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SMSG – Assignment B


Propose a new business entity as a group

The proposal needs to consist of the following

1. Name of the firm and industry and reasons for choosing the same and the product line
2. The External environment factors (Macro and Micro) to be considered
3. Competitive advantage of the business

One member from respective groups need to upload the report in pdf format at the MS TEAMS platform

in the assignment section on or before 23 April 2022.

The report should mention the group number and the names of the contributing group members.

Evaluation scheme

parameters Marks
Name of the firm and industry and reasons for 10
choosing the same
The External environment factors (Macro and 10
Micro) to be considered
Competitive advantage of the business 10

Marks obtained out of 30 will be brought to appropriate base

Any student in a group whose name in not included in the uploaded report will not receive any marks of
the respective DSA component.

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