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User’s Guide

MagiCAD 2008.5
MagiCAD® Copyright © 1998-2008 Progman Oy. All rights reserved.
MagiCAD is a registered trademark of Progman Oy.
AutoCAD is a registered trademark of Autodesk Inc.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
All other product names are trademarks of their respective holders.
MagiCAD 2008.5 User’s Guide

What is new in
MagiCAD 2008.5
Chapter 1. Common features 1
Unicode...................................................................................................................................... 1
Save as 2007.11 format.............................................................................................................. 1
Provision for Voids.................................................................................................................... 2
Rounding of the provision for voids............................................................................ 2
Status settings ............................................................................................................................ 3

Chapter 2. MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation 4

Substation (Heat Exchanger) ..................................................................................................... 4
Options for adding components and devices fast....................................................................... 5
R/D value for flexible pipes....................................................................................................... 5
Connection Node Report ........................................................................................................... 6
Dimension texts ......................................................................................................................... 6
Change Properties...................................................................................................................... 6
Model Drawings dialog is now resizable................................................................................... 7
IFC............................................................................................................................................. 7
Other changes ............................................................................................................................ 7
Resolved issues.......................................................................................................................... 7
Changes made in version 2007.11 SR-1 .................................................................................... 9

Chapter 3. MagiCAD Electrical 10

Cable number........................................................................................................................... 10
Drawing functions ................................................................................................................... 11
General ...................................................................................................................... 11
Cable drawing............................................................................................................ 11
Conflict situations...................................................................................................... 12
Settings of cable packets ........................................................................................... 13
System description dialog........................................................................................................ 14
Default cable.............................................................................................................. 14
Product data dialog .................................................................................................................. 14
Default cable.............................................................................................................. 14
Calculation data......................................................................................................... 14
Upside down mirror................................................................................................... 15
Project management................................................................................................................. 15
Change Properties.................................................................................................................... 16
Part Properties.......................................................................................................................... 16
Dimension texts ....................................................................................................................... 16
IFC exports .............................................................................................................................. 17
Original IFC export ................................................................................................... 17
New IFC export and import for calculations ............................................................. 17
Other changes .......................................................................................................................... 19
Resolved issues........................................................................................................................ 19

Chapter 4. MagiCAD Room 21

Layer and color settings........................................................................................................... 21
Air flow values by area or times per hour................................................................................ 22

What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5 Contents • iii

iv • Contents What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5
What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5

Chapter 1. Common features

It is now possible to select either National or Unicode character set in MagiCAD
HP&V, Electrical and Room. (National was used in the previous versions.) The
selection is made in the Project Settings section of the project management

Save as 2007.11 format

It is possible to save the drawings to older MagiCAD format (2007.11). This is
necessary, for example, if the subcontractors are still using the older MagiCAD
New command MAGISAVEAS200711 (SAVE200711) saves all drawings
connected to the same project (under the project folder) to MagiCAD 2007.11
format. The drawings are saved to the given folder, which must not be the same
folder or its subfolder. If the drawing is connected also to a MagiCAD Electrical
project, Electrical objects are also converted.

Chapter 1. Common features • 1

What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5

Provision for Voids

Provision for Voids now recognizes AcDbPolyFaceMesh objects. Objects of this
type of are used, for example, in Tekla Structures.

Rounding of the provision for voids

It is now possible to add the rounding value to the provision for voids created by
the Automatic Void Provision function.

The values are in millimeters. Rounding value is used to round the value to the
nearest multiple of the rounding value upwards. For example, if the Automatic
Void Provision function created a provision for voids with size 154x154 and the
rounding value were 10, the resulting size would be 160x160 – if the rounding
value were 25, the resulting size would be 175x175.
Rounding down value can be used to avoid rounding to produce too large voids.
For example, if the offset for rectangular void were 20 mm and a pipe's outer
diameter were 114 mm (and 100 mm were the maximum diameter for circular
void), the result before rounding would be 114+20+20 => 154 mm x 154 mm. If
the rounding value were 25 mm, after rounding the size of the void would be 175
mm x 175 mm. That could be a too wide gap, but with the rounding down value
one can round small exceedings of the rounding value downwards. If the
rounding value of 5 mm were used, the resulting size would be 150 mm x 150
Automatic Void Provision functionality (command MAGIAVP) is able to detect
the need for voids from partial collisions. For example, the case where the walls
do not have an end (that is, the wall is not a complete box), the case where the
void would not be completely inside the wall / floor.

2 • Chapter 1. Common features / Provision for Voids

What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5

Status settings
It is possible to define different kind of status definitions in the project
management dialog.

You can set line type, color and line weight settings for the status.
The status can be determined while drawing the duct/pipe or when installing the
devices. It is also possible to determine the status afterwards with Change
-Not defined- status means that MagiCAD uses the “normal” settings.

Chapter 1. Common features / Status settings • 3

What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5

Chapter 2. MagiCAD
Heating&Piping and Ventilation

Substation (Heat Exchanger)

It is now possible to define and install the heat exchangers.
Start the function from the toolbar or with command MAGIHX.

4 • Chapter 2. MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation / Substation (Heat Exchanger)

What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5

It is possible to edit the information with the command MAGIHXE.

Options for adding components and devices fast

Now it is possible to add the duct and pipe components and air devices while
drawing a duct/pipe. You can find new options from AutoCAD’s command line
and also with right click.

R/D value for flexible pipes

It is now possible to use manual Radius for the flexible pipes (heating/cooling,
water and sprinkler). The radius is still at least the minimum R/D value defined
in the pipe series. In pipe options there is a new option Radius for flexible pipes
with radio buttons “Do not use” and “Use”. When “Do not use” is selected,
flexible bends have their R/D value like previously. When “Use” is selected, the
radius defined in the number field is used instead.

Chapter 2. MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation / Options for adding components and devices fast • 5
What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5

Connection Node Report

A new function has been added for finding the connection nodes.

Dimension texts
It is now possible to add the Connection size with phi and Connection size with
drawn phi for pipes.
Double-clicking a variable in Available list adds the variable to the Selected list.
Double-clicking a variable in Selected list removes the variable. Naturally,
double-clicking a constant variable still shows the editing dialog.
New variable Fall has been added for the sprinkler pipes.

Change Properties
A new option has been added to Change Properties to change air flows of air

6 • Chapter 2. MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation / Connection Node Report

What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5

Model Drawings dialog is now resizable

Earlier it was not possible to select the desired drawing from the Model drawings
list, because the size of the dialog was constant. Now it is resizable, so you can
see the drawing names even though the path name is long.

Radiators with different connecions (AB/FE) were presented incorrectly in an
IFC file.
ObjectID variable was shown as DeviceID in MagiCAD's own property sets in
IFC. Name has been changed to ObjectID. Also, the formula of the object ID
was shown in the IFC file instead of the result.

Other changes
When drawing a duct from a roof fan, the command now asks if you want to
change the duct size to match the fan size.
It is now possible to draw ducts/pipes up to 500 meters high (previously the limit
was 50 meters)
It is now possible to take the Collar length and diameter attributes (Air Devices)
to MagiCAD Export.
The following new market area selections have been added to the project: Latvia
(LVA), Estonia (EST), and China (CHN).
Center snap points have been added for air devices (and more generally, all snap
points that can be got for models).
Now it is possible to give direction also to a fan that is installed to the end of the

Resolved issues
Connecting to the manifold did not work correctly. If dH in the branch was set,
all pipes from the fourth connection used that value, and slanted pipes were
MagiCAD Export failed in some cases if the project was without any ductwork
systems and all systems were selected.

Chapter 2. MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation / Model Drawings dialog is now resizable • 7
What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5

Sprinkler installation dialog did not remember the selected system.

Radiator selection used User code as an ID, which caused confusion with
radiators with the same user code but different product codes.
Earlier it was possible to continue to draw duct and pipe from quick section by
using the + grips.
MagiCAD 2007.11 version had a problem which made pipes sometimes

If different product types were selected to the same dimension text (for example,
water point and sewer point) the dimension text was removed when the other
object was moved. Now the text is not removed any more.
When you calculated the system, MagiCAD saved all the drawings to the
memory during the calculation. If there were many drawings, this feature raised
the usage of memory quite big and that caused fatal errors. Now during one
system calculation, MagiCAD releases the *.dwg files as soon as it is ready with
them. This does not happen if multiple systems are selected.
When using the option “Remove building system parts from file...” in IFC
Export, the function did not remove MagiCAD data from the selected IFC file.
Now it is possible to draw ABS ducts properly etc, also if MagiCAD is loaded.
Part Properties of the provision for voids showed world coordinates instead of
floor coordinates.
It was not possible to install valves into sewer pipe as it was in some of the
earlier versions.
It was not possible to install valves to a pipe smaller than 10 mm.
It was not possible to change pipe material during drawing a vertical pipe.
Search circle found objects also outside of it. Now it shows only the objects
which are inside of the circle.
Dimension text variables top of part and bottom of part showed an incorrect
value for provision for voids.
The duct symbol options text in the Viewport Preferences dialog is now "2D -
Symbols" instead of "1D - Symbols".
Xref drawings were not regenerated after hide or reset hide which could seem
that the hide was not working properly with xref drawings.
User variable names are now used also in Change Properties dialog.
The insulation was shown with duct components even though the insulation was
Copying of sprinkler (or any QModel device) was very slow, because QModels
were updated during copying, even when it was not necessary.
Per mil and Connection size with phi dimension text variables were shown as '?'
Exhaust / extract symbol was incorrect when a connection node going upwards
was made first and then it was erased (showed X instead of /).

8 • Chapter 2. MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation / Resolved issues

What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5

Sizing method listed only a limited number of methods correctly. For example,
after nine methods all information was shown as 0 when the project dialog was
closed and reopened.
When a product was selected to the project from a qpd file, MagiCAD kept the
product database reserved until MagiCAD was closed.
If the Show objects as saved in model space setting in Drawing Preferences was
active, paste-clip did not work when MagiCAD was loaded.

Changes made in version 2007.11 SR-1

Dimension text referring multiple objects turned target line perpendicular to the
Vertical outdoor and exhaust ducts leading downwards from a distribution box
had incorrect symbols.
When using AddPart and selecting e.g. multiple pipes, the program stopped
showing the new parts in the dimension text. Now it works properly.
When changing insulation visibility in Viewport Preferences, also xrefs which
were unloaded were reloaded.
Negative tolerance in collision control did not work properly with duct and pipe

Chapter 2. MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation / Changes made in version 2007.11 SR-1 • 9
What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5

Chapter 3. MagiCAD Electrical

Cable number
You can now give a cable number for a cable when you start to draw one and
with part properties. Cable number is editable also in the circuit dialog after
installing a circuit.

A cable number is given for the whole cable.

When the next free button is clicked, MagiCAD searches for the next free
number from all the model drawings that are connected to the project. MagiCAD
recognizes the highest number of digits in cable numbers, and uses the same
number when the next free button is used.
When changing a cable number MagiCAD tries to update it for the whole cable.
If for some reason MagiCAD cannot change the cable number, the action will be
canceled. This can happen if a drawing where the cable is installed is not
readable/writable (e.g. when using connection nodes to other drawings that are
opened by another user).
Cable number can be used as a part of object ID. It can also be used in
dimension texts, reports and on the part property line.

You can easily create cable lists with reports by using the cable number variable.

To make your cable numbers similar give the desired amount of digits already
for the first cable number.

MagiCAD will not give a warning if you input a duplicate number. You should
use the next free button always when inserting a new number.

10 • Chapter 3. MagiCAD Electrical / Cable number

What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5

Drawing functions

Linetype has now also the selection of by project. This is because of the new
status feature. With this option the linetype will follow the settings found in
status definitions.

Cable drawing
Cables are now handled as whole cables when they are drawn. If linetype,
installation, xy-routing, presentation or corners are changed during cable
drawing, MagiCAD will split the cable into several entities, but they will be
linked together as a whole cable.

Chapter 3. MagiCAD Electrical / Drawing functions • 11

What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5

Cables have four significant properties: system, material, cable number and
status. If one or more of these is changed during cable drawing, the cable will be
cut and a junction box is forced to be installed. If a junction box that has two
cables connected to it is removed, the cables are connected as a whole cable if
the significant properties are the same for both cables. Otherwise they are left as
separate cables. The link between two entities of the same cable is also lost if the
two connected ends are separated too far from each other (100 * world scale).
If one or more of the significant properties is changed for a piece of cable with
Part Properties or Change Properties, MagiCAD will try to change it to other
pieces that belong to the whole cable (including the pieces in other drawings if
connection nodes are used). If for some reason MagiCAD cannot change the
properties, the action will be canceled and there will be a message. This can
happen if a drawing where the cable is installed is not readable/writeable (e.g.
when using connection nodes to other drawings that are opened by another user).
If a device is installed in the middle of a cable, the cable will be split into two
pieces. They will, however, still have the same properties as the original, so if
the original cable already had a cable number, both of the two “new” cables will
have the same cable number. MagiCAD gives a message if this happens.
If a device is installed in the middle of a cable and the cable already has an IFC
GUID, MagiCAD will reset the IFC GUID. New ones will be created in the next
IFC Export function.
If the system is changed in cable drawing options when starting to draw a cable,
MagiCAD tries to find the default cable that is defined for the system. If a cable
type is found from the system, MagiCAD will automatically change the current
cable type to that one. If a cable type is not found, the current cable type

Conflict situations
The Different Properties dialogs that appear in conflict situations have a new
appearance. The available selections are:
• Use all properties of the selected objects
This option will use all the properties shown in the dialog from the
selected object.
• Use all properties of the current options
This option will use all the properties shown in the dialog from the
currently active settings.
• Copy selected properties from the selected object to options (double-
click to select)
With this option on you can select the wanted properties from the
selected object to the currently active properties and use those. Use
double-click to copy properties.

The properties that are not shown in the dialog are already the same or are taken
from the current settings.

12 • Chapter 3. MagiCAD Electrical / Drawing functions

What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5

Settings of cable packets

Cables inside a cable packet can have a cable number. They can be given in the
cables owned by packet dialog.

You cannot give the number of similar cables anymore when adding cables to a
cable packet. Now you need to add cables one by one because you can give each
cable a cable number to make them unique. Part Properties will still sum up the
number of similar cables that do not have cable numbers defined.

Chapter 3. MagiCAD Electrical / Drawing functions • 13

What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5

System description dialog

Default cable
A system can now have a definition for the default cable. It can be used for
products to help the selection of the default cable and directly in cable drawing

Product data dialog

Default cable
Default cable can now also be by system, so MagiCAD will find the default cable
from the system to which the device is installed. This is useful with devices that
are used in several systems.

Calculation data
Because of the use of IT systems in some market areas, products now have also
the phase definition of 2~.

14 • Chapter 3. MagiCAD Electrical / System description dialog

What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5

The current is calculated with the following formula:

2~: I=P/(U * cosφ)
It will be written into IFC when using IFC Calculation Export. It is the current
that runs inside the device.
Switchboards are always considered to be 3~ devices in MagiCAD.

Upside down mirror

Products can now be mirrored also upside down. To activate the upside down
mirror the allow mirroring upside down option has to be selected in the product
data dialog. This means that when using the MIRROR command of AutoCAD
the product is mirrored completely upside down.

Do not use this option with products that cannot be installed upside down or at
least with products that cannot be presented upside down in 3D view. When
using only 2D symbols, it is up to the user which symbols are wanted to be
mirrored upside down.

Project management
You can now select the default power distribution type in project settings. The
selectable types are:
• TN-S
• TN-C-S
• TN-C
• IT
• TT
• DC
The selected type is written to every circuit when making the IFC Calculation

Chapter 3. MagiCAD Electrical / Project management • 15

What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5

Change Properties
Now it is possible to change the linetype for one or several objects by using
Change Properties.
Now it is possible to change the arrow symbol of a connection node by using
Change Properties.

Part Properties
Linetype is now visible in Part Properties.
Cable number is visible in Part Properties (of a cable and cable packet) and can
be changed there.
Status is visible in Part Properties.

Dimension texts
Dimension texts now recognize all system codes from cables that are inside a
cable packet. With break cable it is possible to get all the system codes inside the
break space.
There is now also a selection for the column separator. The available options are:
• none
• space
• use character
With “use character” it’s possible to use any desired character between the

Dimension texts can be now used for voids also. Voids have now their own layer
settings in MagiCAD Electrical. Two dimension line variables have been added:
Void provision owner and Void provision size. In addition, a void recognizes the
following dimension text variables: Top elevation, Top elevation absolute,

16 • Chapter 3. MagiCAD Electrical / Change Properties

What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5

Inst.point elevation, Inst.point elevation absolute, Bottom elevation, Bottom

elevation absolute, Length, Width, Height, Diameter.

IFC exports

Original IFC export

The original IFC Export (MAGIEIFCOUT) now adds also CostQuantity and
CostUnit to products if the add cost data option is selected. CostQuantity is the
length for objects that are measured in lengths and one for objects that are
measured in amount. The CostUnit is MMT for lengths and EA for amounts. The
CostData property set can be read into cost estimation software such as Eldata.

New IFC export and import for calculations

There are two new buttons in the project/general toolbar: IFC Calculation
Export and IFC Calculation Import.

IFC Calculation Export (MEICE)

With this function it is possible to export the whole electrical power system or
only the electrical power distribution system to calculation software such as
Febdok. After running the command there are two options for export range:

Chapter 3. MagiCAD Electrical / IFC exports • 17

What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5

• All circuits
This option exports the whole electrical power system with every
device connected behind a circuit that is connected to a switchboard.
• Circuits between switchboards
This option only exports the switchboards and everything between them
This is used when only the distribution system is wanted to be

IFC Calculation Import (MEICI)

With this function you can import your electrical power system back to
MagiCAD from calculation software such as Febdok and update all the cables
back to your drawings. Additional information is updated also for protective
devices. This is shown in the circuit dialog’s PD Code field.


You have to connect everything you want to export with cables and circuits. You
can only have one main switchboard so that MagiCAD and the calculation
software know what the “starting point” is. This means that there has to be only
one switchboard that is not connected to any other switchboard via cable and
circuit. If MagiCAD finds several possible main switchboard candidates, it gives
a message and the export is canceled.

To make calculation software read everything correctly, please define the

number of used phases for junction boxes and switches also. An incorrect
number might be understood wrong by the calculation software. This applies
also to all other devices. Switchboards are automatically handled as three-phase

Circuits that are not connected to a switchboard are not exported. You can see
the circuits that fail the export in a message when running the export. Also
circuits that are not connected to a switchboard but are in the area of a
switchboard will not be exported.

If you do not define phases for circuits, the calculation software might handle
them wrong. In such cases some software such as Febdok may read the phases
from the previous device that is located upstream so because of the handling of
switchboards as three-phase devices the circuits without phase information will
most likely be handled as three-phase circuits.

18 • Chapter 3. MagiCAD Electrical / IFC exports

What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5

IFC Schema is 2x3ge. Cable types get their name from cable description. Cable
lengths are written for the cables as well as the installation code. Cables have to
have exactly the same name in both MagiCAD and in the calculation software to
understand the cable types.

Other changes
The active power of the switchboard is now recognized by reports, dimension
texts and part property line.
The Update drawing data function is now optimized so that it updates only the
necessary data that is found from the objects that are in the drawing. This saves
time because now MagiCAD does not have to check through every layer
Devices have now checkboxes for all earthing styles in product data dialog: N,
PE and PEN. These are for future purposes.
More snap points added for 2D symbols: center and quadrant.

Resolved issues
Connection nodes can now be created successfully to other drawings even if a
connection node has an elevation that is different from the elevation that the
actual storey border has. Previously there were some limits that made the use of
connection nodes too precise.
When continuing to draw from a connection node the properties of the selected
object are forced to be used by the conflict dialog. You can see the forced
properties in the Different Properties dialog.
When texting top and bottom heights MagiCAD shows the outer limit heights of
the selected part. Previously it showed the heights from the clicked position and
this sometimes lead to some false values with cable tray crossings.
Part property line and dimension texts now show only the installation point
elevation from connection nodes when elevations are wanted to be shown.
Previously there were some false values shown with top and bottom elevations.
Previously circuit number could hold only six characters. Now it can hold up to
10 characters.
When exporting an object into IFC that has an apostrophe ( ‘ ) inside some
product data, the apostrophes are now changed to spaces because previously they
made the IFC file unreadable.
The whole product note can now be copied to clipboard from reports. Previously
it was limited to some amount of characters.
Now every variable can be shown in a report if needed. Previously there were
some limitations.
Previously MagiCAD made a reduction if it was selected in the cable tray
options when drawing a bend under 10 and over 2 degrees. Now the reduction
“none” is forced in these situations and the trays are cut to straight pieces with
slightly slanted installation. With bends less than or equal of 2 degrees
MagiCAD interprets it so that the user has wanted to make a direct tray and
draws it so.
Description has been added to the product field in Part Properties of a
combination box. Previously there was only the product code.
The minimum value of cos phi for switchboards is reduced from 0.6 to 0.
Object ID is now written to the MagiCAD property set in IFC Export.

Chapter 3. MagiCAD Electrical / Other changes • 19

What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5

MagiCAD property set is now written into IFC also for cables when they are
selected to be exported.
Now object direction and position are taken from the 3D symbol (if an object has
one) when making an IFC Export.
The previously hidden function MESCP has now a button: Show Cable/Cable
Packet/Conduit Route.

20 • / Resolved issues
What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5

Chapter 4. MagiCAD Room

Layer and color settings

It is now possible to define the layers and colors in MagiCAD Room. Default
values for colors are the same as they have always been – that is, the drawings
made with older Room versions look the same as earlier.
The layer and color settings can be defined in the Project Management dialog.

The Layer Definition dialog contains the following input data:

Layer definitions
• Name – name of the layer
• Color – color of the object. This color setting is the default color
which will be created when the object is created to the drawing.
These values can be changed also from AutoCAD’s layer
2D and 3D presentation
• Color – color of the object, ByLayer selections is available. If
ByLayer is selected, the color is defined according to the settings of
the Layer definitions.
Colors will be updated automatically when exiting from the Project dialog. The
colors are also updated when using Show Room Objects or 2D/3D functions.

Chapter 4. MagiCAD Room / Layer and color settings • 21

What is new in MagiCAD 2008.5

Air flow values by area or times per hour

It is now possible to define the air flow by using different methods. It can still be
given manually, but it is now also possible to define airflow according to area, or
how many times per hour it should be changed.

These values can be set also in the Project Management dialog. With Shift and
Ctrl buttons, several rooms can be edited at the same time.

22 • Chapter 4. MagiCAD Room / Air flow values by area or times per hour
MagiCAD 2008.5 User’s Guide

Common features of
MagiCAD applications
Chapter 1. Installation 1
Before you begin........................................................................................................................ 1
Installation and start................................................................................................................... 1
Installing the program.................................................................................................. 1
Starting the program .................................................................................................... 2
Menu and customization files...................................................................................... 2
Keeping the program up-to-date.................................................................................. 2

Chapter 2. How to start with MagiCAD 3

Demo projects............................................................................................................................ 3
Template drawings and projects ................................................................................................ 3

Chapter 3. Functions in “MagiCAD Common” menu 5

Common menu........................................................................................................................... 5
MagiCAD HP&V Viewport Preferences................................................................................... 5
Main viewport ............................................................................................................. 5
“Presentation options” tab ........................................................................................... 6
“Dimension texts” tab.................................................................................................. 7
“Hide options” tab ....................................................................................................... 8
“Misc” tab ................................................................................................................... 9
MagiCAD Electrical Viewport Preferences............................................................................. 10
Clip + Rotate, Restore from Clip + Rotate .............................................................................. 10
Error handling (Show messages) ............................................................................................. 11
Clear Garbage Layer................................................................................................................ 11
Drawing Cleaning Utility......................................................................................................... 11
Help ......................................................................................................................................... 12

Chapter 4. Provision for Voids 13

Voids menu.............................................................................................................................. 13
Provision for voids................................................................................................................... 13
Automatic void provisions....................................................................................................... 13
Settings for automatic void provisions in the project management ........................... 14
Import Provision for voids report ............................................................................................ 15

Chapter 5. Running Index 16

Settings for running index in the project management ............................................................ 16
Text formats .............................................................................................................. 16
Text groups................................................................................................................ 17
Insert running index................................................................................................................. 17
Edit running index ................................................................................................................... 18
Remove Running Index ........................................................................................................... 19

Chapter 6. Other common features 20

Unicode.................................................................................................................................... 20
Status ....................................................................................................................................... 21

Common features of MagiCAD applications Contents • iii

Save as 2007.11 format............................................................................................................ 22
Explode MagiCAD objects...................................................................................................... 23
COM interface ......................................................................................................................... 23

iv • Contents Common features of MagiCAD applications

Common features of MagiCAD applications

Chapter 1. Installation

Before you begin

MagiCAD version 2008.5 is compatible with AutoCAD 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
and with the corresponding versions of AutoCAD Architecture (previously
called Architectural Desktop) and AutoCAD MEP (previously called Autodesk
Building Systems).
Administrator privileges are required for MagiCAD installations.

See “What is new in MagiCAD version 2008.5” documentation for the list of
changes. Read the release notes carefully if you have used previous versions
of MagiCAD.

Installation and start

Installing the program

Installation of the program is described in MagiCAD Installation Guide, which
is a help file that can be launched from the program CD.
MagiCAD Setup creates folder MagiCAD on the desktop and in the common
program folder (Start Ö Programs). The folder is visible to all users of the

See the “== READ ME FIRST ==” document before you start using the

Chapter 1. Installation • 1
Common features of MagiCAD applications

Starting the program

The shortcut for starting the program is MagiCAD (R16) or MagiCAD (R17)
depending on the platform on which MagiCAD is used. R16 stands for 2006,
whereas R17 stands for 2007 … 2009.

When you start the program for the first time with its shortcut, the following
message may appear:

This is a normal situation, indicating that a non-existing profile was selected.

The first start of MagiCAD creates a fresh AutoCAD profile with default
settings, and you can modify it with your preferences as you can modify any
AutoCAD profile.

Menu and customization files

Compared to the older program versions, customization files or other user-
modifiable files of MagiCAD 2008.5 are no longer in the program directory.
This change has been made due to the restrictions of some operating systems.
See the “Read Me First” document for more information.

Keeping the program up-to-date

Updating MagiCAD can be done easily by using the Check for Updates function.
The shortcut for the update link can be found in MagiCAD folder.

2 • Chapter 1. Installation / Installation and start

Common features of MagiCAD applications

Chapter 2. How to start with


Demo projects
MagiCAD includes a demo project to make it easier for you to get acquainted
with MagiCAD.
The demo project is located in the /Demo projects subdirectory of MagiCAD
program directory.

Template drawings and projects

Template drawings
Template drawings and template projects make it easier to start new projects, as
it is possible to make templates for different purposes.
You can, for example, set AutoCAD’s variables (LTSCALE, SNAP, LIMITS
…), layers, text styles and fonts (e.g. Cyrillic fonts) and other information that is
stored in the DWG file.
When you create a new drawing in AutoCAD (File/New), select a suitable
template (Use a Template). AutoCAD shows the templates that are located in the
directory defined in AutoCAD’s profile; Tools/Options/ Files/Drawing Template
File Location. It is possible to define the template directory other than the
default directory that is defined for AutoCAD. MagiCAD template drawings will
then not be mixed with AutoCAD’s template drawings.
You can copy the layout from any template as follows:
• Right-click the mouse on a layout name.
• Choose From Template.
• Find a suitable template and choose the layout.
• Rename the layout by right-clicking the mouse and choosing
• You can change the layout settings with Page Setup.
In Model space the objects are always drawn full size.

Chapter 2. How to start with MagiCAD / Demo projects • 3

Common features of MagiCAD applications

The paper sizes in the template drawings are defined at 1:1 scale, which means
that the viewport must be scaled with ZOOM using the 1/50xp factor if you wish
to scale the contents in 1:50. The output is printed in 1:1 scale.
It is possible to modify the template project as desired and save it with a
different name (file extension DWT). If MagiCAD's Template subdirectory is
saved in the Drawing Template File Location setting of MagiCAD's profile, only
the template drawings in the particular directory appear when a new drawing is

Template projects
Template projects have the same main principle as template drawings. In the
template projects, it is possible to define storey list, devices, dimension line
styles, layer names, sizing criteria, duct/pipe series and insulation series. You
can make different template projects for different purposes, and it is
recommended to save them all to a previously defined location (for example,
A template project consists of
• line types (*.LIN)
• product database (*.QPD), that contains technical data
• project database (*.EPJ), that contains eg. sizing criteria, layers,
and dimension line styles
It is possible to save the template drawings and template projects to a network
server. They are then available to all MagiCAD users in the company. You can
use any project as a template project.

4 • Chapter 2. How to start with MagiCAD / Template drawings and projects

Common features of MagiCAD applications

Chapter 3. Functions in
“MagiCAD Common” menu

Common menu

This toolbar contains the functions that are common to all MagiCAD
• MagiCAD HP&V Viewport Preferences
• MagiCAD Electrical Viewport Preferences
• Clip & Rotate
• Restore from Clip & Rotate
• Provision for Voids
• Show Messages
• Clear Garbage Layer
• Drawing Cleaning Utility
• Help

MagiCAD HP&V Viewport Preferences

With this function you can set different presentations (1D, 2D, 3D) to the objects
for each viewport separately. You can also set these preferences for the
viewports in the layout windows.
In the Viewport Preferences dialog you can also choose how the reference texts
are displayed in each viewport, and set the hiding options for ducts and pipes.

Main viewport
If the same viewport settings are used in several different viewports, it is
possible to select the main viewport. Main viewport settings and hide
information can be used in other viewports. Set Is main viewport in Viewport

Chapter 3. Functions in “MagiCAD Common” menu / Common menu • 5

Common features of MagiCAD applications

Preferences to set the viewport as a main viewport. To make viewport follow

the main viewport’s graphics settings, select Follow main viewport. When
Follow main viewport is set, all viewport settings are grayed out, and the settings
of the main viewport are shown. Using the main viewport also speeds up saving.

Note: When the main viewport is set, the viewport must be in model space.
There can be only one main viewport at time.

If hide or reset hide is run in the main viewport, all viewports which are set to
Follow main viewport are also regenerated.
If hide or reset hide is run in a viewport which is set to Follow main viewport,
there is a message: “Hide/reset hide is not possible in the current viewport
because it is set to follow the main viewport’s settings”

“Presentation options” tab

6 • Chapter 3. Functions in “MagiCAD Common” menu / MagiCAD HP&V Viewport Preferences

Common features of MagiCAD applications

• Presentation – select between 1D (wireframe), Active2D, and 3D

• 2D Presentation – Presentation of the pipe components in 2D can be
3D or 1D (symbol)
• Insulation – visibility of the insulation
• 1D - Symbols – in the Size coefficient field you can set the common
scale factor (e.g. 1:100) for plotting. You can also set the limit for
displaying the vertical pipes with their own dimensions also in 1D.
• Symbol Options – opens a dialog where you can select the presentation
of vertical ducts in 2D and vertical pipes in 1D.
• Centerline – with these options you can define whether to display the
centerline of the ducts and pipes. For the pipes you can define a
minimum diameter; the centerline is not displayed in the smaller pipes
even though the option is selected.
• Defaults – Load default preferences loads default values for viewport
preferences. Use these settings for new viewports saves the current
settings as default values. Note: default values can be loaded/saved
from/to drawing or project. This is defined in project management
(Project settings Æ Default viewport preferences)

“Dimension texts” tab

• Show – with these options you can select which texts are displayed in
the viewport.
All = all texts are displayed.
Placed in the current view… = only the texts are shown which are
placed in the active viewport.

Chapter 3. Functions in “MagiCAD Common” menu / MagiCAD HP&V Viewport Preferences • 7

Common features of MagiCAD applications

… and in selected views = optionally, you can select other views

besides the active view.
• Orientation – the orientation for the reference texts
By view = according to the view (i.e. the texts appear “straight” also in
the isometric view)
By original UCS = according to the user coordinate system
• Automatic Dimension Texts – if this option is selected, the automatic
dimension texts are always placed to the orientation that is selected in
the Automatic text settings. If this option is not selected, also the
automatic dimension texts follow the Orientation option.

“Hide options” tab

• Hidden Linetype – select either dashed or invisible line as the

presentation of the hidden ducts/pipes.
• Distances – defines the distance between the hidden line and the
continuous line, and the minimum length of the ducts/pipes. The
minimum length can be defined only if invisible linetype has been
• Auto Hide – if this option is selected, hiding is carried out in the
viewport when the drawing is saved.
NOTE: You must also set the hiding active in the Drawing Preferences
(Enable autohide when saving).

8 • Chapter 3. Functions in “MagiCAD Common” menu / MagiCAD HP&V Viewport Preferences

Common features of MagiCAD applications

“Misc” tab

• Open Ends – select whether to draw the arrows to the open ends of
ducts and pipes

• Storey Origin –presentation of the storey boundaries

• Section Mark –presentation of the section mark boundary

Chapter 3. Functions in “MagiCAD Common” menu / MagiCAD HP&V Viewport Preferences • 9

Common features of MagiCAD applications

MagiCAD Electrical Viewport Preferences

With this function you can select the presentation (wireframe/1D, 2D, 3D) of
MagiCAD Electrical objects. The 3D presentation of the devices requires that a
3D object has been selected to the device in the project management.
The settings that are made in the Viewport Preferences dialog are viewport-
specific, that is, in each viewport (also in the layout windows) it is possible to
display the reference texts in different orientations and the objects with different

Clip + Rotate, Restore from Clip + Rotate

With this function you can easily edit the system in the selected side view.
First show the front edge and then the rear edge of the area containing the
objects. Usually the selected parts are rotated to the active view so that the
viewpoint is at the front edge.
The following commandline option can be used to affect the end result of the
• oBject – if this option is selected, the selection is not made by defining
the front and rear edge; instead, MagiCAD asks first to show a part
whose direction is used as the direction of the area, and then to show
the dimension of the selection area.
The following setting can be made in the Options dialog:
• Viewport – use this option to select whether the rotated image is
brought to the same viewport or MagiCAD prompts you to show
another viewport.
• Distances affects the handling of the selected objects. Width defines the
width of the area. Bottom and Top have no effect on the selected
objects; instead, these settings are used to select the default height level
that is zoomed.
Restore from Clip + Rotate restores the original view. If several viewport is
used, this function must be run in the viewport where the side view is.

10 • Chapter 3. Functions in “MagiCAD Common” menu / MagiCAD Electrical Viewport Preferences

Common features of MagiCAD applications

Error handling (Show messages)

With this function you can examine the error situations that may occur in the
design process (e.g. when the MAGIMOV command is used), calculations,
collision control, etc. The Show Messages dialog contains information on these
error situations, for instance, the system, storey, part type and error type. You
can define the messages according to these properties. Besides other information
about the error situations, their location is showed in the dialog (as coordinates).
1. It is possible to show error ticks at the error/warning locations. When
you click an error in the list and click the Mark Selected Error and
Zoom button, the error tick appears at the location where the error
occurs, and the area is zoomed. If you click the Mark All Errors button,
all locations with errors and warnings are showed with error ticks. You
can remove the error ticks with the Clear Garbage Layer function
(MAGIEMP command).
2. The dialog saves its size, location, and other settings as the default
values for the next use.
3. When Keep calculated data despite errors is selected, the information
that can be updated will be updated to the drawing. Otherwise the
drawing is not updated.
4. The coordinates in the Pos column are selected between Floor and UCS
coordinates. If UCS coordinates are selected, only the coordinates of the
active storey are showed.

Clear Garbage Layer

With this function you can remove the error ticks and Part Property Line output
from the drawing.

Drawing Cleaning Utility

With this utility you can change all colors to a desired color in the architectural
drawing, and also run AUDIT, RECOVER, and PURGE.
Open the architectural drawing, click the Drawing Cleaning Utility toolbar
button, select the functions you want to use and the color, and click Ok.

Chapter 3. Functions in “MagiCAD Common” menu / Error handling (Show messages) • 11

Common features of MagiCAD applications

Displays the online help of MagiCAD.

12 • Chapter 3. Functions in “MagiCAD Common” menu / Help

Common features of MagiCAD applications

Chapter 4. Provision for Voids

Voids menu

This toolbar is a flyout toolbar under “MagiCAD Common” containing the

following functions:
• Provision for Voids
• Automatic Void Provisions
• Import Provision for Voids Report

Provision for voids

With provision for voids you can reserve place for installations in the walls and
structures. Provision for voids (MAGIVP) command creates provision for void
manually. It shows a dialog which asks the required information (including
sizes) and asks for position, direction and installation height.
When installing provision for voids, building service information can be set to
the provision for voids. Owner information for a single provision for void is
constructed from checkboxes in the Provision for voids dialog. For example, if
ventilation checkbox is checked, ventilation text defined in the project dialog is
defined as the owner information. If several checkboxes are checked, a separator
character (+) is used between them. It is also possible to give free text as
building service information in the Note field.

Automatic void provisions

When you have a 3D model from MagiCAD Room or other architectural /
structural design programs, MagiCAD can make provision for voids
automatically according to the model. Automatic void provisions (MAGIVP)
command asks for an area, runs a special collision control between HP&V or
Electrical objects and other objects with geometry (normally structures), and
creates provision for voids automatically with the current settings.
Automatic provision for void function automatically sets the owner information
according to the MagiCAD object which required the void.

Chapter 4. Provision for Voids / Voids menu • 13

Common features of MagiCAD applications

Settings for automatic void provisions in the

project management

• Offset – There are separate offset settings for rectangular (h1) and
circular voids (h2). Minimum distance between separate voids can also
be defined (h3) (if the voids were closer to each other, they would be
combined). The user can also define that from a certain diameter the
circular voids become rectangular voids (maximum diameter for
circular void). It is also possible to choose not to create a void if the
void would be too small (minimum equivalent diameter for void).
• Rounding limits - The values are in millimeters.
o Rounding value - this is used to round the value to the nearest
multiple of the rounding value upwards. For example, if the
Automatic Void Provision function created a provision for
voids with size 154x154 and the rounding value were 10, the
resulting size would be 160x160 – if the rounding value were
25, the resulting size would be 175x175.
o RoundingDownLimit - this value can be used to avoid
rounding to produce too large voids. For example, if the offset
for rectangular void were 20 mm and a pipe's outer diameter
were 114 mm (and 100 mm were the maximum diameter for
circular void), the result before rounding would be 114+20+20
=> 154 mm x 154 mm. If the rounding value were 25 mm,
after rounding the size of the void would be 175 mm x 175
mm. That could be a too wide gap, but with the rounding down
value one can round small exceeding of the rounding value
downwards. If the rounding value of 5 mm were used, the
resulting size would be 150 mm x 150 mm.
• Owner - When installing provision for voids, the building service
information can be set to the provision for voids. Owner information for
a single provision for void is constructed from checkboxes in the
Provision for voids dialog. If e.g. the ventilation checkbox is checked,
the ventilation text defined in the project dialog is defined as the owner
information. If several checkboxes are checked, a separator character

14 • Chapter 4. Provision for Voids / Automatic void provisions

Common features of MagiCAD applications

(+) is used between them. Automatic provision for void creation

automatically sets the owner information according to the MagiCAD
object which required the void.

Import Provision for voids report

Import Provision for voids report (MCVPR) command asks for a file with a
special format (*.xsr). This file includes the following information from the
• Status from the constructor (Provision for Voids approved,
declined or changed)
• Feedback from the constructor
*.xsr. file can be created in Tekla Structures software.

Chapter 4. Provision for Voids / Import Provision for voids report • 15

Common features of MagiCAD applications

Chapter 5. Running Index

Settings for running index in the project management

Text formats

• Name – text part of the running index, e.g. P like a pump TE like a
temperature sensor.
• Description – description of the text format
• First number – the smallest accepted number in this format
• Number of digits – How many numbers are used to show a number
part of running index e.g 3 => 001, 2 => 01.
• Text group – Selected text group for this format. Needed only for
filtering when inserting running index to objects. Name of text group
can be also shown in dimension text etc. This field is optional
• Allow the same index in different system – If this is selected, the
same index can be in different systems.
The first running index of this example would be G3 PF 001.
NOTE ! each string (G3, PF, 001) can be added separately to a dimension text.

16 • Chapter 5. Running Index / Settings for running index in the project management
Common features of MagiCAD applications

Text groups

• Name – text part of the running index

• Description – description of the text group
NOTE ! You do not even need to define the text groups, if you do not have many
different formats. Text groups are used to filter different kind of formats when
inserting running index to objects. Name of text group can be also shown in
dimension text etc.

Insert running index

Insert running index by selecting the Insert Running Index command. Install
Running Index dialog opens automatically if the command is selected first time.
Later you can open this dialog by clicking the right mouse button and selecting

• Text Group – Used for filtering the Text field

• Text – select the format
• From object – copies the format from an object
• Number – shows the next used number. If nothing is shown, press “Next
• Use first available number – selects the first available number, which has
to be bigger than the “first number”. If e.g. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19 are
used, the next free is 15.

Chapter 5. Running Index / Insert running index • 17

Common features of MagiCAD applications

• Use given number or next available – you can give the smallest allowed
number, which has to be bigger than “First number” in format.
• Next Free – gives the next free number. If you have decided to allow the
same numbers in different systems, the system is asked.
• Use the same number for all indexes – if this option is selected, you can
insert the same numbers as many times as you prefer.
• Check indexes from other model drawings – if this is selected, MagiCAD
also checks that there are no same indexes in other model drawings. It is
checked when “Install” , ”Free”or ”Edit” button is pressed.
• Add Part Property Line – If this selected, MagiCAD automatically adds
PartPropertyLine to objects after installing the Running Index.
• Edit… – This function is for checking, renumbering, removing of running
indexes. See “Edit running index”.
When the settings have been defined, insert the running index to objects by
selecting Install. After installing the running index to the first object, object type
is locked for this installing session. It means that when you install the running
index e.g. to a socket, also the next object has to be a socket. MagiCAD does not
give any other object types to the selection. When you quit and restart the
command, the object type locking is released.

Edit running index

Edit running index by selecting the Insert Running Index command. Install
Running Index dialog opens automatically if the command is selected for the
first time. Later you can open this dialog by clicking the right mouse button and
selecting Options. From Install Running Index-dialog select Edit... opens Modify
Running Indexes-dialog.

• Filter – It is for filtering which Running indexes are shown in the dialog.
• Indexes – The running indexes in current project and included in the filter.
• Text – Running index text format
• Index – these numbers have been used. If Compressed is selected only first
and last number is shown.
• Text – Running index group format
• Part type – part type which have been selected

18 • Chapter 5. Running Index / Edit running index

Common features of MagiCAD applications

• System – system of the object

• Drawing – drawing where index has been inserted. Name is shown as a
relative path.
• File Status – ”Empty”: drawing is opened and ready for editing (editing of
other than the current dwg is not possible in MagiCAD Electrical); “Not
opened”: not opened, but it could be opened;
“Locked”: someone else has opened the drawing
• Note – all possible annotation is displayed here
It is possible to select several rows by using the Shift -ja Ctrl buttons. By using
the Select All button you can select all rows, and with the Deselect All button
you can deselect all rows.
• Current Values of Selected – The first and last number of the selected
• New Values – If you want to renumber the indexes, you can either give the
new first or last number and press the ”Apply” button. Gaps are removed, if
”Remove gaps” is selected.

Remove Running Index

Use the Remove Running Index function to remove the running index from the

Chapter 5. Running Index / Remove Running Index • 19

Common features of MagiCAD applications

Chapter 6. Other common


It is now possible to select either National or Unicode character set in MagiCAD
HP&V, Electrical and Room. (National was used in the previous versions.)
Unicode allows using e.g. Russian or Chinese characters. The selection is made
in the Project Settings section of the project management dialog.

When the character set is changed from National to Unicode, the program gives
a warning about the project becoming incompatible with older MagiCAD
versions. If OK is clicked, the program converts the project suitable for Unicode
character set.

When the character set is changed from Unicode to National, the program gives
a warning that characters may disappear (in practice they will appear as question

20 • Chapter 6. Other common features / Unicode

Common features of MagiCAD applications

It is possible to define different kind of status definitions in the project
management dialog. You can set line type, color and line weight settings for the

• General – General information for the status.

o Name – identifier of the status. This ID appears when the status is
selected, and it is possible to include it in reference texts and
o Description – description of the status. It appears when the status
is selected.
o Layer variable – Identifier that will be included in the layer name
o Add to BOM – This must be selected if objects with this status are
intended to be included in the BOM.
o Locked sizes (MagiCAD HP&V only) – This must be selected if
the sizing function may not change the sizes of the ducts/pipes with
this status.
• Data by system group – color and linetype settings
o Use same settings for all system groups – if this option is
selected, the settings are the same for all system groups
o Settings – status of the color, linetype and line weight.
The status can be determined while drawing the duct/pipe or when installing the
devices. It is also possible to determine the status afterwards with Change
-Not defined- status means that MagiCAD uses the “normal” settings.

Chapter 6. Other common features / Status • 21

Common features of MagiCAD applications

Save as 2007.11 format

It is possible to save the drawings to older MagiCAD format (2007.11). This is
necessary, for example, if the subcontractors are still using the older MagiCAD
Before you start the function, open one of the drawings that will be saved in the
older format and close other drawings. All drawings attached to the project(s)
will be saved in the older format automatically. If the drawing is attached, for
example, to MagiCAD HP&V and Electrical projects, the objects of both
applications will be saved in the older format.
Run the command MAGISAVEAS200711 (SAVE200711).

• Project files – MagiCAD projects that are found in the directory

• Source directory – main directory, under which the drawings to be
converted are found
• Destination directory – main directory, to which the drawings will be
saved. The function creates the same subdirectories that are found in the
original project. It is possible to create the directory while browsing. It is not
possible to save the drawings to the same directory that contains the original
drawings (or its subdirectories).

22 • Chapter 6. Other common features / Save as 2007.11 format

Common features of MagiCAD applications

• Status and Drawing –The preview window displays the drawings to be

handled, and their status
o Status – the status of the drawing; when the drawing is processed,
it shows whether saving succeeded
o Drawing – the drawing to be handled
Convert starts saving the drawings.

Explode MagiCAD objects

With this function you can explode MagiCAD objects into AutoCAD blocks.
You can then explode the blocks into lines with AutoCAD's EXPLODE
command. The layer structure of the drawing, as well as the height levels of the
objects, is not changed.
Explode function for HP&V objects: MAGIEXP
Explode function for Electrical objects: MEEXPLODE

MagiCAD no longer recognizes objects that you have exploded, and therefore
you cannot obtain any information about the parts with MagiCAD's commands.

COM interface
It is possible to transfer data between external programs and MagiCAD via
MagiCAD COM interface.

Chapter 6. Other common features / Explode MagiCAD objects • 23

MagiCAD 2008.5 User’s Guide

MagiCAD Heating&Piping
and Ventilation
Chapter 1. General 1
About MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation................................................................. 1
How MagiCAD builds a project.................................................................................. 1

Chapter 2. How to start with MagiCAD 2

Creating a new project ............................................................................................................... 2
The use of connection nodes...................................................................................................... 4
Product modeling....................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 3. List of commands 5

Project Manager menu ............................................................................................................... 5
Ventilation menu (drawing functions) ....................................................................................... 6
Air Devices menu ...................................................................................................................... 7
Heating & Piping menu (drawing functions)............................................................................. 8
Edit menu................................................................................................................................. 10
Connection Node menu ........................................................................................................... 12
Sections menu.......................................................................................................................... 12
View menu............................................................................................................................... 13
Calculations menu ................................................................................................................... 14
Documentation menu............................................................................................................... 15
Other MagiCAD functions....................................................................................................... 16

Chapter 4. Command Reference 17

Project Manager menu ............................................................................................................. 17
Project........................................................................................................................ 17
Creating a new project............................................................................................... 18
Line weights, Layers and linetypes ........................................................................... 21
Systems...................................................................................................................... 23
Selecting products for the project.............................................................................. 27
Insulation series......................................................................................................... 28
Duct and pipe series................................................................................................... 29
Sizing methods .......................................................................................................... 30
Heat transfer media.................................................................................................... 31
Dimension text ..........................................................................................................31
Provision for voids .................................................................................................... 33
Variable names (user given names for variables)...................................................... 34
Variable sets / Object ID formats .............................................................................. 35
Variable sets / Running index.................................................................................... 35
User Preferences........................................................................................................ 35
Update Drawing Data ................................................................................................ 36
IFC Export................................................................................................................. 36
Ventilation menu (drawing functions) ..................................................................................... 39
Duct ........................................................................................................................... 39
Ductwork Components.............................................................................................. 42
Distribution Box ........................................................................................................ 43
Cleaning Cover.......................................................................................................... 43
Flow Arrow ............................................................................................................... 43

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation Contents • iii

Air Devices menu .................................................................................................................... 45
Air Device ................................................................................................................. 45
Heating & Piping menu (drawing functions)........................................................................... 47
Supply and Return Pipes ........................................................................................... 47
Radiator ..................................................................................................................... 51
Valve ......................................................................................................................... 52
Other Pipe Component .............................................................................................. 53
Other Pipe Device ..................................................................................................... 54
Manifold Pipe ............................................................................................................ 54
Sprinkler .................................................................................................................... 55
Sprinkler pipe ............................................................................................................ 56
Connect Sprinklers to Pipe ........................................................................................ 57
Water/Special, 1-3 pipes............................................................................................ 59
Water and Sewer Point .............................................................................................. 60
Water Radiator .......................................................................................................... 61
Insert Substation ........................................................................................................ 61
Edit Substation .......................................................................................................... 66
Sewage Pipe .............................................................................................................. 66
Other Sewer Component ........................................................................................... 67
Modeling 2D symbols ............................................................................................... 67
Edit menu................................................................................................................................. 69
Part Properties ........................................................................................................... 69
Branch Copy.............................................................................................................. 70
Branch Erase.............................................................................................................. 70
Part Erase................................................................................................................... 70
Move Parts................................................................................................................. 70
Side Movement.......................................................................................................... 71
Change Properties...................................................................................................... 71
Find and Replace ....................................................................................................... 73
Break Duct or Pipe .................................................................................................... 74
Joint Part.................................................................................................................... 74
Connect Node ............................................................................................................ 74
Disconnect Node ....................................................................................................... 75
Connection Node Report ........................................................................................... 75
Dimension Texts........................................................................................................ 75
Automatic Dimension Texts...................................................................................... 75
Insert running index................................................................................................... 76
Removing Running Index.......................................................................................... 79
Set MagiCAD Data to AutoCAD Objects ................................................................. 79
Sections menu.......................................................................................................................... 79
Section Marks............................................................................................................ 79
Make Section............................................................................................................. 81
Quick Section ............................................................................................................ 82
View menu............................................................................................................................... 83
Drawing Preferences ................................................................................................. 83
Hide, Reset Hide........................................................................................................ 83
Show Selected Parts Only, Show All Parts ............................................................... 84
Part Property Line ..................................................................................................... 84
Collision Control ....................................................................................................... 85
Calculations menu ................................................................................................................... 87
Flow Summation ....................................................................................................... 87
Sizing......................................................................................................................... 87
Balancing................................................................................................................... 88
Flow Route Examination........................................................................................... 89
Sound Calculation of Flow Route ............................................................................. 89
Sound Calculation of All Flow Routes...................................................................... 90
Bill of Materials......................................................................................................... 90
Special cases in the ductworks .................................................................................. 91
Documentation menu............................................................................................................... 94
Type Free Text, Edit Free Text ................................................................................. 94

iv • Contents MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

Revision Arrow ......................................................................................................... 95
Revision Cloud .......................................................................................................... 95
Construction Boundary.............................................................................................. 95
Other MagiCAD functions....................................................................................................... 96
Faster drawing with “+” grips ................................................................................... 96
Explode MagiCAD Objects (magiexp) ..................................................................... 96
AutoCAD's editing functions .................................................................................... 96
COM interface........................................................................................................... 96

Appendix A: Other information 97

AutoCAD's features ................................................................................................................. 97
Plotting ...................................................................................................................... 97
Visual styles of AutoCAD 2007................................................................................ 98
Known problems...................................................................................................................... 98
Other issues.............................................................................................................................. 98

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation Contents • v

vi • Contents MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation
MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

Chapter 1. General

About MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation

How MagiCAD builds a project

MagiCAD is a program which helps you build a 3D model of your project. As
well as providing the tools to help you draw in 3D MagiCAD also has the tools
to calculate the performance of the systems you have designed.
Design is about developing ideas, and seeing if they will work.
MagiCAD allows you to develop 3D models of the different systems in your
project, calculate the performance, overlay them and check for clashes between
them and with the building structure.
The core philosophy behind MagiCAD is that of the single 3D model. Each
component of the system is drawn once in its real world position. The
operational parameters of each component are stored as part of the component
model. By simply building the 3D model MagiCAD can calculate how the
system will perform.
MagiCAD provides a number of helpful tools to help you build the model.
The model can be built up from parts created in a number of different files and
brought together to create the complete model. The system calculations can be
limited to a single branch, the current drawing or the whole project.

