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Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 157 (2016) 93–100

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Performance evaluation of a thermally concentrated solar

thermo-electric generator without optical concentration
K.Y. Sudharshan 1, V. Praveen Kumar, Harish C. Barshilia n
Nanomaterials Research Laboratory, Surface Engineering Division, CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore 560017, India

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Recent research has shown the use of solar thermoelectric generators (STEG) to be an alternative method
Received 10 January 2016 of harnessing solar energy. They comprise of a spectrally selective absorber coupled to thermoelectric
Received in revised form materials to generate power as governed by the Seebeck effect. Since output power generated is
17 April 2016
dependent on thermal gradient in the STEG, it is important to maximize this parameter. This can be done
Accepted 14 May 2016
by increasing energy absorbed from the sun and minimizing energy lost from the system. Herein, the
former has been achieved using thermal concentration by area while the latter has been addressed by
Keywords: use of a vacuum enclosure. The effect of varying enclosure pressure on convective heat loss from the solar
Solar thermoelectric generator selective substrate (α ¼0.90, ε ¼ 0.15, area: 22.4 cm  12 cm) was studied. It was observed that at
Thermal concentration
100 mbar enclosure pressure, convective heat transfer coefficient as low as 0.6 W/m2 °C (cf., 10 W/m2 °C
Absorber coating
at atmospheric pressure) was obtained. This resulted in the rise of substrate temperature from 97 °C at
Heat transfer
ambient pressure to 142 °C at 100 mbar enclosure pressure, an observation validated by simulations.
Further study was conducted where open circuit voltage (OCV) and output power were observed and
efficiency was calculated at different enclosure pressures. In these tests the effect of using a large area
absorber was also studied. It was observed that decreasing the enclosure pressure increased the OCV,
output power and efficiency of the STEG setup. It was also noted that using a large surface area absorber
further increased the OCV and output power of the setup. During the course of the study, a maximum
OCV of 823 mV, output power of 44.2 mW, and an efficiency of 0.82% were achieved by the setup at an
enclosure pressure of 100 mbar and thermal concentration ratio of 22. The results show that the present
setup may be used as an alternative to optically concentrated STEGs which require a power consuming
solar tracking system.
& 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Thermo-electrics generate an electrical potential gradient from

a thermal gradient as governed by the Seebeck effect [7] expressed
The need for researching alternative sources of energy has as:
arisen due to the growing demand for power and also the detri- V OC ¼ ðSp Sn ÞðT H T C Þ ð1Þ
mental impact of the use of conventional fuels [1]. The sun being
where Sp and Sn are Seebeck coefficient of the ‘p’ and ‘n’ junctions
the most widespread and abundant source of energy is therefore
and TH and TC are temperatures of the hot and cold junctions.
the most viable option [2]. Photovoltaics and large-scale solar
Thermo-electrics are mostly used as waste-heat recovery sys-
thermal power systems are currently the most used means of
tems but can be coupled with spectrally selective substrates to
harnessing solar energy [3,4]. Recent research shows that spec- harness solar energy. These arrangements are called solar ther-
trally selective absorbers coupled with thermoelectric materials moelectric generators (STEGs). The growing interest in STEGs is
can serve as an alternative solar energy harnessing technique for due to the fact that they require no working fluid and have no
micro-power applications [5]. Focus on the latter has increased in movable parts, which greatly reduce, if not eliminate, the need for
recent years since further growth in the field of photovoltaics is regular maintenance [8,9]. This would be particularly beneficial for
now limited [6]. power generation in remote locations where logistics would make
regular maintenance unviable.
Efficiency is critical for every energy system. Improving STEG
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H.C. Barshilia).
power generation efficiency can be done by increasing the thermal
Present address: Department of Mechanical Engineering, BITS Pilani, gradient across the hot and cold junctions of the thermo-electric
Pilani, India. modules, by improving the absorber (application of solar selective
0927-0248/& 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
94 K.Y. Sudharshan et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 157 (2016) 93–100

