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edition nglish File Tsay ma (te Workbook WITH KEY Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden Lei Olona with Jane Hudson 40 A What the waiter really thinks 2B 7B Life in colour 0 Practical English Episode 1A bad start ityourself 49 B Shall we go out or stay in? 5 _B Goto checkout pisod 4 Is ita cl 53. Can you remember...2 1-7 54 A Trost yourself 2B Photo albums 57 _B Situs and sights Episode 2 All kinds of problems 14 Practical En: 25 "Can you remember...2 1-3 es sc cote eee 26 A Don't throw itaway! 60 A Tota coal 63. B Hore comos the bide 66 Practical English Epsode 5 Finding Hemy 2 | Sueteenee 68 A The land of the froe? 71 B Please turn over your papers 38 Practical English Episode 3 Time to tell the police 39 Can you remember...? 1-5 74 Answer Key How to use your Workbook and Online Practice Be Sa etre Use your Student's Book in lass with your teacher. English File” Sere ee et | Look again at the Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation from the Student’s Book before you Practise Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation do the Workbook exercises. for every lesson. ———P Listen to the audlo for the Pronunciation exercises. w= Use the Sound Bank videos to practise English sounds. <—— Watch the Practical English videos before you : : do the exercises. Practise the Practical English for every episode, > Use the interactive video for more Practical English practice. Do the Can you remember...? exercises > Look again at the Grammar, Vocabulary and to check that you remember the Grammar, Pronunciation if you have any problems. Vocabulary, and Pronunciation every two Files. Practise Reading, Listening, Speaking and Whiting. Course overview - yo Ia VOCABULARY names Match the sentence halves. Her name's Katheryn, but she's called Gordon Sumner's nickname The singer changed his name from Robert Downey Junior is named after Ruth Rendell sometimes wrote under the pseudonym 6 Brad is short a his father, Robert Downey Senior. b Barbera Vine, &-Katyfor short 4 for Bradley. @ is Sting. f Potor Gene Hernanciez to Bruno Mars. / Why did they call you that? b Complete the definitions with a word from the list. firstname fullname initials maiden name married name middle namo 1 your first name is aname that your parents choose for you when you are born 2a 's the name between a person's first name and surname: 3 awoman's _ isher sumame before she § Fall everyone ‘Darling’ becauso” Ican'tremember thelr nemes 2 Zea Gabor, American actress Q VOCABULARY FROM SPEAKING Complete the sentences with a word or phrase from the list. a wide range of modern colours _ brainpower click together easily delicious for-creative-people good for the planet healthy recyclable simple building system waren light 1 Our art and design courses are suitable forcreative people of all ages. 2 The ee from the lamp creates @ relaxing atmosphere in the room. 3 The of some modern houses means they can be builtin less than a day! gets married 4 The soup’s Can | have some more? 4 awoman's aoe isher surname after she gets 5 Do you think that doing crosswords improves your married PEE: 5 your. is your whole name, ineluding your 6 The phone is available in first name, eny middle names, and your femily name 6 your aro the first letters ofall your ¢ Complete the text with the words in a and b. Write one word in each space. The story behind a name Agatha Christie isthe besteling novelist ofall time. She wrote 66 detective stories under her own name end six romances under the ‘psauclonym Mary Westmacott. ‘Agatha Christie's? _ name and surname are known worldwide, but few people know what the rest of the writer's? . A.M.C.C., stand for. Agatha had two. 4 names, Mary and Clarissa, so her ® rrame was Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie. Christe was in fact, her ® name — in [914 she married Archie Christie (Archie’ is’______ for Archibald). Agatha’s ® name was Miller Agatha and Archie Christie divorced in 1928, and when Agatha got married a second time the archaeologist Max Mallowan she not? her name again. ‘As for Agatha Christie’ family, she had a sister, Margaret Frary Miller, ‘Madge’ for after “their grandmother's sister, Margaret.” Louis [who was '. | shore Madge was e packaging is made of materials like glass or paper. 8 Our products are ~ they don't harm the environment 9 Ifyou want a _ snack, have j some fruit. 10. The model plane is very simple to build because the parts. 2 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds a Write the names in the chart. ‘Adele Alex Bill Caroline Chris Emily Eve James Joe Kate Leo Mike Paula Sam Sean Sophio @ 1 2 3 4 cat train egg tree ‘Adele 5 ‘ 7 8 phone b- @1.1 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the names. ¢ @1.2 Listen and complete the sentences. 1 $& Anna's canyinga blackbag 2 se) ee today. 3 3 ‘ssendinga____ toa 4 @ _‘s seeing his this f 8 a _ this year. + & aie 7 ark is ordering as i B. d- @1.2 Listen again and repeat the sentences. | 3 GRAMMAR pronouns a Complete the sentences with a pronoun (I, me, mine, etc.) or a possessive adjective (my). call her Eloise, 2 I like you to meet my new boyfriend. name's Tom, : : ‘| My wife and Iara having @ baby git. We're going to fi when | go to the UK. 4 We aren’t going to Emma and lan’s wedding. They haven't invited 5 Can | borrow your dictionary, please? 3. im staying at my sister's house. | always stay with I've forgotten 6 Ihave two nephows. names are Richard and Matthow. 7 We go everywhere by public transport. The bus stops right outside house. 8 Do you know where my keys are? | car‘t find anywhere. 9 My car is nearly out of petrol. Lot's take 10. It's my dad's birthday tomorrow. | mustn't forget to call irclaithe correct answer. Eto thon They gave us their tickets / their tickets us. i send @ message you / you a message when | arrive. What do you think of my curtains? My mum made them for me / forme them. 5 She showed me her holiday photos / her holiday photos me. 6 Tm going to lend a suitcase her / her a suitcase. 7 a Ren Do you like my new phone? My cousin sold to me it/ it to me. Put on these gloves. | bought them for you / for you them. Complete the answers in the conversations. Change the word order and use pronouns and to / for. 1 A Who showed you the photo? B Jack showed it to me 2 A Who sent Sophie those flowers? B Her husband 3. A Who's going to buy your girlfriend a car? B Herfather — a 4. A Who sold your parents their new car? B Their neighbour 5 A Who makes your lunch? B My mum — 8 & A Who gave you and your husband that picture? B Acolleague. . 7 A Who's going to get you and your friends the tickets? B My brother _ F 8 A Who's reading Max the story? B His grandmother Go online for more practice d_ Complete the text with the correct pronouns or possessive adjectives. ‘My brother's first name is David — * 's called Dave for short. My parents gave that name because they tiked * ___. His middle name is Robert. Robert was my grandfather's first, name and my dad's middle name, so my brother is named after=____. Dave's surname is the same as®__ _: Hudson. 1 nickname at school was Henry because * 's the first name of the famous explorer Henry Hudson. @ Write a short paragraph about your name. Include... * your first name, what you're called for short, and why the name was chosen. + your middle name, and why it was chosen. * your sumame. * any nicknames and the reason for them. f Writea similar paragraph about a family member or friend's name. 4 VOCABULARY adjective suffixes a Complete the sentences with the adjective form of the bold word. Use a suffix from the list. able/-ibie -ate ive -ous -ful | think Charlie's very attractive _- he always looks groat! ATTRACT My auntisa very_____ woman, She volunteers at a hospital overy weekend. COMPASSION. My girlfriend is very She isn't afraid to ‘express her opinion. ASSERT tt was very _ _— of you to visit me in hospital. THOUGHT Sue's I'm very 7 She's gen many books and won several important prizes. SUCCESS 8 Jessisa teenager. She often looks after the neighbour's children. RESPONSE 9 My sister is rather She doesn't think bofore she acts. IMPULSE 10. My nephew is really shopping for me, HELP 11 Philip wes quite he's calmed down. REBEL 12. You have to be careful what you say to Helen. She's very SENSE child, We all adore her, LOVE of my friend's now car. ENVY author. She's writ - He often doos my inhhis teens, but now b Complete the sentences. Make adjectives from the nouns and verbs from the list. ‘affection consider create glamour possess power rely 1. Maris children are very affectionate. They always give us a big hug when we arrive. 2 Matt's gitiend is very him talk to other girls, 3. My boss's quite She always lets me take time off if my children are ill. 4 My assistant isn’t very do anything important. 5 Lisa's very She looks lke an actress! 6 Ho's avery businessman. He owns several large companies and he makes a lot of money. 7 Anne's really She's made some wonderful sculptures. She doesn't let can’t trust her to © Man needs colour to lve, I's just a5. necessary an element as fire oF water. Fomand Léger, French painter, ‘sculptor, and filmmaker ¢ Complete the text with the adjective form of the words In brackets. ast yea, my friend Mark made a risky. is) [irene gt Ithad once been ono ofthe most expensive and 2 {apres butings inthe soo, the house was 3 efor because twas in such bad condtion. The 1 outside wals were {crt and damaged in paces, Se which made the bung quite * _— (danger). The garden 2S was! (mess) because noone had foked aftr it for PE years. The windows didn't fit property so the house was cold and ig? {noise)- you could ear the trafic outside, 2 Today the house ishardly® ____ (recognize). Downstairs, PS there's a® __ living room with a sofa and some © ___ (comfort) armchairs. As well as an enormous, itchon, there's another room, which would be "__ (suit) | asa study or a smal bedroom, Upsiits, there's a ® {twsuy) bathroom with jacuzzi, 2s well as four tatefuly-decorated bedrooms, Mark doesn’t have a very (health) lifestyle, as he spends all day sitting at a dask, so no's installed a small gym inthe attic, ‘Tho house isaiso much quieter and more " (peace) ‘naw because the windows have been changed. The garden has been $5) tied, and it has some beautiful fowers, which makes it much more 1 °—____(oolouy. t's a very * {rest place to $2 sit and have lunch or read a book. (stress), but Mark Repairing a house can be quite 7 {is happy withthe result The replis ware " (expense), but he's sure ne has made a (profi investment The house is ina” (desire) part of town, and he’s calculated that i's now worth tree times the money he paid fori. d_ Make adjectives from the nouns and verbs in the list. Write them in the correct column. care colour end help hope peace power rest stress success thought use ful and-less | _ only -full only - careful / careless [ less Match colours 1-7 to definitions a-g. a dark rocdish brown colour ‘cream ct 2 turquoise _____b_a dark brownish green colour Bray —___e-apale-yellowish-white-colour 4 scarlet d avery dark blue colour 5 khaki e abright red colour 6 beige = ___ fa light brown colour 7 maroon ____—_g_ abright groonish-biue colour PRONUNCIATION word stress Underline the stressed syllable in the words from the list. Then write them in the correct column. ‘amjbiftious defsitlalble enlvijous im|pulsive inlox{pen|sive irlres|ponfsifble pesisionjate relbeliiious senjsible sojcialble unit}tracttive unjsuclcessiful _Stresson. Stress on, ‘Stress on first syllable | second syllable | third syllable ambitious @1.3 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the adjectives. Underline the stressed syllable in the words in each group. Then €irclé)the word which has the stress on a different syllable. 