel, bicker <-> assent 논쟁하다 ; 말다툼하다 4. mettle : 열정, 용기, 기질 5. social work : 사회(복지)사업 6. aviary : 새장 cf. apiary : 양봉장
withdraw retire, retreat <-> advance 물러나다 7. squirrel : 다람쥐 8. squall : 소동, 질풍 9. trial : 재판 10. pilgrimage : (성지)순례
worship * venerate, revere, respect
venerate 숭배하다 11. hedge clipper : 울타리용 가위 12. appetite : 식욕, (정신적,육체적)욕구 13. cancer : 암
1. brittle : 부서지기 쉬운 2. disparage : 비난하다, 경시하다 3. stench : 악취 14. trench : 참호 15. spark : ~의 도화선이 되다 16. pillage : 약탈하다 17. cosmetics : 화장품
=== Chapter 17 === Chapter 18
absolute ** unqualified, complete , utter <-> incomplete 완전한 ability * faculty,
faculty capacity, competence <-> impotence 능력
adapted * modified, altered <-> unaltered
modified 개조된 accessible available, obtainable , reachable <-> inaccessible 이용가능한, 접근하기 쉬운
chamber * compartment (작은)방 accord * grant,
grant give, bestow ; agree, assent, 주다, 수여하다 ; 일치하다
compact * compress <-> loose ; dense, thick, compressed 압축하다 ; 조밀한, 밀접한 appear seem,
seem look ~인 듯 하다, ~인 듯 보이다
complacency * satisfaction <-> discomfort 만족 be rooted in ** be based on, originate from ~에 근거를 두다, ~서 유래하다
compulsory *** obligatory, forced, necessary , compelled 강제적인 bog * marsh, swamp, fen 습지
concomitant * concurrent , simultaneous, synchronous 동시에 일어나는 collaborate * effort together, cooperate 협력하다
condense * concentrate , compress <-> amplify 압축(응축)하다 crucible container 도가리, 용광로
conform comply, follow <-> diverge
comply 순응하다, 따르다 curb * control,
control repress, suppress, restrain <-> incite 제한(억제)하다
consistent * compatible, harmonious, coherent 모순이 없는, 일관된 cycle * sequence 주기
constrain ** bind, inhibit, restrain <-> release 억제하다 deem * consider,
consider believe, regard ~라고 여기다
contagious * infectious , communicable 전염성 있는 devout * pious,
pious reverent, religious <-> impious 독실한
counterpart * complement, equivalent , parallel (동등한 자격의) 대응물 disperse * spread out, scatter, disseminate , dissipate <-> assemble 흩어지게 하다
debris ** dregs, wreckage, remains 잔해 economical saving, thrifty, frugal <-> extravagant 절약하는
decisive * definite, definitive , conclusive <-> hesitant 결정적인 eventually ** in time, finally, ultimately, in due time , in the long run 결국
disdain despise, scorn <-> respect 경멸하다 faint ** indistinct, dim , feeble <-> clear 희미한
element ** component, part, feature, constituent, ingredient 구성요소 financial monetary, pecuniary 재정상의
erratic irregular, inconsistent <-> consistent
irregular 불규칙적인, 변덕스러운 frighten scare, terrify, alarm <-> embolden 두렵게 하다
use up, deplete, run out of , expend, consume<->conserve 다 써버리다 geognosy * geology (study of the makeup of the earth) 지질학
exhaust **
tire, weary, fatigue
tire 지치게 하다 give way to * retreat, withdraw 물러가다, 양보하다
expand ** increase, bloat, swell , enlarge, extend <-> contract 확장하다 immense * enormous, huge , tremendous <-> tiny 거대한, 막대한
flattering * complimentary 아부하는 impact influence, effect 영향
fullblown * complete, matured 성숙한 ingenuity creativeness, inventiveness 독창성, 창의력
henceforth * from now on , forward 앞으로, 차후 in keeping with * in agreement with, consistent with , in conformity with ~와 일치하여
inadvertently unintentionally , accidentally 뜻하지 않게, 우연히 job project,
project assignment, task, undertaking 일, 직무
intricate ** complicated, elaborate
complex, complicated 복잡한 lethargic sluggish,
sluggish drowsy, liestless, slow 무기력한
mammoth * huge, gigantic, colossal, large <-> diminutive
huge 거대한 meager * scarce,
scarce scanty, deficient <-> ample 부족한
merely * simply, just, purely
simply 단지 parody *** lampoon, mockery, spoof, takeoff , travesty 풍자적 변형
ordinary ** unexceptional, mundane, routine , common <-> extraordinary 보통의, 평범한 refuge shelter, sanctuary <-> exposure 피난처, 은신처
clear, distinct, obvious <-> abstruse 분명한 rural * country,
country rustic, pastoral <-> urban 시골의
plain *
unadorned undecorated, simple <-> adorned 꾸밈없는, 간소한 scrub ** scour, rub 북북 문지르다
popular * widespread,
widespread common, current, general <-> unpopular 대중적인 secure ** acquire, obtain , procure, get ; safe 확보하다 ; 안전한
reconcile conciliate, settle, resolve <-> estrange 화해시키다, 조정하다 skepticism * doubt,
doubt suspicion, uncertainty <-> belief 회의(론)
reexamine * review,
review reassess 재검토하다 so far * until now, up to present 지금까지
requirement * stipulation , condition, provision 조건, 조항 spark * bring about , trigger, stimulate 야기하다
revolutionize ** completely change ~에 혁명을 일으키다 speculation * conjecture , supposition, surmise 추측
rival * competitor , antagonist, opponent ; compete with 경쟁자 ; 경쟁하다 terrain * land,
land territory, area 지역
shovel * excavate,
excavate dig, scoop (삽으로 ) 파다 tumult * chaos,
chaos disturbance, turbulence <-> calm 혼란, 소란
succinct * concise, brief, terse <-> discursive 간결한 unlimited infinite,
infinite limitless, boundless, endless 무한한
tie ** relationship , bond, connection 관계 vagarious changeable,
changeable whimsical, capricious, arbitrary 변덕스러운
1. gaseous : 기체화된 2. mainstream : 대세 3. flu : 유행성감기 4. Buddha : 부처, 석가모니 volume book,
book tome 책
5. chassis : (자동차 등의)차대 6. ownership : 소유권 7. summation : 개요, 요약 1. fatuous : 얼빠진, 바보의 2. consign : 위탁하다, 할당하다 3. blanch : 표백시키다, 창백해지다
8. stint : 절약하다 9. yawn : 하품하다 10. proclivity : 성향 11. impeccable : 나무랄 데 없는 4. bland : 온화한, 재미없는 5. excursive : 벗어난, 산만한 6. exacerbate : 악화시키다, 분개키시다
=== Chapter 19 === Chapter 20
advent ** arrival, appearance <-> exit 출현 accurate ** precise, true, exact, correct <-> lax 정확한
article ** item, object , thing (개개의) 물품 advisor ** consultant 고문
assembly * congress, legislature, parliament
congress 의회 antagonize * counteract 대항하다
associated ** connected, correlated, linked <-> divided
connected 연관된 architecture ** structure, framework
structure 구조
aware * conscious <-> ignorant ~을 알고 있는 assure ** convince, persuade, satisfy <-> discomfit 확신시키다
bank * edge, brink, margin, shore
edge 물가, 기슭 bond * tie, connection , link 유대, 결속
by and large * on the whole 전반적으로, 대체로 brave * courageous, gallant, dauntless <-> craven
courageous 대담한
challenge * difficulty , problem ; defy 난제 ; 도전하다 crucial *** essential, important, acute, deciding, vital 중대한
compress compact, condense, contract , squeeze <-> spread 압축하다 complement * supplement 보충,보완
consort * associate, fraternize
associate 교제하다 comprise ** consist of, be made up of <-> exclude 구성되다
construe * interpret <-> misconstrue 해석하다 counter to * in opposition to ~와 정반대로
correct remedy, amend, rectify <-> spoil
remedy 고치다, 바로잡다 daring * bold, courageous, brave
bold 용감한
curious * inquisitive , nosy, inquiring <-> indifferent 호기심이 강한 devise * create, design , contrive, invent 고안하다
deadly * fatal, lethal, mortal <-> harmless
fatal 치명적인 duplicate ** copy, imitate, reproduce 복사(복제)하다
defeated * conquered 패배한 dwindle decrease, diminish <-> increase
decrease 줄다, 감소하다.
deplete * exhaust, empty, use up <-> replenish
exhaust 고갈시키다 embody * incarnate, exemplify, represent ; contain
incarnate 구현하다 ; ~을 포함하다
edge ** periphery, border , margin, boundary, rim 가장자리 etch * cut, carve, engrave
cut 식각하가, 새기다
elude ** dodge, avoid <-> face
evade, dodge 피하다 flash * flame, flare, glare
flame 번쩍이다
endow dower, endue 부여하다 imaginable * conceivable, thinkable, supposable <-> unbelievable
conceivable 상상할 수 있는
exceedingly extremely, excessively, surpassingly 지나칠 정도로 infectious * contagious, communicable
contagious 전염성의
far-reaching * broad, extensive, widespread 방대한 innumerable * countless, numberless, numerous <-> numerable
countless 무수한
fluster ** confuse, addle, befuddle <-> calm
confuse 혼란시키다 invariable * constant, consistent, unchanging <-> varying
constant 불변의
guess * conjecture , suppose, fancy 추측하다 meditate ** think deeply, ponder, contemplate , reflect 숙고하다
importance * significance , consequence, moment <-> inconsequence 중요함 opposite * counter ; contrast (성질, 의미)정반대의 ; 정반대
interfere ** intervene, intrude, meddle
disrupt, intervene 방해하다, 간섭하다 outdo surpass, excel, exceed, outmatch ~을 능가하다
irksome tedious, boring
tedious 지루한 outline * summary ; contour, silhouette 개요 ; 윤곽
final, ultimate, conclusive <-> initial
final 마지막의 corresponding, comparable, analogous <-> unparalleled ~와 유사한
last ** parallel *
continue, persist
continue 지속하다 match, compare, equate <-> surpass
match ~에 필적하다
manage * control, conduct, direct, administer
control 관리하다 preeminent outstanding, foremost, distinguished 탁월한
mastery * expertise 전문기술, 숙달 reassuring encouraging, refreshing, revitalizing
encouraging 용기를 북돋는
monopolize ** dominate, occupy <-> share
dominate 독점하다 regulate control, adjust
control 조절하다
overcome defeat, conquer <-> submit
defeat 이기다, 정복하다 respectful courteous, polite, well-mannered, civil 공손한
ratify * endorse, confirm, sanction, validate <-> reject
endorse 승인하다 shrink shrivel, decrease, diminish <-> swell 줄어들다
replica * copy, duplicate, reproduction <-> original
copy 복제 skill ** expertise, know-how , craft, technique 기술
shift ** move, transfer ; switch , change 옮기다 ; 바꾸다 steadily ** constantly, continuously 지속적으로
stride * progress 진보, 발전 struggle * contend, fight, battle
contend 싸우다
subject to * susceptible to (영향을) 받기 쉬운 subsequence * next in a series, succession , sequel 이어서 일어나는 것
successive consecutive, sequential, serial 연속적인 warrant * justify, deserve, merit
justify 항해, 여행
transition * change, alteration, shift <-> uniformity
change 변화 ware product 제품
undertaking * enterprise, project, task
enterprise 사업, 과제 yet * nevertheless, however 그럼에도 불구하고
1. prodigious : 놀라운 2. electric bulb : 전구 3. shrine : 성지 4. motorcade : 자동차 행렬 1. Pope : 교황 2. missionary : 선교사 3. misogynist : 여자를 싫어하는 사람
5. meteorite : 운석, 유성체 6. scrap : 폐물이 된 7. shoulder : 산등성이 8. aisle :통로, 복도 4. copyrighted : 저작권이 있는 5. overeating : 과식 6. abolitionist : (노예제도) 폐지론자
9. crew : 승무원, 한 팀, 조, 패거리 10. pusillanimous : 소심한 11. unanimously : 만장일치로 7. suffrage : 참정권 8. taxonomy : 분류법 9. purloin : 훔치다 10. trauma : 충격
=== Chapter 21 === Chapter 22
abundance ** large number, profusion , plenty, bounty <-> lack 풍부함 accustomed * used to,
to customary, habitual, wont 익숙한
adaptability ability to change, changeability, flexibility <-> rigidity 적응성, 융통성 allege * assert, claim, affirm, declare <-> gainsay
assert 주장하다, 우기다
arrest seize, apprehend, capture <-> liberate 체포하다 at the expense of* at the cost of ~의 비용(대가)으로
assigned * specified, designated, appointed
specified 정해진, 할당된 breed ** raise, rear, nurture, nourish
raise 기르다
be at odds with disagree with ~와 불화하다 chisel * carve, engrave
carve 조각하다
curiously surprisingly 신기하게도 conclusive * definite, decisive
definite 결정적인
dense thick, heavy <-> porous
thick 짙은 costly * expensive, high-priced
expensive 비싼
deploy set up, distribute , position, arrange (전략적으로) 배치하다 crack down * enforce laws ~을 엄히 다스리다
discreet judicious, prudent, sensible, regardful <-> foolhardy, irrational 분별력 있는 degree * measure, extent , scale 정도
entire ** whole, complete, tool <-> partial 전체의 delicate dainty, exquisite, fine <-> gross
dainty 섬세한
evident ** obvious, apparent , manifest, plain, clear <-> vague 분명한 devote ** dedicate, commit 헌신하다
extensive ** wide, far-reaching, broad , commodious <-> restrained 넓은 die decease, perish, pass away <-> live 죽다
extinguish put out,
out quench ; abolish, destroy (불을) 끄다 ; 소멸시키다 distribute * out, allot, apportion, divide <-> amass
parcel out 분배하다
feeble * weak,
weak delicate, fragile, frail, unsubstantial <-> robust 연약한 emergency * crisis, exigency
crisis 위기, 위급
flavor nature,
nature character ; savor, taste, relish 특징 ; 맛, 풍미 fatal * deadly, mortal, lethal <-> benign
deadly 치명적인
fragmentary incomplete , partial, fractional 단편적인 guilty criminal, culpable <-> innocent 유죄의
in charge of responsible for ~에 책임이 있는 hazard * danger, peril, jeopardy
danger 위험
minor * less important , secondary, subordinate <-> major 중요치 않은 in any case regardless 여하간에, 여하튼
parcel out *** administer, deal out, distribute , divide 분할(분배)하다 incite provoke, inflame, spur
provoke 자극하다
perceive * see, discern, notice, apprehend, recognize 알아차리다 moist * damp, humid, wet
damp 축축한
fragment, shard , segment, shred, scrap 조각 ornament * decorate, adorn, embellish
decorate 장식하다
piece *
join, combine, unite 잇다, 접합하다 peripheral outer, exterior, external
outer 주변의
pledge promise, oath, vow, swear 맹세 precipitous * sudden, hasty, rush <-> deliberate
sudden 성급한
portray * depict,
depict picture, describe, represent 묘사하다 primarily mostly, mainly , chiefly ; originally
originally, at first 주로 ; 본래, 처음에
plan, scheme 계획 primeval ancient, primitive, pristine
ancient 원시의
project **
protrude, extend , jut 돌출하다 raw * unprocessed , crude, rude, uncooked <-> matured 가공하지 않은
region ** area, domain, tract, expanse 지역 reject * renounce, refuse, decline, deny <-> accept
renounce 거절하다
safe * secure,
secure protected <-> dangerous, unsafe 안전한 replenish *** restore, renew, refill 보충하다
search ** comb, scour , seek, explore 탐색하다, 조사하다 rot * decay, corrupt, degenerate
decay 부패하다
seethe * boil,
boil fume, rage (화가 나서) 속이 끓다 ruin * devastate, destroy , wreck 파괴하다
shortcoming * disadvantage,
disadvantage defect, failing <-> merit 결점 runoff overflow, overspill 범람, 넘쳐흐름
special * express,
