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Short instructions on engine diagnostic software

DCDesk 2000
for Liebherr Diesel engines with control unit LH ECU UP/CR

What signifies DCDesk 2000?

• DCDesk 2000 is the engine diagnostic software
• PLD engines with control unit LH ECU UP/CR
• Common-rail engines with LH ECU UP/CR

• Notebook with software DCDesk 2000 and
Hardlock (Dongle)
• The engine diagnostic may only be performed
by persons authorized Liebherr Ehingen.

These brief instructions of the DCDesk Version
4.22 contain only the most important items and
serves as a supplement for training.
The detailed manual on DCDesk can be called
up and printed via the menue item Help / Manual.

Ersteller: LWEend2 / Ausgabe: 15.05.06 / Version: 01

Engine Diagnostics Software DCDesk 2000 • Brief Instructions --
Elements........................................................................................................................... 3
Connect Notebook with the control unit..........................................................................3
Establish connection with the control unit.......................................................................4
Display measuring points in the measurement values window online............................5

Error:................................................................................................................................. 7
If an active error is present..............................................................................................7
Active and inactive errors................................................................................................8
The error memory...........................................................................................................9

Inserat from measured values as curve....................................................................... 10

Display of measured values as curve...........................................................................10
A selection of measured values storing and loading as input-group.............................11
Storing of measurements..............................................................................................12
Loading of a measurement for graphical evavaluation.................................................13
Evaluation of recordings in EXCEL...............................................................................14

Other................................................................................................................................ 15
Quick outline of sensors and data.................................................................................15
Configuration of plug-in pumps (only PLD engines)......................................................16

Overview......................................................................................................................... 17
Outline - „What and where is stored and loaded“..........................................................17
Outline: „Registers and Files“ in DCDesk.....................................................................18
Outline of „cylinder/bench assignment“.........................................................................19

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Kundendienst-Technische Dokumentation LWE lweend2
X107 Superstructure
Connect Notebook with the control unit Diagnostic connector
for engine diagnostic
by Notebook
1. Switch off the power of the crane by the battery main switch.

2. Connect Notebook and Hardlock by seriel cable with

engine diagnostic connector on the crane.

3. Switch on power of the crane by battery main switch.

4. Ignition switch on position 1 (ignition ON). Warning:

The identifications of the diano-
stic connectors on carrier and
superstructure (stickers) can
5. Start engine diagnostic software DCDesk. get loose due to aging. Then,
employ absolutely the connec-
tor with 3 metal pins (see fig.).
When employing the incorrect
connector, the Notebook can be Crane cab

Driver’s cab

X91 Carrier
Diagnostic connector
LWE adapter plug for engine diagnostic
by Notebook

Engine Diagnostics Software DCDesk 2000 • Brief Instructions --

Engine Diagnostics Software DCDesk 2000 • Brief Instructions --

Establish connection with the control unit Remark:

Nothing important is displayed with the
„LWE Hardlock Level 3“ in these
3 windows. They can be closed and the
window „Measurement“ can be
enlarged instead.

1. Start software DCDesk.

2. Establish a connection with the control unit through the
control unit/start communication (data will be loaded).
The following will be displayed in DCDesk after successfully
In the window Parameterizing:
Default Measuring groups predefined by LMB are displayed.
These groups cannot be changed.
Favorites Personal measuring groups can be created.
In the window Measurements:
All measurement values or only the measurement values of a
group selected in the parameterization window.

Kundendienst-Technische Dokumentation LWE lweend2

Kundendienst-Technische Dokumentation LWE lweend2

Display measuring points in the measurement values window online

1. Select Update measurements“ (Check mark is available).

2. Click on any folder in the window Parameterizing => all measurement values
available in DCDesk are displayed in the window.

1. 3. Click on any subfolder in the window Parameterizing => only the measurement
values of the predefined measurement groups are displayed.

