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STEM 434/534 Lesson Planning Template Spring 2021

(Complete answers in Purple font)

Topic: Ocean Properties and
Name: Selena Moore Grade: 4th
Brief Lesson Description:
In this lesson, the students will act as scientist and researchers to investigate the physical properties as well as the movement of
the ocean water. The teacher will encourage the students to act like scientist by asking them to hypothesis, experiment,
question, observe, analyze, collect data, and conclude information. The teacher will be using real life examples like the tragedy
of the Titanic, the meeting of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, and Tsunami tragedies to connect the lesson. The students will be
separated into groups and will attend to four different learning centers: 1) Sink/Float test, 2) Wave Investigation, 3) Effects of
Temperature, and 4) Salinity Research. The students will use all this information that they have gathered to form a final project
for the lesson in the form of a research magazine.

Specific Learning Outcomes:

• Students will be able to use proper vocabulary when discussing salinity, temperature, density, currents, tides, and
• Students will investigate ocean water and will be able to analyze that data in order to form conclusions.
• Students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge using technology.
• Students will be able to identify the physical properties of water.
• Students will be able to identify the cause of waves, tides, and currents.

• S: I want my students to able to apply the scientific process to their learning, as real scientist do.

• M: The students will complete all assignments using the scientific process with an 80% accuracy.

• A: Students will need to apply their prior knowledge of the scientific process, perform experiments, use technology,
and will use teacher led instruction to guide their thought process.

• R: It is important to learn how to apply the scientific process to learning because it builds problem solving and critical
thinking skills.

• T: By the end of the lesson (2 weeks).

• Summary: The students will use the scientific process to strengthen their problem solving and critical thinking skills
by acting like scientist. By the end of the second week, the students will have completed all assessments with an
average of an 80 or better.

How did this lesson develop as a result of your examination of research and data about employing culturally sustaining
pedagogical strategies? (Think equal opportunity, student interests, race, gender, disabilities etc.)
I think the students will find this lesson very interesting because they will be assuming the role of a scientist throughout the
whole lesson. The students will be able to do hands-on activities, watch videos, read information, and demonstrate their
knowledge by creating a magazine using technology. The lesson is not restricting to one gender, religion, exceptions, or race;
all students will be able to participate and engage in the lesson. Videos can be easily translated and subtitled, reading and
instructions can be translated, pictures will be associated with the activities, the lesson is very active and involves several
discussions, and the use of technology will allow a larger span of students the opportunity to create a masterpiece.

Narrative / Background Information

Prior Student Knowledge:
Students already know of the importance that water has on Earth, they know that the water consist of living and non-living
things, as well as know how Humans can negatively affect the Earth’s water.
Science VA SOL Health VA SOL NGSS
Essential Health Concepts Waves
4.7 The student will investigate 4.1 Safety/Injury Prevention 4-PS4-1. Develop a model of waves to
and understand that the j) Explain appropriate protective describe patterns in terms of amplitude
ocean environment has gear when engaged in physical and wavelength and that waves can
characteristics. Key activities such as cycling, cause objects to move.
characteristics include rollerblading, skateboarding, and
b) physical properties and water sports.
movement of ocean water;

Science & Engineering Practices: (You must tie engineering practices into your plan)
• The students will be conducting research and actively learning through experimentation.
• The students will be making hypothesis, analyzing data, and making conclusions based off their research in order to
create a research magazine.
• The students will be creating a model (diagram) to demonstrate their knowledge on the patterns of ocean waves.
• The students will act as researchers in this lesson.

Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
• Students may have the misconception that the ocean consists of the same type of water.
• Students may have the misconception that salt water and fresh water behave the same way.
• Students may have the misconception that all movement of water are called waves.
• Students may confuse the term density.


ENGAGE: Opening Activity – Access Prior Learning / Stimulate Interest / Generate Questions:
Day 1
Time: 60 mins
Student Materials: Science Journals and Pencils
Teacher Materials: Computer, researcher passes, and “Atlantic and Pacific Ocean Hypothesis” worksheet copies

