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Students’ Book Jayne Croxford + Graham Fruen Peri cy (© Grammor/Communication video © Grammer animation @ Culture video + Aajctves Present Continuovs, eel taking about + Weather stave verbs EE arrangements opinions + Present Continuuus fur holidays Get future arrengements started! + Comparative and superlative adjectives * Articles: a/an, the, Oartile was, were EE O + Free-time activities + Present Simple and Communication: Introducing Clothes ond +PostSimple EEE] Communication: Tein Language ecressarioe co @ story and reacting Revsion EI “Describing clothes + Past Continuous and Reading: Teenage fashions Post Simple EI Pronunciation Who we are | Hairstyles | Ustenings Firstimpressions 0nd if + Personality adjectives Writing: Describing a friend p.10 | “Negative adjectives BOE Get Culture! “lsthes for special occosions -» > The history + fobs * have to, must: mustn't Communication: Asking for Language + Describing jobs | EEOC and giving advice Revision EE piokecanddo + had to, could gr ond wore _ + Learning and exams + Expressions with take Pronunciation: ing: Learning and exams!" Describing a school + Sport verbs ondreer OG EE Revson EM + Sports equi «Present Perfect with __ |rSeateendoment | -tte eet —— That's seule Tt) o fof and fu: / 3 “Experiences EHH «Present Perfect, ever Language exetting! Writing: hofihay eral p.38 FIBRE Get Culture! "me sports » Sports in the Lake District | TWpescffims ond |= Present Perfect win Communication: Making ond Language books EE forand since EE = acrapting apologies Revicion + life stages oc Reading: Don't forget to be + Film jobs + Present Perfect and awesome! EET Pronunciation: Past Simple 1 bil + Verbs followed by | Ustening: An extra EEO 2 preposition Writing: " Language instruments Emce plans EE Revision EE + Music collocations « Defining relative Reading: Alma Deutscher - the new = clauses with who, | Mozart? Pronunciation: Don't stop | «crime which, that, where | Listening: A talent show tee xd I the music! |. personal quaities | © Writing: An email asking for information 5 + Music styles and + going toand will Communication: Talking about | + Adjectives from nouns p-00 | ES Get Culture! Festals > The Notting Hill Carnival + Wild animals + First conditional ‘Communication: Persuading GEE} Language ‘items . | 30 Roading: Mecsage inabotle | Revision EM verbs EE Verbs followed by EE + Natural events infinitive or -ing © stening: Natural events [EES] ig numbers Writing: A leoflt with tips or instructions Pronunciation: | [9 and fi} adjectiyesto pastve @G —_| clarification and checking incaon describe objects + Past Simple understanding EEG “Verbs of discovery Passive © Reading: What's it made of? [IE] Pronunciation: Material "and ereatwty Liserng: our fovourte goigets | YOST world + Technology verbs voiceless endings + Phrasal verbs with Writing: Describing « populor pond down 7 + Materials | = Present Simple Communication: Asking for Language. p.94 Terence ert te ieee Cte conflicts EEE et MOO ‘and encouraging Revision EEE + Feelings | + Revision of tenses | Reading: Bedioun butles EXE - + Extreme amo Listening: Bullying ZI That's life adjectives Writing: Replying to a problem page letter 8 + Relationships and | be allowed toand | Communication: Sympathising Language Pronunciation: Jav/ and fou) p.108 p.122. Extra reference: Student A activities p.123 Wordlist p.127 Irregular verbs p.128 Extra reference: Student B activities In this unit Free-time activities Adjectives Weather Present Simple, Present Continuous, stotive verbs Present Continuous for future arrangements Comparative and superlative adjectives Articles. an, Une und Oarticle oo What are they doing? Hi, I'm Adam. I'm fourteen and I love mals and nature. | want to become ‘vet when I'm alder Ai often hang out with my friends, an we sometimes play basketball. At the moment, I'm waiting for my Where is he? He’s always late! and this is her caf a chocolate cake at Mmm, that looks good! Mum works really 4, sa at the weekend | sametimes guitar end Ising At the weekend | [eGR et eng ores ia my bedroom, up late, nings. | get fast, and t e Saturday have a big brec my friend Adam| Zadie and I'm fifteen. |p n'a new song. I'm watching an to help me. I kno alittle bit more so bye 10:0 Who: 1 likes music? 2 wants to work with animale? Watch or listen and read. 3 is half tolian? 4 /has got a sister? 2 FEEEIEITY ivcocuice yourset and say what you usually do at the weekend. and I'm fifteen years ol he weekend, ! usually per TU aaa TUT Ey barr ‘My mum works hard. Dre Tm working now. _| He's working now. Foy eon vert De you work hard? My mum doesn't work hard, owe the work hard? Tm not working now. | He isn't working now. ‘Are you working now? | Ishe working now? Yes, do./ No, Idon't. ‘Where do you work? always, usualy, often, sometimes, never Yes, she does. No, she doesn't Yes, he is./ No, he isn't. Yes,1om./ No, 'm not. What are you doing? now, right now, at the moment 3 Circle the correct answer. 1 On school days, Bella(doesn't nelp)/ isn't helping at her mum’s café, but today is Saturday, 60 Bella helps / is helping at the café. 2. Right now, Zadie learns / is learning ‘anew song, She learns / is learning new song every month. 3 Adam often plays / is playing basketball with his friends, but he doesn't play / isn't playing at the moment. 4 Usually, Josh doesn't get up / Isn't gelling up early at the weekend, but he gets up / is getting up now because Adam is waiting for him! 4 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs. Zadie: Hi, Adam. What " are you doing (you / do)? Do you want to meet? ‘Adam: Sorry, Zadie. | can't right now. I'm with Adam. We ?_ (play) basketball. Zadie: Oh, that's a pity... * {you / always / ploy) basketball on Saturday marnings? Adam: No, not every week, but 1 (often / do) sport. CT ai el We don't usually use the Present Continuous with these verbs: believe, hate, know, like, love, need, understand, want ike animals. 7 NOTFking animals, x 5 Complete the sentences with Ue correct form of the verbs in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. 1 Josh and Adam are practising (practise) basketball now. They todo wel in ‘the match! 2 Bella's mum ——__ (hate) Cleaning tables, so Bella (help) her at the ; moment. What $ (you / do) at 3 Josh's sister the moment? (believe) studying 4 Josh's parents are in the Zadie: I'm by the river.1 * portant. She kitchen. They (fake) my dog for @ a walk. He (do) (plan) a family meal. They (sometimes / go) for her online French (need) to plan swim, but he ° (not homework right now. ‘umeul for ten people! ‘swirn) at the moment. Oh. yes. he is! Speak to you later! 6 In pairs, talk about your best friend, brother Adam: Bye for now! or sister and parents. What are they doing now? What do they like and hate doing? a! OK. See you soon, Adam. een a at eres aera ures I'm working on Sunday Hi, Zadie. What are you doing next Friday? \_ Do you want to go to the cinema? (Sorry, but 'm practising with my band on Friday. We're playing @ concert in a fow weeks and we need to learn the songs! Are you doing anything on Saturday? Yes, 'm helping mum in the café. I's her busiest day. So, what about Sunday? I'm working on Sunday morning, but I'm free in the afternoon. 1 Read the dialogue and complete the sentences. 3 @)1.s Listen and repeat. Which 1 Bella invites Zadte tothe cinema . octivies do you du ut te weekend? 2 Zadie is busy on 2 Bella is busy on ‘and Sunday 4 They agree to meet on Sunday _ 5 They decide to invite the _ go cycling / ice-skating / shopping ‘goto aconcert /a museum / the cinema help your parents play sport stayat home visit your grandparents {fm practising with my band on Saturday, He's seeing the doctor tomorrow. We're playing a concert in a few weeks. What are you doing next Friday? 