coatings) and module efficiencies (which can only be increased by energy from the sun. Most of the energy is contained in the
improving TEG figure of merit [5]). Maria Telkes had used optical wavelength range of 0.4–2.5 mm [19]. In order to draw maximum
concentration using a Fresnel lens and achieved a system effi- energy from the sun, the absorber should ideally be almost
ciency of 3.36% way back in 1954 [10] and was one of the pioneers entirely absorptive in this range and have very low emittance. This
of STEG research. Other work on STEG comes from Nattestad et al. can be achieved by means of certain coatings atop metal sub-
[11], who achieved only 2.42% system efficiency. Further work was strates. In the experiments that follow, an AlTiN/AlTiON/AlTiO
done by Olsen et al. [12] in 2013 where they sought to demon- based absorber coating with α ¼ 0.90 and ε ¼ 0.15 on an aluminium
strate near 15% efficiency from their setup far outstripping the substrate was used [15]. The angular dependence of optical
performance of the former. Aside from using optical concentration properties of the spectrally selective absorber coating can be found
and vacuum enclosure, they also used a water cooling system to elsewhere [20,21]. The efficiency of the absorber given by Eq. (2)
cool the cold junction of the STEG module. [22] critically affects the efficiency of the STEG setup.
The main drawback in the above setups, which prevents their
σϵT 4abs
widespread use, is the need for a solar tracking system. Such a ηabs ¼ α  ð2Þ
system is required due to the fact that maximum transmittance of q
a Fresnel lens occurs when solar flux is incident along its principal
axis [13]. The tracking system also feeds off the already minimal 2.2. Convective heat transfer
power generated by the STEGs, therefore, making the system
unviable for micro-power applications. Daniel Kraemer et al. had It is the form of heat transfer in occurring in fluid medium. It is
come up with an alternative to the above setup and achieved one of the primary causes of heat loss in the STEG setup. Exposure
better efficiencies (4.46%) without the use of optical concentration of hot surfaces to the atmosphere leads to heat exchange between
by using vacuum, a nano-structured absorber coating and cooling the surface and the medium causing a cooling. The heat exchange
system instead [14]. Nanostructured absorbers show higher by convection is expressed as follows [23]:
absorptance and lower emittance than other coatings, improving
absorber efficiency and therefore hot junction temperature. By Q_ conv ¼ hA ð3Þ
placing the module in vacuum, they managed to minimize heat
loss from the hot end by convection, while the cooling system The term ‘h’, is dependent on the conditions of the fluid med-
served to lower cold junction temperature. The aggregate effect ium. It must also be noted that convective heat loss rate is also
was the increase of the temperature gradient in the module and proportional to the term dT/dt, i.e., the rate of change of surface
thus higher system efficiency. temperature. This term is higher for hotter surfaces and lesser for
Experiments recently conducted by Candadai et al. saw them colder ones. In other words, the hotter junction of the STEG system
achieve an efficiency of 1.2% at an optical concentration ratio of 65 would cool faster than the colder junction, which would mean that
using commercial Bi2Te3 modules by coupling to solar selective the temperature gradient across the STEG would drop at a very
substrates [15]. Wan et al. [16] on the other hand, coupled STEGs quick rate. The principle behind the present experiment is to
with photovoltaics to get improved system efficiency of 13% in a reduce the heat loss by convection by varying ambient conditions,
very innovative design. The research into TEGs has created such i.e., ‘h’ rather than dT/dt since the former is intrinsic to the material
excitement in the world of research with new innovative designs and its surroundings while the latter is dependent on the tem-
such as the Flexible Thin Film TEG [17], opening new avenues for perature of the system which cannot be compromised. The impact
applications. It must be noted, however, that applications are of ambient pressure on ‘h’ has been previously studied by Hosseini
restricted by feasibility, particularly economicity of the setup, and Saidi [18] where they found that the heat loss rate decreased
which is one focus of this experiment, i.e., to create a maintenance with enclosure pressure.
free setup with easily available components. The above phenomenon can be understood mathematically by
In the present work we demonstrate the use of thermal con- the means of the following expressions. Decreasing the enclosure
centration in the STEG device. The first part of the present study is pressure, can be viewed as a decrease in density of enclosure gas.
to understand the impact of enclosure pressure on the convective Eqs. (4)–(7) show that decreasing pressure decreases the value of
heat transfer coefficient (h) in the setup. Since convective heat ‘h’, which in turn decreases the heat lost by a surface (Eq. (3)) [24].
transfer is the main cause of energy loss from the hot junction, P ¼ ρRT ð4Þ
minimizing this factor would significantly improve system effi-
ciency. This is an implication of the study conducted by Hosseini where P is pressure of gas, ρ is its density, R is the gas constant and
and Saidi [18], one of the few researchers to study the impact of T is the temperature of the gas.
enclosure pressure on the convective heat transfer coefficient. This Ra ¼ ρ  Gr ð5Þ
study also serves to test the solar selective coating performance as
well as the ability of the enclosure to create and maintain vacuum. The density of the gas affects Ra which is the Rayleigh's num-
The coefficient of convective heat transfer in this assembly is also ber. Gr in the above equation is Grashof's number.
measured. The latter part of the study is the application of the "  16 #2
1 1 f4
results achieved from the above performance tests to determine Nu ¼ Nu20 þ Ra6 ðPrÞ ð6Þ
the power and efficiency of the STEG setup in the enclosure con-
ditions. It also helps to evaluate the impact of thermal con- Ra in turn affects Nu which is the Nusselt's number while f4(Pr)
centration by area. is a function of the Prandtl's number.
Nu ¼ ð7Þ
2. Theory k
This directly impacts ‘h’ as shown in the above equation where
2.1. Solar selectivity L is dimension factor while k is the coefficient of thermal con-
duction of the fluid. The estimation of ‘h’ is carried out by the use
The solar spectrum is comprised of three major regions – Ultra- of the following heat balance equation which takes into account
Violet, Visible and Infra-Red, each of which contributes to the heat loss by convection and radiation. Conduction has been
K.Y. Sudharshan et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 157 (2016) 93–100 95

