EEE1001 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering: Verification of NETWORK THEOREMS (Maximum Power Transfer Theorem)

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EEE1001 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Verification of NETWORK THEOREMS (Maximum Power

Transfer Theorem)

Student Name: Rohil Saxena

Reg no.:20BIT0404
Verification of NETWORK THEOREMS (Maximum
Power Transfer Theorem)


To verify the Maximum Power Transfer Theorem for a given circuit which
delivers a power to a load resistance when, RL=Rth.

Apparatus/Tool required:

1. ORCAD / Capture CIS --> Analog Library – R,

Source Library – Voltage dc source, Curent dc source &

Ground (GND) – 0 (zero)

Special library - PARAM

2. Simulation Settings : Analysis Type - DC sweep

1. Very careful while giving values.
2. Be aware of giving the same parameter name as given in PARAM.
3. Carefully take the final value by observing the graph properly.

1. Create a new project and set up a circuit as given.
2. Get a device called PARAM from the special library by which we can
use for varying the value of element ie,resistance Rv
3. So, give a name to a resistance which to be varied.
4. After placing PARAM create new column in that and give value ie,5ohm
as given in circuit.
5. Now create a new simulation.
6. Select a DC sweep analyisis type and select a sweep variable type called
global parameter and give a parameter name as same name as given in
step 3 .
7. Now give a start and end value to vary the value b/w some range.
8. Now after applying ,RUN the simulation .
9. Graph will be opened and add traces by applying formula I2Rv.
10.So, finally we get graph Power vs Rv which as a maxima =maximum
power transfered through variable resistance Rv .
11.Finally we will be getting the simulated maximum power value .
12.So, even make a manual calculation and if it is matching with the
simulated maximum power value then, theorem is verified.

Circuit Diagram:

Figure No 1 Electric circuit connection diagram


Maximum Power Transfer Theorem:

Maximum Power Transfer Theorem that “maximum power is transferred from the source

to the load when the load resistance is equal to the Thevenin’s equivalent resistance”.

Manual Calculations:

To Find Vth:

By applying node analysis at Va and Vb ;

To Find Rth:

From the circuit by short circuiting all voltage source and opening all current
source , we get
To Find Power:

From the equivalent circuit

Equivalent Circuit:
Simulation Circuit:

To Find Rth:

1ohm and 10ohm are in parallel and together in series with 15ohm.



Rth=Req +15

Rth = o.9+15=15.9ohm

To Find Power:

Through GRAPH:

From Power vs RL,

Maximum peak of the graph is pointing at the Yaxis=53.149 ie , max power

Yaxis: Power

Xaxis: RL

Maximum Power Transfer Theorm

1] Manual Calculations:

According to the manual calculation for max power transfer RL=Rth =15.9ohm

Therefore ,maximum power transfer through the RL =53.223 watt

2] Simulated Result:
Hence according to the above graph we can see,

Maximum power transfer through variable RL =53.149 watt


Hence maximum power transfer theorm is verified by both Manually and Simulated

which are nearly getting same value .


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