• The teacher will have the classroom decorated in an ocean theme, have researcher passes created for each student, and
the materials and goals for the day listed on the board.
• The teacher will play the “Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride” song while the student come into the class and settle down.
The students are expected to have all the material that they need for today on their desk.
• (Promotion 10 mins): The teacher will begin the class by announcing that the students have been invited to become
researchers that will conduct an investigation on the ocean water. The teacher will call each student up by name and
ask them this question, “Do you accept the responsibilities of being a researcher of science?”. After that the student
will return to their desk and the next student will be called up until the whole class has accepted the responsibility of a
• (Boat name 5 mins): The teacher will inform the students that they will be boarding a boat that will help them conduct
their research. The teacher will ask the student what they would like to name their boat but will remind that it has to be
inclusive and appropriate for the class. The students will offer their suggestions and will vote on the one they like
• The teacher will announce that “insert boat name” is leaving and their first destination is to the meeting place of the
Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.
• (Concept Map 10 mins): The teacher will ask the students this essential question, “What properties does the ocean
water consist of?”. The teacher will ask the students to keep this question on their mind as they continue with the
lesson. The teacher will then ask the students what they know about the ocean water and make a concept map using
the conceptions that the students have about the ocean water and its properties. The middle of the concept web will be
the words “Ocean Water Properties”. The teacher will guide the students by asking them questions like, “Have you
ever been to the beach and accidentally tasted the water?”, “What did it taste like?”, “Why do you think the ocean
tasted like that?, “How can there be salt in the water?”, “Where does it come from?”, “Is the entire ocean salty?”,
“What different kinds of water are in the ocean?”, “How are waves formed?”, “What plays a role in forming waves?”,
“What do you know about currents and tides?”, and “What are some ways you have seen the ocean move?”, and “Can
you think of any events that have taken place with water?”. The teacher will use these ideas to guide the lesson.
• (Group Discussion 15 mins): The teacher will show a picture from a video called “Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean
Meeting”. The picture is located at the 46 second mark. The teacher will use this picture to encourage critical thinking.
The teacher will allow the students to take over this discussion and will separate the students into groups of four. The
teacher will act as the facilitator. The students will discuss what is going on in the picture and why they are not
mixing. The teacher will hand the student an “Atlantic and Pacific Ocean Hypothesis” worksheet. Each group will fill
out one worksheet and will need to put all their names on the paper. Three students in each group will be assigned a
role. The first student will be assigned the recorder in the group, recording the hypothesis, the reason behind the
hypothesis, and the questions that the students want to ask the teacher and their classmates. The next student will be
assigned to speak for the group when the class comes back to discuss with the teacher and their classmates. The last
student will be instructed to turn in the worksheet at the end of the day. The teacher will keep note of the students in
each group.
• (Share 15 mins): The teacher will ask the students to go back to the originally assigned desk and will ask the assigned
student in group 4 to share what their group hypothesized and why. The teacher will continue this until all the groups
have been able to share. The teacher will act as the facilitator and will allow students to ask their classmates questions
about their hypothesis and students will also be allowed to bring up their questions to the teacher. The class will still
be expected to raise their hand for their classmates and teacher to answer the questions they might have.
• (Journals 5 mins): The teacher will ask the students to get out their science journals and create a KWL chart. The
teacher will ask the students to fill out the “Know” and “Want to Know section” in their journals before the end of
• The students will be reminded to take care of their researcher passes and to bring them back the next day.

Day 2 and 3
Time: 120 mins
Students Materials: Science journals, pencil, researcher passes, and “Safety Lab Rules”.
Material Provided for Students: “Learning Centers” worksheet, goggles, and center materials.

Center 1 (Sink-Float test): Cardboard, metal paper clip, bead, rock, styrofoam, toothpick, and two clear containers of water, one
with salt water and one with freshwater.

Center 2 (Wave Research): Clear container of fresh water, rock, QR code, and a straw.
• (Make ahead of time: Ocean in a bottle) water bottle, dye, water, funnel, and vegetable oil

Center 3 (Effects of Temperature): Clear container of water, dye: red and blue, five foam cups, and a thermostat.
• (Have ahead of time): Thermos of hot water [center controlled by teacher]

Center 4 (Salinity Research): QR code, cup of salt water, cup of fresh water, and 2 eggs.

Teacher Materials: Computer, center labels and QR codes, center materials, clear cup of salt water, clear cup of fresh water,
two eggs, Ocean in a bottle, paper towels, and copies of the “Learning Centers” worksheet.