neglected due to the minimum heat transfer involved in this following formula where V and I are voltage and current produced
pathway. by the setup, respectively:
dT s   P out ¼ V  I ð11Þ
mC p ¼ αqAinc  ½hAðT s  T c Þ þ σεA T 4s  T 4enc  ð8Þ
This value is maximum at matched load condition, i.e., when
where m is thermal mass, Ts is temperature of the substrate and external load matches internal resistance of the circuit [25,26]. The
Tenc is the temperature of the enclosure. Aside from determining input power on the other hand can be calculated as:
the steady state temperature of the sample, the first experiment
P in ¼ AαqX ð12Þ
also seeks to prove this hypothesis and the validity in its
application. where A is area of absorber, α is absorptance, q is incident solar
flux and X is the concentration ratio applied on the incident light.
2.3. Thermal concentration For X¼ 1, the efficiency of the system is calculated by the formula:
P out
The solar selective absorber serves as the hot end of the STEG ηð%Þ ¼  100 ð13Þ
P in
assembly. Assuming the STEG assembly to be similar to a Carnot
heat engine, the absorber is analogous to the heat source. To Using the above equations we can derive the expression for
achieve highest efficiency the maximum temperature of the efficiency of the STEG system as shown in Eq. (14).
absorber must be raised. This is achieved by use of optical con-  
centration where incident solar radiation is focused on a small
αqAinc  σεArad T subs 4 T surr 4 hAconv ðT subs  T surr Þ P out
η¼ ¼
absorber area to obtain high temperatures. There are primarily αqAinc αqAinc
two drawbacks to this technique. First, an optical tracking system ð14Þ
is required for optimum performance, which consumes power and
where Ainc is the area under the incident radiation, Arad is the area
second is the fact that variation in radiation intensity immediately
involved in re-radiation and Aconv is the area dissipating heat by
affects absorber temperature. Thermal concentration is a means to
overcome these drawbacks. In this technique, a large surface area
flat plate absorber is coupled to the TEG modules. The use of such
an absorber allows a higher amount of energy to be absorbed (as
3. Experimental details
absorbing area has increased).
Q in ¼ αqAin T r ð9Þ 3.1. Setup
where α is absorptance, q is incident heat flux, Ain is area of
The experiment was conducted in two parts with the following
incident flux and Tr is transmittance of glass. This is particularly
useful when solar intensity is low (overcast conditions) where a objectives. The objective of the first part of the experiment was to
small amount of energy can still be drawn despite the reduced conduct temperature studies on solar selective substrates at var-
solar flux. Hardly any energy can be drawn in optically con- ious enclosure pressures as well as to test the integrity of the
centrated setups under similar conditions, since the energy enclosure. The second half of the experiment used the results from
absorbed from incident flux to that lost by convection is insuffi- the first to evaluate the performance of the STEG system on the
cient to generate an adequate thermal gradient. Increasing the basis of open circuit voltage and output power. Due to the different
absorber area presents another advantage by serving as a stable objectives, the setups for the two halves of the experiment had
heat source. Heat flow at the absorber-TEG interface results in a certain differences. The common feature was the enclosure. The
maximum heat loss at the interface, which implies that should enclosure consisted of a vacuum chamber of inner diameter 24 cm
incident flux be interrupted the hot end temperature quickly and a height of 15.7 cm, with 4 outlets. The top of the chamber
reduces, causing a decrease in STEG output. The effect of these was closed by a glass plate of thickness 1 cm which was held in
intermittent fluctuations can be overcome by means of using the place by the vacuum in the chamber. Each of the 4 outlets of the
large area absorber where heat energy from non-interface areas chamber was used for different purposes. These outlets are num-
compensates for local temperature variations. As a result tem- bered as shown in Fig. 1. Outlet 1 was connected to the vacuum
perature measurements indicate slightly higher temperature at pump with a butterfly valve. Outlet 2 was fitted with a vacuum
interface, leading to a heat concentration-like phenomenon. This gauge. Outlet 3 was fitted with a release valve, which was used to
concentration is denoted by: obtain the desired pressure in the enclosure while outlet 4 was
used to draw out the connecting wires from the PT-100 sensors
X th ¼ ð10Þ
Outlet 4
The disadvantage of the thermal concentration lies in the low
absorber temperature observed as compared to optical con- Outlet 3
centration by Fresnel lens making it unsuitable for large scale
power generation. However, its ability to compensate for inter-
mittent fluctuations makes it possible for application in micro
power generation.
Outlet 1
2.4. Power output and efficiency analysis