Chapter 1. General • 1
MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

Chapter 2. How to start with


Creating a new project

Create a new project as follows:
1. Create a new project directory structure using eg. Windows’
Explorer. Copy the architect drawings, which you need in the
project, to the directory. You can use any directory name you
2. Create a new drawing (File/New). Use this drawing when you
create a suitable template drawing (.DWT).
3. Save your drawing to the project directory (File/Save As). You
must save the drawing before using any of MagiCAD’s functions.
4. Start MagiCAD’s project management (Project).
5. Create a new project selecting a suitable template. The location of
your project can be any directory that exists on an upper level of
you drawing directory towards the root directory of the disk drive.
If MagiCAD finds an existing project, you can attach the drawing
to it by selecting it from the list (Select…)
6. Create and edit the storey list. Define a storey for each drawing. If
a storey is divided into several drawings, define a storey for each
drawing and set their locations side by side. In the storey list, the
location (x,y,z) and size (a,b,h) of each storey are given. You must
define the storey list correctly to make sure that the connection
nodes between storeys work as intended.
NB: If there is already a MagiCAD Room project file of the
project, you can import the storey list from the MagiCAD Room
project (.MRD file extension).
7. Select the storey that represents your drawing (Active Storey).
8. Set the storey origin, i.e. show the point that is the corner of the
storey defined in the storey list. The best choice is usually the point
that is easy to point in all the storeys that are on top of each other
(for instance, the corner of the building or a certain point in a
module grid). In addition, MagiCAD asks you to show the
direction of the positive x-axis.
Handle the other drawings within the same project as described above, except
select the project instead of phases 5 and 6.

2 • Chapter 2. How to start with MagiCAD

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

If the project contains storeys that are almost alike, you can save a drawing with
a different name and choose the storey that represents it. In addition, you need to
connect the connection nodes. If the connection node numbers at each end of the
vertical duct/pipe are the same, it makes the copying process easier as you do not
have to change the connection node numbers when you copy the drawings.

Storey list
After you have created the project, check the storey list. The storey list editor
contains the following functions (which you find by clicking the right button in
the right pane):
• Edit (edit an existing storey)
• Insert (insert a new storey to the selected location)
• Delete (delete a storey)
• Copy (copy a storey to be pasted to another location)
• Paste (paste the copied storey to the selected location)
• Import... (read the storey definitions from a MagiCAD Room
The storey list contains the storey ID, the description (Name), location in
relation to other drawings (x,y,z), dimensions (a,b) and height (h).

Setting the storey origin, UCS coordinates

For each drawing, select the storey that the drawing represents, and then set the
storey origin. All the connections to the other drawings (connection nodes) must
be located inside the rectangle that is defined in the project information of the
storey. You must make these definitions before you can start drawing with
You can set the storey origin either by pointing with the mouse or giving the
coordinates at the command prompt. If you use AutoCAD’s Object snap, be sure
that your storey origin has the same height level as the storey has. Give the
height levels in the drawing in relation to the storey origin.
When the location of the storey origin is set, MagiCAD asks you to show the
positive X-axis. You can also give the rotation angle at the command line. The
positive x-axis will represent the direction of the a-dimension side.
If the building, or a part of it, is slantwise in the architect drawing, and you wish
to work using the right angle setting, and set the texts in the same direction as the
building, you can rotate the user coordinates (UCS) according to the building. If
the UCSFOLLOW variable is set to 1, the drawing will rotate according to the
coordinates that are set.
For each drawing, it is worthwhile to define the user coordinates according to the
storey origin. You can save them with a different name (Tools/Named UCS) by
renaming (Rename) the active (Unnamed) user coordinates that are defined
according to the storey origin.
You can freely change the user coordinates while you work, but, for example,
MagiCAD gives the coordinates in error messages in the coordinates that are set
according to the storey origin. That is, it is easy to return to the current
coordinates by setting the named user coordinates active (current).

Chapter 2. How to start with MagiCAD • 3

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

The use of connection nodes

When a duct or pipe continues from one storey to another, the systems are
connected to each other with connection nodes.
In addition, when using connection nodes it is possible to join two ducts or pipes
to each other without drawing a joining duct/pipe (This connection node).
Connection nodes can also be used when the entire network is not intended to be
modeled (None connection node); in this case, flow rate and pressure drop are
given to the system, and power and pressure drop are given to the
heating/cooling systems. MagiCAD calculates the flow rate in the node using the
power and the differential temperature of the system.
Use the Connection node Connection command to search the connection nodes
eg. from a different storey. It is also possible to use this command for joining
two connection nodes, which exist on the storeys that are next to each other. In
this case, the connection nodes must have the same ID and they must belong to
the same system.
If the drawings representing different storeys are almost alike, you can copy
them. In this case, the connection node ID numbering remains similar. It is
reasonable to use the connection nodes with the same ID in both ends of the
vertical duct/pipe. Copying the drawings and connecting the connection nodes is
then easier.

Product modeling
You can model your own products for MagiCAD with the MagiCAD Product
Modeller application.
The user-defined parts can be modeled to USER*.QPD files that are shipped
with the program, or to product files that are copied from these files (not to
manufacturer-supplied databases). You cannot modify manufacturer-supplied
databases without a password.
Product modeling is described in a separate manual.

Choose the user-defined product to the project like any other product.

4 • Chapter 2. How to start with MagiCAD

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

Chapter 3. List of commands

Project Manager menu

This function opens the Select Project dialog, where you can attach the drawing
to a project or create a new project. When a project has been created or the
drawing has been attached to an existing project, the project management dialog
opens and you can define the relations between the projects, storeys and
drawings, select the desired products to the project, define dimension text styles,
etc. Practically all definitions that apply to the entire project are made in this
User Preferences (MAGIUSR)
With this function you can set the directory containing the product databases.
You can also set here the size of the search circle. The settings are saved in the
user registry.
Update Drawing Data
With this function you can update object properties (e.g. Layer, line weight,
Device symbol, National code, Running index), which are changed in Project
Management., to the drawing.
You can run the calculation functions either from a separate Calculations toolbar
or from a flyout toolbar of the project manager toolbar.
You can run the functions of the additional markings either from a separate
Documentation toolbar or from a flyout toolbar of the project manager toolbar.
IFC Export…
With this function you can export MagiCAD model in the IFC format. IFC
(Industry Foundation Classes) is an international standard for defining the
product models in the building services. It is a method for sharing and
distributing the information between different software applications.
Plug-ins (MAGIPLG)
Use this function to start the possible external utilities (plug-ins).

Chapter 3. List of commands • 5

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

Ventilation menu (drawing functions)

Ducts, branches, and connections to air devices are all drawn with this function.
Define the active duct size, insulation, and default types for T-pieces and bends,
with the drawing options.
The default action of this function is to connect to a duct or an air device. In this
case, the cursor has a search circle. If you start drawing from an empty space,
use the noConnect option (the search circle then disappears).
It is also possible to select a part and start drawing from the appearing “+” grip.
“+” grip is shown as bolded plus sign when the object is selected. Click “+” grip
to start drawing. When clicking the middle “+” grip, it is also possible to show
the place from where to start drawing.

You can rotate the Angle of the coordinates for the drawing session by showing
two points, deriving the angle from an existing MagiCAD object, or giving it in
relation with the current angle. With the Connection node option, you can
transfer flow rates between drawings (that is, vertical ducts), or you can replace,
for instance, a part of the ductwork (none type connection node). Make the
height level changes with the Z option.
Fire Damper (MAGIFIR)
Choose a fire damper and place it into a duct.
Flow Damper (MAGIFLO)
This function is similar to the fire damper function.
Silencer (MAGISIL)
This function is similar to the fire damper function.
This function is similar to the fire damper function.
Other component (MAGIOTH)
This function is similar to the fire damper function.
Distribution Box (MAGIBOX)
Define the dimensions for the distribution box and place it into an empty space
or a duct.
Cleaning Cover (MAGICCR)
Place a cleaning cover to a duct.
Flow Arrow (MAGIFAR)
Place the airflow arrows of the air terminal devices.

6 • Chapter 3. List of commands

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

Choose the number and direction of the arrows with the command options. With
these options you can also define the types of the supply air / exhaust air / freely
placed flow arrows.

Air Devices menu

Note: This toolbar is a flyout toolbar that is included in the Ventilation toolbar.
Air Device (MAGIDEV)
Set the airflow for a air device, select the device and place it either into an empty
space or to a duct end. You can affect the direction of the air devices with the
Direction option.
Supply Air Device (MAGIDSU)
This function is similar to the Air device.
Extract Air Device (MAGIDEX)
This function is similar to the Air device.
Outdoor Air Device (MAGIOUT)
This function is similar to the Air device.
Exhaust Air Device (MAGIDET)
This function is similar to the Air device.

Chapter 3. List of commands • 7

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

Heating & Piping menu (drawing functions)

Supply and Return Pipes (MAGIPSR)

Draw all heating/cooling system pipes, branches, and connections to the
radiators with this function. Define the pipe size, insulation, and pipe spacing
with the drawing options.
You can choose the pipe types from a flyout toolbar: supply pipe (MAGIPSU);
return pipe (MAGIPRE).
The default action of this function is to connect to a pipe or a radiator. In this
case, the cursor has a search circle. If you start drawing from an empty space,
use the noConnect option (the search circle then disappears).
It is also possible to select a part and start drawing from the appearing “+” grip.
“+” grip is shown as bolded plus sign when the object is selected. Click “+” grip
to start drawing. When clicking the middle “+” grip, it is also possible to show
the place from where to start drawing.

You can rotate the Angle of the coordinates for the drawing session by showing
two points, deriving the angle from an existing MagiCAD object, or giving it in
relation with the current angle. With the Connection node option, you can
transfer flow rates between drawings (that is, vertical pipes), or you can replace,
for instance, a part of the system (none type connection node).
Use the Z option for the height level changes.
Radiator (MAGIRAD)
When you place a radiator, calculate the radiator capacity (this applies to
radiators in the manufacturer databases), and select the radiator size, radiator
valve and pipe connection points. Choose the direction of the radiator with the
Direction option.
Use this function to place radiator/zone/stop/other valves to pipes. You can also
select, create and modify the drawing symbols for the valves.
Angle valves can be placed to the angles of the pipe system.
If you place a differential pressure valve, MagiCAD asks the pressure drop for
the riser. If you use this kind of valve, the other line must contain a measuring
valve. You can use any valve for this purpose.
Other Pipe Component (MAGIOTP)
Use this function to place the pipe components (water meter, filter, pump,
expansion vessel, etc). You can also select a symbol for the component, create
new symbols, and modify existing symbols.
Other Pipe Device (MAGIOPD)

8 • Chapter 3. List of commands

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

With this function, you can place either manufacturer-supplied (e.g. return air
unit) or user-modeled power consumption points into an empty space.
Depending on the modeling method, MagiCAD asks the power and pressure
loss, or power only. It is possible to model either actual dimensions or only
connection points to the device. MagiCAD calculates the water flow rate
according to the differential temperature, which is you have either defined for
the system or given when placing the products.
Manifold Pipe (MAGIMANIFOLD)
Manifold is a pipe part with the main connection and a variable number of sub-
pipes with equal distances between the subpipes. The directions of the main pipe
and sub-pipes can be changed individually.
With these functions you can place the sprinklers (MAGISPR), draw sprinkler
pipes (MAGISPP), and connect the sprinklers to the pipe (MAGISPC).
Cold, Hot, and Circulation Water Pipes (MAGIPAL)
Draw all water system pipes, branches, and connections to the water points with
this function. Define the pipe size, insulation, and pipe spacing with the drawing
options. You can choose the pipe types from a flyout toolbar: cold water pipe
(MAGIPCO); hot water pipe (MAGIPHO); circulation water pipe (MAGICPI);
cold and hot water pipes (MAGIPCH); hot and circulation water pipes
You can rotate the Angle of the coordinates for the drawing session by showing
two points, deriving the angle from an existing MagiCAD object, or giving it in
relation with the current angle. With the Connection node option, you can
transfer flow rates between drawings (that is, vertical pipes), or you can replace,
for instance, a part of the system (none type connection node).
When you draw only cold water pipe, you can make a connection between cold
water pipe and hot water pipe using the Hot water joint option. When you draw
only hot water pipe, you can make a connection between hot water pipe and
circulation water pipe using the Return joint option.
Use the Z option for the height level changes.
Water and Sewer Point (MAGIWDE)
With this function, you can place a tap water connection, a sewer connection, or
both. You can change the default height levels that are defined in the product
databases. You can also change the flow rate and the proportional locations
between the water and the sewer points.
Water Radiator (MAGIWRA)
When you place a radiator for a hot water system, calculate the radiator capacity
(this applies to radiators in the manufacturer databases), and select the radiator
size, radiator valve and pipe connection points.
Insert Substation… (MAGIHEATEXCHANGER)
You can define a substation, which can contain the desired number of heating
circuits and water heaters. You can connect the heating and water pipes to the
substation, so open ends are not needed except the cold water pipe that is
entering the building. Neither it is necessary to use old kind of hot water joints
any more.
With this function you can modify an existing substation.
Sewage Pipe (MAGISEW)
Draw all sewage pipes and sewer point connections with this function.

Chapter 3. List of commands • 9

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

Usually Smart routing is used, which means that MagiCAD tends to draw all
connections with standard parts. In this case, the pipe must descend or be
horizontal in the flow direction. When you start drawing from a sewer point,
MagiCAD automatically sets the sewer fall descending. In addition, MagiCAD
checks the suitability of the connection, and changes the fall direction if
necessary. AutoCAD's Polar tracking is a convenient tool when drawing sewers.
You can rotate the Angle of the coordinates for the drawing session by showing
two points, deriving the angle from an existing MagiCAD object, or giving it in
relation with the current angle.
When you connect to the trunk sewer, MagiCAD defines also the length of the
bevel, depending on how the connection is made to the trunk sewer. MagiCAD
”intelligently” decides to set a long or a short bevel according to the distance
between the search circle and the perpendicular connection point in the trunk
sewer (Connect option).
With the Connection node option, you can transfer flow rates between drawings
(that is, vertical pipes), or you can replace, for instance, a part of the system
(none type connection node).
Other Sewer Component (MAGIOSC)
Use this function to place cleaning covers, fire stops, and other components for
the sewer. You can also select a symbol for the component, create new symbols,
and modify existing symbols.

Edit menu

Part Properties (MAGIPPR)

With this function, you can examine or edit the properties of an individual part.
This function varies depending on the selected MagiCAD object.
Branch Copy (MAGICPY)
You can use this function for copying branches in ductworks, pipe systems and
sewer systems. First show the start point, and then show the branch to copy.
With pipes you must show each pipe separately.
You can paste the branch into an empty space or connect it to an existing system.
Branch Erase (MAGIEBR)
Use this function for removing branches of all system types. First show the start
point of the branch, and then show the branch to remove.
Part Erase (MAGIEPR)
Use this function for removing individual ducts, pipes, components, and other
parts. If MagiCAD finds several parts, a selection list will open.
Move Parts (MAGIMOV)
With this function, you can move or stretch parts, or part groups, in x/y
direction. With the Z option, you can change their height levels.
Side Movement (MAGISMV)
With this function, you can align the duct/pipe line and change its reducers
eccentric. You can use this function either in the plan view or in the side view.
Change Properties (MAGICHA)

10 • Chapter 3. List of commands

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

With this function, you can change properties of parts. You can give an absolute
value for the property or define it according to the project settings (by project).
You can direct this function to one part, a branch, a network, or the entire
system. You can even combine these selections, or use AutoCAD’s basic
selection for selecting the parts.
Find and Replace (MAGIFIN)
With this function, you can replace products and duct/pipe/insulation series. You
can direct this function to one part, a branch, a network, or the entire system.
You can even combine these selections, or use AutoCAD’s basic selection for
selecting the parts.
Break Duct or Pipe (MAGIBRK)
With this function, you can remove a piece of duct or pipe between two points.
Joint Part (MAGIJOI)
With this function, you can place a joint part to a duct or pipe. The joint part, for
example, transforms into a bend if you move the ductwork/pipe system in a
certain way. It is also possible to use the joint part as a boundary for duct/pipe
properties. For example, you can change the pipe material using a joint part.
Connection node
Connection nodes are used, for example, to transfer flow rates between storeys.
Connect connection nodes by selecting the drawing where the connection nodes
will connect. The counterparts with the same ID number are connected. If the
drawing, where the connections are searched from, contains an unconnected
connection node that directs to the open drawing, a new connection node is
created to the open drawing. The drawing where the connection nodes are search
from must not be read-only.
Dimension Texts (MAGIDIM)
Dimension texts are placed with this function. You can modify the text styles,
and change the active style with the Format command line option. You can
Underline and Overline the dimension texts using the corresponding options.
You can place the dimension text variables side by side with the Byside option.
You can also set underline or overline later with the Part Properties function. In
addition, you can copy dimension texts from other projects.
Automatic Dimension Texts (MAGIADM)
With this function you can place the dimension texts automatically to one part
group at the time. The same dimension texts are used as in the conventional
dimension text function. Select the active dimension text style with the mouse. It
is possible to have several active styles, in which case several dimension text is
set to the part. Before a new dimension text is set, the old one is removed.
You can run the calculation functions either from a separate Sections toolbar or
from a flyout toolbar of the project manager toolbar.
Insert Running index
Numbering the parts (Running Index) with unique position ID. The numbering
formats are defined in the project. The format consists of a constant text and the
number. The texts and numbers can be displayed e.g. in dimension texts. The
function checks that the number is not already in use elsewhere in the drawing or
the project. The numbering can be changed afterwards with the Edit… function.
It is possible to edit and renumber the indexes that are already in place in any
drawing except which are opened by some other user.
Remove Running index

Chapter 3. List of commands • 11

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

Use the Remove Running Index function to remove the running index from
Set MagiCAD Data to AutoCAD Objects (MAGISEPR)
With this function you can set the following data to AutoCAD objects: Group
type, System, User code, Product code, Description, UserVar1 and UserVar2).
The objects that have MagiCAD data defined are included in the bill of
materials, IFC Export and MagiCAD Export lists.

Connection Node menu

Note: This is a flyout toolbar that is included in the MC-HP&V Edit toolbar.
Connection node (MAGIFNC)
Connection nodes are used, for example, to transfer flow rates between storeys.
Connect the nodes by selecting the drawing where the nodes will connect. The
counterparts with the same ID number are connected. If the drawing, where the
connections are searched from, contains an unconnected node that directs to the
open drawing, a new connection node is created to the open drawing. The
drawing where the connection nodes are searched from must not be read-only.
Disconnect node(MAGIDIS)
Use this command to disconnect all external flow connections.
Connection Node Report (MAGIFLOWNODEVIEW)
Use this command to locate the connection nodes in a drawing.

Sections menu

Note: This is a flyout toolbar that is included in the MC-HP&V Edit toolbar.
Section Marks (MAGISMR)
Give the height levels of the upper and lower surface, and the depth of the
section mark. You can change these later with the Part Properties function
(MAGIPPR). The cross-section can be either conventional (Section) or detailed
The cross-section is made with the Make Section (MAGIMSC) function.
Drawing the section mark will continue until you press <Enter>. Next, show the
direction for the arrows.
Make Section (MAGIMSC)
This function makes a cross-section of the selected section mark. The section
mark is drawn with the Section Mark function (MAGISMR)
You can include MagiCAD Electrical, AutoCAD, and/or AEC objects, also from
the reference drawing, in the cross-section. If you prefer, you can also set the
automatic Active2D hide (Hide, MAGIHID) to the cross-section – and include
the name of the source drawing in the cross-section.

12 • Chapter 3. List of commands

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

It is also possible to add dimension texts to the cross-section. The objects in the
cross-section are not included in the calculations (eg. bill of materials).
You can change the settings of the section mark/cross-section, and update the
cross-section, with the Part Properties function (MAGIPPR).
Quick Section (MAGISCP)
With this function you can quickly make a cross-section of MagiCAD objects
for an overview of the connections. First, select the objects you want to include
in the quick section. Next, show the location and direction of the view.

View menu

Drawing Preferences (MAGIDWG)

In the Drawing Preferences dialog you can select the active systems of the
drawing, that is, the systems that can be selected e.g. when drawing ducts or
pipes. You can also change all linetypes and colors at the same time in this
dialog – and restore them to the project-specific settings.
In addition, you can set the Hide function, which is run when the drawing is
saved in MagiCAD, active in this dialog. This setting is viewport-specific, and
you must set to each viewport separately whether the hide is performed.
For the cases where the same viewport settings are used in several different
viewports, there is the main viewport feature. Main viewport settings and hide
information can be used in other viewports.
You can use the Hide function in the Active2D and wireframe drawing modes.
MagiCAD objects that are placed behind other MagiCAD objects are hidden.
You can use this function, for example, before printing. Hide works also with
reference drawings. For example, a MagiCAD Ventilation drawing can be a
reference for a MagiCAD Heating&Piping drawing; depending on the case the
function hides both Ventilation and H&P parts.
Hiding can be set for each viewport separately – also in the layout drawings.
Hiding can also be done automatically during saving.
Reset Hide (MAGIRHI)
This function makes visible the objects that were hidden with the Active2D
hiding function (MAGIHID).
Hiding can be reset from all viewports or from the active viewport.
Show Selected Parts Only; clip area (MAGICLP)
Use this function to choose the parts you wish to show on the screen. You can
direct this function to one part, a branch, a network, or the entire system. You
can even combine these selections, or use AutoCAD’s basic selection for
selecting the parts.
Show All Parts; cancel clip (MAGIUCL)
This function makes visible the parts that were hidden with the MAGICLP
Part Property Line (MAGIDPR)

Chapter 3. List of commands • 13

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

This function is used for getting the overall view of the system. Values of one
variable (e.g. flow rate, pressure drop, elevation) at a time can be displayed at the
products of the selected system/system group.
Collision Control (MAGICOL)
With this function you can find out the possible collisions between the parts.
Select the collision types (for example, Duct – pipe) in the Options dialog. Select
the area you want to check. The collisions are showed in the Show Messages
dialog, and you can select them to be showed with error ticks in the drawing.
You can even examine the collisions with MagiCAD parts in the reference
drawing, AutoCAD/ADT/AEC objects, and cable trays in MagiCAD Electrical
It is also possible to define tolerance for the collision. With negative values the
part are allowed to be inside each other, whereas with the positive values empty
space is reserved around the parts e.g. for installation and maintenance.
It is possible to save the collision boundaries.

Calculations menu

Note: This toolbar is a flyout toolbar that is included in the Project Manager
Give the system-specific input values with the system-modeling function. For
example, in this way you select the calculations that you wish to allow to each
All the calculation results presented in dialogs can be copied to the clipboard for
pasting eg. to a spreadsheet.
Flow Summation (MAGICFL)
This function calculates the flows of the selected system, but does not perform
any sizing. If you have selected the Calculate flow option, MagiCAD updates the
flows that connect to the active drawing from other drawings. If other drawings
are temporarily not available, you can use the Use last value option.
In addition, the flow summation calculates the volumes of the heating and
cooling systems (pipes and radiators). The volume is saved at the open end of
each supply pipe. The sizing and balancing functions always sum up the flow
rates and calculates the volumes.
Note: If several subsystems are drawn in the project and using the same system,
the total volume of the entire system is seen at each open end.
Sizing (MAGISIZ)
This function calculates the flows and performs the sizing for the selected
system. The function uses the sizing criterion that you have defined in the
system dialog (MAGISYS).
This function calculates also the volume of the system.
Balancing (MAGIBAL)
This function calculates the flows and balances the selected system. You can
balance the drawn system right away, or you can first run the sizing function.
You can also set MagiCAD to show the index run of the system if necessary.

14 • Chapter 3. List of commands

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

This function calculates also the volume of the system.

Flow Route Examination (MAGIFRO)
This function performs the flow calculations from the showed component to an
open end. You can choose the scope of the output in the Options dialog.
Sound Calculation of Flow Route (MAGISRO)
This function performs the sound calculation from an open end (air handling
unit, fan) to the showed air terminal device. The calculation reckons with the
sound development and attenuation of the ductwork, A-weighting, and 4 dB
room attenuation.
Sound Calculation of All Flow Routes (MAGISND)
This function outputs the incoming sound pressure level of the room beside each
air terminal device.
Bill of Materials (MAGIMAS)
With this function you can create two kinds of lists of the parts that are used in
MagiCAD: the ”usual” Bill of Materials, or a more specific device list
(MagiCAD Export) whose contents is defined according to the systems, part
types and their attributes.
You can target this function on a particular drawing, selected drawings of the
project, or a selected area.
If the project contains rooms defined with MagiCAD Room, the BOM can be
made from a particular room, or it can be made from the entire drawing grouped
by the rooms. This function requires MagiCAD Room being installed.
COM interface can be used for reading all MagiCAD object data directly from
the drawing e.g. with Visual Basic macros. Some information can also be written
to the drawing. The more detailed documentation of the interface is available

Documentation menu

Note: This toolbar is a flyout toolbar that is included in the Project Manager
Type Free Text (MAGIFTX)
Type the free text with this function.
Edit Free Text (MAGIFTE)
With this function, you can read the free text to a window where you can edit it.
Revision Arrow (MAGIRAR)
Revision Cloud (MAGIRCL)
Change the Arc length by choosing that option and showing two points.
Construction Boundary (MAGICBR)
Drawing the construction boundary will continue until you press <Enter>. Next,
show the direction for the arrows.

Chapter 3. List of commands • 15

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

Other MagiCAD functions

Restore components (MAGIRES)
This function restores the properties of the selected parts to match the project

16 • Chapter 3. List of commands

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

Chapter 4. Command Reference

Project Manager menu

This function opens the Select Project dialog, where you can attach the drawing
to a project or create a new project. When a project has been created or the
drawing has been attached to an existing project, the project management dialog
opens and you can define the relations between the projects, storeys and
drawings, select the desired products to the project, define dimension text styles,
One MagiCAD drawing represents one storey in a project. You place each storey
in relation to the others in the storey list. The storey origin of the drawing
indicates the lower left corner of the storey. Using the storey origin makes it
possible to locate the storeys in relation to each other.
The Project dialog is the core of MagiCAD's project management. In this dialog,
you attach the drawing to the project, define the storey representing the drawing,
and set the storey origin. In practice, all settings that apply to the entire project
are made in this dialog.
Start by clicking the Project toolbar button. The Select Project dialog opens.

The Available projects list includes the projects that are saved in the same
directory as the drawings or on upper directory levels towards the root directory.
If no projects are found, the list is empty.
You can select an existing project from the list by clicking the Select button.
To create a new project, click the New button.
To exit from the project selection dialog, click the Cancel button.

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 17

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Creating a new project

When you click the New button in the Select Project dialog, the New Project
dialog opens.

Give a name for the project, e.g. Project1.

Select the directory (Location) for the project. Usually the location is the same
directory where the drawings are saved, or on an upper level of the project
directory tree towards the root directory.
Select the template project (Template). By default the template projects are
stored in the Templates subdirectory of the program directory. You canyou’re
your existing MagiCAD HP&V projects as template projects if you prefer.
Accept your choices by clicking Ok. The project management dialog opens, and
you can check and modify the project data.

The left pane contains a list of different types of project data. When you click
some of them, the more detailed view of the contents appears to the right panel.
NOTE ! When you click the right mouse button on the right pane, additional
functions become available.
The contents of the project dialog:
• Project settings / Market area – Here you can define the market area.
When you are selecting products to the project you are able to see only the
products that are available in the selected market area.

18 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

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• Project settings / Backup project files in drawing – Here you can define if
you want to save project files in the drawing (dwg file) for recovery. If the
Backup project files in drawing option is selected, saving the drawing also
packs the .EPJ, .LIN and .QPD files inside the drawing. They can be
restored to the current drawing directory with command
MAGIRESTOREPRJ. If the project files exist in that directory, the
program asks whether to overwrite them.
• Project settings / Save viewport defaults to – This setting defines whether
to load/save the default viewport preferences from/to the project or the
• Project settings / Character set – This setting defines whether to use
National or Unicode characters. Earlier characters were national.
• Model drawings – Speeds up the functions that browse through several
drawings. It also makes it possible e.g. to make a BOM of drawings that are
not in the same directory. The file lists (e.g. selecting the drawings for the
BOM) contain only those drawings that include something to calculate.
Model drawings are shown with the relative path to the project file. Only the
drawings that are connected to the current project can be added to the model
drawing list.
• Storeys – Here you can add or remove storeys that are attached to the
project. The storey boundaries appear in the drawing, if that option is
selected in the Viewport Preferences dialog. It is also possible to read the
storey list from a MagiCAD Room project with the help of the Import
function. Height (h) is storey's default height, which is defined in the Storey
Properties dialog of MagiCAD Room. Dimensions a and b are read from
MagiCAD Room application, which returns a bounding box of the rooms in
the storey.
• Ducts – All settings of the ductworks, that apply to the entire project, are
made here:
o Systems
o Parts (selecting products to the project)
o Layers
o Insulation series
o Duct series
o Sizing methods
o Dimension texts
• Pipes – All settings of the heating/cooling/water/sprinkler systems, that
apply to the entire project, are made here:
o Heating, cooling and special systems
ƒ Systems
ƒ Layers
ƒ Heat transfer media
ƒ Sizing methods
ƒ Dimension texts
o Water systems
ƒ Systems
ƒ Layers
ƒ Sizing methods

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 19

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ƒ Dimension texts
o Sprinklers
ƒ Systems
ƒ Layers
ƒ Dimension texts
o Parts (selecting products for the project)
o Insulation series
o Pipe series
• Sewers – All settings of the sewer systems, that apply to the entire project,
are made here:
o Systems
o Parts (selecting products for the project)
o Layers
o Insulation series
o Sewer series
o Dimension texts
• General – All general settings, that apply to the entire project, are made
o Layers
o Dimension texts
• Linetypes
• Dimension texts – project-specific dimension text format and text size
• Provision for voids – settings for creating ”intelligent” provisions for voids
• Variable names – project-specific variable names
• Variable sets – settings for object numbering, adding object IDs, and
defining the object status
o Object ID formats
o Status
o Running Index
ƒ Text formats
ƒ Text groups
The right pane contains the preview of the relative locations of the storeys.
The drawing is attached to the specific storey with the Active storey function.
The selection list contains the storeys that are defined in the storey list. Place the
storey origin for the drawing with the Install storey origin function.
Click the Close button to exit from the dialog.

Saving the project information

All project information (selected products, duct/pipe series, heat transfer media,
etc) are saved to project files (filename.EPJ and filename.QPD), which you can
use, if you prefer, as templates in your new projects.

20 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

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Line weights, Layers and linetypes

Define the line weights, layers, colors and linetypes for each part type, as well as
the dimension text style and height, in the Layers section. Select Layers under
the desired group from the list on the left pane, click the right mouse button on
the right pane, and select Edit.
• Layer name – the layer where the part is attached. MagiCAD joins
the layer variables SV1, SV2, and SV3 to the layer name if the
layer name contains the corresponding {SV1}, {SV2}, and {SV3}
In this way it is also possible to add the product variable, which is
possibly given in the Select products for the project function, if the
layer name contains the {PV} variable. Layer variable {VV} can
be used to separate layers for the provision for voids with different
• MagiCAD controls the layer names so that the names do not
contain any characters that AutoCAD does not allow.
• 1D / 2D / 3D – separate settings for linetypes, colors and line
weights for each view mode (1D/2D/3D).
• Center Line / Edge line / Details – select the line type, color and
line weight to each case.
• Line type – You can define the line type according to the height
level (By height), you can define it according to the system (By
system), it can be constant (Continous, Hidden,etc..), or it can be
defined according to the layer properties (By layer). (These options
may vary in different situations)
• Color – You can define it according to the system (By system), it
can be constant (Select...), or it can be defined according to the
layer properties (By layer).
• Line weight – can be defined according to the layer properties (By
layer), it can be defined according to the default value (By default),
or it can be constant (0.25, 0.5, etc.).
• By default – is defined by using AutoCAD’s LWDEFAULT
system variable, which sets the value for the default line weight.
• By height – is defined in the Linetypes section. Select the linetype
according to the height level.
• By system – The color and linetype of the system are defined in the
Systems dialog .
• By series – the line type, color and line weight for the insulation
series, which is set in the Insulation Series dialog.
• By object – the line type, color and line weight for the insulation is
the same as in the insulated object.
• By layer – The line type, color and line weight are editable by
using AutoCAD properties in Layer Manager of AutoCAD. Use
multiple layers for object must be enabled.

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 21

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• Use multiple layers for object – This must be enabled to be able

to use the By layer setting.
• Default layer settings – here you can define the default values for
AutoCAD properties Color, Linetype and Lineweight. These
default values are used only if the layer does not already exist. You
can also define the layers separately for the centerline, edge line or
details. This is done by using the Layer name field.
The line types are selected from the types that are defined in the project’s *.LIN

If “Use multiple layers for object” option is used, the line weight for insulation
can be changed by using AutoCAD’s LWDEFAULT system variable. Type
LWDEFAULT at the command prompt and edit the value.
You can freely give the same layer name to several parts if you want to limit the
number of layers in the drawing. For instance, you can place all the ductwork
parts on the same layer.
MagiCAD creates MAGI_0 layer for its internal use. If you have locked the
MAGI_0 layer (it should never be locked), you cannot install any ductwork/pipe
system parts.
The project’s line type file is in the standard format that AutoCAD uses. You can
edit the project’s line types in the same way as AutoCAD’s line types.

Select the line color of the part in the “Select color” dialog.
The color number 7 (black/white) is always the opposite color of the
background. You can choose the colors 1-6 can be by showing them, and the
colors 8-255 are named as Acad-xxx, where xxx is the color number. The colors
correspond with AutoCAD’s color numbering.
The line types that are defined according to the height level, and the types and
colors of the hidden lines and insulations, are defined in the Linetypes section.
0...” ” mm height limit is used also when valves are placed. If the height level
of the horizontal pipe is higher than the limit that is defined here, the 3D symbol
of the valve is placed to the pipe upside down.

22 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

Each part created with MagiCAD belongs to a system. A system can be, for
instance, a supply air, exhaust air, or heating system.
Select the system under the desired group (system type) from the project
management dialog. Click the right mouse button on the desired system on the
right pane to create new systems, modify existing systems, or remove systems.
Select the function from the popup menu:
• Edit – modify the selected system
• Insert – create a new system
• Delete – remove the selected system
• Copy – copy the selected system
• Paste – paste the copied system to the list
The maximum number of systems is 1999. NOTE ! If the project is saved on a
server, it may take a long time to start some functions if there is a large number
of systems.

Input values in the system-modeling dialogs

The input values in the system-modeling dialogs are defined according to the
selected group.
• ID is a unique identification, given automatically by MagiCAD.
• UserCode is an identification given by the user. It is connected to
eg. dimension lines.
• Name is a more accurate identification for the lists that have
references to the system.
• System type is supply air system, extract air system, outdoor air
system or exhaust air system.
• Color is the default color of the system.
• Linetype on is the default line type of the system.
If you want to define the linetype according to the system (linetype
must be selected By system in the Layers, Colors, Linetypes
dialog), select the linetype here. Otherwise you do not have to
select it. After selection, the linetype would not be dependent on
the height level as it usually is.
• Layer variables (SV1, SV2, and SV3): you can draw the systems
on their own layers by using {SV1}, {SV2}, and {SV3} variables
in the layer names.
• Calculations selection can be used to exclude certain calculation
types from a system. In this case, clear the corresponding check
• Sizing is the sizing criterion (see chapter "Sizing criteria").
• Minimum dp defines the minimum pressure drop for the flow
damper and air device.
• Warning limit of high dp is used in the balancing calculations.
• Balancing warning tolerance defines how much the pressure drop
from the air terminal device, which is needed for balancing, can be

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 23

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

different from the pressure drop of the air terminal device at the
design airflow.
• Balancing to minimum pressure / fan pressure / given pressure
option defines the pressure for balancing: the lowest possible
pressure of an open end or a particular given pressure. The given
pressure is not used if it is lower than the lowest possible pressure.
• Initial sound is the initial value for sound calculation. This sound
level is used with the first part of the system (usually an air
handling unit).
Heating/cooling/special system:
• ID is a unique identification, given automatically by MagiCAD.
• UserCode is an identification given by the user. It is connected to
eg. dimension lines.
• Name is a more accurate identification for the lists that have
references to the system.
• Supply pipe color is the default color of the supply pipe.
• Linetype is the default line type of the supply pipe.
You can also define the linetype according to the system,
which applies also to the return pipe. For further information
see "Ductworks".
• Return pipe color is the default color of the return pipe.
• Linetype is the default linetype of the return pipe.
• Layer variables (SV1, SV2, and SV3): you can draw the systems
on their own layers by using {SV1}, {SV2}, and {SV3} variables
in the layer names.
• Calculations selection can be used to exclude certain calculation
types from a system. In this case, clear the corresponding check
• Sizing method; see chapter "Sizing criteria"
• Minimum dp values define the minimum pressure drop of radiator
valves and zone valves.
• Warning limit of high dp is used in the balancing calculations.
• Balancing to minimum pressure / pump pressure can be used
for defining whether to balance the system according to the lowest
possible pressure at the open end or according to a specific
pressure. If the given pressure is lower than the lowest possible
pressure, the given value is ignored.
• Liquid is the heat transfer medium (eg. water or ethylene-glycol).
See chapter "Heat transfer media"
• Temperatures fields define the temperatures of the supply water
and return water.
Water system:
• ID is a unique identification, given automatically by MagiCAD.
• UserCode is an identification given by the user. It is connected to
eg. dimension lines.
• Name is a more accurate identification for the lists that have
references to the system.

24 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

• Cold water, color is the default color of the cold water pipe.
• Linetype is the default linetype of the cold water pipe.
You can also define the linetype according to the system,
which applies also to the hot water and circulation water pipe.
For further information see "Ductworks".
• Hot water, color is the default color of the hot water pipe.
• Linetype is the default linetype of the hot water pipe.
• Circulation water, color is the default color of the circulation
water pipe.
• Linetype is the default linetype of the circulation water pipe.
• Lowest service pressure is the initial pressure at the start point of
the system.
• Layer variables (SV1, SV2, and SV3): you can draw the systems
on their own layers by using {SV1}, {SV2}, and {SV3} variables
in the layer names.
• Calculations selection can be used to exclude certain calculation
types from a system. In this case, clear the corresponding check
• Sizing method; see chapter "Sizing criteria"
• Minimum dp values define the minimum pressure drop of radiator
valves and zone valves.
• Warning limit of high dp is used in the balancing calculations.
• Warning limit of high/low qv – Low limit [%] is used in the
water point pressure calculations.
• Warning limit of high/low qv – High limit [%] is used in the
water point pressure calculations.
• Temperatures fields define the temperatures of the Cold, Hot and
Circulation water.
Sewer system:
• ID is a unique identification, given automatically by MagiCAD.
• UserCode is an identification given by the user. It is connected to
eg. layer names and dimension lines.
• Name is the more accurate identification for the lists that have
references to the system.
• Sewer color is the default color of a sewage pipe.
• Linetype is the default linetype of the sewage pipe. You can
also define the linetype according to the system. See
"Ductworks" for further information.
• Layer variables (SV1, SV2, and SV3): you can draw the systems
on their own layers by using {SV1}, {SV2}, and {SV3} variables
in the layer names.
• Calculations selection can be used to exclude certain calculation
types from a system. In this case, clear the corresponding check

Sprinkler system:

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 25

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

• ID is a unique identification, given automatically by MagiCAD.

• UserCode is an identification given by the user. It is connected to
eg. layer names and dimension lines.
• Name is the more accurate identification for the lists that have
references to the system.
• Range pipe color is the default color of the branch pipe.
• Distribution pipe color is the default color of the distribution pipe.
• Distribution pipes start from size defines which pipe sizes are
considered as branch pipes and which sizes are considered as
distribution pipes.
• Linetype is the default linetype of the sprinkler pipe. It is also to
possible to define the linetype by system. See chapter Ductwork
• Basic nominal release temperature is the default release
temperature of the sprinklers. This value, however, is not yet used
in any purpose.
• Layer variables (SV1, SV2 ja SV3): the systems can be defined
for their own layers by using the {SV1}, {SV2}, and {SV3}
variables in the layer names.
• Calculations selection can be used to exclude certain calculation
types from a system. In this case, clear the corresponding check

26 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

Selecting products for the project

With this function, you select the products, both manufacturer-supplied and self-
modeled, to the project's product database.
The products are selected in the project management dialog. First select the
system type (ducts, pipes, etc), and select Parts under the system type.
It is also possible to select products in all installation dialogs. Click the right
mouse button in installation window and click Select product to project...

A list of the product groups (e.g. supply devices, exhaust devices) opens. When
you select the product group, the products that are selected to the project appear
on the right pane. It is possible to reorganize the product lists by using buttons
‘Up’ and ‘Down’. The products are also presented in that order in the installation
Click the right mouse button on the right pane. A popup menu opens with the
following options:
• Properties – examine the data of the selected product
• Edit – modify the data of the selected product
• Delete – remove the selected product from the project
• Select products to project – select new products to the project
When the Select products to project function is selected from the popup menu,
the Product Selection dialog opens:

Select the manufacturer from the list in the left pane. When you click the “+”

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 27

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

button, the products and product sizes appear in the list, and with the
Properties… function you can examine the data of the selected product.
In the right pane you can see the preview of the product. If the product has been
modeled using the Qmodel technology, a rendered image of the product is
displayed, and the image can also be rotated. If you want to see the product
dimensions instead of the rendered image, select the Dimensions option.
You can browse the products either from a local database (the product database
on a local disk drive) or an internet database (the product database on
Progman’s website). You can change the path from where to search the local
databases with the Select product database path… function.
Search for certain products from MagiCAD product database can be done by
product code or description. Also the description language can be selected.
Product codes are market area specific as normally. Search keywords can contain
many words - all words must be found for match. Search can be started by
clicking the Search button or pressing Enter. Note that a special search index
(different from the normal product index) is needed, so the first time Apply is
clicked or some database is changed there might be a delay of several minutes
for creating the search index. Search filters the product tree so that only nodes
with matches are shown.
Select the database to the project by clicking the Select product button.
MagiCAD asks you to define the User code (required), Product variable
(optional) and National code (optional):
• User code – identifier, which is used e.g. in the dimension texts.
The user code can be the same in several products.
• Product variable – this value can be used in the dimension texts, it
can be output with MagiCAD Export, and it can be used as the
layer variable (in this case the products can be separated on their
own layers).
• National code – can be used in the dimension texts of output with
MagiCAD Export.
• Object ID format – is defined in Variable sets / Object ID formats
When installing a product, the Object ID is written automatically to
the object. If the Object ID format is not selected for the given
product, Object ID is manual and it can be edited with the Part
Properties function. The Object ID format can be updated with the
Update Drawing Data function.
When you accept your choices with Ok, the Product Selection dialog opens
again and you can select more products to the project. If you do not want to
select more products, exit the dialog with the Close button.

Insulation series
Insulation series are defined to the project in the project management dialog.
First select the system type (Ducts, pipes, etc) and then select Insulation Series.
The insulation series that are selected to the project appear in the right window
Click the right mouse button in the right pane. A popup menu opens, and you
can select from the following options:
• Edit – modify the selected insulation series
• Insert – create a new insulation series
• Delete – remove the selected insulation series
• Copy – copy the selected insulation series

28 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

• Paste – paste the copied insulation series to the list

• Manager – copy insulation series from another project with the Project
Manager function
Give the following information in the insulation series dialog:
• ID is a unique identification, given automatically by MagiCAD.
• UserCode is an identification given by the user. It is connected to e.g.
dimension lines.
• Description (further information)
• National code can be output with MagiCAD Export and show in the
dimension texts
• Material can be output with MagiCAD Export and show in the
dimension texts
• Type – line type for the insulation, if the setting in the Layer Settings
dialog is By Series
• Color – color for the insulation, if the setting in the Layer Settings
dialog is By Series
• Line weight – line weight for the insulation, if the setting in the Layer
Settings dialog is By Series
• Diameter and diameter-specific insulation thickness (circular ducts and
• Width, height and the corresponding insulation thickness (rectangular
During sizing, MagiCAD selects the most suitable insulation for the ducts and

Duct and pipe series

When drawing a system, select a series for each duct and pipe. MagiCAD selects
the most suitable size from the duct/pipe series according to the sizing criteria.
Duct and series are defined to the project in the project management dialog.
First select the system type (Ducts, pipes, etc) and then select Duct/Pipe/Sewer
Series. The duct/pipe series that are selected to the project appear in the right
window pane.
Click the right mouse button in the right pane. A popup menu opens, and you
can select from the following options:
• Edit – modify the selected duct/pipe series
• Insert – create a new duct/pipe series
• Delete – remove the selected duct/pipe series
• Copy – copy the selected duct/pipe series
• Paste – paste the copied duct/pipe series to the list
• Manager – copy duct/pipe series from another project with the Project
Manager function
Give the following information to all series:
• ID is a unique identification, given automatically by MagiCAD.
• Name is the description for the selection lists.

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 29

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• UserCode is an identification given by the user. It is connected to eg.

dimension lines.
• National code can be output with MagiCAD Export and show in the
dimension texts
• Material can be output with MagiCAD Export and show in the
dimension texts
In addition you can give the following information to a duct series:
• k (roughness)
• Flexible duct (when this is selected, the circular ducts are handled as
• Duct sizes (available duct sizes, and the ratio between the bend radius
and the duct diameter with the circular ducts. In addition, the minimum
length of the direct piece of duct, which is required by ductwork parts,
is defined here for each size.)
• Products (products, i.e. ducts and fittings in the duct series)
In addition you can give the following information to a pipe series:
• k (heating) is the pipe roughness in heating/cooling systems
• k (water) is the pipe roughness in water systems
• Flexible pipe (when this is selected, the pipes are handled as flexible)
• Sizes (available pipe sizes; "size", inner diameter, outer diameter,
DN/valve size and the ratio between the bend radius and the pipe
diameter; with flexible pipes this ratio defines the minimum bend
radius. In addition, the minimum length of the direct piece of pipe,
which is required by the parts, is defined here for each size.) UV1 is a
user text field for each pipe size. This text field is also shown in pipe
options dialogs, and it can be used as a dimension text variable.
In addition you can give the following information to a sewage pipe series:
• Sizes (available pipe sizes; "size", inner diameter, outer diameter,
DN/valve size. In addition, the minimum length of the direct piece of
pipe, which is required by the parts, is defined here for each size.)
Separate the width and height of a rectangular duct with x (for example,
300x400). The duct sizes are modeled in ascending order (first by width, then by
height: e.g. 300x150, 300x200, 300x300, 400x150, 400x200,...). When
MagiCAD selects the duct size, it browses the size list and selects the first size
that matches the sizing criteria.
Select the products in the Products field from the product databases with the
Right arrow button, and remove them with the Left arrow button

If necessary, you can model eg. a duct series containing both circular and
rectangular ducts.

The Min Length, which is defined for each duct/pipe size, defines the minimum
length of a direct piece of duct/pipe that is required by each duct/pipe system
component or a component that is installed to them. This means that the total
length of the direct piece of duct/pipe is twice the given dimension.

Sizing methods
Sizing criteria are defined to the project in the project management dialog.

30 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

First select the system type (Ducts, pipes, etc) and then select Sizing methods.
The sizing criteria that are selected to the project appear in the right window
Click the right mouse button in the right pane. A popup menu opens, and you
can select from the following options:
• Edit – modify the selected sizing criterion
• Insert – create a new sizing criterion
• Delete – remove the selected sizing criterion
• Copy – copy the selected sizing criterion
• Paste – paste the copied sizing criterion to the list
Give the following values in the criterion dialog:
• Description (for further information)
• Dekv-max (the maximum diameter that the v-max and dp-max are used
• v-max (maximum velocity)
• dp-max (maximum friction loss, Pa/m))
Enter the information the list sorted by the size in ascending order. The last item
in the list should be a large diameter that certainly covers all the modeled
duct/pipe series.
If the duct/pipe series does not contain duct/pipe size that fits in the sizing
criteria, MagiCAD gives a message when sizing is performed.

Heat transfer media

Heat transfer media are defined to the project in the project management dialog.
First select the system type (Pipes => Heating, cooling and special systems) and
then select Heat transfer media. The heat transfer media that are selected to the
project appear in the right window pane.
Click the right mouse button in the right pane. A popup menu opens, and you
can select from the following options:
• Edit – modify the selected medium
• Insert – create a new medium
• Delete – remove the selected medium
• Copy – copy the selected medium
• Paste – paste the copied medium to the list
Give the following information for the heat transfer medium:
• Name
• Density
• Heat transfer capacity
• Viscosity (cinematic)

Dimension text
You can modify the dimension text style in the Project Management or by
selecting the Format option when installing dimension text. Select first the main
group in the Dimension Text dialog. A list appears, containing the groups to

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 31

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

which you can define dimension texts. You can see a preview of the dimension
text format in the right side of the panel.