express particular, especial, specific <-> common 특별한 shorten abbreviate, abridge, lessen, curtail, reduce <-> elongate 줄이다
survey * examine, inspect , scrutinize, view 조사하다 spoil * mar, hurt, damage, impair, harm <-> benefit
mar 망치다, 손상시키다
temperament * disposition , temper, nature, make-up 성질 criterion, gauge 기준
standard **
tool * implement,
implement instrument, utensil 도구 unexceptional, usual , average, mean <-> exceptional 보통의
uninitiated * inexperienced , unfamiliar 미숙한 stipulation * requirement , qualification, proviso 조건
vanish ** disappear,
disappear fade 사라지다 strikingly * remarkably <-> unremarkably 두드러지게
vile ** wicked 사악한 subtract * deduct, discount <-> add
deduct 빼다
worldly * mundane, earthly, secular <-> naïve 세속적인 thaw ** defrost 녹다
wreck * destroy, devastate, ruin, shatter, crush 파괴하다 unpin * to remove a pin or pinned object from <-> pin 핀(종류의 것)을 빼다
1. noisome : 해로운, 역겨운 2. Niggard : 인색한 3. exchange : 교환하다 4. disjuctive : 분리하는 1. aver : 단언, 주장하다 2. daze : 멍하게, 당황케하다 3. palm : 손바닥 4. lackey : 하인, 아첨하다
5. unfit : 부적합한 6. sapient : 지혜로운 7. overthrow : 전복하다 8. gist : 요지 (=essence) 5. labile : 변하기 쉬운 6. divers : 약간의(2~3개), 잡다한 7. censorious : 검열하는, 까다로운
9. pungent : 신랄한 10. solvent : 지불능력이 있는 11. somatic : 신체의, 육체의 8. actuarial : 보험계리사의 9. glimmer : 깜박이다, 소량 10 . pinch : 꼬집다, 소량
=== Chapter 23 === Chapter 24
akin to similar to ~와 유사한, ~에 가까운 illogical, irrational, unreasonable, inconsistent <-> rational 불합리한
absurd *
appealing desirable, attractive , charming, winsome 매력적인 preposterous , ridiculous, foolish, stupid <-> smart 어리석은
method, way
method 접근법, 방법 activity * liveliness, sprightliness, vivacity <-> inactivity
liveliness 활기
approach **
move toward, come toward, reach <-> retreat 접근하다 assort ** categorize, classify, codify , separate, sort <-> disarrange 분류하다
argue ** dispute, debate, claim , discuss 토론하다 beam * ray, shine, gleam, glitter, radiate
ray 빛나다
assert ** claim, declare, maintain 주장하다 break * shatter, destroy, batter ; rest
rest, pause, respite 부수다 ; (짧은) 휴식
brace * support, buttress, reinforce
support 받치다, 보강하다 bromide dull remark, commonplace, cliché 진부한 말 (생각)
catastrophic * disastrous, tragic
disastrous 비참한, 비극적인 common * shared, joint <-> rare 공통의
clarify * elucidate, clear up <-> obfuscate
elucidate 명료하게 하다 consciously ** intentionally 의도적으로
constantly * continually, continuously, always, persistently <-> temporarily 지속적으로 context * setting 배경
deception * fraud,
fraud cheating, trickery <-> candidness 속임수, 사기 damage harm, impairment, detriment, injury <-> advantage 손상, 손해
separate, different , discrete <-> indistinguishable 별개의 detach ** separate, disconnect, disengage <-> affix
separate 분리하다
distinct **
definite apparent, clear <-> nebulous 뚜렷한 dormant * inactive, latent, stagnant, inert <-> active, dynamic
inactive 활동하지 않는
edition *** version, volume (간행물)판 environment ** setting, ecology 환경
elaborate ** detailed, intricate, complicated, complex <-> simple 복잡한, 정교한 essential ** vital, prerequisite, fundamental , indispensable <-> accidental 필수적인
flaw ** defect,
defect blemish, fault, failing, shortcoming 결점 heighten * increase <-> diminish 늘리다
flood * inundate,
inundate deluge, overflow <-> trickle 범람시키다 hinder * stunt, hamper, interfere with , impede <-> help 방해하다
floods of * great number of 다수의, 쇄도하는 impose * force, pressure, enforce
force 강요하다
habitat ** home, dwelling, living quarter 거주지 ingenious * inventive, creative, innovative, clever , original 독창적인
hint * indication , implication 암시 insignificant * trivial, slight, trifling, negligible <-> important
trivial 사소한
intensify strengthen, reinforce , deepen <-> abate 강화하다 keen sharp, bright, intelligent <-> impassive 예리한
intentional deliberate, designed, planned, purposeful <-> accidental 고의적인 shelter, harbor, house 거처(피난처)를 제공하다
lodge *
kin * relative 친척 quarter, house 숙박하다
make one's way * travel,
travel journey, trek 나아가다 power * strong effect , strength 영향력, 힘
measure * gauge,
gauge calculate, estimate 측정하다 prominent conspicuous, remarkable, outstanding 탁월한
minute * tiny,
tiny diminutive ; detailed, precise <-> general 미세한 ; 정밀한 provided * if, on condition that
if 만약 ~이라면
notwithstanding * despite, in spite of, nevertheless ~에도 불구하고 put together combine, connect
combine 결합시키다
profound ** deep,
deep abysmal 심오한 meditate, think, consider, ponder
meditate 숙고하다
protect * shield,
shield defend, guard, harbor <-> attack 보호하다 demonstrate, display, show 반영하다, 나타내다
receive * obtain,
obtain accept, acquire, get 받다, 얻다 relinquish give up, surrender , abandon, resign 포기하다, 버리다
relevance * germaneness,
germaneness pertinence <-> irrelevance 적절, 타당성 representative * typical
typical, characteristic, exemplary <-> atypical 전형적인
reliance ** dependence 의존 scan * examine, scrutinize, investigate
examine 조사하다
represent ** depict, portray , express ; stand for 묘사,표현하다 ; 대표하다 sever * cut, separate, divide, part, cleave
cut 절단하다, 분리하다
require * demand, entail, call for , enjoin 요구하다 shortly * soon, presently, before long
soon 곧
resemble * be similar to, be like , take after 닮다 showcase * display, exhibit
display 전시하다
determine, decide 결정하다 succession * series, sequence
series 연속
resolve *
find a solution for , solve <-> unsettle 해결하다 summit ** peak, acme, zenith, apex, pinnacle
peak 정상
retard ** delay <-> accelerate 지체시키다 token symbol, mark, sign
symbol 상징, 표시
roster * list,
list register, rota 명부 transmit communicate , send, convey <-> receive 전달하다
scenic beautiful,
beautiful picturesque 풍경이 아름다운 useful ** profitable , advantageous, serviceable <-> useless 유용한, 도움이 되는
1. soothe : 달래다 2. initiation rite : 성년식 3. grotesque : 기괴한 4. lynx : 스라소니 5. bear : ~을 참다 vestige * remnant, trace , shadow 흔적
6. extension : 연장 7. divine : 신성한 8. fraud : 사기꾼 9. chief : 추장 10. conflict : 투쟁, 다툼 1. discrepancy : 불일치, 모순 2. tremendous : 거대한, 황폐한 3. intuitive : 직관적인 4. unthaw : 녹다
11. buoyant : 명랑한, 부력이 있는 12. convalesce : 건강을 회복하다 13. excoriate : 심하게 비난하다 5. eligible : 적임의 6. husbandry : 농업, 절약 7. limber : 유연한 8. sallow : 혈색이 나쁜( <->ruddy )
=== Chapter 25 === Chapter 26
attempt aspire, point, intend 목표하다 antipathy dislike, disgust, hatred <-> attachment 반감
aim **
goal, objective, target
goal 목적 applicable * capable of being applied, appropriate 적용 가능한, 적절한
allocate * designate, earmark ; distribute , allot <-> collect
designate 책정하다 ; 배분하다 blot out ** hide, screen, veil <-> expose
cover, hide 가리다
attributed to explained by ~에서 기인한, ~로 설명되는 bold ** daring, courageous, valiant<->cowardly
brave, daring 대담한
authenticate verify, substantiate , prove 입증하다, 증명하다 boom ** flourish, thrive, prosper 번성하다
confuse * disturb, disconcert , confound <-> clarify 혼란시키다 distinctive , special, peculiar <-> general 독특한
characteristic **
debate ** discussion, argument , controversy, dispute 논쟁 feature, element , trait, quality 특성
detractor * critic <-> advocate 험담하는 사람 clear * lucid, apparent, obvious <-> obscure 명쾌한
disguise * conceal, hide, camouflage, cloak <-> unmask
conceal 속이다, 감추다 coarse * rough, crude, vulgar <-> courteous
rough 거친, 천한
dissent differ, disagree <-> assent 의견을 달리하다 concentrate * focus <-> dissipate ; center, cluster 집중하다 ; 모으다
distinguish ** differentiate, tell apart , separate <-> confound 구별하다 contemplate * consider, ponder, brood, dwell on
consider 심사 숙고하다
draw *** attract, haul, pull , tug, drag 끌다 cripple * maim, disable, ruin, injure, impair
maim 손상시키다
drawback * disadvantage, defect, shortcoming, fault
disadvantage 결점 demanding * difficult, exacting <-> effortless 힘든, 큰 노력을 요하는
dye * pigment, stain
pigment 염료, 물감 deviate diverge, wander, stray 벗어나다
emit ** give off, exhale, release , shed, radiate 발산하다 discover * ascertain, determine, find out <-> assume
ascertain 확인하다, 찾아내다
expose ** exhibit, subject, uncover , reveal <-> cover 드러내다 discrete ** distinct <-> blended 구별되는
flawless * perfect, impeccable, faultless <-> imperfect
perfect 흠없는 encompass * include, embrace, contain <-> exclude
include 포함하다
frustrate disappoint, thwart 좌절시키다 entertain divert, amuse, please 즐겁게 하다
complete, whole, perfect <-> incomplete
complete 완전한 far-sighted ** wise, judicious
wise 현명한
full *
thorough, minute, detailed 상세한 fluctuate * vary, vacillate, sway <-> remain
change, vary 변동하다
indicate * suggest, imply, signal
suggest 넌지시 비추다 halt * stop, cease, stand still
stop 멈추다
initially at first, originally, primarily , in the beginning 처음에 incessantly ** constantly , continuously <-> intermittently 끊임없이
innovative original, inventive, creative, ingenious
original 기발한, 혁신적인 leading * dominant, chief, foremost, primary
dominant 우세한, 주된
landslide * rockfall, landslip
rockfall 산사태 modify ** change, alter, adapt , vary 변경하다
malady disease, ailment , illness 병 mutation * change, alteration, modification <-> fixity
change 변이, 변화
minimize * decrease, reduce , discount <-> increase ; underestimate 줄이다 ; 과소 평가하다 obelisk * obelus, stone pillar
obelus 방첨탑, 오벨리스크
order * direction, mandate, command ; peace <-> confusion 명령 ; 질서, 조화 pastime ** entertainment , diversion, recreation 기분전환
prohibit * forbid, proscribe <-> permit
forbid 금지하다 rather than * instead of ~대신에
reduce ** diminish, decrease , curtail, lessen <-> increase 감소시키다 receptacle ** container, vessel, reservoir , holder 그릇, 용기
reveal ** show, unveil, uncover, expose , divulge <-> cover, conceal 드러내다 rely depend 의지하다
shed light on * clarify, elucidate <-> obfuscate
clarify ~을 명백히 하다. remote * secluded, distant, removed <-> adjacent
secluded 외딴, 멀리 떨어진
sink * descend, drop to the bottom , submerse <-> rise 가라앉다 rotten decayed, decomposed, corrupt 썩은
size ** dimensions, proportions, volume, magnitude
dimensions 크기 rove roam, wander 배회하다
slope * declivity, inclination, slant <-> flat
declivity 경사 shoddy inferior, poor, base
inferior 조약한, (질이) 떨어지는
subside abate, die down 진정되다 shred apart, cut, tatter
tear apart (갈기갈기) 찢다
take place occur, happen, befall
occur 발생하다 simply only, just, merely
only 단지
however, nevertheless , still, yet 그러나 duration, period , length 기간
though span *
although ~이지만, 비록 ~일지라도 extend across, cover, cross ~에 걸치다, 이르다
underground secret, clandestine, covert 비밀의 stun * amaze, astound, daze, astonish, stupefy
amaze 놀라게 하다
1. semifinal : 준결승 2. enlist : 얻다, 협력을 요청하다 3. tidal : 조수의 4. rumple : 구기다 tranquil peaceful, calm, placid, serene, restful
peaceful 평온한, 차분한
5. smog-induced : 스모그가 야기하는 6. racial : 인종의 7. gist : 요점, 취지 8. uproar : 소란, 격론 1. independent : 무소속자 2. revision : 개정 3. enumerate : 열거하다 4. manacle : 수갑, 족쇄
9. untutored : 순박한 10. falter : 머뭇거리다 11. hubris : 교만 12. lithe : 유연한 5. segregation : 인종 차별 6. coherent : 일관된 7. paltry : 시시한, 천박한 8. permissible : 허용되는
13. prefigure : 예상하다 14. interdict : 금지하다 15. palpable : 명백한, 만져서 느낄 수 있는 9. summarize : ~을 요약하다 10. tragic : 비극의 11. novel : 장편소설, 진기한, 새로운
=== Chapter 27 === Chapter 28
assistance ** aid, help,
help support 원조 aptly * appropriately, suitably, relevantly 적절히
avoid ** eschew, shun, prevent , evade, escape <-> face, confront ~을 피하다 attract ** draw, charm,
appeal, draw charm allure <-> repel (마음을) 끌다
best-suited most appropriate <-> unsuitable 가장 적절한 beverage * drink 음료수
bridle harness, halter 굴레 blunt * dull, obtuse <-> sharp
dull 무딘
classify ** categorize, arrange , assort <-> disorder 분류하다 bustling * busy, active, energetic <-> stagnant 붐비는
collectively * together, unitedly <-> singly
together 공동으로 control * manage, dominate, govern, rule
manage 지배하다
comparable ** similar, like, analogous, uniform <-> disparate
similar 유사한 controversy *** dispute, debate, disagreement , argument 논쟁
cultivator * farmer,
farmer grower 경작자 dichotomy * division 양분, 이분
designated * specified,
specified assigned, appointed <-> unspecified 지정된 disruption interruption 중단
detrimental * harmful,
harmful damaging, prejudicial <-> beneficial 해로운, 불리한 enthusiasm * eagerness,
eagerness zeal, passion, fervor, ardor <-> apathy 열정
differentiate distinguish 구별하다 episode event, occurrence , incident, happening 하나의 사건
display ** show,
show exhibit <-> hide 보여주다 equvalent equal,
equal even, commensurate 동등한
emissary * messenger,
messenger carrier, agent 사절 evoke * draw, arouse,
arouse elicit, educe 일깨우다, 자아내다
enact ** pass, adopt, make into law , legislate <-> repeal 제정하다 exotic ** unusual,
unusual strange, weird, odd 기묘한, 못 보던
evenly ** equally, uniformly 고르게, 일관되게 flair * talent,
talent aptitude, knack 재주, 재능
expedience * advantage,
advantage convenience <-> inexpedience 편의 flight escape,
escape breakout, getaway 탈출
genuinely actually,
actually truly, really 정말로 formidable * dreadful, threatening, fearful, frightful <-> comforting 무서운
immediately straight away, instantly, directly, promptly 즉시, 당장 frugal economical, thrifty <-> wasteful 절약하는
important * significant , critical, consequential, remarkable <-> trivial 중요한 fuel * encourage,
encourage stimulate 지지하다, 자극하다
inconceivable unimaginable,
unimaginable unthinkable 상상도 못할 game * wild animals (hunted for food or sport) 사냥감
in progress unfinished , ongoing 진행중인 hand in hand * together 협력하여, 동반하여
it followed that it was logical that ~ 그 결과로서 ~이 되었다 intermittent sporadic,
sporadic periodic, occasional 간헐적인