Efficiency of the STEG system is critical in evaluating its per-

formance during operation. The STEG system comprises of a solar
selective substrate coupled with a thermo-electric generator. This Outlet 2
efficiency can be defined as the ratio of output power to input
power. This output power can be determined by the use of the Fig. 1. Experimental setup used in the present study.
96 K.Y. Sudharshan et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 157 (2016) 93–100

present in the enclosure to measure the substrate and enclosure 3.3. Simulations
temperatures. The rest of the components vary based on the need
of the experiment. The simulations were done on COMSOL Multiphysics 5.0 to
The first part of the study involved temperature study of the obtain a theoretical estimate of steady state temperature obtained
given solar selective substrate at different ambient pressures. by the setup. A simplified model was created which consisted of
The solar selective substrate was an aluminium substrate with only the enclosure of specified dimensions and the substrate itself.
a coating of α ¼0.90, ε ¼0.15. This substrate of dimension Heat transfer with surface to surface radiation was the physics
22.7 cm  12 cm  0.2 cm and weight 13.015 g was placed inside chosen for this test. This model presents an accurate enough pic-
the enclosure described above. Two PT-100 sensors were placed in ture of the setup, since care was taken to eliminate all other heat
the enclosure, one of which was clamped to substrate surface to loss pathways except natural convection and radiation which
measure the substrate temperature while the second was used to exists only between the aforementioned components of the setup.
measure the enclosure temperature. The substrate itself was The pressure of the gas (material defined for enclosure) alone was
placed on top of two C-shaped supports made of aluminium so changed to match the enclosure pressures used in the experiment.
that the substrate was as close to the top of the enclosure as A fine mesh was created and the simulations were run.
possible. This helps to prevent wastage of surface area of absorber
due to shadows of the enclosure walls. The supports were covered
with teflon tape (a thermal insulator) to eliminate heat loss from 4. Results and discussion
absorber by conduction.
The second part of the experiment which involves measuring The sample in the focus of the study was an absorber coated
STEG efficiency with varying ambient pressure retains most of aluminium substrate of dimensions 22.7 cm  12 cm  0.4 cm with
setup including a few modifications. The solar selective substrate absorptance 0.90 and emittance 0.15, which served as the hot end
was coupled with the thermo-electric modules which were of the STEG setup. This sample was prepared using the magnetron
arranged in a single stack. The TEGs were coupled with the solar sputtering technique and was found to be stable up to 450 oC in air
selective substrate by the use of thermal grease which aside from [15]. In order to determine a baseline substrate steady state tem-
being a good conductor, eliminates air gaps which hamper thermal perature, the sample was exposed to atmosphere and the max-
conduction. The TEG end not coupled to the substrate was placed imum temperature attained by the sample was noted to be 67 oC.
on an aluminium fin which acts as a natural convective cooling This is the result of heat loss through radiation and convection
system for the STEG cool end. One of the PT-100 sensors was (natural and forced). In order to obtain a rough estimate of the
removed and the wires were connected to the STEG system. The energy losses by these pathways the substrate was placed inside
free ends of these wires were drawn out through Outlet 4 and an enclosure. In the absence of air currents (blocked by placing in
connected to a multimeter to measure voltage and current. the enclosure), the maximum temperature reached by the sub-
strate increased to 97 oC, resulting from the elimination of forced
convection heat loss pathway. Vacuum enclosures have been used
3.2. Experiment
by several groups [28–30] in their experiments to improve STEG
system efficiency, but they have yet to determine the actual impact
In the first part of the experiment, the readings of importance
of enclosure pressure in this regard which is the focus of this
are those of sample temperature and the enclosure temperature.
study. The enclosure pressures used are 100, 200, 300, 400, 500,
Steady state readings of these values were taking after placing the
700 and 913 mbar in order to visualize a trend in the impact of this
setup in bright sunlight. These steady state values were then
particular physical parameter. From simulations in the COMSOL
compared with theoretical models made in COMSOL Multiphysics
model described in previous section, it was indicated that max-
to show concordance (explained in Section 3.3). Once the max-
imum sample temperature obtained in the setup does not surpass
imum temperature had been achieved, an opaque thermally
150 oC. It was also noted that emittance which varies with sub-
insulating object was placed in the path of the incident solar flux
strate temperature does not show significant change in the tem-
to study the cooling curves of the setup. Temperature readings of
perature range of the sample [14]. As a result, in the calculation for
the substrate and enclosure were taken every 10 s. Slopes of the
plots at each temperature were also determined which were
eventually used to determine ‘h’. This experiment was done when
the pressure in the enclosure was maintained at 100, 200, 300,
100 mbar
Sample Temperature (oC)