Select the group, and a list of the Available formats updates. Select the style, and
all buttons get enabled.
When you click Edit… or New…, the Dimension Formats dialog opens. You
can give the name for the dimension text, select the variables, define the
properties of the baseline and the reference line, and select the alignment. This
window contains also information that is used only in the automatic dimension
It is possible to define style, text height and color for dimension text according to
the project settings (the “By project” option) or according to the dimension text
specific settings (Style, Text height or Text)
There are two additional dimensions in the dimension text variables of the air
devices. Airflow sum defines that the air device flows are added up to the
dimension line. Please note that you do not need to define a Newline for this
variable, and you cannot output any other variables to the last row. Another
variable is No. of devices, which indicates the number of the similar devices.
Please note that this variable must be first in the variable list (this takes place
Reference line options
• None, no reference line
• First part, the reference line will appear only with the first part
that is selected
• All parts, the reference line will appear with all the parts that are
selected for the dimension text
Ref. line symbol options

Symbol scale
Set the scale factor for the reference line symbol. Scale factor can be from 0.2 to
4.0. By default it is 1.

32 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

Base line options

• None, no base line
• First row, under first row
• All rows, under all rows
• Rectangle, a rectangle around the dimension text
• Circle, a circle around the dimension text
Alignment options
• Left align
• Center align
• Right align
Set the dimension text style active with the Set Active button. Active dimension
text formats can be used from the project or from the drawing. This is done by
User Preferences setting Use active dimension text settings from Drawing /
Project. This prevents changing other users’ active dimension text in multi-user
You can also copy styles from other projects. Click the Manager… button,
which opens the Project File Manager dialog. With the Copy button you can
make a copy of the active style.

The height levels of the ducts and pipes are the height levels of the their
It is possible to add text styles to the drawing by using AutoCAD’s Format/Text
style function.

Provision for voids

Text formats

• Name – text part of the running index, e.g. P like a pump TE like a
temperature sensor.
• Description – description of the text format
• First number – the smallest accepted number in this format
• Number of digits – How many numbers are used to show a number
part of running index e.g 3 => 001, 2 => 01.

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• Text group – Selected text group for this format. Needed only for
filtering when inserting running index to objects. Name of text group
can be also shown in dimension text etc. This field is optional
• Allow the same index in different system – If this is selected, the
same index can be in different systems.
The first running index of this example would be G3 PF 001.
NOTE ! each string (G3, PF, 001) can be added separately to a dimension text.

Text groups

• Name – text part of the running index

• Description – description of the text group
NOTE ! You do not even need to define the text groups, if you do not have many
different formats. Text groups are used to filter different kind of formats when
inserting running index to objects. Name of text group can be also shown in
dimension text etc.

Variable names (user given names for variables)

It is possible to define variable names (UserVar1, UserVar2, Description,
National code, SV1, SV2 and SV3) in the project dialog under new node Variable
names. There are separate names for the user interface and for the reports.
Initially all variable names are By default, which means that those names are
loaded from the language database as previously.

34 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

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Variable sets / Object ID formats

Object ID can be a unique code which contains, for example, system code,
running index text and running index, etc.

Click the right mouse button on the right pane of the Project Management to
create new, modify existing, or remove Object ID formats. Select the function
from the popup menu:
• Edit – modify the selected Object ID format
• Insert – create a new Object ID format
• Delete – remove the selected Object ID format
• Copy – copy the selected Object ID format
• Paste – paste the copied Object ID format to the list
When you click Edit… or Insert…, the Object ID Formats dialog opens. You
can give the description and select the variables for the Object ID format.
Object ID format can be given to all products. Object ID is defined to the
product in the Project Management.
When installing product, the Object ID is written automatically to the object. If
Object ID format is not selected for the given product, Object ID is manual and
it can be edited with the Part Properties function. The Object ID format can be
updated with Update Drawing Data function.

Variable sets / Running index

Click the right mouse button on the right panel of the Project Management to
create new, modify existing or remove running index formats. Select the
function from the popup menu:
• Edit – modify the selected running index format
• Insert – create a new running index format
• Delete – remove the selected running index format
• Copy – copy the selected running index format
• Paste – paste the copied running index format to the list

User Preferences
This function is used for defining the user-specific information.

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 35

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• Database path – the directory from which the databases are searched when
products are selected to the project.
• Search circle – this setting defines the size of the search circle. The
searching routine works in all views and coordinate settings. If there is only
one component in the search area, it is selected. If there are several
components in the search area, a selection list opens, and the component that
is closest to the cursor is the first item in the list.
• Dimension text formats – this setting switches between using active
dimension text formats either from the project or from the drawing. This
prevents changing other users’ active dimension text in multi-user projects.

Update Drawing Data

With this function object properties (device symbols, running indexes, national
codes, room information, Object ID formats, colors, line types, line weights,
layers) can be updated in the drawing to match the project settings.

IFC Export
About IFC
IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) is an international standard for defining the
product models in the building services. It is a method for sharing and
distributing the information between different software applications.
A MagiCAD drawing can be saved in the IFC format and this way transferred
e.g. to the CAD application that is used by the architect. The geometrical and
technical information of electrical and HVAC objects are transferred with the
help of an IFC file.

Creating an IFC file

Select the IFC Export function from the Project Manager menu. The IFC
Export dialog opens.
Select the desired option (create or append). Give a name for the new IFC file, or
select an existing IFC file.
Next, select the MagiCAD objects you want to include in the IFC file.
Note: if you want to select all MagiCAD HP&V objects, type ALL at the
command prompt and press Enter twice.

36 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

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Schema for new IFC files

• IFC 2x3 – IFC 2x3 format guarantees even better and faster
functionality, and more information is written to the IFC file.
• IFC 2x2 final – IFC 2x2 format is used if data will be imported to the
software that does not support IFC 2x3 format
Use for IFC storey origin
This option defines which storey origin (coordinate system) is used in the IFC
• HPV origin – the storey origin of MagiCAD HP&V
• WCS – World Coordinate System. Select this option if you are not sure
about the origin.
• UCS – User Coordinate System (origin of the user coordinate system)
Own property set usage
• Add own properties – MagiCAD’s own property sets enlarge the size
of the IFC files rather much. Therefore it is possible to choose whether
to include MagiCAD's own property sets in IFC Export.
• Use extruded ducts, pipes and sewers – MagiCAD IFC Export uses
mostly parametric geometry instead of faces. This makes IFC files use
less memory, disk space and time when they are imported to external
software. Because all applications with IFC import cannot handle
parametric geometry there is a possibility to set that MagiCAD IFC
Export uses extruded ducts, pipes and sewers in the IFC file.
Create new IFC file…
This function creates a new IFC file, which contains the selected MagiCAD
HP&V objects.
Note: Each storey must be saved to a separate IFC file.
Append to existing IFC file…

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With this function you can write MagiCAD HP&V objects to an existing IFC
file. An IFC file can be, for example, provided by the architect or created with
MagiCAD Room.
If the storey list has been defined to the IFC file (with architectural application or
with MagiCAD Room), select the storey where you want to place the objects. If
storeys are not defined in the IFC file, each storey must be saved to a separate
IFC file.
Remove building system parts from file…
With this option you can remove MagiCAD objects (electrical and HVAC
objects) from an existing IFC file.

38 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

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Ventilation menu (drawing functions)

When you use this command for the first time, give the design options:

• Duct size
• Series, the duct series
• Size, the size selected from the series
• Swapped, swapping the width and height of the rectangular
• Locked, locking the duct. Sizing does not change the
properties of a locked duct.
• Insulation
• Series, insulation series. The insulation series are user-defined.
MagiCAD shows the series-specific insulation thickness for
the selected duct size.
• Status. The status types are user-defined. You can choose the
status while drawing the ducts/pipes or you can determine it
afterwards with Change Properties. -Not defined- status
means that MagiCAD uses the “normal” settings.
• Routing smart/direct. When smart, MagiCAD tends to create
routes using standard bends; when direct, MagiCAD draws the
route directly between the given two points.
• Bends, default forms of circular and rectangular bends
• Branches, default forms of the different duct branches
• Height difference in branches, the connection angle when the
main duct and the branch are at different heights. Smart: MagiCAD

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calculates the degree of the bend. Deg: MagiCAD uses a certain

kind of bend in the height level changes.
After you have given the options, MagiCAD asks the start point showing the
duct size, locking (*), insulation, and the available options at the command line:
• Connect/noConnect: connection option on/off. The cursor has the
search circle when the connection option is on.
• Angle to give the snap angle. It is possible to give the snap angle
either by showing the direction with the mouse or typing the value
as degrees (0-360). It is also possible to use different methods to
show the angle: With Two points, by MagiCAD Object or in
relation to the current angle (Relative).
• Options invokes the design options dialog.
• Last option grips to the end of the last drawn duct, last drawn air
terminal device, or similar.
• smarT/direcT changes the pipe routing between smart and direct
in duct and single-pipe drawing.
You can give the start point either by pointing with a mouse or typing the
coordinates in the command line. If the Connect option is off, MagiCAD asks
the system and height level information. Select the system from a list, and give
the height level either by giving it as a number or using the Top of..., Center of...
or Bottom of...option (show a MagiCAD object). You can also use button “From
Part...”, which copies height, system, duct series, duct size, locking and
swapping status and insulation series from another duct. It is possible to select
objects also from reference drawings.
When Connect option is on, the search circle is visible; MagiCAD assumes that
the duct's start point is connected to a ductwork component. After you have
shown a point, MagiCAD searches for the suitable components inside the search
circle. If you connect to a vertical duct and the viewpoint is from the top,
MagiCAD asks the connection height level.
If there is only one component within the search area, the duct will connect to it.
If there is more than one component, the selection list will appear.
When connected to the end of a duct or to an air device, MagiCAD checks that
the duct size and insulation options match. If they do not match, MagiCAD asks
for further actions in a dialog.
You can either Retain the active options or Change them to match a duct you
After you have given the start point, the command line options change and the
endpoint is expected. The command line options depend on the start point. When
you start from the end of a duct, the new options are
• Z to change the height level
• Back to reverse drawing
• Plug to plug the duct
• connection Node to place a connection node at the end of the duct
• Special connection prompts you to show the end of the other duct.
MagiCAD calculates all possible alternatives of the connections
made with standard parts. When you select the connection
alternative from the list, it is drawn immediately. You can accept
the connection by selecting Use selected standard angles, or you
can reject the connection. You can also make a Special reduction
between the selected duct ends.

40 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

• Fork option makes it possible to draw a division plate to the end of

a rectangular duct. You can continue drawing from the division
plate with the duct drawing function.
• Device to install the air device while drawing the duct
• coMponent to install the component while drawing the duct
• cLeaning cover to install the cleaning cover while drawing the
The Fork option is available only for ducts.
The height level change (Z) invokes a dialog where you can give the height level
change. In the dialog, it is possible to check the top, center, or bottom height
level of the reference part.
Start point H indicates the initial height level. Top level, center level ja bottom
level indicate the top, center and bottom height level of the end point.
You can show the height level of the endpoint with the Top of, center of and
bottom of options of a MagiCAD object you choose. For example, if you wish to
set the top level of the duct is at the same height as the bottom level of a crossing
duct, show the crossing duct using the bottom of option.
Angle to horizontal indicates the angle you want to use in the height level
change. MagiCAD automatically calculates the duct length. Free means that the
angle of the height level change is free. When this option is on, MagiCAD asks
you to show the location for the duct end.
After height level change, MagiCAD does not perform normal routing.
MagiCAD draws the duct directly between the start and endpoints. MagiCAD
checks, however, that all the components fit into the route.
If the start point of the rectangular duct is not connected anywhere, MagiCAD
asks the direction of the longer side. You can give the direction either by
pointing with the mouse or typing 0-360 degrees.
Reverse (Back) removes the previous duct and its components, and the bend if
there is one. You can remove ducts this way until you reach a branch (T-piece,
outlet collar, distribution box) or an air device.
Flow connection option (Connection node) asks the connection node number,
description, and direction.
MagiCAD suggests the highest unused flow connection number. MagiCAD
suggests the direction according to the location of the connection and the
direction of the previous duct. The possible directions are
• None, when there is no counterpart for the flow connection. In this
case, give the airflow and pressure loss for the connection.
• This, when the counterpart is located within the same drawing.
Give the same ID to the counterparts.
• Upward, when the counterpart can be read to the drawing that is
• Downward, Left, Right: these functions are corresponding to the
Upward option
• Front, when the counterpart can be read to the drawing that is at
the same height and in front of the current drawing (that is, above
on the screen).
• Back, when the counterpart can be read to the drawing that is at the
same height and behind the current drawing (that is, below on the

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 41

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After you have accepted the flow connection information, MagiCAD checks that
there is not a connection with the same number and direction. The drawing can
thus contain e.g. connection node with number 10 both upwards and downwards.
If the connection number is already in use, the dialog opens again.
The use of special connections has some limitations:
1. The duct ends must be "in front of each other" to avoid reductions
inside the ducts. In the example below, duct 1 can be connected to
duct A, but duct 2 can not (its outline is behind duct A)


2. The ducts must lead enough towards each other. If the angle
between the ducts is less than 90°, connection is not allowed. Ducts
1 and 2 can be connected to duct A, but duct 3 can not.


After you have given the endpoint, MagiCAD checks the route between the start
and endpoints, and if necessary, changes (smart routing) or rejects it. The most
typical reason for rejecting a route is that there are components that do not fit
into the route, or MagiCAD does not find the bends needed for the route. If the
start point is an air device, a distribution box or a connection node, MagiCAD
may reject the route if you have chosen an unsuitable direction.
MagiCAD asks the endpoint until you cancel the function or the route ends up to
a duct, air device or distribution box. If necessary, MagiCAD installs a reducer
when the duct connects to an air device.
You can end drawing by pressing ESC when MagiCAD asks for a start point.
You can also end drawing by giving another command when MagiCAD asks for
the endpoint.
AutoCAD's UNDO command removes all the ductwork components that you
have placed during the current duct drawing session.

Ductwork Components
The components are classified as flow dampers, fire dampers, silencers, fans and
other (user-defined) ductwork components.
Select the component from the project's product database. Install the component
by showing the duct where you want to connect the component. MagiCAD will
then search the component with the most suitable size, and uses reducers if
necessary. MagiCAD also checks that the component fits into the selected
location in the duct. You can connect a bend-type silencer only to a 90° bend.

42 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

Sound calculation uses the sound level from the fan (if found) instead of the
sound levels defined in the project.
Fan cannot be moved with MAGIMOV. However, it can be moved with
AutoCAD commands MOVE and STRETCH, if the connected duct is also the
selection set.

Distribution Box
MagiCAD asks the box dimensions first. The command line will then contain the
box dimensions and the installation options:
• Connect/noConnect to switch the connection option on/off.
Accordingly, the search circle in the cursor switches between
• Direction, which defines the direction of the width dimension.
It is now possible to edit the size of the distribution box after installation. This
can be done by moving the new grips (in the center of sides) and also in the Part
Properties dialog (double-click the distribution box). The Part Properties dialog
has a new button Size…, which opens a dialog for entering the new dimensions.
Changing the size with the Part Properties function keeps the center point of the
distribution box as it is. The minimum size for a distribution box is
100x100x100 mm. Change of the size is rejected if the connected duct lengths
would be under the minimum duct length.
It is possible to install a connection box to either a horizontal or a vertical duct.
MagiCAD checks that there is enough space for installation, and that the duct is
not slantwise in the vertical direction.
It is also possible to install a distribution box to an empty space. MagiCAD then
asks the height level and the system.
The perpendicular of the distribution box should always be in upright position.
Although it is possible to slant the box, it is not recommended since that would
cause errors in duct connections.

When the box installed to a vertical duct, the direction of the box is not changed.
It is possible to join up to fifty ducts to a box.

Cleaning Cover
You can install a cleaning cover to distribution boxes, ducts, branches, plugs,
and bends. Plug, accessory, and component types are supported.
The cleaning cover of a distribution box will always be placed in the middle of
the upper side.

Flow Arrow
The flow arrows can be placed to an empty space or beside air devices.
• 1/2/3/4 defines the number of arrows
• Connect/noConnect to switch the connection option on/off.
Accordingly, the search circle in the cursor switches between
• Direction defines the arrows' direction. Give the direction by
rotating the figure. You can also give the snap angle with the
option Angle.

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• Options can be used to define whether the arrows are drawn for
outdoor air, supply air, extract air, exhaust air, or other situations
(Not connected).

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Air Devices menu

Air Device

First, select a suitable device type and give the airflow. MagiCAD shows the
existing sizes in a selection list, and you can select the most suitable size.
MagiCAD shows the velocity in the connecting duct when the desired airflow
has been given.
The selection list containing the air devices in the project's product database will
then appear. See further information about product databases in chapter
"Selecting products for the project". It is also possible to select products in all
installation dialogs. Click the right mouse button in the installation window and
click the Select product to project... button.
When selecting a device, it is possible to look at its dimensions, pressure
drop/sound curves, and shape. The airflow appears in the diagram as a blue
vertical line. When the air device consists of a diffuser and a plenum box, you
can modify their distance in relation to each other.
The possible alternatives for the Placement are also showed in the dialog. When
the installation location is selected, the device rotates to the default orientation of
placement. If the device is placed to an empty space, the Orientation can be
selected from four main directions or it can be defined freely (Free).
Place the device by either showing the location with a mouse or giving the
coordinates in the command line. MagiCAD shows the type of the device and
the size of the connection duct during placing. The installation options are:
• Connect/noConnect to switch the connection option on/off.
Accordingly, the search circle in the cursor switches between
• Direction to rotate the device to the right direction.
• Grille direction to rotate the diffusor, which connects to the plenum
box, to the right position.
• Options to return to the selection window.

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When you install the device to an empty space, MagiCAD asks the system and
height level. You can give the height level according to the top level, bottom
level or connection of the device.
When the connection option is on, MagiCAD moves the installation point to the
connection point and installs the device at the end of the duct or to the middle of
the duct. MagiCAD automatically installs a reducer if the duct size and device
size do not match. When the device is installed to the middle of the duct, the
device is installed directly to the duct without a T-piece or other part. Select the
placement for the device. If you show to the side of the duct, the device will be
installed to the selected side directly to the duct. If you show to the same
direction as the duct, the device will be installed above or below the duct
depending on the direction you show.

46 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

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Heating & Piping menu (drawing functions)

Supply and Return Pipes

From a flyout toolbar, you can choose to draw a supply pipe, a return pipe, or
both. When you use this command for the first time, MagiCAD asks the
following design options:

• Pipe Series
• Size
• Locked
• Insulation: the user defines the insulations. MagiCAD shows the
insulation thickness to the selected pipe size according to the pipe
• Synchronize: With this selection, you can connect the supply/return
pipe settings to each other. In this case, for instance, changes in the
supply pipe options also affect the return pipe.
• Status: The status types are user-defined. You can choose the status
while drawing the ducts/pipes or you can determine it afterwards with
Change Properties. -Not defined- status means that MagiCAD uses the
“normal” settings.
• Radius for flexible pipes: It is now possible to use manual Radius for
the flexible pipes (heating/cooling, water and sprinkler). The radius is
still at least the minimum R/D value defined in the pipe series.
• Pipe positioning after vertical: This selection affects the pipe
positioning in relation to each other after vertical pipes.

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 47

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• Manual: Pipe positioning from cursor pipe settings are used after
the vertical pipes.
• Top (cursor pipe below): The cursor pipe is always below if you
continue drawing in line with the vertical pipes. Otherwise, the
pipes are side by side.
• Bottom (cursor pipe above) (The cursor pipe is always above if
you continue drawing in line with the vertical pipes. Otherwise, the
pipes are side by side.
• Smart (no crossing): The pipe order is chosen so that the pipes do
not cross.
• Pipe positioning from cursor pipe defines the direction of the other
pipe in relation to the cursor pipe in the drawing direction. The cursor
pipe is the pipe whose route is drawn.
• Distance is the distance between the pipes (mm).
• Height difference defines the height difference of an automatic rise (or
fall) when you draw T-branches where the pipes cross and you draw the
pipes away from the main pipes. With this function you also choose the
angle of the height difference.
When you have given these options, MagiCAD asks the start point showing the
pipe sizes, locking (*), insulations, distance between the pipe centerlines, and the
options at the command line:
• Connect/noConnect: The search circle is visible when Connect option
is on.
• Angle for selecting the snap angle. You can give the snap angle either
by showing it with the mouse or typing it as degrees 0-360°. You can
also select other showing methods with the additional options: with Two
points, according to MagiCAD Object, or in relation to the current
angle (Relative).
• Options opens the design options dialog.
• Last grips to the last drawn free end of pipe, last drawn radiator, or
• smarT/direcT changes the pipe routing between smart and direct in
duct and single-pipe drawing.
You can give the start point either by showing it with the mouse or by typing the
coordinates at the command prompt. If the Connect option is off, MagiCAD asks
the system and the height level of the cursor pipe. MagiCAD also shows the
height level of the other pipe. Select the system from the list, and give the height
level either as a numeric value or using the Top of..., Center of... or Bottom of...
function (show a MagiCAD object). It is possible to select objects also from
reference drawings.
When you click OK, MagiCAD asks the next point.
If the Connect option is on, the cursor has the search circle. MagiCAD assumes
that the start points of the pipes are connected to pipe components. After you
have showed the location, MagiCAD searches the suitable parts within the
search area. If the viewpoint is from above and you are connecting to a vertical
pipe, MagiCAD asks the connection height.
MagiCAD asks you to show the start point, first from the cursor pipe and then
from the other pipe. MagiCAD selects both pipes if they are inside the search
circle. If only one suitable part exists inside the search circle, MagiCAD
connects the pipes to it. If there are several parts inside the area, a selection list
will open.

48 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

You can change the design options during drawing by selecting Options. You
can also change the pipe spacing, which changes the distance between the cursor
pipe and the other pipe (Pipe positioning from cursor pipe).
After you have given the start point, the command line options change and
MagiCAD asks the endpoint of the pipe. The command line options vary
according to the start point. If you start drawing from a pipe end, the new options
* Z, height level change
* Back, reversing to the previous point
* Plug, plugging the pipe ends
* Connection node, placing flow connections to the pipe ends
* Special connection prompts you to show the end of the other pipe or
sewer. MagiCAD calculates all possible alternatives of the connections
made with standard parts. When you select the connection alternative
from the list, it is drawn immediately. You can accept the connection by
selecting Use selected standard angles, or you can reject the
connection. You can also make a Special reduction between the
selected pipe ends. In special connection for sewers standard angles 90°
and 60° are divided into two 45° and 30° bends with 100 mm straight
sewer pipe between them. The selection list of the connection shows the
fall of the main pipe from the first selected to the last selected. Note!
This works only with 1-pipe drawing.
* coMponent to install the pipe component while drawing the pipe. Note!
This works only with 1-pipe drawing.
* Valve to install the valve while drawing the pipe
If the start point is not a pipe end, you cannot select the Plug and Connection
node options.
Height level change (Z) opens a dialog where you can give the height level of the
cursor pipe end.
‘Start point H’ indicates the height level of the cursor pipe's start point. Cursor
pipe height level indicates the height level of the endpoint (center point of the
After height level change, MagiCAD does not perform standard routing. The
pipes are drawn directly between the start point and the end point. MagiCAD,
however, checks that all parts fit into the desired route.
If the start point of the pipe pair is not connected anywhere, MagiCAD asks the
direction of the other pipe in relation to the cursor pipe. You can give the
direction either by showing it with the mouse or giving it as degrees 0-360.
Back removes the pipes and their bends/components you have drawn during the
current drawing session. You can remove the pipes until a branch (T-branch, X-
branch), radiator, or other similar device.
Connection node asks the ID number of the flow connection (separately for
supply and return pipes), description text and direction. MagiCAD suggests the
largest unused ID number, and the direction according to the location of the
connection and the direction of the preceding pipes. The possible directions are:
* None, when there is no counterpart for the flow connection. In this
case, you give the power and pressure loss of the connection. MagiCAD
calculates the flow from the power and the differential temperature that
you have given for the system.
* This, when the counterpart is in the same drawing. In this case, both
counterparts have the same ID number.

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 49

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* Upward, when the counterpart can be read to the drawing above.

* Downward, Left, Right, which work in the same way as Upward.
* Front, when the counterpart can be read from the drawing that is in
front of the current drawing (that is, above on the screen).
* Back, when the counterpart can be read from the drawing that is behind
the current drawing (that is, below on the screen).
After you have accepted the connection node, MagiCAD checks that the drawing
does not contain a connection with the same ID and the same direction. The
drawing can thus contain e.g. connection node with number 10 both upwards and
downwards. You can – and actually should – always give the same number for
the supply/return pipe pairs. If the connection number is already in use,
MagiCAD returns to the input dialog.
After you have given the end point, MagiCAD checks, changes if necessary
(smart routing), or rejects the route between the start point and the end point.
The most typical reason for rejecting the route is that not all of the parts fit into
the route. If you start from a radiator or a flow connection, MagiCAD may reject
the route if the direction you show is impossible.
MagiCAD asks the endpoint until you cancel the §function or the route ends to
pipes or a radiator.
When the function asks for a start point, you can cancel by pressing ESC. You
can also quit the drawing function by giving another MagiCAD command when
MagiCAD asks for the endpoint.
Radiator connections
All radiator connections are made either by starting pipe drawing from a radiator
or ending drawing to a radiator. You can connect to radiators with either two
pipes or one pipe at a time. The pipes leave the radiator to the direction that is
defined while placing the radiator (see also chapter "Radiator").
AutoCAD’s UNDO removes all pipe system components that you have placed
during the active drawing session.
Flexible pipes
When so-called flexible pipes are drawn (the pipe series is defined as flexible),
the radius of the bend is defined as follows:

Draw straight pipe sections. MagiCAD selects the shorter from the two
consecutive pipe sections and defines its midpoint. The start point and endpoint
of the arc are defined according to the distance between the midpoint and the
"corner" of the pipe sections.

50 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

You can place a heating system radiator with this command.

First, choose the heating system where you wish to add a radiator. Next, choose
the radiator type, and give the desired heating power and dimensions (or
alternatively let MagiCAD size the radiator).
Size the radiator by choosing Select size in the radiator dialog. The sizing
function targets to the radiator type you have selected in the dialog. The sizing
opens a dialog where you give the minimum/maximum lengths,
minimum/maximum heights, and the percentage (minimum/maximum) power
limits of the radiator. MagiCAD shows the radiators that match these criteria. If
you change these criteria, you get the new list of the suitable radiators by
pressing the Calculate button.
There is a checkbox Show all products in the Radiator Sizing dialog. If the
option is selected, all products that fulfill the criteria are shown. If the Show all
products option is not selected, only the product which is selected in the
Radiator Selection dialog is shown. Also the in result list there are new
columns: Code and Product.
MagiCAD shows the possible pipe connection points at the radiator. You can
switch the inlet/outlet connections with the arrow buttons. With the Rotate

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 51

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function, you can rotate the radiator to upright position. With the Mirror
function, you can move the connection points to the other side of the radiator (if
there are connection in the both sides).
The default size of the connection pipe is set in the Connection size field.
MagiCAD selects this size or the nearest match from the pipe series. The size of
the connection pipe remains the same until the first branch even after sizing (if it
is not locked as another size).
In this dialog you can choose to draw or not to draw a symbol for the radiator
valve. With the Filled selection you can define the radiator symbol filled or
unfilled. Select also the valve type and valve size in this dialog. With the
Properties function, you can see the pressure loss characteristics of the selected
Place the radiator by showing its place and giving its height level and description
in a separate dialog.
Direction option defines the radiator direction in the drawing.
Options returns to the radiator dialog.
You can examine and change the properties of the radiator with the Part
properties function (MAGIPPR). The size, type, and capacity demand of the
(connected or unconnected) radiator can be changed. It is also possible to affect
the drawing method of the radiator and valve.
It is possible to change the connection points and position of an unconnected
radiator. When you change the size, the midpoint of the lower edge remains the

Use this function for placing a radiator valve, zone valve, stop valve, or other

Select the valve group in the Valve Selection dialog. MagiCAD opens a list that
contains the valves that belong to the group and you have selected to the project.

52 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

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You can choose the drawing symbol for the valve. With the Properties function,
you can examine the flow information of the valve.
You can model your own 2D symbols for the valves. When you click the
UserSymbol… button, you can start selecting/creating/modifying symbols. For
further information, see chapter "Modeling 2D symbols".
Place the valve by showing the pipe. MagiCAD selects the most suitable size for
the valve. MagiCAD also uses the actual length of the valve to ensure that the
valve fits into the chosen place. When you place the valve to the pipe, you can
choose its direction by showing it with the mouse.
3D valves and components can be used in 2D and 3D modes, if 3D geometry has
been modeled for the product.
When the valve/component is placed, it is shown as a 1D symbol when it is
"dragged", even the 2D or 3D mode is on (it is then possible to choose the right
direction for the 1D symbol). There are four alternatives for the direction of the
3D symbol:
1. When a valve is placed horizontally in the plan view (xy level of
the storey origin) below the Middle of Room level, its positive z
direction is the same as the positive z axis of the storey origin. If
the valve is placed above that level, the positive z directs to the
negative z axis of the storey origin. The flow direction is selected.
2. When a component is placed horizontally in the plan view (xy
level of the storey origin) to a pipe, its positive z direction is the
same as the positive z axis of the storey origin. The flow direction
is selected.
3. When a valve/a component is placed vertically in the plan view
to a pipe, the positive z direction of the valve/component is the
selected direction. The flow direction cannot be selected.
4. When a valve/a component is placed in side the view to any pipe,
the positive z direction of the valve/component is the selected
direction. The flow direction is selected.
Is measuring valve to an automatic balancing valve option indicates that the
valve has an impulse function and it is a part of a dynamic control system. In this
case, the differential pressure valve should be placed to the same riser with this
The differential pressure valve is placed in the same way as a zone valve. When
the valve is placed, MagiCAD asks the differential pressure. The size for the
differential pressure valve can be selected and locked.

Other Pipe Component

This function installs other pipe components, for instance, pumps, water meters,
mud filters and expansion joints.
Choose the suitable drawing symbol for each component.
You can model 2D symbols for other pipe components as well as for valves and
sewer components. See "Modeling 2D products" for further information.
Place the component by showing the pipe. MagiCAD selects the most suitable
size for the component. MagiCAD also uses the actual length of the component
to check that the component fits into the place you try to place it. You can show
the component direction when you place it.

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 53

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Other Pipe Device

Use this function to place the devices (power consumption points) to the
drawing. Depending on the modeling method, MagiCAD asks either the power
only or the power and pressure loss. You can also give a differential temperature
that is different from the differential temperature that you have defined for the
system (that is, dT by part). MagiCAD then calculates the flow according to this
differential temperature. If you use dT by system, MagiCAD uses the inlet/outlet
temperatures that are defined for the system.
* Direction option defines the direction of the device.
You can connect to these parts with 2-pipe drawing.

Manifold Pipe
Manifold is a pipe part with the main connection and a variable number of sub-
pipes with equal distances between the sub-pipes. The directions of the main
pipe and sub-pipes can be changed individually. The number of sub-pipes and
also other options can be later changed with the Part Properties function. Only
main manifold size is predefined. Manifold sub-pipes are treated as branches in
the calculations.

54 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

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Use this function to place the sprinklers.

Select the sprinkler from the list. The list contains the K value, nominal release
temperature, response time index, and connection size of each sprinkler. Select
the system and installation height. Orientation can be selected if there are several
Choose the status if needed. It can also be determined afterwards with Change
Properties. -Not defined- status means that MagiCAD uses the “normal”
Select the drawing symbol from the bottom of the dialog. You can also model
your own symbols for the sprinklers. Click the User Symbol button to
select/modify/create the symbols. See chapter Modeling 2D symbols for further
If you want to present the vertical connection pipes of the sprinklers in the
drawings, select the Use vertical pipe symbols option. In this case, in addition to
the sprinkler symbol a filled circle is drawn to present the pipe that is leading
upwards from the trunk pipe and an unfilled circle is drawn to present the pipe
that is leading downwards. If the sprinkler is connected directly to the trunk pipe
(with a T-branch), the additional symbol does not appear.
You can use the following commandline options when you place the sprinkler:
• Connect/noConnect to switch the connection on/off.
Correspondingly, the search circle appears/disappears.
• Direction to rotate the device to the desired orientation.
• Array to place the sprinklers to cover the desired area.
• Options to return to the selection dialog.
The sprinkler can be placed to an empty space, to the end of the pipe, or to the
middle of the pipe. When the sprinkler is placed to the end of the pipe, it rotates
to the same direction as the pipe. When the sprinkler is placed to the middle of
the pipe, it is installed directly to the trunk pipe with a T-piece to the orientation
that is selected in the installation dialog (upwards/downwards).

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When you use the Array option, give the area where the sprinklers will be
installed. MagiCAD checks how many service areas fit in the area and places
the sprinklers.

Sprinkler pipe
This function is used to draw sprinkler pipes and connect individual sprinklers.

When the function is used for the first time, the following design options are
• Pipe Series
• Size
• Locked
• Insulation: The insulations are modeled by the user. MagiCAD shows
the corresponding insulation thickness to the selected pipe size.
• Status: The status types are user-defined. You can choose the status
while drawing the ducts/pipes or you can determine it afterwards with
Change Properties. -Not defined- status means that MagiCAD uses the
“normal” settings.
• Radius for flexible pipes: It is possible to use manual Radius for the
flexible pipes (heating/cooling, water and sprinkler). The radius is still
at least the minimum R/D value defined in the pipe series.
• Fall: The fall is given as per mill. The direction is selected between
Downwards and Upwards. Usually it is recommended to draw the
sprinkler pipes horizontally, because they can be then modified
afterwards more freely. In this case, give zero as the fall.
• Routing Smart/Direct. If smart routing is used, MagiCAD tends to
create the route using standards bends, whereas with direct routing the
route is created directly between two points.
When the options have been given, MagiCAD prompts to show the start point of
the pipe, showing the pipe size, locking (*), insulation, and the possible options:

56 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

• Connect/noConnect to switch the connection on/off. Correspondingly,

the search circle appears/disappears.
• Angle to select the snap angle. The angle can be showed with the
mouse or by typing the degrees (0..360). With the additional options it
is also possible to select the following angle definitions: with two points
(Two points), according to a MagiCAD object (Object) or in relation to
the active angle (Relative).
• Options to open the design option dialog
• Last to grip to the last drawn free end of pipe, last drawn sprinkler, or
• smarT/direcT changes the pipe routing between smart and direct in
duct and single-pipe drawing.
When you have showed the start point, the commandline options change and
MagiCAD waits for the endpoint of the pipe. The commandline options vary
according to the start point. If you start drawing from the middle of the pipe, the
following options appear on the commandline:
• Z to change the height level
• Back to return to the previous point
• Plug to plug to the ends of the pipes
• Connection node to set connection nodes to the ends of the pipes
• sprinkler to install the sprinkler while drawing the sprinkler pipe
If the start point is not an end of a pipe, Plug and Connection node options
cannot be selected. In general, sprinkler pipe drawing is similar to the drawing
method of other pipes. See, for example, chapter Supply and Return Pipes.
NB: If drawing is started from a sprinkler, MagiCAD always selects at least a
25mm pipe.

Connect Sprinklers to Pipe

With this function it is possible to connect several sprinklers to one trunk pipe.
The function prompts to select the sprinklers and the pipe where to connect
NB: If several sprinklers connect to the same branch, the recommended method
is to connect first the furthermost sprinkler to trunk pipe and then connect the
other sprinklers of the same branch to the new branches that were drawn.

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58 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

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Water/Special, 1-3 pipes

Use this function to draw cold water, hot water, or circulation water pipes, or
combinations of these.

The major differences compared to 2-pipe drawing are that you choose the pipes
and insulations for three pipes, and you define two pipe spacings. Furthermore,
the synchronizing option, which you can use in 2-pipe drawing, is not available
in 3-pipe drawing.
Tap water point connections
Make the tap water point connections by starting/ending drawing from/to the
water point. You can connect to the water points either with one pipe or with two
pipes (if the water point has two connection points) at a time. The pipes can
leave the water points to any direction.
Connection to a water radiator
Make the radiator connections by starting/ending drawing from/to the radiator.
You can connect to the radiators either with one or two pipes at a time. The pipes
leave the radiator to the directions that you selected when you placed the radiator
(See chapter ”Radiator”).
Connection to a circulation water pipe
When you intend to make a connection between hot water and circulation water,
draw hot water pipe. You can then choose the ReturnJoint command line option.
When you select this option, MagiCAD asks the power of the connection.
MagiCAD calculates the flow rate using this power and the differential
temperature of the system, and draws a short circulation water pipe. You can
continue drawing the circulation pipe with the 1-pipe drawing function.
Connecting the hot water pipe to a cold water pipe

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When you intend to make a connection between hot water and cold water, draw
cold water pipe. You can then choose the hotwaterJoint command line option.
When you select this option, MagiCAD automatically draws a short hot water
pipe, and you can continue drawing from it with the 1-pipe drawing function.
Instead of hotwaterJoint it is possible to use the Substation functionality for this
in MagiCAD 2008.5 (and newer).

Water and Sewer Point

With this function, you can insert tap water points and sewer points.

The picture has been added

You can choose to place tap water point, sewer point, or both. Choose the water
point from the upper list, and the sewer point from the lower list. Choose the
system separately for both points.
H (height level) indicates the default installation height, which you can change,
separately for the tap water points and sewer points. The height level of a sewer
point is the height level of its top level. You can also change the default flow
rates of the sewer points.
Choose the status if needed. It can also be determined afterwards with Change
Properties. -Not defined- status means that MagiCAD uses the “normal”
You can change the locations of the points in relation to each other with the dx
and dy fields.
• Direction option can be used for rotating the water/sewer point
You can freely move the water/sewer points after placing them.

60 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

Water Radiator
Use this function to insert radiators for hot water systems.
The functions are the same as with heating system radiators (see chapter

Insert Substation
With this function you can define a substation, which can contain the desired
number of heating circuits and water heaters. You can connect the heating and
water pipes to the substation, so open ends are not needed except the cold water
pipe that is entering the building. Neither it is necessary to use old kind of hot
water joints any more.

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• General – All general settings, that apply to the whole substation, are made
o Main system – choose the system for the primary connections
o Use primary connection – if this is selected, you can define the
technical data for the primary connection

o Primary connection status – this shows if the primary pipes are

connected to the substation
o Product Code – This is the product code for the whole unit and it is
shown in bill of material list. This is obligatory setting.
• Heat Exchangers – All the heat exchangers which this substation includes.
New heat exchangers are added with the Heating/Cooling… button, and new
domestic water heaters are added with the Tap water... button. See more
information below.
• Shape – Select the shape for the substation.
• Dimensions – Give dimensions for the substation, and set the locations of
the connection points.

62 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

o Heat Exchanger – Select the heat exchanger whose connections

you want to move.
o Connection – Select the pipe you want to move.
o Status – This shows if some pipe is connected to that heat
exchanger. If some pipe is connected, it is not possible to move the
o Side – with rotate button you can choose the side, where the pipe
should be
o Distance from left edge – you can give the accurate value here, or
you can also drag the connection in a preview window.
o Distance from bottom edge – you can give the accurate value
here, or you can also drag the connection in a preview window.
o Connection size – choose the connection size for the pipe.
o Show only selected connection – When this is selected, only the
active pipe is shown in the preview window.

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 63

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Heat Exchangers

• General
o Description – Give the description to heat exchanger
o Connection status - This shows if some pipe is connected to that
heat exchanger. If some pipe is connected, it is not possible to
change the settings.
o System – Choose the system for the heat exchanger.
o Expansion pipe – if the expansion pipe is needed, choose the pipe.
o Fill pipe – if the fill pipe is needed, choose the pipe.
o Fill pipe system – choose the system for fill pipe.
• Reference point – Give the pressure loss of the heat exchanger –
alternatively, define the pressure loss curve, in which case the pressure loss
is defined according to the flow
o Qv (dm3/s) – If Lock dp is not selected, the pressure loss curve is
defined by giving one point (flow, pressure loss) from the
manufacturer’s pressure loss curve.
o Exchanger dp [kPa] – Define the pressure loss of the heat
exchanger. If Lock dp is selected, the pressure loss is constant.
• Operating point – Summary of the calculation data of the system that is
connected to the heat exchanger. The calculation data requires balancing the
o Power – Power of the system
o ptot [kPa] – Total pressure loss of the system. A suitable pump can
be selected using this information.
o qv [dm3/s] – Flow of the system

64 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

o Exhanger dp [kPa] – Pressure loss of the heat exchanger

o Pipework dp [kPa] – Pressure loss of the pipes and components in
the system

Tap water

• General
o Description – Give the description to the exchanger
o Connection status - This shows if some pipe is connected to that
exchanger. If some pipe is connected, it is not possible to change
the settings
o System – Choose the system for the exchanger
o Circulation water connection – This option must be selected, if a
circulation water pipe is connected to the exchanger.
• Reference point – Give the pressure loss of the exchanger – alternatively,
define the pressure loss curve, in which case the pressure loss is defined
according to the flow
o Qv (dm3/s) – If Lock dp is not selected, the pressure loss curve is
defined by giving one point (flow, pressure loss) from the
manufacturer’s pressure loss curve.
o Exchanger dp [kPa] – Define the pressure loss of the exchanger. If
Lock dp is selected, the pressure loss is constant.
• Operating point – Summary of the calculation data of the system that is
connected to the heat exchanger. The calculation data requires balancing the
o Power – Power that is required to heat the water. Note:
temperatures of hot and cold water are defined for the system.
o Exhanger dp [kPa] – Pressure loss of the exchanger
o qv [dm3/s] – Dimensioning flow of the system

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 65

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Edit Substation
With this function you can edit the existing substations.

Sewage Pipe
Use this function to draw sewage pipes.

When you use this command for the first time, MagiCAD asks for the design
• Pipe series
• Size
• Locked
• Insulation: Insulations are user-defined. MagiCAD shows the
insulation thickness, which is defined by the insulation series, to the
selected pipe size.
• Status: The status types are user-defined. You can choose the status
while drawing the ducts/pipes or you can determine it afterwards with
Change Properties. -Not defined- status means that MagiCAD uses the
“normal” settings.
• Fall is given as per mills. Choose either Downwards (drawing
downstream) or Upwards (drawing upstream). You can also draw the
sewers horizontally, which makes it easier to modify them afterwards.
In this case, give zero as the fall.
• Routing Smart/Direct. If you have selected smart routing, MagiCAD
tends to create the route using standard bends. If you have selected
direct routing, MagiCAD creates a direct route between two points.
Routing Smart always tends to use standard bends (15°, 30°, and 45°). If the
angle is more than 90°, MagiCAD can use two standard bends. 45° bend is
always used with T-branches. If you have drawn the sewer with a fall, MagiCAD
concludes the direction of the branch bevel from the sewer fall. On the other
hand, if you have drawn the sewer without a fall, MagiCAD concludes the
direction of the branch bevel from the point that you show from the main sewer.
In this case, AutoCAD's ORTHO must be Off.

66 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

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The drawing options are the same as in the other pipe drawing functions.
When you connect vertical pipes to horizontal sewers, MagiCAD
shortens/lengthens the vertical pipes so that you can make the connection with
the selected sewer fall and standard parts.
If you start drawing from a sewer point, the next point is not connected, and you
draw sideways, MagiCAD makes the connection automatically to the center of
the sewer point's side. If you draw downwards, MagiCAD makes the connection
to the center of the sewer point's bottom. If you start drawing from a sewer point
and connect to a sewer pipe without showing any points between, MagiCAD
concludes the connection method according to the height levels. If the sewer
point is sufficiently below the storey surface (that is, there is enough space to the
sewer), MagiCAD makes the connection to the sewer point's size; otherwise,
MagiCAD makes the connection to the sewer point's bottom.
Sometimes, if the sewer point is very close to the sewer you try to connect, you
cannot use standard parts for the connection. In these cases, try to connect
Routing Direct does not try to use standard parts. It always makes the bends
exactly how you draw them. MagiCAD makes the connections directly between
the showed points and ignores the defined sewer falls. In these cases, the sewer
has the fall according to the height levels of the start and endpoints.
The Polar tracking feature of AutoCAD 2000 is a convenient tool if 15, 30 and
45° bends are used. You can easily draw the sewers with the desired bends.

Other Sewer Component

This function installs sewer components.
You can choose a suitable drawing symbol for the sewer component.
You can model 2D symbols for sewer components as well as for valves and
other pipe components. See "Modeling 2D symbols" for further information.
Install the component by showing the pipe. MagiCAD chooses the most suitable
component size. MagiCAD also uses the actual length of the component when
checking that it fits into the showed place.

Modeling 2D symbols
You can model new symbols for valves and other pipe/sewer components. These
symbols are in use in the wireframe (1D) mode.
Start modeling by clicking the User Symbol button. You can restore the default
symbol to the part with the Reset symbol button.
The insertion point of the symbol is in the middle in x and y direction.
First, select one of the symbols that appear in the installation dialog, and select a
symbol. The User symbol button activates. When you click the button, the Select
Symbol dialog opens. The dialog is divided into two panes.

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 67

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In the left pane you can group the modeled symbol as a tree. Grouping the
symbol is not required, but it makes it easier to handle various kinds of symbols.
When you select a symbol group in the left pane, the symbols belonging to that
group appear in the right pane.
The groups and their possible subgroups are managed with the following
• Delete Selected Group
• Create a New Group to Root
• Create a New Subgroup under Selected Group
• Rename Group
The symbol files are managed with the following buttons:
• Create a New Symbol Library File
• Open Another Symbol Library File
• Save Symbol Library File as Another File
The symbols in the right pane are managed with the following buttons:
• Edit Symbol
• Delete Selected Symbol
• Create a New, Empty Symbol
• Copy Symbol
• Paste Copied Symbol
The symbol is drawn/modified on a new, blank symbol base or an existing
symbol. Click the buttons of the Edit Symbol dialog to add an elementary symbol
(line, circle, triangle, etc) to the editing window. You can reshape the elementary
symbols by moving their adjustment handles. With the other buttons you can
move and zoom the symbol. You can also remove a selected elementary symbol.
Define the length of the symbol in 1D mode as millimeters in the Symbol length
When you exit the Edit Symbol dialog with the OK button, the symbol is saved
into the file.
You can start using the symbol after activating it (the background turns blue) and
clicking the Select Model button. Then the symbol will be available in that

68 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

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Edit menu

Part Properties
With this function, you can examine or edit the properties of an individual part.
The properties vary according to the part type.
It is possible to open the Part Properties dialog by double-clicking the object.
You can also open the Part Properties dialog from AutoCAD shortcut menu
(right mouse click). That is, if the selection set contains any MagiCAD objects
and if several objects are selected, you can select the object from the Select Part

This feature is not available for revision arrow.

Part Properties using double-click is available only in AutoCAD 2007 and
AutoCAD 2008 platforms.

Change the Running index, height position, insulation series and also duct/pipe
series, size, lock and swap status for ducts and pipes in the Part Properties
dialog with buttons: “Change Z…”, “Change size…”, “Change insulation” and
“Change RI”.

It is possible to change Z. only in the top view.

Use the Change Properties functions to change the properties of connectors,
bends, T-branches, plugs, etc.

With this function it is possible to give airflow for an air device, or airflow and
pressure loss for an unconnected flow connection (Destination=NONE). It is also
possible to affect the appearance of certain air devices and change the size of an
air terminal device.
You can resize the radiators and lock the pressure drops of radiator/zone valves,
air terminal devices, and flow regulators. It is also possible to lock and change
the sizes of these valves.
You can change the settings of a cross-section by showing the section mark or
the boundary box. The cross-section is updated by showing the boundary of the
actual cross-section.
Note the following if you change the Connection node ID with the Part
Properties function:
If the connection node is connected to another drawing, it is disconnected. The
connection nodes can be reconnected when they have the same ID again.
You can also examine the information in a reference drawing. Select Xref from
the menu.

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Branch Copy
You can use this function to copy branches or entire systems that are completely
in the active drawing.
First, show the start point (root node) of the branch. The start point can be, for
example, a connector (T-branch, bend, reducer) or an open duct/pipe end. Next,
show the duct or pipe where the area continues (segment). When you copy a
heating/cooling/waterpipe branch, do this for each pipe separately. In case of
water system pipes, the order is cold—warm—circular, but you can select any of
these pipes as the first.
The parts that you copy then appear with dashed line.
The command line options:
• Connect/noConnect – Connection on/off. The search circle is shown in
the cursor when Connect option is active.
• Basepoint – Show the basepoint for the copying function. Next, show
the new location for the basepoint (ie. Reference point) either at the
command line or showing it with the mouse.
You can repeat the copying with a single command as many times as necessary.

Branch Erase
Select the branch as in the Branch Copy function. When you show the direction
(duct or pipe), MagiCAD removes the branch and connects the ducts/pipes
together at the branch location.
You can copy or erase branch only with one duct/pipe at a time. For example,
when you erase branches in heating systems, you must erase the supply pipe and
return pipe separately.

Part Erase
This function removes ducts/pipes, components, and other parts.
If there are several parts in the showed place, MagiCAD shows a list of the parts
you can remove. It is not possible to remove reducers, bends or branches with
this function.
You can also remove the storey origin in the project dialog by unselecting the

Move Parts
This function moves ducts/pipes, components, and other parts.
You can move an air device, a radiator or a component only in the direction of
the duct/pipe.
Command line option:
• Z is used when the part is moved in Z direction.

70 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

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Side Movement
Use this function to change the reducers of the duct lines or the pipelines
eccentric. The function targets to one duct line or pipe line at a time. After you
have selected the line, you can show the side of the alignment, or you can choose
the following option at the command prompt:
• ceNter (changes the reducer’s central)
In the following illustration, the left picture represents the ducts before the side
movement. The right picture represents "align top". The alignment is made
according to the largest duct. Side movement can be done also with AutoCAD
command stretch.

Change Properties
A list of the variables that you can change forms according to the selected
property group.
Common variables (excluding Dimtext properties):
* UserVar1 and UserVar2 fields are used for setting the user-defined
fields of the selected parts. You can use the user-defined fields eg. for
controlling the calculation of the bill of materials.
* Drawing mode locks the drawing mode of the part. The available
options are:
* By drawing (the drawing mode is predetermined by the drawing mode
that is defined for the project. See also chapter "Drawing Preferences")
* 1D (shows the ducts/pipes as lines and the other parts in the work-
drawing mode – represents the work-drawing mode in the piping
* 2D (shows the part in Active2D mode, which represents the work-
drawing mode in the ductworks)
* 3D (shows the parts in 3D)
* Insulation visibility changes the insulation visibility of the selected
* By drawing (See also Drawing Preferences)
* Insulation invisible
* Duct/pipe invisible
* Draw both
* Duct/Pipe series changes the series of the selected ducts/pipes. The
changes only affect after sizing.
* Duct/Pipe size changes the sizes of the selected ducts/pipes. The series,
size, height/width swapping with rectangular ducts, and locking are
selected in this dialog. MagiCAD automatically sizes the parts that
connect to the changed ducts/pipes.
* Lock duct/pipe size: the sizing does not change the sizes of the locked

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* Unlock duct/pipe size releases the locking of the selected ducts/pipes.