• The teacher will have the classroom decorated in an ocean theme, materials and goals for the day listed on the board
and will have the learning centers ready to go before the students arrive.
• The teacher will play the “Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride” song while the student come into the class and settle down.
The students are expected to have all the material that they need for today on their desk.
• (Discrepant Event 5-8 mins): The teacher will announce that the first discovery has been made and as scientist it is
important that it is shared with the class. The teacher will have one clear cup of salt water and one clear cup of fresh
water along with two eggs. The teacher will ask the following questions: “What do you think will happen when I put
the eggs into the two different types of water?”, “Will we get the same result with both cups of water?”, “Does it
matter that I have two eggs?”, and “What is the difference between these two cups of water?”. The students should be
offering some ideas to the teacher, providing the teacher with a basic understanding of the student knowledge on the
• The teacher will conduct the experiment. The teacher will place one egg in the fresh water and the other egg in the salt
water. The teacher will also suggest that we test and see what happens when we use only one egg and when we use
two eggs in one type of water. Continue manipulating the water and the eggs until it is clear that the students connect
that the two types of water have different physical properties.
• (Safety Rules 5-8 mins): The teacher will inform the students that they will be conducting a variety of experiments
while they are on their boat in order to later publish a magazine on their research for other scientist to view. The
teacher will remind the students that as scientist, there are safety precautions that they must take and will refer to the
students “Safety Lab Rules”. The teacher will read allowed the safety rules and will then ask the students to echo those
rules to confirm that they understand. The teacher will remind students that because they are studying the ocean water,
water could potentially end up in their eyes and therefore the class will need to wear safety goggles and put their hair
back. The lack of following these safety measures will result in the student receiving a zero for that day’s
• (Scuba Diving Safety 5-8 mins): The teacher will take this time to refer back to their previous lesson on scuba diving
safety. The teacher will ask the students to recall what they remember and ask about what safety precautions scientist
would take while studying the ocean water. After briefly offering some ideas, the students will watch a video called
“Kid Scuba Diving Gear” that is found in the PowerPoint.

EXPLORE: Lesson Description – Materials Needed / Probing or Clarifying Questions:

Students Materials: Science journals, pencil, researcher passes, and “Safety Lab Rules”.
Material Provided for Students: “Learning Centers” worksheet, goggles, and center materials.

Center 1 (Sink-Float test): Cardboard, metal paper clip, bead, rock, styrofoam, toothpick, and two clear containers of water, one
with salt water and one with freshwater.
Center 2 (Wave Research): Clear container of fresh water, rock, QR code, and a straw.
• (Make ahead of time: Ocean in a bottle) water bottle, dye, water, funnel, and vegetable oil
Center 3 (Effects of Temperature): Clear container of water, dye: red and blue, five foam cups, and a thermostat.
• (Have ahead of time): Thermos of hot water [center controlled by teacher]
Center 4 (Salinity Research): QR code, cup of salt water, cup of fresh water, and 2 eggs.

Teacher Materials: Computer, center labels and QR codes, center materials, clear cup of salt water, clear cup of fresh water,
two eggs, ocean in a bottle, paper towels, and copies of the “Learning Centers” packet.

• As soon as the students have their safety goggles on the teacher will hand out the “Learning Centers” packet. The
students will ask the students to get back into their groups that they were in the day before. The teacher will have notes
of this in case a student has forgotten which group they belong to. The number of their group corresponds to the
learning center that they should start with. Ex: Group 4 should begin with learning center #4-Salinity Research.
• The teacher will ask the students to assign the following roles to the people in their group and to write their role on
their piece of paper if they have one: a time watcher, a person who will ask the teacher questions, an emergency
person, a station cleaner, and team leader (encourages group to work as a team). The teacher will inform the students
that a survey will be done of each of the members in the group after the lesson to ensure everyone is working on the
experiments together. The students will begin conducting research, working together, and filling out their packets as
they go around to each station.
• The teacher will be the leader of center #3-Effects of Temperature because the hot water could be dangerous to the
students. The teacher will be sure to mention this when each group comes to that center.
• Center Instructions: Each center is 20 minutes.
- Center #1 (Sink-Float test): In this section, the students will form a hypothesis on which items they think will
float or sink. The students will then test their hypothesis by dropping each item into the fresh cup of water and
then into the salt cup of water. The students will discuss why they think that happened. The students should not
misuse the water or tools provided.
- Center #2 (Wave Research): In this section, the students will test a variety of ways that water can be moved.
The students will also be able to observe the ocean in a bottle and make connections from that. The students
should not misuse the water or tools provided. Students will also scan the QR code but should go back their desk,
away from the water, and watch the corresponding video.
- Center #3 (Effects of Temperature): The teacher will conduct an experiment to show how hot water rises and
cold water falls. The teacher will draw from real life connection to this scenario. The teacher will ask students
questions like: “What do you think will happen when I make the water hot?”, “Is the water affected by hot and
cold or is it all the same temperature?”, and “If there are different temperatures then where are they in the
ocean?”. The teacher and the students will discuss with each other about this event.
- Center #4 (Salinity Research): The students will be able to conduct the same egg experiment that the teacher did
the day before to verify what they know and have seen at this point. The students will discuss why they think the
egg floats in the salt water and why it doesn’t float in the fresh water. The teacher will have a QR code posted that
the student will need to scan and watch at their desk (away from the water). The students should not misuse the
water or tools provided.