1 aslseritive ToliourffuD polsselssive suclcessiful 2 atitracttive glalmojrous lovelalble risiky 3 injconlsidjerfate relsponisilble unjimipreissive Unjalilable 4 afffordlalble comforjtalble proflitlalble _suiltalble 5 afffec|tionjate crelaltive lujxulrijous polwer{ful 1.4 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the adjectives. 1 She has sjob stressful. asstresstul job. 2 \love those purples fiaWeW. 3 Sarah's more tall than her sister. 4 Silver isn't as expensive than gals 5 My sister's the more reliable perso | know. & He's the student mor elligent in our class. Complete the sentences with the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjective in brackets. More than one answer may be possible. 1 My ceris less powerfu than yours, but it’s much more comfortable. (powerful) 2 Mee! terrible! 'm. today than | was yesterday. (tired) 3 The roadis ‘at the top of the hill than it is at the bottom, 30 you have to drive really carefully. (narrow) 4 Zach is one of people | know— he's always upsetting poople. (considerate) Bethe eerie person in my family is usually my mum — she’s always worrying about something (stressed) 6 The solution would be to teke @ taxi so that we won't have to find somewhere to park. ‘simple) 7 The blue dress is Ht than the green ‘one, s0 I'l buy the blue one, (expensive) © Complete the conversations with one, ones, or X if neither word is necossary. 1A Do you prefer Chinese or indian food? B Indian __X__. llove really spicy food. 2. A Which biscuits shall | get? B_ The chocolate ones They're my favourite. 3A Which is your coat? B The leather 4A Where's your car? B Over there. It’s the green 5 A. Shall | use brown or white bread for the sandwiches? B Brown There isn’t any white broad loft. 6 A Which earrings do you like best? B Thegold They look great 7A Would you like still or sparkling mineral water? B Sparkling please. 8 A Which trousers shall get? B The expensive you. Thoy really suit 4 Complete the sentences with much or a bit + the comparative form of an adjective from the list. e Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. Use the word in brackets. Write 3-5 words. 1. Eddie isn’t as ambitious as his brother. (less) Eddie is fess ambitious than his lrother. 2 I've never heard an idea as stupid as that one. (the) Tha’s lve ever heard, 3 Those are the smartest trousers my uncle has. (ones) Those trousers my uncle has, 4 Charlotte isn't quite as sonsitive as she used to be. (bit) Charlotte is she usad to be. 5 The office at the end of the corridor is mine, (the) My office is of the corridor. 6 My new cor isn't as noisy as my old one. (quieter) Mynewcer____ my olde. 7 They weren't as bored yesterday as they are today. than) They they were yostorday. 8 The house on the comer is thei. (the) Their house is __ 9 Max isn’t nearly as ible as Tony. (much) Tony Max. 10 I've never boon as frightened as that in my lf. (is) That___ I've ever been in mi life. £ Use the words to write true sentences about you. 1. much noisier than 2 cleverer than active good polite short spacious stressful thoughtful tidy 1 I'mfeeling abit better __than yesterday, but {'m still not well enough to get out of bed. 21m than my brother. He's 1.82 m and I'm 1.80, 3. My childron are: than my sister's Hers never even say ‘please’ or ‘thank you’ 4. His gitriond is than he is. She always scems to know what he needs. 5 My new flat is than the old one, It’s 80 m, and the old one was 50 m2 6 Cathy's than she used to be, but she still plays tennis, does Pilates, and goes jogging. 7 Myhusband’s than me, but he doesn't put all his clothes away either. 8 Harry's new job is ‘one, Now he never works at weekends, then his old 3. myold one 4 the least suitable 5 a bit healthier than 6 more affectionate than 7 the most successful 8 the messiest = reporting lost luggage REPORTING LOST LUGGAGE Match sentences 1-10 to responses a-j. Can | help you? be Which flight were you on? And you're a visitor to the UK? oe How long are you staying for? oe (OK. How many bags are you missing? Can you deseribe it for me? eee And what size is it? ee Anything else? Z And what was in the bag? ee 10 Can Ihave your contact number in the UK? _ a Clothes, toiletries, all my personal belongings. ‘b-Yeah- my bag-hasn‘tarrived: © Yes, it has a logo. t's 07700 439826. € Just one ~a sports bag, Flight EZY6035 from Madrid, g Its quite large. h Well it’s dark blue...and it's made of canvas. i. Five days. i Yes, that's right, LANGUAGE FOCUS describing luggage ‘Complete the chart with the words from the list. four wheels greyish blue hard plastic i Practical English A bad start 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH a Complete the highlighted phrases in the conversations with a word from the list. ‘awful day great lovely mi 1 A Its lovely to see you! B its to see you, too! 2 A Ican'tbelieve we're here, Sophie. B Neither cen |, it's isn't itd 3 A Look at this top I've just bought. B Oh 4 A Ielost my passport. : B It's not your - visit 5 A Ireally youl B Me too, 6 A They've cancelled my flight. B Ohno! That's. 7A Hllputmy bag in my room. B Please, let me. that for you, b Complete the conversations with the highlighted phrases from a. 1 A I can’t believe you're so far away. B Yes, is weird, isn’t it? _ It seems strange label light green mediumsize rucksack talking to you on the phone. small suitcase synthetic material ‘ B Me, too. ‘Type of luggage sports bag nicksack 2 A It'slovely to see you. Siew A Wea broughiyou sore 7 Ive brought you some flowers. cork red B Thoy're beautifull Material canvas 3A I've been sitting in a trafic jar for two hours. pole eH # B Ohno! large A And now I'm finally here, "ve ust realized I've Extras left my wallet at home. alogo 7 — Goo phrases 4A Il put my bag in the boot. B No, ne, It’s too heavy for you. take weird wow 4 2 3 GRAMMAR Complete the sentences, 1 His name's Enrique, but he's called Kike t sh 2 This ert my jacket. That beige ono | m 3 This isn't my book. A friend lent it m 4 Im not looking for expensive trainers; | want to buy some ch ° : 5 It takes me a lot longer to get to work now because Hive m, fi away than | used to. 6 My neighbours don't look after their garden. Theirs isth t attractive garden in the street. VOCABULARY Eircl\the word that is different. maiden name manied name firstname sumame sffection consider glamour compession affordable rebellious comfortable fuxurious envious thoughtless loveable possessive stressiul careful hopeful useful pale messy bright dark PRONUNCIATION ‘Eitcldthe word with a different sound. 1 attractive careful glamorous married 2 healthy messy possessive reliable 3 affordable called colourful thoughtless 4 creative. maiden compassionate spacious 5 clothes hopeful profitable sociable 4 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY Read the article. Circl@a, b, or c. WHAT THE COLOUR CLOTHES SAYS A’ Some psychologists think that the colour of |___ clothes says @ fot about us, They believe that red, purple, or grey clothes give people 7___ impressions of what we are like. Red clothes attract attention and suggost that the wearer is °__. Red is one of the “__ colours to ‘wear when you want to impress or persuade someone to do something for®__. Black and blue are a bit ©__ impressive than red, but they also suggest power: Black is more serious than the other two and suggests the wearer is confident and ambitious. Ifyou are going to a job interview, you should probably wear blue, as it shows that you are ”___and can be trusted. People who ate optimistic generally wear *__brighter colours like pink, orange, or yellow. Purple indicates elegance, style, and ° ‘talent it a colour often worn by artists. Grey is the ®__ neutral of ll the colours. Grey clothes suggest that a person doesnt like attracting attention and would rather be on their own, SP 1 i 1a our b ours © their 2 @ difference b different differents 3 a careful b powerful powerless 4a best b better © most 5 a you b your © yours 6a least b less © the least 7 a affordable b recognizable reliable Ba bit b more © much 9 a assertive b creative —¢_sensitive 10 a most b more © least VOCABULARY packing ld\the word that is different. Explain why. 1 bathrobe Gunhad) pyjamas slippers ‘The others are all nightwoar 2 toothpaste insect repellent adaptor make-up The others are all 3 pack ofcards charger trevel The others are all 0 earphones 4 ID card visa driving licence razor The others are all 5 flip-flops swimsuit raincoat swimming trunks The others are all Complete the crossword. Get ready! Get set! Go! ACROSS > @iideys ace about xperonces and people ‘and tuning into winat you fel ie doing et the moment. Enjoy not having swatch Evalyn Glennie, Bish musitan EE 3 ¢ Complete the text with the words and phrases from the lists, Nouns booking confirmation driving licence passport scissors shampoo travel insurance documents underwear visa_washbag Verbs fold pack rollup unpack wrap Next fine you fy and you hove o pack to fake onto the plane and a suitcase for the remember these tips. First the suitcase: Before you start, ‘rollup. your jeans, jumpers, and Tshirts fo make them smaller, and coretuly your shits and dresses, vi_______heavy items lke shoes at the bottom of the case. ¥ Put clayer of eans, jumpers, and Tshirts on top of the shoes. ve fragie tems in a towel and put ther in the middle of your case. Place shitts and dresses on top of the other clothes. You can * thert as soon as you ‘arrive and hang them in a cupboard. 