Studuents Instruction - Industrial Internship

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Student Industrial


Instructions to

Dec 2021

GSFC University is being modelled as a boutique University to produce 100% industry ready
manpower with 80% students getting employment. It is housed in lush green surroundings of
Fertilizer Nagar. The teaching at GSFC University is inspired by medical education principles. In
case of a Medical College, a Hospital is attached to it, where students learn to apply theoretical
knowledge to practical aspects of medical treatment. Here our University is housed at handshaking
distance from GSFC’s 22 plants.

A four pillar approach is adopted so that theoretical knowledge application in day-to-day working
of the organizations / industries is practiced. First pillar is e-enabled virtual labs, where students
grapple with various aspects of virtual instruments and carry out experiments number of times and
understand ‘why’ of theory. Second pillar is physical labs where students perform same
experiments in physical world with real fluids and lab model equipment. Third pillar is their
exposure to real plant and machineries to full scale sizes, where full understanding of theories
taught in classrooms as applied to industry is experienced by students at superficial level. Fourth
pillar is 4 weeks internship after every semester where he is expected to deep dive and understands
the plant and machinery, processes etc.

GSFC University has made it compulsory for its undergraduate students to undergo practical work
in the form of a four- week industrial internship at the end of the each semester known as Student
Industrial Internship (SII) Carries 2 credits in each semester. SII provides opportunity to the
students to experience the actual working domain of the industry. The students will develop skills
in work ethics, communication, management, leadership as well as working in a team,

The Key Objectives of the Student Industrial Internship (SII) is to develop in students the skills &
knowledge demanded by “world of work”:

• To expose GSFC University students to the actual working environment of industries which
will enable them to relate theoretical knowledge with practical application in industries.
• To develop skills in safety practices, work ethics, communication, management, leadership
quality, team player etc.
• To establish a close bond between the industries and GSFC University.
• To develop their soft skills like verbal and written communication.
At the end of this internship, students are able to:

• Demonstrate skills in communication, management and teamwork.

• Adopt ethics, professionalism and HSE practices in work culture.
• Demonstrate continuous building of skills and knowledge throughout the internship.
• Appreciation of sustainability issues in industry.
• Expand philosophy and knowledge in the field.
• Gain a greater understanding of the duties and responsibilities of fitness professional.
• Identify personal strengths and weaknesses.
• Understand and adhere to professional standards in the field.
• Relate to, interact with, and learn from current professionals in the field.
• Broaden your knowledge and education by continuing to learn.
• Put theory into practice.
• Develop the initiative and motivation to be a self-starter and work independently
• Update knowledge as standards are revised.

Student Responsibilities
a) To submit various reports duly completed during the industrial internship.
b) Adhere to the industrial internship and Host Company’s rules and regulations.
c) Follow the Host Company’s safety procedures.
d) Help the industry mentors / workers in maintenance or routine jobs.
e) Maintain good discipline and personal conduct.
f) Listen to and follow their mentors’ instructions.
g) Meet work schedules on time.
h) Discuss with mentors on the Internship schedule (if necessary).
i) Update logbook regularly and present it to the Host Company Mentor for review
and endorsement.
j) Be responsible and committed in acquiring as much knowledge and skills as
possible during the internship.
k) Perform oral presentation to the Host Company and industrial internship mentors
during the assessment.
l) Complete and submit the copy of logbook and Student Industrial Internship Report
to company mentors.
m) Submit the given assignments to the industry mentors.
n) Make the necessary recommendations to improve the programme.
o) To complete Non-disclosure agreement with industry, wherever required.
p) No original documents of the industry should be taken out without written consent
of the industry mentor. If any documents are required for project report, they
should be Photostat copies and countersigned by industry mentors.
q) The students should be aware that they are the front line for the industry and are
ambassadors of the University.
They should:

a) Be polite.
b) Be ready to learn.
c) Bring issues to notice of nodal faculty.
d) Be in time.
e) Daily visit the industry.
f) Complete required entry formalities at gate.

Expectations from students:

a) To web study every day.

b) Sub-ordinate jobs – attempt to get it done under your supervision.
c) To maintain industrial safety / discipline within plant and outside.
d) Seek clarifications from nodal persons.
e) Follow orders and instructions meticulously.
f) Get acquainted with the industry beforehand through net.
g) Demonstrate skills in communication, management and teamwork.
h) Adopt ethics, professionalism and HSE practices in work culture.
i) Demonstrate continuous building of skills and knowledge throughout the internship.
j) Appreciation of sustainability issues in industry.
k) Expand philosophy and knowledge in the field.
l) Gain a greater understanding of the duties and responsibilities of fitness professional.
m) Identify personal strengths and weaknesses.
n) Understand and adhere to professional standards in the field.
o) Relate to, interact with, and learn from current professionals in the field.
p) Broaden your knowledge and education by continuing to learn.
q) Put theory into practice.
r) Develop the initiative and motivation to be a self-starter and work independently Update
knowledge as standards are revised.