* Insulation series sets the selected insulation series to the selected parts.
* Reduction length changes the length of the reducers.
* System changes the selected parts to the desired system.
* 2D center line type changes the linetype of the centerline to a specific
type or by the project
* 2D center line color changes the color of the centerline to a specific
color or by the project
* 1D/2D Edge line type changes the outline type of the selected parts.
* 1D/2D Detail line type changes the detail line type of the selected
* 1D/2D Edge line color changes the outline color of the selected parts.
* 1D/2D Detail line color changes the detail line color of the selected
Property group: Ductworks
* Bend type changes the selected bends to match the definitions you have
given in the dialog.
* Branch type changes the selected branches to match the definitions you
have given in the dialog.
* Reduction length
* Bend R/D defines the ratio of the bend radius and the duct diameter.
* Air device flow for changing the air flow for many devices
Property group: Heating, Cooling and Special systems
• Reduction length
* 2D centerline type changes the line type to a certain type or to the
project-specific line type.
• 2D centerline color changes the line color to a certain color or to
the project-specific line color.
• Power for other pipe device changes the power of the selected
• Bend R/D defines the ratio of the bend radius and the pipe
Property group: Water Systems
* Simultaneity % changes the simultaneity rate of the selected pipe.
MagiCAD calculates the flow rate of the pipe using the sum of the
standard flows, multiplied by the simultaneity percentage, as the highest
individual standard flow rate.
* Bend R/D defines the ratio of the bend radius and the pipe diameter.
Property group: Dimtext
* Dimtext height changes the height of the selected dimension texts.
* Scale Dimtext height scales the height of the selected dimension texts.
* Dimtext style changes the text style of the selected dimension texts.
* Dimtext color changes the color of the selected dimension texts.
* Dimtext format changes the format of the selected dimension texts

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* Ref.line symbol scale factor changes the scale factor for the dimension
text reference line symbol

Find and Replace

With this function you can replace, for example, existing pipe/duct/insulation
series, air devices, water points, radiators, or zone valves.

Group indicates the group whose products are searched/replaced. Objects to

Change selection is used as a filter for the products shown in the From and To
You can also select the product to replace from the drawing. In this case, choose
the From / Select data from existing part option. The Group and Objects to
Change are filled correspondingly. You can also select a new product from the
drawing, but the abovementioned fields are not automatically filled.
With air devices, radiators, and radiator valves, this function is done to one size
at a time. When you replace an air terminal device, the diffusor/grille is kept in
its original place, if possible.
Replacing can be done to the entire drawing, selected objects or selected system.
You can use either AutoCAD’s search or extended MagiCAD search for
selecting the objects. If you use the extended search, you can choose from the
following options:
• Single Part – Searching one part. If there are several parts at the
same location, a selection list opens.
• Branch – Selecting a branch, like in the branch sizing function.
• Network – Selecting all parts that are connected to the part either
directly or through other parts.
• System – Selecting the entire system. It can contain several
separate networks.
• Between – Selecting all parts between the two parts, except

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You can combine these search options and also use them with AutoCAD’s
Both the old and new products must be selected to the project. You can also use
this function for changing the UserCode. In this case, the product is selected
twice using different UserCodes. It is then possible to “replace the product with
itself” so that the new product has the desired UserCode. Select the old product
to the field on the left side, and the new product to the field on the right side.
Information of the replaced products appears on the command line after

Break Duct or Pipe

This function cuts the duct or pipe between two showed points.

Joint Part
You can divide a duct/pipe into separate parts by inserting a node (i.e. joint part).

By using nodes, it is possible to eg. divide a duct/pipe into several parts with
different modes of insulation visibility or different dimensions.

Connect Node
Connect connection nodes by selecting the drawing where the connection nodes
will connect. MagiCAD outputs the name of the drawing where the counterpart
The window shows the active directory, which contains drawings whose
connection nodes you can connect to the current drawing (by default, the same
directory as the directory of the current drawing). You can connect connection
nodes from any directory.
You can direct connection node connection to a particular system, or you can
search the connection nodes from all systems. You can also direct connection
node search to a particular part of the active drawing.
The counterparts that belong to the same system and have the same ID number
are connected. If the drawing, where the connections are searched from, contains
an unconnected connection node that directs to the open drawing, a new
connection node is created to the open drawing. This means that new connection
nodes can appear to the drawing when the connection is made.
A vertical connection node appears as a duct/pipe end in the work-drawing
Storey dimensions can be ignored when importing connection nodes. If Ignore
storey deminsion is enabled then the storey dimensions are not taken into
account when importing connection nodes. This allows importing connection
nodes outside the storey boundaries and whose direction can be any.
The drawing where the connection nodes are search from must not be read-only.
You must also be able to write to the layers of the systems you are connecting.
The connection status appears on the command line. If there errors occur during
the connection, an error message dialog will open.
See also chapters Duct and Supply and return pipes.
NOTE ! If you change the Connection node ID with the Part Properties
function. If the connection node is connected to another drawing, it is
disconnected. The connection nodes can be reconnected when they have the
same ID again.

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Disconnect Node
For connection node disconnection, you can select one of the drawings or all
You can also disconnect the connection nodes of a particular system or a
selected area.
The counterpart of the connection node disconnects if the drawing in question
can be opened.
The number of disconnections appears on the command line.

Connection Node Report

Use this command to locate the connection nodes in a drawing.

Dimension Texts
Choose the drawing options from the command line (or from the menu that
opens with a right-click):
• Underline, line under the text
• Overline, line over the text
• Byside, texts side by side
• Format, change/modify the active style
When you have selected the part for the dimension text, you can also use the
following options:
• Add Part, information of several parts to the same dimension line
• Midpoints, midpoint of the dimension line

Adding up the flows of the air devices is done only if the first part that is
selected to the dimension line is an air device.
It is possible to select only air devices to the dimension line, if the first selected
part is an air device and adding the air devices is set as the active style.

Dimension line texts are defined according to the active style of each part. The
active style can be used from the project or from the drawing. This is done by
User Preferences setting Use active dimension text settings from Drawing /
Project. This prevents changing other users’ active dimension text in multi-user
You can also underline/overline the dimension texts with the Part Properties

Automatic Dimension Texts

Automatic dimension text function uses the same dimension text formats as the
ordinary dimension text function.
When this command is started, a group selection dialog opens. By default, the
dimension text function uses the same dimension text format as the active format
of the ordinary dimension text function. The active format is selected with the
mouse. Unlike in the ordinary dimension text function, automatic dimension text
can contain several formats. Selecting a new format unselects the previous
When the dialog is closed, MagiCAD prompts to show the parts using extensive
search. It is possible to select individual parts or areas with AutoCAD’s own

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search, but it is also possible to use MagiCAD’s selection of individual part,

branch, network, system, or section between selected parts.
MagiCAD always removes the possible existing dimension texts before placing
the new automatic dimension texts.
Even though it is possible to use the same dimension text formats both in the
ordinary dimension texts and the automatic dimension texts, it is recommended
to define the following settings for the automatic dimension texts:
Duct/Pipe text settings
• Show dimension changes has an effect in the dimension texts of
the ducts/pipes. If this option is selected, dimension texts are
always placed in connection with the changes in the sizes
(reducers, T-pieces, etc).
• min D defines the minimum size for the duct/pipe that will have
the dimension text
• max D defines the maximum size for the duct/pipe that will have
the dimension text
• min L defines the minimum length for the duct/pipe that will have
the dimension text
Text direction selections affect the orientation of the dimension texts, and their
position in relation to the object.
• UCS direction – the dimension text is placed in the UCS direction
• Parallel to object edgeline – the dimension text is placed in the
same direction as the object, outside the edgeline
• Parallel to object centerline – the dimension text is placed in the
same direction as the object, beside the centerline
dx- ja dy values define the location of the dimension text in relation to the object.
If either Parallel to... is selected, dx is the direction of the object.

Insert running index

Insert running index by selecting the Insert Running Index function. Install
Running Index dialog opens automatically if the command is selected first time.
Later you can open this dialog by clicking the right mouse button and selecting

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• Text Group – Used for filtering the Text field

• Text – select the format
o From object – copies the format from an object
• Number – shows the next used number. If nothing is shown, press
“Next free…”
o Use first available number – selects the first available
number which has to be bigger than the “first number”
anyway. If e.g. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19 are used, the next
free is 15.
o Use given number or next available – you can give the
smallest allowed number, which has to be bigger than “First
number” in format.
o Next Free – gives the next free number. If you have decided
to allow the same numbers in different systems, the system is
• Use the same number for all indexes – if this option is selected, you
can insert the same numbers as many times as you want.
• Check indexes from other model drawings – if this is selected,
MagiCAD also checks that there are no same indexes in other model
drawings. It is checked when “Install” , ”Free”or ”Edit” button is
• Add Part Property Line – If this selected, MagiCAD automatically
adds PartPropertyLine to objects after installing the Running Index.
• Edit… – This function is for checking, renumbering, removing of
running indexes. See “Edit running index”.
When the settings have been defined, insert the running index to objects by
selecting Install. After installing the running index to the first object, object type
is locked for this installing session. It means that when you install the running
index e.g. to zone valve, also the next object has to be zone valve. MagiCAD
does not give any other object types to the selection. When you quit and restart
the command, the object type locking is released.

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Edit running index

Edit running index by selecting the Insert Running Index command. Install
Running Index dialog opens automatically if the command is selected for the
first time. Later you can open this dialog by clicking the right mouse button and
selecting Options. From Install Running Index-dialog select Edit... opens Modify
Running Indexes-dialog.

• Filter – It is for filtering which Running indexes are shown in the

• Indexes – The running indexes in current project and included in the
• Text – Running index text format
• Index – these numbers have been used. If Compressed is selected only
first and last number is shown.
• Text – Running index group format
• Part Type – part type which have been selected
• System – system of the object
• Drawing – drawing where index has been inserted. Name is shown as a
relative path.
• File Status – ”Empty”: drawing is opened and ready for editing (editing
of other than the current dwg is not possible in MagiCAD Electrical);
“Not opened”: not opened, but it could be opened;
“Locked”: someone else has opened the drawing
• Note – all possible annotation is displayed here
It is possible to select several rows by using the Shift -ja Ctrl buttons. By using
the Select All button you can select all rows, and with the Deselect All button
you can deselect all rows.
• Current Values of Selected – The first and last number of the selected
• New Values – If you want to renumber the indexes, you can either give the
new first or last number and press the ”Apply” button. Gaps are removed, if
”Remove gaps” is selected.

78 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

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Removing Running Index

Use the Remove Running Index function to remove the running index from the

Set MagiCAD Data to AutoCAD Objects

With this function you can define MagiCAD data to AutoCAD objects, which
makes it possible to include these objects in the bill of materials, IFC Export,
and MagiCAD Export lists.
Click the Set MagiCAD Data to AutoCAD Objects toolbar button, and select the
object to which you want to define MagiCAD data. You can change the data
afterwards by using the same function.

Sections menu

Section Marks
With this function, the cross-section areas are defined and cross-section marks
are drawn.

The Text feature of the cross-section can consist of max. eight characters (also
small caps can be used). You can also give a Description for the cross-section.
The cross-section area is defined with three dimensions:
• Lower Z – the height level of the lower surface in relation to the storey
• Upper Z – the height level of the upper surface in relation to the storey

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• Depth – default depth

You can also select the type of the section. It can be either a conventional section
type (Section) or detailed drawing (Detail).
The detail drawing retains its original orientation, whereas the section is rotated
so that it is looked from the side.

If you choose to make a conventional section, define the cross-section area by

drawing the crossline and pressing Enter. Next, give the direction for the cross-

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MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

If you select the detailed section, define the area by drawing crossline around it,
and finally close the area by pressing Enter.
If SECTION MARK – Show section mark boundary is selected in the Drawing
Preferences dialog, boundary box is drawn around the cross-section area.
You can move the boundaries of the cross-section (ie. boundary box), or change
its depth, by moving its corner grips or by using AutoCAD's STRETCH.
You can change the properties of the cross-section with the Part Properties
The cross-section according to the settings here defined is made with the Make
Section function.

Make Section
This function creates a cross-section of the selected section marks. See chapter
“Section Mark” for further information.
The function prompts the parts that will be included in the cross-section:

• MagiCAD Heating, Piping and Ventilation parts

• MagiCAD Electrical objects
• MagiCAD Electrical cables
• AutoCAD objects – all objects except solids are handled. The blocks
are handled as whole, ie. they are not exploded first.
• AEC/ADT objects
• Reference drawing (Xref)
In addition you can select
• Automatic MagiCAD Hide, which uses the active Hide settings.
• Whether to show the name of the source drawing. It may be useful e.g.
if the cross-section is copied to another drawing.
Finally show the place for the cross-section. Before drawing the cross-section,
MagiCAD browses through the entire drawing checking which parts will be

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included in the cross-section, creates MagiCAD objects from the selected

objects, and performs Hide if preferred.
You can copy the cross-section to another drawing in the same project. The
cross-section is updated with the Part Properties function.
The parts that are included in the cross-section are not taken into account in
sizing or bill of materials. MagiCAD shows the parts either in Active2D mode or
3D mode depending on the original mode of the drawing. If the drawing is in the
wireframe mode, cross-section is made in Active2D. It is possible to add
dimension lines to a section, and hide the section. You can explode the section
into blocks, and then you can freely modify it with AutoCAD's editing functions.
See chapter “Explode MagiCAD objects” for further information.
It is possible to set the height level to the dimension line only with the horizontal
ducts/pipes in the section.

Quick Section
This function creates a cross-section of the selected parts. First, select the parts
you want to include in the cross-section. Then show the viewpoint and the
inspection direction and set the location of the cross-section.
The parts that are included in the cross-section are not taken into account in
sizing or bill of materials. MagiCAD always shows the parts in Active2D mode
regardless of the original drawing mode.

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View menu

Drawing Preferences
In the Drawing Preferences dialog you can select the active systems of the
drawing, that is, the systems that can be selected e.g. when drawing ducts or
pipes. You can also change all linetypes and colors at the same time in this
dialog – and restore them to the project-specific settings.
In addition, you can set the Hide function, which is run when the drawing is
saved in MagiCAD, active in this dialog. This setting is viewport-specific, and
you must set to each viewport separately whether the hide is performed.

• Enabler Options – You can set the linetypes and colors of all MagiCAD
objects at the same time in the whole drawing. You can restore the original
settings by clicking the Retain settings button.
• Systems – select the active systems that can be available in the selection
lists of drawing and calculation functions. The objects appear in the drawing
regardless of these selections.
• Auto Hide – you can set active the hiding function during saving
Note: The hiding is carried out in the viewports whose Hide this viewport
when saving option is selected in the Viewport Preferences/Hide options tab.
• HPV Objects in Xrefs – shows HP&V objects as saved in the model space.
This allows plot drawings including hide information from also Xrefs. Note
that sometimes the drawing must be opened again, or Xrefs need to be
reloaded, to be able to see the hide information.

Hide, Reset Hide

When you select this function, MagiCAD asks you to choose a set of parts for
calculating the hidden lines.

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 83

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MagiCAD hides (or draws with dashed line) the pipes, ducts, etc that will be
behind other MagiCAD objects.
With Active2D technology, it is possible to choose the parts precisely. For
instance, MagiCAD hides only those air devices and pipe components that
actually are behind other parts. You can use the hiding function at any viewpoint
or section.
MagiCAD draws points (so-called handles) on the Defpoints layer which
represent the base points of the hidden parts . Defpoints layer is not printed,
which means that the points do not show in the printouts.
The hidden parts will be unhidden if they are, for example, copied or moved,
their insulations are changed, or if you use the Find & Replace command.
The linetype and color of the hidden line are defined in the project management.

It is possible to affect the drawing preferences of the hidden parts with the
command options:
• Ducts/Pipes – Hidden line type choose the presentation of the
hidden parts as dashed line or invisible
• Ducts/Pipes – Distances fields indicate how much MagiCAD
reserves spaces between the hiding line and the unbroken part, and
the minimum length for the pipes. You can define the minimum
length only if the presentation mode is invisible.
Reset hide unhides the hidden parts visible in the selected area.

You can hide all objects in the drawing with the ALL option of the Select Object

Show Selected Parts Only, Show All Parts

These functions hide/show the parts that are outside the selected area.
These functions are convenient especially when you edit the system in the
viewpoint from the side, when you examine an area/a system/a part of the
system, or when you make cross-sections or other views.
You can use either AutoCAD’s search or MagiCAD’s extended search when you
select the objects.

Part Property Line

This function shows the desired property of the selected components.

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System group is the group whose products you examine. The property lines
appear on MAGI_GARBAGE layer and they disappear when the layer is
* Range: this selection is directed either to ducts/pipes or to duct/pipe
system components.
* Property: select the property you wish to include in the property line
from this list.
* System / System type: select all systems, one system, or a part of a
system (for example, supply pipe).
* Duct/Pipe length limitation can be used for excluding short duct/pipes
from the output.
* Text height of the property text.
MagiCAD concludes the parts from the selected property.
The color and text style of the reference texts are defined according to the layer
Note: when you examine e.g. the properties of flownodes, select Others in the
Range definition.

If you want to keep the information in the drawing, move these from the
MAGI_GARBAGE layer to another layer with AutoCAD commands.

Collision Control
With this function you can examine possible collisions, for example, between
heating pipes and air ducts.
Select the collision types in the Options dialog. Open the dialog with a right-
click or with the Options (o) command line option.

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 85

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Next, define the area. The collision control works in the normal plan view.
Information about the collision is gathered in the Show Messages dialog (see
chapter ”Error handling”). With the dialog functions you can place the error ticks
to the drawing. Remove the ticks with the collision control button or with the
Clear Garbage Layer function.
You can set the minimum size for the pipes that will be checked. If one of the
colliding pipes is smaller than the limit, the collision is ignored.
It is also possible to set a tolerance for the collisions. With negative tolerance,
the parts are allowed to be inside each other, whereas with positive tolerance
space is reserved around the parts e.g. for installation or maintenance. In this
case, the bigger value of the tolerances of the ”colliding parts” is taken into
account; for example, if the ducts have 200mm tolerance and the pipes have
100mm tolerance, sufficient distance between these two is 200mm.
You can also select MagiCAD, AutoCAD, or ADT/AEC objects (walls,
windows, etc) to the collision check. Collision check for the latter objects
requires that MagiCAD is used with AutoCAD 2006 or later, or with AutoCAD
Architecture (previously called Architectural Desktop).
In addition, it is possible to check the collisions with the objects drawn with
MagiCAD Electrical. Select Duct/Pipe/Sewer – Electrical objects in the Options
The boundaries of the collision check area can be saved. If Save collision
boundary is selected, the boundaries are saved in the layer that is reserved for
them. The markings that are selected in the message handling dialog are saved.
The layer is cleared when the collision check is run again. If you want to save
the collision boundaries, change their layer before running a new collision check.

86 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

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Calculations menu

Flow Summation
This function calculates the flow rates of the systems. The water volume of the
heating/cooling system is calculated, as is done by the sizing and balancing
functions. System group indicates the system that is calculated. Flow summation
calculates one system at a time. You can select the scope of the calculations with
the following options:
* Branch
MagiCAD asks for the start node and the duct/pipe of the branch.
* System – current drawing
MagiCAD calculates the entire system of the active drawing. Choose
the system from the list.
With the External flownodes option you can choose whether to use the
values that MagiCAD calculated last time or whether to read the flow
rate from a connected flownode. (In the latter case, the connected
drawings must not be read-only.)
With the heating and cooling systems, flow summation outputs the water volume
of the system (pipes and radiators) besides the flows. You can examine the
volume with the Part Properties function at the open ends of the supply pipes.
This function shows the volume of the entire system, not a single subsystem.
See also chapters “Circular routes” and “Air device on the side of a duct”.
After performing the calculation, MagiCAD may show a report of errors and/or
warnings in the Show Messages dialog. For further information see chapter
"Error handling".

The sizing function always calculates the flow rates. Therefore, it is not
necessary to run the flow summation before running the sizing function.
MagiCAD calculates the systems or system branches using the sizing method
you have chosen. The scope of the calculations and the error messages are
similar to those with the Flow Summation function.
The sizing function rotates the beveled outlet collars of the rectangular ducts to
the flow direction.
When sizing the domestic water systems MagiCAD calculates the flow rate,
flow rate of the fire hydrant, and flow rate of the circulation water pipes. Cold
water piping is sized either according to the calculated flow rate or the flow rate
of the fire hydrant, depending on which one is higher. Hot water piping is sized
correspondingly either according to the flow rate or according to the circulation
water flow rate. See also Change Properties / Simultaneity %.
See also chapters “Circular routes” and “Air device on the side of a duct”.
After performing the calculation, MagiCAD may show a report of errors and/or
warnings in the Show Messages dialog. For further information see chapter
"Error handling".

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 87

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Balancing (pressure loss calculation) can be done regardless of the flow
summation being calculated or the system being sized. The balancing function
calculates the flow rates and uses the existing pipe/duct/device sizes.
The scope of the calculations and the error messages are similar to those in the
Flow Summation function.
• Show the index run: when you have selected this option,
MagiCAD shows also the most significant flow route.
MagiCAD distributes the pressure loss for the consecutive so that the excessive
pressure is throttled as close to the start point of the system as possible.
However, the dampers/regulating valves always have the minimum pressure
loss, which is defined in the system-modeling dialog.
You can place the regulating valves to either the supply or the return pipe in the
heating/cooling systems.
MagiCAD also calculates the preset values of the valves. MagiCAD rounds the
result of the radiator valve or zone valve to match the nearest curve. If the valve
has only on/off positions, MagiCAD does not round the result.
If it is not possible to balance a route with the selected devices, MagiCAD shows
the device that could not be set to balance with the rest of the system (MagiCAD
places an error tick on the device’s location if the device is in the active
drawing). You can see the need of additional balancing with the Part Properties
function, which shows how much the pressure at the device exceeds the
maximum pressure loss of the device.
However, it is possible to set a tolerance for the air devices, which allows
deviations from the ideal balancing situation. In this case, warning is given only
in the situations where the pressure drop from the air device at the corresponding
airflow exceeds the maximum pressure drop of the air terminal device within the
given percentage.
You can balance the ventilation/heating/cooling systems either according to the
lowest possible pressure at the open end or according to a specified fan/pump
pressure. If the given pressure is lower than the lowest possible pressure, the
given pressure is ignored.
If differential pressure valves are used in the heating/cooling system, the riser
bounded with the differential pressure valve and the measuring valve is balanced
according to the given differential pressure. In this case, the radiator valve of the
index run does not have the minimum pressure drop that is defined in the system
dialog; instead, it has the pressure drop that depends on the preset value of the
differential pressure valve. The minimum pressure drop for the differential
pressure valve in the index run is defined in the same way as for a zone valve
(the Minimum dp for zone valves [kPa] setting in the system dialog).
This function also calculates the pressures of the domestic water systems
according to the initial pressure you have defined in the system-modeling dialog.
If the flow rate of a tap water point is outside the limits of the standard flow rate
(defined in the system dialog as per cent), an error tick will appear on the tap
water point. If a circulation water pipe connects to the domestic water system,
the system is balanced as a 2-pipe system.
See also chapters “Circular routes” and “Air device on the side of a duct”.
After performing the calculation, MagiCAD may show a report of errors and/or
warnings in the Show Messages dialog. For further information see chapter
"Error handling".

Balancing of an individual branch does not result the final pressure level, but
you can use the function for examining the pressure losses of the routes within

88 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

the branch. It is however useful to see if that part of the system can in fact be
balanced rather than waiting until the whole system is complete and finding that
the minor branches will not balance properly.

Flow Route Examination

Flow route examination outputs the pressure loss calculation between the
selected part and the open end. You can examine the flow routes of balanced
systems only.
If you show a radiator or other power consumption point in a heating/cooling
system, MagiCAD performs the pressure loss calculation for both supply pipe
and return pipe.
You can choose the scope of the output in the Options dialog:
• Short: MagiCAD outputs only duct/pipes, valves, and other
components of the system. The duct/pipe sections between
branches are output on a single line if the size and series are not
changed. MagiCAD does not output branches and bends. However,
MagiCAD sums their pressure losses up to the ducts/pipes.
• All parts: MagiCAD outputs the information about all parts.
• Branch to branch: MagiCAD outputs the calculation between the
showed part and the next node towards the open end. In this way,
you can examine, for instance, the pressure loss between two
branches or the pressure loss at the connection duct/pipe.
MagiCAD gives a message in the Notes column if the limits you have given in
the sizing criteria and the system dialog are exceeded:
• (v) maximum velocity
• (R) maximum frictional pressure loss
• (dp) warning limit of the pressure loss
You can either print the report or copy it to the clipboard.
See also chapters “Circular routes” and “Air device on the side of a duct”.

If several systems are calculated at the same time, flow route examination is not
possible – if that is wanted, calculate the given system separately.

Sound Calculation of Flow Route

This function is similar to the Flow Route Examination. This function outputs
the sound calculations between the start point of the ductwork (sound source)
and the selected air terminal device. You can select this calculation only after
you have balanced the ductwork.
You can give the sound levels of the sound source (fan) by octave bands in the
system dialog. MagiCAD shows the calculation results of all ductwork part. The
output shows sound attenuation, sound generation, and sound level of each part
by octave bands.
Finally, MagiCAD reckons with the A weighting and the standard 10 m2 Sabine
room attenuation.
See also chapters “Circular routes” and “Air device on the side of a duct”.

If several systems are calculated at the same time sound route examination is not
possible – if that is wanted, calculate the given system separately.

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 89

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

Sound Calculation of All Flow Routes

You can choose this function only after you have balanced the system.
MagiCAD shows the sound level of each air device with reference lines.
The result is not only the sound level of the air device. It includes also the sound
of the duct.

Bill of Materials
With this function you can form two kinds of lists.

With the Bill of Materials selection you can create a conventional part list on the
screen. You can create and modify more specific list with the MagiCAD Export
selection. Both list types can be copied to the clipboard, and you can also print
the on-screen bill of materials directly.
The selections made in the Bill of Materials dialog apply to both list types. You
can target the calculations on all systems, or you can select the systems. The
calculation can cover several drawings (which you can select from the list), the
active drawing, or the selected area in the active drawing. You can set filters for
the bill of materials with the user-defined UserVar1 and UserVar2 fields. You
can also define an Output header, which is also copied to the clipboard.
The selection sets can be saved. System groups, System, Area, Criteria and
Output header settings are saved with the desired name in the project database.
Select the properties (parts/devices and attributes) for the device list from the list
in the MagiCAD Export. You can save different kinds of device list templates.
• Configuration
o Conf. file – You can open/save device list files (configurations)
o Selected conf. – You can save/remove/rename the list types
• Include these parts/objects – Select the parts/devices to the list
o With the Select all and Deselect all buttons you can select all
possible part/device types and clear all selections
• Include these attributes – Click the green arrow to select the attributes of
the parts/devices to the list. The selected attributes appear in the Selected
attributes/columns pane.
• Selected attributes/columns – the selected attributes

90 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

o With the Include column headers you can include the attribute
column headers in the list
o With the arrow buttons you can change the locations of the
attribute columns
o Delete attribute removes the attribute column
• Copy to Clipboard copies the device list to the clipboard (and you can then
paste it to eg. Excel)
• Save to File saves the device list to a directory you can choose freely. The
list is saved in .txt format, with TAB separator.
COM interface can be used for reading all MagiCAD object data directly from
the drawing e.g. with Visual Basic macros. Some information can also be written
to the drawing. The more detailed documentation of the interface is available

Special cases in the ductworks

The mirror function of air terminal devices

When mirroring eccentric devices the program uses the following logic.

Flow goes up or down related to the current view (vertical flow), mirroring of
eccentric devices is done like in the picture above.
In other cases mirroring is done like in the standard mirror, but in this case the
installation point of the device will be changed like in the following pictures.

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 91

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

NOTE ! Warning “A device might be mirrored in wrong way“ appears on the

screen when eccentric devices are mirrored.

Air device on the side of a duct

It is possible to place air terminal devices to the side of a duct without a branch
(e.g. T-piece). In this case, the duct is handled as one entire duct.
• Airflows can be read from the air terminal devices normally.
• The duct has only one airflow, which is the maximum airflow.
• The duct is dimensioned according to its maximum airflow.
• In pressure drop calculations each piece of duct between air devices is
handled separately, because the aiflows are not the same. The duct is
handled as one duct in the outputs.
• In sound calculations each piece of duct between air devices is handled
separately. The duct is handled as one duct in the outputs.

92 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

Circular routes
Calculation functions for ductworks can now handle temporary branches that
reconnect later in the system. The parts at both ends must be common to both
branches. The common start point/endpoint can be, besides a T, X, or N branch,
a distribution box. There cannot be circular routes inside each other, and the side
route cannot contain branches.
Flow summation distributes the flowrates evenly between the branches. These
flows are used in the sizing function. At the startpoint of the circular route (i.e.
the room’s side), the minimum size restrictions are reset to make it possible to
have smaller ducts in the branches compared to the main duct.
Balancing distributes the flowrates so that the total pressure drop is the same in
all routes. Pressure drop output checks one of the routes. However, the pressure
value can be read from all parts, and e.g. it is possible to examine them with Part
Property Line (like the flowrate in the dimension line). Hence, the flowrate in
the dimension line varies according to the performed calculation type (sizing or
All dampers in the circular route are set open and they are not used for adjusting.
Even their minimum dp value, which is defined in the system settings, is
Sound calculation checks all routes and sums up the sounds at the connection
point. Output, however, shows only the results of the calculation in one route.
An example of a possible circular route:

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 93

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

Documentation menu

Type Free Text, Edit Free Text

With this function, you can add and edit short free texts and reference texts to the

The command opens the Free Texts dialog, in which it is possible to write/edit
free text in multiple row edit field, or define the following settings to the texts:
• Height: Define the height of the text (in 1:1 scale)
• Style: Text style (eg. font, bold, italic, effects,..) . It is possible to add
text styles to the drawing by using AutoCAD’s Format/Text style
• System: Pick the system information of a MagiCAD part. The system
code separates the texts of each system to the corresponding layers, if
you have defined the system variable SV1, SV2 or SV3 for the layer
name of the free text in the project settings. (see the picture below). In
this case, you can e.g. easily turn on/off the texts that belong to a certain

• Reference line: if the setting is Yes then a reference line from first pick
point to text is drawn. NOTE ! It is not possible to select between
reference line and no reference line if you are editing existing text by
using command Edit Free Text.
• Ref. line symbol: select a reference line symbol (target line, arrow,
dot,Line only)

94 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

• Baseline:
o None, no base line
o First row, under first row
o All rows, under all rows
o Rectangle, a rectangle around the dimension text
o Circle, a circle around the dimension text

• Aligment: Text alignment – left, center or right.

Revision Arrow
You can insert revision arrows to the drawing with this function. MagiCAD will
place all revision arrows to the layer that you have defined in the layer dialog.

Revision Cloud
You can draw revision clouds to the drawing with this function. You can change
the arc length with the following option:
• Arc length: Show the start point and the endpoint.

Construction Boundary
You can draw construction boundaries with this function. Pressing Enter stops
the crossline drawing, and MagiCAD asks the arrow direction.

Chapter 4. Command Reference • 95

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

Other MagiCAD functions

Faster drawing with “+” grips

It is now possible to select a part and start drawing from the appearing “+” grip.
“+” grip is shown as bolded plus sign when the object is selected. Click the “+”
grip to start drawing. When clicking the middle “+” grip, it is also possible to
show the place from where to start drawing. Grip size and color can be fixed in
AutoCAD’s Options dialog in the flyleaf selection.

Explode MagiCAD Objects (magiexp)

This command explodes MagiCAD objects into blocks. Either the entire
drawing, or a selected part or area, can be exploded. If the drawing is exploded
in 3D mode, it can be examined from all viewpoints even after it is exploded. If
the drawing is exploded in Active2D mode, the current 2D drawing will remain,
and when other viewpoints are used, the system does not appear as an Active2D

MagiCAD does not recognize the objects that are exploded, and therefore
you cannot use any MagiCAD functions with them.

MAGIEXP does not explode those MagiCAD objects that are inside a block. If
you have inserted MagiCAD objects as blocks, first explode them using
AutoCAD's Explode and then explode them with MagiCAD’s explode function.

AutoCAD's editing functions

MagiCAD allows using AutoCAD's own commands, and with MagiCAD
components adds more functionality or sets limitations depending on the

COM interface
It is possible to transfer data between external programs and MagiCAD via
MagiCAD COM interface.
Example: First you design and calculate ventilation system in MagiCAD. Then it
is possible to send the flow and pressure data to an external device selection
software, in which the right device is selected. From the device selection
software it is possible to send e.g. sound data and duct connection sizes back to

96 • Chapter 4. Command Reference

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

Appendix A: Other information

AutoCAD's features
You can use the command line options with the right mouse button.
Polar tracking is a convenient tool when drawing sewers; you can use it for
drawing pipes in UCS-related angles.
Avoid using the partial open function.
Do not use the In place xref editing function for modifying MagiCAD ductwork
because the project information appears according to the host drawing and the
sizing could not be run for the drawing. You can modify a reference drawing that
is attached to the MagiCAD drawing.
Though MagiCAD has its own profile that is selected when MagiCAD is started
from its icon, a profile should be selected also when AutoCAD is started without
applications. This is because in some cases MagiCAD profile remains as the
current profile even after quitting the MagiCAD session (the previous AutoCAD
profile is not restored). For example, define a profile named acad2000 for
AutoCAD and set the target in AutoCAD’s shortcut in this way:
c:\acad2000\acad.exe /P acad2000
(where C:\ACAD2000 represents the path where AutoCAD is installed, and
acad2000 represents AutoCAD’s profile.

You can use the output layouts e.g. as follows.
Move the cursor on a layout name. Open a menu by right-clicking the mouse.
Choose New Layout, and a new layout (Layout n) will invoke. When you select
the new layout, the Page Setup window will open.
If you wish to change the layout settings later, right-click the mouse on the
layout name and choose Page Setup.
You can also copy a new layout from a template (choose From Template).
Choose the plot device and style (pen assignments) in the Plot Device section of
the Page Setup window. It is recommended to use the color-dependent output
styles (.ctb files) with MagiCAD. The pen line weights can be changed with the
Edit function. Use monochrome.ctb as a basis and modify it with Edit function
when you create a black & white output layout for MagiCAD. You can set a line
weight for each color. Save the modified file with Save As function, and choose
your new file as a layout file.
Choose the paper size and plot scale (1:1) in the Layout Settings section.

Appendix A: Other information • 97

MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation

The white space in the layout represents the paper, and the area bordered with
dashed line represents the plotting area (that is, paper margins). The new layout
contains one viewport, which can be modified with AutoCAD's stretch and move
commands (changing the size and location on the paper).
You can start designing the output, for example, by setting the title on the
bottom-right corner of the output area (it is already set on the template
The viewport(s) can be fitted to the paper in the desired size. If several viewports
are going to be defined to the output, it can be done by showing the corners of
the viewports (View/Viewports/1 Viewport). The viewports are always set on the
active layer, but you can later move them on the layer that is not printed (eg.
Finally, set the viewports to the desired scale. It is possible to affect the
viewports by switching on the model space with the PAPER button on the lowest
gray line (it will then switch to the MODEL state). In the MODEL state, the
outlines of the active viewport appear with a darker line.
The active viewport is zoomed to the desired scale, that is, give 1/50xp as the
scaling factor if you wish to show the view in 1:50 scale. Define the scale for
each viewport separately. It is possible to move the view with Pan, and the scale
is not changed.
The layout is printed in 1:1 scale and the output can be Previewed before

Visual styles of AutoCAD 2007

It is recommended to change the following settings for realistic and conceptual
visual styles. The settings can be changed by using AutoCAD’s function
"Manage Visual Styles" in the Visual Styles toolbar.
• Material Display: Off
• Edge Mode: Faced Edges
• Color: White
• Grease Angle: 40
• Fast Silhouette Edges / Visible: No

Known problems
In some special cases, when some of MagiCAD layers are locked, frozen or
switched off and the system is edited, the drawing can be damaged.
While calculation or flownode connection/disconnection, the external drawing
that is referred from the current drawing may be temporarily locked. The
drawing will be unlocked when any MagiCAD command is run or when you exit
If you join to the bend with a vertical duct or pipe (in the direction of the xyz
axes of the coordinates), the part is drawn incorrectly as this release of
MagiCAD cannot draw this kind of branch.

Other issues
When copying ductworks or parts of theirs, please note that the systems and
device lists must be defined in the same way as they are in the target project.

98 • Appendix A: Other information

MagiCAD 2008.5 User’s Guide

MagiCAD Electrical
Chapter 1. List of functions 1
MC-E Project/General menu ..................................................................................................... 1
MC-E IFC menu ........................................................................................................................ 1
MC-E Electric menu .................................................................................................................. 2
Electric Devices menu ............................................................................................................... 2
MC-E Tele/Data menu............................................................................................................... 2
Tele/Data/BA Devices menu ..................................................................................................... 2
MC-E Cable Routes menu ......................................................................................................... 3
MC-E Switchboard Schematic menu......................................................................................... 3
MC-E Edit menu........................................................................................................................ 4
MC-E Connection Nodes menu ................................................................................................. 4
MC-E Edit II menu .................................................................................................................... 4
MC-E Sections menu ................................................................................................................. 5
MC-E View menu...................................................................................................................... 5

Chapter 2. How to start 6

Starting the project..................................................................................................................... 6
Attaching the architectural drawing to the project....................................................... 6
Selecting a project ....................................................................................................... 6
Drawing functions, placing the devices ..................................................................................... 9
Adding the switchboard............................................................................................... 9
Placing the luminaires ............................................................................................... 10
Drawing cables, placing the circuit symbols, drawing cable trays .......................................... 13
Starting drawing ........................................................................................................ 13
Cable options............................................................................................................. 14
Setting the elevation .................................................................................................. 15
Cables ........................................................................................................................ 16
Circuits ...................................................................................................................... 17
Cable trays................................................................................................................. 21

Chapter 3. Creating and selecting projects 25

Creating a new project ............................................................................................................. 25
Selecting an existing project .................................................................................................... 25
Other instructions..................................................................................................................... 26

Chapter 4. Project management 27

Project information .................................................................................................................. 27
General ...................................................................................................................... 27
Project management dialog ....................................................................................... 27
Defining the project data.......................................................................................................... 28
Project settings .......................................................................................................... 28
Systems...................................................................................................................... 29
Cables ........................................................................................................................ 30
Devices ...................................................................................................................... 31
Cable routes / Trays and conduits.............................................................................. 35
Text styles ................................................................................................................. 36
Linetypes ................................................................................................................... 36

MagiCAD Electrical Contents • iii

Texts .......................................................................................................................... 36
Layer definitions........................................................................................................ 37
Report definitions ......................................................................................................39
Switchboard schematic definition ............................................................................. 40
Power circuit types .................................................................................................... 40
Connection node defaults .......................................................................................... 41
Provision for voids .................................................................................................... 41
User named variables ................................................................................................ 42
Variable sets .............................................................................................................. 42
Combining projects.................................................................................................................. 43
General ...................................................................................................................... 43
Selecting the ID range ............................................................................................... 43
Merging the projects.................................................................................................. 43

Chapter 5. Drawing preferences 48

Text styles and scales............................................................................................................... 48

Chapter 6. Drawing functions 50

General command line functions and options.......................................................................... 50
Placing the devices .................................................................................................................. 51
Product selection dialogs........................................................................................... 51
"Favorites" toolbar..................................................................................................... 52
General symbols ........................................................................................................ 52
Drawing wires and cables ........................................................................................................ 52
Circuit........................................................................................................................ 55
Other information ...................................................................................................... 57
Drawing wire/cable packets..................................................................................................... 58
Logical connections and reports of the tele, data, and BA devices.......................................... 60
Settings of the devices ............................................................................................... 60
Defining the logical connections ............................................................................... 60
Checking the logical connections, report................................................................... 61
Drawing cable routes ............................................................................................................... 62
Conduits .................................................................................................................... 63
Cable trays and cable racks ....................................................................................... 63
Stretching cable trays ................................................................................................ 65
Changing the cable tray width and height ................................................................. 65
Breaking the cable routes .......................................................................................... 66
Cable tray crossing .................................................................................................... 66

Chapter 7. Switchboard schematic functions 67

General..................................................................................................................................... 67
Creating a switchboard schematic ........................................................................................... 67
Switchboard schematic preview .............................................................................................. 67
Placing the switchboard schematic .......................................................................................... 69
Editing switchboard schematics............................................................................................... 72
Edit Row.................................................................................................................... 72
Insert Row ................................................................................................................. 72
Insert Circuit from Plan ............................................................................................. 74
Delete Row ................................................................................................................ 74
Move Row ................................................................................................................. 74
Change Column Width .............................................................................................. 74
Add Symbol to Row .................................................................................................. 74
Add Detail Symbol .................................................................................................... 75
Draw Rail .................................................................................................................. 75
Add Text.................................................................................................................... 75
Updating data from plan drawings to the switchboard schematic ........................................... 75
Circuit Renumbering ............................................................................................................... 76
Creating switchboard schematic symbols ................................................................................ 77

iv • Contents MagiCAD Electrical

Creating detail symbols ........................................................................................................... 77
Explode Switchboard Schematic Symbol ................................................................................ 78
Updating data from to the switchboard schematic to plan drawings ....................................... 78
Checking the switchboards and circuits................................................................................... 79

Chapter 8. Other functions 81

Edit Storey Properties .............................................................................................................. 81
Connections between storeys (Connection Node) ................................................................... 82
Device connections.................................................................................................................. 84
General ...................................................................................................................... 84
Connecting the devices.............................................................................................. 84
Moving and rotating the symbol attributes .............................................................................. 84
Moving the 2D symbol and 3D object of the device ............................................................... 85
Defining the switchboard borders and switchboard areas........................................................ 85
Switchboard borders.................................................................................................. 85
Switchboard area ....................................................................................................... 86
Combination boxes .................................................................................................................. 87
Placing the combination box to the drawing ............................................................. 87
Extracting the combination box................................................................................. 88
Cross-sections .......................................................................................................................... 90
Section marks ............................................................................................................ 90
Making the section .................................................................................................... 91
Updating the section .................................................................................................. 91
Collision Control ..................................................................................................................... 92
Show messages ........................................................................................................................ 92
Copying and moving branches ................................................................................................ 92
Copy Branch.............................................................................................................. 92
Move Branch ............................................................................................................. 93
Creating user-defined symbols ................................................................................................ 93
Part Properties function ........................................................................................................... 94
Changing properties................................................................................................................. 94
Changing the elevation of the devices ..................................................................................... 95
Viewport preferences............................................................................................................... 96
Text functions .......................................................................................................................... 98
Placing texts to the objects ........................................................................................ 99
Placing free texts ....................................................................................................... 99
Moving and stretching texts ...................................................................................... 99
Updating drawing data............................................................................................................. 99
Report functions..................................................................................................................... 100
DIALux interface................................................................................................................... 102
Clear garbage layer ................................................................................................................ 104
User preferences .................................................................................................................... 104
Hiding cables, cable packets, and conduits............................................................................ 105
Showing cable, cable packet and conduit routes.................................................................... 105
Clip+Rotate, Restore from Clip+Rotate ................................................................................ 105
Version check (MEVER function)......................................................................................... 105
Cable markings ...................................................................................................................... 106
Intelligent symbols .................................................................................................. 106
Other symbols (not recommended) ......................................................................... 106
Revision markings ................................................................................................................. 106
Revision mark.......................................................................................................... 106
Revision cloud......................................................................................................... 107
Modeling user-defined products ............................................................................................ 108
Interoperability with other MagiCAD applications ............................................................... 108
MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation ......................................................... 108
MagiCAD Room ..................................................................................................... 108
IFC Export ............................................................................................................................. 109
About IFC................................................................................................................ 109
Creating an IFC file (IFC Export) ........................................................................... 109

MagiCAD Electrical Contents • v

Other IFC exports (IFC Calculation export and IFC Calculation Import)............... 110
Other functions ...................................................................................................................... 112
Drawing cleaning utility .......................................................................................... 112
Importing the symbol libraries ................................................................................ 112
Changing the AutoCAD attribute value of a MagiCAD symbol ............................. 113
Explode function of MagiCAD Electrical ............................................................... 113
Checking the connections........................................................................................ 113
Functions that are not recommended ..................................................................................... 114
AutoCAD's functions .............................................................................................. 114
Attribute definitions in MagiCAD Electrical......................................................................... 114

vi • Contents MagiCAD Electrical

Chapter 1. List of functions

MC-E Project/General menu

Edit Storey Properties
User Preferences
Import luminaires from DIALux
Update Drawing Data
Create User Symbol (2D)
General symbols
Cable Markings
Check Switchboards and Power Circuits
Check Data and Update from Switchboard Schematic
IFC Export
IFC Calculation Export
IFC Calculation Import

MC-E IFC menu

This is a flyout toolbar of MC-E Project/General toolbar.

IFC Export
IFC Calculation Export
IFC Calculation Import

Chapter 1. List of functions • 1

MagiCAD Electrical

MC-E Electric menu

Cable Packets
Device Connection

Electric Devices menu

This is a flyout toolbar of MC-E Electric toolbar.

Connection Boxes

MC-E Tele/Data menu

Cable Packets
Device Connection
Build Logical Connections
Check and Report Logical Connections

Tele/Data/BA Devices menu

This is a flyout toolbar of MC-E Tele/Data toolbar.

Main Units

2 • Chapter 1. List of functions

MagiCAD Electrical

Tele and data
Sub-stations and Routers
Probes and Buttons
Other BA Points
Other Equipment

MC-E Cable Routes menu

Cable Trays
Stretch Cable Tray
Change Cable Tray Width or Height
Cable Tray Crossing

MC-E Switchboard Schematic menu

Switchboard Report and Schematic Preview

Create Switchboard Schematic
Edit Row
Insert Row
Insert Circuit from Plan
Delete Row
Move Row
Change Column Width
Add Symbol
Add Detail Symbol
Draw Rail
Add Text
Check Data and Update from Plan Drawings

Chapter 1. List of functions • 3

MagiCAD Electrical

Circuit Renumbering
Create Switchboard Schematic Symbol
Create Detail Symbol
Explode Switchboard Schematic Symbol

MC-E Edit menu

Part Properties
Part Properties of HP&V Objects
Change Properties
Change Elevation
Copy Branch
Move Branch
Break Cable/Cable Packet/Cable Route
Connection Nodes
Stretch Text
Revision Mark
Revision Cloud

MC-E Connection Nodes menu

This is a flyout toolbar of MC-E Edit toolbar.

Connect Node
Disconnect Node
Connection Node Report

MC-E Edit II menu

Insert Running Index

Remove Running Index
Move Attribute
Move Device Symbol
Switchboard Border
Switchboard Area

4 • Chapter 1. List of functions

MagiCAD Electrical

Insert Combination Box

Draw Combination Box Symbol

MC-E Sections menu

This is a flyout toolbar of MC-E Edit II toolbar.

Section Marks
Edit Section Mark
Make Section
Update Section

MC-E View menu

Drawing Preferences
Hide Cable/Cable Packet/Conduit
Reset Cable/Cable Packet/Conduit Hide
Show Selected Parts Only
Show All Parts
Part Property Line
Show Cable/Cable Packet/Conduit Route
Collision Control

Chapter 1. List of functions • 5

MagiCAD Electrical

Chapter 2. How to start

Starting the project

Attaching the architectural drawing to the

Start the project by attaching the architectural drawing. Select Insert → External
Reference from AutoCAD's pulldown menu (AutoCAD 2007: DWG Reference).
Select the drawing file. The following dialog opens:

Save the settings with OK. The architectural drawing appears.

When the architectural drawing is on the right location, save your drawing (File
→ Save As) to a suitable directory.

Selecting a project
Click the Project toolbar button. The Select Project dialog opens.

6 • Chapter 2. How to start

MagiCAD Electrical

When the Add this drawing to the model dwg list option is selected, the drawing
will be added to the model drawing list, which makes it possible to make
connections between circuits and switchboards, and the drawing is also taken
into account in the reports. Please note that it is also possible to add the drawing
to the model drawing list afterwards.
The Available projects list shows the project that exist in the directory or in the
path towards the root directory. If there are no projects in the path, the list
window is empty.
If you select a project from the list and click the Select button, the selected
project is taken into use. This function is activated when the project is selected.
If you want to create a new project, click the New... button.
If you want to cancel this function, click Cancel.

Creating a new project

Click New... in the Select Projects dialog. The New Project dialog opens.

Give the name for the project, eg. First project.

Select the directory where you want to save the project. Usually the directory is
the same where the drawing is saved, or a directory in the path towards the root
directory. For example:

Chapter 2. How to start • 7

MagiCAD Electrical

x:\e-projects\project12345\first project.mep Å project file

Select the template project. The templates are saved in the Templates
subdirectory of the MagiCAD Electrical program directory. You can use your
existing projects as template projects, if you prefer.
When the Add this drawing to the model dwg list option is selected, the drawing
will be added to the model drawing list, which makes it possible to make
connections between circuits and switchboards, and the drawing is also taken
into account in the reports. Please note that it is also possible to add the drawing
to the model drawing list afterwards.
Accept your choices with OK. The Project Management dialog opens. You can
check and modify the project information in this dialog.

The left pane shows a list of the types of data that is defined for the project.
When you click one of them, the more detailed view of the contents appears in
the right pane.

8 • Chapter 2. How to start

MagiCAD Electrical

The data types are described later in this manual. After you have made your
settings, accept them by clicking the Close button.

Drawing functions, placing the devices

In this chapter you are guided, step by step, to place the luminaires, the switch,
and the switchboard, as well as to draw the cable and cable tray. See the final
result in the picture.

Adding the switchboard

First, click the Switchboard toolbar button. The Switchboard Properties dialog

Chapter 2. How to start • 9

MagiCAD Electrical

Enter the general information of the switchboard:

• Code – identifier for the switchboard
• Description
• System – select the system that the switchboard belongs to
• Status – select a status for the switchboard if needed
• Installation – select the installation type
• IP class – select the casing class
• EXE class – select the explosion protection
• Running index – the unique identifier is shown here (if it is set to
the switchboard)
Next, give the dimensions:
• Width, depth, height
• H-installation (bottom edge)
Select the symbol for the switchboard. When you click the Symbol Series
button, a dialog opens, and you can select which symbol series are shown.
• FIN (Finnish), NOR (Norwegian), SWE (Swedish)
• USR (user-defined symbols)
• IEC (symbols according to the IEC standard)
You can also give additional information for the switchboard with the object
variables (O1 and O2). Note that the O1 and O2 can be set also with the Change
Properties function.
In the Power fields you can give the values for calculating the dimensional
current of the switchboard. Switchboards are handled as three-phase devices.
The line voltage is given in the Voltage field.
In the Earthing checkboxes you can give the used earthing method.
Define a switchboard and place it in your drawing.