4 Plan your week. Write five activities in the agenda. In pairs, try to find day when you can go ice-skating often go cycling. I sometimes . tomorrow, on Saturday. next Friday. in a few weeks together. 2 Look at Adam's planner and complete the dialogue. Sey. lie:_ Hi, Adam. Can you come to the =, cinema on ney ‘ofternoon? tip Bt Wednesday Sorry, but! “mplaving. tennis. | yon Tay ‘Are you free on Monday then? visit Grandma : Friday : No,1?_____ my grandma, Tues 6 What about Tuesday? go to London with Josh Saturday Wed 7 % Sorry, but Josh ond | da school penject Sunday *___toLondon. Ans ee runt pale oweteinsemen As Let's go ice-skating next waek é my school project. Sorry, Zadie, this weel Fesciene is really difficult! Why don't you go without me? ASOT B: Surry, but/'m... on Tuesday. eee Ecc erence Jesh: Hey, what do you think ofthe new PXIO games console? Adam: Ithink t's cool. The games ure more facing thon games onthe PX9. t's easier se and it's faster too. It's Joan, 2iRSPX consoles! inipe goa Josh: True, but it's more expensive th Adam: I’Sthemost expense hecture athe tae ‘And you can play good games, like urger. Josh: Hmm... burgers. 'm hungry Have anything to eat? ae ‘Adam: yee 've got sousages and pizza in the . Josh: Great! Pizza is better than sausa Josh: We can heat it up in the microwave Two minutes later. Adam: It's ready. Josh: Ouch, i's hott... and it isn't a wit’s hot... 8 sousages. It’s awful pe 1 Read the dialogue. Who: 1 really ikes the PX10 games console? Adam 2 thinks Sky Burger is a good game? 3 wants something to eat? 4 profers pizza to sausages? 2 () 1-4 Listen and repeat. Which adjectives do the boys use to describe the PX10 games console and which to destribe Ue pizza? Boies ‘awful boring cheap cold deliious uiffivult ecsy exciting expensive fast hot slow Loreto 8 Use the adjectives in the Vocabulary box to deseribe 1-6 4 aroller coaster 5 the Sahara desert 6 strawberry ice cream 1 Ferrari cor Jt’ fost and expensive 2 anold bicycle 3 Maths homework The PX10 games console is foster than the Px9. It's more exciting than the PX9. Pizza is bottor thon eausages. Sausages are worse than pizza. The PX10 game console is the fastest of all ‘The PX10 gamoe console is the most expencive The PX10 games console is the best/ the worst. The pizza isn't as good as the sausages. 4 Compare the two things. Use the comparative form of the adjective. Which sentences do you agree with? 1 Burgers / good / sausages. Burgers are better than sausages. 2 Maths / difficult / English. 3. Computers / expensive / smartphones. 4 Motorbikes / fast / cars. 5 Sandwiches / good / school meals. 6 Football / easy / tennis. 5 In your notebook, write the sentences in Exercise 4. Use not as... as. Sausages aren't as good as burgers. 6 Complete the questions with the superlative form of the adjectives. Then ask and answer in pairs. QUIZ What's your opinion? @ What's the best (good) computer game? © Wats (bad) phone app? © wnat's (exciting) prmgramme on TV? Q Wratere (cheap) trainers you can buy? © Whicnis _ (expensive) smartphone? whichis _(dilficut) school subject? as Meet the Explorers: Pops, Mac and Eva. They love adventure and they often travel around the world! They visit places in Africa, Asia and South America but at the moment they're at Pope's house in London, in England. Pops is Eva and Mac’s grandfather. Pops's wife, their grandmother, isn't an explorer, but she loves listening to their stories. In their house there is. big mop on the wall, When they go lo new place, they mark the place on the map! {At the moment, Eva is reading a book. The book Is about the pyramids. Eva wants to be an archacologist and find Egyptian treasure. Mac wants to be a mountain climber and meet the Yetil Pops wants to explore the rainforest in Brazil, He also wants to visit Australia! 1 QD i ts een ete wie Gy res Correct the false sentences. 1 Pops often goes to different places. @r 2. Pops's house is in Australia. T/F 3 Eva is interested in history. TF 4 Mac is reading about the pyramids. TF 5 Evaiis interested in mountains. TF 6 Pops, Mac and Eva are very adventurous. T/F . — It's @ book. They are books. Is on apple. They are epples. It's 0 big book They are big books. It's on interesting book. | They are nterestina books. Pops is on explorer Mac wants to be a mountain climber. Pops has got a map. The mapiison the wall Eva is reutliny Luoks. The books are interesting. Continents, ¢.g. Atrica, Asia, South America They visit places in Africa. Cities, e.g, London, New York, Poris ops's house is in London. Countries, e.g. England, Egypt, Brazil Pope wants to go to Broil But: the UK, the United States ‘Complete the sentences about Pops’s house with a/an or the. 1 Popslves in _o_ big house. There are ten rooms in __ house! 2 Pops's house has __ big living room and __ garden. Pops likes spending his free time in living room. Gran likes relaxing in __ garden 3 There are old apple trees in ___ garden. The Explorers like eating apples from — apple trees. Circle the correct answer. Listen and check. Invicle Pope’e backpack there's '@)/an map, an ‘archaeology book and #a / an jungle hat. Pops ‘often wears *a/ the jungle het. There's also 4a/anold camera and a diary. Pops writes in 5q/ the diary every day. It's full of exciting stories. ‘One story is about an adventure in §the / 0 Brazi Another is about a trip to ”the / 0 United States! 4 Write down what you have got in your school bag today, Use a/an and the. In my school bag I've got a book, an old schoo! tie, and a pencil case | got the pencil case for my birthday Last week, Pops was on a trip to Egypt, Antarctica and Brazil Eva and Mac weren't with him. They were at school. The trip was a disaster. Eva: Pope: ‘Mac: Pops: = Mae: Pops: 1 J)" Read and liston. What places canyousee in Pops’s photos? Why was Pops's trip terrible? Pops: 2 @) 1.s tisten and repeat. What's the weather like InPops's photos? Hi, kids, !m back! Here ore some photos. How was your trip? ee ee I wos terrible! ‘Oh, no! Why? On Monday, I was in Egypt. It was nice and sunny, but the pyramids were closed! They «are always closed on Mondays! Qh dear! 7 In Wednesday, Iwas in Anturctica. it was windy and snowy, and | was lost, : Were you scared, Pops? Yes, Iwat, There were some peng they weren't very helpful. Maybe they were lost tna! ns, but On Friday, | was in Brazil in the jungle. it was rainy and | was hungry. There were some bonanas in a tree, but there was @ big monkey too! Was it friendly? No, wasn't . Poor Pops! Here, have a cup of tea. Thanks, kids. I's good to be back home! 4 Read the dialogue again. Complete the sentences with was, wasn't, were or weren't. 1 Pops wasn't_ in Egypt on Wednesday. 2 Thepyramids _ open. cloudy cold hot rainy snowy sunny warm windy 3 The weather good in Antarctica, 4 The penguins unhelpful. A It's sunny ... 5 There some food in the jungle. 3 Look at the pictures. What's the weather like? 6 The monkey nice to Pops. 6'0'0'6'0°8 0 © Complete the dialogues with was, wasn't, were or weren't. Then listen and check. 1 It's hot. — Iwas in Egypt. Iwasn'tin Egypt. They were helpful. They weren't helpful. Yes, iLwas. Not wasn’t, Yes, they were. No. they weren't. Was the monkey frencly? Were the penguins lost? There wae a monkey. There wen't a mankoy There were some trees. | There weren't any trees. Yea, there wes. 1 Mac: _Were_ the pyramids open later? No, they It cold In Antarctica? it ! there polar bears in Antarctica? No, there the monkey friendly? 6 BEEGIEEEG tn pairs, ask and answer about your last holiday. Use the ideas below. 1 Where / you / last summer? 3 people / friendly? 