Do’s & Don’ts

➢ Do set specific goals for your internship so you know exactly what you want to accomplish.
These can often be defined with your internship coordinator and/or supervisor as well.
➢ Do remember that you are in a professional setting, and you will be treated as a
It is expected that you behave professionally at all times throughout your internship.
Maintain good discipline and personal conduct.
➢ Adhere to the industrial internship and Host Company’s rules and regulations.
➢ Follow the Host Company’s safety procedures.
➢ Do meet with your internship supervisor regularly. This will help you track your
performance and work on areas that you need to improve.
➢ Do get as much exposure in the organization as possible. Find your role and claim
ownership of your projects. This will bring recognition to your work ethics and value.

➢ Seek clarifications from nodal persons.
➢ Follow orders and instructions meticulously.
➢ Get acquainted with the industry beforehand through net.
➢ Update logbook regularly and present it to the Host Company Mentor for review and
➢ Complete and submit the copy of logbook and Student Industrial Internship Report to
company mentors.
➢ Submit the given assignments to the industry mentors.
➢ Make the necessary recommendations to improve the programme.
➢ To complete Non-disclosure agreement with industry, wherever required.
➢ No original documents of the industry should be taken out without written consent of the
industry mentor. If any documents are required for project report, they should be Photostat
copies and countersigned by industry mentors.
➢ The students should be aware that they are the front line for the industry and are
ambassadors of the University.
➢ Do find a mentor within the internship organization if you can. It doesn’t have to be your
immediate internship supervisor, as it’s possible they will be very busy. Keep in mind that
the best mentors won’t just lead you; they will also inspire you.
➢ Do keep in mind that it is your responsibility to leave your internship with new skills,
accomplishments, and a better understanding of your field.
➢ Do keep in touch with people who play a major role in your internship even if the
experience was not the best. They will become part of your professional network that may
be helpful in the future of your career.
➢ Do update your CV with accomplishments from your internship. Your CV should be full of
talking points that can be used in future interviews.
➢ Last but not least, do enjoy your internship. At times, you may feel that all you are doing is
grunt work, but keep at it and your hard work will eventually pay off.

➢ Don’t pass on an opportunity to gain experience beyond the official scope of your
internship. It’s good to be proactive and go above and beyond what is expected of you.
➢ Don’t be afraid to ask questions when things are unclear. To get the most out of your
internship, you need to be open to learning new skills and techniques.
➢ Don’t burn any bridges. Even if your internship experience wasn't what you hoped it would
be, the contacts that you make may come in handy in the future.
➢ Don’t overstep any boundaries. Keep in mind that you are an intern and your ultimate goal
is to learn and provide as much value as possible.
Don’t forget to take every chance to shine and stand out. That way, if there’s a job


Students undergoing Student Industrial Internship Programme must adhere to the rules and
regulations, as specified by the respective host company / industry and also comply with the
Students’ Disciplinary Rules & Regulations of GSFC University and Academic Policies and

Internship students committing inappropriate conduct during the course of soliciting internship
placement and during the period of undergoing industrial internship programme will be subjected
to the following penalties as per Table1.

Table 1: Types of Offence and Penalty on Final Internship Grade

Sr. Major offenses – Final Grade F Minor Offence – Lower

No. one grade for Final
Grade at Student
internship Program

1. Termination of internship by host company due to Last minute rejection of

student’s fault. internship offer.

2. Any act of academic misconduct will subject Failure to report at host

student to disciplinary action. Academic company on official
misconduct includes but not limited to: a. Cheating reporting day without a
b. Plagiarism valid reason.
c. False information & representation,
fabrication or alteration of information
d. Theft or damage of intellectual property

3. Not attending internship for the entire duration Change of host company
without prior information to GSFC University. during the course of
internship program
without prior approval by
GSFC University.

The students will be evaluated on following aspects:

• Demonstration of skills in communication, management and teamwork.

• Adopting ethic, professionalism and HSE practices in work culture.
• Demonstrating continuous building of skills and knowledge throughout the Internship. •
Appreciation of sustainability issues in industry.


Punctuality & Attendance 10

Daily logbook, performance & Task

Completion 30


Weekly Assignment


Final Report


Oral Presentation

The logbook contains weekly and detailed reports prepared by the students and endorsed by the
Industry Mentors. The students should describe the tasks that they are undertaking, how these
tasks contribute towards achieving the Host Company's objectives, the problems and challenges
they face, the lessons learnt from the experience, and provide any comments or recommendations
they wish to make.

The logbook should also record any points discussed with the Host Company Mentor in relation to
the Industrial Internship. The Logbook should be signed, and stamped by Industry Mentor at the
end of the internship program.
The logbook template is attached as Annexure - I

Students are required to present an oral presentation describing the gist of their industrial
Internship, experience gained during the Internship and significant contribution that they have
given to the host company mentor. The Faculty Coordinator and Host Company Mentor will
jointly evaluate the oral presentation. The evaluation will be based on the following criteria:

• Visual and Non-Verbal Communication.