Display of all measurement values available in DCDesk Display of a selection of measurement values that are part of a predefined


The measurement values are updated every 50 ms when the measurement value window is
activated (clicked on) • and are updated every 200 ms in an inactive window (not clicked)

Engine Diagnostics Software DCDesk 2000 • Brief Instructions --

Engine Diagnostics Software DCDesk 2000 • Brief Instructions --

Combine measuring points into separate measuring groups (will follow)

Kundendienst-Technische Dokumentation LWE lweend2

Kundendienst-Technische Dokumentation LWE lweend2
If an active error is present
The red marking signals an active error.

The dialogue window „Current errors“ opens by double clicking

on the red marking (refer to next page).

The active errors are displayed as LEC Liebherr-Error-Code in

the crane via CAN.

Error: 3 0 0 5 ErrLWECanOutput Move from Error List

Display in the crane as

LEC 880503 Liebherr Error Code

All errors in the DCDesk begin with 30.

30 is replaced by LWE by the engine
Code 88 or 89.
Engine code:
87 D936 A6 PLD (Carrier)
88 D846 A7 CR (Carrier)
89 D934 A6 PLD (Superstructure)
92 D9508 A7 CR

Engine Diagnostics Software DCDesk 2000 • Brief Instructions --

Engine Diagnostics Software DCDesk 2000 • Brief Instructions --

Active and inactive errors

All actice errors are listed here.

All inactive errors that have appeared since the last
program start of DCDesk are shown here.

Procedure in the event of active errors:
1. Rectify the error causes.
2. Check if the error is still present as an active error, if yes - activate the push
button delete error.
3. If the error message does not disappear from the active error section, the
ignition must be switched off.

Kundendienst-Technische Dokumentation LWE lweend2

Kundendienst-Technische Dokumentation LWE lweend2

The error memory

All errors in one table are stored in and maintained in the error memory. This
table provides additional information for each stored error. Since each error is
only listed once, each error number provides
■ the frequency, how often the error has appeared,
■ the operating hour when the error first appeared and
■ the operating hour when the error appeared last time.

This concludes:
In order to display the error that appeared last in the table above, the
table must be sorted by a mouse click on the column „last Occurence“.

Engine Diagnostics Software DCDesk 2000 • Brief Instructions --

Engine Diagnostics Software DCDesk 2000 • Brief Instructions - 10 -
Inserat from measured values as curve
Display of measured values as curve

By this window, measured values can be displayed as curve and numerically stored. The recorded
measurements can be dispatched by e-mail and subsequently evalued in offline-mode by DCDesk or

1. Click into this section

Start / Stop of the
and enter the measuring online display.
number of the desired
measuring point. The Delete actual curves in
corresponding measu- the graphic window
ring point designation
By options, measure-
will be entered by the ments can be stored, the
program. apearance of the curves
2. At placed hooklets, the modified and measu-
curve will be adapted au- red groups stored and
tomatically to the curve
window („Auto-skaling

Remark: The actually

selected measuring
points can be stored
under Options/curve 1. Click and enter the time
parameters as group. in seconds, which shall
Thus, they must not 2. be displayed in the gra-
reentered later for a hic window.
new measurement.

The measured points (maximum 10) entered into The measuring points (maximum 10) enterd into
this table are displayd as curve and numerically. this table are displayed only numerically. No re-
presentation as curve and no recording
in the measuring file.

Kundendienst-Technische Dokumentation LWE lweend2

Kundendienst-Technische Dokumentation LWE lweend2

A selection of measured values storing and loading as input-group

By Options/Curve
parameters, the
colour of the curves
The measuring points entered into this column can
can be chnged.
be memorised as input-group for later employment.
Remark: Hereby, no measurement is memorised ! 1.
Moreover, LWE has available predefined, problem-
related measure groups. These predefined measu-
red groups­ can be called by Load.