400, 500, 700 and 913 mbar where 913 mbar was the ambient
105 200 mbar
pressure. In the second part, the critical readings were the values
300 mbar
of open circuit voltage, and power generated by the setup. Initially
400 mbar
the wires drawn from the hot and cold junctions of the STEG
90 500 mbar
system were left unconnected and the potential difference
700 mbar
between the two ends was measured by the use of a multimeter.
This is the open-circuit voltage (OCV) generated by the system.
Further experiments were performed by connecting a variable
resistance to the previously open ended wires drawn from the
STEG system. The resistance was set to match the internal resis-
tance of the modules, both of which were measured by the same
multimeter. Values of voltage and current were measured across
the resistor at steady state. The above data was then used to cal-
culate the efficiency of the entire STEG system by the formula Eq. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
(14). The value of incident solar power was determined from the
Time (s)
product of area of the solar selective substrate (measured manu-
ally) and the average solar flux on the day of the experiment [27]. Fig. 2. Substrate temperature vs. time for various enclosure pressures.
K.Y. Sudharshan et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 157 (2016) 93–100 97

Substrate Steady State Temperature ( C)


Enclosure Temperature (oC)

51 100 mbar Actual Ts

200 mbar Theoretical Ts
50 300 mbar
400 mbar 140
500 mbar
700 mbar



46 100

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time (s) Pressure (mbar)
Fig. 3. Enclosure temperature vs. time for various enclosure pressures. Fig. 5. Steady state temperature of substrate (theoretical and actual) vs. enclosure
Heat Transfer Coefficient(W/m2-oC)

