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Name: Kim Johnson

Section: 001

Elevator Pitch Speech Outline Template

I. Introduction:
a. Hello, my name is Kim Johnson. I am receiving my Bachelor of Science degree in Public
Relations through the School of Communication from Illinois State University in May of
b. With my time at ISU, I held a position on the Public Relations Student Society of
America’s executive board as the Director of Community engagement. In addition, I
obtained an internship for two semesters for the Social Media Analytic Command
Center in the School of Communication.
c. I am excited to share some of the qualities I possess that will set me aside from the
other candidates.

II. Strengths I possess include my empathy for others, communication skills, and my ability to
influence connections with others.
a. I am very in tune with my feelings which has provided me with being able to scope out
other people’s feelings. I put myself in other people’s situations and act as if I was
handling it for myself.

b. Next, I exceed in my oral and written communication skills. I can put my thoughts into
words with no problem. I form clear and concise messages with my verbal and
nonverbal communication conversations.

c. Lastly, I thrive of off meeting new people and creating a sincere connection with them. I
tend to be able to form a connection with any type of personality. I will find some way
to win someone over because of my open mindset.

III. Because I tend to focus on making connections, focusing on people’s feelings, and creating
communication between others, I find it difficult to execute the plans I have set for myself. With
that, I can get frustrated with myself and discouraged with the process of getting work done by

a. I have concluded that when I work in a team environment with people who excel in self-
motivation and working under pressure. Working alongside people whose strengths are
amongst these categories help me pinpoint details that aid to my execution of deadlines
and the tasks at hand. Lastly, I am open to constructive criticism and working to
enhance the skills that need work. I do my best to exceed the expectations given to me.

IV. Thank you for taking the time to consider my application materials. I look forward to discussing
the potential partnership with your organization.
Name: Kim Johnson
Section: 001

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