7 Fill the spaces in your case with small lems of clothing such as socks and © Finally, put your wth all your fli onthe top. Ramember tht bots of and deodorant over 100 ml ‘mus goin your case. Sharp obecis ike Inust also go in here. Now for your hand luggage: Keep all your documents here. Moke sure you have your ® in case the suitcase you have checked in gots lost Toke your" paid for your accommodation. Have your™® Yyou want torent a car, Keep your 1 card or ® in the outside pocket of the bag, f possible — you wil probably need to show it more than once. to show you have with you in case vPutyour’______with your travel documents because you will need itto enter the country when you land, d_ What would you need to pack for the following situations? Write five items, 1. aboach holiday in your own country 2 a three-day business trip abroad VOCABULARY FROM READING Complete the sentences with a phrase from the list. develop a magnetic pull get your revenge on goes-completoly outthe window have the urge whatever the reason 1. My healthy eating routine always g02s completely aut the winclow when | go on holiday. 2loften to book a holiday in the sun when it's cold and wet outside, 3 Onewayto an unfair ‘employer is to start your own business. 4 , toutist numbers to the country have grown significantly in the last two years, 5. When I nood to study, social media posts ftom people | don't even know 2 PRONUNCIATION 3s; /2/, and /iz/ a @2.1 Listen and@ircléthe word with a different ca 1 2 3 snake | zebra | snake flipflops | clothes | visa hoes) | pyjamas |toothpaste| phones | scissors socks | shorts | passport | cards leptops sights | towels | sunscroon| belts | jackets b @2.1 Listen again and repeat the words. ¢ Eircléthe word in each pair where the final -es is. pronounced /iz/. 1@Beaches) clothes 4 cases headphones 2 gloves brushes: 5 bathrobes boxes 3 magazines sunglasses 6 names addresses d- @2.2 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. } GRAMMAR present tenses 1 Bo quiet! I try Xfm trying}to reed, 2 Ben uses / is using sunscreen all year round, not just in the sumer. 2 Paul's wife always packs / packs always his suitcase for him 4. Pay attention! You don’t listen / aren't listening to me. 5 Elizabeth doesn’t usually wear / don't usually wear make-up on the beach & My boyfriend always is/ is always late. 7 Sarn and Richard go// are going hiking every weekend. 8 Who your gidiond is/ is your gitriend talking to? 9. My brother speaks / is speaking good French because he has lived in France. 10 You go / Do you go to the same place on holiday every year? the correct form. » Complete the conversation with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. ‘A What ‘are you doing __ (do) next weekend? Bi? (go) toa concert on Friday evening. Ed Sheeran ® (play) in Glasgow. ¢ Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of a verb from the list not agree notbelieve belong depend have not matter recognize see think not want 1 Susie's going to be late tonight. She's seeing a friend after work. 21 ‘that man. I've seen him before somewhere. 3. Josh isn’t sure what to do this summer, He about doing voluntary work 4 Whose bag is this? to you? 51 ____ to buy anything. I'm just looking. 6 Can you call back later? We 2 dinner. 7 That isn't right. | with you at all 8 Sorry, | in ghosts. 'm sure there's an explanation for what happened. 9 Don't worry about her comments. It what other people say. 10 We might go camping, butit on the weather, d_ Use the words to write questions to ask someone about their next trip. Use the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs. 1 where / go I'ma real fan ofis. you Where are you going? (ike) Ed Shocran? 2 who / go with Ai (not mind) him, but | would’ go all he way to Glasgow to see him, How S anauT a : you _ (get) there? pre (fy) on Friday morning. My anon { getthere, flight leave) at 14.25, A What time” ie plane 5 what /went to do while you're there (arrive) in Glasgow? Eee eeeeeeeseceeeee ee eeeeEereeeeceeee B We® (land) at 15:18, My sictor 6 what / need to pack (pick me up) at the airport. ‘A What time is the concert? Bit® (start) at 6.30. We " (meet) some friends at 7.00 (not want) to be because we late. A Well, |hope you have a great time. B Thanks. rally (look forward) to it! © Ge ontine for more pracice) 7 why / you / look forward to it @ Answer the questions in d about your next trip. a 1 GRAMMAR possessives c Re-order the words to make sentences. 1. my /house / we / day / the / at / spent / sister's We spent the day at my sister's house, —_____ 2 go/ Kate's /to / wedding / we / didn't 3 boyfriend's / with / doesn’t / har / on / Beth / get / parents, 4 house / of / the / is / door / locked / the / back 5 the / class/1/ of / sit / always / the / front/ at / irclothe correct answer. Tick (/) if both are The boy's bikes KThe boys’ bikedneed cleaning before they put ther _ “That gil is James’ new girfiend / James's new girlfriend, v 3. I's my mum's birthday / my mums’ birthday today. 4. There are alot of women’s clothes / womens’ clothes in the charity shop. ‘She doesn’t mind looking after other people's / other peoples’ children, There's a barbecue on Saturday at John’s / John’s house. 1m going to the hairdresser’ / the hairdresser after lunch, That's Poppy's and Mikey’s school / Poppy and Mikey's school. Ds won tho otter fd start cay tht § helped ite fem hardware shops and tut shops to open in cty cones. ‘Alone Sola Bish comedtan Rewrite the Kighlighf@id phrase using of to show possession. 1 Alice is Sa of ry feenda. Alice isa fiend of mine 2 Eating too fast is be of his bad habitg, Eating too fast is a 3 How's your Bist How's that 4 That woman is BA@ af Lucy's teadt That woman is a 2 5 What's fit ir What's this. Complete the sentences. Use own with a possessive adjective (my, your, her, etc.) My parents make their own bread. Vd love to have a room of __ Does the house have swimming pool? “That's my pen. Why dor’t you use 2 Wo're taking tent when we go camping. IMy sister has just left home and moved into a place of 7 My grandfather is 91 and he stil has all teeth, Answer the questions about you. Use ‘5, of, or own. 1) Whose house do you live in? 2. Whose bedroom isthe biggest in your house or fat? 3 Whose wes the last cer you drove? 4. Where do you usually sit on 2 bus? 5. Whoso was the last house you went to, and when? & Whose advice do you often take? ! PRONUNCIATION ¢ and final -r | Eirelwhere -r is pronounced ir. 1 car show(oom 2 dry cleaner’s 3. greengracer's 4 hairdresser’s 5 garden centre 6 charity shop » @2.3 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. @2.4 Listen and write the sentences. Circla)-r when it is pronounced /ri. 1 Welfe out ofsugae 2 aie 4 5 | @2.4 Listen again and repeat the sentences. 3 VOCABULARY shops and services | Read the clues. Complete the puzzle to find the hidden kind of shop. What does it sell? ‘clHjelm| ii s[ tis Fe fy T 8 O -[z LJ R ia yy ] els AlG ] Fel cn 11 A shop that sells medicine and toiletries. 2 A type of shop where you pay to wash and dry your clothes in machines. 3 A shop that sells bread. 4 A shop where jewellery and waiches are sold and repaired. 5 A shop that sells paper, pens, and pencils. 6 A shop that sells meat, b 7 Ashop that sells aleoholic drinks. 8 A shop that sells fruit and vegetables. 9 A shop that selis fish, 410. A shop where you can get your hair cut, washed, and styled. ‘11 A shop that sells newspapers and magazines. 12 Accompany that helps people buy, sell, or rent houses. 13. A shop that sells flowers. ‘4A shop whore men can have their halr cut 15 A shop that sells cooked meats and cheeses. Join @ word from A with a word from B to make places on the high street. Then complete the sentences. A car chain charity craft DIY dry gerden market pound travel B agent's centre cleaner’s fair shop (x2) showroom stall_store (x2) 1 My cousin has a market stall selling leather bbags in Covent Garden. 2 Can you pick up my suit from the please? 3 Tanya went to the to buy some plants. 4 Dic you book your fights online or at the 2 5 We bought a beautiful hand-made wooden bow! atthe 6 Zaraisa that you find in many shopping centres all over the world. 7 We went to the at the new models, 8 Ourlocal has a very good selection of gardening and carpentry tools. 9 The new has some lovely second-hand clothes, 40 Most things only cost 99p or less in the to have a look © Replace the bold words in the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb from the list. be out of close down Jeokfor look round sell out try on 1. Hannah was trying to find a bikini, but in the end she bought a swimsuit Hannah was looking for a bikini, but in the end she bought a swimsuit. 2 I've walked round to see what there is, but | haven't seen anything | want to buy. Wve , but | haven't seen anything | want to buy. 3 Wolll have to go to the supermarket to get milk ~ the local shop doesn’t have any more to sell. We'll have to go to the supermarket to get milk - the local shop has. 4 Excuse me, where can | put on these jeans to see if they fit? Excuse me, where cen | these jeans? 5 | didn't buy any black trousers because they didn’t have my size in stock. | didn't buy any black trousers because they ____ my size, 6 The restaurant stopped trading after the health inspectors visit. The restaurant inspectors visit after the health a {i ( d_ Look at the photos. Where do you usually buy the items? Why? VOCABULARY FROM READING Complete the sentences, 1 Our local supermarket stacks awide range of organic products, 2 Tho fashion chain Zara has over a thousand br. across Europe. 3. Chain stores try to encourage | « by giving shoppors a store card. 4. My uncle's business is b i pr. after making a loss last year. 5 The company is making employees redundant in an attempt toc c some people are young when they're 90... Yoko Ono, Japanese artist and songwrtar | VOCABULARY stages of life 1 Look at the photos and complete the words. ER b Complete the sentences with the singular or plural form of the words and phrases in a 1 Their baby is only two weeks old, so he spends most of his time sleeping, 2 One of the most important events for a oe is starting secondary school 3 I'm not sure how old Anna is. I'd say she’s , but Fm sure she isn't 50 yet. 4 _____ canbe frustrating: they're often cheeky and they teke little notice of their parents, 5 Paulis ce he'd lke to settle down before he's 40, 6 are exhausting: they've just leamed to walk, and they have tantrums. 