PGP Part 1 Revised - Kosowski A

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Professional Growth Plan – Part 1

1a. What data are you using to guide the development of your professional learning goal (e.g.
reflections on teaching, teaching observations, mid-program evaluations, student feedback)?

I am using feedback, critique, and insight from my professors, cooperating teacher, peers, and self-
reflections to develop my understanding and guide development of my teaching skills and goals. Student
behaviors, reactions, and feedback are used to confirm whether or not my teaching tactics and demeanor are
effective and appropriate, and coupled with self-reflection on videos and lesson plans help further identify
and clarify areas of development.

1b. What do the data tell you?

Thus far the data I have received (from professors) and logged for myself (reflections) indicates that I am
strong in my knowledge base, lesson structures, and depth of information provided to the students. The areas
that I (and my CT’s, professors, and peers have pointed out) know need development are my lesson
efficiency, sense of “urgency” or forward motion in my lessons, and a more focused and serious demeanor
when teaching (specifically in regard to forward motion and efficiency).

2. Using the information from question 1, what is your focus area (write both the Danielson domain and
the component that you have identified as having the greatest potential for increasing student learning

Domain: 3

Component: 3c – Engaging Students in Learning

3. What goal will enable you to strengthen your practice (write your goal statement below)?

I will work to make my planning, lesson structure, and the “forward motion”/energy of my teaching
cycles more effective and efficient. Student engagement that is lost from over explanation can be adjusted by
keeping the lesson pace faster than they may be used to (but not so fast as to leave anyone lost/confused).

4. Describe what will you do to build professional background knowledge related to the domain and
component that you have selected in order for you to achieve your goal (e.g. what articles/books will you
read, what Internet resources will you use, what workshops will you attend, will you interview or observe

I think the first step to begin building a more coherent and effective knowledge base is by observing and
speaking with my professors, cooperating teachers, and others in the field to create a broad net of
information and perspective to work from. From there I plan on using the NAfME guides/articles, recent
studies on student engagement (within the past 5 years), Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke’s podcast: Two
Guys on Your Head, Eric Jimenez, and Justin McLean’s podcast: The Score, the NAMM Foundation
podcast: Talking up Music Education, and other resources that I may come across. I am required to attend the
FMEA convention every semester and given the advancements in how conventions like this are handled
(because of Covid) there is a high chance that I can regularly attend (virtually) the NAfME national
conference as well as the Jazz Educators conferences.
5. What specific activities/actions will you implement to help attain your goal (e.g. administer a student
interest inventory, develop lessons that include multiple project options for students, include the use of
formative assessments during instruction, video tape and critique one’s practice, establish procedures for
the distribution and collection of materials and supplies)?

As of right now the two things I can implement immediately into my practicum are a timer/stopwatch
to time myself between talking points, and a physical check list of all the major talking points I have planned
in my lesson. Long-term implements include establishing a physical layout that makes interaction with
students easier (space that is safe to move around and interact with student in), establishing routines for
item/form collection (in tandem with the classroom layout), and by clearly stating expectations and following
through with students.

6. How will you collaborate with other professionals to meet your goal?

I will monitor my progress by seeking input from professors, cooperating teachers, and colleagues
through in-person observations, reviewing videos of my teaching, and individual/group conversations. After
reviewing videos and lesson plans I will then work to refine my use of language, my ability to keep on task,
and the impact of my lessons through their longevity and effectiveness.

7. What evidence/artifacts will you collect to demonstrate that your goal is being met?

I will continue to collect feedback from other professionals and colleagues, retain recorded
lessons/teaching recordings, and self-reflect and meditate over an extended period of time on the efficacy of
my lessons.

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