2 weather / nice? 4 food / good? Wos there « monkey? ote eene ‘A: Where wore you last summer? Were there ony penguins? Reis oe B: We were in the Lake District. —_— | Who we are In this unit 1 How many names of clothes do you know? that! Clothes and cans accessories 4 Which clothes are you wearing now? Describing clothes Which clothes do you wear in the summer and in winter? Hoirstyles en a Negative adjectives | Aa Past Simple Past Continuous f ‘and Past Simple f Hi there! I'm Hannah and I'm interested in fashion. This ia my —— Street Style blog @ Every week, take photos of people wearing _ interesting clothes and of cool acrassories! You can check out my photos here. | also talk to at people about their style. Listen to the interviews here. And I make my own designs. See them here. 2 @) 1.10 Read and listen to Hannah's blog on age 10. What’s her hobby? What cun you find her blog? 3 111 Listen and repeat. Which items can you 00 in the photos on page 107 earrings handbag hat hoodie jacket leagings ring sandals scorf shirt shorts skirt socks Ue tights top toiners 4 In your notebook, match the clothes in the Vocabulary box to the body parts. 1 Head: earrinas AHands: ae 2Neck: 5 Leas: 3 Body: Feet: 5 2 Listen and repeat. Look at photos A-H in tho blog and answer the questions helow. b peered Patterns: checked floral plain spotted striped | Style: boggy casual smart tight Who is wearing: 4 a plain skirt? 1 ablue checked shirt? 5 0 floral top? the boy in photo H 6 tight jeans? 7 smart clathas? 8 casual clothes? 2 a baggy striped top? 3 a spotted dress? 6 Be 1.19 Listen to Hannah's interviews. Complete her notes. Usuolly weors: "smart clothes: Never waar = Favourite clothes: * Jake Usually wears: "comfortable, =@ gasual clothes : bed Favourite clothes: > En 7 In pairs, ask and answer questions to complete the form. Then tell the clase about your friend. Nome: + Usually wears: Never wears: volte clothes: == === ae ctaees A: What kind of clothes do you usually wear? 8: J usually wear hoodies and jeans. As Max usually wears hoodies and jeans. He... 1.14 Look at Hannah's design. Circle a, b or c. Then listen and check. Hi and welcome to my design page! | use lots of different styles and patterns for my clothes. Some of the ideas are from magazines, hut the hest Ideas are from the people I meet! This is one of my favourite designs. The model is wearing o'_c__ white T-shirt with a red checked * «She's ‘also wearing red § ‘and 4 socks! She’s got a checked * _ too. Her clothes louk comfortable and * 1a stiped — bchecked @plain 2a shirt b skirt ¢ dress 3a trainers bb shoos © boots 4aplain bchecked ¢ striped 5a scarf batie ¢ belt 6asmart beasual ¢ tight 9 Imagine you have some money to spend on clothes. Make a list of OX would like to buy. Include colours and patterns. Compare your ideas in pairs. I like to buy a striped T-shirt, some plain, black jeans Josh had a great summer Yesterday was the st day back at school. Things dint staré well First, he forgot to set his alarm, ‘Mum: Get up, Josh! It's eight o'clock. He finished breakfast, then he looked everywhere. Finally, he found t.. n his school bag! Dad: Did you leave it in your bag all summer, Josh? Josh: Yes, | did, That's gross! ‘Mum: Well, you can't wear this jumper. 1 CD D 1.15 watch or tisten and read. ‘What day Is it? What's the problem? 2 CED D 1.15 watch or lcton again, Road the sentences. Circle true (T) or false (F). Correct the false sentences, 1 Josh hasn't got an alarm clock. Josh forgot to set his alarm clock. TIE) 2 Kate's jumper was on the kitchen chai. T/F 3 Josh’s jumper was the only thing in his hag. T/F 4 Josh's writing project is in the bathroom. T/ F Oh dear, you left your dirty sports socks in your bag too! | Then, he gor dressed... well, Fhe tried to get dressed Where did | put my school jumper? ‘Mum: Did you put itn the washing machine? Kate: No, he didn't, Mum. He never puts anything in the washing machine. | saw a jumper on that choir five minutes ago, That was mine, Dad. ‘And where is my summer writing project? Your summer writing project? | wrote it yesterday ond Ileft it here. | putit ‘on the table a @ Oh, here itis, under the teapot! And it's wet. ‘Oh, no! This is the worst day of my life! [don't have a jumper and | don't have my homework! I can't go to school! 3 €D) 1.16 Listen and repeat. Find these expressions in the story. S \ ay it!) That's gross! This is the worst day of my life! 4 Does Josh go to school? Have a class vole. >oDed Now watch or listen and check. CBD cet Grammar finished breakfost. ound it in my bag. Flufy had o great holiday. 7s Shre went camping. | didn’t find it in my bag, Did you find it in your hag? No, | didn't. Where did he tind it? 9 Read Adam's notes. Write about his holiday in your notebook. yesterdoy, the day before yesterday fast week, last month, last year a minute ago, an hour ago, two days ago | ADAM'S HOLIDAY 1 not go to Cornwall = 90 to Scotland 6 Find the Past Simple forms of theee verbs in the story. 2 nt stay with Forily Which are regular and which irregular? = stoy in @ hota Sia 3 not visit Newquay | = vst Edinburgh find finish forget get have leave | | look lose put see try write 4 not eat a pasty = eat poneakee 5 not buy a surfboard = buy a kilt {find ~ found irregular verb | 7 know that! hose a verb below and play 1 Adam didn't go to Cornwall, He went to Scotland. 10 @) 118 inyour notebook, put the ‘words in the correct order. Then listen about Bella and Zadie's holiday and write down the answers. © Complete Joch'e eummer writing project wit ‘Simple form of the verbs. Which three verbs are regular? 1 did Where Bella and Zadie go ? Where did Bella and Zadie go? 2 stoy with they did Who ? 3 they What did do? wmmerwe ‘had (have) ; (stay) with my cousins in : Ea EET Ghrostel near the beach. The ora eee an There's lots to do in Comme Inthe morning, we *__(go) swimming : inthe cea ond! +___ (uy) surfing. In the afternoon. | (read) my book taiso *___(make) some mae . She doy we "___ (Wisk) Newquay and! *___ (get) my own Cee eget also * ) a tasty Comish pasty (a tecitional % oi on satan B: | went to France. raat pie). Yum! What o great holidoy! 1) EERE in pairs, ask and answer about ‘your last summer holiday. Use the questions in Exercise 10. Pops, Mac and Eva are in Egypt. They want to find the lost tomb of Princess Zara. 1 Pops’s Diary Monday tt September, E What a day! At9 a.m. we left hhame to look for the tomb were still BN ai 5 pm we ooking for it! Then we had wck, We were cyclitg desert when through the we finally sav it Look at these shoes .... and this necklace! Yes, Princess Zara loved clothes. What happened to her? its a sad story. RP: 2 Was she wearing this necklace? Yes, she was! The princess wasn't wearing be avery special dress. It was really long and that’s why something terrible happened While Princess Zara was dancing, she Pops: The princess lived Pops: A crocodile was waiting in Egypt 3,000 tri her dh 1d fell into the river! nearby. yeort 090. On the Bl eve: ,oniasi eile fet Gea oat ‘Mac: Oh, no! What happened, ight of her 18th Pops? birthday, she had Pops: Well, no one could save the a big party. it was princess. She disappeared. fantastic! Eva: How awful! But the necklace is beautiful. Help me put it on, ‘Mac. Ooh, your hands are cold! Mac: Those aren't my hands = it's Princess Zara! RUN! 1 Look at the cartoon. Where are the 2 &) 1.19 Read and listen. Then answer the questions. Explorers? Which clothes and accessories can you see? 1 What did Princess Zara love? 2 When did Princess Zara live in Egypt? boots bracelet coat dress 3 Why did she have a party? necklace sandals scarf tie 4 What happened to the princess? Ez Who is helping Cva with the necklace? nae Sane Iwas waiting. | waen't waiting They were waiting, Ze Was she waiting? 12) Were they waiting? ‘What was she wearing? (yesterciay) at five otlock, yesterday morning, yesterday evening ‘We were cycling when we saw the lost tomb of Princess Zara. While Princess Zara was dancing, she fell into the river. 3 Say what Pops, Eva and Mac were and weren't, doing yesterday morning at 8.30. 1 Pops, Eva und Mut: /hhuve / breakfast. % Pops, Eva and Mac weren't having breakfast. 2 Pops / clean /his boots. 7 3 Eva// tide / her bike. X 4 Eva and Mac / play cards. X 5 Mac / pack / his backpack. ” 6 Eva/ read / a book about Egypt. 