7 Laura has been at university for two or three years now, so she must be 8 My grandparents are in the and they're both a 9 Their son is so naughty that they've decided not to have any more late sixties ¢ Write sentences about eight people in your family and the stages of life that ‘they're in. My niece is.a todaller. © Some people are old when they're 18 and GRAMMAR past simple, past continuous, or used to? a Circiethe correct form. 1 2 3 4 (Gidn’t go oubY wasn't going out much when | was a toonager We lived / used to live in Germany for five years. My brother used to have / was having a beerd, but row he's shaved it off We used to sit/ were sitting in the garcien when my grandparents arrived Where did you stay / were you staying when you went on holiday to Greece? | didn't use to eat / wasn't eating many vegetables when Iwasa child. What did you use to do / were you doing when I saw yau in town yesterday? | gave up trying to explain when | realized that you dicin’t listen / weren't listening. My gitftiond became / used to become a vegetarian when she was a student, Did you use to play / Were you playing in the street when you were young? ae, eam Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets, Use the past simple, past continuous, or used to, More than one answer may be possible. 4 Ben didn't hear the doorbell because he was listening. to music with his headphones on. {not hear, listen) 21 late this moming, so | ‘ime for breakfast. (wake up, not have) 3. When the phone rang, | tothe children and my husband the dinner. fread, cook) 4 Emily glasses until she __ working at the computer all day. {not wear, stert) 5 Myparents a car until they {not have, got married) very fast when they the lamp post. (not drive, hit} 6 Luckily, they 71 in Germany for a year when | a student. (ive, be) 8 We in the high street, but then thoy anew hypormarkat near our house. (go shopping, build) 9 Myson his boarding pass while we at the airport for our flight. (lose, wait) 10 We always our holidays in the same village in France when we children. (@pend, be) Page PRONUNCIATION -ed endings, sentence rhythm € Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the past simple, past continuous, or used to. More than one answer may be possible. a Write the past simple forms of these regular verbs in the chart according to the pronunciation of the -ed ending. ack change decide end hate hope live miss play start study traval want wash watch Gin ci hd/ 1 2 3 tie dog asked inly ever ‘met (meet) one of my graridparents, id that was my dad's mother. We? (see) srevery Sunday afternoon when | was litle. One day, my anny* look after) me while my parents b 3.1 Listen and check. Then listen again and (visit) a friend in hospital. repeat the past simple forms. (play) in the garden, ... (cook) lunch. She (call) me when the meal was ready. (run) into the kitchen ia (catch) my little finger in the door and LaiLeld Past alled off the nail tt! (hurt) a lot, but | walked as more upset because | {not think} In the morning, |* hile my granny & ¢ @3.2 Listen to six sentences. Write the verbs in the correct column, Use the context to help you. fortunately, as |" 4 VOCABULARY photography a Complete the description of the photo. “hon say | want to photograph someone, what!” ‘treally moans is that lke to know them. Annie Leibovitz, American photographer ‘Photo albums Sn a ‘This photo was taken in a garden. In the ‘foreground _, there's a wornan and the trunk of a tree that has been cut down. The trunkis in the *b, right-hand comer of the photo,and the woman is standing *b it She's leaning on the tree trunk with her left hand on. *t____ fit. she'sholding out her other hand. In the ofthe photo is an older man, He looks much smaller than the woman because he's in the Sd It looks as ifhe's standing on the woman's hand. There's a bush in fr of the man, and. ‘the wornan there's a wall with a lot of flowers planted in it. Inthe’b_____ there are a lot of trees and in the top left-hand ®c there's a large white house. Complete the sentences with a word from the list. ¢ Look at some recent photos on your phone. Use the words in b to describe six of them. close-up edit flash landscape lenses out of focus overexposed portrait setting settings zoomed in ‘ennai would grow again, However, my granny patiently (expiain) that ! would soon havea new agetnall After that, (look forward to) ‘eing her every Sunday, so that | * (can) sow her how my nail ® (progress). d @3.3 Listen and complete the sentences. d_ Write true sentences about you at different stages of your lif. 1 Wham ci you pashan youwore 1 When Lwas a baby. (used to cryalot 21 inthe naa = ——. iy cee ree 31 to 2 when | was at 4 This when | was Iwas 3 with my and we were on the 4______"_. @ 3.3 Listen again and repeat the sentences. Copy ‘the rhythm. 5 6 Go online for more practice 1. My camera is automatic, so | don't have to change the settings __. 2. The photo's too dark because | forgot to use the 7 3 [wanted to get a nice photo of my boyfriend, so | used the 4 tsometimes my photos before I share VOCABULARY FROM READING ‘Complete the sentences with a word from the list. them on social media. 5 |___because the people were far away. 6 A professional photographer uses different for scenic shots and close-ups. 7 You can’t soe the people clearly because the photo's ay 1m going to back up my holiday photos because | don't want to lose them, beckup cancel go offline store upload | 8 Itcan be difficult to get allofa_____ina photo without using a wide-angle lens. 9 She was standing in direct sunlight, so the photo is 10. This photo is a__ details 2 Ifyou want to stop using social media, you have to your accounts 31 all my photos in separate albums on my laptop. 4 My husband has asked mo not to any photos of him to social media 5 I want to watch a live concert on TV tonight, so | hope the streaming service doosn't 80 you can see all the 2 PRONUNCIATION word stress a Underline the stressed syllable in the words. Then put them in the correct column. pholte pholtolgelnic pholtoigraph _pholtoigralpher pholtojgraiphic phojto|gralphy _pholto|shop on | thied syllable b @3.4 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words, ¢ Underline the stressed syllable in the words from the list. Then Gircle)the word which is stressed on the second syllable. background belhind bolttom corner forejground disitance d_ 3.5 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words, 3 GRAMMAR prepositions ‘a Match the sentence halves. 1 Itwas extremely hot inside ee 2 Thore was a big garden infront of = __ 3 We decided to have lunch outside in _ 4 We put some chairs on — 5 We ate our lunch sitting under 2 the house. b the tee. ourholiday-cottages d the grass. @ the garden Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with the past simple of a verb from the list and the correct preposition. across along down ever _past_up ib eyele fall run _sitdown stand swim walk infront of nextto 1 We gycled over the bridge, 2 She ____ the stairs 3 The dog the river, 4 Mare Sophie. 5 They the pavement, 6 He 2 parked car. 7 The cat __ the tree 8 Atall man us. 1 We're very fond about /(V to our cat. 2 I'm very close in/ t0/ with my sister. 3 'mnot very good at/ in / on taking selfes. 4 She's angry about /at/ with tne photo | posted on her social media page 5 Are you ready at /for/in a break? 6 He's disappointed of in / with the camera on his new phone. 7 They aron'tkeon in / of fon photo exhibitions. 8 I'mvery pleased at / of / with my profile photo. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. Use the word in brackets. Write 3-5 words. 1 Whose is this camere? foelong) Who dogs this camera belang to? 2 | can't wait to go on holiday. (looking forward) tm 7 on holiday. 3 The police officer said that everyone should go home. (told) ‘The police officer home. 4 Mia managed to get a place at drama school. (succeed) Mia at drama school. 5 I think it's important to have a healthy dict. (believe) I a healthy diet 6 He said sorry because he had forgotten my namo. (@pologized) He myname. 7. Everybody stopped talking when we went into the room. (entered) Whenwe everyone stopped talking. 8 | didn't call my parents from the hotel because | got there to0 late. (artived) 1_____ too late to call my parents. @ Complete the sentences with a preposition where necessary. Do you knew anyone who. 1 never smiles at__ the camera? 2 has photos of their friends. the walls of their room? 3 is very proud a photo they've taken? 4 is worried _ sharing photos on social media? 5. profers taking photos being in them? 6 has climbed a wall to tate a photo? 7 has sponta lot of money a camera? 8 enjoys posing photos? 9 has married ‘a photographer? 10. keeps family photos a purse or wallet? f Answer the questions ine about yourself and the people you know. 10 (G seme trreereate) (Geemew deseo poms) iM eating) eae 4 LANGUAGE FOCUS describing cars Complete the sentences with a word from the list. tioning automatic compact convertible economy family luxury manual people carrier satnav 1 Audi and BMW are examples of kawry cars, 2A car usually has five doors. 3 You don't need to change gear in an 4 Most cars today have . 80 you don't need to use s map to find your way. An ‘aris usually the cheapest of the rang On a sunny day, it's lots of fun driving a T It gets vory hot in the summer, 60 make sure your car has good 8 Ifyou don't mind changing gear, then get a model. 9 You might need a if you have a big family. 0A is great for driving in a city on your own. 2 RENTING ACAR ‘Complete the missing words in the conversation. A Hi Can thelp you? B Hello, Yes, I'd like to rent a car A Have you "hited from us before? B No, this isthe firs time, A Could | see your dr H B Yes, here itis. A What *k of car are you looking for? B I'd like a five-* family car. For a week. , please? A Automatic or §m. 2 B An automatic, please. ‘A Will there be any additional *dr 2 B No, just me. A OK, s0 we have several ?m_. but Fd recommend the Kia Nero. It’s £95 per day, and that: includes in : B That sounds good. Do | have to rotum it with full petrol tank? A Yes, Ifnot, there's an extra "ch have to pay any ®p. fines yourself B OK. A Great! Let’s go and look at the car. © Go online to practise the Practical English phrases You also tlekets or speeding _ Practical English All kinds of problems SOCIAL ENGLISH Complete the missing words in the phrases. 