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1-302-766-4237 * * 1 Wenark Drive Apt5 * Newark, DE

Objective: Contribute my abilities and experience to a position focusing on data
mining and predictive model building with emphasis in analytical thinking, SAS
programming and problem solving.

* SAS Certified Base/Advanced Programmer for SAS 9 : SAS Institute
* Master Degree of Science in Statistics: University of Delaware, Newark, DE (GP
A: 3.7/4.0) May2010
* Bachelor Degree of Engineering in Mechatronics: Xi'an Jiaotong University, Chi
na Jul.1999
* 2+ years extensive data mining, data analysis and statistical modeling experie
nce with SAS/SQL/R/Excel(VBA)/JMP/Access
* 8 years programming experience in system modeling and simulation with C/C++/Vi
sual Basic/Assembly
* Strong analytical skills: Regression; Experiment Design; Random Sampling; Clus
ter Analysis; PCA; GLM; Survival Analysis
* Expert in SAS (Base, Macro, Sql, Stat) and Database Management System (SQL Ser
ver, DB2)
* Good oral and written (English and Mandarin) communication skills
Statistical Analyst : Biotechnology Group, DuPont, Wilmington, DE
* Extracted Corn Rootworm datasets from database and cleaned up selected dataset
s in SQL
* Predicted mortality rate of Corn Rootworm relative to dosage and ratio of mix
-pesticides using logistic regression model in SAS
* Fitted Population Genetics Model to explain the evolution of Resistance of Co
rn rootworm to transgenic insecticidal corn in Visual Basic to get the EPA (Envi
ronmental Protection Agency) registration for a new transgenic Bt corn seed
* Simulated corn pest dispersal process and mating activity based on different f
ield plans (block refuge vs. blend refuge) in R
* Achieved auto-test by programming test script in batch file to perform sensiti
vity test on different scenarios
Data Analyst: Statistics Department, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Jan.2009-Aug .2009
* Sampled observations and screened raw datasets by Excel (VBA) to summarize des
criptive statistics in Pivot Table
* Designed experiments and surveys, analyzed data and provided statistical exper
tise to clients using SAS/JMP/R
* Presented data analysis results to the discussion panels and wrapped up final
project report
Senior Software Engineer: TOLS Software System Engineering (Shanghai) CO., LTD,
Shanghai, China Aug.2001-Aug .2008
* Scheduled development lifecycle and daily workload to group members by analyzi
ng customer product requirement
* Coded and debugged Graphic User Interface and embedded firmware for Toshiba Mi
crocomputer applications in C/C++
* Performed quality control of software development in MS Project and source con
trol in MS Visual SourceSafe
* Managed database of customer & product information and updated monthly report
in Microsoft SQL Server
Software Engineer: Polytechnic University Tech. Co., LTD, Shanghai, China
* Composed source code of Graphical User Interface for Flash Programmer with Vis
ual Basic
* Created module and product test specifications to fix bugs in source code and
maintained the test results to the clients
Fitting Egg Emergence Timing for Corn Rootworm by Gender
* Fitted egg emergence data of male and female corn rootworm using logistic regr
ession with events/trials model in SAS
* Compared daily predicted value of egg emergence with bounding 95% confidence l
imits to original experimental data
Comparing the Relaxation Methods to Lower Blood Pressure
* Drew scatter plot of the blood pressure versus four weeks of three relaxation
methods via Minitab
* Built Mixed Model with factor of treatment, week and their interaction with di
fferent assumptions of variance-covariance matrix
* Compared three relaxation methods to find best treatment to lower blood pressu
Clustering the National Track Records in 2005 for Men
* Treated Euclidean distance between pairs of countries as measures of dissimila
* Clustered countries using single-linkage and complete-linkage hierarchical pro
cedures to get several reasonable numbers of groups from the dendrograms and agg
lomerative coefficient
* Input data into a K-means clustering program of R to cluster countries into se
veral groups
* Used chosen cluster number as discriminating variable to conduct the discrimin
ant analysis
* Explained the reason for grouping the countries by principle component analysi
Predicting the Blue Nile Diamond Price
* Used stratified sampling method to collect the data sample and created dummy v
ariables of key price determinants in JMP
* Fitted the data with both log-linear and nonlinear model to decide which model
would be better to predict the diamond price

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