• Throughout the lesson the students will be filling out the “Learning Centers” packet.
• The centers should be completed within two days; the first center being completed by day 2 and the other three centers
completed by day 3.
• The students will be reminded to write on their KWL chart in their science journals.
• The students will be reminded to take as many notes as possible because it will help them make their magazine that
they will publish later.
• (Clean-up 5 mins): On day #1 of experiments, after the students have spent 20 mins in their first center, the teacher
will ask the student to clean their stations and return to their desk.
• Once the students have finished the centers on day 3, the students will be given a survey where they will rate their
team members. The students’ will receive two participation grades, one on their teamwork and one for the packet. The
students will have to of meet a certain rating from the survey to maintain a 100 in participation for teamwork. The
students will be told this ahead of time.

EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined:

Day 4
Time: 60 mins
Student Materials: Science Journals and Pencils
Teacher Materials: Computer

• The teacher will have the classroom decorated in an ocean theme, materials and goals for the day listed on the board
and will have the learning centers ready to go before the students arrive.
• The teacher will play the “Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride” song while the student come into the class and settle down.
The students are expected to have all the material that they need for today on their desk.
• (Discuss 5 mins): The teacher will begin class by asking the students what was the most interesting thing that they
learned from their research. The students will offer some of the ideas they were excited to find out and maybe didn’t
know or where shocked by.
• The teacher will hand out the “Ocean Water Properties” vocabulary sheet to the students. The teacher will instruct the
students to use the vocabulary sheet to write in the new terms they will be learning in class today. The teacher will be
sure to tell the students when to write a definition down and to draw a corresponding picture to help them remember.
• (Explain 45 mins): The teacher will discuss and explain the information from every center. The teacher will ask the
students to share the information that they found out from each section until all the sections have been discussed. The
teacher will ask questions like, “What did you find out during your research?”, “Were you shocked by the results or
not and why?, “Is there something else you would have liked to test?”, “Can you explain to me why you think what
happened did?, and “How would these things effect living and non-living things?”.
• During each section the teacher will explain the information further using a PowerPoint, video, and pictures:
• Explain Center #1 (Sink-Float test): The teacher will ask the students if they understand the terms density and
salinity. The students should offer the teacher ideas. The teacher will define density and salinity and relate it to the
students’ ideas and the activity from the center.
• Explain Center #2 (Wave Research): The teacher will explain to the students the different kind of water movement.
The teacher will introduce the terms: currents, tides, tsunamis, and waves. The teacher will ask the students if they
know the difference and then will define the terms for the students to add to their vocabulary sheet. The PowerPoint
will have a video.
• Explain Center #3 (Effects of Temperature): The teacher will ask the students “What causes the water to be hot on
the top and cold on the bottom?”, “What are some things that may result in heat rising from the ocean?”, and “What
does this activity relate to?”. The teacher will discuss the differences in temperature and how it might affect marine
life. The PP will have a video.
• Explain Center #4 (Salinity Research): The teacher will ask the students where they think salt comes from, why it
might be important to ocean life, and “How does salt end up in the ocean?”. The teacher will make the connection
between salinity and density. The teacher will explain where the salt comes from and the significant role in plays in
our oceans. The PP will have a video.
• The last 10 mins of class the teacher will announce that the students will have a test on these vocabulary words in
three days so they should be studying them every night until then.
• The teacher will also take this time to answer any questions that the students may have.