1 HiEmily, What's up 4 2 ima \ can’t take your call at the moment, 3 Thanks Kieran, See you | d 4 Please leave your message after the t Hi 5H. Con} ll get my coat. 6 Impr tired 7 Wel, at L ie got home safely. Complete the conversations with the highfighted phrases in a. 1A Thisis Caroline Phillips. 'm afraid {can't take your callat the moment. Z B Hi Caroline. t's Karen. Just to tell you we're meeting at 8.30 tonight, not 8.00. 2 A Hi Oscar. B Ive had a terrible day. A Well, ___ you're here now. Why don't you sit down, and I'll get you a drink. 3A Do you want to go home now? B Yes, it's really late, and A OK, Ill get the bil B Let me give you some. money. A No, don't worry, I'll get this. 4 GRAMMAR Eircldthe correct words. 1 I didn’t have time to queue fer the concert tickets, so a friend got one to me/ for me. 2 |hate spending money on sunglasses, so | always buy the more / the least expensive ones | can find. 3 I'm in my car. | wait / I'm waiting for my girlfriend outside her house. 4 Your children are ald enough to make their own / theirs own lunch if you aren't at home. 5 Who did you use to/ used to sit next to when you were at primary school? 6 We live near the airport, so a lot of planes fly over / fly up our house every day. 2 VOCABULARY Eircldthe word that is different. 1 nail scissors slippers toothbrush comb 2 baker's butcher's fishmonger'sstationer’s 3 lookround try on rollup look for 4 elderly old pre-teen retired 5 bechecky benaughty geta mortgage have tantrums 6 flash settings lens overexposed 3 PRONUNCIATION Eirclaithe word with a different sound. 1 slippers fishmonger visa initials 2 healthy teenager cleaners peaceful 3 wrap background overexposed jewellar’s SH, dog |4 named rolled attracted lied [id/ | exited zoomed folded collected 4 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY | Read the article, Circlea, b, or c. se In photograpiy, one ofthe hardest shots to take isa | '__ofachild Iryou'e taking phatos*__a room, you'll need a lot of light. Position the chile nea a window, but imake sure the sun isnt shining ?__ the window into the room. However, the ‘___ place to photograoh chlidrenis outside, Wait antl ate afternoon or early evening when the sun is low inthe sky. The most dificult children to capture are *_~ theyre never stl as they've just learned to walk. The other problem is that children, are usually *__ more interested i playing than in posing fora phote. You have to be”___abeut getting their attention, You an use a nosy toy to get them to look ®___ the carnera, but don't show it? beforehand, or It wor't be a surprise. Some '©_aska friend to help distract the child while they ty to get a picture. [est unusual 1 see an adult running round a room while anothe Is taking photos of child watching them. flash ta b landscape € close-up 2 a inside b into on 3 a across b past © through 4a best b better © good i 5 a babies b teenagers toddlers ba bit b much © very 7a considerate creative thoughtless 8 a after b towacds for 9 a atthem b forthem — tothem 10 a photographers b photography ¢ photographs Comm 4 VOCABULARY rubbish and recycling a Match the words from the list to definitions 1-5. food waste go-towaste supply supply chain surplus 1 notbe used go to waste 2 an amount that is extra or more than you nocd 3 a system that creates products and delivers them to the customer 4 things you could eat thet are thrown away ‘an amount of something that is available to be used b Complete the text with the words from the list. bins bin bags landfillsite refuse collectors rubbish waste waste-peper basket, 'What do you recycle? | Jnmy fanly, we do our bost to recycle Paneceietai i as much of our "ubbish as possible. Inthe Kitchen, we separate plastic, cans, and slass from other household —__. The children each have z in their bedroom for tsed paper When the® are full, we take them outside and put them in j different coloured § onthe street, The bin with all the material that can’t be recycled is emptied every evening by the : The contents are taken toa ____.. The green recycling ; bins with plastic, cans, paper, and glass, are ‘emptied about once a week. ¢ Complete the words. Go thing shout our garbage wa most of us never hove tothin sbout gui onco we've thrown inthe ech, ‘Candide Brod, Bitih rector d_ How are the following products usually sold? Write a word from ¢. More than one answer may be possible. 1 pasta sauce ina pouch 2 ice cream tne Eee er 3 jam ina 4 mineral water ina 5 crisps ina Hee 6 sardines na 7 soft crinks ina 8 yogurt ina @ Rewrite the bold phrases using a verb from the list. reapply recycle ‘cheat replay rethink reuse 2 Experts say that you should warm up food again only once. reheat | have my own coffee cup thet I can use again when | get a takoaway coffee. This lipstick lasts for 24 hours, so you don't nead to put it on again during the day. \s it possible to put polystyrene trays through a process so that they can be used ag: The football match was abandoned because of bad weather, so they'll play it again on Wednesday. Dan is going to have to consider his future again because he failed his final exams. Match the bold phrasal verbs in questions 1-4 to definitions a—d, b Who usually takes out the rubbish in your house? _<_ Have you ever thrown away something by mistake? _ How often do the refuse collectors take away the rubbish in your area? —_ Do you give away your old clothes? Who to? to let somebody have something without wanting money in return to remove something and take it to another place e-te put something outside that was-previeusly inside 6 to get rd of rubbish or something that you don't want 9 Answer the questions in f about you. VOCABULARY FROM READING Match 1-6 to af to make compound nouns. 1 baby Halt a bin 2 pasta b tray 3 ready-meal food 4 recycling __ d sauce 5 water © paper 6 wrapping __ f bottle 2 PRONUNCIATION /ay/ and /er/ a Gircldthe word with a different sound. AB bite ie 1 decide recycle site (tay 3 diet date reapply require 4.1 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. € Say the pairs of words. Do the bold letters have the same or different pronunciation? Write $ (same) or B (different). 1 break great _S 4 height weight 2 eyes survey _D_ 5 straight fight 3 guy wifi 6 buy 2 away container sellby waste 4 danger paper replay supply lifestyle d_ @4.2 Listen and check, Then listen and repeat the words. 3 GRAMMAR future forms: will / shall and be going to a Girclodthe correct future form. Tick () if both forms are possible. TE REMARKS 1. tmso disappointed. Were going 0/ "Cie were going Bly to Madi tonight, but our flight has been cancelled. 2 Were having Wet going to have a barbecuo next weekend. Do you want to come? v 3 It’s too late to call them now. They'll be / They're going to be in bed. 4 Shall { help / Will help you move the sofa? 5 Why dont you give aay your ing boot? Youre never going to weer You never wear iat 6 Trust me. I won't tell/ 'm not tolling anyone, 7 Im going to/ I was going to get up early, but forgot to set my alarm. 8 My sister is getting married / is going to get ‘marriedin the spring, 9 Ile in London next weekend. I stay / Ym going to stay with my sister. We have all sorts of things planned. 10 Let’s go for a walk now: | think it’s raining / it’s going to rain later. Sivan iia ae sama b Complete the conversation with the correct forms of will / shall or be going to. More than one answer may be possible. ‘A Hi, Clare. Thanks for coming round to help. B No problem, "Are we going to pack (we pack) everything up today? A No, I'm moving next Saturday, so I have a whole week to sort things out. B Right. So, what ? (we do} today? A I thought we could start with the garage, Wait there and pee ( move) the car. B Do you have any boxes? ‘A Yes, they/re in the kitchen. B OK,¢ ((,go) and get them for you. B Right. Let's start. © ladder with you? ‘A No, im moving to a flat, so ¢ (Inot have} room for it.” ‘one of my neighbours. * = the come round) on Tuesday or Wednesday to pick it up, B What about those old chairs? ° {you not have) room for those, either. A Good point. What ® (1 do) with them? B Why don’t you take them to the charity shop? Come on. (help) you put them in the car, A Be careful. They're heavy. B Don't worry. (i not drop) them! (you take) that (give) it to € Answer the questions about you. Use the correct, future forms. 1. What are you going to do when you gat home? 2 What do you think the weather will bo like tomorrow? 3. What are you doing this weekend? 4 What are your plane for next summer? : yoy i‘ ®tBh going to collage. don't care iftuine my. 0 “/ Put it on your CV eran pean am eaeness : SORDEE 4 VOCABULARY study and work | b Complete the crossword. a Complete the text with the words from the list. ‘scademic-and-researchstalf first degree further degree Master's degree PhD overseas students tutorials r -] THE UNIVERSITY ale[-[>l= ™ [> OFMANCHESTER [iii Ti Courses for over 40,000 students from 160 different countries R The University of Manchesteris one of R | the UK’ largest universities. Around 6,000 'academic and research staff work there, Icurrently has over 40,000 students, both undergraduates studying for their aaa ere and ght sting PLOLL EI fore? _______-These postgraduate qualifications might bea normally one-year course at the end of Which a student has to wrtea dissertation, ap Rel=le= oras_ a longer course DOWN Y during which students have to write a doctoral 1 Aplece whore university students lve, thesis. The university has nearly 1,000 2 Along piece of writing you do as part of 2 Master's degree. *_______ from 160 diferent 3 The area of land where the main buildings of a university are countries, Students are taught through lectures, 5. A.class in which a small group of students discuss a subject with a teacher. ‘ teacher of the highest rank, Auniversity student who is studying for a further degree. A teacher who is responsible for a small group of students at ! university ACROSS > 4 A seminar or other presentation given via the internet: 8 Atalk that is given to a group of students to teach them about 2 particular subject. 10 Along piece of writing you do as part of @ PAD. 11 Auniversity student who is studying for their frst degree, 12. One department in a university, e.g. for Arts or Lav. seminars, and” 7 hae © Cieitte correct words. 1 Youneed to apply for a Cv Ketork peribit you geta job in another country. 2 You can apply for a grant / an intern to study at university if you can’t afford to pay for the course. 