keep in touch communicate <-> be out of contact 연락을 유지하다 intersect cross,
cross intercross 교차하다, 가로지르다
massacre * slaughter,
slaughter annihilation, murder 대량학살 make sense be logical <-> nonsense 이치에 맞다
mean signify,imply,express; contemptible,despicable,ignoble <->honorable 의미하다 ; 비열한 movement * drive, crusade (정치, 사회적)운동
mute * quiet,
quiet silent, dumb, speechless <-> articulate 무언의 pass through * penetrate 꿰뚫다
participate ** share,
share partake 함께하다 precise ** accurate, exact , definite, strict, correct <-> loose 정확한
pit * set into opposition ; hole,
hole cavity ~와 대항시키다 ; 구멍 publish * declare,
declare announce, proclaim 발표하다
raise * boost,
boost lift, elevate, hoist <-> lower 올리다 readily * easily,
easily effortlessly ; willingly, without reluctance 쉽게 ; 기꺼이
rare ** scarce, unusual, infrequent, extraordinary, exceptional <-> usual 드문 record ** document, evidence 기록
respectively particularly, individually 각각 relieve reduce,
reduce ease, alleviate, assuage <->aggravate 경감하다
seemingly * apparently 보기에 settle down calm down, pacify 진정시키다
sporadically occasionally, at intervals , infrequently 때때로, 간헐적으로 shun elude, avoid, evade, escape <-> accept, adopt 피하다
stringent * strict,
strict austere, tight <-> lenient 엄한 spectacular * splendid, impressive , sensational 멋진, 장엄한
superficial ** external,
external outward <-> in-depth 표면적인 steady stable,
stable solid, firm, fixed <-> unsteady 안정된
timid ** shy <-> audacious 소심한 store reserve,
reserve keep, save 따로 떼어두다, 비축하다
transport carry,
carry convey, transfer, bear 운송하다 stupid fatuous, dull, silly, senseless <-> intelligent, smart 어리석은
unavoidable inevitable, inescapable , ineluctable 불가피한 success achievement,
achievement accomplishment, triumph 성공, 달성
uniform ** consistent, event , invariable, unchangeable <-> various 일관성 있는 tend * look after, care for , foster 길들여진, 순한
unsubstantial unreal, dreamlike, ethereal <-> concrete 비현실적인 wattle * stick 가는 막대기
1. generic : 상표등록이 안된 2. pressure : 강요하다 3. confiscation : 몰수 4. resign : 사임하다 wrath * anger,
anger fury, resentment, indignation <-> tolerance 분노
5. rubbish : 쓰레기 6. illegal : 불법의 7. rear : 교육하다 8. cater : 영합하다 9. fossil : 화석의 1. fossil : 화석의, 화석으로 된 2. leakage : 누출, 누설 3. pillage : 약탈하다 4. rebut : 반론하다
10. devious : 꾸불꾸불한 11. intelligible : 알기 쉬운 12. milk : ~ 을 짜내다, 착취하다 5. reciprocate : 왕복운동하다, 서로 주고받다 6. septic : 부패성의 7. underpin : 버티다, 지지하다
=== Chapter 29 === Chapter 30
acid biting, acrid <-> agreeable 신랄한 accumulate ** collect, compile, build up , pile up, amass <-> dissipate 모으다
amass * accumulate,
accumulate collect, gather <-> distribute 모으다 antithesis * opposite,
opposite contrary, converse 정반대
breakthrough * advance,
advance progress <-> loggerhead 약진, 큰 발전 astute clever,
clever shrewd, canny, sharp 기민한
cause ** trigger, result in , bring about, produce, elicit 야기시키다, 초래하다 be up to * rest with ~에 달려 있다
certain * specific,
specific definite <-> indefinite 일정한 being creature 생물
component *** element, ingredient, constituent 성분 bring out cause,
cause produce, make happen 초래하다
conditional * dependent,
dependent contingent <-> unrestricted 조건부의, ~ 여하에 달린 cache hidden place 은닉처
confront * face,
face affront, encounter, meet <-> avoid 직면하다 celebratory * congratulatory, honoring 축하의, 축하하는
consequence * ramification, result , effect, aftermath, outcome 결과 careful,
careful minute, rigorous <-> inattentive 면밀한
close *
crack * break, snap, slit , split 쪼개다, 깨뜨리다 restrict,
restrict shut <-> open up 차단하다
crude * rough,
rough raw, unrefined <-> refined 천연 그대로의, 가공치 않은cognitive * mental,
mental thinking, perceiving 정신적인, 인식의
drought * a prolonged lack of moisture , aridity 가뭄 create *** invent,
invent devise, produce 만들어내다
effort * attempt,
attempt endeavor, exertion, striving <-> ease 노력 destroy ** ruin, demolish , smash, maim, spoil <-> establish 파괴하다, 망치다
emerge ** appear, loom, spring up, come out <-> disappear 나타나다 diminutive * small 작은
endurance ** stamina,
stamina patience ; durability , lastingness 인내 ; 내구력 endangered jeopardized, imperiled 멸종위기에 처한, 위험에 처한
euphoria extreme happiness , ecstasy, rapture 행복감 formative * shaping,
shaping developmental 형성되는, 발달의
exacerbate * intensify, worsen , aggravate <-> mitigate 더욱 심하게 하다 founder * fail 실패하다
explain * account for , elucidate, explicate, clarify <-> confuse 설명하다 glean ** gather, collect , reap 모으다
finish ** complete, terminate , end, conclude 끝내다 dominate,
dominate rule, reign 지배하다
govern ***
hollow * empty 텅빈 regulate, monitor , control <-> neglect 통제하다
lash ** tie,
tie bind 묶다, 매다 indigenous * native, aboriginal , inherited 토착의
leisurely relaxed, slow , easy, unhurried 느긋한 integrate ** unify, synthesize , consolidate <-> disintegrate 통합하다
manageable * controllable, affordable <-> uncontrollable interval *
관리할 수 있는, 감당할 수 있는 space,
space distance, period (시간, 거리의) 간격
note * eminence, repute, celebrity <-> disrepute 명성 largely generally, mostly <-> hardly 대개
periphery ** edge,
edge border, fringe, margin, verge <-> center 주변부 magnificent * gorgeous, beautiful , splendid <-> modest 굉장히 멋진
practical ** pragmatic, effective , practicable, useful <-> academic 실용적인 overshadow * dim,
dim outshine, eclipse <-> illuminate 가리다, 어둡게 하다
prerequisite *** necessary condition , qualification, requirement 필요조건 particular ** specialized, specific, special , individual, especial <-> general 특별한
relatively * comparatively , by comparison 비교적으로 ramification * consequence , effect, result 결과
rudimentary ** basic, primitive, undeveloped , elementary 기초적인, 기초적인 rather * somewhat,
somewhat fairly 약간, 다소
selected chosen 선택된 realm * area, sphere, field , domain, province 범위, 영역
shed * discard, cast off , molt ; radiate 탈피하다 ; (빛 등을) 비추다rivalry competition , contention, contest 경쟁
spotty intermittent , uneven, irregular 고르지 않은 silent * speechless, dumb, mute, taciturn <-> talkative 말이 없는
spread extend,
extend stretch, reach 퍼지다, ~에 이르다 situate ** place, locate 위치시키다
staunch strong, firm , faithful, stalwart, loyal 확고한, 충실한 sphere ** area,
area field 분야
stress * emphasis,
emphasis accent ; emphasize 강조 ; 강조하다 stealthily ** silently,
silently sneakily, secretly 은밀히, 몰래
stunted * hindered (성장이) 멎은 superb outstanding , excellent, magnificent 뛰어난, 훌륭한
trespass ** invade, encroach , infringe, intrude 침해하다 swell enlarge, expand , grow larger, increase (크기,수량 등이)증가하다
trumpet proclaim, announce , broadcast, declare 공표하다 tender * soft, delicate, mild <-> rough ; money,
money payment 부드러운 ; 변상금
via by way of,
of by, through ~ 을 경유하여 velocity ** speed,
speed rapidity, celerity, pace 속도, 신속함
1. apropos : 적절한 2. decrepit : 쇠약한, 노쇠한 3. dreary : 음울한 4. faction : 도당, 파벌 uncultivated , untamed, undomesticated <-> cultivated 야생의
wild *
5. felicity : 행복 6. hermit : 은둔자 7. intractable : 고집센, 다루기 힘든 8. longevity : 장수 unruly, uncontrollable, frantic, violent <-> relaxed 난폭한
9. meet : 적당한 10. nimble : 민첩한, 재치있는 11. palatable : 맛있는 12. plight : 곤경, 궁지 1. pursuit : 추구 2. diagnosis : 진단 3. drench : 흠뻑 적시게 하다 4. enchant : 마음을 사로잡다
13. rakish : 방탕한, 무절제한 14. rancid : 악취나는 15. rotundity : 비만 16. scour : 문질러 닦다 5. dissonance : 불협화음 6. frigid : 혹한의 7. fumble : 서투르게 만지다 8. sigh : 그리워하다, 슾퍼하다
=== Chapter 31 === Chapter 32
accompany * escort, attend, companion <-> leave 동반하다 appreciably * significantly, noticeably , considerably <-> inappreciably 뚜렷하게, 상당히
adverse * negative, not favorable , opposed <-> favorable 적대적인 assess ** evaluate, estimate , judge, appraise 평가하다
entreaty, request, petition 탄원, 청원 banish ** expel, exile , deport, oust <-> admit 추방하다
appeal *
attraction, charm, fascination
attraction 매력 choice * option,
option alternative 선택권, 대안
arouse ** stimulate, awaken, provoke, incite <-> calm
stimulate 자극하다, 유발시키다 comparatively * relatively <-> precisely 비교적, 꽤
boundary * dividing line, border , limit 경계(선) consume * expend,
expend use up, exhaust <-> produce 소비(소모)하다
bury * cover, hide, conceal, veil <-> disclose
cover 가리다 excavate * dig out, unearth, disinter , quarry <-> cover 발굴하다
collective * accumulated, assembled
accumulated 집합된, 축적된 exclude * expel, leave out <-> admit 배제하다
confine ** limit, cramp , restrict 제한하다 exert ** apply, exercise, employ , wield (힘, 노력 등을) 발휘하다
cumbersome ** burdensome
burdensome, awkward, bulky, clumsy 성가신, 다루기 힘든 extraordinary * exceptional, unusual , remarkable, uncommon <-> normal 비범한
dispensable unnecessary, needless, nonessential
unnecessary 없어도 되는 forage * search,
search rummage, hunt 찾아다니다
distribution dispersion, apportionment, allocation, allotment
dispersion 분배 fragile easily broken , breakable ; delicate, weak 깨지기 쉬운 ; 연약한
eat consume, devour, ingest, take in
consume 먹다 have nothing to
be not related to ~와 관계가 없다
entirely wholly, totally, thoroughly , utterly 완전히 do with
equal ** equivalent, tantamount <-> disparate
equivalent 동등한 interpret * construe,
construe explain, explicate, elucidate <-> miscontrue 설명하다, 해석하다
evaluate judge, assess, gauge, appraise
judge 평가하다 expend, waste, squander <-> scant 낭비하다
lavish *
false * erroneous, wrong, incorrect <-> veracious
erroneous 잘못된 deluxe,
deluxe luxurious, splendid <-> humble 사치스런
focal point * central area, focus 중심(지) lucrative ** gainful, profitable, advantageous , fruitful <-> unproductive 이익이 되는
gallant * brave, valiant, daring, valorous <-> coward
brave 용감한 mainly * generally,
generally largely, chiefly, primarily 주로
hence * consequently, therefore, thus 그러므로 obvious, definite, clear , evident <-> implicit 명백한
manifest *
integral ** essential, crucial, indispensable <-> unessential 필수적인 demonstrate evidence, reveal , show 증명하다
lay down establish, ordain (규칙, 원칙 등을) 정하다 material * physical,
physical bodily, corporeal, tangible <-> ethereal 물질적인
launch * begin, initiate , commence 착수하다 meticulously * carefully <-> indiscreetly 주의 깊게
magnify ** amplify, intensify, enlarge, increase <-> belittle 확대하다, 증대하다 nervous * on edge,
edge excitable, uneasy <-> calm 신경질적인
match * equal, peer, mate
equal 필적하다 obstinate * unyielding stubborn, determined, headstrong <-> complaisant, pliant 완고한
more or less fairly, approximately , roughly <-> conclusively 어느 정도, 다소 overstate ** exaggerate, play up <-> understate 과장하다
nature ** tendency, characteristic, attribute, character 특징, 성향 pact together * cluster,
cluster group, gather 모이다
operative effective, efficient, effectual <-> ineffective 효과적인 perform ** carry out, execute , accomplish, achieve 수행하다
pragmatic practical <-> unrealistic 실용적인 perishable * spoilable, likely to decay, likely to spoil 상하기 쉬운
proliferate ** multiply, increase in number <-> decrease 증식하다 pound * beat,
beat thrash, batter, strike 마구 치다
proven * established, verified
established 증명된 prolific * productive, fertile, fruitful <-> unfruitful, sterile 결실이 많은, 다작의
provoke * incite, irritate, vex, enrage <-> relax
incite 자극하다, 화나게 하다 proof * evidence,
evidence testimony 증거
register * up, enroll ; list, catalogue
sign up 등록하다, 기록하다 ; 목록 serene ** calm, peaceful, tranquil , undisturbed <-> agitated 고요한
respectable estimable, honorable, reputable <-> disreputable 존경할만한 spawn * create, give rise to, produce , generate 야기하다
rig * equip, furnish
equip 장비를 갖추다 substitute ** exchange, replace ; alternative 대체하다, 대안
sterile * barren, unproductive, fruitless <-> fertile, fecund
barren 불모의 surpass ** exceed, outrun , excel, beat 능가하다
sufficient ** enough, adequate , ample <-> deficient 충분한 survival ** existence 생존
transparent * clear, obvious , lucid, limpid <-> opaque 명백한 ubiquitous ** omnipresent , existing everywhere <-> nonexistent 어디에나 존재하는
uneasy ** apprehensive, unstable , disturbed, ill at ease 불안한 undergo ** experience,
experience suffer (어려운 일을) 겪다
unpretentious simple, humble, plain
simple 수수한 weed out * remove,
remove eliminate <-> propagate 제거하다
1. amiable : 상냥한 2. gymnast : 체조선수 3. ragtime : 재즈 연주 형식의 하나 4. desiccate : 건조시키다 worn-out exhausted 다 써버린
4. syncopation : 당김음 5. eminently : 매우, 대단히 6. drought : 가뭄, 한밭 7. curator : 관리자, 감독 1. suite : 한벌, (호텔의)스위트룸, 한벌의 가구, 수행원 2. boisterous : 떠들썩한 (=vociferous)
8. prosecute : 기소하다 9. landfill : 쓰레기(매립지) 10. Motile : 운동서의 11. demean : 수치를 주다 3. arbiter : 중재자 4. burrow : 굴, 피난처 5. contrite : 뉘우치는 6. extrinsic : 비본질적인, 외부의
=== Chapter 33 === Chapter 34
adhere ** stick,
stick cleave, cling <-> disjoin ~에 달라붙다, 고수하다 accretion * accumulation 축적(물)
assertion strong statement , declaration 주장, 단언 agriculture * farming 농업
barren ** sterile, lifeless, infertile , unproductive <-> fertile 불모의 attach ** stick, fasten , affix <-> detach 붙이다
budding * emerging nascent, not yet fully developed <-> fully developed 신진의
emerging, counter oppose,
oppose retort 대항하다, 반박하다
central essential,
essential principal, main, chief 주요한 crop up ** apeear,
apeear arise, come out, emerge 나타나다
comprehensible ** understandable, knowable, apprehensible <->incomprehensible 알기 쉬운 dimly ** faintly <-> distinctly 희미하게
concern interest, regard, care, attention
interest 관심 distract divert, sidetrack <-> focus 산만하게 하다
configuration arrangement,
arrangement conformation 배치, 배열 drain * remove water,
water draw off, empty 배수하다
deserved * due,