E ¼ mC p T ð16Þ
55oC where TE is the total energy of the system and surrounding and E
70oC is the energy of the individual components (STEG and the enclo-
3 80oC sure). This energy is given by Eq. (16) where m is mass of the
90oC system, Cp is the specific heat constant and T is system tempera-
ture. This observation can only be made if the substrate and the
enclosure are viewed as isolated system and surrounding, i.e.,
2 ambient conditions do not impact the conditions inside the setup.
This proves the integrity of the enclosure. The values obtained in
the previous experiments were then used to determine the values
of ‘h’ at each enclosure pressure (Fig. 4). The plots show that the
1 value of convective heat transfer coefficient decreases with a
decrease in enclosure pressure. It is noted that the lowest heat
transfer coefficient value is as low as 0.6 W/m2 oC at 100 mbar,
while the maximum value is nearly 3.2 W/m2 °C at 700 mbar. This
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 implies that for the same temperature gradient (substrate to
enclosure) there is 6 times more heat loss from the substrate at
Pressure (mbar)
700 mbar as compared to that at 100 mbar. The aforementioned
Fig. 4. Heat transfer coefficient of convection vs. enclosure pressure at different values of heat transfer coefficient are substantially lower com-
substrate temperatures. pared to those obtained by Hosseini and Saidi [18] for the corre-
sponding enclosure pressures. This lends credibility to the benefits
‘h’, the value of ε was assumed as the same as that for room of vacuum enclosures in STEG setups.
temperature (ε ¼0.15). Temperature studies were also conducted to determine the
Preliminary experiments were done to determine performance steady state temperature of the substrate at different enclosure
of the absorber and the integrity of the enclosure. Fig. 2 shows the pressures. Since it has already been proven that ‘h’ decreases with
cooling curves of the substrate at different enclosure pressures. a decrease in the enclosure pressure, it follows that the steady
The plots show that rate of cooling decreases with a decrease in state temperature is directly affected as shown in the heat balance
enclosure pressure which is in line with observations made by equation shown in Eq. (8). It is observed that the substrate steady
Hosseini and Saidi [18] in their study. In order to determine the state temperature increases with a decrease in enclosure pressure.
numerical value of ‘h’, enclosure temperature curves were mea- In order to verify the experimental results, simulations were
sured with time as described in Fig. 3. This was done alongside the modelled in COMSOL. A simplified model of the setup was made,
as described in the previous section. The C shaped supports used
cooling curve determination of substrate. Though the observations
in the setup were covered with Teflon tape (for thermal insula-
in Fig. 3 do not have any direct impact on the rest of the experi-
tion), hence thermal conduction losses through this pathway was
ment, it brings an interesting observation to light. The tempera-
neglected. The ambient pressure property was varied from
ture of the enclosure increases with a decrease in enclosure 100 mbar to 913 mbar to imitate experimental conditions. Fig. 5
pressure. Also the magnitude of this increase decreases with a shows the plot of steady state temperature (both experimental and
decrease in enclosure pressure. This implies that the energy lost by theoretical) of substrate against enclosure pressure. While there
the substrate is gained by the enclosure gas, which translates into are small variations, both plots show the same trend, viz., steady
a rise in enclosure temperature, explained by the following state temperature of the substrate decreases with an increase in
equations [31]. enclosure pressure. The maximum steady state temperature
achieved was 142 °C attained at 100 mbar while the lowest was
TE ¼ ESTEG þ EEnclosure ð15Þ 97 °C at ambient pressure of 913 mbar which in itself is a
98 K.Y. Sudharshan et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 157 (2016) 93–100


X th = 1
750 X th = 22

Voc (mV)
3 450


4 150
0 200 400 600 800 1000
5 Pressure (mbar)
Fig. 7. Open circuit voltage vs. enclosure pressure for different thermal concentrations.
50 2.0
Fig. 6. Setup schematic: 1- Glass plate, 2- Solar selective substrate, 3- External Output Power X th = 1
circuit, 4- C-support, 5- Base support and fin, 6- Enclosure, 7- STEG modules, 8- Output Power X th = 22
Vacuum chamber. 40
Output Power (mW)
Efficiency X th = 1 1.5