3 You get a job offer / job vacancy if a company wants you to work for them. 4 You need to write a covering letter / reference to send with your CV. 5 You can apply for experience / 2 scholarship to study at university if your exam marks are very high. 6 Ifyou're a student, you can get practical experience of a job by doing a six-week apprenticeship / internship. 7 You need to have academic qualifications / skills such asa PhD to become a researcher. 8 Acompany will invite youto assist/ attend an interview if they think you might be suitable for a job. d_ Complete the text with words from e. When Maria finished university, she started looking ‘out for iob vacancies’. With her degree in Business Administration, she found that she had the right? for some of the jobs, but shehadno® because she had never worked before. One day, she saw an advert for a three-month * at a local company, so she decided to apply for it because she thought she might learn some useful * She carefully typed out her ® ‘including a record of her education and the jobs she had done, and asked her university tutor ifhe would give her a” - After that, she wrote ae and emailed everything to the ‘company. A week later, she recefved an email inviting herto’_____an interview. The day after, she was offered the position, but she decided not to accept it She hadn't realized that ifyou work as an ‘you don't get paid anything! VOCABULARY FROM READING ‘Complete the sentences with a word from the list. ash checkout earned pocket money wages 1. How much cash do you have on you? 2. I didn't uso to get much when | was a child - only £1 a week. 3 lonee £200 in one day translating for a German company. 4 can just about pay the rent out of ni eeeee Seer Eee 5 I didn't realize I'd lost my wallet until | want to pay for my shopping at the 2 PRONUNCIATION word stress a Underline the stressed syllable in the words from the list, Then write them in the correct column, aittand dejgres dijsser[taltion PiR/D postigraldulate proffelssor reffelrence residence schollar|ship seimijnar tultojlal _unjderlgraldulate . valcaniey Stression | Stresson. | Stress on’ first syllable | second syllable | third syllable attend b 4.3 Listen and check. Then listen and repeat the words. 3 GRAMMAR first and second conditionals a Match the sentence halves, 4 Hf lost my job, a 2 fl stay in tonight, aaa 3 Ifyou can'tatiend a tutorial, __ 4 Youwon'tgetagoodjob 5 I won't go to the seminar Ht 6 I'dbe delighted ot 7 Hiwere you, ao 8 I wouldn't gota parttime job __ 2 if | don't foel better tomorrow. bb you should let your tutor know. € I'd get a room in a hall of residence. d unless I needed the money. €-Hd go abroad fora couple-of years f if they offered me a place on the course. g can study for my exam, h unless you get the right experience. b Correct any mistakes in the highlight@@ phrases, Tick (V) the correct sentences. 1 IfTdor't anise the phone, leave me amessage. 7 2 if he'll be lat again, he might lose his job. x ifbe's late Poe 3 they paid us more, we didnt conti 4. You'd mite tho traffiBif you lft obit earlier. Weill never finish everything ifwe Wain’ work late, 6 If Sally lived in the city centre, She Gould walk to] het of 7 Max won't accept the job Uless they don't agree to! his eon 8 Heldges a postgradtiete Cour if he can't find a job. 9 I wouldn't live at home f tn Stic 10 Ifyéui didn’t have’ pa time to study. ie JAE, you'd have more @ Go online for more practice } (@% Go online to check your progress: ¢ Write first and second conditional sentences. ister has a boyfriend, so she doesn't spend enough time studying. My sister would spend more time studying if she didn'thave a boyfriend 2 I don't earn enough money, sol can't buy my own flat | could buy my own fiat if 3. Becky con only go to an American university if she gets a scholarship. Becky ae ‘an American university unless she gets a scholarship. 4 Matt doesn't ive in a hall of residence because it’s t00 expensive. Ifit wasn’t so expensive, 5 If can't find a job, it's possible Ill do a Mastor's degree, ' IF can't find a job. 6 think you should wear a suit to the interviow. I I'd wear a suit to the interview. 7 You miss your lectures because you get up lete, Ifyou got up earlier, 8 Students who don’t attend lectures get into trouble. {students don't attend lectures, d_ Complete the sentences about you. 1 If can't do my homework, 2 I'l go out tonight it 3 Iwon't watch TV later unless 4 ft hated my job, 5 I'd be happier if 6 I wouldn't move abroad unless Screen time CES CREE ET | 1 VOCABULARY television a Complete the words with the mi ing vowels, a, e, J, 0, of Us b Match the extracts to a type of programme from the list. advert. chat show live sport period drama | 4 auieshow reality show the news 1 ‘On tonight's show, two more contestants compete against each ‘other to see who will go through to the next round’ quiz show 2 "ifyou don't sleep well it can affect your whole day. Try taking SleepWell, the sleep aid guaranteed to give you a good night’s ese eee 3 ‘Welcome to stage two of the most famous cycling race in the world. 4 So let’s have a look at how the housemates have been getting con today.) 5 ‘Now on BBCI, a new dramatization of Charles Dickens's novel Oliver Twist! 6 ‘Tonight Graham Norton talks to two special guests, actors Eddie Redmayne and Emma Stone’ 7 ‘And here, with the latest national and international stories on tho hour, is Mark Finch.’ O the use of lasure time is confined to looking at TV for a fow extra hours every day, wa will deteriorate as a people. Eleanor Roosevelt, American former fist lady © Complete the sentences with a word from the list. boxset episode seasons series sitcom soap streaming service 11 Friends was an American sitcom about the romantic and often amusing adventures of a group of six friends living in New York. 2 More than 10 million viewers watched the final of the TV drama, Bodyguard. 3. Game of Thronesis one of the most popular ‘ever shown on TV, 4 The British Coronation Street follows the lives and problems of the neighbours on a fictional street. 5 The Harry Potter contains all eight films 6 ‘The period drama Downton Abbey ran for a total of six 7 Nettlixis 2 that distributes series ike Strangor Things and The Crown, d_ Match the bold phrasal verbs to definitions a-f. 1 Do you turn on the TV as soon as you get home? Why / Why not? od 2 What do you normaly do first: fall asleep or turn off the TV? 3. How would you feel if someone tuned over to another channel when you were watching something? __. 4 Which TV programme co you watch most often? When is iton? 5 When might you turn the TV down? 6 When would you turn it up? 4 press @ button to stop the TY working b it’s being shown on TV at this moment make the volume quieter d-prose.a button-to start the TY working make the volume louder f press button to watch a different channel @ Answor the questions in d about you. VOCABULARY FROM LISTENING Complete the sentences with a word from the list. binge watched catch-up channels contestents device streaming two-sereen 1 The show starts with four pairs of contestants but only one pair goes through to the final. 2 I know several people who. all five series of Breaking Bad in a week. 3 I missed my favourite soap lastnight, so I'm going to watch it on tonight. 4 | usually tell people to put down their phones ifthey ‘ "while we'te watching TV. 5 My family uses than TV. 6 Ahuge number of TY are available to watch online. 7 Ifyou want to watch live TY online, you need a like a tablet ora smartphone. jn the UK PRONUNCIATION /W/, /v/, and /b/ 5.1 Listen and write the words you hear. 1 yore 5 2 6 3 ee 4_ 8 5.1 Listen again and check. Then listen and repeat the words. @5.2 Listen and complete the sentencas. 1 What's the weather forecast for the weekend _? 2 The viewers forthe 3 Have you ever or Cambodia? 4 Did you the show fpnbbece cet 5 Tho team won 6 We've been _ ___ since we set up our new 5.2 Listen again and repeat the sentences. GRAMMAR present perfect simple Correct any mistakes in the highlighted phrases. Tick (7) the correct sentences. 1 Have you seer tomorrow's weather forecast? = 2 The reporter haven't switched of her microphone. hasn't switched on 3 The documentary just has finished, 4. They've had the same TV Since 20 year 5 ve already seof this fm. 6 Have you ever ig on TV? 7 haven't watched that programme since they! changed the presenti. 8 Lauren and Stove kriow-each othet forages. 9 I've never likédl watching live sport. 10 Hasn'tyet the news started? | | ireldthe correct words. Let's turn over: We've seen KWe saudthe news earlier There has just boon / just was an earthquake in Thailand Thaven’t wanted / | didn’t want to watch the film last night, so | went to bed. Don't tell me what happens — | haven’t watched / | dicin't watch the last episode yet, ‘That programme is on / has been on since | was a child. I don't need to see the film because I've already read / | already read the book. ‘The children have had the TV on all day// for all day. ‘They'vo only known each other fora month since a month and they/re getting marcedl eNounenss Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word in brackets. 1 Jennifer Lawrence became an actress when she was a child. (since) Jennifer Lawrence has been an actress since she was a chil. 2. My friend bought his spaakers a weok ago. (had) My friend awook. 3 I gothome two minutes ago. (ust) 1 home. 4 Is this your first time in Spain? (been) before? 5 We moved house in 2005, 2008, and 2012, (times) We. : 6 | dint lke cartoons in the past, and | don't like them now. (never) ecto cartoons. 7 They've beon married for ten years. (get) They 8 I don’t want a coffoo, thanks. | had ono at home. (already) I don't want a coffee, thanks. z Answer the questions. Write at least two sentences about each one. | What's just happened in a TV serias you're watching? 2 What's happened in the news today? 3 Which countries have you visited? 1 ' i | | | 4 What new clothes have you bought recently? 5 What good things have happened recently in your family? VOCABULARY the country Order the letters to make words that match the definitions. 