4 Look at the pictures. Then ask and answer in pairs. 1 Princess Zara / talking ‘on the phone? ‘As Was Princess Zara talking on the phone at 8 am.? Br No, cho wasn't. 2 she / have breakfast? 3. Princess Zora and her pet scorpion / play / football? 4 they / play chess? 5 Princess Zara / read / book? 6 she/ sleep? They weren't waiting, Yer, the wes. / No, she wasn't Yes, they were. / No, they weren't Get Grammar! — At four o'clock Fluffy was having ‘party. Max ond Anna were dancing. | Hammy was eating a cake. | 5 Circle the correct answer: Then circle true (7) or flee (F). 1 Pops, Mac and Eva cycled were cycling) through the desert when they caw the tomb. (TY F 2. While Eva looked / was looking at clothes, Pops started to tell a story. We 3 The princess had / was having an accident while che was dancing. TF 4 A snake was watching them when the princess fell / was falling into the river. T/F 5 Eva was putting / put on the necklace when Princess Zara appeared. TF é 1.20 completa Pincers Zoe's diary. Use one word in each gap. Then listen and check. Yecterday was an interesting day! t nnd visitors Twas sleeping *__ they arrived. while they *_— exploring my tomb, (wale up. Av ol maw andl a boy were* —_hieroglyphizs ana a gird § putting on my necklace. (was trying to help her ® the boy saw me and soreanmeal te was strange beomuse 17 trying to scare thera wawsted to help. 7 Break the code to find out Princess Zara's question. ° Then answer the question. 5 A Communication can tell a story and react to a story. e g rst Bella: Guess what happened on Saturday! \ What? 2G eer’ shopping with Zadle for some new trainers. First, we ‘went to Lacey's, but it wos closed. Then, we went to Bramley's, Zadie tried on ten pairs before she finally found o pair she liked. { ‘Adam: No way! So what happened text? et Bella: She poid, and we were leaving the shop when the olarm went off ‘Adam: Oh,no! Why! Bella: Wel, she was still wearing one of the pairs of shoes that she Di the security guard stop her? ‘Adam: Did the security guar Bella: | Yes, but luckily he laughed when we showed him Zouie's old trainers on the floor ‘Adam: Poor Zadie! How embarrassing! 3 @) 1.23 Complete the dialogue with sentences o-t. There are two extra sentences. Then listen and check. ‘@ How funny! Poor you! No, it was on Monday. b No way! What did you do? e What? io Watch or listen and read. © What was he wearing? So what happened next? Answer the questions. 1 What did Bella and Zadie do on Saturday? 2 What happened in the shop? 3 What did the security guard do? Boy: Guess what happened last week! Gir § © Boy: I washed my football kit. My red hoodie was dirty, 80 | put that in too. 2 ©) 1.22 tisten and repeat. Gi; 2 Boy: Well, when | took the washing out, my white aes — football shorts were pink! Communication _ _ ci: > & Boy: Well, they're my only pair, so | wore them in Telling a story ‘a match yesterday. Everyone was laughing! Guess what happened on Saturday! Gir + Fist, we went to Lacey’ Then, we went to Bramley’s. 4 RSET in pairs, act out the two dialogues. Finally, she found a pair she liked. Use the Communication bux to help you. Reacting 1 Student A: You were at a friend's party when you ae cropped some cake on the sofa andl your ‘Then Whar? selwkcihorpened eit friend sat on it. Tell the story to Student B. Ose Student B: React to Student A's story. eee 2 Student B: You were playing football. Your friend eas kicked the ball to you, but it hit you on the ky hi head and you fell over. Tell the story to Student A. Student A: React to Student B's story. How funny / embarrassing / strange! Teenage fashions. \*:*2y2u"g Pecple moor! irty years ago? What about sixty years ago? Let's look at fashions from the past. In the 1960s, c lot of young Punk rock was popular in the Inthe 1990s and 2000s, people were hippies. 1970s and 1960s. The music skotebourding becurne Women wore long dresses and was loud and angry. Punks cool. Skaters wanted to be sandals, and had long wavy wanted to look different and comfortable, so they wore hair. Men wore colourful shirts shock people. They wore tight cosual T-shirts and old baggy with floral patterns, and also trousers with holes in them, old Jeons or shorts, often with had long hair and beards. |-shirts ong leather jackets. Colourful trainers. Their hair Hippies wanted peace and They had dyed spiky hair ~ was usually long and messy, freedom, and often painted blue, pink and green were and they wore baseball caps their faces with flowers and popular colours - and they or hoodies. 4 lot of people peace signs. wore cafety pine as earrings. wore skateboarding fashion, even if they didn't have & a skateboard! 1 « Comments Suzie Yesterday, | was looking at some old photos. found one of my grandma when she was young. She was wearing a red leather jacket ‘and had green hair. My grandma was a punk! 1 @) 1.24 Listen and repeat. Which of the features, an you see in pictures A-C? curlyhair dyed hair shaved hair spiky hair straight hair wavy hair bold beard moustache 2 I know that! what words describe people’ 1 look? pretty, 3 build? slim, 2 height? tall, 4 face? blue eyes, ... 3 Describe your best friend. Pavel is tall. He's got short blond hair. 4 ©) 1.25 Read and listen to the text. What fashions can you see in the pictures? What are the people wearing? When were these fashions popular? Leo My uncle was a skater. He was showing me some of his old tricks last weekend when he fall aff the skatehoardil He wasn't hurt — just embarrassed! 5 ESEESESY €D 12+ rood and listen tothe text again. Read the questions and circle H (hippies), P (punks) or § (skaters). 1 Which fashion was popular in the 19903? H/ P /8) 2 In which fashion did people wear casual, sporty clothes? H/P/S 3 Which fashion is connected with music? H/P/'S 4 Which fashion is the oldest? H/P/S 5 In which fashion did people dye their hair ditterent colours? H/P/S 6 Which fashion style in the text do you like the most? Why? 7 Read the comments to the text. What do you think. your relatives wore when they were young and what was their hair like? In your notebook, write a few sentences. ‘My mum wore pink baggy T-shirts and a lot of plastic jewellery. a Meru coke) Listening and Vocabulary text about personality. ioe rope ects pl CD Og car Nexon Selig otto '® describe you, your best friend, your mum and _—_anid Molly. Were their first impressions about them right? dad? 6 ©) 1.27 Listen again and answer the questions. 1 What was Mat’ frst impression of Liam? ecucls 2. What did he think about Liom later? ecah/o gurarlleweaeierina dienes 2 What was Elsa's first impression of Molly? isd Sleep eagantetd SSMS pores ace 4 What did she realise about Molly lator? selfish serious shy. talkative 7 Read the Vocabulary Builder. Match the negative ‘adjectives in the Vocabulary Builder to quotes 1~ mr friendly # unfriendly, kind # unkind I'm talkative, friencly 2 I know that! workin pairs. What other personality adjectives do you know? Make a furry, 3 Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the Vocabulary box. organised + disorganised, honest # dishonest, polite # impolite, patient + impatient 1 Sam only thinks about himself. He’s selfish 2 Leah never does any work. She's 3 Frank nover laughs. He's 4 Tina talks o lot. Sho's 5 Shaun is nervous and quiet whan he maats new peuple, He's 6 Gina likes giving presents to people. She's 1 ‘Tm not always nice to people! unkind! 2 ‘Tm not good at organising things’ 3 ‘Tm angry when | have to wait for something: 4 ‘I don't always tell the truth 5 ‘I sometimes talk to people in « rude way.’ 6 ‘I'm not always frienclly” 8 Complete the sentences a personality adjective. 4 Read the text about first impressions. Then iscaiss 08 9 elaax: In pairs, talk about your first impressions of 1 Agood friend is someone who is _ Liam and Molly. 2 I don't usually like people who are A: I think Liam looks serious. 