due earned <-> undue 당연히 받아야 할 emergent emerging, nascent <-> declining 떠오르는, 신흥의
detect ** find, discover, recognize, sense , spot 발견하다, 인지하다 enlarge * amplify,
amplify extend, augment, magnify <-> compress 확대시키다
diffuse ** spread, distribute <-> concentrate 퍼뜨리다 excessive * extreme,
extreme undue, exorbitant, extravagant <-> meager 지나친
exaggerate enlarge, overstate , embroider, hyperbolize 과장하다 exploit * feat, accomplishment ; use 위업 ; 이용하다
fetter hamper,
hamper shackle, manacle, restrain 구속하다, 제한하다 extract ** derive, draw,
draw extort 이끌어 내다
float ** stay on the top <-> sink 뜨다 fierce ** furious, vicious, aggressive , ferocious <-> mild 사나운
frequent * regular,
regular common, customary, recurrent <-> occasional 빈번한 fiery * passionate, fervent , impetuous <-> frigid 불같은
groundless *** unfounded , baseless, bottomless 근거 없는 first and foremostabove
* all,
all primarily, to begin with 무엇보다도 먼저
hindrance * deterrent,
deterrent obstacle, barrier, impediment <-> boost 방해, 장애(물) fluctuation variance, variation 변동
maneuver * scheme, plot, design ; move 계획, 책략 ; 움직이다 gradually ** little by little, slowly , steadily, progressively 점차적으로
mar ** spoil,
spoil mangle, ruin, damage <-> adorn 망쳐 놓다 languid * listless, faint, feeble, weak <-> vivacious
listless 기운 없는
mighty powerful,
powerful potent, strong, forceful 강력한 location * site, position, place
site 장소, 위치
impenetratable , cloudy, filmy 불투명한 lengthen * prolong, extend , stretch, protract <-> abbreviate 연장하다
obscure, unclear, vague 불명료한 mandatory required, compulsory, obligatory, requisite
required 필수의
originate ** be grown, spring, emanate, initiate <-> end 일어나다, 생기다 narrate * recount, describe, relate, tell
recount 이야기하다
step, gait 걸음(걸이) noxious ** harmful, noisome <-> innocuous 유해한
pace *
speed, bat, velocity ; walk, step
speed 속력 ; 걷다 once * when 일단 ~ 하면
perceptibly noticeably , appreciably, sensibly <-> intangibly 알아차릴 정도로 pierce ** puncture, perforate , penetrate 관통하다
promising * likely, encouraging, hopeful <-> unpromising
likely 유망한 sure, certain <-> irresolute 확신하는
positive *
punctuality * promptness , promptitude <-> tardiness 시간 엄수 affirmative, helpful <-> negative 긍정적인
rotate ** turn, spin, wheel, swivel
turn 회전하다 pretend feign, affect, assume ~인 체하다
scatter ** disperse, widely spread, dissipate, spread out <-> gather 퍼뜨리다 range * spectrum, extent, scope , compass ; vary vary, go, run, fluctuate 범위 ; 변화하다
sedentary * stationary <-> moving 움직이지 않는 rudiment * basic, element, essential
basic 기초, 기본
site * place, location , position 장소, 위치 signify * denote, express, indicate, mean
denote 표명하다, 나타내다
soak ** drench, saturate , steep, wet 적시다 simultaneously **concurrently,
concurrently, at the same time <-> separately 동시에
subsist ** survive, endure , exist <-> perish 존속하다 symmetrical * proportionally balanced , commensurable 균형이 잡힌, 대칭적인
supremacy predominance, primacy, sovereignty 우월, 우위 testify * provide evidence , prove 증명하다, 입증하다
trigger ** activate, cause, generate, start, initiate, stimulate 일으키다 vast ** immense, huge, enormous , large <-> narrow 거대한
tumultuous ** chaotic,anarchic ; wild , riotous, boisterous 무질서한 ; 떠들썩한 visionary fanciful, imaginary, illusory <-> realistic 환상의
veritable genuine, authentic, believable 실제의 vogue * mode, fashion, style
mode 유행
waste squander, dissipate, lavish <-> save 낭비하다 weariness ** fatigue 피로
weaken lessen, decrease , undermine, impair <-> strengthen 약화시키다 1. planetesimal : 미소행성체 2. warrior : 전사 3. tropical fish : 열대어 4. reasoning : 추론
1. raft : 뗏목 2. tanker : 급유기 3. stoicism : 금욕주의 4. obesity : 비만 5. aqueduct : 수로 5. attorney : 변호사(=barrister) 6. nod : 끄덕임 7. scar : 상흔 8. sedative : 누그러뜨리는, 진정제
6. nefarious : 사악한 7. needy : 궁핍한 8. platitude : 진부함 9. rosy : 유망한, 낙관적인 9. captor : 포획자 ; 수상[당첨]자 10. lawn : 잔디(밭) 11. mediocre : 평범한 12. mendacity : 허위, 거짓
10. sagacious : 현명한 11. skirt : 회피하다, 모면하다 12. toady : 아첨꾼 13. torrid : 혹서의 13. meek : 온순한, 굴종적인 14. lawsuit : 소송 15. combustion : 연소 16. ponderable : 숙고할만한
=== Chapter 35 === Chapter 36
accelerate * speed up,up expedite, hasten, quicken <-> decelerate 촉진시키다 anger * provoke,
provoke aggravate, enrage <-> pacify 화나게 하다
adjust * fit, adapt, suit <-> disarrange
fit 맞추다, 조절하다 auxiliary subsidiary, subordinate, additional <-> leading 보조적인
a great deal of * a lot of 다량의 bizarre ** odd, erratic, strange, exotic, irregular <-> ordinary 기괴한
alleviate relieve, ease, lessen, abate <-> augment
relieve 완화하다 broaden * enlarge, expand, develop <-> narrow 확장하다
aromatic * fragrant <-> acrid 향기로운 check * monitor, examine, inspect ; stop <-> expedite
monitor 조사하다 ; 막다
celebrated ** renowned, famous , well-known, distinguished <-> unknown유명한 cite ** mention, refer to , specify 언급하다
characterize * distinguish 특징 지우다 consensus * agreement, unanimity <-> discord
agreement 합의
certainly * surely, assuredly <-> uncertainly
surely 확실히 cope with * deal with ~에 잘 대처하다
compliment * commendation , honor, tribute <-> insult 칭찬, 경의 subside, abate, recede, retire 쇠퇴하다, 약해지다
ebb *
decrease ** diminish, minimize , dwindle, abate <-> increase 줄이다 reflux <-> flow 간만, 썰물
definite * decisive, unambiguous, unequivocal, fixed <-> equivocal 명확한
decisive elementary ** rudimentary , basic
basic, fundamental, primary <-> advanced 기초적인
dictate ** require, prescribe, determine (조건, 방침)등을 지시하다 style, vogue, mode, fad 유행
distinction ** difference, divergence <-> analogy 차이 fashion * shape, create, make , fabricate 만들다
embed ** fix, fasten, root <-> extract
fix 고정시키다, 새겨 넣다 fit, adjust, suit, adapt 맞추다
flee, evade, avoid <-> abide 피하다 finance * pay for 자금을 조달하다
escape **
flight, freedom 도피 force * strength, power, might, energy <-> impotence
strength 힘
essentially * basically, primarily, originally, by nature
basically 본래, 본질적으로 legendary * mythological, fabulous, mythical <-> historical 전설적인
drive, advance
drive ~로 나아가다 markedly ** significantly , noticeably, substantially 현저하게
forge **
create, make, fabricate, fashion
create 만들다 obvious ** apparent, conspicuous, clear , manifest <-> obscure 명백한
identity * similitude, uniformity
similitude 동일성 output * production <-> input 결과물
illuminate * clarify, elucidate ; light up, brighten <-> darken
clarify 명확히 하다 ; 밝게 하다 overwhelmingly * primarily
primarily, predominantly 압도적으로
in a short space of timevery quickly 단시간에, 빨리 pension * subsidy, allowance
subsidy 연금
inconstant ** volatile, unstable , fickle, variable <-> resolute 변하기 쉬운 pioneer first develop, start, introduce , initiate 개척하다
initial ** original, first , beginning, inceptive <-> final 처음의 potent powerful, mighty, influential <-> impotent 강력한
lay off * fire, discharge, dismiss <-> employ
fire (일시적으로) 해고하다 search, examine, explore, investigate
search 정밀 조사하다
probe *
theme, subject, topic 주제 exploration , inquiry, quest 조사
motif **
design, device, pattern 문양 quaint ** bizarre, odd , weird, extraordinary, eccentric 기이한
patience endurance, fortitude, perseverance, tolerance <-> restiveness 인내 react respond, answer, reply
respond 반응하다
perilous dangerous, hazardous, risky, precarious
dangerous 위험한 reap ** harvest, gather ; obtain
harvest 수확하다 ; 획득하다
personnel staff, employees, work force
staff 직원 spectrum * range, extent, scope
range 범위
ready organized, prepared, arranged, set
organized 준비된 stock ** reserve, inventory , hoard, store 비축(물)
reject, decline, deny 거절하다 stretch, tighten 잡아당기다
refuse strain *
garbage, waste, rubbish, trash
garbage 쓰레기 tension 팽팽함, 긴장
revival restoration, renewal , resurgence, rebirth 재생, 부활 stroke * hit, striking , blow, beat 일격
sorrow distress, anguish, grief, sadness, woe <-> joy 슬픔 sturdy * strong, robust, stalwart, muscular, stout <-> decrepit
strong 튼튼한
spend expend, squander, waste, consume <-> save 소비하다 tactic(s) strategy, maneuver
strategy 전술, 책략
spot ** see, detect , find, locate, recognize 발견하다 tapered narrow, tapering
narrow 좁아진
steadfast * unwavering, firm , resolute, resolved, decided <-> vacillating확고한 upsurge * increase, rise <-> decline
increase 급증
tension pressure, strain
pressure 긴장, 팽팽함 utility practicality, usefulness 실용성
ultimate * final, supreme, utmost 궁극적인 whereas while, on the contrary
while ~에 반하여
with respect to * in reference to, in terms of, with regard to ~에 대하여 widespread ** prevalent, broadly accepted , sweeping <-> uncommon 널리 퍼진, 광범위한
1. tariff act : 관세법 2. crushing : 엄청난 3. herb : 허브 4. persecution : 박해 5. torches : 횃불 1. ancillary : 보조의 2. attenuate : 약하게 하다 3. bumptious : 오만한 4. contiguous : 인접한, 연속적인
6. quilt : 퀼트(누벼서 만든 것) 7. blackout : 정전 8. masterful : 훌륭한 9. inconsistency : 불일치, 모순 5. disimpassioned : 냉정한, 침착한 6. exhort : 권고하다, 훈계하다 7. languor : 쇠약, 무기력, 무관심
=== Chapter 37 === Chapter 38
accomplish ** achieve, work out, execute, put through 성취하다 abhor * loathe,
loathe hate, detest <-> admire 혐오하다
accordingly ** for that reason, consequently 따라서 ambition ** goal,
goal desire 야망
fear, fright, terror, dismay, horror <-> composure
fear 공포, 놀람 bulk ** great quantity ; main part 거대함(대량) ; 대부분
alarm *
upset, surprise, startle
upset 놀라게 하다 charitable broad-minded, tolerant, benign, generous <-> narrow-minded, stingy 관대한, 자비로운
apparatus device, equipment 기구 conclusively * decisively,
decisively definitely, absolutely <-> questionably 결정적으로, 확실히
backbone ** foundation ; spine 중추 ; 척추 confer give,
give bestow, grant <-> refuse 수여하다
bode * foretell, presage 징조가 되다 deny negate,
negate gainsay, contradict <-> confirm 부인하다
cargo * load, freight, shipment , burden 화물 reflect,
reflect mirror ; resonate, resound 반영하다 ; 반향하다
composition * make-up, formation, organization
make-up 구성(물), 조직 repeat,
repeat reiterate, parrot, copy 반복하다
conduit * pipe, channel 도관, 선 eerie strange,
strange mysterious, weird, unearthly 기묘한
consider ** contemplate , muse ; deem <-> ignore 깊이 생각하다 ; 간주하다 emulate imitate,
imitate copy, follow, mimic 모방하다
dual * double 이중의 forestall * prevent,
prevent hinder <-> expedite 미리 막다, 미리 손쓰다
encroach * invade, trespass , intrude <-> keep off 침입하다 generally ** largely, chiefly, mainly , mostly 대부분, 주로
ensue * follow, result , succeed <-> antecede 뒤따라 일어나다 glance glimpse,
glimpse a brief look, a cursory look <-> focus 흘끗 봄
equip * furnish, provide
furnish (필요한 것을) 갖추어 주다 implement * tool,
tool appliance, device 도구
establish ** organize, constitute, set up , institute , found <-> abrogate 설립하다 in terms of * with regard to, with respect to, in relation to ~에 관하여
exorbitant ** expensive, excessive , extravagant, immoderate<-> reasonable 과도한 inveigh against * rail,
rail object, criticize strongly <-> agree with 통렬히 비판하다
explicit * clear, obvious , unambiguous, definite <-> ambiguous 명백한 look * gaze,
gaze glance, watch, view 보다
frantic * hectic, desperate , frenzied 미친 (광란의) monetary financial,
financial pecuniary, capital 재정(금전)상의
hectic * full of excitement , feverish, fervid <-> tranquil 매우 흥분한 motion * movement,
movement move, gesture <-> inertia 움직임, 동작
inaugurate begin,
begin commence, install <-> complete 개시하다 obtain ** gain, earn, achieve, acquire 얻다
incise ** carve, cut,
cut engrave 새기다 outspoken frank, open, candid <-> reserved 솔직한
jubilant * exulting,
exulting joyful <-> mournful 환희에 찬 pant * gasp ; trouser 숨을 헐떡이다 ; 바지
mode * form, fashion, method , style 양식, 형태 patchy ** irregular, uneven , erratic 고르지 않은
ominous ** foreboding, threatening , doomful <-> auspicious 불길한 precipitation * acceleration , haste, impetuosity 촉진, 성급함
own acknowledge, admit, allow <-> disallow 인정하다 promote ** advance, further, encourage <-> check 촉진하다
perpetual *** constant,
constant ceaseless, enduring 끊임없는 purified * cleansed refined, clarified, distilled <-> defiled, sullied,tarnished 정화된
praiseworthy admirable,
admirable commendable, laudable, praisable 칭찬할 만한 recreational * as a hobby 오락의, 휴양의
progressive * advanced,
advanced liberal <-> reactionary 진보적인 recruit * obtain,
obtain enlist 얻다, 모집하다
provide ** supply, afford , furnish 제공하다 seize ** grip, take,
take clasp, grasp, grab <-> loose 움켜잡다
provision supply,
supply food 식량 system,
system frame, organization 구조
structure **
puzzle over wonder about 쩔쩔매다,이러저리 생각하다 arrange in definite pattern 조직화하다
ruinous * destructive , catastrophic 파괴적인 surreal ** having a strange dream-like quality 초현실적인
solicitation invitation , entreaty, request 권유, 간청 synthesis ** unit, union, combination , mixture 통합체, 통합
solicitude concern,
concern anxiety, care, worry 근심, 염려 textile ** cloth, fabric 직물
stray wander,
wander deviate, straggle, swerve 벗어나다, 이탈하다 thereby * by that means , as a result of that 그것에 의하여
troublesome ** onerous, difficult, annoying , burdensome <-> innocuous 힘든(성가신) title ownership 권리
unqualified * complete,
complete absolute, utter, thorough <-> circumscribed 절대적인 transcend ** go beyond 초월하다
weak infirm,
infirm fragile, frail, delicate, feeble <-> strong 약한 twig * branch,
branch stick, offshoot, sprig 가지
witness * observe,
observe watch, notice ; testimony, evidence 목격하다 ; 증거 vulnerable * easily damaged, susceptible, weak (영향을) 받기 쉬운
1. cut short : 간단하게 하다 2. penchant : 경향, 편애 3. executive : 행정의 wholly * completely , fully, in every respect, thoroughly <-> partially 완전히
