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Name:Jessette Marie L. Balendres Reading and Writing

Grade & Section:11 APOLLO Date:March 16 2022

Instructions: Write one paragraph for each of the following patterns of development. Choose
from the topics listed under each. 
1. Chronological/Procedural

● Setting up a Gmail account

● The plot of Batman
● Online shopping process

Topic:The plot of Batman

When his parents are killed, billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne relocates to Asia, where
he is mentored by Henri Ducard and Ra's Al Ghul in how to fight evil. When learning
about the plan to wipe out evil in Gotham City by Ducard, Bruce prevents this plan from
getting any further and heads back to his home.

2. Descriptive pattern (sensory or spatial)

● Your ideal house

● One Filipino president
● The Philippines during the Spanish era

Topic;Your ideal house

My dream house will be a 2 storey house with a basement and it will be made of
wood. My basement will be a stockroom. All my things that are sentimental to me
will be put there. On the first floor, there will be plenty of space. The living room,
kitchen, and dining room can be seen on the first floor. The walls will have my
favorite theme that will be cool in my eyes. Along the hallway, there will be paintings
and photographs and achievements of our family. The living room will be spacious.
Then in the living room, there will be a large sofa where all of us can watch our
favorite movies comfortably and a large chandelier that lights up the entire living
room. The dining room and kitchen are close by. The dining table will be made of the
finest wood and it will be the masterpiece of someone who is good at carving wood.
In the kitchen, all utensils are made of stainless steel. This room will have a theme
with pale colors that also makes us hungry when we get there.

3. Comparison-contrast
● Eastern and Western culture
● Lifestyles of the poor and the rich
● Living in the province and in the city

Topic:Lifestyles of the poor and the rich

Some people think of wealth as merely having a lot of money or making a lot of money. Others
may describe a wealthy life as having good health, personal relationships with family and
friends, and a rewarding career rather than monetary criteria.

4. Cause-effect

● Causes and effects of bullying

● Causes of racism
● Effects of success

Topic:Effects of success

The relationship between two things occurs when one thing causes another to occur. For
example, if we overeat and do not exercise, we acquire weight. The "cause" is eating without
exercising; the "result" is weight gain. There may be several causes and multiple

5. Listing

● Most effective ways of studying

● Women who changed the world
● How to improve your observation skills

Topic:Women who changed the world

● Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany.

● Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank.
● Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States.
● Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission.
● Melinda Gates, co-founder of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
● Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors.

6. Classification or division
● Music genres
● Types of prose
● Dinosaurs

Topic:Music genres

Music genres can be classified in a variety of ways, such as popular music and art music, or
religious music and secular music. Because music is an artistic medium, these categories are
frequently subjective and contentious, and some genres may overlap.

7. Definition

● Capoeira
● Tsunami
● History


Past events, particularly those connected to a specific location or subject in European history, a
body of knowledge that documents and interprets historical events and a written account of past
occurrences She penned an Internet history. a well-documented record of prior events He has a
well-documented criminal background.

8. Exemplification

● Greatest historical failures

● Online trends
● Dangerous habits

Topic:Dangerous habits

Any habit that jeopardizes your happiness or safety is harmful. Whether it's lying, cheating,
stealing, keeping things to yourself, or not putting your happiness first, anything that jeopardizes
your quest for pleasure is likely a bad habit you should quit.

9. Problem-solution
● Political dynasties in the Philippines
● Flooding
● Discrimination of indigenous people


Flood control infrastructure, such as levees, seawalls, and tide gates, act as physical barriers to
prevent flooding in certain locations. Other flood-control techniques, such as pump stations and
canals, aid in the reduction of floods. Flooding has far-reaching societal implications for both
communities and individuals. As most people are aware, the immediate consequences of
flooding include loss of life, property damage, crop devastation, livestock loss, and deterioration
of health conditions due to waterborne infections.

10. Persuasion

● Should phones be banned in schools?

● Should the death penalty be revised?
● Should Quezon City be the capital of Philippines?

Topic:Should phones be banned in schools?

Cell phones should be banned in schools because they distract pupils, enable cheating, and are
potentially deadly. Cell phones are a source of distraction for pupils in the classroom. When
students text in class, it draws focus away from other students, making it difficult for them to

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