3 Ladmire people who are B: agree. /I don't agree. | think he looks shy. First(: When we meet someone for the first time, we often look at them and form a ' impression’. We decide if they are polite or rude, funny or serious, and we decide if we like them or not. Scientists say we do all of this in seven seconds! eee ease Cel: My best friend exam |. My best friend Is called Sam. He's tall and stim, with tona blond hair and big blue eyes. He's not really interested in © fashion, but he always looks cool. He likes wearing big | old T-shirts and shorts or jeans. [sam and I met on our first day at secondary school. * was plaving football with some friends when he asked IF he could join in. We got on wel straight away, and now we often play football together! © Sam looks quite serious in this photo, but he’s actually really funny He's very talkative and toves telling stories. He plays tne guitar too! He's also very generous, and is a great friend. 1 Read Jonah’s description of his best 4 Read the box. Find another example of a noun with friend, Sam. What does Jonah like about more than one adjective before it in Jonah’s description. ‘Sam? Adjective order —_— 2 Read the text again. Circle true (T) re Bese |, Seer 4 ToT or false (F). Correct the false sentences. 1 Samis quite short. Sams tall TH®) new | ae adie 2 Sam and Jonah met during the Lt) re see ot holidays. TF big old | tshins 3 Theyboth lke playing football. T/F Payson serious ond quite shy. T/F ‘5 inyour notebook, complete the sentences with the words 5 Samis selfish. TF tthe toner eveise 1 My friend Sophie has got short dark hair (hair / dark / 3 Read the Writing box. Which expressions can you find in Jonah's description? fe 2. She usually wears jeans and on (hoodie / ne aga grey old). | aac 3 Todo she's wearing o ((ed/ dress /ne). , ) 4 Her dad has goto (black / beard / big). He's tall/slim /wel-but: 5 He often wearsa __ (scarf / green / long). He's got straight hair /blue eyes. He kes wearing casual clothes /jeons 6 Wnte about your bestfriend. Bees yeuinet @ Find ideas Imet ... at school /in a theatre club. We get en wal straight away Atthe beginning, | thought... , but then .. Make notes about his/her appearance, how you met, and his/lrer persunality. © Personality & drart He's kind / friendly. He looks serious / shy ‘Organise your ideas into paragraphs. Use the but actually he's very funny / ideas in the Writing box to help you. really talkative. eM check and write Check the order of adjectives and write the final version of your text. Language Revision Vocabulary 1 Logk at the pictures and circle the correct answer. Mac is wearing \Ghocked/ striped shirt with tight / baggy shorts. He's got tights / socks and “sandals / boots on. Princess Zara is wearing a §smart / casual white “coat / dress, with 2? spotted /striped scart, She's got "bracelet / necklace on. 2 Complete the text. What hairstyles have people got in your family? ve gat long tsiraight hair and brown eyes. My mum's got aw, y hair and it’s Sd d Right now it’s blond, but it was pink last summer! My dad has got ab, but he hasn't gota §m 3 Complete the table with the words in the box. honest friendly generous honest lazy selfish shy talkative unfriendly Definition ‘Adjective | Opposite 1 Apperson whois kind and nice friendly | unfrienaly 2 Aperson who does a lot of work 3 person who likes giving presents | [4 Aperson who talks o lot [9 A person who always tells the truth } Grammar 4 Complete the story with the verbs in the Past Simple. Yesterday Pops ‘had (have) a bad day. He 7__ (not find) any treasure. He ?___(not take) any photos because he didn’t have his camera. He * (leave) his map in the tent, so he & (get) completely lost! He *____ (forget) to wear his hat and the sun was really hot! 5 In your notebook, put the words in the correct order. Then ask and anawer about Exercize 4, find Did Pops any treasure 2 Did Pops find any treasure? “ony photus Did luke he 2 ‘inthe tent What Pops leave did ? forget What he towear did ? 5 he Did agoodday have ? 6 Write sentences in the Past Continuous. Ther pairs, ask and answer about what you were doing last Saturday. 1 9am / Zadie / talk to Bella At9 a.m. Zadie was talking to Bella. 2 11.a.m./ Adam / clean his room 3 1 p.m./ Josh and Adam / play basketball 4 4p.m./ Bella / help at the café 5 6pim./ Zadie and Bella / watch a video Rona ‘A: What were you doing at 9 aun. last Saturday? B: | was reading in bed 7 Circle the correct answer. 1 Adam was playing in a match when he Gcoredy was scoring a goal. 2 While Josh did / was doing his homework, Adam fell asleep! 3 Zadie listened / was listening to music when she got a text message. 4 While Josh and Zadie argued / were arguing, Bolla made some sandwiches. Communication 8 ©) 1.28 Complete the dialogue with the words int the box. Then listen and check. Act out the dialogue in pairs. do guess happened how poor wey what when Boy: '_Guess_ what happened last weekend? Girk 2 2 Boy: It was my grandma's seventieth birthday, so we went to a restaurant. We were all wearing smart clothes. Gir: So what * next? Boy: Well, the waiter was bringing the food to the table * he dropped a bow! of soup on my dad’s shirt. No § | Whet did your dad ¢ He ran to the bathroom and took his shirt off. When he came back to the table, he ‘was wearing a jacket and tie, but no shirt! Girl Oh, no! 7 ‘embarrassing! Your * dad! Boy: No, actually he looked great! We had alot of fun! Dictation 9 EES (9) 1.29 unten to short tot Then listen again and write down what you hear. Make sure you spell the words correctly. Pronunciation 10 20 Listen and repeat: Plorli/? Serious Simon wore sandals cand socks. Shy Sheila wore @ T-shirt ‘and shorts. © Ican talk about clothes, accessories, hairstyles and personal © I can use the Past Simple and the Past Continuous. © Icon tella story and react toa story. (_) 11 Read the sentences. Circle the correct answer ey bore. 1 These jeans are too big. Ineed a @ ecarf (b belt ¢ top 2. Itwos a very expensive restaurant, so he wore a jocket and a tie. a smart b spotted _¢ tight 3 Mymum has long —__— hai. a bald b baggy —¢ wow 4 Her dad is usually quite but he was laughing too. @ serious b selfish __¢ generous 5 | love my aunt Sheila. She's vary talkative and, acy b lazy ¢ friendly 6 Does your uncle have a or just ‘a moustache? a beard b ring © coat 71 sleep well last night. @ didn't b don't © wasn't 8 Where my earrings, Mum? 4 you put b did you put ¢ youdid put 9 What _____ yesterday at five o'clock? a you were doing b youdoing were you doing 10 we in the park when suddenly it started to rain, @ walked b were walking walking 11 They looking when the boy crossed the road. didn't b wasnt —_¢ weren't 12 While Jess was walking to school, she ‘a famous singer. @ wos seeing = b saw ¢ sees 13 Guess what yesterday ~ | put my phone in the washing machine! a hoppened _—b eft 14 | fell over in RE. this morning. It was so ¢ saw a embarrass ¢ embarrassed b embarrassing 18 We're both weoring the some T-shirts! funny! ¢ How a What b Who as Clothes for special occasions Clothes for Special occasions We all sometimes dress up for special occasions. When do British people dress up, and what do they wear? We talk to three teenagers. ee from Oxford Last June we had our school prom ~ a big party to celebrate the end of exams. Everybody dressed up in special clothes. The giris wore evening dresses, earrings and high-heeled shoes, and the boys wore smart sults and ties. When we arrived, everyone was smiling and taking photos. We had a meal and then everyone danced. It was a great party! 1® clothes did they wear? 2 FREESE Read the text again the questions. 1 What does the school prom celebrate? 