4. coincide with : ~와 동시에 일어나다 5. amend : 수정하다 6. rocking : 흔들리는 1. offend : ~을 불쾌하게 하다 2. Great Depression : 대공황 3. herd : 무리, 떼 4. stark : 완전한, 단호한
7. viscous : 점성의, 끈적끈적한 8. pensive : 수심에 잠긴 9. aground : 좌초하여 ; 곤궁하여[한] 5. acronym : 두문자어(머리글자로 이루어진 말) 6. atomic : 원자의 7. resourceful : 재치있는
=== Chapter 39 === Chapter 40
abrupt ** sharp, sudden , hasty, hurried <-> dilatory 급한, 갑작스러운 substance added in small amounts to another 첨가제
additive *
adequate sufficient, satisfactory <-> inadequate 충분한 cumulative 부가적인
urge, support <-> impugn 주장하다, 지지하다 antiseptic *** clean, sterile, sanitary
clean 청결한, 위생적인
advocate **
proponent , supporter, upholder <-> opponent 지지자 assemble ** gather (together), bring together, collect <-> scatter 모으다
appendix * supplement , adjunct 부록, 부가물 asymmetric * unequal, lopsided, ill-proportioned <-> proportionate
unequal 균형을 잃은
appropriate suitable, proper, applicable <-> inappropriate 적절한 attire * clothing 의상
assumption ** supposition 가정 avid ** greedy, avaricious, covetous ; eager, enthusiastic
greedy 탐욕스러운 ; 열심인, 열렬한
bestow grant, confer, award
give, grant 주다, 수여하다 basic * essential 기본
boldly bravely, daringly, courageously
bravely 용감하게 bound * limit, precinct, boundary, border
limit 경계
choicest best, matchless 엄선된, 가장 좋은 cluster ** group, gather , assemble <-> disperse 모이다
classic typical, exemplary, model, standard
typical 전형적인, 대표적인 group of buildings 복합 건물군
complex *
constitute make up up, comprise, compose 구성하다 elaborate, involved, complicated , compound <-> simple 복잡한
deposit ** lay, place ; save, store 두다 ; 비축하다 contrary * opposite, converse <-> concordant 반대의, 반대되는
dogma * belief, credo, creed
belief 신조, 신념 customary ** typical, habitual, traditional , accustomed <-> occasional 관례적인, 습관적인
employ ** use, utilize, exploit
use 이용하다 dangle * hang 매달리다
support, back, approve, advocate <-> disapprove 보증하다, 지지하다 devour eat, gulp, guzzle 게걸스레 먹다
endorse *
sign, subscribe
sign 배서(서명)하다 encapsulate * state briefly, condense , summarize 요약하다, 집약하다
exponential * explosive, incremental
explosive 급격한 faction * side, coalition, group, ring, party
side 파벌
foremost * most respected , preeminent, supreme 으뜸가는 fragment ** piece, particle, part , portion <-> whole 조각, 부분
fragrance * scent <-> malodor 향기 ignite set on fire, kindle , inflame, fire 불을 붙이다
furthermore ** moreover, in addition 더욱이 impound contain, confine, hold
contain 가두다
genetic * hereditary, inborn, inheritable <-> acquired
hereditary 유전(학)적인 innocuous * harmless <-> pernicious 해가 없는
imposing * impressive, grand, magnificent
impressive 강한 인상을 주는, 웅장한 bond, connection , tie 유대, 결합
link **
luxurious * sumptuous, rich, posh <-> ascetic
sumptuous 사치스러운 connect, relate, associate
connect 관련 짓다
matter * substance, material, stuff ; issue
substance 물질 ; 논점 murmur ** grumble, mumble , mutter 투덜거리다, 중얼거리다
nurture * raise, rear, nurse <-> disregard
raise 양육하다 persistent * continuous , constant, incessant, perpetual <-> fleeting 지속하는
offset * balance, counterbalance, counteract
balance 상쇄하다 prospect * possibility , chance, outlook 가망성, 전망
partially incompletely , fractionally <-> completely 부분적으로 random *** without planning, unpredictable, unsystematic <-> purposive 마구잡이의
presumable * probable, likely, possible <-> unlikely
probable 있음직한 realize * be aware of of, conceive, understand, grasp 알다, 이해하다
principle * original method , precept, standard 원칙, 규범 reside in in, dwell
live in 거주하다
purveyor ** supplier 공급업자 robust ** strong, vigorous , stalwart, sturdy <-> weak 튼튼한, 강한
replace ** supersede, supplant, substitute 대체하다 satisfy ** please, meet , gratify, satiate, suffice <-> pique 만족시키다
routine * ordinary, normal , habitual <-> unusual 보통의, 일상적인 simple * unsophisticated , naive, unaffected, artless <-> worldly 순진한
scold reprove, reproach, reprimand, rebuke <-> praise 꾸짖다 stamina * endurance, perseverance, vitality
endurance 지구력, 체력
sequence ** string, series , succession ; order 연속 ; 순서 item, necessary commodity
basic item 중요 상품
staple *
startle ** astonish, surprise, frighten , astound 깜짝 놀라게 하다 basic, principal
basic 기본적인, 주요한
typical ** common, ordinary , usual, normal <-> uncharacteristic 일반적인 terminate ** stop, finish , end, conclude <-> initiate 끝나다
unshakable firm, steadfast, fixed, unwavering <-> changeable
firm 흔들리지 않는, 확고한 treasure ** value, prize , cherish 소중히 하다
cede, surrender, submit, give in <-> appropriate
cede 내주다, 굴복하다 unequal ** unfair, asymmetric , uneven, unbalanced <-> symmetric 불공평한, 균형을 잃은
yield **
produce, generate , cause 산출하다, 야기하다 venture * dare, chance, risk
dare 과감히 ~ 하다
1. frequency : 주파수 2. transmission : 전파 3. decipher : 해독하다 4. permeable : 투과성의 1. break into : ~로 나누어지다 2. retail : 소매업 3. tremendous : 거대한, 엄청난
5. earthworm : 지렁이 6. organic : 유기체의 7. larceny : 절도 8. craven : 겁많은, 비열한 4. full-bodied : 힘찬, 내용이 충실한 ; (술)감칠맛이 나는 ; (사람) 뚱뚱한(=stout) ; 중요한, 뜻있는
9. jargon : 전문용어 10. excerpt : 빌췌 11. deject : 낙담시키다 12. munificent : 후한, 아낌없이 주는 5. suspect : 용의자 6. cavity : 움푹 패인 곳, <치과> 충치 7. gild : 금[금박]을 입히다
=== Chapter 41 === Chapter 42
ache * hurt,
hurt pain 아프다 account for ** explain,
explain justify, give a reason (for) ; make up, comprise 설명하다 ; 차지하다
advantageous ** profitable, gainful, beneficial, helpful <-> detrimental 이로운, 유익한 adjourn * suspend, postpone, delay, defer <-> advance
suspend 연기하다
altitude * elevation, height <-> depth 고도 adopt * up, choose, follow
take up ~을 채택하다, 차용하다
antiquity * ancient times 고대 adore * worship, esteem, revere <-> execrate
worship 숭배하다, 존경하다
assist ** help, aid <-> hamper 돕다 artificial ** synthetic <-> natural 인위적인, 인조의
brilliance * radiance,
radiance luminosity, brightness 광채 attend wait on, serve 시중들다
celestial * heavenly <-> terrestrial 하늘의 band * group, party, troop, squad
group 집단, 무리
split, dissect ; rip (쪼개어) 나누다 ; 찢다 besides * in addition , as well, moreover 게다가
cleave *
adhere, stick, cohere, cling 고수하다, 결합하다 circumstance ** condition, situation 상황
density * concentration 농도, 밀도 crawl *** creep, wriggle , inch 기어가다
desperate as a last resort <-> composed ; hopeless, critical 필사적인 ; 절망적인 demolish * destroy, wreck
destroy 파괴하다
encourage ** cheer up, hearten , motivate, prompt <-> discourage 격려하다 endure * survive, suffer, tolerate , persevere <-> give up 견디다
burden, weight, tax, oppress
burden (의무, 짐 등을) 지우다 enormous ** immense, vast, huge, tremendous , gigantic <-> tiny 거대한
hinder, obstruct, impede, hamper
hinder 저해하다 fashionable popular, up-to-date, trendy
popular 유행하는
enrich enhance, improve, better, upgrade
enhance (질, 가치 등을) 높이다 formulate state, express
state (명확히, 체계적으로) 말하다
fade ** wane, wither, vanish, wilt <-> ( wax ; flourish )
wane 약해지다, 사라지다 hang * dangle, suspend
dangle 매달리다
flee * escape, evade, avoid
escape 피하다, 도망하다 immobility * absence of motion 부동상태
follow suit do the same things 따라하다 inflate * bloat, expand, swell <-> deflate 팽창하다
gigantic * huge, immense, colossal, grand <-> miniature
huge 거대한 interrupt ** hinder, stunt, punctuate , intermit 가로막다, 중단시키다
hygiene *** cleanliness, sanitation 위생 manipulation deliberate alteration 조작, 속임수
impressive * striking, moving, stirring <-> unremarkable
striking 인상적인, 감동적인 marvelous * wonderful astonishing, amazing, miraculous <-> ordinary, normal 경이로운, 놀랄만한
instantaneous * immediate, prompt, swift, split-second <-> lengthy
immediate 즉각적인 nevertheless * still, yet , nonetheless 그럼에도 불구하고
lusty * vigorous, strong, robust, hearty <-> effete 건장한, 원기왕성한 operate * run, function , work 작동하다
mankind * human 인류 outlive * survive, outlast
survive 살아남다, ~보다 더(오래) 살다
maturity adulthood, manhood, majority
adulthood 성숙(기) practicable * feasible, possible , workable <-> impracticable 실행 가능한
mere insignificant 단지, 대수롭지 않은 resist * withstand, confront <-> submit
withstand 저항하다
humble, unpretending ; decent, proper <-> impudent 겸손한 ; 예의바른 risky * dangerous, hazardous, perilous <-> safe
dangerous 위험한
small 많지(크지)않은 saved * redeemed, rescued <-> condemned
redeemed 구원된, 구제된
persist ** endure, continue, remain, last <-> cease 지속되다 harsh, extreme , rigorous, strict, unsparing <-> tolerant 극심한, 가차 없는
severe **
put together, collect ; heap 모으다 ; 쌓다 difficult, effortful, tough 어려운, 까다로운
pile *
heap, stack, accumulation 더미 spontaneous voluntary, uncompelled, willing
voluntary 자발적인
pristine unspoiled, innocent, natural
unspoiled 오염되지 않은 stagger ** totter, falter, waver ; astonish, confuse, overwhelm 비틀거리다,동요하다;당황시키다
proficient ** expert, skilled , adept, adroit 숙련된, 능숙한 thriller ** suspenseful book/story/movie/play 스릴을 주는 것
sacred ** divine, holy <-> profane 신성한 toil * hard, labor, strive
work hard 힘들게 일하다
scruple ** hesitation, uneasiness, qualms
hesitation 망설임, 양심의 가책 touch off start, arouse, provoke
start 야기하다
careful, painstaking, meticulous <-> remiss 세심한, 꼼꼼한 utterly * completely 완전히
scrupulous *
honest 양심적인, 정직한 vacuum * vacancy, emptiness, void 진공, 공허
hit, bombard , assault, attack 치다, 공격하다 valid * just, sound, cogent, logical <-> groundless 타당한
strike **
walkout, work stoppage
walkout 파업 withhold reserve ; hold back, restrain 보류하다 ; 억제하다
unravel * explain, solve, figure out 해명하다, 풀다 wonder * awe, astonishment, marvel <-> unconcern
awe 경이로움, 놀라운 일
vulgar coarse, mean, rude, base <-> delicate 저속한 1. to the very end : 최종까지, 죽을때까지 2. the witness : 목격자 3. take off : 이륙하다
1. collateral : 나란한, 부수적인, 담보 2. inquiry : 연구, 조사 3. sizable : 꽤 큰 4. quarrel : 싸움 4. volatile : 불안정한 5. plastic surgery : 성형수술 6. imperialism : 제국주의
5. penitentiary : 교도소 6. hold : 개최하다 7. monumental : 기념비적인 8. natty : 말쑥한 7. assignment : 숙제 8. whereabout : 소재, 행방, 있는 곳 9. tentative : 임시적인, 불확실한
=== Chapter 43 === Chapter 44
advance ** improve, evolve, develop , progress <-> delay 진보하다 absorb ** take in,
in imbibe, soak up <-> exude 흡수하다
applicability relavance 적절함, 적절성 accuse indict, impeach, blame, charge <-> exculpate 고발하다, 비난하다
brittle * breakable <-> solid 부서지기 쉬운 a host of * a number of , a multitude of 많은 수의
careful ** cautious, discreet, precautious <-> careless
cautious 주의 깊은 apathetic * indifferent , unconcerned, uninterested <-> alert 무관심한
convert * transform, change 바꾸다 array * arrange,
arrange display, exhibit <-> mess up 배열하다, 진열하다
core ** center, heart
center 핵심 continual incessant, ceaseless <-> transient 끊임없는
countervail oppose, counterbalance, offset
oppose 상쇄시키다 design * intend,
intend plan, project <-> accomplish 뜻을 품다, 계획하다
curative * healing <-> irremediable 치유하는 discard * throw away, abandon , dispose of, cast aside <-> keep 버리다
disintegrate *** apart, crumble, break down
fall apart 붕괴되다, 분해되다 elapse * pass, go by 경과하다
divest * deprive, strip 박탈하다 furnish * provide,
provide supply, replenish <-> strip 공급하다
propel, force , impel, compel <-> hinder 억지로 ~하게 하다 futile ** useless,
useless ineffective, vain <-> effective 쓸모 없는
drive **
campaign, push, action
campaign 운동 guard * protect,
protect defend, shield <-> make vulnerable 지키다
entangle complicate, involve <-> disentangle 뒤얽히게 하다 locomotion ** movement,
movement motion 운동, 이동
evolve develop, progress, improve
develop 서서히 발전하다 metamorphose * change,
change transform, convert (~으로)변형, 변화하다(시키다)
extant existing, living, remaining , surviving <-> extinct 현존하는 misconception false belief , misunderstanding, fallacy 잘못된 생각, 오해
hamper * prevent, impede, hinder, restrict <-> aid 방해하다 multiplicity variety, diversity ; plurality, plenty 다양성 ; 다수
fur, skin (짐승의) 가죽 native * indigenous;
indigenous innate, inborn, inherent <-> acquired 토착의 ; 선천적인
hide *
camouflage, disguise, cloak, mask <-> reveal
camouflage 숨기다, 감추다 needless to say *** obviously, of course, undoubtedly 말할 필요도 없이
immoral *** improper, corrupt, sinful
improper 부도덕한 passive * inactive, inert <-> active 수동적인, 활기 없는
incipient initial, beginning , commencing <-> concluding 초기의 predicate * affirm, assert, declare ; base
base, establish, found 단언하다 ; 기초를 두다
isolate * separate, segregate
separate 격리시키다 presence * existence, being
existence 존재
joint * combine, connect 접합하다, 연결하다 progressively * increasingly 점차적으로
kindle ** ignite, fire , inflame <-> smother 불을 붙이다 pungent ** sharp, piquant , tart <-> mellow 신랄한, (맛 등이) 자극적인
landscape * scenery, outlook, scene
scenery 풍경, 전망 recover ** retrieve, bring back , regain, reclaim <-> forfeit 되찾다, 회복시키다
migrate ** travel, move around , immigrate, emigrate 이동하다, 이주하다 regardless of in spite of ~에 개의치 않고
milestone ** important event, significant event 획기적인 사건 remainder * residue, remnant, rest
residue 나머지
new, innovative , fresh, modern <-> common, usual 새로운 reputation * fame, renown <-> obscurity
fame 명성
novel **
unusual, rare, strange
unusual 신기한, 진기한 shelter * protect, shield, harbor, guard, safeguard
protect 보호하다, 숨겨주다
out of the question ** impossible <-> possible 불가능한 spur ** stimulus, incitement, incentive ; stimulate
stimulus 자극 ; 자극하다
phenomenal extraordinary , exceptional, remarkable, unusual 놀랄만한 suggest ** implicate, point to , indicate, hint, intimate <-> express 암시하다
plunge * drop, dip, thrust
drop 떨어뜨리다, 던져 넣다 surge * increase, rise 증가(상승)하다
presently * immediately, directly, soon, shortly
immediately 곧 terminal final, last