Day 5
Time: 60 mins
Student Materials: Science Journal, Pencil, iPad
Teacher Materials: Computer

• The teacher will have the classroom decorated in an ocean theme and the materials and goals for the day will be listed
on the board.
• The teacher will play the “Under the Sea” song while the student come into the class and settle down. The students are
expected to have all the material that they need for today on their desk.
• The teacher will announce to the students that they will be working in partners today. The teacher will have several
activities laid out for the day.
• (15 mins): The first activity that the students will be doing is a vocabulary diagram on their iPad using Canva. The
students will need to include the five vocabulary words discussed in class, a picture/drawing, a video, and a
description of each word.
• The teacher will be working with the lower-leveled learners during this activity but will be available to answer
• (15-20 mins): The second activity that the students will be doing is they will be recording each other answering three
questions from the “Researcher Interview” sheet. One student will record and ask the other student three questions and
then the two will switch roles.
• Student will need to submit the first two activities through Google Classroom.
• (15 mins): The students will individually write in their science journals about how the properties of the ocean water
and the movement of ocean water affect and play role in our everyday life. Students should explain their answers and
provide examples to support their ideas. They should write at least a paragraph.
• The last 15 minutes of class the teacher will ask the students to use their iPad to answer this question using Padlet;
What are we still confused about at this point in the lesson? The teacher will use the student responses as a guide into
the next lesson. The teacher will take the time to clear up any misconceptions or answer any questions before class

Vocabulary: Salinity, Density, Currents, Tides, and Waves

ELABORATE: Applications and Extensions

Day 6
Time: 60 mins
Student Materials: Science Journals, Canva App, iPads, Headphones, and Pencils
Teacher Materials: Computer, PP

• The teacher will have the classroom decorated in an ocean theme, materials and goals for the day listed on the board
and will have the learning centers ready to go before the students arrive.
• The teacher will play the “My Heart Will Go On” song while the student come into the class and settle down. The
students are expected to have all the material that they need for today on their desk.
• (Reminders 5 mins): The teacher will take this time to answer any questions that the students may have, will remind
students of there vocabulary test the next day, will remind the students about their essential question, “What properties
does the ocean water consist of?”, as well as remind students to take as many notes as they can to help better prepare
them for their magazine project.
• The teacher will announce that the “insert boat name” is moving to a different location. The boat will be going
towards the North Atlantic, the part of the Atlantic that the Titanic ship sank, to investigate some possible ways that
people could have survived the sinking of the ship. The teacher will remind the students of the research that they
conducted a few says prior and will ask them to recall what they discovered during their sink-float test. The students
will take this time to offer some things that they learned floated and didn’t float.
• (Titanic: 15 mins): The teacher will ask the students to get their iPads and to scan the barcodes that are in the
PowerPoint. These QR codes will lead the students to a website and a video that discusses the tragedy of the Titanic.
The students will silently check out the website and watch the video.
• The teacher will ask the students to name one issue that they noticed resulted in fewer people surviving the sinking of
the ship. The students will hopefully mention the lack of lifeboats, the lack of people on the boats, and the freezing
cold temperatures.
• The teacher will then ask what kind of water the Atlantic Ocean is, salt water or fresh water.
• The teacher will ask the students to consider some ways that they think people could have survived long enough to get
rescued. The students will need to apply prior knowledge from the sink-float test to draw conclusions.
• The teacher will ask the students to consider some of the items they could find on the ship that would relate to their
tested items.
• (Activity 20 mins): The students will create a diagram on Canva showing the potential ways that people could have
survived the sinking of the ship. The students will post this on Google Classroom along with a brief explanation of
why they think the items they listed would have helped.
• The teacher will use this assignment to plan for remediation if necessary. The plan will be to conduct another sink-
float experiment but this time weighing the two types of water and each item.
• (Waves/Tsunami’s 15 mins): The teacher will show this video this video: The teacher
will announce to the students that while they were doing their research on the boat, a massive storm started to bring up
some big waves.
• The teacher will ask, “What might be causing the big waves?”, “What can these massive waves cause for the people
on land and on the sea?”, “What is a Tsunami?”, “Are there other reasons that a tsunami can occur?”, “Explain what
else might cause a Tsunami.”
• The teacher will then show these videos:,, and
• The teacher will encourage the students to take notes to help them with their project later.
• (Conclude 5 mins): The teacher will take the last 5 mins of class to answer any questions and address any
misconceptions that the students may have.