2 What did Saskia and her friends do at the school prom? 3 What does Burns Night celebrate’ Read and listen to the text. What ‘occasions do the teenagers talk about? What Pree ecu Last week, I went to a Burns Night dinner. Burns Night is a Scottish celebration that happens every year on 25 January. We celebrate the life ‘and puetly of Svutland’s national poet, Robert Burs. | wore a kilt with @ white shirt and a tie. All the men Were wearing kilts — a traditional Scottish skirt for men. There was a special meal of haggis and vegetables, and | played the bagpipes! )) O) Helloween LO) New Year's Eve and answer ® Seu ey Cie a a My sister got married in the summer. My grandparents are from India. and a lot of my family still ives there, but everyone came over for the wedding = thre wore about 300 gueete! | wore a bright pink sari a traditional Indian dress — with a gold bracelet and a necklace. All of my cousins wore different coloured saris, so it was a very colourful wedding! Listen to Joe. Where is he from? Tick () the occasion he talks about. Mother's Day Saint Patrick's Day Listen again and answer the questions. 1 When is Saint Patrick's Day? 2 Who can you watch in a big parade? 3 What does Joe wear? 4 What does Joe's family do in the evening? 4 What did Ewan do at the Burns Night dinner? 5 How many people went to Meera wedding? 6 Why was it a ‘colourful’ wedding? 2 0 to 3 Which of the occasions would you like to go to? Why? A CRED wetch the video and answer the presenter’s questions. Name three things that people make from tweed. 8 CRED ict he video ogcin ond cel the corectonower 1 The lole of Harris is an island in Wales / Scotland. 2 People started to make tweed there 200 / 300 years ago. 3 In the past, the differant colours came from insects / plants 4 There are some colourful suits / skirts in the shop. 5 Doctor Who is wearing a tweed hat / jacket. © Which of the clothes from the video are your favourite? Why? PROJECT The occasion we ® Work in groups. Make a video or a poster want to talk about is presenting the clothes people wear in your pare en sare Ere ae eee aerate wor and gs wear ® Choose an occasion. Use these ideas ta help you. FScels vey dae? eat .../have alot weddings parties family events in school events festivals other celebrations © Propare clothes for a bey and a girl. Take « photo or make a video of one of you wearing these clothes and prepare a description of the occasion and the clothes. Use these questions to help you. What is the occasion? When and where is it? © Share your videos or posters with the class. What do people wear? What do people do? Which is your favourite presentation? Why? ae Working hard In this unit 1 Work in groups. Think of a job for each letter of the that! ‘obs alphabet. Here are come jobs to get you started: of Describing jobs astronaut bus driver chef dog walker English teacher make and do Learning and exams Exprottions with take have to, must, mustn't had to, could When Jack Miller left school, he is worried, He didn’t know at he wanted to do. Then Jack Inweek one, Jack was a ' ; He worked in a toy factory. The toys were cool, but the Job wos Orig ! After that, he was a 2 Jack In week three, he wos a * didn't like it ~ and his customers hated twas @XéitiRg, but it wos Bangerous their hairstyles! too. Flow man windows” Srethore Noxt, he was a 4 in London. This week Jack isu * es He liked his uniform, but the job interesting ond WelIIBGId and he wos SASIEAGING. Tourists usked lin meets famous people. Now Jack asks ' difficult questions! the difficult questions! 11.83 Listen and repeat. Which jobs would you Uike to try? architect cleaner dentist ‘engineer factory worker firefighter hairdresser secretary tour guide cumputer programmer journalist 2.) 1.26 Reod the acrtoon on poge 24 and complete it with the names of the jobs. Then listen and check. 4 Write the names of the jobs. Who: 1 looks after your teeth? dentist 2. cleans offices and schools? 3. designs or builds machines? 4 writes programmes for computers? 5 designs new buildings? 6 makes phone calls and organises meetings? 5 (J) 1.25 Listen and repeat. Find the opposites of adjectives 1-4 in the Vocabulary box. - badly paid boring chellenging dangerause safe well-paid easy exciting 3 badly paid + 4 safe + 1 exciting + _borin 2ewy # 6 &) 1.26 Read about Jack's other jobs. Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives. Then listen and check enjoyed working as « computer programmer. | played a lot of computer yumes. This job wasn't dongerous, it was °s My week as o cleaner was not bad, but I didn't earn much money. It was tb 7 Which of Jack's jobs do you think is the most and the least interesting? Why? 6 1.97 Listen to three people. What jobs do peopl i they do? How do they describe them? Speaker 1 | Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Job Description 9 EERE which jobs do people in your familly do? What are their jobs like? My aunt is « teacher, It's a challenging job, but she loves it 10 Complete the sentences. Choose jobs from this page or use your own ideas. Compare your answers in pairs. 1 The most exciting job is 2, The most boring job is 3 The easiest job is __ 4 The most challenging job 5 The strangest job is _ 6 The most dangeraus job is 7 The best job for me is ! The police officer's job was * exciting . It wos never boring. We caught a famous criminal, soitwas *d too! job. Was my job as an engineer Fe No, it wasn't! Building roads and bridges is difficult! It's really *e. ! ‘What job's next? Who knows ... My live in the, dream come “he sometimes 924 flat above it The true for mam bu ss tired. Murm's ‘and the cleaner 2° the ef th waitress ; Ch tay tadl Yesterday, Zadie came 3) Oh, Zadie. youre making « mess Oops... sorry. 'm doing my Yeu but be carefull You mustn't mic up the chillies andthe peppers. Oh, are they chiles Gen you taxe a solomi and pepper sandwich to table two, please, Bellu? Gk Mur Bo hove to do the shes next? No, you don't. You don’t have to do anything else, Bella. !can manage. Thanks for your help, girl. 1 Read the extract from Bella's diary. Where do Bella and her mum live? What jobs does Bella’s mum do? 2 Watch or listen and read. Answer the questions. 1 Where does Zadie want to go? 2 Why can't Bella go? 3 What does Zadie offer to do? | 4 What food does the customer order? 5 What did Zadie put in the sandwich? © Go ee Hi, Raila. Do you want to come to the park? Tid love to, but | have to help mum. She's super busy todoy. ‘What do you have to do? Thave to make some sandwiches. No problem. | con help. Hmm, don't know. Mur? Sure, Zadie. You can help Bella with the salami sandwiches. But ‘you must wash your hands before you start, and you must put onan ‘opron and gloves. ees, Ca - er as: — pis Customer: Er... excuse me, ‘Can | have some water, please? sa bt. spicy. z ella, Bella! What did you give this gent Asolomi sandwich, Mum on Stemen? (Qups! | think | put some chillies in that sandwich, Listen and repeat. Find these expressions in the story. Say She's super busy. I can manage 4 What happens next? Have a class vote. @ The customer complains about the sandwich. b The customer loves the sandwich. :opod Now watch or listen and check. CTT a nS Ihave to help. _Idon't have to help. Hehastohelp, |_| Hedoesn't have to help. Do youhave to help? Does she have to help? What do you have to do? By res ccnp. Ihave to help mum, = I must help mum. (= i's necessary; You don't have to help mum. (= Itisn't necessary) ‘You mustn't mix up the chilies and peppers. (= Don't do itt) Yes, Ido, Be erst ccnp | 6 Complete Bella's diary with have to, has to, don't have to. or doesn't have to. Sunday, 3 October ‘My mum *has to waka p ery early! She > make cakes in the in ‘and she?____ do theshopping too, but she *. wake the sandwiches. She does that when the café opens Tsomatimeshalp har when she’ busy, but 1s help on weekdays. 1°*___daimy homework than! [ usually help at the eh aaa a in the sandwiches or sa serve customers. me dathe dishes - there's a dishwasher Luckily) wwe ®___ inthelitchen! 7 In poirs, ask and answer questions about the expressions highlighted in Exercise 6. A: Does Bella's mum have to wake up eurly? B: Yes, she does. LOOK! ‘You must wash your hands. NOI You must to wash your hands. ‘You mustn't mix up the chillies. NOT You mustn't to mix up the chilies. 