Placing the luminaires

Selecting the luminaire

First, click the Luminaires toolbar button. The Select Device dialog opens. The
same dialog opens when you place any device.

10 • Chapter 2. How to start

MagiCAD Electrical

Select the system for the luminaire. You can add or remove systems in the
project management.
It is possible to define default systems for the devices in the project
For each device it is possible to set a device-specific installation method, but if
the installation method is different from the method that is defined in the project
dialog, you can clear the By product setting in the Installation section. You can
also change the value afterwards with Part Properties or Change Properties.
The active group is highlighted in the Group pane.
The Product pane shows the luminaires that are selected for the project. Click
the luminaire you want to place. The row will be highlighted. You can add,
remove, or modify luminaires in the project management. Adding and modifying
are also available here in the Select Device dialog from the right click menu.
Give the elevation for the luminaire. With the Show ref. part function you can
select the elevation according to an existing object in the drawing. MagiCAD
remembers the previous elevation as long as installing the same device from the
same device group (e.g. luminaire number one from luminaires). After changing
to another device within the same device group the elevation will be taken from
the product’s default settings.
With the Operation area options you can set an operation area for the device.
The shape of the operation area can be a circle, a sector, or a diamond. It is also
possible to set the operation area with the Part Properties or Change Properties
functions. You can also set the operation area visible/invisible in the Viewport
Preferences dialog.
When the Use separated insertion point for 3D model option is selected, you can
place the 2D symbol and 3D object to separate locations (which is necessary e.g.
when the switch is above the socket). It is also possible to rotate the 3D object to
a different orientation related to the 2D symbol. With the Move Device Symbol
function it is possible to change afterwards the distance between the 2D symbol
and the 3D model.
With the Save to Toolbar button you can add the selected luminaire to the
"favorites" toolbar (a toolbar for devices you most frequently use). The toolbar is
drawing-specific, and up to 20 devices can be defined in it. Besides the product
information, the system, user code, operation area and elevation are saved in the

Chapter 2. How to start • 11

MagiCAD Electrical

Placing the luminaire

Accept your choices with OK. The luminaire appears on the screen. Click the
right mouse button to open a pop-up menu that contains all modifying functions
you can use with the device.
In this case, the menu has the following items: Enter, Cancel, Options,
Direction, Array, Pan, and Zoom. Enter, Cancel, Pan, and Zoom can always be
• Options – select this option to return to the Select Device dialog.
• Direction – use this option to rotate the device to a suitable
• Connect – use this function to connect the device directly at the
open end of the cable
• Array – this option makes it possible to place several similar
devices at a time
When you have made the settings, click on the location where you want to place
the device.

Placing several luminaires at the same time

You can place several similar devices at the same time if you select the Array
option from the pop-up menu. The Array Options dialog opens.

Give the number of rows and columns in the Array fields.

With the Connections options choose whether to connect the devices
automatically to each other when they are placed.
When you click the Cable Options button (3), you can modify the properties of
the connecting cables. The Cable Options dialog opens, and it is the same option
dialog that is used when cables are drawn. Cable options are explained in the
next chapter.
Accept the cable settings with OK. You are then back in the Array Options
dialog. Accept the array settings with OK.
Place the devices by selecting a rectangular area. You can use AutoCAD's
MOVE or STRETCH to move the devices that are already placed (if they are
connected, use the STRETCH command).

12 • Chapter 2. How to start

MagiCAD Electrical

Place and connect the devices as in the picture, either by placing them one by
one and connecting them to each other, or by using the Array option.

Tip: You can define an integrated text for the devices in the project management.
If you have defined an integrated text, it is placed automatically with the device.

Drawing cables, placing the circuit symbols, drawing

cable trays

Starting drawing
First, click the Cables toolbar button. When you first time start the command,
the Cable Options dialog opens automatically. This dialog is introduced earlier
in this manual (placing luminaires). If you want to open the dialog later, select
the cable drawing function and select Options from the pop-up menu (which
opens when you right-click the mouse when the command is active).

Chapter 2. How to start • 13

MagiCAD Electrical

Cable options

• Systems – the same system that is selected for the device(s)
• Material – select the cable type. You can define/change it later.
NB: You can define the cable marking in the Project Management
• Installation – installation method
• Status – select the status for the cable if needed
You can set a linetype for the cable. You must define the linetypes in the Project
Management dialog. Also note that if you want the linetype to follow Status
definitions you need to select the option ByProject.
Cable number:
You can set a Cable number for the cable you are drawing in the Number for
next cable field. With the next free button you can make MagiCAD find the next
free cable number from all model drawings. Cable number is editable also in the
circuit dialog after installing a circuit and in Part Properties. MagiCAD
recognizes the highest number of digits in cable numbers and uses the same
number when the next free button is used.
Note: You can easily create cable lists with reports by using the cable number
Note: To make your cable numbers similar give the desired amount of digits
already for the first cable number.
Note: MagiCAD will not give a warning if you input a duplicate number. You
should use the next free button always when inserting a new number.

14 • Chapter 2. How to start

MagiCAD Electrical

Select the routing for the cable.
• Direct – the cable is drawn directly
• Orthogonal – the cable is drawn directly aside in a 90° angle
• Side automatic – the cable is drawn aside according to the
"curvature" defined in the dy field. If the value is negative, the
connecting cables for eg. sockets can be drawn to the opposite side.
• Direct line segments
• Curved
• Sharp – Sharp corner type
• Rounded – Rounded corner type. Give the radius of the bend in the
Radius field.
• Bevelled – Bevelled corner type. Give the distance between the end
of the bevelling and the theoretical corner point in the Distance
The following settings affect the elevation. In this example, a switch is
connected to a luminaire.
• By highest point – the cable first rises directly to the elevation of
the luminaire, and then connects to the luminaire
• By lowest point – the cable first goes to the luminaire at the
elevation of the switch, and then connects to the luminaire
• By start – the cable goes horizontally at the elevation of the first
selected device
Device basepoint:
Defines the point of the device where the cable is connected to.
• Insertion point – the connection point of the device
• Nearest point – the point that is nearest to the cable
Connection box:
Select here which kind of connection box to use as default. If the connection box
type is not defined, or if the Select box always option is chosen, the box selection
dialog opens every time when you start drawing from the middle of a cable (ie. a
branch). When you click the Select button, you can select the symbol for the
connection box.

Setting the elevation

When you start drawing the cable from an empty space, the Elevation dialog
opens and you can give the elevation for the cable as millimeters. You can also
define the elevation for the cable according to a particular device. In this case,
click the Show Reference Part button and show the device.

Chapter 2. How to start • 15

MagiCAD Electrical

You can also select the elevation with Show Reference Part according to a
MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation objects and AutoCAD objects (these
objects can also exist in a reference drawing). In this case, select the Other object
option from the popup menu and other options if necessary.
If you start drawing the cable from a device or from another cable, the system
and elevation are derived from that device or cable.

You can start drawing the cable from an empty spot (in this case you must define
the elevation for the cable) or by connecting to a device or another cable.
When you have started the drawing function, you can open the pop-up menu by
clicking the right mouse button. The following options can be selected from the
pop-up menu:
• Enter – accepts/ends drawing
• Cancel – quits drawing
• noConnect <> Connect if found – in close spaces you can avoid
the cable connecting to another cable or device if you select the
noConnect option. You can reactivate connections by selecting the
Connect if found option.
• Options – opens the Cable Options dialog. Please note that cables
are handled as whole cables when they are drawn. If linetype,
installation code, xy-routing, presentation or corners are changed
during cable drawing, MagiCAD will split the cable into several
entities; however, they will be linked together as a whole cable.
Cables have four significant properties: system, material, cable
number and status. If one or more of these is changed during cable
drawing, the cable will be cut and a junction box is forced to be
installed. If a junction box that has two cables connected to it is
removed, the cables are connected as a whole cable if the
significant properties are the same for both cables. Otherwise they
are left as separate cables. The link between two pieces of the same
cable is also lost if the two connected ends are separated too far
from each other (100 times world scale).
• Back – backs to the previous connection
• Z – elevation change (functions similar to the Elevation option).
Contains also the option for changing the elevation angle (Angle to
• connection Node – arrow symbol to the end of the cable (the same
option also applies to cable packet and cable route drawing
functions). When you select this option, the Create Connection
Node dialog opens and you can select the suitable arrow symbol. In
the Project Management dialog you can select default symbols for

16 • Chapter 2. How to start

MagiCAD Electrical

the cables, cable packets and cable routes leading to different

• boX – connection box to the cable. If the default box symbol is
selected in the cable options, that symbol is used. Otherwise the
Select Symbol dialog opens.
• Curved / Direct – switching the cable’s presentation between
direct and curved line
• Circuit – circuit symbol to the end of the cable (applies to electric
cables only)

There are two ways to add a circuit. Either you can select the circUit option, or
you can connect the cable to an existing cable packet.

"Circuit" drawing option

Select the circUit option while the cable drawing function is active. The Circuit
Information dialog opens.

• Circuit number – If you prefer, you can leave this field blank,
define the circuit numbers in the switchboard schematic, and
update the circuit numbers from the switchboard schematic to the
groups. A circuit number can hold 10 characters.

Chapter 2. How to start • 17

MagiCAD Electrical

• Circuit type – These are predefined in the Project Management

(Power circuit types) to get automatically some common
information into a circuit.
• Description 1, 2, and 3 – Here you can define free description texts
for the circuit. You can show these description texts e.g. in the texts
or switchboard schematic.
• Power – Active power in kW. This can be shown in the
switchboard schematic.
• Diversity factor – a factor for calculating the current. It is the ratio
between the simultaneous maximum demand of a group and the
sum of their individual maximum demands within the same period.
This factor is currently used when transferring the network to be
calculated in calculation software such as Febdok via IFC
Calculation Export. It is recommended to use value 1 as the factor
in the connections between switchboards.
Shows the cable type. If the cable material is selected for the cable that this
circuit connects to, the material is derived to this field automatically. Cable
number cannot be given when installing the circuit. If a cable number is given
already for the cable when installing, the circuit it is visible in the field.
Select the phases that are used by the circuit. You can also select the neutral
conductor and earthing wire. Currently, these values have meaning if the
network is transferred to Febdok application for calculations.
• Overload – information regarding the protective device for short
circuits and overload (fuse, circuit breaker etc.)
• Fault current – information regarding the residual current
protective device (e.g. residual current switch)
Select the switchboard the circuit connects to. When you click the Select button,
a dialog opens and you can select the switchboard.
You can attach the circuit either to a switchboard in the current drawing or to a
switchboard that is in another drawing (Select model drawing). With the
Deselect button you can detach the circuit connection to the switchboard.
Note: If there are switchboard areas defined in the drawing, and the circuit is
inside a switchboard area, it is not required to attach the circuit to the
switchboard; it belongs automatically to the switchboard of that area. Also note
that currently circuits with this “area connection” are not exported when using
IFC Calculation Export.
Cable packet:
You can connected a circuit to the desired cable packet (see chapter Cable
Packet for more information). Click the Connect button and click the packet to
which you want to connect with the cable. The length is calculated according to
the most direct route from the circuit symbol to the selected packet.
Schematic symbol:
Select the switchboard schematic symbol. Click the Select Symbol to open the
Select the circuit symbol type.

18 • Chapter 2. How to start

MagiCAD Electrical

Cable packets
It is possible to get the cable lengths also from the circuit to the switchboard.
Naturally the actual cable lengths can be included in the BOM, and the future
calculation applications can utilize the cable lengths.
The number and type of the cables can be checked from the cable packet with
the Part Properties function. In addition, the cable types, systems, etc, can be
presented in the reference text. Part Properties displays all cables that are
running inside the cable packet, and the reference text displays exactly the cables
that are running at the location where the reference text is placed.
The actual cable lengths can be utilized also in calculation software such as
Febdok via IFC Calculation Export.
To get the cable lengths from the circuits to the switchboard, the route has to be
defined with a cable packet. It is then possible to connect circuits to the cable
packet. There are two ways to connect circuits:
1. When the cable drawing function is active, show the edge of the cable
packet (see the figure below, A → B). The direction of the cables inside the
packet depends on into which direction the circuit is bevelled when
connecting the first circuit to the packet. Please note that the direction means
the direction to the supplying switchboard which the packet leads to (in the
following picture it is to the right). After this the Circuit Information dialog
opens. The dialog is similar to the previously shown dialog, except it does
not contain the Symbol selection or the Cable packet selection.

2. The connection can also be made with the help of a circuit symbol. In this
case, select Connect in the circuit dialog, and click the cable packet to which
you want to connect the cable:

When the first circuit is connected to the cable packet, you must first show
the direction for the cables – after this, the program can detect it
automatically. As mentioned before in part one the direction means the
direction to the supplying switchboard. The cable length from the circuit to
the shown cable packet is calculated according to the nearest point.

Chapter 2. How to start • 19

MagiCAD Electrical

With the Show Cable/Cable Packet/Cable Route function you can check
afterwards to which cable packet (and location) the circuit is connected. The
program draws a line from the circuit to the packet. The line is drawn on the
MAGI_GARBAGE layer, and it can thus be removed with the Clear
Garbage Layer function.

20 • Chapter 2. How to start

MagiCAD Electrical

Cable trays

Cable tray options

First, click the Draw Cable Tray toolbar button. The Cable Tray Options dialog
opens when you use this command for the first time. If you want to open the
dialog later to set the cable tray options, start the drawing function, click the
right mouse button, and select Options from the pop-up menu.

Tray system:
Select the system for the cable tray.
It is possible to define default systems for the devices in the Project
Select the status for the cable tray if needed. You can add/remove/define cable
trays in the Project Management (Status definitions).
This pane shows the cable tray types that are defined for the project. Select the
type by clicking it. You can add/remove/define cable trays in the Project
Management (Trays and conduits).
Select the line for "guiding" the cable tray: center, left edge, or right edge.
If the Cable tray is swapped option is selected, the tray has been rotated
“sideways” (to be installed on a wall).
Select the linetype for the cable tray.
Give the dimensions for the cable tray (width, height).

Chapter 2. How to start • 21

MagiCAD Electrical

Fitting types:
You can define the shapes for the bends, reductions, and branches
In the Inner bend radius field you can define the radius for the inner bend for
certain bend types. If you prefer to draw also the 2D filling symbol to the bends,
select the Hatch bend in 2D option.
Accept your choices and click OK.
Note: When drawing bends under ten degrees and over two degrees the reduction
“none” is forced in these situations and the trays are cut to straight pieces with
slightly slanted installation. With bends less than or equal of 2 degrees
MagiCAD interprets it so that the user has wanted to make a direct tray and
draws it so.

Drawing the cable tray

You can start drawing either from an empty place or connecting to an existing
cable tray. When you start drawing, the Connect option is on by default, and you
can click the location at a cable tray to connect.
Note: you must always set the Connect option on if you want to connect to
another tray.
If you start drawing from an empty place, click the right mouse button and select
noConnect from the pop-up menu. Next, click the location where you want to
start drawing – the Elevation dialog opens.

In this dialog you can give the elevation for the cable tray:
• Top elevation – the elevation of the upper edge
• Center elevation – the elevation of the centerpoint
• Bottom elevation – the elevation of the lower edge
Alternatively, you can define the elevation with the Top of, Center of, and
Bottom of settings. Select one of these options, and show the object whose
elevation you want to draw the cable tray at.
• Top of... – the elevation of the upper surface will be taken as the
bottom elevation for the new tray
• Center of... – the elevation of the centerpoint will be taken as the
centerpoint for the new tray
• Bottom of... – the elevation of the lower surface will be taken as
the top elevation for the new tray
You can also select the elevation with these options according to a MagiCAD
Heating&Piping and Ventilation objects and AutoCAD objects (these objects

22 • Chapter 2. How to start

MagiCAD Electrical

can also exist in a reference drawing). In this case, select the Other object option
from the popup menu and other options if necessary.
Accept your choices with OK and start drawing. You can shorten the cable tray
by drawing backwards or selecting the Back option from the pop-up menu.

Drawing options of cable trays

When the drawing function is active and you click the right mouse button, a pop-
up menu opens, containing the following options:
• Connect/noConnect – Connect is the default value. If you want to
start from an empty space, you must select noConnect.
• Options – opens the Cable Tray Options dialog
• Swap – turning the cable tray "on its side”
• aLignment – you can change the “guidance” of the tray
• Z – elevation change. The Height Difference dialog opens.
Elevation is changed in the same way as it is set. In addition, it is
possible to select the angle for the elevation change.
• Back – returning to the previous joint
• connection Node – adding an arrow symbol to the end of the cable
route. The same functionality applies also to cable packet and cable
drawing functions. When you select this option, the Create
Connection Node dialog opens and you can select the suitable
arrow symbol. In the project management dialog you can select the
default symbols to the cables, cable packets and cable routes that
are leading to different directions.

Editing functions
The following functions can be used for editing the cable tray:
Stretch Cable Tray
• If you click in the middle of the cable tray, you can move the cable
tray segment. If you select an unconnected end of the cable tray (by
showing the end line of the cable tray or an invisible end of the
tray), you can stretch the cable tray.
• If you select a bend or a branch, the shape of the piece changes and
the cable trays connected to it move or change their shape in case it
is possible with the bend/branch type in question.
• If you want to change the elevation of the cable tray, select first the
Z option from the pop-up menu (which opens when you click the
right mouse button). Next, click the cable tray whose elevation you
want to change, and give the new elevation in the Elevation dialog.
Change Cable Tray Width or Height
• The Cable Tray Dimensions dialog opens, and you can give the
new width and/or height for the cable tray (max. 2000 mm)
• Select also the direction in which the dimension is changed. You
can change the width evenly (both sides) or in one side only
(clicked side only). You can change the height evenly (both sides),
upwards (top) or downwards (bottom).
Cable Tray Crossing

Chapter 2. How to start • 23

MagiCAD Electrical

• With this function you can make underpasses/overpasses to the

cable tray that already exists.
• Click two points at the cable tray to set the location for the
underpass/overpass. The part between the points is moved. Next
give the elevation for the part that is moved.
Break Cable/Cable Packet/Cable Route
• You can break the cable route with this function. Click two points
at the cable tray. The part between the points is removed.

Connect the luminaires, which you drew earlier, to the switch (A), and add a
circuit (B), which connects to the switchboard (C) to the end of the cable. Draw
also the cable tray (D).

24 • Chapter 2. How to start

MagiCAD Electrical

Chapter 3. Creating and

selecting projects

Creating a new project

Attach the DWG file (drawing) to a new project (ie. project file) as follows:
1. Save the DWG file to a new directory.
2. Select Project from the toolbar.
3. Select New in the Select Project dialog.
4. Give the name for the project file.
5. Select the location for the project file. When you click the button
beside the Location field, the Select Directory dialog opens.
6. Select the directory where the template projects are saved (an
existing template project is used as a basis for your new project).
The Templates subdirectory contains template files.
7. Select the Add this drawing to the model dwg list option if you
want to include the drawing in the model drawing list.
8. Accept your choices with OK.
9. You can check and modify the project information in the dialog.
10. Close the dialog (click Close) and start working with the new

Selecting an existing project

Start with procedures 1 and 2 explained in the previous chapter.
The Select Project dialog shows a list of Available Projects. When you choose a
project (that is, when you click a project name), the Select button activates – and
when you click the button, the DWG file is attached to the project.
Select the Add this drawing to the model dwg list option if you want to include
the drawing in the model drawing list.

Chapter 3. Creating and selecting projects • 25

MagiCAD Electrical

Other instructions
Usually the project files are saved into the same directory as the DWG files. If
you save the DWG files into several directories, and you want to attach them to
the same project, the project file must be saved on an upper level of the directory
tree towards the root – for example:
x:\e-projects\projectdata.mep Å project file
The drawings can be saved e.g. as follows:
x:\e-projects\project12345\tele and data\*.dwg
x:\e-projects\project12345\switchboard schematic\*.dwg
The project file can be also saved on the same directory level as the “work
drawing directories”, in the MEP subdirectory.
If you want to change the project file, or detach a drawing from a project, use the
Project function, and click Disconnect Project in the dialog. Attach the drawing
to the new project as described earlier (if necessary).
When you later open the drawing (DWG file) attached to a project, MagiCAD
Electrical searches and opens the project file. MagiCAD Electrical first searches
the file from the drawing’s directory, and if necessary, from the upper level of
the directory tree. The project name must not be changed if it is attached to a

Once you have started drawing, do not change the project file, as the object data
(e.g. product information) may lose compatibility with the project information.

26 • Chapter 3. Creating and selecting projects

MagiCAD Electrical

Chapter 4. Project management

Project information

All project information, products (data+symbols), layer definitions, etc, are
saved in the project file. Template projects contain different kinds of initial
values for different kinds of projects.
MagiCAD Electrical has a separate utility for managing templates and project
files (MCEPM, that is, MagiCAD-E Project Manager). You can use this utility to
create new projects, open existing projects, edit projects, and save them with
different names.
The project file is often shared by several users. The program checks if the
project is in use on another workstation, and shows a message if necessary.

Project management dialog

One of the most essential functions of MagiCAD Electrical is the Project
Management dialog. Open the dialog by clicking the Project button.

Through this dialog you can examine and modify the contents of the project, e.g.
device properties, and layer definitions.

Chapter 4. Project management • 27

MagiCAD Electrical

The left pane of the project management dialog shows the labels of the
information/editing fields. If you click one of them, the right dialog pane shows
more detailed information of the contents. You can also modify the data by
selecting the corresponding row of the product information.
The first, device-specific, fields of the list (starting from the top) are mainly
same as in the corresponding dialogs that are invoked with their specific toolbar

Right-clicking the mouse is an essential task when you edit the data.

When you right-click on a product row in the right pane of the project
management dialog, a pop-up menu opens containing the following options:
• New
• New/copy of selected
• Delete
• Properties
With the Properties function you can modify the properties of the selected item.

Defining the project data

This section describes the editing possibilities of the parts in the project.
Every part of each type has a unique identifier (ID), which cannot be changed
after the part is selected to the project. MagiCAD suggests the first available ID
number when the part is defined. At this stage it is possible to change the ID (the
new ID must not be in use already).

Project settings
All settings that affect the entire project are set here.
Default scale factor:
• You can set the factor active by disconnecting the drawing from the
project and reconnecting it back to the same project. Then all new
drawings that will be added to the project will get this default value
into the Symbol scale factor for new objects field of the Drawing
Preferences dialog.
ID Range:
• Here you can define the ID range for the project. It is necessary to
define this range when the same project is modified in several
locations and a local area network is not available. See chapter
Combining the projects for more information.
Market area:
• Here you can select the market area whose products are displayed
when a product is selected from a manufacturer’s database.
Backup the project files in the drawing:
• When this option is selected, backups of the project files are saved
to the drawings when the drawing is saved.
Save viewport defaults to:
• Here you can choose whether the viewport preferences are saved to
the project or the drawing.

28 • Chapter 4. Project management

MagiCAD Electrical

Character set:
• Here you can choose whether the character set is National or
Note: Changing to Unicode will convert all data in the project file into
the Unicode format. If you change the character set back to National
some foreign characters may be lost.
Default Power Distribution Type:
• Here you can choose what is the general power distribution type
used in the project. The options are: TN-S, TN-C-S, TN-C, IT, TT
and DC. This is used in the IFC Calculation Export for every

You can use the System function with the electrical, data, and tele devices and
the cable trays. This function opens the System Description dialog with the
following fields:

• General – general information

• ID – identifier (read-only)
• System code
• Description
• Voltage – voltage of the system (only for electrical systems)
• Line voltage [V] (only electrical systems)

Chapter 4. Project management • 29

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• Phase voltage [V] – calculated from the given line voltage

(only electrical systems)
• Drawing properties – layer definition of the system
• Layer code – the system code that replaces the {SV}variable
in the layer name
• Layer linetype
• Layer color
• Default cable – the default cable used for the system can be
selected here (only for electric and tele&data)
• System variables – can be used eg. in texts

The Cable Data dialog opens with the following information:

• General information
• ID (read-only field)
• Description
• Manufacturer
• Product code
• Wire properties – you can define the resistance and reactance

30 • Chapter 4. Project management

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• DWG properties for modifying the layer ID (the {PV} variable in

the layer name is replaced with the given code)
• Product variables – you can set product/device variables, which
can be shown e.g. in texts
• Cable mark – you can set a cable mark to the cable


Electric devices
The Product Data dialog opens with the following information:

• General information
• ID (read-only field)
• User code
• Description
• Manufacturer
• Product code
• Light source (in case of a luminaire); e.g. 1x58W
• Dimensions – technical information, actual dimensions of e.g.
heaters and central units
• Power supply – information for calculations:
• 1~, 2~ and 3~ – it is possible to choose between 1-phase, 2-
phase and 3-phase device.
• Voltage – the voltage of the device

Chapter 4. Project management • 31

MagiCAD Electrical

• Active power – the active power of the device [W]

• Cos phi – the cos(φ) value of the device

Note: the program calculates the nominal current with the

following formulas:
1~ : I=P/(U*cos phi)
2~ : I=P/(U*cos phi)
3~ : I=P/(U*cos phi*sqrt3)
In addition, the calculation data can be transferred to
calculation software, such as Febdok, with IFC Calculation
• Defaults – default values
• System – possibility to select the default system for the device
• Cable – possibility to select the default cable for the device
• Operation area – possibility to set the default operation area
for the device.
• Drawing properties
• Layer code – the code which replaces the {PV}variable in the
layer name
• Default elevation
• Adjust cable to the edge of the symbol
• Use general 2D scale factor of the dwg (see "Drawing
properties" for further information).
• Integrated text – defines whether the text is placed in
connection with the product. With the Text Settings function
you can choose the text type and location (dx, dy) in relation
with the insertion point. If Always in UCS direction is selected,
the text and its border is rotated according to UCS.
(See ”Text functions” for further information.)
• Allow mirroring upside down – defines whether both 2D and
3D symbols are allowed to be mirrored completely upside
Note: Do not use this option with products that cannot be installed
upside down, or at least with products that cannot be presented
upside down in 3D view. If separate insertion points for 2D and 3D
symbols are used for a device, both symbols are rotated when using
• 2D Symbol – When you click the Select button, the Select Symbol
dialog opens, and you can select the suitable symbol.
• 3D Symbol – When you click the Select product with geometry
model button, the Product selection dialog opens, and you can
select the suitable product from the database. In this dialog you can
choose whether the products are searched from a local database or
from an internet database. By clicking the Reset 3D button you can
deselect the symbol.
If you want to use an AutoCAD 3D block as the 3D presentation,
click the Select block button.
• Classes – installation/protection classes and object ID
• Installation code – installation method

32 • Chapter 4. Project management

MagiCAD Electrical

• IP class
• EXE class
• Object ID format – it is possible to set an automatic identifier
for the devices. The identifier can consist of several parts, and
the ID formats can be created in the project management
dialog (Variable sets Æ Object ID). If Manual is selected as
the value, the ID can be set to the device with the Part
Properties function.
• Product variables (P1…P5) – you can set product/device
variables, which can be shown e.g. in reference texts and reports.
• National code – the standardized code of the device. It can be
shown eg. in reference texts and reports.
• Product note – additional general information

Tele, data and building automation devices

The settings are otherwise similar to electric devices, but with tele/data/BA
devices it is also possible to make the following settings:

• Connections
• Sub-devices can be connected. Max no of conn. – Here you
can define whether it is possible to connect sub-devices to the
device (that is, whether the device is a host device). In
addition, the maximum number of host devices is given, and
when this value is exceeded, the program gives a warning.

• Power supply

Chapter 4. Project management • 33

MagiCAD Electrical

• Has power supply – Here you can define whether the device
requires power. If this option is selected, give the voltage and
the power as watts. Also, when this option is selected, it is
possible to connect to this device with an electric cable without
the program giving warnings.

Selecting products from a manufacturer’s

When you click the Select product with geometry model… button in the
Product Data dialog, the Product Selection dialog opens:

First select the manufacturer on the left pane of the dialog, and click the plus
sign to see the list of the products/sizes. With the Properties button you can
examine the properties of the selected product.
In the preview window you can look and rotate the rendered product image. To
see the dimensions of the product, select the Dimensions option.
With the Local databases and Internet databases options you can choose where
to search the products from. You can redefine the search path for the local
databases with the Change product database path function.
With the Search Criterion selections you can search the product with the product
code and/or the description.
Read the selected product to the project with the Select product button.
To close the product selection dialog without selecting any product, click the
Cancel button.

34 • Chapter 4. Project management

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Cable routes / Trays and conduits

The dialog opens with the following information:

• General information
• ID (read-only field)
• Description
• Manufacturer
• Product code
• 3D Frame – the 3D presentation of the cable route: box or ladder
(cable tray), or conduit
• Default System – here you can set the default system for the cable
• Object ID format – for the cable routes it is possible to set an
automatic identifier. The identifier can consist of several parts, and
they can be created in the project management dialog (Variable
sets Æ Object ID). If Manual value is selected, the identifier can be
set to the device with the Part Properties function.
• Product variables
• P1 … P5 – you can set product/device variables, which can be
shown e.g. in the texts
• National Code – standardized code of the device. It can be
used e.g. in reference texts and reports.
• Symbol – the hatch pattern of the cable tray. With the Select button
you can select the symbol, which you can deselect with the No
Symbol button. You can define the spacing for the hatch in the X-
step (wcs) field.
• Default dimensions – the default width and height (cable tray) or
diameter (conduit)

Chapter 4. Project management • 35

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• Drawing properties
• Layer code – the value that replaces the {PV} value in the
layer name
• Default elevation – default installation elevation of the device

Text styles
With this function you can define the text styles for the project. Once you right-
click the mouse, you can select the following options:
• New from current dwg – pick a text style from the current
• New from STY file – load a text style from a STY file
• Delete – remove the text style
• Write STY file – save the text styles as a STY file (you can then
load them to another project)

With this function you can define the linetypes for the project. The continuous
linetype is selected as default. Once you right-click the mouse, you can select the
following options:
• New from LIN file – load a linetype from a LIN file
• Delete – remove the linetype
• Write LIN file – save the linetypes as a LIN file

The Text Format dialog contains, for example, the text style and height

36 • Chapter 4. Project management

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Select the text variable(s) with the arrow buttons. With the help of the New line
variable you can include several lines in your text. With the Add constant
function you can add a constant text.
With the Reference Line options you can choose the desired reference line. In the
Symbol scale field you can set the scale factor for the reference line symbol
(target line, arrow, filled circle). The scale factor can be within 0.2 … 4.
With the Border options you can select the desired border style. The Split circle
border type can be used only with those texts that have two lines. With the Break
cable border type you can place a text on a cable or a cable packet so that it is
opaque (i.e. cable is "broken" behind the text).
You can also lock the border size if necessary. According to the border type you
can define the symbol height/width (L) or diameter (D) in the Fixed size field.
In Column separator option you can select a separator that is used between every
variable within the same row. Available selections are: none, use space and use
character. With use character you can define the used separator.

Layer definitions
Unlike the products in the project, layer definitions cannot be added or removed.
However, the structures of the layer names, colors, and line weights can be
modified. Changing the linetype is possible in some layers. The modifying
possibilities depend on the type (usage) of the layer.
You can include the following variables in the layer names. The values of these
variables are defined according to the data of the cable, device, or revision mark.
• SV (system variable)

Chapter 4. Project management • 37

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• PV (product variable, the identification that is defined according to

the part/device type)
• IV (installation variable)
• RV (revision variable)
The variable is typed inside braces.
The Layer Definition dialog contains the following input data:

Layer definitions
• Name structure – structure of the layer name; it can contain
variables that are mentioned above
• Line type – linetype of the layer, also the BySystem selection is
available. The linetype cannot be changed with all layer types.
• Line weight – line weight, if the drawings are intended to be
printed according to the line weights (STB pen settings).
2D presentation
• Line type – linetype of the object, also the BySystem and ByLayer
selections are available. If ByLayer is selected, the linetype is
defined according to the settings of the Layer definitions.
• Line weight – line weight of the object (if the drawings are
intended to be printed according to the line weights). Also the
BySystem and ByLayer selections are available. If ByLayer is
selected, the line weight is defined according to the settings of the
Layer definitions.
• Color – color of the object, also the BySystem and ByLayer
selections are available. If ByLayer is selected, the color is defined
according to the settings of the Layer definitions.
3D presentation
• Line type – linetype of the object.

38 • Chapter 4. Project management

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• Line weight – line weight of the object (if the drawings are
intended to be printed according to the line weights). Also the
BySystem and ByLayer selections are available. If ByLayer is
selected, the line weight is defined according to the settings of the
Layer definitions.
• Color – color of the object. Also the BySystem, ByModel and
ByLayer selections are available. If ByModel is selected, the color
of the object is defined according to the color that is modeled in the
3D model. If ByLayer is selected, the color is defined according to
the settings of the Layer definitions.
You can select the linetype and color for the system. In the layer definition you
can define e.g. the linetype for the cable By system or as constant ( = the cables
in all systems have the same linetype).
Note: When you draw objects with the linetype option of ByProject the linetype
will follow status definitions that are defined also in Project Management.

Report definitions
The Description window shows the report models defined for the project (ie. the
models that are available to the Reports function). The new, user-defined, report
models are also included in the list.
The fields and values of the Report Definition dialog:

• Product groups – you can select which product/device groups are

included in the report
• General – give the name of the report model in the Description

Chapter 4. Project management • 39

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• Columns – the column definition of the report. With the Insert

function you can include more device properties (=columns) in the

Switchboard schematic definition

The Description pane shows the switchboard schematic types that are available
for the switchboard schematic functions (Switchboard Report and Schematic
Preview, Create Switchboard Schematic). The new, user-defined, report models
are also included in the list.
The fields and values of the Switchboard Schematic Definition dialog:

• General – give the name of the schematic type in the Description

• Columns – the column definition of the report. With the Insert
function you can include more device properties (=columns) in the
• Drawing properties – here you can define dimensions and text
style for the schematic.

Power circuit types

The following information is defined in the Power Circuit Types dialog:

40 • Chapter 4. Project management

MagiCAD Electrical

• Circuit name
• Default descriptions
• Protection
• Default schematic symbol – the default symbol for the
switchboard schematic. The symbol appears in the Circuit
Information dialog, which is used when the circuit symbol is
attached to the cable or a cable is connected to a cable packet and
Circuit type is selected in the dialog (For further information, see
chapter ”Drawing functions”)
• Report data – the ordinal number for the circuit (the ordinal
numbers define the order how the symbols appear in the
schematic), and the checkbox indicating whether similar groups are
summed up in the schematic (if the switchboard schematic uses
summing for the number of similar circuits)

Connection node defaults

To get correct cable lengths also in the cases where the switchboard resides in
another storey, it must be possible to take the cable packet from a storey to
another. This is possible with the connection Node option. The same option can
also be used with cable routes and single cables.
The connection Node option has replaced the Arrow option from older versions
of MagiCAD. That is, if you do not want to take the cable, cable packet or cable
route to another storey yet, but you want only to place an arrow symbol to the
end of the object, you can do that with the connection Node option.
Using the Connection node defaults option you can set a default symbol for the
cables, cable packets and cable routes that are leading to different directions.
MagiCAD uses these default symbols, for example, when a connection node is
added to the upper end of a cable packet. Correspondingly, MagiCAD uses the
default symbol when a connection node is read to the next storey.

Provision for voids

It is possible to create provisions for voids, if the 3D model of the building is
available. The provisions for voids can be transferred with IFC data transfer to

Chapter 4. Project management • 41

MagiCAD Electrical

different programs (for example, Tekla Structures). For more information see the
common features.

User named variables

You can name the following fields as you prefer:
P1-P5, National code, S1-S4, Layer code {SV}, layer code {PV} and O1-O4. The
names are displayed in all dialogs, reference texts, BOM, etc.

Variable sets
Variable types:
• Installation codes
• IP classes – casing
• EXE classes – explosion protection
For casing and explosion protection classes, code and name are
defined. For installation code it is possible to define also an
identifier which can be included in the layer name (the {IV}
• Object ID – device identifier
It is possible to select an automatic device identifier for the device
in the product dialog. The identifiers can consist of several parts,
and it is possible to create different kinds of formats for them.

• Running index
See the common features for details.

42 • Chapter 4. Project management

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Combining projects

This feature is used only when there is, for some reason, a need to work on the
same project in several locations (not sharing the same network) simultaneously.
When the project is started, it is recommended to select the specific ID range for
each location where the project is modified. This should be done because the
same IDs cannot be used in different locations when symbols are added to the
project. In MagiCAD version 2006.11, however, it is possible to merge the
products that are within the same ID range.
NB: It is not recommended to modify the devices that are included in the
template project. Neither should the project data of the other project be modified.

Selecting the ID range

Define the range in the ID range field of the Project dialog (Project settings).
You can modify the ID range by double-clicking the row that contains the ID
range. MagiCAD confirms "Are you sure that you want to change the active ID
range?". The ID Range dialog opens.

Define the ID range in this dialog. The range is based on the Start ID ( * 1000)
value. For example, if the start ID is 0, the range is 0..999; if the start ID is 1, the
range is 1000..1999, and so on.
If the ID range is e.g. 1000..1999, the possible ID numbers for the new symbols
are given within this ID range.

Merging the projects

There are several phases and alternatives when projects are merged. The
following paragraphs describe the alternatives for different purposes.

Moving the drawing to another project

(command: MECHP)
When the same project has been edited in several locations, and it has not been
possible to use a shared project file, this function can be used for moving the
drawing under a different project.
Follow these steps to proceed. The project, which is merged, is called sub-
project, and the project, to which the other projects are merged, is called main
1. Copy or move the project files (.mep) of the sub-projects to the directory
where the main project file (.mep) is located.

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2. Copy or move the drawings of the sub-projects to the directory of the main
project drawings, or create a new directory for the drawings of the sub-
3. Open a drawing of a sub-project, and run the MECHP command. The
Select Project dialog opens. Select the main project in the dialog, and click
the Select button. The Project Data to Merge dialog opens.

The dialog contains all information of the sub-project that is different from
the main project.
For the products that do not exist in the main project (i.e. the ID number is
not in use), the program selects Add as the operation. In this case, the
products are added to the main project.
For the products with a dash ( - ) in the Operation column, you need to
select the operation. Click the right mouse button on the row to select the
* Do not merge – the product is not merged to the main project.
* Merge (add using original ID) – the product is merged to the main
project, but the values for the product will be taken from the main project.
* Create new – the program creates a new product with a new ID to the
main project.
* Map/Overwrite – with this operation you can select the product of the
main project whose values you will use for the selected product. If an
exactly similar product is found from the main project, word Identical is
displayed in the dialog.
Once you have made the selections, click Ok – Merge to merge the data.
After the merge it is recommended to open the Project dialog in the sub-
projects; the program is then able to make the connection between the
drawing and the project.

Reading data from another project (Merge)

You can read products from other projects with the Merge Project function (in
the Project dialog). When you click the Merge Project button, the Merge Project
dialog opens:

44 • Chapter 4. Project management

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Select the project from which you want to read the data.
Select the groups you want to include: electric/tele/data/cable route systems,
cables, cable trays, and devices.
Once you have selected the project and groups, click the Compare Data button
to check if there is information that is changed. If there is, the Project Data to
Merge dialog opens.

The dialog contains all information of the sub-project that is different from the
main project.
For the products that do not exist in the main project (i.e. the ID number is not in
use), the program selects Add as the operation. In this case, the products are
added to the main project.

For the products with a dash ( - ) in the Operation column, you need to select the
operation. Click the right mouse button on the row to select the operation:
* Do not merge – the product is not merged to the main project.

Chapter 4. Project management • 45

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* Merge (add using original ID) – the product is merged to the main project, but
the values for the product will be taken from the main project.
* Create new – the program creates a new product with a new ID to the main
* Map/Overwrite – with this operation you can select the product of the main
project whose values you will use for the selected product. If an exactly similar
product is found from the main project, word Identical is displayed in the dialog.
Once you have made the selections, click Ok – Merge to merge the data. After
the merge it is recommended to open the Project dialog in the sub-projects; the
program is then able to make the connection between the drawing and the

You can select several rows if you hold down the Shift or Ctrl key. However, to
prevent unwanted overwriting it is not possible to overwrite the products of the
active project.

Removing unused products from the project

With this function you can remove all products that are not in use anywhere in
the model drawing list.
Please note that the program takes into account only those drawings that are in
the model drawing list. The purging function does not remove products from the
drawings that are not in the model drawing list.
Start the function by clicking the Purge button in the Project Management
dialog. The Purge dialog opens, containing the list of drawings the purge
function will check. The products that are in use in the listed drawings will not
be removed; all other products will be removed.

When you click Ok, a new dialog opens and displays all products that would be

46 • Chapter 4. Project management

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If you want to leave a product to the project, clear the checkbox of the product in
the list.
Note: You can select several rows with Shift or Ctrl key down. Next, when you
click the right mouse button on the Purge column, you can choose between
Select for Purge and Unselect from Purge.

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Chapter 5. Drawing preferences

Text styles and scales

You can define the following settings in the Drawing Preferences dialog:
• Block attributes – text style
• 2D-scale – settings for the general 2D factor
• Section boundaries – visibility of the section boundaries
This function affects only the active drawing.
With this function you can select the 2D scale factors to the objects and the text
style for the symbol attributes.
Note that these settings affect only the new objects that are placed in the
drawing. The settings of the objects that are already drawn are changed with the
Change Properties function.
Click the Drawing Properties toolbar button. The Drawing Preferences dialog

Choose the suitable text style from the list. The text styles are defined in the
project management.

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Select in the 2D Scale options the objects you want the scale factor affect.
This factor has an effect on devices (luminaires, sockets, etc) if the Use general
2D scale factor of the drawing option is selected in the project management.
If the Show section mark boundaries option is selected, all boundaries of the
section area are showed, otherwise only the arrows appear in the drawing.

Chapter 5. Drawing preferences • 49

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Chapter 6. Drawing functions

General command line functions and options

The command prompt shows the available options when the drawing command
is active. You can also open a pop-up menu of command line options by right-
clicking the mouse (this task may depend on the mouse settings). Some general
command line options (the hotkey is inside parentheses):
• Options (o)
• Direction (d) with the devices whose direction you can change
• Array (a) – placing several devices at a time
• Back (b) – reverse drawing of the cable or cable route to the
previous point
• Z (z) – elevation change when you draw a cable or a cable route
• Connect/noConnect (c)– connecting to a cable tray
• Connection Node (n) – adding the connection point (arrow
symbol) between storeys
In addition, the pop-up menu always contains the following options:
• Enter, accept and end drawing
• Cancel, reject the drawn parts
• Pan
• Zoom

The following information appear in the command line:

• cable number (with cables)
• name of the system
• material (with cables)
• product name (with devices)
• installation method
• width and height of the cable tray (or conduit diameter)
• elevation
• user code

50 • Chapter 6. Drawing functions

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Placing the devices

Drawing is often started by placing the products to the 2D drawing. The products
are chosen with the selection dialogs, which are opened by clicking the
corresponding toolbar buttons.
When you place several devices at the same time (Array option), define the
number of rows and columns, as well as the possible connections between the
devices, in the Array Options dialog.

The devices are placed evenly. If SNAP is on, the devices are placed in the snap
points, and if there are devices on top of each other, the excess devices are left
off. With the Cable Options button you can modify the properties of the
connecting cable (for further information, see "Cables").

Product selection dialogs

When you select the drawing function of a device (by clicking the toolbar button
or by typing the command), the first call of the function opens the selection
dialog (Select Device). The dialog shows a list of the products that belong to the
project and to the product group.
As default, the dialogs contain the system, product group, and elevation. You
can change all these properties if necessary.
Select the device by clicking on the suitable symbol in the Product dialog pane
and clicking OK.
While the selection function is active, you can open each product selection
dialog either by opening the pop-up menu and selecting Options, or by typing
the "hotkey" (o) at the command prompt.
You can resize the selection dialogs, and they "remember" their locations and
You can use the Save to Toolbar function to place the device to a separate
toolbar ("favorites" toolbar). You can later pick the device quickly from the
toolbar when you need to place it again (see the toolbar description later).
Adding/removing/changing the device types, and changing the properties, is
done in the project management function.

Chapter 6. Drawing functions • 51

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"Favorites" toolbar
The most used devices can be collected in a separate toolbar. In the device
selection dialog, click Save to Toolbar.
It is possible to include 20 devices in the Favorites toolbar. You can remove the
device from the toolbar by right-clicking the button and selecting Delete button.
The buttons are sorted automatically in the toolbar according to their systems. If
you want to add a device that is already in the system and has also the same
system, the button blinks in the toolbar.
In addition to the product data, the system, user code, and elevation are saved in
the toolbar. This information is shown in a "tooltip" when the cursor is located
on the button. If you want to change these settings before you place the device
on the drawing, select Options at the command prompt.

General symbols
Select the General Symbols from the editing menu
Select the symbol and define the elevation. It is possible to define also the length
and height for the symbols that are scaled according to their dimensions. You
can change the dimension afterwards with the Part Properties function.
With the Options command line option you can change the symbol, and with the
Direction option you can rotate the symbol before placing it in the drawing.
You can also create general symbols in the same way you create other symbols
(the Create User Symbol function). Select "General symbol" as the group. For
further information see chapter "Creating user-defined symbols".

Drawing wires and cables

Start drawing by selecting the Cables function (depending on the system, either
from the Electric or Tele menu). The drawing functions are similar with both
cable types.
When you start the drawing function for the first time in the working session, the
Cable Options dialog opens. You can define the following properties for the

52 • Chapter 6. Drawing functions

MagiCAD Electrical

• General – general properties

• System
• Material – cable material
• Installation method
• Status
• Linetype – 1D linetype
• Cable number – You can set a cable number for the cable you are
drawing in the Number for next cable field. With the next free
button you can make MagiCAD find the next free cable number
from all model drawings. Cable number is editable also in the
circuit dialog after installing a circuit and in Part Properties.
MagiCAD recognizes the highest amount of digits in cable
numbers and uses the same amount when using the next free
Note: You can easily create cable lists with reports by using the
cable number variable.
Note: To make your cable numbers similar give the desired number
of digits already for the first cable number.
Note: MagiCAD will not give a warning if you input a duplicate
number. You should use the next free button always when inserting
a new number.
• XY-Routing; Routing the wire/cable: Direct drawing, direct
drawing with 90° bend to the side (Orthogonal) or Side automatic.
If the side automatic option is selected, the "curvature" of the cable
is given in the dy field. With a negative value the connection cables
can be draw to the opposite side.

Chapter 6. Drawing functions • 53

MagiCAD Electrical

• Connection box – the default connection/distribution box. If you

use the boX drawing option, or start drawing the cable from an
existing cable (ie. a branch), this type of box is placed
If the box type is not defined, and/or the Select box always option
is selected, the box selection dialog opens every time you start
drawing from an existing cable (=a branch).
• Presentation – presentation mode of the cable. You can choose
between Direct line segments (straight cable), Curved cable, or
Corner radius (the bend radius that is set to a straight cable).
• Corners – corner type of the cable
• Sharp – sharp angle
• Rounded – rounded angle; set the radius of the corner in the
Radius field
• Bevelled – bevelled angle; set the distance between the bevel
and the theoretical corner point in the Distance field
• Elevation – whether the elevation of the cable is defined according
to the highest point, lowest point, or start point. The vertical cable
(ie. cable in the z direction) is drawn according to this selection.
• Device basepoint; This basepoint defines whether the cable is
connected to the insertion point of the device or freely to the
nearest point – and whether to trim the end of the cable to the edge
of the symbol.
Give the start point of the cable. You can change the elevation, which appears
also in the command line, with the Elevation option. You can give the new
elevation as a numeric value or according to another part (Show reference part
With the Options command line option you can change the cable drawing
In this phase of the drawing session you can also open the pop-up menu for more
drawing options (or use the corresponding hotkeys at the command prompt). The
drawing options:
• Enter – accepts and ends drawing
• Cancel – rejects the drawn parts
• noConnect <> Connect if found – in close spaces you can avoid
the cable connecting to another cable or device if you select the
noConnect option. You can reactivate connections by selecting the
Connect if found option.
• Options – opens the Cable Options dialog. Note that cables are
handled as whole cables when they are drawn. If linetype,
installation code, xy-routing, presentation or corners are changed
during cable drawing, MagiCAD will split the cable into several
entities but they will be linked together as a whole cable. Cables
have four significant properties: system, material, cable number
and status. If one or more of these is changed during cable drawing
the cable will be cut and a junction box is forced to be installed. If
a junction box that has two cables connected to it is removed the
cables are connected as a whole cable if the significant properties
are the same for both cables. Otherwise they are left as separate
cables. The link between two entities of the same cable is also lost
if the two connected ends are separated too far from each other
(100 times world scale).

54 • Chapter 6. Drawing functions

MagiCAD Electrical

• Back – backs to the previous connection

• Z – elevation change (functions similar to the Elevation option).
Contains also the option for changing the elevation angle (Angle to
• Options – opens the Cable Options dialog
• Back
• Z – elevation change. Give the new elevation in the dialog (you can
also select a reference object) and define the angle that is used
when the cables on different elevations are connected (the default
value is 90°)
• connection Node – arrow symbol to the end of the cable (the same
option also applies to cable packet and cable route drawing
functios). When you select this option, the Create Connection
Node dialog opens and you can select the suitable arrow symbol. In
the project management dialog you can select default symbols for
the cables, cable packets and cable routes leading to different
• boX – adds a branch/connection box at the end of the cable. If a
default box symbol is defined in the cable drawing options, it is
used. If it is not defined, the Select Box dialog opens.
• cuRved <> diRect – switches between the presentation modes of
the cable
• Circuit – adds a circuit symbol at the end of the cable (electric
cables only)
• Pan
• Zoom
The box and connection node symbols can be placed either at the start point or
the endpoint; the circuit symbol can be placed only at the endpoint.
When the cable is completely drawn, give the endpoint (Enter).

When you select this option, the Circuit Information dialog opens, and you can
define the following circuit properties:

Chapter 6. Drawing functions • 55

MagiCAD Electrical

• General – general properties

• Circuit number – If you prefer, you can leave this field blank,
define the circuit numbers in the switchboard schematic, and
update the circuit numbers from the switchboard schematic to
the groups.
• Circuit type – These are defined in the project management
(Power circuit types).
• Description 1, 2, and 3 – Here you can define free description
texts for the circuit. You can show these description texts e.g.
in the texts or switchboard schematic.
• Power – the active power for the circuit
• Diversity factor – a factor for calculating the current. It is the
ratio between the simultaneous maximum demand of a group
and the sum of their individual maximum demands within the
same period. This factor is currently used when transferring
the network to be calculated in calculation software such as
Febdok via IFC Calculation Export. It is recommended to use
value 1 as the factor in the connections between switchboards.
• Cable – type of the cable and cable number. If the cable
material is selected for the cable that this circuit connects to,
the material is derived to this field automatically. Cable
number cannot be given when installing the circuit. If a cable
number is given already for the cable when installing the
circuit, it is visible in the field.