Day 7
Time: 60 mins
Student Materials: Science Journals, iPads, Canva App, Headphones, KWL chart, and Pencils
Teacher Materials: Computer, PP, and copies of the “Ocean Properties and Movement” vocabulary test

• The teacher will have the classroom decorated in an ocean theme, materials and goals for the day listed on the board
and will have the learning centers ready to go before the students arrive.
• The teacher will play the “Ocean Currents” song while the student come into the class and settle down. The students
are expected to have all the material that they need for today on their desk.
• (Vocabulary Review 5 mins): The teacher will remind the students that their vocabulary test is today and will quickly
review the vocabulary words with the students one more time before the test.
• (Vocabulary Test 10 mins): The teacher will hand out the vocabulary test and the students will quietly take the test
individually. Students should turn in their test as soon as they are done and proceed to complete the “Know” section of
their KWL Chart in their science journals while other students finish their test.
• If students perform poorly on the vocabulary test, time will be set aside to elaborate more on the vocabulary words.
Students will work in partners to do a study session.
• (Magazine 45 mins): Once the students have finished their test the teacher will announce that the student will need to
group up with a partner for the magazine assignment. The students will need to obtain an iPad and proceed to the
magazine template on the Canva app. The students will need to obtain their “Learning Centers” packet and their
science journals to comprise a title page and an additional three pages for their professionally published researcher
magazine. The teacher will give the students the rubric to guide their design and layout of their magazine. The
students will need to include an interesting title page that will show an introduction to the information inside the
magazine. The other three pages should consist of the properties of ocean water and a resource page. The students will
be encouraged to make a mind map before starting their project as well will be encouraged to look up additional
information for their magazine project.
• The teacher will guide students, clear up misconceptions, and answer questions as needed.
• The students will have the next day to finish their magazines and will be reminded to save their work.

Day 8 and the beginning of Day 9

Time: 60-120 mins
Student Materials: Science Journals, iPads, Headphones, and Pencils
Teacher Materials: Computer, Google Classroom, and PP

• The teacher will have the classroom decorated in an ocean theme, materials and goals for the day listed on the board
and will have the learning centers ready to go before the students arrive.
• The teacher will play the “Ocean Currents” song while the student come into the class and settle down. The students
are expected to have all the material that they need for today on their desk.
• The teacher will take this time to answer any questions that the students have about the assignment.
• The teacher will announce that their magazines will be published by the end of the day, so they must have them
submitted by then.
• As students finish their magazines they will need submit them to Google Classroom for them to be published.
• The next day the teacher will have copies made of the students’ magazines for them to show their peers and families.
The teacher will take the time to applaud the class for being such amazing scientist. The teacher will allow a little bit
of time in class for the students to show off their magazines.

Formative Monitoring (Questioning / Discussion):

• The students will receive a participation grade for group instruction-based on the team survey. Part 1 (40 points)
• The students will receive a participation grade for completing the “Learning Centers” packet. Part 2 (60 points)
• The students will receive a participation grade for participating in class and group discussions. (100 points)
• The students will receive a classwork grade for completing the vocabulary diagram, researcher interview, and the
written paragraph. (100 points)

Summative Assessment (Quiz / Project / Report) (Include a rubric):

• The students will compete the “Ocean Properties and Movement” vocabulary test. (100 points)
- Review vocabulary prior to the test.
- 7 questions, 10 mins (14 points each plus one extra credit problem will be available for 5 points).
• The student will complete a diagram as a small project. (100 points)
- Use the Canva App.
- Assignment will be done individually but some lower-level students may be partnered with a higher-level student.
Two different diagrams are still required.
- Students will need to list at-least three items that could help people during the sinking of the Titanic and a brief
explanation of why.
- Should be posted of Google Classroom.
• The students will create a research magazine displaying all that they have learned in class as a big final project for the
lesson. (100 points)
- Research magazine should be completed within two days.
- Assignment will be done in groups of two.
- Students will submit on Google Classroom.
- Teacher will print out magazines when they are completed.