8 The next day Bella is making a salad. What are her mum's instructions? Use must or mustn't. 1 wash the cucumbers 7 You must wash the cucumbers. 2 cutup the tomatoes W 3 use the chilies - they're too hot! 4 adda lot of salt ¥ Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't. 5 add some olive oil ¥ 6 sneeze in the solad x Get Grammar! Fluff sil. She has to stay in bed. Max and Anna have to take care of her. 9 Circle the correct answer. 1 You(rustn’/ don't have to stay up late. You've got an exam tomorrow. 2 We mustn't go / don't have to go to. school today. It’s Sundoy! 3 You mustn't / don't have to touch the cooker. t's hot! 4 We mustn't /don't have to help this morning. There aren't mony customers. 10 @) 1.41 Listen and repeat. Then complete the questions with make and do. make makeamess make your bed make breakfast /lunch / dinner do domyhomework do the dishes dothe shopping do your best 1 Who usually has to do_ the shopping in your family? 2 Do you often have to breakfast or lunch? 3 Doyouhave to homework at the weekend? 4 Doyouhave to ___ your bed inthe morning? 5 Who has to the dishes after meals? 6 Do you always have to tidy up when you ames? 1) BEEEIEEES 1 pairs, ask and pai answer the questions in Exercise 1 ane’ We have to go down the river. Look, there's a motorboat. Whe | started exploring, there weren't any motorboats, We hod to.use a canoe, but leauld paddle really well ‘Mac: We know, Pops! Look! A monkey! Where’s my camera? Use my phone, Pops. 3: When | was a travel journalist, we had to use a camera! Did you have to use that one, Pops? = Yes, | did. I's old but it still works! Which way now? Let's look at my map. : Don't worry, Pops. The GPS says ‘turn right. 3: When | was a jungle guide, | could get to places without GBSI And | could read « map really well! MATINATI XIAO co 's OK, Pops. Look! A Smartphone 100? Mac: What are they saying? Use the translate opp! He's got a mobile Cool Eva: | can't! The phone is out of battery. hone! Pops: In my day, we didn't have to worry about pliones or batteries. When | Couldn't speuk language, | used my dictionary. Here! 1 ve ios te ation Uae 2 @) 1.42 Read and listen. Answer the questions. | equipment can you Breet equipment an you oe") 1 Which boot did Pops use in the past? Recaeeky eaeee 1G GueSuoak 2 What des he want to take a picture of? sleeping bag suitcase tent torch 3 Which jobs did Pops do in the post? 4 What didn’t Pops have in the past? z 5 Why does Pops ‘give up"? Cert TT areas We had to use canoes. We didn't have to use canoes. Did you huve to use cunves? |_| Yes, did. /No, didn't, What did you have to use? What could she use? We had to use conoes. (= It was necessary.) We didn't have to use a phone. (= It wasn't necessary) | eouldl read @ map. (~ | was able tn doit) | couldn't speak a language. (= | wasn't able to do it) 3 Complete the sentences with had to or didn’t have to. 1 When Pops was young, he had fo use canoes. 2 When the Explorers were in the Amazon, they se canoes - they used 4 motorboat. 3 When Pops was young, he toke photos with a camera. 4 When the Explorers were in the Amazon, they _ take photos with a camera - they used a phone. 5 When Pops was young, he 6 When the Explorers were in the Amazon, they use «1 map - they used GPS. 4 What did Pops have to do last weekend? Ask and ‘answer in pairs. 4 wash his socks ¥ 5 write his diary 7 & read @ guidebook ¥ 1 get up early 2 cook breakfast X 9 wake up Mac ~ ‘A: Did Pops have to get up early last weekend? B: Yes, he did, She could use a phone. She couldn't use a phone. Could she use a phone? Yes, she could, /No, she couldn't use @ map. Get Grammar! Prehistoric cats had to find their own fool They could hunt really well 5 In pairs, ask and answer about what you had to do last weekend. 1 get up early? 3 do homework? 2. tidy your room? 4 yo shopping? ‘A: Did you have to get up early? B: Yes, I did. /No, I didn't. 6 In pairs, ask and answer questions about what Pops could or couldn't do when he was @ young explorer. 1 ride a bike X ride a comel 7 2 climb mountains “climb trees ¥ 3 speak Chinese X speak French 7 4 play chess W play football ¥ A: Could Pops ride a bike? B: No, he couldn't. But he could ride a camel. 7 Ask and answer about what you could or ‘couldn't do when you were ten years old. ‘A: Could you play chess? Bt No, Icauldn't! 8 1.23 Complete the dialogue between Pops and his friend Albert. Use one word in euch yap. Then listen and check. Did you find the lost tribe of Anamata? Yes, we did. Were they friendly? Yes, they ware. But we ‘couldn't speak their language. to use your dictionary? We used a translate opp. 24 they understand you? Pops: Yes, they could. They invited us to a party! Albert: Did you have *_ eat jungle food? Pops: Yes, we © We ate fried snake — | Communication | can ask for and give advice. I've get o Saturday job and tomorow 's my first day. What should a i H ink should look smart on your fir I. Adam: OK, wait a minute. ‘Adar: What do you think? j Joshi Hmm, not bad, but in my opinion, you shoul. wear trainers. They don't look very smart. And why don't you put on a tie? ym: What about this? ‘ dam Horse that’s much better. By the way, what's the job? ‘Adam: Well, i's not a job reully. 'm o volunteor. At the animal rescue centre sn town, Fi Josh: Animal rescue centre? What do you have to do’ ‘Adam: hove to clean the cages and feed the dogs! Joch: In cawhite shirt and a tie? 1 GO 1. Watch or listen and read. What advice does Adam need? What's Josh's advice? In pairs, act out the two dialogues. Use the Communication box to help you. 7 1 Student A: You want to go to the cinema, but 2 &) 1.45 Listen and repeat. : ren ane Tepe you've got an exam tomorrow. Ask Student B for advice. Student B: Give advice to Student A. 2 Student B: You'd like to earn some extra money, Asking for advice but you don’t know how. Ask Student I need your advice. / Can | ask your advice? for advice, What should | wear? Student A: Give advice to Student R Giving advice You should ook smerrt You shouldn't wear trainers. In my opinion, you shouldn't wear trainers. What about wearing a white chirt? Why don't you put on a tie? 1.46 Put the dialogue in the correct order. Listen and check. Act out the dialogue in pairs. # You shouldn't go to bed so late. But ve already set three alarms on my 5 In pairs, act out dialogues for these unusual situations. Then think of your own ideas. aulve 1 There's a giont ow in my bed! [As here's o giant ow! in my beat! } Kote: You're right. | should go to bed earlier See = What should | do? Anna: You should set another one then! : B: You should yive tu suusuye! [E) is. ty Jit you dat ch Blain on your a9 : me 2 My mum's coming to teach English at my school! 1) Kote: I need your advice, Anna. | was late S Reap tintca again for school this morning. What 4 Ican't stop watching videos of cats on the Internet z should | do? What do you want ta be when you grow up? A footballer, a doctor, an engineer? Before you decide, take a look at these unusual job: work as a circus performer. | have to travel a lot and proetise hard, but Hove performing! How did | get the Job? | could juggle when | was six. Then, when I was eighteen, | went to a.circus school, There aren't any animals in my circus ~ s0 I don't have to train lions ... But it can stil ‘be dangerous wnen you're juggling with knives or with fire! J Chocolate Sp taster aoa » work for a chocolate company. My job ie to tacte new typos of chocolate. | have to give them { score out of ten. | also write down the taste, for example: sweet, creamy, or bitter. You don't have te have any special training to do the job, but you have to love ‘chocolate! t's u great job, but last year I had to visit the dentist sic times! ee work as a gomes tester | test the differant levele of each game, and have to write down any problems. I's fun, but it can be boring. Last week Ihad to test o really easy kids game ‘again and again! You don't have to bbe an onport to do the job but you have to be good at computer games. Fu studying computing in the evening because I'd ike to become programmer. 