1 an area of land that is covered with trees (000¥) wood 2 ehigh area of land that is not as high as @ mountain (IHL) 3 the low land between two mountains that often has a river flowing through it wayvey —__ 4 a small river (MASTER) 5a plant like a small, thick tree with many low branches (HUBS) 6 the part of a fence that can be opened to let people through (TEGA) 7 a large area of water that is surrounded by land (KEAL 8 an area of land in the country used for growing crops or keeping animals in (eDILFy 9 ahigh, very steep area of rock, often next to the sea (FLICF) 10 a deep hole in the ground where you can get water from (LEWL) 11. small pioces of rock (TESOSN) 12 aline of wooden posts to divide land or keep nimals in (NECFE) 13. a common green plant with thin leaves that covers fields and gardens (SGARS) 14 a part ofa tree that leaves, flowers, or fruit grow on (NBACRH) oy 415. small thin pieces of wood from a tree (cKTIss) 16 9 row of bushes or small trees that, separates one piece of land from another (DEGHE) 17. soft, wet earth (DUM) 18 large pieces of stone (SCKOR) 19. away across a plece of land that people can walk along (HAPT) 20 one of the thin, flat, usually green parts of a plant or tree (FALE) A quiet life? b Complete the puzzle, and everything flowering, | say ‘myself ‘Yes indeed, al tat belongs to mel” Henri Rousseau, Fronch palntor a fee [N T T 4 _ E kel vo P| Rio fF u "3 N Mw 4 T clr Fo] y s “ela Hl D a] 1 (used about fruit, oe) ready to be picked and eaten 2 (of seeds) put in the ground to grow 5 ieee 10 a cereal that can be made into flour 11. plants that are grown on farms for food 14. to take ¢ fruit or vegetable from the place where its growing 15 (of fruit, crops, etc} collected from the trees, fiolds, otc, € Complete the text with the words from the list. barn cockerel cows crops fences fields grass hens lambs ripe tractor” wheat ine of the best ways to see the Engjish countryside is from ve at; Green "fields separated by hedges or stretch out below you as far as the eye can 3e.4_are growing In some of them, such as aiden # or. ‘com, vihila in others, 1670 are animals peacetully eating As the ‘ane nears the ground, yau can see black-and-white standing in groups, and in the spring you can 2e shoep with their ® Every s0 often, there a farmhouse with a? parked outside the or. Usually, there is an enormous ®. nearby 2 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds irelthe word with a different sound. re Bh 1 oi pick Gina) sticks : & egg |3 earth fence hedge threaten 4 lambs harvest tractor valley 5 barn farm path warn hare the grain is stored. Outside, there are sometimes \walking around the farmyard looking for food. fith the female birds, there's often one noisy mate — the d_ Write a short paragraph describing the countryside where you live, Use the text to help you. 6 gate grass lake wait 7 cockerel crops donkey stones 8 bush lock mud wood g~ | 9 cow grow mountain town b @5.3 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. € @54 Listen and complete the sentences. 1 Tve been riding my bike to work ___ this week. 2 I've been more recently 3 I've been my 41______ been so much 51 been ______that. lately. 61 been much d_ @5.4 Listen again and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. 3 GRAMMAR present perfect continuous Complete the sentences with the present perfect continuous form of the verb in brackets. Use contractions if possible, 1 I'm fed up with my friend. l've been waiting for her for nearly ‘an hour. (wait) 2 Charlie's bored. He — history all day. (study) 3 | didn’t know that you'd passed your test. How long you 2 (drive) 4 Tina's gone to the doctor's. She well recently. (nat foe!) 5 Mary and Paul aren't getting on. They alot lately. argue) 6 My parents are very excited about their holiday to Turkey. They Itall year. (look forward to) 7 Your sistor's really good at tennis. How long she 2 (play) 8 | think I've put on weight. I recently. (not go) tothe gym ‘Complete the text with the present perfect continuous form of the verbs from the list. Use contractions if possible. ¢ Write present perfect continuous sentences with for or since, Use t contractions if possible, 1 I'm looking after my neighbours’ dog. They wont on holiday lest Saturdey. (ve been looking after my neighbours’ dog since ast Saturday 2 My brother lives in Paris. He went there two years ago. i Wy Rie q 3 Emma is my girtriend, We started going ‘outa year ago, Emma and | i 4 Rosie is studying. She started when she came home. Rosie 5 They're training for the new season. Their first session was three weeks ago. They notadd drink noteat go make play swim wy use walk My husband and I ‘have been trying__ to lead a healthier lifestyle recently, We® Jogging together every day beforewe go towork.He* to work instead of driving, and I* the stairs at work instead of taking the lift, We © alot of water during the day, and we® ‘any snacks. After work, I” every evening and my husband ® tennis twice a week. Instead of cooking a big meal when we get home, my husband . __us some lovely salads. He - a lot of oil to the salads, but they still taste delicious! 6 It's raining, tstarted at about eight ‘o'clock. Ie d_ What have you been doing recently? Write five sentences. Use the ideas from the list or your own ideas. athome at school / university / work with other people / elone exercise / food / hobbies / sleep have exams, so I've been studying, ! thier. See eee ee ere eee 2 # 9 Lee eee eee eee 4 5 van 1 MAKING A POLICE REPORT a. Re-order the words to make questions. a do/know / you /her / were / what / plans / for / today Bo you know what hor plans were for teday? b anything / notice / about / unusual / did / you / her © your aunt/ missing / how / long / has / been you / wore / where © her/you / describe / can anything /tonight / there / about / the / unusual / was / house g some /idea / her / normal / can / you / routine / of / give / me h her /see/ you/ when / last / did. i she / was / remember / what / wearing / do / you J anything /there / else /is b Complete the conversation with the questions in a A Hello. I'd lke to report a missing person = my aunt B OK, I'll take a statement. '_c_ A She was supposed to be home four hours ago. Be ‘A Well, she's 55 years old. She's quite tall with long brown hair. B? A Around five o'clock last night. ne ‘A At her house. | often go round on my way home from work. aoe A Apurple T-shirt and a pair of black leggings. ee ‘A Well, I suppose she seemed a bit nervous. B? A No, she didn’t mention anything, Bt A She works from 8.00 to 4.00. She's always at home by 5.00. et A Yes, the front door was unlocked, which was strange. Be A Yes, there is one other thing. Her handbag was on the table. © Ge ontne to practise the Practical English phrases SOCIAL ENGLISH Complete the phrases with a word from the list, carefully idea letting mean message fight 1 I'm all righ 2 Thanks for me stay, 3 Usten 4 Wea from 5 Ihave no. 6 What does it 2 Complete the conversations with the phrases in a. 1A Where's everyone else? B Lhave na idea 2A Canyou tell me again what the homework is? B Yes, but this time! | won't repeat it again. 3. A [texted John and this is his reply. B | don't understand. 4 A Are you sure you're OK? B Yas, Don't worry about me. 5. A Was that your phone? Bearer ing boyfriend 6 A. Itwas great to see you. Have you had a good time? B Yes, | really ike Budapest. PTS GRAMMAR Complete the sentences, 1. My cousin Sue is m ° th me, She's 56, and I'm only 32. 2 John isa good tr__ 0. m We've known each other for years 3. saw you sitting in your car last night. What we ye d 2 4 Im hungry. Where sh. for lunch? 5 If wo had a bigger house, I< h ‘own office. 6 | think we need to stop the car and have a break. We've b, nearly three hours. my VOCABULARY Eircléithe word that is different. 1 fold unpack zoom in wrap 2 healthy messy noisy dirty 3 bin carton jar tub 4 seminar dissertation tutorial lecture 5 advert dissertation documentary series 6 lake stream gate well 3 PRONUNCIATION Circlethe word with a different sound. wet 1 raincoat height baker's weight BB dike |2 recycle behind replay polystyrene sR cat |3 tractor wrapper batteries vacancy hice 4 campus drama barn pyjamas Q vw 5 butcher's wood bush cartoon 4 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY Read the article. Circla, b, or c. A British Institution Every evening, people all over Brtsin tunein to BBC Radio 4 and listen to an introductory tune that every night for more than 60 years. Iis the theme tune to The Archers, the longest-running radio” __ in the world. Te Arcbers is*__ justbefore seven otlock. The programme is about life in the fictional village of Ambridge. The aim ofthe show ‘was to give* information about new farming methods after the Second World War. The programme was originally about the lives of three farmers: Dan Archer, Walter Gabriel, and George Fairbrothes, but a lothas changed ___ the fist episode, The Archers family farm, Brookfield, no longer belongs *___Dan. Fict it passed to Das’ son, Pil, and huis wife Jill, and now itis owned by’__four children, ‘Their son, David, manages Brookfield, and he keeps animals aswell as growing ®___."The programme has been very’, ‘and at the height ofits popularity it was estimated that 60% of British adults were regular listeners. Today, it isnt quite as popular ®_ itused to be, butt till has ‘over a million listeners, 1a ‘slaying plays, € ‘sbeen playing 2a chatshow —b documentary ¢ soap 3ain b on © up 4 a forfarmers b farmers ¢ to farmers 5 a sinco b for © from baat b of ¢ to 7 a Phil'sand Jills’ b Phil and Jills’ ¢ Phil and Jil’ 8 @ crops b grass © plants 9 a colourful —b successful € useful 10 a as b than © that a 1 VOCABULARY at a restaurant a Complete the words. b Complete the sentences. 1 im hungry! I'm looking forward to 8 big plate of pasta 2 He always has ab. of cereal for breakfest. 3 I'm looking for ae to open the wine. 4 Let's ask foraj___of tap water instead of mineral water. 5 Flay the table for you. Which <__shall use - the white one or the blue one? 6 Do you ever make tea in at____or do you always make itin a mug? 7 Cant have another w______gl please? I'm changing from white to red. 8 This kn. doesn't cut very wall, Could you bring me another one? 9 mm having the soup to start. Could | have a sp. 2 10 I don’t lke drinking tea out of a mug. | prefer using a cup ands . 