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4/26/22, 10:28 AM /x/ - Redpill Me On Crystals - Paranormal - 4chan

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Redpill Me On Crystals Anonymous 04/26/22(Tue)09:49:48
No.31682037 ▶ >>31682058

Hello, a lot of people here and into crystals and crystal healings and
I'm on the edge with them. I just wanted to ask, how does crystal
healing actually work? Can metals be crystals as well? And how is
the frequency of which a crystal resonates determined? I'm really
interested in the mechanisms of crystal so I know the best way to
get into them, and I'm willing to keep an open mind on everything

>> Anonymous 04/26/22(Tue)09:52:18 No.31682058 ▶

>>31682037 (OP)

Crystals don't have any healing power, but they are very
nice to look at and can therefore be useful as a
meditation/anti-anxiety tool (staring at the different facets
and studying how they catch the light is very relaxing).

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