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Revisiting the Ladder on a Wall Problem

Yehuda Salu

Citation: The Physics Teacher 49, 289 (2011); doi: 10.1119/1.3578423

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Revisiting the Ladder on a Wall
Yehuda Salu, Howard University, Washington, DC

he problem of a ladder leaning on a wall has been a dividing by L cosa :
staple of introductory physics for years. It is discussed
in numerous physics textbooks and in journals.1-4 (3)
Now, it even has an Internet presence. Postings from students
seek help for “ladder on a wall” problems. A quick review of The equations for the reaction forces are:
those postings would show that they all deal with frictionless
walls. This is also how the situation is presented in most text-
books. One may get the impression that the friction between (5)
a ladder and a wall is always negligible, or that dealing with it where m1 and m2 are the friction coefficients.
is so difficult that it should be left out of the realm of intro-
ductory physics. The truth of the matter is that the magni- 0  N1 (6)
tude of the friction coefficient between a ladder and a wall is 0  N2 (7)
not much different from that with the floor, and that friction
with the wall is an important part of the conditions for hav- For a given ladder system, Eqs. (1)–(3) are a set of three
ing a static ladder. This paper derives a simple relationship equations, and they can provide unique solutions to problems
between the friction coefficients of the ladder with the floor with three unknowns. If all four reaction forces are unknown,
(m1) and with the wall (m2), when the ladder is in static equi- the system is underdetermined. One way of making the equa-
librium. Figure 1 shows the forces that act on a ladder that tions determined is by adding physical details, such as the
leans on a wall. elastic properties of the ladder, which affect the forces that act
The active force is the on the ladder.3,4 This adds to the complexity of the problem.
T weight W of the ladder To make the equations determined while preserving their
system (ladder plus the simplicity, T2 = 0 (no friction with the wall) is commonly
N climbing person). This added as a fourth equation. The solution of Eqs. (1)–(3) under
weight is “attached” to this condition is:
the center of gravity of the
ladder system. The length (8)
of the ladder is L, and the
center of gravity of the When the wall is frictionless (T2 = m2 = 0), the range of the
system is at a distance d safe friction coefficient between the ladder and the floor is
W from the feet of the lad- found by substituting N1 and T1 from Eq. (8) into (4):
N der.5 Four reaction forces
T act on the ladder: N1 and (9)
N2 are normal to the floor
and the wall, and T1 and In the following, a simple expression for the relationship
Fig. 1.
T2 are tangential, respec- between the friction coefficients of the ladder with the floor
tively. The equations of static equilibrium are:  Fx = 0,  Fy = and with the wall for a static ladder is derived. This relation-
0, and  t = 0, where Fx and Fy are the x- and y-components ship does not depend on the ladder’s elasticity.
of the forces that act on the ladder, and t is the torque of those In order to study the effects of the wall’s friction, inequali-
forces. Applying the static equilibrium equations to the ladder ties (4)–(7) have to be merged with the static equilibrium Eqs.
yields: (1)–(3). We start by fixing T2. The solutions of Eqs. (1)–(3)
N2 = T1 (1) are:
N1 + T2 – W = 0. (2)

In order to calculate the torques, the point of contact of the

ladder with the floor is chosen as the pivot around which the
cross product of each force and its arm are calculated. The
sum of the torques is then:
–N2L sina – T2L cosa + W . d cos a = 0, which gives, after

DOI: 10.1119/1.3578423 The Physics Teacher ◆ Vol. 49, May 2011 289
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From Eqs. (5) and (11): (a) Is the ladder static if there is no friction with the wall?
Answer: Based on Eq. (16), the smallest required friction
coefficient is
which gives:

which is more than the available 0.3. Therefore, the ladder is
From Eqs. (12) and (13): not static.

(b) What is the smallest friction coefficient with the wall

(14) that will make the ladder static?
Answer: Based on Eq. (15),

From Eqs. (4) and (14): 2
which gives m2 = 1.33.

and using (10) and (13), As physics educators, we are always looking for problems
that are “more thinking than memorization.” By considering
the friction with the wall, we do not add to the memorization
(15) component of the problem. All the additional efforts are pure
thinking—implementing existing knowledge of inequalities.
Equation (15) is a general relationship between the param- However, including a topic in the curriculum is a question of
eters of a static ladder. Comparing it with Eq. (9) shows how optimization and prioritization. Teachers who find that a full
increasing m2 (the friction coefficient between the wall and discussion of this issue does not muster enough priority could
the ladder) drives down the required m1 (the friction coef- assign it as a problem, or just quote Eqs. (15) or (16), for the
ficient between the floor and the ladder). sake of creating the correct perceptions.
If the a of a static ladder is gradually decreased, a point is
reached at which the ladder starts to slip. At this angle, at least References
one of the friction forces is less than the required tangential 1. Joe Meyer, “Ladder physics,” Phys. Teach. 26, 532–535 (Nov.
force: T1 > m1N1 and/or T2 > m2N2. For any ladder configura- 1988).
tion (given d, L, and a ), fixing one friction coefficient (m1 or 2. Mario Belloni, “A simple demonstration for the static ladder
m2) determines the minimum of the other coefficient at that problem,” Phys. Teach. 46, 503–504 (Nov. 2008).
angle. Equation (15) with an equals sign gives the relation be- 3. Kenneth S. Mendelson, “Statics of a ladder leaning against a
rough wall,” Am. J. Phys. 63 (2), 148–150 (Feb. 1995).
tween these two friction coefficients.
4. Alejandro G. Gonzalez and Julio Gratton, “Reaction forces on a
If m2 = 0, Eq. (15) becomes (9), as it should.
ladder leaning on a rough wall,” Am. J. Phys. 64 (8), 1001–1005
If m1= 0, then a = 90o or m2 =  , as they should. That (Aug. 1996).
means that without friction with the floor (m1= 0), a leaning 5. If a person of weight WP stands on a ladder at a distance of dP
ladder cannot be kept static just by friction with the wall. If from its feet, the ladder’s weight is WL, and its center of gravity
the center of gravity of the ladder system is at the middle of is dL from its feet, then W=WP+WL and
the ladder, d/L = 0.5 and Eq. (15) becomes:

(16) where W is the weight of the ladder-person system and d is the

distance of the center of gravity of the ladder-person system
from the feet of the ladder.
Examples: The center of gravity is at the middle of a ladder
that makes an angle of 45o with the floor. The friction coef- Yehuda Salu is a physics professor at Howard University in Washington,
DC. His current interests are in physics education and in applying neural
ficient with the floor is 0.3.
networks to cognition theory. He recently published the textbook Physics
for Architects., ysalu@howard.

290 The Physics Teacher ◆ Vol. 49, May 2011

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