1. In window 2.
Graphic / Curve above the time,
operate the control section Options.
2. In window Options, click the register
card curve parameters.
3. By Memorising, the entered measu-
red measuring points can be stored as
By Load, load a predefined measured
group by LWE.
Loading place of the mesured groups,
see Register and Files.

Engine Diagnostics Software DCDesk 2000 • Brief Instructions - 11 -

Engine Diagnostics Software DCDesk 2000 • Brief Instructions - 12 -

Storing of measurements

1, As described before, display the desi-

red measuring points as curve.

2. Operate control field options. 9.

3. Click register card Recorder.

4. Operate control field scan.

5. Select appropriate storage place,

eventually prepare a new. 3.
6. Give expressive name for the storage
file e.g.: 4.
„Crane type_crane number_OW/UW“. 1.

7. Operate control field Open and subse-

quently close window Options.
8. By start Rec, start and close the
measurement. Thus, several recordings
can be written into one storage file.

9. Start and stop the display of the

measurement via Start rec. Several
displays can be written into one memory
file by this method.

7. 8.

Kundendienst-Technische Dokumentation LWE lweend2

Kundendienst-Technische Dokumentation LWE lweend2

Loading of a measurement for graphical evavaluation By options/curve pa-

rameters, the colour
of the curves can de
A recorded measurement can be loaded for evaluation in DCDesk. The evaluation of the measure- changed.
ments is not very comfortable and thus, is only briefly explained. More details can be taken from the
user manual or from Help.

1. Operate control field Options.

2. Register card Recorder.

3. Operate control field Browse. 2. Zoom
4. Select file in which the storage file is 3.

5. Mark storage file and operate control 4.

field Open.

6. Delete hooklets from the curves not 5.

to be displayed.

7. Select in field Recording no. the desi-

red recording (every operation of the
control field Start Rec / Stop Rec adds 5.
to the recording file a furter recording). 7.
8. By control field load data, represent
the selected recording as curves.

To zoom the curves,draw a rectangle with the left mouse key. In order to
determine the numerical value, point now precisely with the mouse pointer
onto the desired point and read the numerical value at the left graphic win-
dow board (read correct colour).
Return by escape or double click or by the right mouse key.

Engine Diagnostics Software DCDesk 2000 • Brief Instructions - 13 -

Engine Diagnostics Software DCDesk 2000 • Brief Instructions - 14 -

Evaluation of recordings in EXCEL

1. Start Microsoft-Excel. The recorded measurement can be loaded in EXCEL. The conversion of the DCDesk storage file into an explicit EX-
CEL file must be performed manually at this time, but shall be realized also by a Macro in future. It is up to the techni-
2. Select in Excel the command file /
cian at the site whether to convert and evaluate the mesurement by himself, or to send it as original DCDesk .rec - file
per e-mail to LWE.
3. Select file type „All files *.* “ .(other-
wise, the rec-file will not be displayed)
4. Select file in which the DCDesk-sto-
rage file is placed.
5. Mark storaged file and operate con-
trol field Open.

6. „Close text converting assistent“ by

control field Terminate. 4.
7. Formate by cubicles - reduce 5.
meaningful user defined
the decimals of the measuring points.
8. The listed parameters in the table
under measuring point designations,
copy and enter and aligne by the corre- 8.
sponding column.
9. Fix window below the entered
measuring point designatitons. The 3.
expressive Excel-Table is terminated.
Memorize the Excel storage file, mo-
dified in this manner, under a diffent
name and as data file Excel .xls.


Kundendienst-Technische Dokumentation LWE lweend2

Kundendienst-Technische Dokumentation LWE lweend2
Quick outline of sensors and data
The window outline provides a quick outline on the most essential
engine data. 3 measuring instruments and 3 display sections can be
coccupied freely. Here, no measurement can be stored.

The display of the 3 measu-

ring instruments is freely
selectable by a double click
into the left display section.
The display section below
the respective instru- ment
is freely selectable. The left
display section and the in-
strument display always the The 3 display sections right
indentical measured value. below the instruments can
be configurated freely by a
double click.