56 • Chapter 6. Drawing functions

MagiCAD Electrical

• Phases – Select the phases that are used by the circuit. You can
also select the neutral conductor and earthing wire. Currently, these
values have meaning if the network is transferred to calculation
software such as Febdok for calculations.
• Protection, overload and fault current protection
• Switchboard – select the switchboard to which the group is
attached. When you click the Select button, a dialog opens for
switchboard selection.
You can attach the circuit to a switchboard that is either in the
current drawing or in another drawing in the model drawing list.
When you click the Deselect button, you can disconnect the circuit
from the switchboard.
Note: If there are switchboard areas defined in the drawing, and the
circuit is inside the switchboard area, it is not necessary to connect
the circuit separately to the switchboard; it belongs automatically to
the switchboard that is supplying the area. However, these kinds of
circuits are not exported in the IFC Calculation Export.
• Cable packet – connection to the cable packet
If you prefer, you can connect the circuit to a cable packet. Click
the Connect button and the packet to which you want to connect
with the cable. The cable length is calculated according to the most
direct route from the circuit symbol to the shown cable packet.
• Schematic symbol – selecting the schematic symbol
Click the Select Symbol button to open the dialog where you can
select the symbol.
• Symbol – selecting the circuit symbol
You can modify this information later with the Part Properties function (the
Circuit Information dialog opens). Then you can also change the cable material
and cable number.

Other information
You can cut the cable/wire with the Break Cable/Cable Packet/Cable Route
function. Click two points at the cable. The part between the points is removed.
If you start drawing from an open end of another cable,
MagiCAD will check for all conflicts that appear between the existing cable and
the new cable and open the Different Properties dialog if it finds any conflicts.
The available selections in the dialog are:
• Use all properties of the selected objects
This option will use all the properties shown in the dialog from the
selected object.
• Use all properties of the current options
This option will use all the properties shown in the dialog from the
currently active settings.
• Copy selected properties from the selected object
With this option on you can select the wanted properties from the
selected object to the currently active properties and use those. Use
double-click to copy properties.

Chapter 6. Drawing functions • 57

MagiCAD Electrical

Note: The properties that are not shown in the dialog are already the same or are
taken from the current settings.
Note: If linetype, installation code, xy-routing, presentation or corners are
changed MagiCAD will split the cable into several entities but they will be
linked together as a whole cable. Cables have four significant properties: system,
material (product), cable number and status. If one or more of these is changed
the cable will be cut and a junction box is forced to be installed.
Note: If a device is installed in the middle of a cable the cable will be split into
two pieces. They will still have the same properties as the original though so if
the original cable already had a cable number both of the two “new” cables will
have the same cable number. MagiCAD gives a message if this happens.
Note: If a device is installed in the middle of a cable and the cable already has an
IFC GUID MagiCAD will reset the IFC GUID. New ones will be created in the
next IFC export.

Drawing wire/cable packets

The pop-up menu contains the same AutoCAD options as the cable drawing
function, plus Back, Options, Z, and Arrow.
If you select Options, a dialog containing the following information opens:

58 • Chapter 6. Drawing functions

MagiCAD Electrical

• General – system information and status information. System type

cannot be changed. Select the System. It is possible to define a
system-dependent layer for the cable packets by using the {SV}
variable in the project management.
• 1D linetype – line type and width
• Elevation – the definition of the elevation: according to the highest
point, the lowest point, or the startpoint of the route.
• Connection basepoint – this basepoint defines whether the cable
packet is connected to the insertion point of the device or freely to
the nearest point.
• Corners – corner type of the cable packet
• Sharp – sharp angle
• Rounded – rounded angle; set the radius of the corner in the
Radius field
• Bevelled – bevelled angle; set the distance between the bevel
and the theoretical corner point in the Distance field
You can break the cable packet with the Break Cable/Cable Packet/Cable Route
function. Click two points at the cable packet. The part between the points is
Note: Cable packets are handled more strictly than cables. You cannot connect a
packet to another packet unless they have completely the same properties.
MagiCAD also forces all properties to be taken from the selected object when
continuing to draw an existing cable packet.

Chapter 6. Drawing functions • 59

MagiCAD Electrical

Logical connections and reports of the tele, data, and

BA devices

Settings of the devices

You can define whether it is possible to connect other devices to a device, and
whether the device needs a power supply. These settings are made in the product
dialogs in the project management.

The settings are otherwise similar to electric devices, but with tele/data/BA
devices it is also possible to make the following settings:

• Connections
• Sub-devices can be connected. Max no of conn. – Here you
can define whether it is possible to connect sub-devices to the
device (that is, whether the device is a host device). In
addition, the maximum number of host devices is given, and
when this value is exceeded, the program gives a warning.

• Power supply
• Has power supply – Here you can define whether the device
requires power. If this option is selected, give the voltage as
Volts and the power as Watts. Also, when this option is
selected, it is possible to connect to this device with an electric
cable without the program giving warnings.

Defining the logical connections

It is possible to make logical connections between the host device and the sub-
devices, that is, defining e.g. the devices that are controlled by a router.

60 • Chapter 6. Drawing functions

MagiCAD Electrical

Start making the connections by clicking the Build Logical Connection toolbar
button. Next, show the device that will be the host device, and select the devices
(by clicking or selecting a rectangular area) that will be supplied by the host
device. Finally, accept your choices with the right mouse button.
NOTE: Before you define the connections, you can select the following options
from the pop-up-menu, which opens when you click the right mouse button:
• External dwg – you can select the host device from another drawing.
• Options – here you can choose if the number of devices connected to
the host device is checked (i.e. if it exceeds the maximum number that
is defined for the host device):
o Do not check
o Check current drawing – the number is checked from the
active drawing
o Check all model drawings – the number is checked from all
drawings that are included in the Model drawings list
AutoCAD command line informs how many connections are allowed to be made
to the host device and how many devices are currently connected – for example:
Number of connected sub-devices: 6 (10) in all model drawings.

Checking the logical connections, report

The connections can be checked, and reports can be made of the connections,
with the Check and Report Logical Connections function. When you click the
toolbar button of the function, the Report type dialog opens.

Chapter 6. Drawing functions • 61

MagiCAD Electrical

Objects to list – select which objects are displayed

• Devices which are connected to the selected host device – the
program displays the connected devices
• Devices which are not connected to any host device – the program
displays the connections which are not connected to any host device
Host – select the host device whose connections you want to check
• If you click the “…” button, you can choose the host device from any
drawing that is included in the Model drawings list. The Select Host
Device dialog opens, and you can select the host device.
• If you want to select the device from the active drawing, the Select from
current drawing option must be selected.
Drawings – select the scope of the report
• Current drawing
• All model drawings – all drawings that are included in the Model
drawings list are checked.
Systems – select which systems are to be checked (All tele, data and BA systems
or Selected system)
Report type – select the style of the report
• Draw to garbage layer – a line is drawn from the host device to all
devices that are connected to it. The line is drawn on
MAGI_GARBAGE layer, and it can be removed with the Clear
Garbage Layer function.
• Text report – the program outputs a text report, which can be copied
e.g. to an Excel sheet through the clipboard. The report includes the
following information:
o Object ID – the device identifier, which can be set manually
or defined as automatic in the Project Management dialog
o System – the system to which the device belongs
o Product description – the description that is defined in the
product dialog
o Distance – the distance to the host device
Route – there are two types or routing for calculating the distance between the
host device and the sub-device.
• Direct – the distance directly from the host device to the sub-device
• Orthogonal – the program calculates the distance from the host device
to the sub-device with a 90° angle
If the Select from current drawing option is selected, show the device of which
you want to output the report.

Drawing cable routes

Cable routes are divided into two types:
• Conduits
• Cable trays / cable racks

62 • Chapter 6. Drawing functions

MagiCAD Electrical

When you use this function for the first time, the Conduit Options dialog opens.

• General – system, status, conduit type, conduit diameter (default

diameter of the conduit type is defined in the Project
• Linetype
• Elevation
• Presentation – curved line (Curved) or straight line (Direct line
segments). If you have selected the presentation with direct line
segments, you can define the “thickness” in wireframe presentation
for the conduit in the W field. In 3D presentation the size of the
conduit is taken from the Diameter field.
When you later use the conduit drawing function, you can define the new
settings with the Options from the pop-up menu and in the command line.

Cable trays and cable racks

When you use this function for the first time, the Cable Tray Options dialog

Chapter 6. Drawing functions • 63

MagiCAD Electrical

• Tray system – system of the cable tray. The default system for the
cable routes can be set in the project management.
• Status – status for the cable tray
• Alignment – the “guidance” for drawing the tray. If the Cable tray
is swapped option is selected, the tray has been rotated “sideways”
(to be installed on a wall).
• 2D Linetype
• Dimensions
• Fitting types – types (appearances) for bends, reductions, and
branches. In the Inner bend radius field you can define the radius
of the inner bend to certain bend types. If you want to draw also the
2D filling symbol to the bends, select the Hatch bend in 2D option.
Note: If you use the reduction type none, MagiCAD will cut trays
with different properties to different entities, but because of the
advanced handling of trays inside MagiCAD they can still be
stretched together. The same applies when starting to draw from
and end part of an existing tray with different properties.
• Product – cable tray type
You can start drawing the tray from an empty space or by connecting to an
existing tray (or its bend/branch). The program places a suitable branch piece
automatically, or modifies the existing bend/branch, if drawing is started from an
existing cable tray or its bend/branch. MagiCAD first checks for conflicts as it
does with cables and conduits also when you start by connecting to a cable tray.
The Different Properties dialog has the same options as mentioned before.
The Connect option is on by default when drawing is started. This way you can
click the suitable location at the cable tray to which you want to connect. Note
that if you want to connect to another tray, the Connect option must be on.

64 • Chapter 6. Drawing functions

MagiCAD Electrical

If you connect in the middle of a cable tray with a new tray (when you finish the
drawing of the new tray) the current options are forced to be used.
If you want to start drawing from an empty place, click the right mouse button
and select noConnect from the pop-up menu. Next, click the location from which
you want to start drawing – the Elevation dialog opens.
In the Elevation dialog you can set the elevation for drawing the cable tray. If
you prefer, you can set the elevation according to a reference object.

When you draw cable tray to one direction and then backwards (i.e. on top of the
recently drawn cable tray section), the cable tray section is not drawn "twice" –
instead, the cable tray ends to the point where you end "reversing". You can also
use the Back command from the pop-up menu.

Stretching cable trays

By selecting the free end of the cable tray you can e.g. lengthen the cable tray.
By clicking on the middle of the cable tray you can move the cable tray line.
If you want to change the elevation of the cable tray, select first the Z option
from the pop-up menu, which opens when you click the right mouse button.
Next, click the tray whose elevation you want to change, and give a new
elevation in the Elevation dialog.
If you select a bend or a branch, the bends convert according to the way you
move the cursor, and the cable trays attached to the bends and branches are also

Changing the cable tray width and height

The Cable Tray Dimensions dialog opens, and you can define the new width
and/or height of the cable tray (max 2000 mm).
You can also choose how to change the dimensions. You can change the width
evenly to both sides or to the clicked side only, and the height evenly to both
sides, upwards (top), or downwards (bottom).

Chapter 6. Drawing functions • 65

MagiCAD Electrical

Breaking the cable routes

Select the Break Cable/Cable Packet/Cable Route function and click two points
at the cable tray. The part between the points is removed.

Cable tray crossing

With this function it is possible to make underpasses/overpasses of the cable
trays that are drawn.
Select the Cable Tray Crossing function.
Show the two points of the cable tray (the piece between the points will move
When you have shown both points, the Height Difference dialog opens. Set a
new elevation for the cable tray section and select the angle for making the
underpass/overpass. You can also set the elevation using the Top of…, Center
of…; and Bottom of… options.
Accept the settings with OK. The cable tray piece between the points will move
to the selected elevation.

66 • Chapter 6. Drawing functions

MagiCAD Electrical

Chapter 7. Switchboard
schematic functions

You can create a switchboard schematic from one or several plan drawings. If
your plan drawing consists of circuits, you can create a switchboard schematic
automatically. All group information can be transferred to the switchboard
schematic; description, fuse type, cable type, schematic symbol, circuit number,
After you have created the switchboard schematic, you can change the circuit
information, and if necessary, update it to your plan drawings. Likewise, if you
change circuit information in your plan drawings, you can update it to the
switchboard schematic.
MagiCAD Electrical controls the information that it transferred between
drawings. For example, if several circuits with the same circuit number appear
when you try to update the data, MagiCAD warns about it. It is, however,
possible to update, but you are informed about the errors if they occur.

Creating a switchboard schematic

Create a new drawing, save it, and attach it to your project (which also contains
the plan drawing).
You can create and modify switchboard schema models in the project
management (select Switchboard schematic def. in the Project dialog).

Switchboard schematic preview

Once you have created/selected the suitable model for the switchboard schema
and closed the Project dialog, you can preview your switchboard schema by
clicking the Switchboard Report and Schematic Preview toolbar button. The
Switchboard Report dialog opens.

Chapter 7. Switchboard schematic functions • 67

MagiCAD Electrical

Select the model for the switchboard schematic (Report Model). The models are
defined in the project management.
Select the switchboard by clicking the Select button. The Select Switchboard
dialog opens.

68 • Chapter 7. Switchboard schematic functions

MagiCAD Electrical

Select the drawing where the switchboard is (note: only the drawings that are in
the model drawing list are shown in the dialog), and select the switchboard.
Close the dialog with Ok.
Select the drawing(s) you want to include in the switchboard schematic
(Drawing of the circuits). If the Show only if includes groups for this
switchboard option is selected, only the drawings with connections to the
selected switchboard are shown.
Click OK. The Report dialog opens, containing a list of the groups that are
connected to the selected switchboard.
You can copy the texts to the clipboard to be pasted to another application, e.g.

Placing the switchboard schematic

Start placing the switchboard schema to the drawing by clicking the Create
Switchboard Schematic toolbar button. The Switchboard Schematic dialog

Chapter 7. Switchboard schematic functions • 69

MagiCAD Electrical

Select the model for the switchboard schematic (Report Model). The models are
defined in the project management. If Create header only option is selected, only
the header row of the switchboard schematic is placed.

70 • Chapter 7. Switchboard schematic functions

MagiCAD Electrical

Select the switchboard by clicking the Select button. The Select Switchboard
dialog opens.

Select the drawing where the switchboard is (note: only the drawings that are in
the model drawing list are shown in the dialog), and select the switchboard.
Close the dialog with Ok.
In the Base point fields you can define the precise location (X, Y) for the
switchboard schematic. Alternatively, you can choose to click the location in the
drawing (in this case select the Specify on screen option).
Select the drawing(s) you want to include in the switchboard schematic
(Drawing of the Circuits). If the Show only if includes groups for this
switchboard option is selected, only the drawings with connections to the
selected switchboard are shown.
If Explode top level blocks is selected, the schematic blocks are automatically
exploded when the schematic is created.
Accept your choices with OK. The switchboard schematic can be e.g. like in the
following picture:

Chapter 7. Switchboard schematic functions • 71

MagiCAD Electrical

Editing switchboard schematics

Edit Row
Click the Edit Row toolbar button to start modifying a row in the switchboard
schema. The search circle appears. Click the row you want to modify. The
Switchboard Schematic Row dialog opens.

This pane shows the data that is included in the switchboard schematic. Double-
click a field to modify the data in it.
Referred Circuit Symbol:
• Drawing – This field shows the name of the drawing where the
group resides
• Read values from the circuit symbol – Click this button to update
the data that is defined for the circuit symbol in the plan drawing,
to the table.

Insert Row
Click the Insert Row toolbar button to add a row to the switchboard schema. The
Insert Schematic Row dialog opens.

• Empty row without data columns – You can add empty rows
without data columns (i.e. blank lines). Give the quantity in the No.
of similar rows to insert field.

72 • Chapter 7. Switchboard schematic functions

MagiCAD Electrical

• Empty row with data columns – You can add empty rows
containing data columns (i.e. modifiable switchboard schematic
rows). Give the quantity in the No. of similar rows to insert field.
• Select circuit type from project – You can add as many rows of a
particular circuit type as you prefer. When you select this option
and click Ok, the Select Circuit Type dialog opens and you can also
select the switchboard schematic symbol if needed.
• Select circuit(s) from drawing – You can select circuits from the
drawings that are included in the project. When you select this
option and click Ok, the Insert Circuit dialog opens.

Select the drawings from where to search the circuits. If the Show
only if includes circuits for this switchboard option is selected, only
the drawings containing connections to the active switchboard
appear in the list.
Select the circuits to be included. If the Don't show if already in the
schematic option is selected, the circuits that are already in the
switchboard schematic are not shown (in this example, one circuit
is included in the plan drawing).
With the Select all function you can select all circuits. MagiCAD
Electrical does not select the circuits that are already in the

Chapter 7. Switchboard schematic functions • 73

MagiCAD Electrical

Note: When you add row(s), MagiCAD prompts you to select the row above
which the new row(s) are added. If you want to add the rows to the end of the
switchboard schematic, use the End option.

Insert Circuit from Plan

This function is the same as Select circuit from drawing in the Insert Row

Delete Row
Click the Delete Row toolbar button and select the row you want to delete.

Move Row
Click the Move Row toolbar button and select the row you want to move. Next,
show the new location.

Change Column Width

Click the Change Column Width toolbar button and click the column whose
width you want to change. The cursor attaches the left border of the column, and
you can broaden or narrow the column by moving the border.

Add Symbol to Row

Click the Add Symbol to Row toolbar button. The Select Symbol dialog opens.

Select the right subgroup, the market area/areas (Series), and the symbol you
want to add.
When Explode top level block when install is selected, the schematic block is
automatically exploded when it is placed. The possible sub-blocks (components)
remain as blocks.
Click Ok after selecting the symbol, and then click the row where you want to
add the symbol.

74 • Chapter 7. Switchboard schematic functions

MagiCAD Electrical

Add Detail Symbol

Click the Add Detail Symbol toolbar button. The Select Symbol dialog opens.

Select the right subgroup, the market area (Series), and the symbol you want to
add. Click Ok to accept your choices.
You can place the symbol into an empty space (in this case select the noConnect
drawing option) or on a line. You can also place a detail symbol in the line of a
switchboard schema block. In this case MagiCAD Electrical asks: Explode
selected block reference?. If you answer Yes, the block is exploded and the detail
symbol can break the line, if necessary, when it is placed. If you answer No, the
detail symbol is placed on the line without breaking it.

Draw Rail
With this function you can draw polylines (rails) in the switchboard schema. If
you click the right mouse button when you start drawing, you can set the width
of the polyline. The default value is 0, and the line is thin. If the value is 1, the
the polyline will have the same width than the “piece of rail” in the switchboard
schema symbols.

Add Text
With this function you can write free text to the switchboard schema. You can
select the style and size for the text. You can also emphasize the text with
reference line and borders.
You can modify an existing text with the Part Properties function. The text can
be stretched with the Stretch Text function.

Updating data from plan drawings to the switchboard

With the Check Data and Update from Plan Drawings function you can
"download" the changes made in the plan drawings to the switchboard

Chapter 7. Switchboard schematic functions • 75

MagiCAD Electrical

The Messages dialog opens containing a list of the possible changes (e.g.
different description, different cable).

Click the Update button to update the changes to the switchboard schematic.
For closer look of some situation, you can zoom the corresponding circuit. Select
the group and click the Zoom to Center button. MagiCAD searches the location,
brings it to the center of the screen and marks it with a cross. You can remove
the cross with the Clear Garbage Layer function.

Circuit Renumbering
With this function you can renumber all circuits or the circuits in a selected area.
Click the Circuit Renumbering toolbar button to start the function. The
Schematic Numbers dialog opens.

Select the type of numbering (Increment Method) and give the first circuit
number (First Number). Select with the Range options whether to renumber the
circuits in the selected area (Select first and last circuit) or All circuits.

76 • Chapter 7. Switchboard schematic functions

MagiCAD Electrical

Creating switchboard schematic symbols

With the Create Switchboard Schematic Symbol function you can define new
symbols to be used in the switchboard schematics.
First, draw the symbol to the symbol column of the switchboard schematic row.
Next, click the Create Switchboard Schematic Symbol toolbar button.
MagiCAD asks you to select the objects you want to include in the symbol.
Select the objects and click the right mouse button. The User Symbol dialog

Give the following information in the Block Properties:

• Series – Select the series where you want to add the symbol (USR
= User)
• Group – Select the subgroup in which you want to add the symbol.
• Name suffix – Give the name for the symbol.
• Reset all entities to BYBLOCK – If this option is selected,
MagiCAD converts all lines to BYBLOCK mode.
• Reset elevations to 0 – if this option is selected, all objects are
moved to the zero elevation
• Convert source entities to block – If this option is selected, the
selected object are converted to a block.
The Block name field shows the name of the symbol.
Accept your settings with Ok. MagiCAD creates the symbol and saves it to the
user symbol database. The user-defined symbols appear in the symbol selection
dialogs when USR is selected.

Creating detail symbols

With the Create Detail Symbol function you can create new detail symbols to be
used in the switchboard schematics.
First, draw the symbol in the symbol column of the switchboard schematic.
Next, click the Create Detail Symbol toolbar button. MagiCAD Electrical
prompts you to select the objects you want to include in the symbol. Select the
objects and accept them by clicking the right mouse button. Next, set the
insertion point for the object. The User Symbol dialog opens.

Chapter 7. Switchboard schematic functions • 77

MagiCAD Electrical

Give the following information in Block Properties:

• Series – Select the series where you want to add the symbol (USR
= User)
• Group – Select the subgroup in which you want to add the symbol.
• Name suffix – Give the name for the symbol.
• Reset all entities to BYBLOCK – If this option is selected,
MagiCAD converts all lines to BYBLOCK mode.
• Reset elevations to 0 – if this option is selected, all objects are
moved to the zero elevation
• Convert source entities to block – If this option is selected, the
selected object are converted to a block.
The Block name field shows the name of the symbol.
Accept your settings with Ok. MagiCAD creates the symbol and saves it to the
user symbol database. The user-defined symbols appear in the symbol selection
dialogs when USR is selected.

Explode Switchboard Schematic Symbol

With this function you can explode switchboard schematic blocks. This function
differs from AutoCAD's EXPLODE so that the lines of the exploded block retain
the layer even after exploding.
This function is useful e.g. when you want to modify an existing block and then
create a new block of it.

Updating data from to the switchboard schematic to

plan drawings
Updating data from the switchboard schematic to the plan drawings is done in
the same way as updating data in the other direction, except the Check Data and
Update from Switchboard Schematic function is used.

78 • Chapter 7. Switchboard schematic functions

MagiCAD Electrical

Select the switchboard schematic drawing and click Ok. The Messages dialog
opens. Update the data by clicking the Update button.

Checking the switchboards and circuits

With the Check Switchboards and Power Circuits function you can check what
switchboards are included in the plan drawing, search circuits that are not
connected, and search circuits that have no circuit number defined.
Click the Check Switchboards and Power Circuits toolbar button. The Select
Operation dialog opens.

Switchboards which are referred from current drawing

When you select this option, you can check the switchboards that exist in the
active drawing. When you click Ok, the Messages dialog opens, containing a list
of the switchboards.
When you select a switchboard and click the Zoom to Center button in the
Messages dialog, MagiCAD searches the switchboard and brings it to the center
of the screen.
If you click the List Groups button in the Messages dialog, you can see a lisst of
the groups that are connected to the switchboards.
All switchboards (all model drawings)
When you select this option, you can check the switchboards that exist in the
drawings that are listed in the model drawing list.
Circuits that are not connected to switchboard (current dwg)
When you select this option, you can search circuits that exist in the current
drawing but are not connected to any switchboard.
When you select a circuit and click the Zoom to Center button in the Messages
dialog, MagiCAD searches the circuit and brings it to the center of the screen.
Circuits that have no circuit number (current dwg)
When you select this option, you can search circuits that exist in the current
drawing but have no circuit number.
When you select a circuit and click the Zoom to Center button in the Messages
dialog, MagiCAD searches the circuit and brings it to the center of the screen.
Circuits that are referred from the devices of the current drawing

Chapter 7. Switchboard schematic functions • 79

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When you select this option, you can search circuits having reference to a device
from the current drawing. The function also sums up the power of the devices
that are connected to the circuit, and outputs the total power in the report.
Devices that are not connected to a circuit (current drawing)
With this option you can select devices with no circuit reference from the current

80 • Chapter 7. Switchboard schematic functions

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Chapter 8. Other functions

Edit Storey Properties

It is now possible to give the storey location in x, y, and z direction, which
makes it possible to display also the absolute elevation of the objects in the
reference texts. Also, IFC Export can place the storey to the right location.
In addition, the new functions of tele/data/BA devices can calculate the distance
to the host device much more accurately than without the storey information.
It is also possible to define the connections between storeys (e.g. cable routes
and cable packets) with the help of the storey information. Different kinds of
calculations are accurate, because the entire distance from the circuit to the
switchboard can be calculated.
Click the Edit Storey Properties toolbar button. The Storey Properties dialog

Storey origin in dwg – Here you can, if necessary, define the location of the
storey origin (bottom-left corner). You can also set the rotation angle for the

Chapter 8. Other functions • 81

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You can also use the Move origin button to set the location and rotation angle.
The location of the bottom-left corner of the storey (i.e. storey origin) and the
direction of the positive x-axis are set with this function. Start the function, show
the location of the corner and then show the direction of the x-axis.
In many cases the best solution is to set the corner point of the storey to the
bottom-left corner of the building. However, it can be set to another location.
Sometimes a guideline can be drawn from a fixed location of the building (e.g.
elevator shaft) and the origin is set to the end of the guideline.
The best method to set to place the corner point is to zoom the view (zoom
window) to the corner of the building and use the Snap Intersection function of
AutoCAD. Press down the Ctrl key and click the right mouse button to find the
function. Click the corner of the building and show the direction of the x-axis
(usually to the right). To make sure that the direction of the x-axis is vertical,
check that ORTHO is on (F8).
Storey origin defines an adjustment point for saving the storey information (x, y,
and z coordinates, rotation angle) to the database. This information can be
changed afterwards, for example, if it is necessary to move the storey in x,y-
Building – If the storey list of the building is already modeled with MagiCAD
Room, here you can attach the drawing to the building database (project).
• Building database – Attach the drawing to the building database with
the Select button. The building database can be modified with the Edit
button. With the None button you can detach the drawing from the
building database.
• Storey – When you have selected the building database, select the
storey which the active drawing represents.
Storey origin in building – If the drawing is not attached to a building database,
you can define here the location of the storey in the building.

Connections between storeys (Connection Node)

To get correct cable lengths also in the cases where the switchboard resides in
another storey, it must be possible to take the cable packet from a storey to
another. This is possible with the connection Node option. The same option can
also be used with cable routes and single cables.
The connection Node option has replaced the Arrow option. That is, if you do
not want to take the cable, cable packet or cable route to another storey yet, but
you want only to place an arrow symbol to the end of the object, you can do that
with the connection Node option.

Initial procedures
Default symbols:
The project dialog has now a new option: Connection node defaults. Using this
option you can set a default symbol for the cables, cable packets and cable routes
that are leading to different directions. MagiCAD uses these default symbols, for
example, when a connection node is added to the upper end of a cable packet.
Correspondingly, MagiCAD uses the default symbol when a connection node is
read to the next storey.
Defining the location for the storey:
With the Edit Storey Properties function you can define the locations of the
storeys in relation to each other. For example, in case of a block of flats, set the

82 • Chapter 8. Other functions

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elevation of the floor to the z value of the storey.

Making connections between storeys

For example, if you intend to take a cable packet from storey 1 to storey 2, you
must first draw the cable to the desired elevation (in this example, to elevation
3000 in storey 1). Next, add a connection node leading upwards to the end of the
cable packet.

Then go to storey 2, and read the connection from storey 1 with the Connect
Node function (command: MEFNC).

AutoCAD’s command line shows the results of the connections:

Already successfully connected nodes: 0
Now connected nodes: 0
Created connection nodes: 1

When the symbols have been read from the other storey, you can continue
drawing from the connection node symbol.
If you want, for example, to draw a vertical cable tray that continues at the same
location in other storeys, you can draw first a vertical tray e.g. in one storey and

Chapter 8. Other functions • 83

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add connection nodes to its upper and lower ends. Next, you can create the
connection nodes to the other storeys by using the Connect Node function.
Commands related to the connection nodes:
• Connect Node
• Disconnect Node
• Connection Node Report – search connection nodes from the drawing

Device connections

With the Device Connection function you can connect several devices to a cable
at the same time, or two devices together.

Connecting the devices

Start by clicking the Device Connection toolbar button. The Device Connection
Options dialog opens and you can select the connection type. You can also give
options to the connection – for example, if you connect two devices together
with a zigzag cable, you can set the distance of the “wave crests”.

When you have selected the connection type, the program prompts you to show
the two devices (zigzag connection) or to select the devices and the cable (other

Moving and rotating the symbol attributes

With the Move Attribute function it is possible to move and rotate the fixed
attribute values.
Click the Move Attribute toolbar button and select the attribute you want to
move. When you have selected the attribute you can move it to the desired
location. You can also rotate the attribute by clicking the right mouse button and
selecting Direction from the pop-up menu.

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Moving the 2D symbol and 3D object of the device

It is possible to place devices so that the 2D symbol and 3D object have separate
insertion points. It is also possible to move and rotate the 2D symbol and 3D
object separately with the Move Device Symbol function. Start the function and
select the symbol whose 2D symbol or 3D object you want to move or rotate –
by default, the 3D object is selected, but if you want to move the 2D symbol
instead, click the right mouse button and select 2D from the pop-up menu.
When you have selected the 3D object or 2D symbol, you can move it to the
desired location. You can also rotate the object by clicking the right mouse
button and selecting Direction from the pop-up menu.

Defining the switchboard borders and switchboard


Switchboard borders
With the Switchboard Border function you can draw a borderline with an arrow
at its end. It is also possible to select a switchboard for the borderlines, in which
case the switchboard ID is automatically displayed. It is also possible to select a
reserve switchboard, whose ID can also be optionally displayed.
When you click the Switchboard Border toolbar button, the following dialog

• System – select the system for the switchboard border

• Width – you can set the thickness for the switchboard border line
• Elevation – you can set a specific elevation for the switchboard border
lines. However, this setting affects only the presentation.
When you have made the settings, click Ok and start drawing the switchboard
border line. Then you can select the arrow by clicking the right mouse button
and selecting the Arrow option; the Switchboard Border Arrow dialog opens:

Chapter 8. Other functions • 85

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• Primary switchboard – select the switchboard for the border

• Secondary switchboard – select the reserve switchboard for the border
• Elevation – this field displays the elevation on which the switchboard
border is drawn
• Symbol – select the symbol for the border line arrow. You can also
include the IDs of the primary and secondary switchboards, if you
Place the switchboard border arrow by clicking Ok and selecting the orientation
of the symbol.

Switchboard area
With the Switchboard Area function you can define area(s) to which you can
select the switchboard that is supplying the power. It is possible to select the
same switchboard for several areas.

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For example, if you add a circuit to a switchboard area, the circuit automatically
detects the switchboard that is supplying it – that is, it is not required to connect
the circuit to the switchboard.
When you click the Switchboard Area toolbar button, the following dialog

• Switchboard – select the supplying switchboard

• Elevation – you can set a specific elevation for the switchboard area.
However, this setting affects only the presentation.
Accept your settings with Ok, and start drawing the boundaries of the
switchboard area. The area can be of any shape; however, it must be closed.
When you have drawn at least two sides, close the area by clicking the right
mouse button and selecting Close from the pop-up menu. You can change the
size of the area afterwards e.g. with AutoCAD’s STRETCH.
It is possible to set the switchboard ID as the reference text for the switchboard
area. The supplying switchboard can be changed afterwards with the Part
Properties function.

Combination boxes
You can construct different kinds of combination boxes in the Project
Management dialog. It is possible to select several products from the project to
comprise the combination boxes.
The bill of materials function can calculate the contents of the combination
boxes as if they were placed as individual products.

Placing the combination box to the drawing

Click the Insert Combination Box toolbar button. The Combination Box dialog

Chapter 8. Other functions • 87

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• Combination box – list of all combination boxes in the project

• Included devices – list of the devices that are included in the selected
combination box. When you select a device, you can change the system
of the selected device.
• Elevation – elevation of the symbol
When the settings are suitable, you can place the combination box to the drawing
in the same way as any other device.

Extracting the combination box

It is possible to “ungroup” the combination box as symbols to the drawing. The
ungrouped combination box is a block, and it is placed on the active layer.
Click the Draw Combination Box Symbols toolbar button. The Select Device
dialog opens.

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Select the combination box you want to extract, and click Ok. Set the block to
the desired location.

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Section marks
With this function you can select the section area and draw the section marks.

The text of the section mark can contain up to eight characters (also small caps).
It is also possible to define the description text for the section mark.
The cross-section area is defined with three dimensions (Size of section):
• Lower Z – the elevation of the lower surface in relation to the floor
• Upper Z – the elevation of the upper surface in relation to the floor
• Depth – default depth
In the Section mark dialog it is also possible to select the appearance of the
You can select between the conventional section (Section) and the detailed
section (Detail).
If you select Section, draw first the crossline and press enter (or click the right
mouse button). Next, give the direction for the cross-section.
If you select Detail, define the area by drawing crossline around it, and finally
close the area by pressing Enter (or click the right mouse button). In the Detail

90 • Chapter 8. Other functions

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alternative, the section is made of the area around the boundaries, and it remains
in the 3D mode.
If the Define ref.point option is selected, you can set the installation point after
drawing the crossline. You can also set the elevation for the installation point in
the Z field.
Boundary box is drawn around the cross-section area if the Show section mark
boundary option is selected in the Drawing Preferences dialog.
The boundaries can be moved or the depth can be changed by moving the corner
grips or using the STRETCH function of AutoCAD.
The properties of the sections can be changed with the Edit Section Mark

Making the section

After you have defined the cross-section area(s), select the Make Section
function and show the boundary of the cross-section area.
Next, select the objects to be included in the cross-section.

AutoCAD objects are handled as entire blocks, that is, they are not exploded
You can also choose if you want to hide the parts automatically, and if you want
to show the name of the drawing in the cross-section. Please note that for the
time being this applies only to MagiCAD HP&V objects.
Accept your choices with OK. MagiCAD Electrical browses through the objects
and makes the cross-section image. You can then place the cross-section image
to a suitable location.

Updating the section

After you have made the cross-section, you can later update it if the cross-section
area is modified. Select the Update Section function and click the boundary of
the cross-section image. Select the items you want to update in the cross-section

Chapter 8. Other functions • 91

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Collision Control
With this function it is possible to examine the possible collisions between cable
trays. It is also possible to check the collisions between other MagiCAD
Electrical objects and MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation, AutoCAD,
and AEC objects.
Select the collision types in the options dialog (you can open it with the Options
command line option). Next define the area for the collision-check. The collision
check works in the normal plan view.
Information about the collision is gathered in the Show Messages dialog. With
the dialog functions you can place the error ticks to the drawing. Remove the
ticks with the Clear Garbage Layer function.
You can define the minimum size for the pipes that are checked. If both pipes are
smaller than the minimum size, collision is ignored.
MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation objects and ADT/AEC objects
(walls, windows, etc) can be selected also from the reference drawing (Xref
and/or AEC objects in the option dialog). Collision check with ADT/AEC
objects requires that AutoCAD 2006 or Architectural Desktop is installed.

Show messages
With this function you get the list of the collisions that may occur in the collision
It is possible to show error ticks at the collision locations. When you click a row
in the list and click the Mark Selected Error and Zoom button, the error tick
appears at the location where the collision occurs, and the area is zoomed. If you
click the Mark All Errors button, all collisions are showed with error ticks. You
can remove the error ticks with the Clear Garbage Layer function.
The coordinates in the Pos column are selected between Floor and UCS
coordinates. If UCS coordinates are selected, only the coordinates of the active
floor are showed.
Other options of this dialog are not applicable in this version of MagiCAD

Copying and moving branches

You can copy and move entire branches with the Copy Branch and Move Branch

Copy Branch
Click the Copy Branch toolbar button. Select the branch you want to copy. The
branch is copied, starting from the selected location.
After you have selected the branch, you can use the command line options (or
select them from the pop-up menu) to define the Elevation for the branch, or
Connect it to another object. You can also place the branch immediately by
clicking the suitable location.

92 • Chapter 8. Other functions

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If you select Elevation, you can choose in a dialog whether to Drag to new
position – that is, the branch can be placed anywhere in the drawing – or to Use
original xy-position.

Move Branch
Click the Move Branch toolbar button. The function is similar to the copying

Creating user-defined symbols

With the Create User Symbol (2D) function you can create your own 2D
symbols. The creating process of these symbols is similar to the user-defined
switchboard schematic symbols.
The user-defined symbols are saved in the user symbol database. The user-
defined symbols appear in the symbol selection dialogs when USR is selected.

Creating the symbols

First, draw the symbol. If you prefer, you can use an existing symbol as a basis
for the new symbol.
Click the Create User Symbol (2D) toolbar button. MagiCAD asks you to select
the objects you want to include in the symbol. Select the objects and click the
right mouse button. Next, show the insertion point of the symbol. The User
Symbol dialog opens.

Give the following information in the Block Properties:

• Group – Select the subgroup in which you want to add the symbol.
• Name suffix – Give the name for the symbol.
• Reset all entities to BYBLOCK – If this option is selected,
MagiCAD converts all lines to BYBLOCK mode.
• Reset elevations to 0 – If this option is selected, all objects are
moved to the zero elevation
The Block name field shows the name of the symbol.
Accept your settings with Ok.

Chapter 8. Other functions • 93

MagiCAD Electrical

Part Properties function

Click the Part Properties toolbar button, and next click the object which you
want to modify/examine. With this function you can
• examine the properties of the objects
• change or give a cable number (for individual cables and cables
inside a cable packet)
When changing a cable number MagiCAD will try to update it for
the whole cable. If for some reason MagiCAD cannot change the
cable number, the action will be cancelled. This can happen if a
drawing where the cable is installed is not readable/writeable (e.g.
when using connection nodes to other drawings that are opened by
another user).
• add information to the Object Variable fields of the parts
• replace individual products (e.g. sockets, luminaires, cable trays)
• modify information of the circuits
• modify information of the switchboards
• modify Memo texts and Prompt variables
• connect a single device to a particular circuit (with the Change
Properties function you can connect several devices at the same

In AutoCAD 2007 and later it is possible to open the Part Properties dialog by
double-clicking the object.
Alternatively, you can select the object(s) and click the right mouse button. A
pop-up dialog opens, and you can select the Part Properties option. If several
objects are selected, a selection dialog opens.

Changing properties
With the Change Properties function you can change the features of the objects
(e.g. you can replace luminaire A with luminaire B; you can change the cable
material; you can change the text size; you can assign a switchboard for multiple
circuits etc.)
Click the Change Properties toolbar button. The Change Property dialog opens.

94 • Chapter 8. Other functions

MagiCAD Electrical

• Property:
• System type – Electric, data/tele, cable route, texts, general
symbols, etc.
• Object type – The type of the objects you want to target the
changing function. The object types vary depending on the
system type.
• Property – The property whose value you want to change
• Value from – The value to be changed (if an asterisk, any
value will be replaced with new). Select the value either by
clicking the Show reference part button and showing an object,
or selecting the object from the dialog that is opened with the
"…" button.
• Value to – The new value. Select the value either by clicking
the Show reference part button and showing an object, or
selecting the object from the dialog that is opened with the
"…" button.
• Range:
Select the scope of the changing function:
• Select objects – Click the objects or define a rectangular area.
You can also use the Single (selected part), Branch, or System
command line options.
• Current drawing

Changing the elevation of the devices

With the Change Elevation function you can change the elevation of the devices
(luminaires, sockets, etc) in the drawing. If a cable is connected to the device, the
cable is stretched as necessary.

Chapter 8. Other functions • 95

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Click the Change Elevation toolbar button, select the devices whose elevation
you want to change, and click the right mouse button. The Device Elevation
dialog opens.

Connected cables adjustment – select how the cable will be stretched

• By highest point – the cable is first drawn to the elevation of the
luminaire and then is connected
• By lowest point – the cable is first drawn at the elevation of the
switch to the luminaire, then the elevation is changed and the cable
is connected to the luminaire
Elevation – displays the elevation of the selected devices, and the new elevation
can be set
• Highest selected – highest elevation of the selected devices
• Lowest selected – lowest elevation of the selected devices
• New elevation – set the new elevation for the devices
Note: When you select devices, you can utilize the commandline options:
[Single part/Branch/sYstem/proDuct/Elevation]

Viewport preferences
With the Viewport Preferences function it is possible to set the presentation of
the objects in the drawing to the wireframe, 2D, or 3D mode. 3D presentation
requires that a 3D object is selected for the device in the project management.
The settings defined in the Viewport Preferences dialog are specific to the
viewport. That is, it is possible to display the dimension texts in different
orientations and the objects in different presentations in each viewport (also in
the layout windows).
When you click the Viewport Preferences toolbar button, the following dialog

96 • Chapter 8. Other functions

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Main viewport:
• Is main viewport – Here you can set the desired viewport to be the main
• Follow main viewport – If you want to use the settings of the main viewport
e.g. for the viewports in the layout, select this option. The viewport in
question will then follow the settings of the main viewport.
Presentation options:
In this tab you can set the presentation separately for:
• Cable trays – 2D or 3D
• Conduits – 1D or 3D (set the diameter in the Diameter field)
• Cables – 1D or 3D (constant diameter)
• Devices and switchboards – 2D or 3D presentation for the devices. In
addition you can choose whether to show the operation areas of the devices
and the switchboard areas
Dimension texts:
In this tab you can choose which reference texts are displayed in each viewport
and how they are displayed

Chapter 8. Other functions • 97

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Choose the orientation of the drawing in which the texts are displayed in the
active viewport:
• All – all texts
• Placed in the current view – only the texts that are set in the active
viewport; in addition you can choose other views besides the active
view with the “and in the selected views” options
Choose the orientation for the texts in the viewport:
• By view – according to the view (that is, the texts are “straight” also in
the isometric view
• By original UCS – according to the UCS settings
• Load default preferences – With this function you can load the default
settings to the active viewport. The default settings can be saved either
to the drawing or the project (the selection is made in Project Æ Project
• Save as drawing defaults / Save as project defaults – With this function
you can save the active settings to the drawing or the project (the
selection is made in Project Æ Project settings). The values can be
loaded in the new viewports with the Load default preferences button.

You can visualize the 3D objects in the 3D mode with AutoCAD's VIEW,
SHADE, and other suitable commands.

Text functions
There are two toolbar buttons and commands for the texts: placing/editing the
texts, and stretching/moving the texts.
The text styles are defined in the Project Management. The values are updated
to the drawing with the Update Drawing Data function.

98 • Chapter 8. Other functions

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Placing texts to the objects

Click the Text toolbar button. The Text dialog opens. Select the text style and
accept it with Ok.
Place the text (which contains object-specific data) by clicking the object. The
text attaches the object. At this stage you can select the location and position for
the text. Click the right mouse button, and a pop-up menu with the following
options open (you can also select these options at the command prompt):
• Midpoint (m) – places the end of the reference line at the
midpoint/line of the object
• Direction (d) – you can freely choose the direction of the text
• Add objects (a) – you can define a common text for several objects
After selecting the suitable option(s), place the text on a suitable location.
The reference text can be changed afterwards with the Change Properties

Placing free texts

You do not have to attach any object when you place free text.
After you have selected the text style, you can set the elevation for the text
before placing it (use the Elevation option). Set the elevation and place text on a
suitable location.

Moving and stretching texts

You can move/stretch the text by starting the Stretch Text function and selecting
the text. Midpoint and Direction options can also be used.

Updating drawing data

With this function you can update information of the devices, texts, and layers
(for example, change the user code of luminaires).
Click the Update Drawing Data toolbar button. The Update Drawing Data
dialog opens.

Chapter 8. Other functions • 99

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Select the objects you want to update (Object Properties).

Select the range where you want to direct the function (Range). If you choose
Select objects, click the objects or selected them by showing a rectangular area.
Alternatively you can direct the function to the Current Drawing.
It is also possible to update the colors and linetypes. In that case, select the
corresponding option.
If group references have been defined for the devices, you can update the group
and switchboard codes also from other drawings than the current drawing when
the Update referred codes from other drawings option is selected.
If the Update room information option is selected, the program updates the room
IDs to the objects and their reference texts. This option is available only if the
drawing is attached to a MagiCAD Room project.

Report functions
With the Reports function you can create various kinds of reports (bills of
materials) about MagiCAD Electrical objects. You can, for instance, create a bill
of materials about the quantity of luminaires, cable routes (including lengths),
You can define report styles in the Report definitions (Project Management).
Click the Reports toolbar button. The Report Properties dialog opens.

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Selection set:
You can save different kinds of report definitions. You can preselect a BOM
report style, drawings, systems, etc, and then save the selection set. The selection
set is saved to the project – that is, the saved definitions can be used in all
drawings that belong to the same project.
• Save – save the selected settings
• SaveAs – save the selected settings with a different name
• Delete – remove the selected definition
• Rename – rename the definition
Report Model:
Select here the report type (e.g. bill of materials / luminaires)
With this option you can choose the scope for the report function
• Select objects – Select the objects you want to include in the report.
• Current drawing – The report includes all objects of the current
• Selected room – You can select a room whose objects are included in
the report (can be used if MAGIROOM application is loaded and rooms
are defined)
• All rooms of the current drawing – The report is made from all rooms
of the current drawing (can be used if MAGIROOM application is
loaded and rooms are defined)
• Selected drawings – Select the drawings whose objects you want to
include in the report. If the list does not contain all drawings, the
missing drawing is not likely included in the model drawing list. You
can add it by clicking the the Add/remove model drawings button.
You can check if there are objects "on top of each other" (ie. too close to each

Chapter 8. Other functions • 101

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other) if you select the Check duplicate positions option and give the minimum
distance of the insertion points (dx, dy, dx).
If Check duplicate positions is selected and there are parts too close to each
other, a warning dialog opens, showing the coordinates of the places where this
occurs. You can select a location and click the Zoom to Center button; if the
duplicate position is in the active drawing, the location is zoomed to the middle
of the screen.
If you click the Abort – Mark errors button, all duplicate positions in the active
drawings are marked.
If you select Ignore – Continue, the devices are summed to the report despite of
their being duplicate. If you have selected several drawings as the scope of the
report, the program shows the occurrences of duplicate positions drawing by
drawing and finally sums all devices to the report if the function is not canceled.
You can remove the error marks from the drawing with the Clear Garbage
Layer function.
With this option you can choose which system(s) the report includes
• All systems
• Selected system
Accept your choices with Ok.

DIALux interface
With the DIALux Import function you can read the luminaires directly from the
file that is created by the DIALux program. You can also utilize the spaces that
have been modeled with MagiCAD Room when you work with DIALux.
Working procedure (MagiCAD Room phase is not required):
1) MagiCAD Room
Click the DIALux Export toolbar button, and save the file (extension .STF) to a
suitable directory. Next, select the space or spaces you want to transfer to
DIALux and click the right mouse button. The DIALux Export - Rooms to
Export dialog opens containing the spaces to be transferred to DIALux. Transfer
the spaces by clicking the Ok – Export button.

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2) DIALux
Start DIALux and open the .STF file you created. Place the luminaires in the
rooms. When you have completed working with DIALux, save the drawing as an
.STF file (File / Export / Save STF file …)
3) MagiCAD Electrical
Place the luminaires defined in DIALux to the drawing with the DIALux Import
function. Click the DIALux Import toolbar button and open the .STF file that
has been saved with DIALux. The Mapping List dialog opens, containing all
luminaires that would be transferred.

System – Here you can select the system for the luminaires.
Installation – Select the installation method of the devices:
• By ucs – Use this option, if you are certain that the space in
DIALux and the space in AutoCAD have the same insertion point.
For example, this option is recommended if you have imported the
space from MagiCAD Room.
• Drag position – When this option is selected, you can select the
installation point for the luminaires. Use this option e.g. if you have
created the space in DIALux.
Product mapping – connection between the luminaires in DIALux and the
luminaires in MagiCAD Electrical project.
• If MagiCAD Electrical project contains the same luminaire as the
luminaire that is imported (same ordering no.), the Import
checkbox is selected automatically.
• If the project does not contain a similar product, make the
connection with the Select product to map with function. Select the
luminaire from the list, and click the Select product to map with

Chapter 8. Other functions • 103

MagiCAD Electrical

button. A list will open, containing the luminaires that are included
in the project. Select the luminaire and click Ok.
When you have made the settings, place the luminaires by clicking the Ok –
Import button.

Clear garbage layer

With this function you can remove the objects from the MAGI_GARBAGE
layer (for example, crosses made by the report function).

User preferences
With this function you can set the paths for the symbols and product databases.
You can also change the size of the search circle with this function.
Start the User Preferences function. The following dialog opens:

Product models:
Set the path for the product databases.
2D user symbols:
Set the path for the user-defined symbol databases
2D common symbols:
Set the path for the common 2D symbol libraries (with MCS file extension), for
example, the databases that are included in the program
Set the path for the 3D blocks (device symbols)
Search circle:
Here you can set the size for MagiCAD cursor (search circle). If the circle is too
small, it may be difficult to point to the desired location (for example, end of the

104 • Chapter 8. Other functions

MagiCAD Electrical

Hiding cables, cable packets, and conduits

With the Hide Cable/Cable Packet/Conduit function it is possible to hide certain
parts of these objects. The objects does not actually break, it remains continuous.
Show two points at the cable/cable packet/conduit to hide the desired part. You
can move the hidden part with AutoCAD’s STRETCH.
You can restore the parts with the Reset Cable/Cable Packet/Conduit Hide
function. Start the function and click the object close to the hidden part.

Showing cable, cable packet and conduit routes

With the Show Cable/Cable Packet/Conduit function it is possible to view the
complete route of a cable, cable packet or conduit. MagiCAD draws the route on
the MAGI_GARBAGE layer so it can be removed with the Clear Garbage
Layer function. By using this show function you can check that MagiCAD has
understood the correct route for a cable, cable packet or conduit and that
connection nodes work properly if you have used any.

Clip+Rotate, Restore from Clip+Rotate

With the help of the Clip+Rotate function you can easily edit the system in the
desired side view.
The function first asks you to show the front edge of the selected group of parts
and then asks you to show the rear edge. In the basic situation, the selected parts
are rotated to the active view so that the viewpoint is from the front.
It is possible to affect the function with the following command line option:
• oBject – the selection is not made using the front and rear edges;
instead the program prompts you to show an object (which defines
the direction) and the coverage of the selection area in relation to
the object.
In the Options window you can make the following settings:
• Viewport – is the rotated image brought to the same view, or does
the program ask you to show another available view
• Distances – these settings affect the handling of the selected set of
objects. Width defines the width of the area. The Bottom and Top
settings do not affect the group of objects, but they define the
default elevation that is zoomed to the display.
With the Restore from Clip+Rotate function you can restore the original view. If
several views are in use, the restoring function must be used in the view where
the side view appears.