final 최종의
reckless * careless, rash, heedless, inadvertent
careless 무모한, 부주의한 transverse * cross, crosswise 가로지르는
sensitive * responsive, impressionable <-> impervious
responsive 민감하게 반응하는 underscore reinforce, emphasize, accentuate, underline <-> downplay
reinforce 강조하다
serious * solemn, important, momentous <-> light
solemn 심각한, 중대한 upbraid * scold, berate, rebuke <-> praise 꾸짖다
simultaneous * concurrent , concomitant, synchronous 동시에 일어나는 vagabond ** wandering, nomadic , vagrant 방랑하는
tower, rise, ascend, mount <-> plummet 높이 솟다 vague ** uncertain, imprecise , obscure, indistinct <-> express 모호한
soar *
increase dramatically , shoot up 급상승하다 veracious * honest, truthful, accurate <-> dishonest
honest 진실한
subservient * secondary, subordinate 부차적인, 종속적인 vital ** essential, important , indispensable <-> needless 필수적인
subterranean * underground , underneath 지하의 withstand ** resist, endure <-> capitulate 버티다
unlawful ** illegal, illicit , illegitimate <-> justifiable 불법적인 1. the masses : 일반 대중 2. face : 직면하다 3. flash : 번뜩임, 섬광 4. engage : 종사하다, 관여하다
1. considerably : 상당히, 매우 2. christianity : 기독교 3. prime minister : 수상 4. match : 성냥 5. conspire : 공모하다 6. memorable : 주목할만한 7. runaway : 도망간 8. turmoil : 소란, 혼란
5. usurp : 강탈하다 6. rescind : 폐지하다 7. paragon : 모범, 전형 8. erudite : 박식한 (=learned) 9. irredeemable : 구제불능의 10. lagging : (경기 등이)침체한 11. power plant : 발전소
=== Chapter 45 === Chapter 46
abound ** overflow, fill with, teem , swarm with <-> lack 풍부하다, 가득 차다 alight * land,
land come down, settle <-> rise 내리다
abstract * theoretical, notional <-> concrete 추상적인, 이론적인 alternate rotate, interchange <-> keep
rotate 번갈아 일어나다
affliction * woe,
woe distress, sorrow, anguish <-> bliss 고뇌, 고통 contain ** involve, comprise, hold
involve 포함(수용)하다
attachment * emotional connection 애착 deter * preclude, prevent, inhibit, avert <-> abet
preclude 막다, 방해하다
beckon invite,
invite call, summon 호출하다 examine * inspect, probe, scrutinize, investigate
inspect 정밀 조사하다
complicate *** make difficult , entangle, involve 복잡하게 하다 fast quick, swift, rapid, fleet <-> slow 빠른
consecutive * successive,
successive sequential 연속적인 gist * core, kernel, essence 핵심
consist of be made up of ~ 로 구성되다 gleaming * shining, luminous, brilliant
shining 반짝이는, 빛나는
coordination * the harmonious functioning of parts 공동작용 guarantee insure, warrant 보증하다
crowd throng, multitude, group, mass, host 군중, 무리 hobby * pastime, diversion, avocation
pastime 취미
doctrine ** principle, tenet , dogma 원칙, 교리, 주의 inadequate ** insufficient, deficient <-> adequate 불충분한
drastically ** strikingly, severely , extremely 극심하게 inborn * innate, native, natural <-> acquired
innate 선천적인
elegant * sophisticated , delicate, polished, graceful <-> crude 우아한, 세련된 inaccessible * unreachable ; unobtainable <-> accessible 접근하기 어려운; 얻기 어려운
entity ** object,
object thing, individual 개체, 실체 inclination ** preference, tendency , trend 성향, 경향
era * epoch, period , age, time 시대 in proximity to close toto, adjacent to, near, in the vicinity of ~ 에 가까운
established certain, definite 확정된 insight * understanding , perception 통찰력, 직관
facet * aspect 양상 intent * purpose, intention, design <-> accident
purpose 의도
flourish ** thrive, prosper, blossom <-> wither 번성하다 intertwine * interweave, intermingle, twine
interweave 뒤엉키다
hue ** tint, color , shade 색깔, 색 connect, link, unite, combine <-> disconnect
connect 연결하다, 결합하다
join *
impair * damage,
damage injure, deteriorate <-> improve 손상시키다, 약하게 하다 meet 합류하다
inevitably without exception, unavoidably , necessarily 불가피하게 meddlesome ** meddling, interfering , intrusive, officious 간섭하는
infinite unlimited,
unlimited limitless, immeasurable, boundless 무한한, 끝없는 multiply increase, expand, augment
increase 증가하다
inflame anger, arouse <-> soothe 노하게 하다, 자극하다 myriad ** innumerable, numerous, countless , many 무수한
influential important, powerful , potent 영향력 있는, 유력한 naive ingenuous, simple, unaffected <-> sophisticated 꾸밈없는, 순진한
jeopardize * threaten,
threaten endanger <-> protect 위태롭게 하다 outrage * anger, aggravate, offend, infuriate <-> placate
anger 화나게 하다
marvel * wonder 경이로움 particularly ** especially, uniquely , specially 특히
monotonous tedious, boring , dull, unvaried <-> varying 단조로운 principal *** central, major, main, primal, prime, chief 주요한
notable * remarkable, important, outstanding , noteworthy <-> unremarkable 주목할만한 propel * push, force out , drive, impel 추진하다, 밀어내다
novelty * originality , freshness, newness, uniqueness <-> old story 참신함, 진기함 rigorous ** severe, demanding, harsh <-> facile ; precise 엄격한 ; 정밀한
oath * promise,
promise vow, pledge 맹세 savor ** flavor, taste 맛
on the contrary conversely 반대로 scramble mix upup, jumble, muddle, tangle 뒤섞다
photosynthesis ** the production of special sugar-like substances that keep plants alive 광합성 seldom infrequently, rarely , hardly, scarcely 거의 ~ 않다
prodigious wonderful, marvelous, amazing, astonishing <-> commonplace 경이로운 simulated artificial, imitated
artificial 모조의, 가짜의
remedy ** cure,
cure treatment 치료(법) slight * small, minor , trivial, trifling 사소한
speculate about * hypothesize 추측하다, 가정하다 sporadic ** infrequent, occasional, irregular, intermittent <-> regular 산발적인
strictly ** tightly, severely ; precisely ; only 엄격하게 ; 엄밀히 ; 순전히 standstill * complete stop , halt 정지
trend ** tendency,
tendency direction, inclination 경향 systematic methodical, organized
methodical 조직적인
unencumbered by free of ~에 의해 방해받지 않는 through by, by means of
by ~에 의하여
unwonted * unusual,
unusual unordinary, extraordinary <-> usual 보통이 아닌, 드문 versatile flexible, adaptable , all-around, many-sided 다방면의
vexing * difficult , annoying, irritating 성가신, 짜증나는 voluble * talkative, loquacious, fluent <-> reticent 입심좋은, 유창한
votary * devotee, admirer, faithful follower <-> skeptic (특정 종교의) 신봉자 1. slavery : 노예제도 2. dissect : 절단하다, 해부하다 3. distain : 변색시키다, 더럽히다
1. persecution : 종교적 학대 2. colleague : (관직, 직업상의) 동료 (=associate) 3. fad : 일시적 유행 4. stride : 성큼 걷다 5. dismissal : 해고 6. mark : 영향 7. fabrication : 구성요소, 제작, 위조물
4. crestfallen: 풀이 죽은(=dejected) 5. convene: 회의를 소집하다(=convoke),법정에 불러내다(=summon) 8. daycare center : 탁아소 9. execute : 사형시키다 10 . reminisce : 회상하다
=== Chapter 47 === Chapter 48
amiable friendly, amicable, genial, cordial <-> surly 상냥한 absolutely ** totally,
totally utterly, completely 전적으로
arduous ** difficult , laborious ; strenuous <-> effortless 힘 드는 ; 분투적인 caption * title, heading
title 표제
ascend * climb, mount, go up <-> descend
climb 올라가다 categorize ** arrange in classes, classify, group , class 분류하다
atmosphere * air, ambience, aura
air 공기, 분위기 complicated * complex, intricate <-> simple
complex 복잡한
awe * amazement, surprise, wonder <-> scorn
amazement 경외심 conflicting ** opposing, contrary , clashing <-> similar 상반(상충)되는
completely * totally, perfectly, entirely, utterly
totally 완전히 gratify * please, satisfy, appease <-> exasperate
please 만족시키다
cram ** jam, stuff (쑤셔)넣다 in operation * being used 실시 중의, 효력을 가지는
dilemma * difficult situation, predicament , strait 곤경 means, mechanism 수단, 방법
instrument *
discharge release, set free, liberate ; release
release 해방시키다 ; 방출하다 apparatus, appliance, tool, device 기구, 도구
enlist ** join in, enroll 입대하다 intrude trespass, encroach, violate 침범(침해)하다
enterprise * undertaking (모험적인)사업 tone 어조, (음악)조
key ***
escalate * increase, intensify, mount, rise <-> diminish
increase 차츰 확대되다, 오르다 essential, important, central 필수적인, 중요한
estimate * assess, evaluate, judge , value, appraise 평가하다 legacy tradition, inheritance, heritage (전통적인) 유산
green hand * untrained worker 미숙한 사람 manufacture * make, build, construct, mass-produce
make (대규모로) 제조하다
apt, liable, prone , disposed ~ 의 경향이 있는 memorable notable, remarkable, noteworthy
notable 기억할 만한, 인상적인
slanted, tilted 경사진, 기울어진 narrow taper ; limit <-> broaden 좁아지다 ; 한정하다
incoherent * disordered, unintelligible
disordered 두서 없는 occasion * event, affair
event 행사, 사건
innovate begin, create, pioneer 시작하다 occasional * infrequent , irregular, sporadic <-> recurrent 가끔의
lading * cargo, load, freight
cargo 화물 oversee * supervise, manage, control
supervise 감독하다
imaginative, creative , inventive <-> banal 독창적인 oversight mistake, blunder, slip, error 실수
original **
initial, primary, early, opening <-> last
initial 처음의 peaceful * serene, tranquil, placid, quiet, calm <-> bellicose, choleric
serene 평온한
outrageous shocking, offensive, intolerable
shocking 지나친, 엄청난 peak ** summit, maximum, pinnacle, height , apex <-> nadir 정점, 절정
picture ** represent, portray , depict 묘사하다 perforate pierce, punch, puncture, hole
pierce 구멍을 내다
preliminary initial, introductory, preparatory
initial 서두의, 예비의 postulate ** propose, claim , necessitate, call for 요구하다
preoccupation * fascination , absorption, obsession 몰두, 강박관념 quit ** up, stop <-> start
give up ; resign, retire 그만두다 ; 사직하다
preserve ** protect, save, maintain , conserve, keep 보호하다, 보존하다 reinforcement * support 보강, 지원군
radiant ** bright, vivid, brilliant , beaming, glowing 빛나는 remnant ** trace, remain , relics 잔재, 자취
research * investigate, study, examine, scrutinize
investigate 조사하다 remove ** withdraw, extract, eliminate 끌어내다, 제거하다
reverence worship, veneration, homage, respect, awe <-> contempt 존경 role function , duty, capacity 역할, 기능
reverse invert 뒤집다 shudder * tremor, shiver, quiver, shake
tremor 떨림, 전율
right correct, proper, appropriate <-> wrong 옳은, 적절한 spread out extend, broaden, stretch <-> condense 넓히다, 전개하다
satire * irony, sarcasm
irony 풍자 strip * remove, divest, deprive
remove 제거하다
segregate * seclude, separate, dissociate, disunite <-> mix
seclude 떼어놓다, 분리하다 tactile *** tangible, touchable 촉각으로 알 수 있는
stable * unchangeable invariable, constant, steady, steadfast <-> unstable 안정된
unchangeable, temporary * makeshift, for a limited time , transient, transitory 일시적인
strong ** robust,
robust mighty <-> weak 강한 tendency ** trend, inclination , proneness, bent 경향, 성향
tease irritate, bother, annoy <-> soothe 괴롭히다 underpinning * foundation, basis 기초, 기반
tempting ** inviting, attractive, appealing, appetizing <-> repulsive 매력적인, 유혹하는 unencumbered * free 방해 없는
type ** kind,
kind sort 유형 version * translation ; variant, form 번역(물) ; 이형, 판
underlying * fundamental , basic, elementary 근원적인, 기저의 well-suited adequate, appropriate 적절한
vein * blood vessel 정맥 whole * entire, total, full <-> fractional, partial
entire 전체의, 완전한
1. disposal : 처분 2. mountainous : 산악성의 3. radical : 과격론자, 급진주의자 4. stream : 비치다 wit humor 재치
5. antioxidant : 산화방지제 6. craftsmanship : 훌륭한 솜씨 7. equality : 평등 8. choleric : 화를 잘내는 1. extraordinarily : 몹시, 엄청나게 2. primordial : 최초의 3. encyclopedia : 백과사전
9. static : 정적인 10. stifle : 질식시키다, 억누르다, 진압하다 11. vehement : 격앙된, 열정적인 4. obtrusive : 강요하는 5. implicit : 무언의, 함축된, 무조건의 6. exclaim : (감탄, 흥분하여) 외치다
=== Chapter 49 === Chapter 50
absolve pardon, forgive , exculpate, let off 사면하다, 용서하다 praise,
praise acclamation, applause, commendation <-> denouncement 갈채, 절찬
acclaim **
ambling ** leisurely, slow , easy <-> hard 느긋한 hail, praise, commend, applaud
hail 격찬하다, 환호하다
barter ** trade, exchange, swap 교환하다, 교역하다 active lively, brisk, energetic <-> inactive 활기찬
bombard strike, assault, assail
strike 공격하다 manage, conduct, execute, supervise 관리하다, 집행하다
administer **
breeding reproduction , upbringing 번식 give, deal
give 가하다
bulky ** large, hulking, immense, gross, massive
large 거대한 avail * use, serve <-> harm
be of use 도움이 되다
depict ** represent, portray, picture , render, interpret 묘사하다 blossom flourish, bloom, thrive
flourish 번영하다
diminish * lessen, decrease, reduce , abate, shrink <-> intensify 줄다 cast * project, throw, hurl, pitch
project 던지다
duration * length, term, span
length 지속 기간 charge * impose responsibility 책임을 지우다
emphasize * stress, make much of, highlight <-> downplay
stress 강조하다 chiefly * mainly 주로
exalted * superior, high, praised
superior 고귀한 coherent ** logical, consistent <-> illogical 논리적인, 일관성 있는
kindness, good-will <-> animosity 호의 count * matter, weigh, signify
matter 중요하다
favor *
approval, blessing, approbation
approval 찬성 discernible * noticeable, detectable, observable, perceptible <-> imperceptible
noticeable 인식할 수 있는
fervor ** zeal, passion, ardor, enthusiasm <-> apathy
zeal 열정 distinguished ** marked, prominent, eminent , renowned <-> unremarkable 두드러진
foliage * leaves 잎 federate *** unite, amalgamate, consolidate
unite 연합하다
foster rear, breed, nourish, raise 기르다 frame make, shape, mold, produce 만들다
free * liberate, deliver, emancipate, release <-> bond 해방시키다 huge * massive, mammoth, gigantic, colossal <-> diminutive
massive 거대한
further * additional, extra, more <-> less
additional 그 이상의, 여분의 inevitable ** certain, unavoidable , inescapable, fixed <-> avoidable 불가피한
guide * direct, lead, show, conduct, escort <-> distract
direct 안내하다 inspire * motivate, fire the imagination of 고무하다
inaction * lack of action or activity <-> activeness 활동하지 않음 intention * willingness, aim, design, intent, purpose
willingness 의향, 의도
incursion invasion, raid, foray
invasion 침입 livelihood * occupation, job, living 직업, 생계