Stop / Start of diplayed

measured values.

Group error signal (lights red if one error at

least exists)

Engine Diagnostics Software DCDesk 2000 • Brief Instructions - 15 -

Engine Diagnostics Software DCDesk 2000 • Brief Instructions - 16 -

Configuration of plug-in pumps (only PLD engines)

Due to production reasons, at the PLD system, plug-in pumps are classified in different tolerance
classes. At the replacement of a plug-in pump,it is necessary to inform the control unit of the corre-
spondant „tolerance classe code nummer“. Only in this manner can the correct injection volume be

Start DCDesk and estblish the connec- „Tolerance classe code numberr“
tion with the control unit.
1. By the menue point control unit/adju-
stment/injector code, call for the dialog
window injector code.
2. Read the „tolerance classe code “
of the plug-in pump and enter it behind
the corresponding cylinder. 2.
3. Acknowledge the correnct input by
OK. The letter O and the
4. Acknowledge the displayed safety 1. number 0, as well as
inquiries by OK. letter B and number 8
can easily be mixed up
with one another.




Kundendienst-Technische Dokumentation LWE lweend2

Kundendienst-Technische Dokumentation LWE lweend2
Outline - „What and where is stored and loaded“
DCDesk / Graphic / Curve above the time: Menu Graphic / Curve versus time / Options / Recorder
By this control section, the storing place and the file name
for the mesure to be recorded is fixed.
Remark: The recording can be represented as curve and
dispatched per e-mail for evaluation.

Menu File
Load and store parameter values:
By this command, all programmed Parameters (with
Number - Designation and actual measured vaue)
as well as indications on software and control unit
type are loaded. Application: At a engine problem,
send to the intervention manager at LWE with a

Menu File
Load and save selection:
Menu Graphic / Curve versus time / Options / Curve parameters
By this command, the actual, the actual by the fitter
Load and store Curve parameters:
selected parameters (measuring points) are stored
By this command, the actual, by the fitter selected Parameters as input measured group. These input measured
(measuring points are stored as input measured group. groups can be be recalled at any time by the regi-
ster „Own measured groups“ .
Remark: The measured values of the input measure value
groups can be represented and recorded and for evalution Remark: The values of the input measured values
dispatched by e-mail. can be displayed only online, but not recorded
and dspatched by e-mail for evaluation.

Engine Diagnostics Software DCDesk 2000 • Brief Instructions - 17 -

Engine Diagnostics Software DCDesk 2000 • Brief Instructions - 18 -

Outline: „Registers and Files“ in DCDesk

In order not to loose the oversight at the multitude of

storing and input files, the shown register structure DCDesk / Graphic / Curve versus time:
is recommended.




with t

he en
d .cr

the e
nd .

Kundendienst-Technische Dokumentation LWE lweend2

Kundendienst-Technische Dokumentation LWE lweend2

Outline of „cylinder/bench assignment“

D934 A6 PLD D846 A7 CR

Bank A Bank B Bank B Bank A
A1 A2 B1 B2 B3 B2 B1 A3 A2 A1

6 5 4 3 2 1

Zündfolge: 1 - 3 - 4 - 2 Zündfolge: 1 - 5 - 3 - 6 - 2 - 4

D936 A6 PLD D9508 A7 CR

Bank A Bank B B4 A2 A3 B1
A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3
8 7 6 5
1 2 3 4 5 6
4 3 2 1
Zündfolge: 1 - 5 - 3 - 6 - 2 - 4
A4 B3 B2 A1
Zündfolge: 1 - 5 - 7 - 2 - 6 - 3 - 4 - 8

LWE Ender D.
Engine Diagnostics Software DCDesk 2000 • Brief Instructions - 19 -
Engine Diagnostics Software DCDesk 2000 • Brief Instructions - 20 -

Kundendienst-Technische Dokumentation LWE lweend2

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