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Admittedly, annual testing may unnecessarily cause a burden on license holders.

Needless to say, the

people who either belong to a financially backward community or the workers in companies might find
it as a daunting task since such testing demands a day off from their work besides spending a
considerable test fee in order to renew their license for further usage. Hence, having avoided tests, not
only will they be penalized by traffic police while carrying an outdated license on road but also their
savings can be at risk in event of getting a failure on reattempt which needs to refill the test again. To
corroborate, in year 2015 had Australian government not imposed a rule on biannual testing on drivers,
they would not have suffered a loss at their workplace of a non-paid day off.

Further and even more noticeable, though, authority might be pressurized handling an overwhelming
number of test takers in addition to prolong waiting time. It is an acknowledged fact that, unlike 5 year
testing, which implies a driver have to visit the trial centre after every 60 months, the annual driving
tests might give rise to a long queue of applicants for getting themselves tested as quick as possible
especially without a valid license they have to opt public transport that might put them at a risk of
reaching their organization after their permitted entry time. Consequently, repetitive driving skill tests
will be worsening the situation for both examiners and test takers, and simultaneously, an unexpected
waiting time for booking a testing exam can render the professional drivers at a disadvantage because
they have to pause their job until they are given test date and the subsequent driving license after
passing the test.

* conducting a driving test every year will not guarantee a decline in the count of road mishaps.

Nevertheless, increasing vehicular movements as well as reckless driving are accountable for road
mishaps. Indubitably , drivers, whether adults or youngsters, oftentimes are carrying outdated license or
being inept to new rules regulated by the statutory bodies for the convenience of the common public
and, not to mention, the safety practices. Thus, such drivers are tested once in a year, they will be
remembering the rules in particular and complying with the same at length owing to their increased
awareness regarding traffic rules. As per recent reports by London university, unless the old age drivers
in particular are following the periodically testing criteria, their vision or hearing imparities might
become a potential cause for the other vehicle users on the road in reference to mishap happened in
usa in which a 70 years old driver had hit a bus.

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