indispensable * essential, necessary , requisite <-> dispensable 필수적인 make ** create, constitute, form , compose 만들다, 구성하다
inimical ** unfriendly, hostile , antagonistic, opposed <-> simpatico 적대하는 mark ** note, notice , eminence ; label 유명, 명성 ; 표시하다
intervention * influence, interference
influence 간섭, 개입 mechanism ** device, instrument , tool, apparatus ; means, method, technique도구 ; 방법
merge * combine, unite, blend <-> separate
combine 결합(융합)하다 touch, affect, excite, impress
touch 감동시키다
move **
pattern * design, figure
design 도안, 무늬 pass, transfer, shift
pass 나가다, 이동하다
permanent * lasting, constant, everlasting, perpetual <-> temporary 불변의, 영구적인 oppress maltreat, persecute 억압(학대)하다
point * issue 요점 pronounced ** marked, significant, noticeable, distinct <-> insignificant 명백한, 뚜렷한
praise * acclaim, hail, laud, admire <-> blame
acclaim 칭송하다 reward recompense, prize, compensation, redress 보답, 보상
precarious uncertain, unstable ; delicate , touchy 불확실한 ; 다루기 어려운 ripe * mature, mellow, developed <-> callow
mature 무르익은, 성숙한
prototype model 원형, 모델 roam * wander, ramble, rove, stroll, stray
wander 배회하다
rapidly * quickly, fast
quickly 급속히 sheen ** luster, brightness
luster 광채
refine * improve, polish
improve 다듬어 좋게 하다 situation condition, position, status 상태, 처지
rent * lease, let
lease 임대하다 slender thin, slim ; weak, fragile, delicate <-> obese
thin 날씬한 ; 연약한
source * origin, derivation
origin 근원, 출처 speed * rapidly, hasten, race
go rapidly 급속하게 진행하다, 서두르다
sparsely ** lightly, thinly <-> compactly 희박하게 sustenance * fare, food , nourishment 음식, 양식
standpoint * perspective, point of view
perspective 관점 understand ** comprehend, grasp, make head or tail of 이해하다
stint ** limit 절약하다 unparalleled * unique, matchless, unequaled, peerless, unrivaled
unique 비길 데 없는
subsequently * later, successively, afterward <-> prior 이후에 unquestionable * definite
definite, absolute, incontrovertible, indisputable <-> doubtful 확실한
terrestrial * earthly, worldly <-> celestial
earthly 지상의, 속세의 veneration admiration, adoration, reverence
admiration 존경
unbridled * unrestrained, unrestricted , uncontrolled <-> restrained 억제되지 않은 1. demise : 종료 2. durability : 내구성 3. signal : 신호하다 4. administration : 행정기관
1. fence : 울타리, 담장 2. opponent : 반대자, 상대 3. puppet : 꼭두각시 4. guillemot : 바다비둘기 5. influx : 유입 6. successive : 연속적인 7. dolorous : 비통한, 슬픈 8. halcyon : 평온한, 풍요로운
5. enlist : 입대하다 6. will : 유언, 유서 7. populate : 살다, 거주시키다 8. aristocrat : 귀족 9. conversant : 정통한 10. kismet : 운명, 숙명 11. gauche : 투박한 12. garner : 긁어모으다, 얻다
=== Chapter 51 === Chapter 52
attempt ** try, seek <-> accomplish 시도하다 abide * inhabit,
inhabit reside, remain <-> leave 살다, 머물다
beneath * below <-> above ~ 할 가치가 없는 accomplished * skilled,
skilled proficient 숙련된
cohere ** adhere, stick , cling 고수하다 apprehend * understand,
understand grasp, comprehend <-> misunderstand 이해하다
collect * build up, accumulate, gather , pile up <-> lose 모으다, 쌓다 average ** mean,
mean median 중수, 평균(치)
count for nothing * be unimportant 중요하지 않다 blend * compound, fuse, combine , mingle <-> separate 섞다
creative * inventive, imaginative <-> unimaginative 창조적인 block * obstacle,
obstacle barrier, blockade ; prevent,
prevent hinder 장애물 ; 막다, 방해하다
disinterested * impartial, unbiased, fair, just <-> prejudiced
impartial 공정한 compel ** oblige, force , coerce, constrain 강요하다
distinguishable * differentiated <-> unrecognizable 구별되는 constraint *** limitation , hindrance, confinement, restriction 제한, 제약
erudite logical, learned, educated, knowledgeable
logical 학식 있는 couple * pair,
pair brace, duo 한쌍
exceptionally unusually, extraordinarily, abnormally
unusually 유난히 disorder ** chaos, disorganization , mess, confusion 무질서
final * terminal, ultimate , conclusive <-> initial 마지막의, 궁극적인 encounter meet,
meet face <-> miss 마주치다
for the sake of * for the purpose of ~을 위하여 erroneous * incorrect,
incorrect mistaken, false <-> accurate 잘못된
impartial * disinterested , unbiased, unprejudiced, objective <-> partial 공정한, 공평한 expertise ** art, craft, skill , mastery 전문 기술
impervious ** resistant, impenetrable
resistant 불침투성의 fame * renown, reputation , eminence, celebrity, honor <-> disgrace 명성
impolite uncivil, rude, discourteous, coarse <-> polite, civil 무례한 found * create,
create set up, establish <-> dismantle 창설하다
indifference unconcern, apathy, inattention <-> interest 무관심 imitate ** simulate, mimic, copy , reproduce, mock <-> originate 흉내 내다, 모방하다
induce * persuade, instigate, urge, prompt <-> check
persuade 설득하여 ~하게 하다 incredulous skeptical, doubtful, dubious <-> trustful 의심 많은
inhabitant * citizen, resident , dweller, tenant 주민 in opposition to * counter to , con <-> in accordance with ~에 반대하여
jolt * shock, impact
shock 충격 means ** method, way, process 방법
luminous bright, glowing, shining 빛을 내는, 반짝이는 medium * means,
means instrument 매개
negligible * insignificant , trivial, trifle, unimportant 하찮은 misleading * deceptive,
deceptive deluding, confusing 현혹시키는
obscure ** uncertain, dim, faint, unclear , indistinct <-> lucid 애매한 onset * beginning,
beginning opening, outbreak <-> end 시작
omnipresent * ubiquitous <-> limited 어디에나 존재하는 overwhelm * overpower,
overpower crush 압도(제압)하다
overpower * overwhelm, subdue, vanquish, subjugate
overwhelm 압도하다 phenomenon * occurrence,
occurrence appearance 사건, 현상
peculiar ** strange, distinct, unusual, unique , eccentric <-> normal 색다른, 독특한 pinnacle * the highest point , top, peak <-> bottom 정상
prohibitively * extremely, exorbitantly <-> mildly
extremely 엄청나게 pinpoint precise 정확한
prophetic * predictive 예언적인 pliable smoothly shaped, easy to shape, easily shaped 휘기 쉬운, 유연한
proprietor * owner, landlord
owner 소유주 rear * raise,
raise nurture, nurse 기르다
protrude * stick out, extend, stretch out <-> withdraw 튀어나오다 repair mend, amend, fix, remodel 고치다
proximity * nearness, closeness <-> distance 근접 residue * remain, remnant, remainder , dreg 잔여
reliable trustworthy, dependable, credible <-> dubious 믿을 수 있는 scanty short, scarce, sparse , meager <-> plentiful 부족한
resort to * turn to 의지하다 sense * meaning,
meaning signification, denotation, significance 의미
for, search for, pursue
look for 찾다, 추구하다 shard fragment,
fragment piece 파편
out, strive, attempt, essay
try out 노력하다, 시도하다 substrate * substratum,
substratum underlying layer <-> upper layer 하층, 기저
statue * figure 조각상 subtle * hardly perceived , imperceptible, elusive 알아채기 어려운, 미묘한
straight away immediately, right away
immediately 즉시 suitable *** appropriate, proper , fit 적절한
string * series, chain
series 일련, 연속 tedious * tiresome,
tiresome irksome, wearisome, monotonous <-> absorbing 지루한
tangled * twisted together <-> untangle 뒤엉킨 toxic * poisonous, noxious , toxicant, venomous 유독한
telling * helpful, effective, valid, useful <-> ineffective
helpful 효과적인 ultimately ** eventually, in the end , finally, after all, at last 궁극적으로, 마침내
track ** follow, chase, trace ; observe
follow ~을 쫓아가다; 진로를 관찰하다 universally everywhere,
everywhere generally, invariably 도처에, 널리
traditional * usual, customary , conventional 통상적인, 전통의 usual *** typical, common, accustomed, familiar <-> unusual 흔한, 보통의
underneath ** below, beneath <-> on ~의 아래에 1. half-baked : 설익은, 미숙한 2. hale : 원기 왕성한 3. pompous : 과정된, 뽐내는 4. bromide : 케케묵은 말
1. leery : 의심많은(=suspicious, wary) 2. perspicacious : 통찰력 있는 3. perspicuous : 명확한, 명쾌한 5. feudalism : 봉건주의 6. omnipotent : 전능의 7. precipitant : 곤두박질치는, 경솔한 ; 침전제
=== Chapter 53 === Chapter 54
adjacent ** near by, adjoining, neighboring <-> remote 인접한 acquisition purchase,
purchase acquirement, attainment, procurement 획득
alter ** modify, change, metamorphose , vary <-> fix 변환하다 ancestor predecessor,
predecessor antecedent, forefather, forebear 조상, 선조
bare * uncovered, exposed, naked, nude <-> covered
uncovered 노출된, 벌거벗은 capricious ** unpredictable , fickle <-> constant 변덕스러운
load 짐, 부담 collaboration cooperation , teamwork, alliance, association 협동
burden *
tax, charge, load <-> exempt (짐, 부담 등을) 지우다 colonize inhabit,
inhabit settle 살다, 정주하다
clout ** influence, pull, power
influence 권력, 영향력 combine ** incorporate, mix , unite, join <-> part, alienate 통합하다, 결합시키다
commodity ** goods, product , merchandise, ware 상품 complete entire,
entire total, whole, perfect 전체의, 완전한
constellation * arrangement ; collection 배열 ; (유사성질의)모임, 집합체
consequently * as a result, hence, thus, therefore 그러므로, 따라서
daunt intimidate , discourage, dishearten 위압하다 continuity uninterrupted connection , flow, succession 연속성
delight please, gratify, amuse, charm
please 기쁘게 하다 disadvantage drawback,
drawback handicap, flaw, defect 결점
deluxe luxurious, lavish , opulent, rich 호화로운 dissemination spread,
spread distribution, circulation, diffusion 보급, 전파
concave, low , sunken 움푹 들어간, 내려 앉은 documented * recorded 기록된
depressed **
downcast, melancholy, gloomy <-> animated
downcast 우울한 excite ** stimulate, encourage , instigate, arouse <-> quiet 자극하다, 고무하다
endless * limitless, incessant, perpetual, ceaseless
limitless 끝없는 extent ** scope, stretch , range, space 범위
especially ** notably, specifically , particularly 특히 from time to time * now and then 때때로, 이따금
forbid * ban, inhibit, prohibit, restrain <-> permit
ban 금하다 fusion * union 통합
great ** outstanding, distinguished , magnificent <-> insignificant 뛰어난 hunt * scour,
scour seek 뒤지다, 찾다
hold * include, contain, accommodate
include 수용하다 illicit ** unlawful,
unlawful illegitimate, illegal <-> licit 불법적인
image, idea, feeling, sense
image 인상 improper * unfit, inappropriate <-> apposite, germane 부적당한
impression **
influence, impact, effect
influence 영향, 효과 incessant * continuous, unceasing , everlasting, uninterrupted <-> transient 끊임없는
inherent * innate, built-in , congenital, natural, intrinsic <-> adventitious선천적인 infrequent occasional ; rare <-> frequent 가끔의 ; 진기한
instant * moment 순간 inhospitable * unfavorable,
unfavorable unfriendly, desolate 비우호적인, 황폐한
in time ** early <-> tardily ; eventually 일찍 ; 결국 intact * undamaged, unaffected, complete , uninjured <-> defective 손상되지 않은
nocturnal * active at night <-> daytime 야행성의 override * cancel,
cancel annul, nullify 무효로 하다
overall * general, total , comprehensive 포괄적인, 전체의 pore * stare,
stare gaze 응시하다
process method, procedure, system
method 공정 profusion * abundance,
abundance wealth <-> dearth 풍부
reach area, expanse, stretch
area 구역, 범위 proponent ** advocate, supporter , partisan, adherent, disciple<-> opponent 지지자
reciprocal * mutual 상호적인 prospective ** future,
future soon-to-be, likely 장래의
remarkable ** incredible, significant , noteworthy 놀라운, 상당한 pure * clear,
clear clean, spotless, immaculate, 흠없는, 결백한
routinely *** commonly, generally, habitually
commonly 일상적으로 rough ** uneven, rugged, bumpy , irregular <-> flat 울퉁불퉁한
sizable * large 꽤큰 stand for * symbolize,
symbolize represent ~을 나타내다
calm, motionless, stationary <-> nosiy
calm 정지한, 조용한 stationary ** unmoving, motionless , immobile <-> moving 정지한
still **
nevertheless 그럼에도 불구하고 submarine * underwater 해저의
subdued * reduced <-> stimulated 가라앉은, 약해진 submerge plunge, inundate, immerse, submerse 물에 잠그다, 물속에 넣다
touching * moving <-> unimpressive 감동적인 surmise ** speculate, guess , suppose, conjecture, hypothesize 추측하다
trivial ** frivolous, unimportant , insignificant, trifling <-> crucial 사소한 suspect believe,
believe consider, suppose, guess 생각하다, 추측하다
transfer * move, remove, relocate
move 이동하다 sustainable * endurable,
endurable bearable <-> unsupportable 견딜수있는, 고갈되지 않는
unintentionally * accidentally , casually, unconsciously <-> deliberately 무심코 unequaled ** matchless,
matchless unparalleled, peerless 필적할 것이 없는
variation ** variance, fluctuation , change, alteration 변화 unsurpassed * superior,
superior superlative 비길 데 없는
vociferous * noisy <-> quiet 시끄러운 unwittingly * unintentionally 무의식 중에
1. ditch : 수로, 도랑 2. groan : 신음하다 3. querulous : 불평많은 4. interim : 임시의 5. suicide : 자살 urge compulsion, impulse, drive 충동
6. supple : 유연햔 7. valiant : 용맹스런, 훌륭한 8. from far : 멀리서 9. deficit : 적자 10 . quaint : 기이한 with little regard to with little attention to ~을 거의 고려치않고,~에상관없이
11. quail : 움츠리다, 겁먹다 12. veto : 거부권 13. aim at : 겨냥하다 14. perseverance : 인내 1. nether ; 지하의/아래의 2. disaffected : 불만을 품은 3. connive : 공모하다 4. forte : 장기, 장점
=== Chapter 55 === Chapter 56
abandonment * desertion,
desertion forsakenness <-> reclamation 유기 ancient ** prehistoric, antique, old , aged <-> modern 고대의, 옛날의
abuse misuse, lii-use ; maltreat, mistreat <-> esteem, honor 오용하다 ; 학대하다 annihilate ** remove, abolish, exterminate, eradicate <-> restore
remove 전멸시키다
to, adapt, suit, fit
adjust to 적응시키다, 맞추다 antagonist opponent, adversary, enemy, foe <-> supporter 반대자, 적
accommodate ** lodge, make room for , hold, contain 수용하다 arrange * order, array <-> jumble
order 배열하다
provide for 공급하다 clutch grasp, grab, grib, seize, snatch
grasp 꽉 붙잡다
affront offend, insult, abuse <-> laud 모욕하다 contour * outline 윤곽
aggressive * forceful, pushing ; offensive, militant <-> unassertive 적극적인 ; 공격적인 contradictory opposite, paradoxical, contrary, inconsistent 모순된
as well as * in addition , also 또한, ~ 뿐만 아니라 converse * opposite, reverse
opposite 반대의
cardinal fundamental , primary, principal, essential 기본적인 dependent * reliant, relying on <-> autonomous
