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Ashish Godbole

Decision situation/problem statement:

Ashish Godbole is a hardworking and dedicated employee having sound knowledge of MIS.
and also had a strong subject knowledge. He is a good worker. Based on Ashish’s request and
subsequent interview, management transferred him to marketing division with promotion.
However, he had not performed as expected and again transferred back to his original MIS
department. Due to Ashish’s arrogant behavior Mr. Krshnamurthy (Manager, MIS) does not
want him in his department anymore. Difficult situation arises when Ashish godbole is
transferred to Marketing department and sent back to MIS cell. His boss Mr. Krishnamurti
refuses to accept him due to his changed behavior. Now, the problem confronting to Mr.
Tondon is that how to resolve conflict between Mr. Krishnamurthy and Mr. Godbole? they
would work together. The main Problem is that Ashish is not able to understand his level of
motivational needs. Affiliation needs of motivation have already been developed in Ashish
by his boss Mr. Krishnamurty. So and what sort of motivational needs Mr. Godbole has to
develop? Ashish has to think about what are current motivational needs of him?
Recommended Solutions:
1) Mr. Tandon has to motivate Mr. Godbole and make him understand that what are his
current motivational needs. Since Mr. Krishnamurti has already developed
motivations in Mr. Godbole till time in terms of affiliation needs but he should not be
confined to motivational needs those have already been achieved as motivation is
continuous process. As affiliation need is already achieved, other motivational needs
also to be satisfied by him. Mr. Tandon has to ask Ashish first to meet Mr.
Krishnamurthy and apologize for the mistake committed by him. He has to also
confess about his state of mind at that time when he has been shifted to the MIS
department back. He Ashish should also focus to excel at his original workplace and
develop achievement needs. Once he starts excelling in his work, he would
automatically motivated to lead the others/subordinates. All humans have all three
needs (Need for achievement, need for power and need for affiliation) but one is more
dominant at a time.
2) Considering Ashish’s sound knowledge in the MIS and his interest in the marketing,
Mr. Tandon can also explore one more possibility towards to create new post for
Ashish in marketing department where he should explore the study of marketing
potential with his MIS & IT skills and dig out the potential and weakened market area
and the scope of improvement.
3) Second alternative Mr. Tandon should send Ashish to the training programme on
motivation where he can regain his motivation and change his attitude as well as able
to control his emotion at the job. could think that Mr. Godbole should be given free
hand which in turn will take him away from affiliation needs and he will be able to
develop other motivational needs based on his level.

Written by Group 5
Team members: Vasant Kalariya (X3007), Pranjal Pratim Kalita (X3020), Satendra Singh Gurjar
(X3024), Vishal Trivedi (X3031), Vikash Sen (X3033)
(As suggested today in OB-session we have to stick to original format I have not
gone through the questions given below.)

1. What sort of perceptual defences being used by the different actors? Explain with examples
from the case.

Mr. Bhujbal’s perceptual defense : Since Mr. Ashish Godbole was a potential threat
for him, so he put the following perceptual defence against Mr. Godbole.
“Mr. Godbole has worked in office cubicle and has no exposure to hardcore sales job.
He is reluctant to meet people rather prefers working in office.

Mr. Ashish Godbole’s perceptual defence : Mr. Bhujbal was a hard manager as the
nature of sales job is not softy. Ashish pereception about godbole was.
“ Mr. Bhujwal has no sense of talking and has disgusting behavior. The fellow had no
manners and would utter disgusting words without any provocation. He has no respect to
organisational hierarchy, he talks directly to sales people bypassing me. He has a humiliating

2. What sort of motivational needs Godbole has developed? Develop a motivational profile of
Ashish Godbole.

Motivational needs of Godbole those have been developed.

a) Need for affiliation : Desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationship.
b) Need for achievement : To achieve goals as per expectations
c) Self actualization

3. Explain the attribution process that Bhujbal has used to form judgements about Ashish’s

Key attribution factors in Bhujwal’s Judgment about Ashish’s behaviour.

Written by Group 5
Team members: Vasant Kalariya (X3007), Pranjal Pratim Kalita (X3020), Satendra Singh Gurjar
(X3024), Vishal Trivedi (X3031), Vikash Sen (X3033)
a) Selective perception : Since Ashish had experience in a sophisticated job (MIS) which is
entirely different from sales and marketing job. Marketing job has a lebel of tough job in
terms of targets.

b) Steriotyping :

c) horn effect

4. According to Decision style model what sort of decision style model Krishnamurthy and
Bhujbal are both likely to be using?

Bhujwal’s Decision style Model : Directive type. He uses his own knowledge to form decision
rather thinking abalytically & conceptually.

Krishnamaurti’s Decision style Model: Behavioural Type/Rational type. He does not want
godbole to go in sales department but allowed considering Godbole’s aspiration for
marketing job. He is a group worker. He takes decision considering interests of all.

5. What were the different motivating techniques that Krishnamurthy had used with Godbole
and the theories he was using implicitly?
6. How would you profile Ashish in terms of the big five model of Personality?

1) Openness to experience : We can consider him as an open person because he has choosen
shifting of job profile from MIS to Marketing which is usually not simple for introvert
2) Conscientiousness : High
3) Extraversion : Low
4) Agreeableness : High
5) Neuroticism : High

7. What sort of implicit theories of motivation Bhujabal has been using in his work?
a) Need for Power

8. If you were Ashish, explain how would you have gone about changing Bhujabal’s attitude
towards you (by using cognitive dissonance theory).

If I would be Ashish, I would change my beliefs and behaviour towards Bhujwal and try out to make
good professional relationship rather being depressed. If a person is rude in behaviour, it does not
mean that he has bad intension. It is individual style. We cannot say the person is same as their
external characteristics, it might be due to other factors like nature of work, nature of people to
whom interacting etc.

Written by Group 5
Team members: Vasant Kalariya (X3007), Pranjal Pratim Kalita (X3020), Satendra Singh Gurjar
(X3024), Vishal Trivedi (X3031), Vikash Sen (X3033)
9. Based on the Motivational self-concept theory develop a strategy to motivate Ashish to
perform well in marketing department (assume he can be sent back to marketing

Ashish should develop his own interest to boost sales. He should focus on his job and try to excel in
it. He should start enjoying his job as this is the only job he had dreamed for several years or can say
from his college days.

10. Why is there a breakdown of communication between Ashish and Bhujbal (detail the
techniques both should have used to reduce the barrier to communication)?

Perceptual defences of both.

Written by Group 5
Team members: Vasant Kalariya (X3007), Pranjal Pratim Kalita (X3020), Satendra Singh Gurjar
(X3024), Vishal Trivedi (X3031), Vikash Sen (X3033)

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