Version check (MEVER function)

This function does not have a toolbar button. Type MEVER at the command
line and press Enter.
MagiCAD shows at the command line the version numbers of the application
that is running and the application which saved the current drawing.

Chapter 8. Other functions • 105

MagiCAD Electrical

Cable markings
MagiCAD Electrical has two different methods to use descriptive symbols
including properties of the selected cable: Intelligent function, which uses the
symbol representing cable properties; and the other function, which can be used
for placing any symbol.

Intelligent symbols
The symbols are set to the cables in the project management (Project
Management / Cables).
Click the Cable Markings toolbar button. Next, click the cable where you want
to attach the symbol. The symbol is placed to the showed location.

Other symbols (not recommended)

This function does not have a toolbar button. To use this function type MEDS at
the command prompt and press Enter. The symbol selection dialog opens.
Place the selected symbol by clicking the object.
You can select the following options either in the pop-up menu or at the
command prompt:
• Options (o) to select the symbol
• Direction (d) to rotate the symbol to the desired position
Removing the object removes also this symbol.

Revision markings

Revision mark
Click the Revision Mark toolbar button. The Revision Mark dialog opens.

106 • Chapter 8. Other functions

MagiCAD Electrical

• Revision variable – Write the marking (variable) for the revision
symbol. The variable appears in the layer name if the {RV}
variable is used in the Layer definitions (Project Management).
• Style – Text style
• Height – Text height
• Elevation (UCS): – Elevation of the revision mark.
Select here the system where the revision symbol is connected (if any).
• None – The revision mark is not connected with any specific
• Select from reference part – If you choose this option, you can
select the system by showing a part of it. In this case, the revision
mark is drawn to the layer of the system (the layer name of the
revision marks must contain the {SV} variable)
Select the symbol for the revision mark.
Accept the settings with Ok. Before you place the symbol, you can change its
direction or modify the settings (choose the corresponding option from the pop-
up menu).

Revision cloud
Click the Revision Cloud toolbar button. The Revision Cloud dialog opens.

Chapter 8. Other functions • 107

MagiCAD Electrical

• Revision variable – Write the marking (variable) for the symbol.
The variable appears in the layer name if the {RV} variable is used
in the Layer definitions (Project Management).
• Elevation (UCS): – Elevation of the revision cloud.
Select here the system where the revision cloud is connected (if any).
• None – The revision mark is not connected with any specific
• Select from reference part – If you choose this option, you can
select the system by showing a part of it. In this case, the revision
cloud is drawn to the layer of the system (the layer name of the
revision clouds must contain the {SV} variable)
You can define the arc length with the Arc length command line option (show
the start point and the endpoint).

Modeling user-defined products

Modeling process of the products has been described in a separate manual.

Interoperability with other MagiCAD applications

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation

With the Part Properties of HP&V objects function you can examine the
properties of the objects drawn with MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation.
With the MagiCAD HP&V Viewport Preferences function you can change the
settings of the HVAC drawing. The presentation of ducts and pipes can be
switched between 1D/2D/3D, insulation visibility can be changed, colors of the
ducts and pipes can be changed, etc.

MagiCAD Room
If MagiCAD Room is installed, reports can be made from rooms that are defined
to the project with MagiCAD Room. (Selected room / All rooms of the current
drawing selections in the Report Properties dialog.

108 • Chapter 8. Other functions

MagiCAD Electrical

IFC Export

About IFC
IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) is an international standard for defining the
product models in the building services. It is a method for sharing and
distributing the information between different software applications.
A MagiCAD drawing can be saved in the IFC format and this way transferred
e.g. to the CAD application that is used by the architect. The geometrical and
technical information of electrical and HVAC objects are transferred with the
help of an IFC file.
IFC versions 2x2 final and 2x3 can be used in MagiCAD. The version is selected
when starting to create the IFC file.

Creating an IFC file (IFC Export)

Start the function with the corresponding button or typing command MEIFO
and pressing Enter. The IFC Export dialog opens.
Select the desired option (create or append). Give a name for the new IFC file, or
select an existing IFC file.
Next, select the MagiCAD objects you want to include in the IFC file.
Note: if you want to select all MagiCAD Electrical objects, type ALL at the
command prompt and press Enter twice.

Schema for new IFC files

Chapter 8. Other functions • 109

MagiCAD Electrical

Select the IFC version.

Use for IFC storey origin
This option is used to define which kind of storey origin (coordinate system) is
used in the IFC file
• MagiCAD Room storey origin – Select this option if you have defined
the storey location in MagiCAD Room.
• WCS – World Coordinate System. Select this option if you are not sure
about the type of the storey origin.
• UCS – User Coordinate System
Export options
Here you can select which data is written to the IFC file in addition to the
geometry and general data.
• Add own properties – Write all information defined in MagiCAD
Electrical (P1… P5 variables, O1 … O4 variables, etc).
• Add cables – Write also the cables to the IFC file but without 3D
• Add protective devices – The circuits are written to the IFC file as
protective devices.
• Add cost data – IFC information for the cost calculation are written
from all devices (at the moment works with the Norwegian Eldata
program by using the property set Pset_ElectricalCostData)
Create new IFC file…
This function creates a new IFC file, which contains the selected MagiCAD
Electrical objects.
Note: Each storey must be saved to a separate IFC file.
Append to existing IFC file…
With this function you can write MagiCAD Electrical objects to an existing IFC
file. An IFC file can be, for example, provided by the architect or created with
MagiCAD Room.
If the storey list has been defined to the IFC file (with architectural application or
with MagiCAD Room), select the storey where you want to place the objects. If
storeys are not defined in the IFC file, each storey must be saved to a separate
IFC file.
Use for IFC storey origin
This option defines which storey origin (coordinate system) is used in the IFC
• WCS – World Coordinate System. Select this option if you are unsure about
the origin.
• UCS – User Coordinate System (origin of the user coordinate system)
Remove building system parts from file…
With this option you can remove MagiCAD objects (electrical and HVAC
objects) from an existing IFC file.

Other IFC exports (IFC Calculation export and

IFC Calculation Import)
There are also two other IFC export buttons in the MC-E Project/General and
MC-E IFC menus: IFC Calculation Export and IFC Calculation Import.

110 • Chapter 8. Other functions

MagiCAD Electrical

• IFC Calculation Export (MEICE)

With this function it is possible to export the whole electrical

power system or only the electrical power distribution system to
calculation software such as Febdok. After running the command
there are two options for export range:
o All circuits
This option exports the whole electrical power system
with every device connected behind a circuit that is
connected to a switchboard.
o Circuits between switchboards
This option only exports the switchboards and everything
between them This is used when only the distribution
system is wanted to be dimensioned.
• IFC Calculation Import (MEICI)

With this function you can import your electrical power system
back to MagiCAD from calculation software such as Febdok and
update all the cables back to your drawings. Additional information
is updated also for protective devices. This is shown in the circuit
dialog’s PD Code field.

Chapter 8. Other functions • 111

MagiCAD Electrical

Note: You have to connect everything you want to export with cables and
circuits. You can only have one main switchboard so that MagiCAD and the
calculation software know what the “starting point” is. This means that there has
to be only one switchboard that is not connected to any other switchboard via
cable and circuit. If MagiCAD finds several possible main switchboard
candidates it gives a message and the export is canceled.
Note: To make calculation software read everything correctly please define the
number of used phases for junction boxes and switches also. An incorrect
number might be understood wrong by calculation software. This applies to all
other devices too. Switchboards are automatically handled as three phase
Note: Circuits that are not connected to a switchboard are not exported. You can
see the circuits that fail the export in a message when running the export. Also
circuits that are not connected to a switchboard but are in the area of a
switchboard will not be exported.
Note: If you don’t define phases for circuits then calculation software might
handle them wrong. In such cases some software such as Febdok may read the
phases from the previous device that is located upstream so because of the
handling of switchboards as three phase devices the circuits without phase
information will most likely be handled as three phase circuits.
General things: IFC Schema is 2x3ge. Cable types get their name from cable
description. Cable lengths are written for the cables as well as the installation
code. Cables have to have exactly the same name in both MagiCAD and in the
calculation software to understand the cable types.

Other functions

Drawing cleaning utility

With this utility you can change all colors to a desired color in the architectural
drawing, and also run AUDIT, RECOVER, and PURGE.
Open the architectural drawing, click the Drawing Cleaning Utility toolbar
button in the MC-E Edit II toolbar, select the functions you want to use and the
color, and click Ok.

Importing the symbol libraries

MagiCAD Electrical contains symbol databases for the following market areas
(i.e. symbol series): FIN, SWE, NOR, DEN, and IEC. MagiCAD Electrical
contains a command (MESYIMP) for importing the other 2D symbol libraries,
which you have possibly made yourself, to the program.
You can import the symbols from one .dwg file or from all .dwg files that belong
to a particular symbol series and reside in the selected directory.
NB: This command does not apply to the symbols that you have created with the
Create User Symbol function. MagiCAD Electrical converts these symbols
automatically to the user symbol database in case the program is upgraded from
earlier versions.
This command is not included in the toolbars.

112 • Chapter 8. Other functions

MagiCAD Electrical

Changing the AutoCAD attribute value of a

MagiCAD symbol
If an AutoCAD attribute value is defined for a MagiCAD symbol, its value can
be changed with the MEATTE command.

Explode function of MagiCAD Electrical

Sometimes it is necessary to explode MagiCAD objects to AutoCAD blocks.
This can be done with the explode function of MagiCAD Electrical.
Start the function by typing command MEEXPLODE at the command
prompt.The Explode Options dialog opens.

Warning – after exploding the objects are AutoCAD objects, and they cannot be
restored to MagiCAD objects.
Resulting entity type – By default, the objects are exploded as AutoCAD
blocks, but they can also be exploded as lines. Select the object types you want
to be exploded as lines.

Checking the connections

With the MECOS function it is possible to check which devices are connected to
a circuit with a cable, and to a switchboard through the circuit.
Type command MECOS at the command prompt. Next, show the circuit or the
switchboard. MagiCAD marks the connected devices with a circle. The circles
are drawn on MAGI_GARBAGE layer, and they can be removed from the
drawing with the Clear Garbage Layer function.

Chapter 8. Other functions • 113

MagiCAD Electrical

Functions that are not recommended

AutoCAD's functions
WBLOCK: All connections between the symbols and reference lines will be
lost if you move contents from a drawing to another so that you make a
WBLOCK and select the Explode option in the Insert dialog.

Attribute definitions in MagiCAD Electrical

Tag Description Implemented in these groups

SC System code Devices, power groups, switchboards, cables
S1,..,S4 System variables 1 – 4 Devices, power groups, switchboards
PC User code of device Devices
PP Product code of device Devices, cables
PD Product description Devices, cables
P1,..,P5 Product variables 1 – 5 Devices, cables
IC Installation class code Devices, cables
IP IP class code Devices
EX EXE class code Devices
AC Cable code Power groups, cables
GN Power group number Power groups
BC Switchboard code Power groups, switchboards
B2 Secondary switchboard Switchboards (used in the border arrows)
DL Length (or depth) Switchboards, devices
DW Width Switchboards, devices
DH Height Switchboards, devices
O1, O2 Object variable 1 - 2 Devices, cables
NC National code Devices, cables
LS Light source Luminaires

114 • Chapter 8. Other functions

MagiCAD 2008.5 User’s Guide

MagiCAD Room
Chapter 1. General 1
About MagiCAD Room............................................................................................................. 1
Possibilities of the building database......................................................................................... 1

Chapter 2. How to start 2

Principles of using the program; demo projects......................................................................... 2
Creating/selecting a project ....................................................................................................... 3
Selecting an existing building database....................................................................... 7
Drawing the rooms .................................................................................................................... 8
Installing the origin.................................................................................................................... 9

Chapter 3. Building - Project data 10

Building - Project..................................................................................................................... 10
Storeys ..................................................................................................................................... 12
3D preview .............................................................................................................................. 13
Rooms...................................................................................................................................... 15
Summary.................................................................................................................................. 15
Other project data .................................................................................................................... 16
Layer and color settings............................................................................................. 17

Chapter 4. MagiCAD Room functions 19

List of functions....................................................................................................................... 19
Project...................................................................................................................................... 20
Edit Storey Properties .............................................................................................................. 20
User Preferences ...................................................................................................................... 20
Show Room Objects (Read Storey from Database)................................................................. 20
Hide (remove) Storey .............................................................................................................. 21
Part Properties (and room data) ............................................................................................... 21
2D mode / 3D mode................................................................................................................. 23
Clear Garbage Layer................................................................................................................ 23
Edit Storey ............................................................................................................................... 23
DIALux Export….................................................................................................................... 23

Chapter 5. MagiCAD Room Edit functions 24

List of functions....................................................................................................................... 24
Draw wall ................................................................................................................................ 25
Install window ......................................................................................................................... 26
Install door............................................................................................................................... 27
Install column .......................................................................................................................... 27
Install beam.............................................................................................................................. 29
Define room............................................................................................................................. 30
Erase MagiCAD Room object ................................................................................................. 32
Stretch or move wall................................................................................................................ 32
Change wall height .................................................................................................................. 33
Set wall joint (break wall)........................................................................................................ 33
Move door or window ............................................................................................................. 33

MagiCAD Room Contents • iii

Part properties.......................................................................................................................... 34
Save, calculate, and update texts.............................................................................................. 34
Close edit mode ....................................................................................................................... 35

Chapter 6. Calculations 36
Heat losses ............................................................................................................................... 36
Heat loss calculation method ................................................................................................... 37
Heat loss through the structures................................................................................. 37
Ventilation ................................................................................................................. 37
Leakage ..................................................................................................................... 37
Calculating floor areas ............................................................................................................. 38
Calculating the room volume................................................................................................... 38

Chapter 7. Data exchange with other software 39

IFC data transfer ...................................................................................................................... 39
Transferring the output to e.g. Excel ....................................................................................... 40

Chapter 8. Other information 41

Canceling the changes, AutoCAD’s UNDO............................................................................ 41
Copying rooms ........................................................................................................................ 41
MagiCAD Room templates, project file .................................................................................. 42
Exceptions ............................................................................................................................... 42
User code of the room.............................................................................................................. 42
Virtual wall .............................................................................................................................. 43

Chapter 9. Using MagiCAD Room with other MagiCAD applications 44

Heat losses ............................................................................................................................... 44
Bill of materials ....................................................................................................................... 44
IFC Export ............................................................................................................................... 44

iv • Contents MagiCAD Room

MagiCAD Room

Chapter 1. General

About MagiCAD Room

MagiCAD Room is a product model based program for handling room data
(spatial data).
The room data is common for the entire building design process, including e.g.
HVAC and electrical design. For this reason the software is carried out with a
database common for all participants.
The participants can have views to the building database and thus access all data
that is stored in the building database. It is also possible to reserve a part of it for
modifying, and prevent other users from editing the data at the same time. After
the changes have been made, the data is stored to the database, and the revised
data is again available for other users.

Possibilities of the building database

Room-specific bill of materials can be mentioned as one practical example of the
usage of the room model. The applications utilizing the model (MagiCAD
Heating & Piping and Ventilation, MagiCAD Electrical) can, for instance, create
a bill of materials, information grouped room by room.
The building database model also facilitates calculations that are specific to a
particular room. The initial data for heat loss calculations and cooling
calculations, as well as examining the energy consumption in the building, can
be defined.
This program version contains heat loss calculation. Other calculations will be
implemented in the future releases.
The building database needs to be defined only once, and it can be utilized for
the whole life cycle of the project, from the early stages of the design and
construction process to the use and maintenance of the building.

Chapter 1. General • 1
MagiCAD Room

Chapter 2. How to start

Principles of using the program; demo projects

Start the program, and see its demo projects. The demo projects reside in the
Demo Projects subdirectory of the program directory. Open, for example,
Floor_1.dwg with the File/Open... function of AutoCAD. Then you can examine
the project information with the Project function, examine the room-specific
information with the Part Properties and Room Data function, etc.

Note that in this mode (view mode) you cannot edit the room geometry. You can
only change the input values of the room (e.g. temperatures) and calculate the
heat losses. (MagiCAD Room layers are locked.) When you want to draw and
edit objects, you must switch the program to the edit mode with the Edit Storey
function. At this stage MagiCAD Room asks whether the information of
the storey is read from the building database.

In most cases, the information is read from the database (that is, Yes is selected).
However, if the data is not yet in the database for some reason (for example, the
rooms have been copied and pasted from another storey), No is selected. In the
latter case, the program switches to the edit mode without updating the drawing
with the data in the building database.
The main principle is that all drawing and editing is performed in the edit mode
using the functions of the MagiCAD Room Edit toolbar.

All drawing and editing functions of AutoCAD (ERASE, COPY, UNDO, etc)
can also be used, but e.g. the Stretch or Move Wall function of MagiCAD Room
is made particularly for the wall objects of MagiCAD Room.
When the program is in the edit mode, the changes are made to the drawing
instead of the database, and for this reason e.g. the heat loss calculation

2 • Chapter 2. How to start

MagiCAD Room

performed in the Part Properties and Room data function does not work in the
same way as in the view mode. When it is intended to save the data and perform
the calculation after (or during) editing, the Save, calculate, and update texts
function shall be used. When this function has been used, the data is updated to
the building database, and the entire project (all storeys) have been calculated,
taking also the possible heat transfer between storeys into account. It is also
possible to examine the heat losses of individual rooms with the Part Properties
and Room Data function.
When the edit mode is closed, MagiCAD Room asks whether the changes will
be saved to the building database.

If you answer No, MagiCAD Room reads the information from the database and
restores the drawing unless you have used the saving function.
If you want to restore the data in the edit mode, you can use AutoCAD’s UNDO
function and save, or close the edit mode without saving.

Creating/selecting a project
First, create and save a new drawing or open an existing drawing you want to
include in the project. The existing drawing can be, for example, a drawing
created with MagiCAD Heating&Piping, Ventilation, or Electrical.
If you use an existing drawing that already has the storey information defined
(MagiCAD Electrical), you can view the information with the Edit Storey
Properties function. If the information has not been defined, they can be input at
this stage.
The Storey Properties dialog opens:

Chapter 2. How to start • 3

MagiCAD Room

Storey origin in dwg – Here you can define the location of the storey origin
(bottom-left corner). You can also set the rotation angle for the building.
You can also use the Show origin button to set the location and rotation angle.
The location of the bottom-left corner of the storey (i.e. storey origin) and the
direction of the positive x-axis are set with this function. Start the function, show
the location of the corner and then show the direction of the x-axis.
In many cases the best solution is to set the corner point of the storey to the
bottom-left corner of the building. However, it can be set to another location.
Sometimes a guideline can be drawn from a fixed location of the building (e.g.
elevator shaft) and the origin is set to the end of the guideline.
The best method to set to place the corner point is to zoom the view (zoom
window) to the corner of the building and use the Snap Intersection function of
AutoCAD. Press down the Ctrl key and click the right mouse button to find the
function. Click the corner of the building and show the direction of the x-axis
(usually to the right). To make sure that the direction of the x-axis is vertical,
check that ORTHO is on (F8).
Storey origin defines an adjustment point for saving the storey information (x, y,
and z coordinates, rotation angle) to the database. This information can be
changed afterwards, for example, if it is necessary to move the storey in x,y-
Building – If the storey list of the building is already modeled with MagiCAD
Electrical, here you can attach the drawing to the building database (project).
• Building database – Attach the drawing to the building database with
the Select button. The building database can be modified with the Edit
button. With the None button you can detach the drawing from the
building database.
• Storey – When you have selected the building database, select the
storey which the active drawing represents.

4 • Chapter 2. How to start

MagiCAD Room

If the building and the storey list does not exist yet, start defining it with the
Select... button.

The Available projects list shows the building databases that exist in the
directory or in the path towards the root directory. If there are no building
databases in the path, the list window is empty.
If you select a building database from the list and click the Select button, the
selected building database is taken into use.
If you want to create a new building databases, click the New... button.
If you want to cancel this function, click Cancel.

Storey origin in building – If you intend to attach the drawing to a building

(which is the case when MagiCAD Room is used), it is not necessary to give this

Creating a new building database

Click New... in the Select Building Databases dialog. The New Building
Database dialog opens.

Give the name for the database, and select the directory where you want to save
the project (Location).
Select the template database. The templates are saved in the Template
subdirectory of the MagiCAD Room program directory.
A template database is a building database containing only the basic project
information, not any room data. You can select a database supplied with the

Chapter 2. How to start • 5

MagiCAD Room

program (or a database modified from it), or use any of your existing databases
as the template.
Accept your choices with OK. The Storey Properties dialog opens again.

Storey: - Select the storey, which the active drawing represents, with the Select
If you want to detach the drawing from the building database, click the None
With the Edit…function you can open the project dialog, in which you can
manage the information that covers the entire project (i.e. building). Here you
can manage all storeys of the building.

6 • Chapter 2. How to start

MagiCAD Room

The left pane shows a tree of the types of data that is defined for the project.
When you click a tree item, the more detailed view of the contents appears in the
right pane.
The data types are described later in this manual.
In the Storey pane you can add/remove/copy storeys (New storey, Delete storey,
Copy Storey).

Selecting an existing building database

Select the building database from the list of available databases and click Select.
Continue as described in the previous chapter.

Chapter 2. How to start • 7

MagiCAD Room

Drawing the rooms

All modifications to the rooms’ geometry are made in the edit mode.
Click the Edit Storey button to switch the edit mode on. The following dialog

In most cases, the information is read from the database (that is, Yes is selected).
However, if the data is not yet in the database for some reason, No is selected. In
the latter case, the program switches to the edit mode without updating the
drawing with the data in the building database.
When the edit mode is on, the MagiCAD Room Edit toolbar appears.

Draw the walls and place the doors and windows. You can also define new
structures in the project.
Define and place the room data for each room with the Define Room function.
The room data definition appears as a text label in the drawing
When you have done your modifications, click the Close Edit Mode button.If the
objects have been changed, you can at this stage decide whether they will be
saved to the building database. You can save the objects in the database any time
with the Save function.
The contents of the text label can be defined with the same function that is used
for reading the information from the database, that is, Read Storey from the

8 • Chapter 2. How to start

MagiCAD Room

Installing the origin

When a storey is created, its corner point is given in the storey dimensions dialog
as the (x,y,z) coordinates (e.g. 0,0,0) and the possible rotation angle. With the
help of this information, the storeys (drawings) are placed adjacently and/or on
top of each other, that is, the locations of the storeys in relation to each other are
defined in the project data.
If the storeys are on top of each other, their (x,y) values are the same, and the z
value is defined according to the storey height, for instance, (0,0,0)/
(0,0,3000)/(0,0,6000) – assuming that the origins in the storeys (i.e. drawings)
are all placed to the same reference point, for example, the lower left corner of
the building. The exact storey height does not have a meaning elsewhere than in
the 3D preview, as long as the storeys are not inside each other (that is, they
must have different z values). However, the heights of the walls are significant
e.g. in heat loss calculations.
The origin must be placed for the drawing, either by typing the coordinates at the
command prompt or by showing it with the mouse, before starting drawing the
room objects. The z value of the origin is selected to be the same as the 2D
architectural drawing, because then it is placed right below the storey drawn with
MagiCAD Room. Otherwise this value has no meaning e.g. from the
calculations’ point of view.
In the view mode it is possible to move the origin to the desired place, for
instance, to align it according to a particular spot in the architectural drawing.
When the origin is moved, the entire storey is moved correspondingly.
The (x,y) change of the origin made in the edit mode affects the location of the
storey in the building database. If, for example, the storeys that are on top of
each other are not correctly located in relation to each other, the same reference
point must be selected for each storey to place the origin, and the storey must be
saved. The locations of the storeys can be checked with the 3D preview function
in the project data.
With the help of the corner points of the storeys, which are given in the project
data, the storeys can be moved when necessary. If, for example, invalid values
have been defined for the corner points (x,y,z, and the possible rotation angle) in
the beginning, the values can be changed and the result can be checked with the
3D preview function. If you intend to adjust the storeys that are on top of each
other to the right locations, do this as described earlier; replace the origins in the
edit mode and save the storey.

Chapter 2. How to start • 9

MagiCAD Room

Chapter 3. Building - Project


Building - Project
This view applies to the entire building.

Double-click the right pane to edit the general project information. The Project
Description dialog opens.

10 • Chapter 3. Building - Project data

MagiCAD Room

• Automatic calculations – select this option if you want the calculations

be updated automatically
• Outside temperature – this temperature is used in the heat loss
• Slabs – select this option if you want to create horizontal surfaces
(slabs) automatically.
• Roof slab – this structure is used as the default roof slab. Background
temperature, usually the outside temperature, is used in the heat loss
calculations. For each room it is possible to define an exceptional roof
slab with different background temperature.
• Floor slab – this structure is used as the default floor slab. Background
temperature, e.g. the temperature of the ground, is used in the heat loss
calculations. For each room it is possible to define an exceptional floor
slab with different background temperature.
• Intermediate slab – this structure is used as the default “floor” between
different storeys. For each room it is possible to define an exceptional

Chapter 3. Building - Project data • 11

MagiCAD Room

It is possible to define storeys to the project as many as possible. The rooms
modeled in the same AutoCAD drawing form an entity that is saved in the
building database as a storey.
The locations of the storeys in relation to each other are defined in the project
data. The storeys can be adjacent or on top of each other. When the storeys are
on top of each other, MagiCAD Room assumes that the structure between the
storeys is an intermediate floor, and calculates the heat transfer between the
Storey-related functions:
• New storey – creates a new storey
• Delete storey – deletes the selected storey and all its information
• Copy storey – copies the selected storey and asks the name and location
of the new storey.

When you select the storey from the list and double-click the right pane, the
following dialog opens:

In this dialog you can define the Name, Position (x,y,z) and the possible
Rotation angle of the storey for the project database.
It is possible to define a default height for the room (Default height [mm]). This
default height is used with all new rooms that are defined in the building.

12 • Chapter 3. Building - Project data

MagiCAD Room

The default height is also transferred to MagiCAD Heating&Piping and

Ventilation when the building information is read from the building database
(.mrd file).
Renumbering the rooms
It is possible to renumber the rooms when the storey is copied. Replace the
characters that you want to remain unchanged in the room number (=User code)
with a question mark (?).

If some room number does not match the format, it is asked separately.
Renumbering can also be done separately. Select the rooms to edit, click the
right mouse button, and select menu option Change value in the column on the
room number column.

3D preview
With the 3D preview function of the project dialog you can examine all storeys
in the same view and, for example, check that the storeys are located correctly in
relation to each other (applies only to the storeys that are on top of each other).
You can rotate the image of the building (press left mouse button down), and
examine each part of it by selecting the item from the project tree.

Chapter 3. Building - Project data • 13

MagiCAD Room

14 • Chapter 3. Building - Project data

MagiCAD Room

This view shows a list of rooms that have been defined to the storey. The
location of the active room in the storey is showed with red lines.

Double-click the room to review/edit its data. NOTE ! The possible problems in
the area calculation of complicated spaces are displayed in the Note-column.

With the Heat loss analysis function you can calculate the heat losses of the

Please note that MagiCAD Room calculates the entire project (all storeys and all
rooms), which means that heat transfer with the rooms in upper/lower storeys
may appear in the list of heat losses.

This view shows the summary of the calculations that have been performed in
the project.

Chapter 3. Building - Project data • 15

MagiCAD Room

Area and volume contains e.g. net areas and volumes.

Airflows contains the supply and exhaust airflows.
Structures contains the gross heat transfer through the structures. Because
internal heat transfer may occur in the building (depending on the inner
temperatures), the summary should not be interpreted as the total heat loss at the
outer surface, however, it describes well the share of each structure in the heat
Ventilation contains the heating demand in the rooms, caused by supply air,
exhaust air, and leak. It does not contain the heating power that is needed at the
air handling unit.
Total heat losses contains the total heat loss of the rooms at each storey. It does
not contain the heating power that is needed at the air handling unit.

Other project data

Area methods view shows a list of the criteria how the floor areas are calculated.

16 • Chapter 3. Building - Project data

MagiCAD Room

Double-click the right pane to modify the criteria.

Walls view shows a list of the wall structures that have been defined for the

To add, remove, or modify a wall definition, click the right mouse button. The
Add/Delete/Properties popup menu opens. To modify a wall definition you can
either double-click the wall on the right pane, or select Properties from the
popup menu. If you add or modify a wall, the Wall dialog opens.

Windows view shows a list of the window elements that have been defined for
the project. If the dimensions are not given, they will be defined during
installation. The installation height is the default elevation for the lower edge of
the window.
Doors view shows a list of the door elements that have been defined for the
project. Default installation height is the default elevation for the lower edge of
the door.
Slabs view shows a list of the roof and floor slabs that have been defined for the

Layer and color settings

This is the place where MagiCAD Room layer and color settings are defined.

Chapter 3. Building - Project data • 17

MagiCAD Room

The Layer Definition dialog contains the following input data:

Layer definitions
• Name– name of the layer
• Color – color of the object. This color setting is the default color,
which will be created when the object is created to the drawing.
These values can be changed also from AutoCAD’s layer
2D and 3D presentation
• Color – color of the object, ByLayer selections is available. If
ByLayer is selected, the color is defined according to the settings of
the Layer definitions.
Colors will be updated automatically when exiting from the Project dialog. The
colors are also updated when using Show Room Objects or 2D/3D functions.

18 • Chapter 3. Building - Project data

MagiCAD Room

Chapter 4. MagiCAD Room


List of functions
This toolbar is a standard AutoCAD toolbar, and it is always present when
MagiCAD Room menu is loaded and set to be visible.

Edit Storey Properties
User Preferences
Show Room Objects (read storey from the database)
Hide Room Objects (hide storey)
Part Properties and Room Data
2D mode
3D mode
Clear Garbage Layer
Edit Storey
DIALux Export…
Drawing Cleaning Utility

Chapter 4. MagiCAD Room functions • 19

MagiCAD Room

This section contains functions to create/select the building database, to define
general properties and initial values for the project, storeys, structures, etc, and to
view the heat loss analysis of the rooms. These functions are described earlier in
this manual in chapter “Project data”.

Edit Storey Properties

This function is used for defining the storey properties, that is, the location of the
storey origin and which building database the storey is included.
This information is common with MagiCAD Electrical and later also with
MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation.

User Preferences
This function contains setting the size of the search circle. The search circle is
active, for instance, when drawing the wall the Connect option is on.
You can set the size of the search circle between 1 and 100 pixels. Type the size
to the Circle size (pixels) field.

Show Room Objects (Read Storey from Database)

This function is used to define the room information that is displayed in the
drawing (text label of the room), and to read the storey from the building

20 • Chapter 4. MagiCAD Room functions

MagiCAD Room

If the program is in the edit mode, this function does not read the information
from the building database, thus it can be used only for defining the data that is
displayed in the drawing.

Hide (remove) Storey

This function removes the storey information from the drawing. This function is
not available in the edit mode.

Part Properties (and room data)

This function is used for examining and changing the properties of the selected
object: wall, window, door, or room.
The information of the walls, windows, and doors can always be examined, but
the information can be changed only in the edit mode (Change function is
activated only in the edit mode ).

Chapter 4. MagiCAD Room functions • 21

MagiCAD Room

When you want to examine or change the room data, click the text label of the

In the room data you can also define the information of the roof slab and floor
slab to be different from the information defined in the project data.
Heat loss calculation is performed with the Heat loss analysis function. The list
shows the heat loss of each structure and the selected structure (wall, window, or
door) appears in different color in the wireframe presentation.

22 • Chapter 4. MagiCAD Room functions

MagiCAD Room

2D mode / 3D mode
This function switches MagiCAD Room objects between 2D and 3D modes.

Clear Garbage Layer

This function clears MAGI_GARBAGE layer, which contains information of
temporary nature. Error ticks appear on this layer.

Edit Storey
This function activates the edit mode and invokes the MagiCAD Room Edit
toolbar. When you start this function, the following dialog opens.

In most cases, the information is read from the database (that is, Yes is selected).
However, if the data is not yet in the database for some reason (for example, the
rooms have been copied and pasted from another storey), No is selected. In the
latter case, the program switches to the edit mode without updating the drawing
with the data in the building database.

DIALux Export…
The DIALux Export… function transfers the selected rooms to the DIALux
program (with the help of a *.STF file). The inner boundaries of the rooms in the
storey coordinate system are written to the transfer file. The transfer file is read
by the DIALux program. DIALux project including the rooms is automatically
created in the DIALux program.

Chapter 4. MagiCAD Room functions • 23

MagiCAD Room

Chapter 5. MagiCAD Room Edit


List of functions
This toolbar is visible when the edit mode is on.

Draw Wall
Install Window
Install Door
Install Column
Install Beam
Define Room
Erase MagiCAD Room Object
Stretch or move Wall
Change wall height…
Set Wall Joint (break wall)
Move Door or Window
Save, Calculate, and Update Texts
Close Edit Mode

24 • Chapter 5. MagiCAD Room Edit functions

MagiCAD Room

Draw wall
When you use the function for the first time, the Wall Options dialog opens.

First, select the wall group:

• Exterior – exterior walls
• Interior – interior walls
• Structural – load-bearing interior walls
• Virtual – not an actual wall structure; used for dividing a space into
several room areas and to connect together rooms that are inside each
Next, give the Height for the wall.
If the thickness of the wall is defined in the project data, the Thickness field is
disabled and its value cannot be changed.
When needed, select also the alignment for wall drawing, that is, which edge or
alternatively centerline follows the cursor.

Commandline options
The wall drawing function has the following commandline options. To select a
commandline option, type its hotkey on the commandline or click the right
mouse button and select the item from the popup menu.
• Connect / noConnect (c) – When Connect is on, the search circle is visible
and drawing must be started from an existing wall (by default connect is
When you want to start drawing from an empty space, select noConnect.
It is also possible to create rooms without wall connections. In this case, the
connecting walls must be at a distance less than 100mm from each other.
This makes it possible to create rooms e.g. by copying walls with
AutoCAD’s COPY function.

Chapter 5. MagiCAD Room Edit functions • 25

MagiCAD Room

• Options (o) – This option opens the Wall Options dialog, in which you can
change the wall definitions.
• Back (b) – Returns to the previous point, when drawing the wall.

Install window
When you use the function for the first time, the Window Options dialog opens.

First, select the window type.

Next, give the dimensions and installation height (elevation) for the window.
The enabled selections and fields (that is, what dimensions can be given) depend
on which dimensions are predefined in the project data.
• Maximum width – height and elevation are given in the dialog, the
width is maximum that fits in the place
• Maximum height – width is given in the dialog, the height is maximum
that fits in the place
• Maximum width and height – the window is as large as fits in the place
• Define width during installation – height and elevation are given in the
dialog, the width is defined by showing two points on the wall
• Define dimensions – dimensions and elevation are given in the dialog

26 • Chapter 5. MagiCAD Room Edit functions

MagiCAD Room

It is also possible to select the installation method, that is, choose whether to
install one or several windows at the time.
• Show installation point – one window is placed with one click.
• Serial installation – several similar windows are installed in a row. Give the
number of windows and the gap between the windows.

Commandline options
The drawing function has the following commandline options:
• Options (o) – This option opens the Window Options dialog, in which you
can change the window drawing definitions.

Install door
When you use the function for the first time, the Door Options dialog opens.

First, select the door type. The types are defined in the project data..
Next, give the dimensions and installation height (elevation) for the door. The
enabled fields (that is, what dimensions can be given) depend on which
dimensions are predefined in the project data.
Select the opening direction of the door and show the location on the wall.

Install column
When you use the function for the first time, the Column Options dialog opens.

Chapter 5. MagiCAD Room Edit functions • 27

MagiCAD Room

Select the shape and give the dimensions for the horizontal column. Length[mm]
represents the height of the column.
Accept your choices with Ok and click the location where you want to place the
column. The Elevation dialog opens.

You can give the elevations by typing them in the dialog fields. When you
change the value of one field, the values are updated according to the height of
the column.
Alternatively, you can define the elevation for the column according to another
MagiCAD Room object; in this case, select one of the Top/Center/Bottom of …
options and show the reference object in the drawing. When you have showed
the object, the program returns to the Elevation dialog.
Accept the elevation with Ok. The column is placed in the drawing.

Commandline options
The drawing function has the following commandline options:
• Direction (d) – With this option it is possible to rotate the (rectangular)
column to the suitable angle.
• Options (o) – This option opens the Column Options dialog, in which you
can change the column drawing definitions.
To select a commandline option, type its hotkey (represented in parentheses in
the list) or click the right mouse button and select the item from the popup menu.

28 • Chapter 5. MagiCAD Room Edit functions

MagiCAD Room

Install beam
When you use the function for the first time, the Beam Options dialog opens.

Give the dimensions for the beams and accept them with Ok. Place the beam in
the drawing. The elevation for the beam is defined and the commandline options
are used in the same way as with the columns.

Chapter 5. MagiCAD Room Edit functions • 29

MagiCAD Room

Define room
The room is defined inside an area that is limited with walls. Select the Define
Room function, show the space, and give the input values.

• The User code (room number or similar unique value) must always be
given for the room.
• Note – This field can contain e.g. information related to the usage and
loads of the building to be shared with other design disciplines.
• Room height [mm] – used for calculating the volumes, and in IFC data
• Area and volume – MagiCAD Room calculates the area and volume
according to the calculation criteria defined in the project data. The
areas and volumes that are used in heat loss calculations are always
defined according to the centerlines of the structures.
• By manual values – if this is selected, the airflows can be set manually
o Supply airflow [l/s]
o Extract airflow [l/s]

30 • Chapter 5. MagiCAD Room Edit functions

MagiCAD Room

• Primary flow for automatic values – Select the primary airflow, if you
are going to give the airflow according to area, or how many times per
o Supply
o Extract
• By area – here you can define airflow by area
• By times per hour – here you can define how many times per hour the
air should be changed
• Extract airflow by percent of supply <> Supply airflow by percent of
extract – here you can set how many percent is the airflow compared to
primary airflow
• Leak factor [1/h] – the leakage air describes the uncontrollable air
transfer through the structures. The leakage air is calculated according
to the room volume (per hour; the value is usually 0.1 … 0.2).
• Temperature set point for heating [°C] – the desired indoor temperature
of the room
• Supply airflow [l/s]
• Supply air temperature [°C]
• Extract airflow [l/s]
• Transfer air temperature [°C]
• Tansfer air temperature = outside temperature – select this option if the
transfer air is outside air.
Transfer airflow = extract airflow – supply airflow.
• Leak factor [1/h] – the leakage air describes the uncontrollable air
transfer through the structures. The leakage air is calculated according
to the room volume (per hour; the value is usually 0.1 … 0.2).
Slab exceptions
The default values (type, background temperature) for roof slab, floor slab, and
intermediate floor have been defined in the project data. When needed, you can
define the exceptions for the roof and floor slabs.
• Roof slab – the type of the roof slab
• Area coverage from room area [%] – the percentage of the exception
• Use outside temperature – select this option if the backgound
temperature is the outdoor temperature, which is given in the project
• Temperature [°C] – here you can set the temperature that is used when
the heat loss is calculated
• Floor slab – the type of the floor slab
• Area coverage from room area [%] – the percentage of the exception
• Temperature [°C] – here you can set the temperature that is used when
the heat loss is calculated
When the rooms are defined, their data is in the drawing but not yet in the
database. Update the storey information to the database with the Save, Calculate

Chapter 5. MagiCAD Room Edit functions • 31

MagiCAD Room

and Update texts function if you want to calculate and examine the heat losses
during editing.
• Total heat loss [W] – the total heat loss of the room
• Manual value – if this option is selected, you can define a constant heat
loss for the room. This value overrides the calculated heat loss.
• Heat loss analysis – this function calculates the room’s heat losses
You can edit room data afterwards with the Part Properties function.
When the storey is in the edit mode and the Room dialog is closed with OK
after making the changes – or if the storey information is otherwise modified –
the Heat loss analysis function of the Room dialog is disabled until the storey
information is saved in the database.
When the room data is changed with the Part Properties function in the view
mode (that is, when edit mode is switched off), the storey is saved and
calculations are performed automatically. In the view mode it is also possible to
change the room data in the project dialog.
Heat loss calculation is described in chapter Calculations / Heat losses.
Note! Room values can also be set in the Project Management dialog. With
Shift and Ctrl buttons, several rooms can be edited at the same time.

Erase MagiCAD Room object

Click the MagiCAD Room object you want to erase. You can erase objects one
by one until you stop the function with Enter or Cancel.
MagiCAD Room objects, e.g. several rooms at a time, can also be removed with
AutoCAD’s ERASE function, but in this case the entire wall is removed and
doors or windows cannot be removed separately.
If you want to remove only a part of the wall, first divide the part using the Set
Wall Joint (break wall) function.

Stretch or move wall

With this function you can stretch or move wall objects.
Click the Stretch or Move Wall toolbar button and select the wall. To stretch the
wall, grip to the end point of the wall and stretch it to the suitable length.
To move the wall, grip to the wall, and connecting walls and installed objects
stretch/move correspondingly.
Moving function does not move the borderline of the wall. It is placed correctly
when the storey has been analyzed and saved with the Save, Calculate, and
Update Texts function.

32 • Chapter 5. MagiCAD Room Edit functions

MagiCAD Room

If you want to cancel the changes made with the stretch/move function, use
AutoCAD’s UNDO function.

Change wall height

With this function you can change wall height..
Click the Change Wall Height toolbar button and select the walls. The program
shows the highest and lowest value of the wall heights. Give the new height of
the selected walls in the New height [mm] field.

Set wall joint (break wall)

With this function you can divide a wall into several parts to make it possible to
define different properties for different parts of the wall.
Change the properties (wall type, dimensions, exception) with the Part
Properties function.

Move door or window

Select the door or window and show the new position for it.

Chapter 5. MagiCAD Room Edit functions • 33

MagiCAD Room

Part properties
When the program is in the edit mode, information of the objects can be changed
with the Part Properties / Change function. Click the wall, door, or window, and
select Change in the Properties dialog.

Save, calculate, and update texts

This function checks the room definitions, performs heat loss calculation, saves
the room data, and updates the text labels of the rooms if they contain updated
data (e.g. calculated heat loss).
The saving function checks the walls that are bounding the rooms, and draws the
borderlines on the centerlines of the walls. If the borderline is not created, the
boundaries of the room are not properly defined.
The saving function gives a warning if there are several rooms with the same use
code or if the room does not have a user code.

34 • Chapter 5. MagiCAD Room Edit functions

MagiCAD Room

You can locate the rooms by selecting a warning from the list and clicking
Zoom center. The location of the warning, marked with a tick, appears on the
center of the screen. Use the Clear Garbage Layer function to remove the ticks
from the screen.
If you want to save the storey despite the warnings, click Ignore – save anyway.
If the Show errors after saving option is selected, the program places the ticks to
all rooms where this error occurs.

Close edit mode

This function closes the edit mode. If MagiCAD Room objects have been
changed since the last save, the program gives the following message:

Click Yes to update the building database.

Click No if you do not want to save the changes. The storey is restored to the
situation of the most recent saving.
Click Cancel if you want to cancel the function.

Chapter 5. MagiCAD Room Edit functions • 35

MagiCAD Room

Chapter 6. Calculations

Heat losses
When you click the Heat loss analysis … button in the Room dialog, the Heat
Loss dialog opens.

The list shows only the structures where heat transfer occurs (that is, there is
a temperature difference over the stucture).
• Type – the type of the structure
• User code – the identifier of the structure
• Area [m2]
• U [W/m2K]
• dT [°C] – temperature difference
• Q[W] – heat loss
• Note – notification
o The User code of the room which is behind the structure
(adjacent rooms, or rooms above/below).
o Exception, if an exceptional area and background temperature
have been defined
• Structural heat loss [W] – total heat loss through the structures
• Supply air heat loss [W] – effect required to warm the supply air to the
indoor temperature
• Exhaust/transfer air heat loss [W] – effect required to heat the
exhaust/transfer air to the indoor temperature

36 • Chapter 6. Calculations
MagiCAD Room

• Leak heat loss [W] – effect required to heat the leakage air
• Total heat loss [W] – total effect required for heating
Note: If the building contains several storeys on top of each other, the program
automatically checks whether there are rooms with different indoor temperature
above/below the active room.
Room picture
This window pane shows the shape of the active room. When you select a
structure from the Heat loss analysis pane, the structure is presented with a red

Heat loss calculation method

Heat loss through the structures

The heat loss is calculated with the following formula:
Øtransmission = Σ (U * A * (T1 – T2))
T1 = inside temperature of the room (temperature set point for heating )
T2 = temperature behind the structure; another room in the same or different
storey, outdoor air, temperature of the ground, or temperature defined for the
exception structure.

This calculation handles the effect that is needed to heat the supply air and
transfer air to the room temperature.
The effect required to heat the supply air and transfer air is calculated with the
following formula:
Øvent = 1,2 * qv * (T1 – T3)
qv = supply airflow or transfer airflow [l/s]
T1 = inside temperature of the room
T2 = air temperature

Transfer airflow is the remainder of supply airflow and exhaust airflow.

The above formula does not consider the heating of the air from outdoor
temperature to supply air temperature. MagiCAD Room does not calculate
the Air Handling Units.

The effect required to heat the leakage air (additional airflow) is calculated with
the following formula:
Øleakage = 1,2 * (nleakage * V/3600) * (T1 – T4)

nleakage = leak factor [1/h]

V = volume of the room [m3]
T1 = inside temperature of the room
T4 = outside temperature

Chapter 6. Calculations • 37
MagiCAD Room

Calculating floor areas

You can define how the program calculates the areas of the floors. The
definitions are made in the Area methods part of the project dialog.
Select the Project function, choose Area methods, and click the list with the right
mouse button. The following dialog opens.

Exterior wall:
The area is calculated from the exterior walls using one of the following options:
Inner surface, Centerline, Outer surface
Interior wall:
The area is calculated from the interior walls using one of the following options:
Inner surface, Centerline, Outer surface
Structural wall:
The area is calculated from the structural walls using one of the following
options: Inner surface,Centerlin,Outer surface
If the Subtract the column area option is selected, the areas of the columns are
excluded when the areas are calculated.
Note: The heat loss calculation always uses the midpoints of the walls when
calculating the floor area.

Calculating the room volume

The room volume is calculated according to the same criteria as the floor area.
Beams and columns that reside in the room are subtracted from the volume.
Note: The heating demand calculation uses the midpoints of the walls when
calculating the room volume.

38 • Chapter 6. Calculations
MagiCAD Room

Chapter 7. Data exchange with

other software

IFC data transfer

IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) is an international standard for defining the
product models in the building services. It is a method for sharing and
distributing the information between different software applications.
IFC data transfer in MagiCAD Room is divided into three functions: IFC export,
IFC import, and “IFC Space Update” import. The functions are centralized in
the project management dialog.
For IFC export, the structures in MagiCAD Room have been complemented with
horizontal surfaces, i.e. floor slabs and roof slabs (ifcSlab).
After IFC functions the program creates a report containing the number of
transferred objects and the success of transferring.

IFC Export
This function exports all storeys and structures from MagiCAD Room to an IFC
file. The structures to export consist of floor slabs, roof slabs, beams, columns,
walls, and the doors and windows that are attached to the walls. Besides the
structures, the spatial definitions (ifcSpace) and spatial data is exported to the
file. The spaces to export are defined according to the inner surfaces of the walls
that outline the space in MagiCAD Room. The height of the space is the room
height given by the user.
A floor is automatically generated to the space. Roof slabs are generated to the
spaces that are not outlined with upper storeys (typically the rooms in the top
The data that is attached to the spaces consists of name, identifier, supply and
exhaust airflows, heat loss, and room temperature in the heating situation. In
addition, the room temperature and cooling demand*) in the cooling situation are
also attached to the spaces.
*) By default, these values are zero, because MagiCAD Room does not calculate
cooling demands. However, these values can be set by the IFC Import or IFC
Space Update function, if they have been calculated with external calculation

Chapter 7. Data exchange with other software • 39

MagiCAD Room

IFC Space Update

This function is used to read to the MagiCAD Room spaces the data of the
corresponding IFC spaces (ifcSpace). The rooms and IFC spaces are connected
with the GUID. The imported data consists of name, identifier, supply and
exhaust airflows, heat loss, cooling demand*) and the room temperatures in the
heating and cooling situations.
IFC Space Update function switches off the automatic calculations and
generation of the horizontal surfaces (slabs).
*) The value of the cooling demand [W] can be displayed with the help of the
room property text.

IFC Import
This function imports the storeys and rooms (ifcSpace) and the spatial data. The
imported data consists of the same type of information that is exported with the
IFC Export function.
IFC Import function switches off the automatic calculations and generation of
the horizontal surfaces (slabs).
Structures are not imported.

Transferring the output to e.g. Excel

The results appearing in the project information can be transferred e.g. to Excel
through the clipboard.
Select one or more rooms in the room data of the project (hold the Ctrl button
down and select the rooms with the mouse or arrow buttons) and click the right
mouse button. Select the Copy calculations to clipboard function from the
popup menu.
The summary information can be copied to the clipboard in the same way. Select
e.g. Summary/Structures, click the right mouse button, and select the Copy
calculations to clipboard function from the popup menu. Please note that all
summary information is copied to the clipboard at the same time, regardless of
which summary information you have selected.

40 • Chapter 7. Data exchange with other software

MagiCAD Room

Chapter 8. Other information

Canceling the changes, AutoCAD’s UNDO

With AutoCAD’s UNDO function you can cancel the changes you have made to
the drawing.
If you have saved the storey to the database and want to cancel your changes,
you can use AutoCAD’s UNDO and save the storey again. If you have closed
the edit mode, switch to the edit mode again, restore the desired situation, and
save the storey.

Copying rooms
For copying the rooms you can use AutoCAD’s COPY and MIRROR commands
or copy/paste functions. If you copy rooms to a different storey (i.e. to a different
drawing), close the edit mode after copying, select the other drawing active,
switch to the edit mode, and paste.

Note: Do not copy rooms from a project to another. The project data can be
defined in different ways in different projects, which means that the structures in
the drawing cannot get the data from the project.

Chapter 8. Other information • 41

MagiCAD Room

MagiCAD Room templates, project file

MagiCAD Room template means the basic project information, which can be
used as a basis when creating a new project (wall structures, windows, doors…).
In other words, a template is a project file without any room definitions.
When you have create one or several template files, you can save them e.g. to the
Template subdirectory of the program directory.

Note: When you edit the project data of the active project, do not remove
structures that have been used in any drawing of the project.