Efficiency (%)
Efficiency X th = 22
staggering increase of nearly 50 °C. This maximum temperature 30
can be further increased by the use of optical concentration
techniques such as that described by Candadai et al. [15].
On a side note similar studies were conducted on two other 20
samples. One was black anodized aluminium (α ¼0.602, ε ¼0.81,
dimension: 22 cm  12 cm  0.6 cm) and the other was stainless 0.5
steel substrate coated with a selective coating of AlTiN (α ¼0.92,
ε ¼0.17, dimension: 10 cm  10 cm  0.6 cm). Aside from com-
parison purposes, the objective had been to determine a sample 0 0.0
0 200 400 600 800 1000
suitable for the setup. Each sample presented its own challenges.
While economically more feasible, black anodized aluminium has Pressure (mbar)
very poor α/ε ratio, which significantly lowers the absorber effi- Fig. 8. Output power and efficiency at matched load condition vs. enclosure pressure.
ciency. Thus the maximum temperature the black anodized alu-
minium reached was 82 °C at 100 mbar. While the AlTiN based
absorber coated sample on stainless steel has the better absorp-
tance amongst the samples, the high thermal mass proved detri- across a single module is insufficient for power generation pur-
mental. The consequence of using an absorber of high thermal poses [15]. The packing was done by the means of thermal grease,
mass can be understood from the heat balance equation (Eq. (14)). as was the coupling between the solar selective substrate and TEG
The high thermal mass implied that the sample heated up very arrangement. In the study, two absorbers were used. Both were
slowly. This appears as a substrate temperature (101 °C after made of the same material as that tested in the first part of the
heating in 5 h of peak daylight) substantially lower than that of the experiment. The difference between the two absorbers was the
coated aluminium sheet used in the experiment which reached dimensions; one was 35 mm  35 mm, the same dimensions as
142 °C (after 15 min heating in peak daylight). While the heating the TEG module while the other was 22.7 cm  12 cm. The use of a
of the substrate was slow, it was however noted that the sample large surface area absorber has shown to increase absorber tem-
with higher thermal mass retained its heat longer than the sample perature and thermal efficiency of STEG system [14]. This is
with low thermal mass. This shows that should optical con- referred to as the thermal concentration by area and the magni-
centration techniques be used to raise the substrate temperature, tude of thermal concentration is labelled Xth and is given by Eq.
samples with higher thermal mass might prove to be more useful (10). From this formula, we find that Xth of the 35 mm  35 mm
(by retaining temperature despite irregularities in solar condi- absorber to be 1 and 22 for the second absorber. Henceforth the
tions), but from an efficiency perspective absorbers with lower two samples will be denoted as Xth ¼1 and Xth ¼22, respectively.
thermal mass would serve better. The above experiments aside The performance of the setup when each of the absorbers was
from attesting to the benefits of using vacuum and the integrity of coupled with the stacked TEG was observed. The performance was
the enclosure also showed the advantage of using substrates of evaluated on two parameters, open circuit voltage and output
lower thermal mass as shown above. power. Open circuit voltage describes the maximum potential
In the second part of the experiment the performance of the difference created by the setup. Output power on the other hand
STEG setup was evaluated and the impact of enclosure pressure was determined by the Eq. (11), where voltage and current were
was studied. The schematic of the arrangement is shown in Fig. 6. determined by the use of a multimeter. Current flows in the circuit
As shown in the figure, three TEG modules of Bi2Te3 were stacked only in the presence of an external load. Maximum power is
in series. This series stacking was chosen as the thermal gradient generated in matched load condition. Hence the internal
K.Y. Sudharshan et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 157 (2016) 93–100 99