• Content.
• Clarity of presentation.
• Questions and Answers to test the in-depth knowledge.

General Writing Format instructions are provided in Appendix II.

Report Writing Format is provided in Appendix III.


Section A: Logbook Template

Student’s Name: School:

Enrolment No.:

Place of Internship: Period of Internship: Semester / Year:

Date Internship / activities given to the student / Sign of Company mentor

performed by the student

Host Company’s Supervisor’s Sign & Stamp:






1. Cover Page
2. Inner Pages
a. Certificate by Company / Industry / Institute
b. Declaration by student
c. Acknowledgement
3. Table of Contents (Index)
4. List of Tables
5. List of Figures
6. Abbreviations and Nomenclature (if any)
7. Chapters

i. Introduction to Project
ii. Major components of Project / Internship
iii. Methodology adopted to carry out a project / Internship
iv. Tools and Technology used
v. Data on the Project
vi. Snapshots
vii. Observations
viii. Results & Discussions
ix. Conclusion & Future scope
8. References
9. Data Sheet (if any)
10. Appendices (if any)


1. A chapter may be further divided into several divisions and sub-divisions depending on type

& volume of work. This contains the text & related to hardware & software implementation. 2.

The length of the Internship report may be about 40 to 70 pages.

3. The Internship report shall be computer typed (English- British, Font -Times Roman, Size-12
point) and printed on A4 size paper.

4. The Internship report shall be Hard Copy of Internship Report (Spiral Binding). The
Internship report shall be typed with 1.5 line spacing with a margin 3.5 cm on the left, 2.5 cm
on the top, and 1.25 cm on the right and at bottom. Every page in the report must be
numbered. The page numbering, starting from acknowledgements and till the beginning of
the introductory chapter, should be printed in small Roman numbers, i.e. i, ii, iii, iv. The
page number of the first page of each chapter should not be printed (but must be accounted
for). All page numbers from the second page of each chapter should be printed using Arabic
numerals, i.e. 2,3,4,5. All printed page numbers should be located at the bottom center of the

5. The table of contents should list all headings and subheadings. The title page and certificates
will not find a place among the items listed in the Table of Contents. One and a half line
spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this head.

6. The list of tables should use exactly the same captions as they appear above the tables in the
text. One and a half spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this head.

7. The list of figures should use exactly the same captions as they appear below the figures in
the text. One and a half spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this head.

8. The list of symbols, abbreviation and nomenclature should be typed with one and a half line

spacing. Standard symbols, abbreviation etc. should be used. 9. Subject matter must be typed

on single side of the page.

10. All the pages must be numbered properly.



(Times New Roman, 24 pt. Bold)
(Times New Roman, 16 pt. Bold)
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
Requirements for the award of
(Times New Roman, 14 pt.)

Degree of
(Times New Roman, 16 pt. Bold)
Submitted By
(Times New Roman, 14 pt.)
University Roll No.
Name of Branch
(Times New Roman, 14 pt. Bold)

Submitted To
(Times New Roman, 14 pt.)

GSFC University, Vadodara (Times New Roman, 14 pt. Bold)

Internship Institution: (Times New Roman, 14 pt. Bold)

Internship Period: (Times New Roman, 14 pt. Bold)

Date of Report Submission: (Times New Roman, 14 pt. Bold)

(Times New Roman, 16 pt. Bold)

I hereby declare that the Industrial Internship Report entitled ("Title of the project") is an authentic
record of my own work as requirements of Industrial Internship during the period from to for the
award of degree (name of degree), GSFC University, Vadodara, under the guidance of (Name of
Industry Mentor).
(Times New Roman, 12 pt.)

(Signature of student)
(Name of Student)
(University Roll No.)



(Times New Roman, 16 pt., bold)

This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. has completed Industrial Internship during the period from to in
our Organization / Industry as a Partial Fulfillment
of Degree of . He / She was trained in the field of

Signature & Seal of Host Company Mentor

(Times New Roman, 12 pt.)


(Times New Roman, 16 pt., bold)

(Times New Roman, 12 pt.)


Sr. No. Title Pg. no.

1 Declaration

2 Certificate

3 Acknowledgment

4 Table of Content

5 List of Tables

6 List of Figures

7 Abbreviations and Nomenclature (If any)

8 Chapter: 1 Introduction to Project

Chapter: 2 Major components of Project / Internship

Chapter: 3 Methodology adopted to carry out a project / Internship

Chapter: 4 Tools and Technology used

Chapter: 5 Data on the Project

Chapter: 6 Snapshots

Chapter: 7 Observations

Chapter: 8 Results and Discussions

Chapter: 9 Conclusion & Future scope

14 References

15 Data Sheet (if any)


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