11 I don't think can carry all these crrinks. Can | heve a nee What the waiter really thinks ¢ ‘WBlake the customer the hero of your stor “Ann Handley, Ameriean mackote 1 Can you make a list of what ____I need to buy when go shopping? a dish @ food) € meal 2 Teke a and help yourself to some sandwiches, acourse bmoal ¢ plate 3 Bouillabsisse is a French ___ made with fish and seafood, acourse b dish food 4 Some friends have invited us round for a___ tonight. a dish © plate 5 | had soup for a startor and roast lamb for my a course b meal b food plate ‘and author d_ Complete the text with the verbs from the list. asked for booked cartied cleared left ae poured ordered recommended sent back ee served took tried Some friends ‘recommended ‘we were on holiday: lobster stew. The restaurant our friends. _a dish for us to try while usually go to was ull so we” atableata diferent restaurant, When we arrived, the waiter showed us to our table, butithadn‘t been cleaned. He? thetableforusand* our drinks orden. ‘Then he disappeared forages.He® > allthe ‘other customers before he brought us our drinks. He ‘ —_thewine,and we? _ the wine, it tasted ‘our food. When we {ike vinegar, so we® and ordered some water instead. Eventually our food arrived, ‘The waiter the tray with the lobster stew to our table, but he fell before he reached us. The boiling, hot stew went all over my son's chair ~ luckily, he was in the toilets at the time. We" the bill, no tip, and almost ran out of : ‘the restaurant, eRe EES eee Eee eee eeeeeeeeeee SEEHEEE 7 @ Answer the questions about you. What do you put on the table when... + you're eating alone 2 you're having lunch with your family 3. you invite a quest to dinner | VOCABULARY FROM READING | Complete the sentences with e word from the list. overcooked overworked undarcecked understaffed I sent my chicken back because it was undercooked. twas still pink in the middle. ‘The waiter was really that night because three other members of staff were il My vegetables wore . They were soft, and they didn’t taste of anything, There aren't enough waiters in that restaurant. Theyre, Sie AE oe ERE | PRONUNCIATION word pairs with and Match the words to make word pairs, 1 bacon be a and fork 2 ico eee b-and-eggs 3 knife © and.cream 4 milk He and lemon 5 strawberries ___ © and biscuits 6 toa et f and sugar 6.1 Listen and check. Thea listen again and repeat the phrases, 6.2 Listen and complete the sentences. 1 Can you pass the salt and pepper, ploase? 2 Let's have: for lunch. 3 Would you like some __ your meal? 4 Have you put on the salad? 5 Would you ikea mugara_— for your tea? with 6.2 Listen again and repeat the sentences. GRAMMAR obligation, necessity, prohibition, advice Match the highlighted phrases in 1-7 to their meaning in ag. 1 You don’t lav to get a visa if you're an BU citizen, bb 2 You have td pay for your drinks when the waiter brings them to your table, —__ 3 You ought ti go to the doctor's if you aren't feeling well, 4 You shouldnt have a big meal lato at night. __ 5 You needn’€ take an umbrella. It isn’t raining. & You mustn't leave the path when you're walking around the island, This is a great book - you mus read it, _ You're obliged to do it Thore'sne-obligation foryoute-do-t- kes important to me that you do it. It's prohibited Itisn’t necessary for you to do it. It's the right thing to do, Itisn't the right thing to do. @ soon ge b Circléithe correct verbs. In each sentence two are correct and one is wrong. 1 think we 1ell thom about the mistake (on the bill They/ve forgotton the drinks. a must CB cughtto> €should) 2 The speed limit on this road is 30 kph, so you ___ drive faster than that. a shouldn't b don'thaveto mustn't 3 Service is included in the bill. We ______leave atip. a don'thaveto b needn't € mustn't 4 |___call my mum tonight— it’s her birthday. a have to 5 You isn’t very nice. a don'theveto —b oughtn’tto—_¢ shouldn't 6 You try the seafood while you're in Sicily -it’s delicious. ahaveto — b must 7 My neighbour doctor’ last night. ahadto —b must b must ¢ needn't ec need take her son to the ¢ needed to Go online for more practice speak badly about other people. It « ‘Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first sentence. More than one answer may be possible. 1 Itisn't a good idea to keep takeaway food for a iong time. You shouldn't keep takeaway food for a long time. 2 Insome countries, t's prohibited to make a noise after 10.00 pm In some countries, you after 10.00 p.m. 3 Builders are obliged to wear a helmet on 8 building site Builders 4 Itisn't necessary for you to iron your shirt this moming because | did it last night! You your shirt this ‘morning because | did it lastnight! 5 Ifyou go to that restaurant, it's a good idea to order the stoak You restaurant. 6 We aren't obliged to pay any bills because everyt is included in the rent. Wen teas __ any ills because ‘everything is included in the rent. 7 Inmy country, people are obliged to take old batteries to recycling point. Inmy country, you torn recycling point. 8 t's dangerous to let children play with matches. You with matches, ona building —— if you go to that ing Think about good waiters and waitresses, Write fe sentences using the modal verbs in A. Use the ideas in B or your own ideas. Abhave to must needto oughtto should B appearance customer service mistakes personality skills 1 GRAMMAR can, could, and be able to a Gircléithe correct form. Tick (7) if both are correct. 1. My mother could / was able to sew really wall when she was younger 2 You need to can Xbe able WYorget your personal problems when you're at work. 3. Everyone in the office is able to / can use the new software program. 4 fit’s nice this evening, we can / well be able to have a barbecue, 5. £30 for a salad and a mineral water? That can’t / isn't able to be right! 6 If your brother's restaurant was nearer, we could / would be able to go more often. 7 To work for this company, you must can / be able to speak three languages. 8 We're really sorry we couldn't / weren't able to come to your party. 9 I've never could / been able to dance very well, bout Id love to lear. 10 Can you/ Will you be able to pick me up at the airport? 11. They wouldn't give me a refund for the top, but | could / was able to change it for @ new one. 12 Ihate not can / not being able to read a menu when I'm abroad EiPyou want a thing done well, dot yourssif; ‘Napoleon Bonaparte, 19th century Emperor of the French b Rewrite the highlight sentences using the correct form of can or be able to. If both forms are possible, write two sentences, 1 [sit OK if close the window4 I'm really cold, Can | close the window? 2 Itient posbible for me té come to the art Il be on holiday. Lcan‘t come ta the party./ Lwon't be able to come tothe party. 3 Jsit OKif| sitherel it's the only fee seat, 4 \thasn't been possible for mé to reply sooner] I've. boon vory busy. 5. Itwasn't possible for her to finish the meal] There was too much food, 6 They‘e staying in a self-catering apartment. They} Want to have the possibilty of cooking their own meals, 7 Vim sure that isn’t John{ He's on holiday. 8 Wo're delighted that itis possible for us to come to} liner! We're looking forward to it 9 love having the possibility of getting up late in the! holidays; | usually start work at eight o'clock. 10 We managed to book a t0om with a sea view It was the last one available. ‘Answer the questions about you. 1 What could you do really well as a child? 2 What couldn't you do? 3 What can you do really well now? 4 What can't you do? What would you like to be able to do in the future? 2 VOCABULARY DIY and repairs, paraphrasing a Complete the crossword. elR ACROSS > 1 I's 2 tool with two shaped ends that you use for tightening or loosening small pieces of metal called nuts. 5 I's. tool with a heavy metal head that you use for hitting nails 6 It’s a long thin piece of metal that can carry electric currents or you use to te things. 8 I’ something you use to climb up, 0.g. to paint a ceiling, 9 I's an object you could use to stop people from opening a gate. 11 It's an object you use for carrying water. 13 It's 8 too! you use for tightening screws. 16 I's. tool you use for making holes. DOWN y 2 It’s a thing you might need to buy if you want to make a piece of furniture, €.g, a table, some shelves, etc 3 They're made of metal and you can put them in a wall to hang pictures on, 4. They're used to build walls 7 it’s what you use to put paint on, e.g, a wall. 10 They're made of metal and you can use them to fix two things together. 12 it’s what you turn to et water out of a pipe. 14 It's akind of very thick strong string that you use for ‘ying or lifting heavy things, 15. They're things you can use to cover the bathroom wall TA b Complete the conversations. € Look at the photos. What are the people doing? Complete VOCABULARY FROM READING. the sentences with the present continuous form of a vero This lamp isn’t working from the list. Use contractions, Eirclaithe correct word. Hang on. I'll change the light - 1 How long will it take for my skin to@bsorby oto Sarge Gil mand puttogeter ate ea It’s very dark outside. Don't worry. Il take 3 ‘ How do you lock this door? You have to pull the h up. need to light the candles, There'sab_____of. m ‘the drawer, 1've bought some wrapping paper for Mary's present, Great! Do we have any S 2 I need to stick this photo on my application form, ‘OK. Here's the gl How wide is our bedroom window? don't know. Use the t m. | want to put up this poster. OK. Hera are some dr pL How can | tie up this parcel? Why don't you use a piece of str ‘This plug doesn’t work. ‘Oh. You might need to change the f Do you have any scissors? No, but you can use my p. Can you sew on this button? OK, but I'l need a n__ and thr Bus S| Et ELEC EtE ERECT sts ee | bocause they're going to seal/ restore it. 3 your boots get wet, stuff/ crumple them with newspaper to help them dry more quickly 4 Can you restore / rub my back for me? t's hurting again. 5 Don't forget to absorb / seal the envelope before you post the letter. & Apply/ Keep away a layer of sunscreen every two hours when you're out in the sun. 7 Don't forget to rub/ rinse your hair really well when you've used the shampoo. 8 Tolighta fire quickly, erumple/ restore some pieces of newspaper into a ball and pput them under the wood. 9 Keep away / Place from the edge of the cliff you might fll. 10 Place / Stuff the decorations carefully on top of the cake. They're putting 4 some shalves, She_______ her shoelace. She. a hole in the wall the handle on. __abutton ona shirt. They. atyre. He_______ahoma cinema system. They. @ cupboard, Hea vase. Answer the questions about you. 1. Who does the DIY in your house? 2. Which DIY jobs can this person do? 3 PRONUNCIATION consonant clusters | a 6.3 Listen and write the sentences. 1 The new shelves aren't staight, 3 Have you ever made a piece of funiture? Why / Why not? 4 Which tools do you know how to use? Which would you never use? 5 What things are there in a ‘useful things’ drawer in your house? - b fen and check. Then listen | Bae again and repeat the sentences. © Ge ontine for more precice) (@ Go online to check your progress) | 45° j i

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