reliant 의존하는
cautious careful, prudent, discreet, wary
careful 신중한, 조심스러운 depose * oust <-> inaugurate 쫓아내다
celebrate * commemorate, observe
commemorate 축하하다 distress pain, agony, anguish, anxiety, torment <-> comfort 고통
continuous * uninterrupted, unceasing , consecutive <-> interrupted 연속적인 diverge * separate, deviate <-> converge
separate 갈라지다
derive ** originate, trace ; obtain
originate obtain, draw 유래를 찾다 ; 끌어내다, 얻다 diversity * variety <-> homogeneity 다양함
despite * notwithstanding ~에도 불구하고 divert redirect, reroute , avert, deflect, switch 전환하다
dim ** obscure, faint, weak <-> bright 희미한 enable * permit, allow , facilitate <-> hinder ~을 가능케 하다
disgusting * offensive, sickening, nauseating, displeasing
offensive 정말 싫은, 지긋지긋한 equilibrium balance, evenness, stability, symmetric
balance 평형
exposition * exhibition , display, presentation 전시,진열 exclusively only, entirely , solely, totally 오로지
extraneous * unneeded, unnecessary , irrelevant, unrelated<->integral 부차적인, 관계없는 ferry * transfer, carry, convey, transport
transfer 수송하다
feed ** nourish ; graze 기르다, 부양하다 ; 먹이를 먹다 hole ** pore, opening, cavity, hollow
pit, pore 구멍
happen occur, befall (사건이)발생하다 in fact actually, precisely, really
actually 사실상
impartially * fairly, without bias <-> prejudicially
fairly 공면정대하게 legitimate legal, licit, valid <-> illegitimate
lawful, legal 합법적인
indeed * in truth, in fact , surely, really 정말로 neat * orderly, trim, tidy <-> messy 정돈된, 단정한
innovation ** novelty, new idea 새로이 채택(도입)한 것 notion ** opinion, view ; concept, general idea
opinion 의견 ; 개념
jeer scoff, mock, scorn, ridicule, sneer <-> toady 조롱하다 perennial persistent , constant, continual, long-lasting 장기간 계속되는
noticed ** observed 주목받는 persecute oppress, harass, molest, torment 박해하다, 괴롭히다
nourish * feed, nurture, breed
feed 기르다, 키우다 portion * part, segment , fragment, section 부분
outcome result, consequence, end, conclusion
result 결과 prestige * status, influence, distinction
status 지위, 명성
paramount supreme, sovereign, chief, principal 최고의, 주요한 prized * outstanding, prominent, valued 높이 평가받는
ponder ** of, weigh, muse
think of 심사 숙고하다 result ** sequence, product , outcome, effect, consequence <-> origin 결과
prepare * ready, prime, arrange
ready 준비하다 rich ** fertile, abundant , affluent, ample <-> destitute, sparse 비옥한, 풍부한
procurement ** obtaining 획득, 확보 series sequence, stiring , succession 일련, 연속
produce * yield, generate, procreate
yield 생기게 하다 sole * only, single, solitary
only 유일한
propose * suggest, offer, proffer <-> withdraw
suggest 제안하다 stingy parsimonious, miserly, mean <-> generous 인색한
prosperous * thriving, successful, flourishing <-> decrepit
thriving 번영하는 suggestion * implication , hint, overtone 암시
purpose ** goal, aim, end, function , object 목적 supervise ** direct, oversee , control, manage 감독하다
scent ** fragrance, perfume , odor 향기, 냄새 surmount * overcome, conquer
overcome 극복하다
spring up * suddenly arise , emerge <-> fade 갑자기 나타나다 trade * barter, exchange, swap
barter 교역하다
stubborn obstinate, dogged, rigid, persistent, headstrong <-> docile 완고한, 완강한 unchanged * even <-> changing 불변의
subsistence * survival, existence, living
survival 생존 underway * continuing , in progress, already commenced 진행 중인
territorial * of or relating to territory 영토의 uneven * rugged, bumpy
rough, rugged 울퉁불퉁한
threatening *** intimidating , menacing, aggressive 위협적인 uninterested * indifferent , unconcerned 무관심한
1. impeccable : 흠잡을데 없는 2. impudent : 뻔뻔스러운 3. brawls : 말다툼, 싸움 4. flip : (스위치를) 켜다 way method, means
method 방법
5. Ill-bred : 버릇없이 자란 ; 잡종의 6. absurd : 불합리한 8. jeopardize : ~을 위태롭게 하다 1. duel : 투쟁 2. trustee : 임원, 이사 3. wary : 경계하는 11. ruminate : 숙고하다, 반추하다
=== Chapter 57 === Chapter 58
apply use, employ, utilize 사용(적용)하다 clear, obvious, evident , conspicuous, plain <-> obscure 명백한
apparent **
appreciate * recognize, value, estimate <-> disapprove
recognize (진가를)인정하다 seeming, likely, probable
seeming 외견상, 그럴듯한
available * accessible, obtainable , usable 사용(이용) 할 수 있는 appreciable *** noticeable
noticeable, detectable 눈에 띄는
capitalize on * take advantage of (좋은 기회, 사실)을 이용하다 ardent ** enthusiastic, passionate, fervent , intense <-> composed 열정적인
consumption * use, waste <-> production
use 소비, 소모 authentic genuine, true, real, bona fide
genuine 진짜의
detract * reduce, diminish, lessen <-> intensify
reduce (가치, 명성 등을) 줄이다 authorize empower, accredit, commission, enable
empower 권위를 부여하다
dimension * size 크기 broad appeal ***wide
wide popularity 폭넓은 인기
upright, vertical, perpendicular <-> recumbent 직립한, 수직의 capture ** seize, catch , snare 붙잡다, 포획하다
erect *
build, construct , set up <-> demolish 세우다 channel direct, guide, convey
direct (의도하는 방향으로) 돌리다
exceptional * abnormal, unusual, extraordinary <-> average
abnormal 예외적인 cherish value, prize , treasure, esteem 소중히 여기다
express *** communicate, represent, disclose, reveal <-> hint 표현하다, 나타내다 comprehensive **complete
complete, extensive, far-reaching
complete 포괄적인
expressly definitely, clearly <-> vaguely 명백히, 확실히 convince * persuade, assure, induce <-> discourage
persuade 확신시키다, 설득하다
fit adjust, customize, modify, shape
adjust 적응시키다, 맞추다 crust * exterior, surface, outer layer <-> endothelium 표면, 외피
habitual * customary, regular , usual, accustomed <-> sporadic 습관적인, 평소의 execute * perform, achieve, transact 수행하다
harness ** utilize 이용하다 expect ** predict, anticipate , await, reckon on 기대(예상)하다
implausible ** unbelievable , improbable 믿기지 않는, 그럴 듯하지 않은 figure * amount, number
amount 수치, 합계
institute ** establish, start <-> abrogate 수립하다, 설립하다 fragrant * aromatic, perfumed, savory <-> fetid
aromatic 향기로운
juncture ** connection , junction 연결 gainful ** profitable , paying, lucrative 벌이가 되는
long desire, crave, yearn, pine
desire 바라다 gap * opening, hole, break
opening 틈, 구멍
mysterious * puzzling, mystic, inscrutable
puzzling 불가사의한, 신비한 given ** particular, specified 정해진
obsolete ** unused, out of use ; out of date, outdated <-> current 안쓰이는 ; 시대에 뒤진 incisive penetrating, biting, acute, sharp <-> maundering 예리한, 신랄한
omit *** exclude 제외하다 irreversible * permanent, irrevocable <-> reversible
permanent 되돌릴 수 없는
owing to * because of ~ 때문에 locale ** place 장소
point out indicate, show
indicate 가리키다, 지시하다 ooze ** seep, pass through slowly (물, 공기)등이 새다
prevail ** triumph, dominate , master, overcome 이기다, 압도하다 penetrate * go through, pierce, enter , permeate 관통하다, 스며들다
recede ** withdraw, retreat <-> proceed
withdraw 물러나다 pervade * spread, permeate, penetrate
spread 널리퍼지다,~에 스며들다
reluctant ** unwilling, disinclined, loath, averse
unwilling 꺼리는 phase * period, stage, step
period 시기, 단계
search, hunt, seek
search 탐색하다, 찾아다니다 pinion ** feather, plumage 깃털
scour *
rub, polish, scrub, srape 문질러 닦다 pitiful pitiable, pathetic, piteous 불쌍한
signal indicate, beckon, sign, gesture
indicate 신호하다, 신호로 알리다 predicament ** difficult situation, dilemma , plight 곤경
silhouette outline 윤곽을 그리다 sanction * approval, permission, ratification <-> interdiction
approval 허가, 승인
slightly somewhat, a little
somewhat 약간, 조금 snatch * seize, grab, clutch
seize (와락) 붙잡다
extend, lengthen <-> shorten
extend 늘리다 subjective * personal, individual <-> objective
personal 개인적인
stretch *
reach, expanse, extent
area, reach 범위, 널리 퍼진 지역 sweat * perspiration 땀
surrounding * environment , condition, situation, atmosphere 주변 환경 therefore * consequently , accordingly, hence, thus, thence 그 결과
susceptible * prone, vulnerable , liable, subject to <-> invulnerable (영향을)받기쉬운, 감염되기 쉬운 trap * pitfall, snare, lure, bait 함정, 덫
tout praise, hype, ballyhoo
praise 크게 선전하다 difficult, complicated, problematic 어려운, 까다로운
tricky *
trifling ** trivial, unimportant , petty 하찮은 cunning, sly, astute, wily <-> dull, candid 교활한
turbulence agitation, tumult , commotion, turmoil 동요, 혼란 unique ** particular, distinct, original 특유의, 독특한
unsuitable * unfit, improper, unseemly, inappropriate <-> proper
unfit 부적당한 unrestricted * unlimited, unbridled <-> restricted
unlimited 제한이 없는
void useless, ineffectual, vain <-> useful 쓸모없는 vice * wickedness, evil <-> virtue
wickedness 악
wielding * using, exerting, exercising
using (권력 등을) 행사하는 win obtain, gain, procure, earn, acquire <-> lose 얻다
1. controvert : 논쟁하다 2. improvident : 선견지명이 없는, 절약치 않는 3. malicious : 악의적인 1. left-over : 나머지 2. Hominid : 인류, 인간 3. exactitude : 정확함 4. suffrage : 투표권 5. envoy : 특사
=== Chapter 59 === Chapter 60
abundant ** plentiful, ample, bountiful <-> scarce 풍부한 a great deal * a lot,
lot in abundance <-> not many 많음, 많이
keen, sharp, poignant, penetrating <-> blunt 예리한 added * extra, additional, supplemental
extra 여분의, 추가의
acute *
severe, critical, dire
severe 심한, 심각한 albeit although, even though, notwithstanding
although 비록 ~ 이지만
admit * in, accept, receive <-> shut out
let in ~을 들이다 allow * enable, permit, let <-> reject
enable 허용하다
affiliation * association relationship, connection, alliance <-> opposition 결연, 제휴
association, antecedent * predecessor, ancestor <-> descendant
predecessor 선조
arrangement ** configuration, structure 배열 apart from except for ~을 제외하고
assault * attack,
attack aggress, assail <-> defend, protect 공격하다 application * use, employment, appliance
use 이용
bias * prejudice <-> justness 편견 augment add, increase 증가시키다
civil polite, courteous, civilized <-> uncouth 예의 바른 avenue *** means, channel
means 수단
coalesce combine, unite , amalgamate, fuse, merge 합체하다, 연합하다 cease * halt, terminate
stop, halt 중지하다
coat cover,
cover apply, smear, spread 입히다, 칠하다 unstained, clear, pure <-> dirty 깨끗한
clean **
congenial favorable,
favorable pleasant, affable, agreeable, friendly 친절한, 호의적인 hygienic, antiseptic 살균의, 위생적인
contaminate pollute, stain, corrupt <-> purify 오염시키다 cumulate up, accumulate, amass, collect
build up 쌓아 올리다, 모으다
course *** progression, process 진행, 진전 demise end, fall, death, decease
end 멸망, 서거
debatable * questionable , arguable, disputable <-> incontrovertible 논쟁의 여지가 있는 detest strongly dislike , hate, abominate, abhor 혐오하다
determine * calculate,
calculate figure ; decide,
decide resolve, settle, judge 확인,단정하다; 결정내리다 dilute reduce, thin, weaken
reduce 묽게 하다, 약화시키다
devoid ** free from, empty , destitute, void <-> full ~가 없는(부족한) disrupt ** interrupt, interfere with, upset 중단시키다, 혼란시키다
domestic *** home,
home family, household 가정의 diverse * dissimilar, varied , various, manifold <-> identical 다양한
dominated governed, controlled , directed, 지배되는 drill * practice, exercise
practice 연습, 훈련
exercise ** practice, use 실행하다, 행사하다 ease * alleviate, relieve, mitigate <-> aggravate
alleviate 완화시키다
exhibit ** display, set forth, show, present, demonstrate 보여주다, 나타내다 empty ** vacant, hollow , void, unoccupied, blank <-> full 텅빈
extol * applaud, laud, exalt, commend <-> decry 칭찬하다 engaged ** busy, occupied
busy 바쁜
feasible ** possible, viable , workable, practicable <-> impossible 실행할 수 있는 engrossed absorded, occupied , preoccupied 몰두한
flexible ** pliable, adjustable, adaptable , plastic <-> rigid 융통성 있는, 유연한 flat, level, horizontal, plane <-> uneven, rugged
flat 평평한
even **
global * worldwide,
worldwide universal, ecumenical 세계적인 unchanging, constant 한결같은
listen to, consider, pay attention to <-> disregard 주의하다 exceed ** go beyond, surpass , have a greater number than 능가하다
heed ***
attention, notice, caution 주의 exude ** release, emit, give off
release 방출하다
inquiry * scrutiny, examination , investigation, research 조사 extreme * intense, excessive , ultimate, unreasonable <-> moderate 극심한, 극닫적인
issue * matter,
matter point, question 논점 imprecise inexact, inaccurate, loose
inexact 부정확한
potential ** prospective, possible , latent, dormant <-> actual 가능성 있는, 잠재적인 inauspicious * unfavorable, ominous <-> favorable 불길한
potentially * possibly 아마도 mask ** disguise, camouflage, pretend, cover 가장하다, 감추다
prone ** tending, susceptible , inclined, disposed ~하는 경향이 있는 merit * value, worth, excellence <-> fault
value 가치, 장점
share * portion,
portion part, allotment 몫 perspective ** view, prospect, vista 전망
status ** standing, prestige , position, rank 지위 predominantly primarily, mainly , predominately 주로
strength ** force, power , might <-> weakness 힘 prey * victim 희생자
tempt attract, decoy, lure, induce, allure <-> discourage 유혹하다, (마음을) 끌다 recast * transform 고쳐 만들다
urgent * pressing,
pressing imperative, exigent 긴급한 skip spring, jump, leap 깡충 뛰다
utilize * employ,
employ make use of 이용하다 submit yield, surrender, obey <-> resist 복종(굴복)하다
vaguely *** unclearly,
unclearly ambiguously, indefinitely 불분명하게 support, bear, uphold
support 지탱하다
sustain **
vigorous ** strong, energetic , tough, sturdy <-> lethargic 힘찬, 강력한 maintain, continue <-> abandon 유지(지속)하다
vow * pledge,
pledge promise 서약 trace ** imprint, vestige , mark, sign 자취, 흔적
1. allegedly : 이른바 2. workfare : 노동자 재교육 3. noncommittal : 애매한 4. commensurate : 비례한 urban civic, municipal <-> rural 도시의
5.. consummate : 완전한, 교양있는 6. enmity : 적의 7. inclement : 무자비한 8. increment : 증가 1. aghast : ~에 깜짝 놀라 2. din : 큰 소음 3. floccinaucinihilipilification : 부( ) 따위의 경시

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