Plan for differentiation: (Be sure to specifically address the following learners)
• Students with high-incidence disabilities (e.g., autism, ADHD, mild learning disorders)
For these students the teacher will use learning centers to keep the students engaged throughout the entire lesson. The
students will also receive printed versions of the PowerPoint ahead of time to help them keep up with notes as well as
the vocabulary. The teacher will give the students a copy of the KWL chart that they can glue into their science
journals to fill out and complete. The students will be allowed to write, or video record their answers on their iPad (the
teacher will provide a digital copy of the “Learning Center” packet). These students will also receive more time to
complete activities if necessary.
The teacher will provide plenty of videos, visuals, and translated versions of all copies provided to the class. The
teacher will have the students watch any YouTube videos in their native language if possible. The teacher will use
their peers to help them along the learning centers and the magazine assignment. The teacher may pair these students
with a peer on certain assignments that may be difficult for these students. The teacher will be sure to explain the
lesson, ask questions, and clarify any confusion by using simpler language and/or by providing all instruction and
discussions in their native language if deemed necessary. These students will receive more time to complete activities
if necessary.
• Gifted learners
The teacher will address the needs of these students by asking higher-level questions throughout the lesson, using
group instruction, and allowing for expansion of knowledge to occur during the titanic diagram and research magazine
assignments. These students will have plenty of access to technology to research any topics that they may be curious
about regarding the lesson. The teacher will ask these students to write their questions in their science journals, write a
short summary of what they learned and the questions they answered, and the website or videos that they watched to
expand their knowledge.

Elaborate Further / Reflect: Enrichment:

• How will you evaluate your practice?
- The teacher will evaluate their practice by paying attention to the level of work and vocabulary being
demonstrated from the students. The teacher will also use the vocabulary test to determine if a further explanation
is needed before moving onto the research magazine project.
- The teacher will use the titanic diagram created as a guide for understanding student’s conceptions of density.
- The teacher will use discussion time to reflect on several parts of the lesson that may have been confusing to the
students and may need clarification the next day.
- If students fail to understand the information and the evidence that is needed to complete the research magazine
project, then the teacher knows that the lesson failed, and that the teacher will have to reteach the topic in a
different way.
• Where might/did learners struggle in the lesson?
- Students may struggle to understand the different properties of salt water and fresh water and their relationship to
density. The teacher will constantly refer back to the concepts above and use multiple ways of teaching the
differences and similarities.
- Students may struggle to compete the research magazine because they may not know how to organize the data
they have collected. The teacher will encourage the use of a mind map and provide examples of what a research
magazine looks like.
- Students may confuse currents, waves, and tides. The teacher will provide ample videos and demonstrations to
help make those relationships.
• How can the lesson be strengthened for improved student learning?
- The lesson can be strengthened by more thorough explanations of vocabulary and discussion.
• Did the lesson reflect culturally sustaining pedagogies? If not, how can this be enhanced?
- I actually do not know if it does or not. My lesson, I feel, does not single out anyone from being able to learn and
feel included. I definitely have tried not to exclude anyone through visual representations or information. I have
included multiple ways of learning, differentiated questions, songs, videos, real-life examples, hand-on materials,
and culturally relevant projects. I could probably improve the lesson by using more differentiated videos, visuals,
and examples.

• Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride Song:
• Researcher Pass:
• Atlantic and Pacific Ocean Meeting:
• Atlantic and Pacific Ocean Hypothesis:
• KWL Chart:
• Safety Lab Rules:
• Learning Centers Packet:
• Learning Center Posters: These will just be written on a piece of construction paper.
• Team Survey:
• PowerPoint:
-QR Codes:
• Ocean Water Properties and Movement Vocabulary Sheet:
• Under the Sea Song:
• My Heart will Go on Song:
• Canva App:
• Padlet:
• Researcher Interview:
• Google Classroom:
• Big Wave Video:
• Tsunami Video #1:
• Tsunami Video #2:
• Tsunami Video #3:
• Ocean Currents:
• Ocean Properties and Movement Vocabulary Test:
• Mind Map:
• Extra Videos:,
• Rubric for research magazine:
Materials Required for This Lesson/Activity
Quantity Description Potential Supplier (item #) Estimated Price
1 PP School Free
2 Clear container Teacher $2
5 Styrofoam cups Teacher $1
2 Blue dye and red dye Teacher $3
1 Thermos of hot water Teacher Free
4 Eggs Teacher $1
1 Rock Teacher Free
1 Plastic bead Teacher Free
1 Styrofoam Teacher Free
20 Science Journal Teacher/students $1 each
20 Headphones School NA
20 iPads School NA
20 Pencils Teacher/students $1 each
20 Copies Teacher/school Free
1 Computer School NA
1 Google Classroom School Free
1 Canva app School Free
1 Salt Teacher $1
1 Paper towels Teacher $1
1 Cardboard All teacher Free
1 Metal paper clip $1
1 Toothpick $1
1 Water bottle Free
1 Oil $2
1 Funnel $1
1 Thermostat $5?
1 Plastic straw $1
1 Padlet Free
1 Rubric Free

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