1 &) 1.47 Look ut the photos. What do you think the people do? Read and listen to the text and check. 2. Find words 1-6 in the text. Match definitions a-fto words 1-6. 1 (Jf) practise 4(_) bitter 2 LD juggle 5 C) train 3 C) score 6 () expert «@ teach an animal to do something b a person who knows a lot about something © opposite of ‘ewoot” d throw objects into the air and catch them € the number of points £ do something again and again, so that you get better 9 PEEING rod the toxt again and complete the sentences with one, two or three words in each gap. 1 Dan loves his jab but he has to practise hart ancl 2 Before he got is job, Dan was at _ 3 Tobe a chocolate taster, you don't need any 4 The bad thing about Megan's job is that she often has to go 5. Robbie's job is sometimes boring because he has to test the same game 6 Robbie is studying in the evening because he wants to 4 Which of the jobs in the text would or wouldn't you like to do? Why? / Why not? 5 Play What's my job? Think of ° ‘an unusual job and do a short mime. The class must ask questions to guess the job. You can only answer Yes or No. As Do you work with animale? ‘e) °o CC: Do you have to wear a uniform? D: Are youwan elephant trainer? eum u RR ciit) Listening and Vocabulary text about learning 1 Tknow that! How many school subjects canyou 5 (J) 1.50 Listen to Alice talking to Oscar. ‘one minute? Which subjects do you like and Answer the questions, 1 What did Oscar have to give up last month because of exams? 2 @B) 1.20 Listen and repeat. Which expressions yo with Perfect Patricia, and which go with Lazy Lenny? 2 Who's more hurd-workiny: Oscur ur Alive? ° ©) 1.50 usten to alice and earning and exams ‘Oscar again. Circle the correct answer a, b or ¢ ‘copy someone's work do well /badly take notes 1 What exam did Oscar take today? ‘get c good / bad mark hand in your homework @ History (6)Science ¢ Maths pase /failan exam revise for atest take on exam 2 What did he have to do in the exarn? a doanexperiment b write an essay © answer questions Perfect Patricia Lazy Lenny 3 What does he think about the exam? 1 He thinks he failed b He thinks he did quite well. © He thinks he did really well. 4 What does he have to do tonight? @ gotothe cinema b help his mum ¢ revise for his next exam 5 What is Alice going to do about her English homework? do well copy someone's work @ handitinlate —_b doitat the cinema 3. Complete the quiz with the verbs in the box. There are iokcony peg iiend vcr two extra verbs. 7 Read the Vocabulary Builder. Than completa the sentences. copy do fail get hand miss pass revise take Plucis toke a photo takeanexam take medicine take notes take the bus What kind of student are you? ‘You've got on important exam next Friday. What do you do? eit Sac tea aot Ubbiethe worn 1 Can take @ photo of you with my new bie for half an hour the night before the exam. re 2 I'm taking an English next week You forget to do your English homework. 3 Did you take any in today's ‘0 Tosk my teacher if can ___in the homework history lesson? tomo. 4 usualy walk Lo schol, but whe iL ins Task friend if! can *____ their homework. Itoke the 5 A: Ive got a headache. Yous ‘on exam. What do you do B: You should take some . bofere the next one? bb Nothing. Some people” baat school but 8 288. theyie tH aaa. 1 Do you have to take a lot of exams? Do you think it's @ good idea to take a lot of SSS exams? Why? / Why not? 2. How much homework do you get a week? 4 Q) 1-49 De the quie und add up your score, Then listen ISfetoo much or not enough? to find out what kind of student you are. Do you agree? My ideal school PTC My ideal school iso large sunny building in the ‘countryside. There are comfortable sofas in every classroom and there aren't any desks. Outside, there's a big pluyyround with trampolines end a Funfair! Lessons start et ten o'clock, so that students don’t have to get up early. Students don't have to take tests or exams and they don't have to wear a uniform, They ean ‘wear caaual clothes, euch ae T-shirts and jeans ‘After school, thore are lots of school clubs, including ‘drama, sports and music. There's a school trip every month, for example vist to an IMAX cinema, or a trip to the beach. The atmosphere is very good and the teachers are friendly. I's a great school! 1 EEE wot do you tike best about your school? What don't you like? 2 Read Susie's essay. Tick (¥/) the things she writes about. the school building (7) exams (J classrooms atypical day homework (LL after-school clubs CO school holidays FE) exheei nine ‘9 Read the Writing box. Which expressions can you find in Susie's essay? O The bui Ws a big /mall building n the countryside. | ‘There's a playground / a swimming pool. ‘There ore computers / sofas In every classroom. @ The school routine, rules, clothes Lessons start at... and finish at... You can wear casual clothes. ‘You have to / don't have to wear a uniform / take exams. © After-school activities, the atmosphere and conclusion There are schoo! elubs/ trios. ‘The atmosphere is good / great / amazing. It's « greet place. love going there. 4 Read the box. Then complete the sentences with such as, for example or including and your own ideus. Giving examples There is @ schoo! trip every month, for example ‘visit to an IMAX cinema, or a trip to the beach. They can wear casual clothes, such as T-shirts ‘ond jeans. There are lots of schoo! clubs, including drama, sports and music. 1 Inmy school there are lots of sports to choote from, for example haskethall and football, 2 The school shop sells great food, 3 You can wear the clothes that you like, 4 There are some really good clubs, 5 CREED wie about your idea! school. @ rina eas Make notes about your ideal school. Use Exercise 2 to help you and add your own ideas. &Q drare Organise your ideus into paragraphs. Use the ideas in the Writing box. i check and write Check you have included examples ‘and write the final version of your text. Language Revision Vocabulary Grammar ‘1 Who needs these things? Label photos A-F with the names: 5 Complete the dialogue with the correct of jobs. form of have to. Adam: 1_Do you _have to go te football practice this afternoon? Josh: No,I* We ® play today. Why? ‘Adan: I've got four free tickets for the cinema. Josh: Cool! Are Bella and Zadie free? ‘Adam: Zadie's free - she * goto hand practice Josh: * Bella help her mum? ‘Adam: No, she & Josh: Great - we can all go! 2 Match thaword hlves, Neto tfereh oective to one 6 Complete the sentences with must, mustn't job in Exercise 1. More than one answer is poeeiblo. or the correct form of have to. 1 You _must_ put on some sun cream. It's averted 2We__get up earl. It’s the summer challeng “ay Sy) aa holidaye! 3 You touch the dog, It con bite! ; 4 pee Swed his school uniform. esate veo atic 5 Sheila toke her medicine. t's important! 3 Match sentence halves a-e to 1-5. 1 (2) The dishwasher isn't working. Can you do 2 LJ on Saturday morning | always do 3 L) Don't worry about your exams. Do 4 (_) Tidy your room and make 5 () thave to make 7 Complete the toxt about Pops with had to, didn’t have to, could or couldn't. @ the shopping with my dad. 'b your best and you'll be fine! © my packed lunch before I go to school. d your bed, please! e the dishes, please? 4 Complete the questions. Then ask and answer in pairs. copy do hand pass ‘take 1 Do you usually _hanc_ in your homework on time? 2 Do you always notes in your English class? 3 Doyou ever other people's work? 4 Did you all of your exams last year? i 5 Doyou usually well or badly in Maths tests?

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