resistance of the TEG system was measured. This internal resis- incident energy calculated from the Eq. (9) is higher than the
tance was found to be 12.7 Ω. Manufacturer specifications present actual incident energy. Also, the average incident solar flux taken
resistance of individual modules as 4 Ω [32], which makes series (from meteorological data) does not account for local variations or
stacked resistance of the modules 12 Ω, while the additional variance in irradiation flux. These uncertainties together could
resistance can be attributed to internal resistance of connecting account for the low efficiencies obtained from the setup. Reme-
wires and thermal grease. It was observed that the maximum OCV dying the aforementioned deficiencies could give a more accurate
generated by the setup using Xth ¼1 (called setup 1) was 272 mV at picture of the system efficiency. Despite these uncertainties the
100 mbar and generated only 150 mV at 913 mbar. This increase in experiments have satisfied their objectives with conclusive proof
OCV is due to the decrease in enclosure pressure which decreases that enclosure pressure greatly impacts STEG efficiency while
system heat losses. This in turn can be intuitively related to the simultaneously showing thermal concentration by area as an
heat transfer coefficient plots as well. Further experimentation at alternate method of concentrating solar energy. Improving absor-
different enclosure pressures can yield results which can be used ber coatings and STEG materials will help greatly to improve the
to determine a mathematical relation between OCV and enclosure STEG performance shown in this experiment. The ingenious setup
pressure. The maximum OCV generated by the setup using Xth ¼22 has also proven to be an economical method of harnessing solar
(called setup 2) was 823 mV at 100 mbar and approximately energy. With a small one-time investment, a maintenance free
600 mV at 913 mbar. These OCV values are nearly 4 times that of setup can be created to generate power for micro-power
corresponding OCVs from setup 1, the plots of which are shown in applications.
Fig. 7. This demonstrates that the increase in absorber surface area
directly impacts STEG performance, proving the validity of thermal
concentration by area.
5. Conclusions
This is further validated by the graphs of output power against
enclosure pressure (Fig. 8). The data shows that the maximum
In this study, we have demonstrated the effects of enclosure
power generated by setup 1 was 3.78 mW at 100 mbar pressure
pressure and thermal concentration on the performance of the
while it generated less than 1 mW at 913 mbar. This is sub-
Solar Thermo-Electric Generation system. The results of the study
stantially lower when compared to data obtained from setup 2,
show that in the substrate used in the setup (an absorber coating
where the power generated at 100 mbar was 44.2 mW while that
on Al Alloy substrate: α ¼0.90, ε ¼0.15), the steady state tem-
at 913 mbar was nearly 15 mW. This observed output surpasses
perature attained was 97 °C in an enclosure as compared to
the 9.15 mW obtained by Emmanuel and Weiss [28] using their
approximately 67 °C when placed outside. This steady state tem-
setup which used no thermal concentration techniques. Better
perature reaches 142 °C when the enclosure pressure is reduced to
outputs have been obtained by Amatya and Ram (1.8 W) [29] and
100 mbar. COMSOL simulation results concur with the observa-
Pereira et al., (19 W) [33] in their respective arrangements. These
tions made experimentally. Cooling curves of the substrate at
results were obtained due to the use of high optical concentration
different enclosure pressures (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 700,
ratios (4 100) and active cooling systems. The data obtained from
913 mbar) show that cooling rate of substrate decreases with a
the present experiment also shows that the output power gener-
decrease in enclosure pressure, proving the minimization of heat
ated by setup 2 is  14 times that generated by setup 1.
System efficiencies were also determined for these setups. loss by convection. The study also shows that decreasing enclosure
System efficiency can be calculated in different ways. One method pressure decreases heat transfer coefficient of the enclosure gas,
can be determining absorber and TEG efficiencies independently, which leads to the lower cooling rates observed in the substrate.
whose product gives net efficiency. However, in this experiment Experiments show that convective heat transfer coefficient as low
efficiency is calculated using Eq. (14). From the data obtained, the as 0.6 W/m2 °C (at 100 mbar) is obtained, proving the integrity
efficiencies calculated are presented alongside output power and effectiveness of the setup in minimizing convection losses.
against enclosure pressure (Fig. 8). The maximum efficiency A comprehensive study was also conducted to show the effect
achieved by the setup 1 is 1.62% at 100 mbar which is comparable of enclosure pressure and thermal concentration on open circuit
to that achieved by the optical concentration setup used by Can- voltage, output power generated and efficiency of the STEG sys-
dadai et al. [15] at 66 suns. The experiments also show that effi- tem. The study shows that by increasing the area of the absorber
ciency of the setup 2 is lower than setup 1, i.e., there is a decrease 22 times, the magnitude of open circuit voltage is quadrupled,
of setup efficiency with increase in thermal concentration by area, proving the viability of using thermal concentration by area as a
an observation that needs further experimentation before valida- method of solar energy concentration. This is further proved by
tion. This observation can be attributed to the following factors. the results of the output power study which shows that output
The calculation method used in this experiment to determine power is multiplied nearly 14 under the conditions mentioned
efficiency is very simplistic. The primary issue lies in the way that above. It is also observed that decreasing enclosure pressure
incident energy is calculated. In this experiment incident energy is shows an improvement in output power and open circuit voltage
taken as product of incident irradiation flux and area of absorber, in both the Xth ¼1 and Xth ¼22 setups. However, the magnitude of
i.e. Eq. (9). From Eqs. (9) and (10) it is clear that by using thermal increase in both output power and open circuit voltage is higher in
concentration by area, the increase in incident energy is propor- the setup involving thermal concentration. The results show that
tional to the area of the absorber. As a result, the increase in the thermal concentration based STEGs, without tracking system,
magnitude of incident energy far outstrips the increase in output may be used as an alternative to optically concentrated STEGs for
power of the STEG system. Another problem with the above micro-power generation applications in remote areas.
approach is the fact that behavior of absorber and glass wall at
different wavelengths have not been taken into account. The
absorptance of the solar selective substrate (and emittance) varies Acknowledgements
for each wavelength, which implies that the energy absorbed from
each wavelength differs and will not be equal to the incident Ms. Jyoti and Mr. Prabanjan Kulkarni are thanked for their help in
energy determined from the aforementioned formula. Also trans- getting absorptance data and helping set up the electrical circuits,
mittance of the glass plate used (taken as 90% from literature) also respectively. This work is partially supported by CSIR under TAPSUN
varies with wavelength of incident light. This implies that the Program (Project # NWP 0054) and BRNS (Project # U-1-125).
100 K.Y. Sudharshan et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 157 (2016) 93–100

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