With the exception information it is possible to set the background temperatures
of the walls and intermediate floors to be different from the temperatures that are
defined in the project data.
When the exception information is given for a wall, it should be given only for
the walls that are against the outdoor temperature. To avoid confusion, always
draw the exterior walls using the Exterior wall type.
If you want to define an exception only to a certain part of the wall, first divide
the wall using the Set Wall Joint (break wall) function.

User code of the room

User code should always be given for a space (room), because a room without
the user code does not appear in the building database.
If there is a space without the user code behind the wall (or base floor or roof),
MagiCAD Room suggests the temperature of it as the outdoor temperature.

42 • Chapter 8. Other information

MagiCAD Room

Virtual wall
Virtual wall should be used when the walls of the spaces do not form a closed
space but the spaces are intended to be defined as different rooms.
With virtual walls it is also possible to define several “rooms” with different data
in the same space. The program does not handle the virtual walls in the

Chapter 8. Other information • 43

MagiCAD Room

Chapter 9. Using MagiCAD

Room with other MagiCAD

Heat losses
You can examine, and if necessary, modify the room data (e.g. indoor
temperature, airflows) and calculate the heat losses for individual rooms an the
entire building.

Bill of materials
When the MagiCAD HP/V/E drawing is attached to a MagiCAD Room project,
the location (room) can be listed in the bill of materials.
When MagiCAD Room is installed on the workstation, the BOM function loads
the necessary program modules automatically.

IFC Export
MagiCAD Heating&Piping, Ventilation, and Electrical contain the IFC Export
function to transfer HVAC and electrical objects to an IFC file.

44 • Chapter 9. Using MagiCAD Room with other MagiCAD applications

MagiCAD 2008.5 User’s Guide

MagiCAD Product Modeller

Chapter 1. General 5
About MagiCAD Product Modeller........................................................................................... 5

Chapter 2. How to start 6

General....................................................................................................................................... 6
Creating a new database ............................................................................................................ 7
Modifying an existing database ................................................................................................. 7
MagiCAD Product Modeller functions...................................................................................... 8

Chapter 3. Ductwork devices 10

Ductwork components ............................................................................................................. 10
Starting modeling ...................................................................................................... 10
Modeling dampers..................................................................................................... 13
Result......................................................................................................................... 16
Air terminal devices (Outdoor, Supply, Extract and Exhaust)................................................. 17
Starting modeling ...................................................................................................... 17
Modeling an air terminal device................................................................................ 19
Result......................................................................................................................... 21
Fans.......................................................................................................................................... 23
Starting modeling ...................................................................................................... 23
Modeling a fan........................................................................................................... 24
Result......................................................................................................................... 24
Cleaning covers ....................................................................................................................... 26
Starting modeling ...................................................................................................... 26
Modeling a cleaning cover ........................................................................................ 27
Result......................................................................................................................... 27

Chapter 4. Heating/water system devices 28

Pipe components...................................................................................................................... 28
Starting modeling ...................................................................................................... 28
Modeling an ordinary valve....................................................................................... 30
Result......................................................................................................................... 31
Modeling an automatic zone valve............................................................................ 32
Heating/Cooling devices.......................................................................................................... 33
Modeling a radiator ................................................................................................... 33
Water radiator .......................................................................................................................... 36
Modeling a water radiator ......................................................................................... 36
Water devices........................................................................................................................... 38
Modeling water points............................................................................................... 38
Sprinklers................................................................................................................................. 40
Modeling a sprinkler.................................................................................................. 40

Chapter 5. Sewers (sewer points and components) 42

Sewer points ............................................................................................................................ 42
Modeling sewer points .............................................................................................. 42
Sewer components ................................................................................................................... 43

MagiCAD Product Modeller Contents • iii

Starting modeling ...................................................................................................... 43
Modeling component sizes ........................................................................................ 45

Chapter 6. Electric, tele, data and building automation devices 47

Electric devices........................................................................................................................ 47
Modeling a single product ......................................................................................... 47
Modeling a product family ........................................................................................ 50
Tele, data and building automation devices............................................................................. 53

iv • Contents MagiCAD Product Modeller

MagiCAD Product Modeller

Chapter 1. General

About MagiCAD Product Modeller

MagiCAD Product Modeller is meant for modeling products (either by end-
user or manufacturer) for MagiCAD design program.
With MagiCAD Product Modeller it is possible to model e.g. air terminal
devices, duct/pipe components, water and sewer points, radiators, cooling
beams, and electric devices. This manual guides you to model these products.

Fig. 1. An example of a supply air device modeled in this manual

Chapter 1. General • 5
MagiCAD Product Modeller

Chapter 2. How to start

Start MagiCAD Product Modeller from it shortcut in MagiCAD folder. A
blank QpdModel dialog opens.

1 2

Fig. 2. A blank QpdModel dialog

In the left pane (1) you can browse the modeled product groups. The products
that are modeled into the selected product group are shown as a list in the right
pane (2).
You can preview and modify the products by selecting a product from the list
and clicking the right mouse button. A pop-up menu opens (available when at
least one product is modeled) with the following options:
o New… – Start modeling a new product
o Delete – Remove the product from the database
o Edit Data… – Modify the product data
o View Properties… – Preview the device
You can either model products into existing databases or create a completely
new database. In MagiCAD's product database directory (usually the Products

6 • Chapter 2. How to start

MagiCAD Product Modeller

subdirectory of MagiCAD program directory) you can modify databases whose

filename begin with User; you cannot modify the manufacturer databases as they
are protected with passwords.

Creating a new database

Select New from the File menu. Select the directory where you want to save the
database (eg. D:\Databases). Next give a name for the database (eg. Common)
and accept it by clicking the Open button.
You can also define a password for your database to prevent unauthorized
persons to modify the database. Select Edit File Header... from the File menu.
The QpdModeller – File Header –dialog opens.

Fig. 3. Defining a password for the database

You can write general information about the database in the Notes field (1).
Give the password in the Password for database and Re-enter password fields
(2). Password must be entered twice to make sure that it is correctly typed.
You can also type the manufacturer name in the Manufacturer field (3). This
information is common to all devices modeled in the database.
Accept the settings by clicking the Ok button. Alternatively you can reject the
settings by clicking the Cancel button.
Now you can start modeling the products.

Modifying an existing database

Open the database for modeling by selecting Open from the File menu (or by
clicking the Open Database... button in the QPDModeller main window). Select
the database.

Chapter 2. How to start • 7

MagiCAD Product Modeller

MagiCAD Product Modeller functions

Start modeling devices with the Insert function. The Insert pulldown menu
contains the product types you can model:
o Ductwork (ductwork devices and components)
ƒ Component
• Flow Damper…
• Fire Damper…
• Silencer…
• Other…
ƒ Device (air terminal devices)
• Outdoor…
• Supply…
• Extract…
• Exhaust…
ƒ Fan
ƒ Cleaning cover
o Heating/Water System (devices and components)
ƒ Component
ƒ Radiator Valve…
ƒ Zone Valve…
ƒ Stop Valve…
ƒ Other Valve…
ƒ Other Component…
ƒ Heating/Cooling Device
ƒ Radiator…
ƒ Other Device…
ƒ Water
ƒ Water radiator…
ƒ Water device…
ƒ Sprinkler…
o Sewer
ƒ Component…
ƒ Device…
o Electric Devices
ƒ Boxes…
ƒ Sockets…
ƒ Switches…
ƒ Luminaires…
ƒ Heaters…
ƒ Equipment…

8 • Chapter 2. How to start

MagiCAD Product Modeller

ƒ Other devices…
ƒ Tele and Data Devices
ƒ Main units…
ƒ Sub-units…
ƒ Sockets…
o Tele and data devices…
ƒ Audio and video devices…
ƒ Signal devices…
ƒ Fire alarm devices…
ƒ Security devices…
ƒ Other devices…
ƒ Building automation
ƒ Substations and routers…
ƒ Controllers…
ƒ Probes and buttons
ƒ Actuators
ƒ Other BA products

Chapter 2. How to start • 9

MagiCAD Product Modeller

Chapter 3. Ductwork devices

Ductwork components
In this example we model a damper with the size of ø160.
NB: Other ductwork devices are modeled mainly in the same way. When you
model eg. a damper, the program selects the symbol. When you model an
OtherComponent, you can select the symbol yourself – and you can also use the
UserSymbol alternative, in which case you can draw the symbol yourself.

Starting modeling
Start modeling the damper by selecting Insert Æ Ductworks Æ Component Æ
Flow Damper... from the pulldown menu. The Product Model dialog opens.

Fig. 4. Product Model dialog

1) Model Type
Select here whether to model the product by velocity (the first option) or by
airflow (the second option).
If the product is modeled by velocity, all sizes have the same pressure drop and
sound data curve. If the product is modeled by airflow, each size has its own

10 • Chapter 3. Ductwork devices

MagiCAD Product Modeller

2) Connection Sizes
If the product is modeled by velocity, the Connection Sizes selection is active.
Select there whether to model circular or rectangular devices.
o List of diameters – All sizes of the circular ducts are added to the list
o List of rectangles – All sizes of the rectangular ducts are added to the list
o Rectangle range – Minimum and maximum sizes (height, width) and the
step between the sizes are given
3) Damper type
Select here whether to model a normal damper or a damper with constant
In this example we model a normal damper by airflow. Accept the settings by
clicking the Ok button. The main dialog of modeling opens.

1 2

Fig. 5. Main dialog of product modeling

1) General
o ID – Give here a unique identifier for the product, eg. FD (Flow Damper).
ID is shown in MagiCAD's selection lists only if Code is not defined.
o Code – This value appears in MagiCAD's selection lists, and it can be used
for clarifying what kind of product is in question (eg. Flow Damper). If
Code is not defined, ID is shown in MagiCAD's selection lists.
o Market Area – Here you can define all market areas in which you want to
include the product (ie. show in the selection lists). If you leave this field
blank, the product is shown in all market areas.

Chapter 3. Ductwork devices • 11

MagiCAD Product Modeller

The available market areas:

fin, swe, gbr, deu, nor, fra, esp, ita, pol, dnk, cze, prt, hun, nld, isl, est, ltu,
lva, rus, bel, chn, tur
o Version – Here you can enter eg. the modeling date.
2) Shape / 3) Geometric model
Select the appearance for the device. If you use a Shape definition, the possible
alternatives are box and cylinder. Alternatively you can use a Qmodel
(MagiCAD version 2004.9 or later).
If you select Qmodel, the Select Model dialog opens.

Fig. 6. Model selection dialog

Select the location from where to select the Qmodel.
Current project – from the active project
Local modelfolders – from a local Qmodel directory
Magi.Net – from a web server
This window contains a list of Qmodels you can select.
Browse the desired model active, and select it by double-clicking the model or
accepting the selection with Ok.
This window contains the selected Qmodel. You can rotate the model when the
left mouse button is down. If you have a wheel mouse, you can zoom the model
by scrolling the wheel and move the model by pressing the wheel down.
If you want to see the dimensions of the model, select Lines and dimensions
4) Sizes
Model the device sizes in the Sizes pane. Start by clicking the New... button. You
can modify existing devices afterwards with the Edit... function. You can remove
sizes by selecting the sizes and clicking the Delete button.
The modeling process is described in the next section.
5) Preview…

12 • Chapter 3. Ductwork devices

MagiCAD Product Modeller

With this function you can preview the modeled sizes.

Modeling dampers
Start modeling by clicking the New... button in the Sizes pane. The modeling
dialog opens.

1 2

5 6

8 7

Fig. 7. Product modeling dialog

1) General
o ID – Give here a unique identifier for the product, containing eg. the
connection size (FD-160).
o Product code – This value appears in MagiCAD's selection lists, and it can
be used for clarifying what kind of product is in question (eg. FD-160). If
Productcode is not defined, ID is shown in MagiCAD's selection lists.
o Version – Here you can enter eg. the modeling date.
2) Operation Range
Give here the operation range:
o Qv-min (l/s) – minimum airflow
o Qv-max (l/s) – maximum airflow
o dp-min (Pa) – minimum pressure drop
o dp-max (Pa) – maximum pressure drop
3) Dp-Curves
Give one point from each pressure drop curve in this dialog. Click the New...
button. The dpCurve dialog opens.

Chapter 3. Ductwork devices • 13

MagiCAD Product Modeller

Fig. 8. Modeling pressure drop curves of an adjusting device

Give the preset (adjustment) value of the pressure drop curve in the Adjustment
value field. Give a point from the pressure drop curve in the qv (l/s) and dp (Pa)
fields. For example, give the following values for your sample device:
o Adjustment=0, qv=50, dP=180
o Adjustment=1, qv=70, dP=21
o Adjustment=2, qv=120, dP=7
You can modify existing points by selecting the point and clicking the Edit...
button. You can remove a point with the Delete button.
NB. It is enough to model only open/closed positions for a device with a damper.
4) Sound Attenuation
Give here the attenuations of the device by octave bands (the attenuations are
presented in the manufacturer's brochure/catalog). The device usually has one set
of attenuations, and these values are suitable for all curves.
Start entering the attenuations by clicking the New... button. The Sound
Attenuation dialog opens.

Fig. 9. Sound attenuations by octave bands

If there are different attenuations for each curve, give the number of the curve in
the Adjustment field. If there is only one set of attenuations for the device, leave
the Adjustment field blank. If the Adjustment value is given to one curve only, it
is ignored.
Enter the attenuations by octave bands in the dLw [dB] fields.
5) Sound Generation
Input the sound generation of the device in this dialog. Start modeling the sound
curves by clicking the New... button. The Sound Generation dialog opens.

14 • Chapter 3. Ductwork devices

MagiCAD Product Modeller

Fig. 10. Sound data modeling dialog

Sound generation is modeled by defining at least two intersection points of

sound and pressure drop curves (eg. 20dB and 30 dB, and pressure drop curve) –
either from all pressure drop curves, or at least from the open/closed curves. The
program calculates the values for other sound curves.
Give the preset (adjustment) value of the pressure drop curve in the Adjustment
field. Next, give the flowrate qv [l/s] or pressure drop dp [Pa] from the
intersection of the pressure drop curve and the sound curve. The program
calculates the other value (the intersections are read from the characteristics of
the manufacturer).
Next, input the sound generation by octave bands in the Lw [dB] fields. That is,
give the sound level + correction factor (presented in the manufacturer's
brochure/catalog). In this example we model the 25dB and 35dB sound curves,
correction factors for the device being as follows:

63 125 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K

20 18 14 11 2 -3 -12 -21
Fig. 11. Correction factors of the device by octave bands

The intersections of the pressure drop curves are the following:

Adjustment dB qV dp
0 25 40
0 35 60
1 25 80
1 35 60
2 25 100
2 35 150
Fig. 12. Intersections of the pressure drop and sound curves

Input the values in the Sound Generation table. In the LpA10m2 EndR=A we see
the sound pressure level of the device. When you click the Check LW-data
button, the program checks that the sound data is given correctly.
Tip: Once you have modeled the first sound information, you can use the Copy
button to copy the data. Then you can give the new adjustment value and
intersection points, and add/reduce sound of the device with the –1dB and +1

Chapter 3. Ductwork devices • 15

MagiCAD Product Modeller

dB buttons (for instance, if you copy the 25dB curve, you can add 10 dB to it,
which means that you model the 35dB curve).
6) Dimensions
When you have given the sound data, give the dimensions for the device.
• D: outer diameter
• L: length
• Duct [mm]: connection size

Fig. 13. Sound data and dimensions of the sample device

If a Qmodel has been selected, the dimensions are given in the Device Shape dialog,
which opens with the Edit Shape... button.

When the sound data and dimensions are given for the device, you can preview
the device with the Preview button (7). In this example, the preview appears as

Fig. 14. Preview of the modeled product

16 • Chapter 3. Ductwork devices

MagiCAD Product Modeller

If you are satisfied with the result, close the preview (click the Close button) and
accept the product by clicking Ok (8). Then you have modeled one size and you
can start modeling the next one.
When you have modeled all sizes you need, stop modeling the device by
clicking Ok in the main dialog. The modeled device the appears in the right pane
of the QpdModeller main dialog. The dialog has ID, Code and Description as the

Air terminal devices (Outdoor, Supply, Extract and

The air terminal devices are modeled in the same way as the dampers. However,
it is possible to model an air terminal device without a damper.
In this example we model a supply air device without a damper (a device with a
damper is modeled in the same way as a damper).

Starting modeling
Start modeling by selecting Insert Æ Ductworks Æ Device Æ Supply…
The New air device dialog opens.

Fig. 15. Selecting the flow control type

o No damper (single dp curve): The device does not contain a damper (ie. it
has only one pressure drop curve)
o Normal damper: The device contains a typical damper
o Constant-qv damper: The device contains a CAV damper
Select No damper, and accept your selection with OK. The main dialog of device
modeling opens.

Chapter 3. Ductwork devices • 17

MagiCAD Product Modeller

1 2

Fig. 16.Main dialog of device modeling

1) General
o ID – Give here a unique identifier for the product, eg. SAD (Supply Air
Device). ID is shown in MagiCAD's selection lists only if Code is not
o Code – This value appears in MagiCAD's selection lists, and it can be used
for clarifying what kind of product is in question (eg. Supply Air Device). If
Code is not defined, ID is shown in MagiCAD's selection lists.
o Market Area – Here you can define all market areas in which you want to
include the product (ie. show in the selection lists). If you leave this field
blank, the product is shown in all market areas.
The available market areas:
fin, swe, gbr, deu, nor, fra, esp, ita, pol, dnk, cze, prt, hun, nld, isl, est, ltu,
lva, rus, bel, chn, tur
o Version – Here you can enter eg. the modeling date.
2) Shape / 3) Geometric model
Select the appearance for the device. If you use a Shape definition, the possible
alternatives are box and cylinder. Alternatively you can use a Qmodel
(MagiCAD version 2004.9 or later).
If you select Qmodel, the Select Model dialog opens.

18 • Chapter 3. Ductwork devices

MagiCAD Product Modeller

Fig. 17. Model selection dialog

Select the location from where to select the Qmodel.
Current project – from the active project
Local modelfolders – from a local Qmodel directory
Magi.Net – from a web server
This window contains a list of Qmodels you can select.
Browse the desired model active, and select it by double-clicking the model or
accepting the selection with Ok.
This window contains the selected Qmodel. You can rotate the model when the
left mouse button is down. If you have a wheel mouse, you can zoom the model
by scrolling the wheel and move the model by pressing the wheel down.
If you want to see the dimensions of the model, select Lines and dimensions

4) Sizes
Model the device sizes in the Sizes pane. Start by clicking the New... button. You
can modify existing devices afterwards with the Edit... function. You can remove
sizes by selecting the sizes and clicking the Delete button.

Modeling an air terminal device

The following figures represent the attenuations, correction factors, and
sound/pressure drop intersection points of the device that is modeled as an

63 125 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K

8 -1 0 -1 -2 -2 -5 -9
Fig. 18. Correction factors for the sound power level

Chapter 3. Ductwork devices • 19

MagiCAD Product Modeller

63 125 250 600 1K 2K 4K 8K

15 11 6 4 7 3 4 5
Fig. 19. Attenuations of the device

dB qv dP
25 30
30 60
Fig. 20. Intersections of the pressure drop curve and sound points

Start modeling the sizes by clicking the New... button in the Sizes pane. The
modeling dialog for device sizes opens.
The dialog is similar to adjusting device (eg. damper), but only one pressure
drop curve is modeled. The sound points are modeled for the pressure drop
curve. In addition, it is possible to model a throw length curve for a supply air

1 2

3 4

5 6

Fig 21. Device modeling dialog

1) General
o ID – Give here the same ID as in the main dialog, but complete it eg. with
the connection size (SAD-160).
o Product code – This value appears in MagiCAD's selection lists, and it can
be used for clarifying what kind of product is in question (eg. SAD-160). If
Productcode is not defined, ID is shown in MagiCAD's selection lists.
o Version – Here you can enter eg. the modeling date.
2) Operation Range
Give here the operation range of the device:
o Qv-min (l/s) – minimum airflow
o Qv-max (l/s) – maximum airflow

20 • Chapter 3. Ductwork devices

MagiCAD Product Modeller

o dp-min (Pa) – minimum pressure drop

o dp-max (Pa) – maximum pressure drop
3) Dp-Curve
Give here one point from the pressure drop curve of the device.
4) Sound Attenuation
Enter here the sound attenuations by octave bands (presented in the
manufacturer's brochure/catalog).
5) Sound Generation
Enter here the sound generation of the device. This is modeled in the same way
as with adjusting devices (eg. damper).
6) Dimensions
Enter here the dimensions of the device. Give the connection size in the
Duct[mm] field. Next, click the Edit Shape button. The dimension modeling
dialog opens.

Fig. 22. Modeling the dimensions of the device

Give the dimensions in the Values[mm] fields. You can select between the Dim
values and Dim names options whether to show the dimensions (Dim values) or
parameter names (Dim names) in the Preview window.
Tip: If the device has a rectangular connection duct, give eg. 200x100 as the size
in the Duct[mm] field.
7) L02
With this function you can model throw lengths for the device.

You can preview the modeled device by clicking the Preview button. The sample
device appears in the preview as follows:

Chapter 3. Ductwork devices • 21

MagiCAD Product Modeller

Fig. 23. Preview of the modeled device

If you are satisfied with the result, accept the product by clicking Ok.
When you have modeled all sizes you need, accept your modeling by clicking
Ok in the main dialog. The device then appears in the list of modeled devices.

22 • Chapter 3. Ductwork devices

MagiCAD Product Modeller

The fans are modeled in the same way as the other ductwork
In this example we model a roof fan with circular connection.

Starting modeling
Start modeling by selecting Insert Æ Ductwork Æ Fan…
The Fan dialog opens.

Fig. 24 main dialog of fan modeling

The corresponding data as with the other ductwork components / devices is
Select the type of the fan. Roof (installed to the end of the duct) or Axial
(installed in the middle of the duct like duct component)
Duct connection
Select duct connection type, Circular or Rectangular
Geometric model
Select the appearance for the device. The Select Model dialog opens as with
other ductwork components / devices and the appropriate Qmodel should be
Model the device sizes in the Sizes pane. Start by clicking the New... button. You
can modify existing devices afterwards with the Edit... function. You can remove
sizes by selecting the sizes and clicking the Delete button.

Chapter 3. Ductwork devices • 23

MagiCAD Product Modeller

Modeling a fan
A fan is modeled as duct component / air terminal device with the following

Fig 24. Fan modeling dialog

Give here at least three points from the pressure drop curve of the fan (maximum
speed). Both curve end points must be included. Also fan efficiency can be given
(not mandatory)
Sound Generation
Enter here the sound generation of the device. At least two points with the same
flow must be given. The points should be given so that the whole fan operating
area is covered.

You can preview the modeled device by clicking the Preview button. The sample
fan appears in the preview as follows:

24 • Chapter 3. Ductwork devices

MagiCAD Product Modeller

Fig. 26. Preview of the modeled fan

If you are satisfied with the result, accept the product by clicking Ok.
When you have modeled all sizes you need, accept your modeling by clicking
Ok in the main dialog. The fan then appears in the list of modeled fans.

Chapter 3. Ductwork devices • 25

MagiCAD Product Modeller

Cleaning covers
The cleaning are modeled in the same way as the other ductwork
components/devices, but without any technical data.
In this example we model a plug type cleaning cover.

Starting modeling
Start modeling by selecting Insert Æ Ductwork Æ Cleaning cover…
The Cleaning cover dialog opens.

Fig. 27. Main dialog of Cleaning cover modeling

1) General
The corresponding data as with the other ductwork components / devices is
2) Type
Select the type of the cleaning cover. Plug (installed to the end of the duct),
Component (installed in the middle of the duct like duct component), Duct side
(installed on the duct side) or Oval duct side (oval, installed on the duct side)
3) Duct connection
Select duct type, Circular or Rectangular
4) Geometric model
Select the appearance for the device. The Select Model dialog opens as with
other ductwork components / devices and the appropriate Qmodel should be

26 • Chapter 3. Ductwork devices

MagiCAD Product Modeller

5) Sizes
Model the device sizes in the Sizes pane. Start by clicking the New... button. You
can modify existing devices afterwards with the Edit... function. You can remove
sizes by selecting the sizes and clicking the Delete button.

Modeling a cleaning cover

A cleaning is modeled as duct component / air terminal device without any
technical data.

Fig 28. Cleaning cover modeling dialog

You can preview the modeled device by clicking the Preview button. The sample
fan appears in the preview as follows:

Fig. 29. Preview of the modeled fan

If you are satisfied with the result, accept the product by clicking Ok.
When you have modeled all sizes you need, accept your modeling by clicking
Ok in the main dialog. The fan then appears in the list of modeled fans.

Chapter 3. Ductwork devices • 27

MagiCAD Product Modeller

Chapter 4. Heating/water system


Pipe components
In this example we model a zone valve. Other pipe components are modeled in
the same way.

Starting modeling
Start modeling the zone valve by selecting Insert --> Heating/Water System -->
Component --> Zone valve… The main dialog of pipe component modeling

28 • Chapter 4. Heating/water system devices

MagiCAD Product Modeller

1 2

Fig. 30. Main dialog of pipe component modeling

1) General
o ID – Give here a unique identifier for the product, eg. ZV (Zone Valve). ID
is shown in MagiCAD's selection lists only if Code is not defined.
o Code – This value appears in MagiCAD's selection lists, and it can be used
for clarifying what kind of product is in question (eg. Zone Valve). If Code
is not defined, ID is shown in MagiCAD's selection lists.
o Market Area – Here you can define all market areas in which you want to
include the product (ie. show in the selection lists). If you leave this field
blank, the product is shown in all market areas.
The available market areas:
fin, swe, gbr, deu, nor, fra, esp, ita, pol, dnk, cze, prt, hun, nld, isl, est, ltu,
lva, rus, bel, chn, tur
o Version – Here you can enter eg. the modeling date.

2) 3D Symbol
If you want to model the valve in 3D, you have two alternatives to define its
o Qmodel – Select the Qmodel as with the ductwork components
o Predefined shape – Select the shape definition.
In this example we have selected shape 1302.

Chapter 4. Heating/water system devices • 29

MagiCAD Product Modeller

3) Sizes
Model the valve sizes in the Sizes pane. Start modeling the sizes by clicking the
New... button. You can modify existing devices afterwards; in that case click the
Edit... button. You can remove sizes by selecting the size and clicking the Delete
4) Preview
You can preview existing devices with the Preview function.
5) Type
With this option you can define the valve as an automatic zone valve.

Modeling an ordinary valve

Preset value 1 2 3 4
Kv value 1,6 4,0 7,1 11
Fig. 31. Kv values of the example valve

Start modeling the valve by clicking New... in the Sizes pane. The valve
modeling dialog opens.

1 2

Fig. 32. Valve modeling dialog

1) General
o ID – Give here an unique ID for the device. Next give eg. the connection
size of the device (ZV-50)

30 • Chapter 4. Heating/water system devices

MagiCAD Product Modeller

o Product Code – Give here the product code of the device. This value
appears in MagiCAD in the selection lists and dimension texts (eg. ZV-50).
If Product Code is not given, ID appears instead in MagiCAD selection
o Version – Here you can give eg. the modeling date..
2) Dimensions
Give here the dimensions of the device.
o Size/DN [mm] – Connection size
o Length [mm] – Length
If you model the valve with 3D dimensions, click the Edit Shape / Qmodel
button to model the dimensions. In addition the document contains further
information about dimension parameters.
3) Dp-range
Give here the limits of the operation range:
o dp-min (kPa) – minimum pressure drop
o dp-max (kPa) – maximum pressure drop
4) Dp-Curves
Here you can define the preset (adjustment) values for the valve. Start modeling
the adjustment values by clicking the New… button. The dpCurve dialog opens.

Fig. 33. Input dialog for adjustment values

You can define the adjustment values either by giving the flowrate (qv [l/s]) and
pressure drop (dp [kPa], intersection from the curve) or giving the kv value for
the adjustment value (the kv value for each adjustment value is presented in the
manufacturer's brochure/catalog).
The kv value for the sample device is given earlier in this chapter.
You can edit the devices afterwards by selecting the size and clicking the Edit…
button. You can remove sizes by selecting the size and clicking Delete.

Click the Preview button to preview the modeled device. Our sample device
appears in the preview as follows:

Chapter 4. Heating/water system devices • 31

MagiCAD Product Modeller

Fig. 34. Preview of the modeled valve

If you are satisfied with the result, accept it by clicking Ok in the device
modeling dialog.

Modeling an automatic zone valve

Select the Automatic valve option in the checkbox and start modeling by clicking
the New... button in the Sizes dialog. The valve modeling dialog opens.

Fig. 35. Valve modeling dialog

1) General
o ID: Give the unique identifier for the device. In addition to the ID, give e.g.
the connection size of the device (ZV-2-50)

32 • Chapter 4. Heating/water system devices

MagiCAD Product Modeller

o Product Code: The value of this field appears in the selection lists of
MagiCAD, and it can be used in the dimension texts (e.g. ZV-2-50). If the
product code is not defined, ID is showed in the selection lists of MagiCAD.
o Version: In this field you can give e.g. the modeling date of the device.
2) Dimensions
Give the dimensions of the device in these fields.
o Size/DN [mm]: Connection size of the valve
o Length [mm]: Length of the valve
If you model the valve with 3D dimensions, click the Edit Shape / Qmodel
button to model the dimensions. In addition the document contains further
information about dimension parameters.
3) DP-Curve Reference Point
Give here the values of the valve that is completely open.
4) Diagram DP-Range
Give here the limits of the operation range:
o dp-min (kPa): Minimum pressure drop
o dp-max (kPa): Maximum pressure drop
5) Setting Range
o pMin [kPa]: Minimum differential pressure that can be set to the line
o pMax [kPa]: Maximum differential pressure that can be set to the line
o qvMin [l/s]: Minimum flowrate of the size
o qvMax for dpMax [l/s]: Maximum flowrate of the size with the maximum
differential pressure that can be set to the line

Heating/Cooling devices
This example guides you to model a radiator. Other Device is modeled mainly

Modeling a radiator
Start modeling a radiator by selecting Insert --> Heating/Water System -->
Heating/Cooling Device --> Radiator… The radiator modeling dialog opens.

Chapter 4. Heating/water system devices • 33

MagiCAD Product Modeller

Fig. 36. Radiator modeling dialog

1) General
o ID – Give here a unique identifier for the product, eg. HR (Heating
Radiator). ID is shown in MagiCAD's selection lists only if Code is not
o Code – This value appears in MagiCAD's selection lists, and it can be used
for clarifying what kind of product is in question (eg. Heating Radiator). If
Code is not defined, ID is shown in MagiCAD's selection lists.
o Code mask – In this field you can define the format of the product code in
the bill of materials. With the {B} and {H} parameters you can determine
the place of the radiator width and height on the product code. In our
example the product code appears as
HR-Height-Width in the bill of materials.
o Market Area – Here you can define all market areas in which you want to
include the product (ie. show in the selection lists). If you leave this field
blank, the product is shown in all market areas.
The available market areas:
fin, swe, gbr, deu, nor, fra, esp, ita, pol, dnk, cze, prt, hun, nld, isl, est, ltu,
lva, rus, bel, chn, tur
o Version – Here you can enter eg. the modeling date.
2) Shape
Select here whether you want to use a conventional radiator shape definition
(Box) or a Qmodel.
3) Geometric model
If you use Qmodel, select the model to this field.
4) Connections
The picture in this pane shows the possible radiator connections when shapes are
used. Give the connections that are allowed with this radiator in the Allowed
connections field.
5) Sizes

34 • Chapter 4. Heating/water system devices

MagiCAD Product Modeller

Model the radiator sizes in the Sizes pane. Click the Add... button. Give the
width of the radiator in the B [mm] field, and the height of the radiator in the
H[mm] field. You can delete sizes by selecting a size and clicking the Delete
6) Power params
Give here the power calculation factors (MagiCAD uses these factors when
calculation radiator capacities). Methods 1-3 are based on the EN442 and 6
based on DIN4703-3 standards (the factors can be obtained from the
manufacturer). Formula 5 suits well especially for calculating the capacities of
old radiators.

Method no. Formula Notes

- - Capacities are not
1 φ = K T ⋅ H b ⋅ ΔT c 0 EN-442

2 φ = K T ⋅ H b ⋅ ΔT ( c +c ⋅H )
0 1 EN-442

3 φ = K T ⋅ H b ⋅ ΔT ( c +c ⋅H ) ⋅ q m c
0 1 EN-442

4 φ = K T ⋅ H b ⋅ ΔT ( c +c ⋅H ) ⋅ q m c
0 1

5 ⎛ Tin − Tout ⎞
φ = KT ⋅ H b ⋅ ⎜ − Troom ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠
6 φ = φn * (ΔT/ ΔTn) n DIN4703-3
Fig. 37. Heating capacity formulae of the radiators

Parameters Formulas 1-5 Formula 6

Param 1 KT Height
Param 2 B φn
Param 3 C0 n

Param 4 C1

Param 5 C
Fig. 38. Explanations for the parameters in the heating capacity formulae

7) Volume params
Enter here the coefficient for the water volume formulae.

Formula no. Formula Notes

- - Water volume is not
1 V = a⋅ H ⋅L +b⋅ H + d
2 V = a⋅H ⋅L +b⋅H + c⋅L + d
Fig. 39. Water volume calculation formulae of the radiators

Chapter 4. Heating/water system devices • 35

MagiCAD Product Modeller

Parameters Formula 1 Formula 2

Param 1 a a
Param 2 b b
Param 3 d d
Param 4 d
Fig. 40. Explanations for the parameters in the water volume formulae

8) Preview
Once you have given all input data, you can preview the radiator by clicking the
Preview button.

Fig. 41. Preview of the radiator

If you are satisfied with the settings and want to accept the radiator, click Ok in
the radiator modeling dialog. The radiator then appears in the list of modeled

Water radiator

Modeling a water radiator

Start modeling the water radiator by selecting Insert --> Heating/Water System -
-> Water -->Water radiator… The water radiator modeling dialog opens.

36 • Chapter 4. Heating/water system devices

MagiCAD Product Modeller

1 5


Fig. 42. Water radiator modeling dialog

1) General
o ID – Give a unique identifier for the device, for example, HWR. ID is
showed in the selection lists of MagiCAD only if Code is not defined.
o Code – This value appears in the selection lists of MagiCAD and it clarifies
which device is in question. If Code is not defined, ID is showed in the
selection lists of MagiCAD.
o Codemask – This field defines the appearance of the product code in the
bill of materials. With the {B} (width) and {H} (height) parameters you can
define where the width and height are presented in the code. In this
example, the bill of material contains HWR-Width-Height.
o Market Area – Here you can list the market areas where the product appear
in the selection lists. If you leave this field blank, the product appears in all
market areas. The available market areas:
fin, swe, gbr, deu, nor, fra, esp, ita, pol, dnk, cze, prt, hun, nld, isl, est, ltu,
lva, rus, bel, chn, tur
o Version – You can type e.g. the modeling date in this field.
2) Shape
Select here whether you want to use a conventional radiator shape definition
(Box) or a Qmodel.
3) Geometric model
If you use Qmodel, select the model to this field.
4) Connections
The picture in this pane shows the possible radiator connection when shape is
used. Give the connections that are allowed with this radiator in the Allowed
connections field.
5) Sizes

Chapter 4. Heating/water system devices • 37

MagiCAD Product Modeller

Model the radiator sizes in the Sizes pane. Click the Add... button. Give the
width of the radiator in the B [mm] field, and the height of the radiator in the
H[mm] field. You can delete sizes by selecting a size and clicking the Delete
8) Preview
Once you have given all input data, you can preview the radiator by clicking the
Preview button.
If you are satisfied with the settings and want to accept the radiator, click Ok in
the radiator modeling dialog. The radiator then appears in the list of modeled

Water devices

Modeling water points

Start modeling water points by selecting Insert --> Heating/Water System -->
Water Device… The water point modeling dialog opens.

1 7

2 3

Fig. 43. Modeling dialog of water points

1) General
o ID – Give here a unique identifier for the product, eg. SHOWER. ID is
shown in MagiCAD's selection lists only if Code is not defined.
o Code – This value appears in MagiCAD's selection lists, and it can be used
for clarifying what kind of product is in question (eg. Shower). If Code is
not defined, ID is shown in MagiCAD's selection lists.
o Market Area – Here you can define all market areas in which you want to
include the product (ie. show in the selection lists). If you leave this field

38 • Chapter 4. Heating/water system devices

MagiCAD Product Modeller

blank, the product is shown in all market areas.

The available market areas:
fin, swe, gbr, deu, nor, fra, esp, ita, pol, dnk, cze, prt, hun, nld, isl, est, ltu,
lva, rus, bel, chn, tur
o Version – Here you can enter eg. the modeling date.
2) Device Type
Select here the type of the water point:
o Cold and hot water
o Cold water only
o Hot water only
3) Flow type
If either Cold water only or Hot water only is selected, further specification of
the water point is given in the Flow Type options:
o Normal – normal water point
o Fire hydrant
o Constant – constant flowrate
4) Flow Data
Give the nominal flowrate and the pressure drop in the qv [l/s] and dp [kPa]
5) Dimensions
Give here the dimensions for the water point:
o Distance between connection points [mm]
o Default value for installation height [mm] – you can change the installation
height when you select the water point
o Connection size [mm]
6) Sewer Point Location
Here you can set the default distances between the water and sewer point:
o dx [mm] – distance in X axis
o dy [mm] – distance in Y axis
7) 2D-Symbol
The dimensions are updated in the 2D Symbol window.
8) 3D-Symbol
Here you can select the 3D symbol for the water point. Click the Qmodel…
button to select the Qmodel for it. It is possible to define also the dimensions for
some models with the Params…function. However, define the dimensions so
that they match with the values that are given in the Dimensions fields.
Once you have entered the data for the water point, accept it by clicking the Ok
button. The modeled water point then appears in the list of the modeled products.

Chapter 4. Heating/water system devices • 39

MagiCAD Product Modeller


Modeling a sprinkler
Start modeling the sprinkler by selecting Insert Æ Heating/Water System Æ
Sprinkler… The sprinkler modeling dialog opens.

1 4

Fig. 44. Modeling dialog of sprinklers

1) General
o ID – Give here a unique identifier for the product, eg. SPR-15. ID is shown
in MagiCAD's selection lists only if Code is not defined.
o Code – This value appears in MagiCAD's selection lists, and it can be used
for clarifying what kind of product is in question (eg. Sprinkler-15). If Code
is not defined, ID is shown in MagiCAD's selection lists.
o Market Area – Here you can define all market areas in which you want to
include the product (ie. show in the selection lists). If you leave this field
blank, the product is shown in all market areas.
The available market areas:
fin, swe, gbr, deu, nor, fra, esp, ita, pol, dnk, cze, prt, hun, nld, isl, est, ltu,
lva, rus, bel, chn, tur
o Version – Here you can enter eg. the modeling date.
2) Installation definitions
Select here the installation alternatives for the sprinkler.
3) Technical
Here you can define technical properties for the sprinkler:
o Nominal release temperature [°C]
o Response class
o STD – Standard response
o RS – Response special
o QR – Quick responce

40 • Chapter 4. Heating/water system devices

MagiCAD Product Modeller

o Size/DN [mm] – Connection size

o k-factor [dm3/min 1bar] – how many liters per minute flows through the
nozzle at the pressure of one bar)
5) 3D-Symbol
Here you can select the 3D symbol for the sprinkler. Click the Qmodel… button
to select the Qmodel for it. Define the dimensions for the sprinkler with the
Once you have entered the data for the sprinkler, accept it by clicking the Ok
button. The modeled sprinkler then appears in the list of the modeled products.

Chapter 4. Heating/water system devices • 41

MagiCAD Product Modeller

Chapter 5. Sewers (sewer points

and components)

Sewer points

Modeling sewer points

Start modeling the sewer points by selecting Insert --> Sewer --> Device… from
the pulldown menu. The sewer point modeling dialog opens.

1 5

2 3

Fig. 45. Modeling dialog of sewer points

1) General
o ID – Give here a unique identifier for the product, eg. SP-1 (Sewer Point).
ID is shown in MagiCAD's selection lists only if Code is not defined.
o Code – This value appears in MagiCAD's selection lists, and it can be used
for clarifying what kind of product is in question (eg. Sewer Point-110). If
Code is not defined, ID is shown in MagiCAD's selection lists.

42 • Chapter 5. Sewers (sewer points and components)

MagiCAD Product Modeller

o Market Area – Here you can define all market areas in which you want to
include the product (ie. show in the selection lists). If you leave this field
blank, the product is shown in all market areas.
The available market areas:
fin, swe, gbr, deu, nor, fra, esp, ita, pol, dnk, cze, prt, hun, nld, isl, est, ltu,
lva, rus, bel, chn, tur
o Version – Here you can enter eg. the modeling date.
2) Dimensions
Give here the dimensions of the sewer point:
o Diameter [mm] – outer diameter
o Height [mm] – height
o Connection size [mm] – connection size
3) 2D-Symbol
Select here the symbol for the sewer point.
4) Default values
Give here the default nominal flow and height level for the sewer point in the qv
[l/s] and H-installation [mm] fields. You can choose other values when you
select the sewers.
5) 3D-Symbol
Here you can select the 3D symbol for the sewer point. Click the Qmodel…
button to select the Qmodel for it. It is possible to define also the dimensions for
some models with the Params…function. However, define the dimensions so
that they match with the values that are given in the Dimensions fields.
6) Preview
Click the Preview button to have the preview of the dimensional drawing.
Once you have given the information, accept the product with the Ok button.
The sewer point appears in the list of the modeled products.

Sewer components

Starting modeling
Start modeling sewer components by selecting Insert --> Sewer -->
Component… The modeling dialog opens.

Chapter 5. Sewers (sewer points and components) • 43

MagiCAD Product Modeller

1 4

Fig. 46. Main dialog of sewer component modeling

1) General
o ID – Give here a unique identifier for the product, eg. SC-1 (Sewer
Component). ID is shown in MagiCAD's selection lists only if Code is not
o Code – This value appears in MagiCAD's selection lists, and it can be used
for clarifying what kind of product is in question (eg. Cleaning Cover). If
Code is not defined, ID is shown in MagiCAD's selection lists.
o Market Area – Here you can define all market areas in which you want to
include the product (ie. show in the selection lists). If you leave this field
blank, the product is shown in all market areas.
The available market areas:
fin, swe, gbr, deu, nor, fra, esp, ita, pol, dnk, cze, prt, hun, nld, isl, est, ltu,
lva, rus, bel, chn, tur
o Version – Here you can enter eg. the modeling date.
2) Symbol Group
Select here the symbol for the sewer component.
Tip: It is possible to draw 2D symbols (User Symbol) for all components in
3) Sizes
Model the the sewer component sizes in the Sizes pane. Start by clicking the
New... button. You can modify existing devices afterwards with the Edit...
function. You can remove sizes by selecting the sizes and clicking the Delete

44 • Chapter 5. Sewers (sewer points and components)

MagiCAD Product Modeller

NB: If a Qmodel is used, it is possible to define dimensions for the model in the
size modeling dialog.
4) 3D-Symbol
You can select a 3D symbol for the sewer component. Select a suitable Qmodel
with the Qmodel… function.
5) Preview
By clicking the Preview button you can preview the modeled sewer components.

Modeling component sizes

Click the New... button in the Sizes pane (3) to add new sizes. The size modeling
dialog opens.

Fig. 25. Size modeling dialog of the sewer components

1) General
o ID – Give here a unique identifier for the product, containing eg. the
connection size (SC-1-110).
o Product code – This value appears in MagiCAD's selection lists, and it can
be used for clarifying what kind of product is in question (eg. Cleaning
Cover-110). If Productcode is not defined, ID is shown in MagiCAD's
selection lists.
o Version – Here you can enter eg. the modeling date.
2) Dimensions
Give here the dimensions of the component:
o Size/DN [mm] – connection size of the component
o Length [mm] – length of the component
o Qmodel – if you have chosen to use a Qmodel in the main dialog, you can
give here the dimensions for it. However, define the dimensions so that they
match those given in the Dimensions fields.
Once you have entered the data for the sewer component, accept it by clicking
the Ok button.
Define the other sizes likewise.

Chapter 5. Sewers (sewer points and components) • 45

MagiCAD Product Modeller

When all sizes are modeled, accept the product by clicking the Ok button in the
main dialog of pipe component modeling. The sewer component then appears in
the list of the modeled products.

46 • Chapter 5. Sewers (sewer points and components)

MagiCAD Product Modeller

Chapter 6. Electric, tele, data

and building automation devices

Electric devices
All electric devices are modeled in the same way, however, luminaires have a n
additional field (light source). The devices can be modeled either as individual
products or product families.
As an example we model a luminaire. Start modeling by selecting Insert Æ
Electric devices Æ Luminaires... The Product... dialog opens.

Fig. 48. Selection of the model type

In this dialog you can select to model either an individual product or a product

Modeling a single product

Select Single product. The Product Model dialog opens.

Chapter 6. Electric, tele, data and building automation devices • 47

MagiCAD Product Modeller

1 4

3 5

Fig. 49. Product model dialog

1) General
o ID – Give here a unique identifier for the product, eg. L1-58W. ID is shown
in MagiCAD's selection lists only if Code is not defined.
o Code – This value appears in MagiCAD's selection lists, and it can be used
for clarifying what kind of product is in question (eg. L1-58W). If Code is
not defined, ID is shown in MagiCAD's selection lists.
o Market Area – Here you can define all market areas in which you want to
include the product (ie. show in the selection lists). If you leave this field
blank, the product is shown in all market areas.
The available market areas:
fin, swe, gbr, deu, nor, fra, esp, ita, pol, dnk, cze, prt, hun, nld, isl, est, ltu,
lva, rus, bel, chn, tur
o Version – Here you can enter eg. the modeling date.
2) Main Dimensions
Here you can define the main dimensions for the device.
o Length [mm] – length/width
o Width [mm] – depth
o Height [mm]
3) Data
Here you can define technical data for the device.
o Active power [W]
o IP Class
o Light source

48 • Chapter 6. Electric, tele, data and building automation devices

MagiCAD Product Modeller

4) 3D-symbol
Here you can select a 3D symbol for the device. Set the Qmodel option active
and click the Qmodel... button. The Select Model dialog opens.


Fig. 50. Select Model dialog

In this dialog you can select a Qmodel for the product.

A) Storage
You can search Qmodels from the following locations:
o Current project – models that are included in the active
o Local modelfolder – Qmodel directory on a local drive
o Magi.NET – web server
B) Models
Available Qmodels.
C) Preview
Preview window of the Qmodel. It is possible to rotate and zoom the
model in the preview window.
o Faces – the model is showed ”rendered”
o Lines and dimensions – the dimensional drawing of the
model is showed
Select the Qmodel and accept it for use with Ok.
If the model is made to be scalable, you can define its dimensions. Give
the dimensions with the Params…function in the Device Shape dialog.
However, define the dimensions so that they match with the values that
are given in the Main Dimensions fields.
5) Default Values
Here you can define default values for the device. At the moment you can define
the default installation elevation H-installation [mm].
6) Preview
Preview button opens a preview dialog where you can examine the modeled

Chapter 6. Electric, tele, data and building automation devices • 49

MagiCAD Product Modeller

Accept your choices with Ok. The device then appears in the list of modeled

Modeling a product family

Select Product Family. The Product Model dialog opens.

1 4

Fig. 51. Product model dialog

1) General
o ID – Give here a unique identifier for the product, eg. L2-58W. ID is shown
in MagiCAD's selection lists only if Code is not defined.
o Code – This value appears in MagiCAD's selection lists, and it can be used
for clarifying what kind of product is in question (eg. L2-58W). If Code is
not defined, ID is shown in MagiCAD's selection lists.
o Market Area – Here you can define all market areas in which you want to
include the product (ie. show in the selection lists). If you leave this field
blank, the product is shown in all market areas.
The available market areas:
fin, swe, gbr, deu, nor, fra, esp, ita, pol, dnk, cze, prt, hun, nld, isl, est, ltu,
lva, rus, bel, chn, tur
o Version – Here you can enter eg. the modeling date.
2) Data
Here you can define data that is common to all devices in the product family.
o IP Class

50 • Chapter 6. Electric, tele, data and building automation devices

MagiCAD Product Modeller

3) Default Values
Here you can define default values for the devices (not yet applicable).
4) 3D-symbol
Here you can select a 3D symbol for the devices. Set the Qmodel option active
and click the Qmodel... button. The Select Model dialog opens.


Fig. 52. Select Model dialog

In this dialog you can select a Qmodel for the product.

A) Storage
You can search Qmodels from the following locations:
o Current project – models that are included in the active project
o Local modelfolder – Qmodel directory on a local drive
o Web – web server
B) Models
Available Qmodels.
C) Preview
Preview window of the Qmodel. It is possible to rotate and zoom the
model in the preview window.
o Faces – the model is showed ”rendered”
o Lines and dimensions – the dimensional drawing of the model is
Select the Qmodel and accept it for use with Ok.
5) Sizes
Add all sizes to the product family in the Sizes window pane. Start modeling by
clicking the New… button. You can modify the devices afterwards by selecting
the device and clicking the Edit… button. You can remove sizes by selecting the
size and clicking the Delete button.
Modeling the products is described in the following chapter.

Chapter 6. Electric, tele, data and building automation devices • 51

MagiCAD Product Modeller

6) Preview
Preview button opens a preview dialog where you can examine the modeled
Accept your choices with Ok. The device then appears in the list of modeled

Modeling the products

Click the New... button in the Sizes window pane (5) . The Product Size dialog

1 3

Fig. 53. Product Size dialog

1) General
o ID – Give here a unique identifier for the product, eg. L2-2X58W. ID is
shown in MagiCAD's selection lists only if Code is not defined.
o Code – This value appears in MagiCAD's selection lists, and it can be used
for clarifying what kind of product is in question (eg. L2-2X58W). If Code
is not defined, ID is shown in MagiCAD's selection lists.
o Market Area – Here you can define all market areas in which you want to
include the product (ie. show in the selection lists). If you leave this field
blank, the product is shown in all market areas.
The available market areas:
fin, swe, gbr, deu, nor, fra, esp, ita, pol, dnk, cze, prt, hun, nld, isl, est, ltu,
lva, rus, bel, chn, tur
o Version – Here you can enter eg. the modeling date.
2) Data
Here you can define technical data for the product.
o Active power [W]
o Light source
3) Main Dimensions
Here you can define the main dimensions for the device.
o Length [mm] – length/width
o Width [mm] – depth
o Height [mm]

52 • Chapter 6. Electric, tele, data and building automation devices

MagiCAD Product Modeller

If you have chosen to use a Qmodel and the model is made to be scalable, you
can define the dimensions of the model. Give the dimensions with the Qmodel
Params…function in the Device Shape dialog. However, define the dimensions
so that they match with the values that are given in the Main Dimensions fields.
4) Preview
When you click the Preview button you can examine the modeled device.

Tele, data and building automation devices

These devices are modeled in the same way as electric devices.

Chapter 6. Electric, tele, data and building automation devices • 53

MagiCAD Product Modeller

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