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1st International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructural Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 640 (2019) 012080 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/640/1/012080

Clay soil stabilization using cement kiln dust

E A Adeyanju1,2 and C A Okeke1
Department of Civil Engineering, Covenant University, Ogun State, Nigeria.

Abstract. This research investigated the suitability of cement kiln dust (CKD) on the
stabilization of clayey soil extracted along a failed road section of Sango, Ota. Since CKD does
not need any further processing or treatment, it is cheap as it is a waste product from cement
production and can be utilized in powdery form. The suitability of CKD as a stabilizer is
dependent on its performance on problematic soil. For this study, it was mixed with clayey soil
in varying proportions of 7.5, 10, 12.5 and 15%. For each combination, several geotechnical
tests were carried out. The result shows that the unsoaked CBR of the clay soil increased from
1.49 to 28.6%, and thus indicates that the soil mixed with 10% CKD showed the best mechanical
improvement after a curing period of 7 days. Other curing periods were observed. In addition
to CBR improvement, other tests such as Atterberg limits, Proctor compaction, and free swell,
tests revealed that the geotechnical properties of the stabilized soils increased with an increase
in the amount of CKD by dry weight of the soil. It is noted that the use of CKD at 10% was
more economical and environmentally beneficial. This research shows the beneficial use of
industrial wastes such as CKD in the stabilization of soils, which is line with sustainable waste
management practices.

Key words: Cement kiln dust; soil stabilization; sustainability; soil modification;

1. Introduction

Cement is the single most used material in the construction industry with an annual production
exceeding 3.4 billion tonnes in 2012, and consequently, 4.3 billion tonnes by 2014 [1 - 3]. To supply
this high demand for cement annually, a huge pressure is placed on natural resources such as limestone
and coal. Studies and reports from China where more than 60% of the world cement is manufactured,
revealed that annually, a billion tonnes of limestone, hundred million tonnes of coal, sixty billion kw/h
electricity and one hundred and eighty million tonnes of clay are used to produced 2.53 billion tonnes
of cement. Subsequently, due to the need for huge emission and energy for production, the cement
industry is regarded as one of the major sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the world [4 -6].
Different studies has detailed the impact of cement emission on the environment and people within the
environment [7 - 9].

Several studies has stated that cement demand and production would increase to 5 billion tonnes
by the year 2050, putting more pressure on the natural resources and environment [10]. Therefore, there
is a need to either minimize the use of raw materials in production or to reduce the amount of cement
used in construction. Cement is also extensively used in pavement construction, among which includes
interlayer stabilization using cement [11]. Stabilization of soil with cement is a well-established
technique as the improvement of pavement interlayers by cement addition is based on the development

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1st International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructural Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 640 (2019) 012080 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/640/1/012080

of primary and secondary products such as calcium silicates hydrates (CSH), Calcuim aluminates
hydrates (CAH) as well as Ca(OH)2 [12]. A look at the typical composition of both OPC and lime which
significantly improve soil strength, shows that the high percentage of silicon dioxides (SiO2), Calcuim
oxide (CaO) and Alumina oxide (Al2O3) is responsible for their effectiveness [13, 14]. To this end,
researchers have being exploring the possibilities of waste showing pozzolanic potential in pavement
interlayer stabilization.

Waste materials examined as stabilizers ranges from industrial to agricultural waste [15 - 23].
The total volume of waste generated annually is 2.1 billion tonnes which would increase to 3.4 billion
tonnes by the year 2050 [24]. The successful application of waste for stabilization would reduce the
need for cement for stabilization. Studies using these wastes have successfully improved weak soil
strength, even better than the use of cement in stabilization in some cases.

For every tonne of cement produced, 0.6 to 0.7 tonnes of CKD is produced [25 - 27]. Since
high volume of cement is produced annually, the global volume of Cement kiln dust (CKD) generated
is 2.4 to 2.8 billion tonnes yearly. Consequently, the volume generated will increase annually. Similar
chemical reaction and hydration products observed in cement has being discovered in CKD stabilized
soil. Therefore, stabilization with CKD, in substitute to cement is practically possible for large scale
city or national project. The effectiveness of CKD in soil stabilization is dependent on both its physical
and chemical characteristics [28, 29]. Particle distribution, percentage of CaO, SiO2, alkali and sulfate
content affects the stabilization effectiveness of CKD.

For this study, the stabilization of failed road section along Abeotuta-Lagos road close to the
cement plant was examined. There are several failed sections along these road due to various reasons
among which includes the presence of weak soils. These rehabilitation or reconstruction will require a
huge sum of money due to the presence of weak soil. The possibility of using CKD generated and
dumped in open dump site with no economic or environmental benefit was investigated. To this end
various tested as listed in Table 1 were carried out to access the possibility of CKD, thereby reducing
the construction cost.

2. Material

2.1 Clay soil

The soil stabilized in this study was collected at Ifo, Ifo local government, Ogun state in the
southwestern part of Nigeria (6°47'07.4"N 3°12'12.2"E). The physical properties and chemical
composition of the soil are listed in the Table 1 below. As shown in Table 1, the soil is weak and it is
classified as S1, since the CBR is less than 2%. Such subgrade requires special treatment before use in
construction. Hence, for pavement construction, stabilization is necessary.

Table 1. Physical and chemical composition of the soil.

Soil properties Characteristics Units Value
Physical properties
Natural moisture content % 8
Specific gravity 2.42
Atterberg limits
Liquid limits % 116.83
Plastic limit % 35.29
Plasticity index % 81.54

1st International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructural Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 640 (2019) 012080 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/640/1/012080

Proctor test
OMC % 18
MDD g/cc 1.7
Strength test
CBR Unsoaked % 0.55
CBR soaked % 1.48

2.2 Stabilizers

The stabilizer used for this study is cement kiln dust (CKD). The CKD was collected from a cement
production plant at Ewekoro, Ogun state, near a failed road section. The typical chemical composition
of CKD is presented in Table 2. There are four different effects; the chemical composition of CKD can
have on soil stabilization. First, CKD with high percentage of free CaO, (above 15%) and low alkalies,
i.e. (less than 4% K2O OR 3%Na2O) which result in increased in strength of the clayey soil. Second,
low percentage of free CaO and high percentage of alkalies such as 7% water soluble K2O or higher
percentages of Na2O more than 3%, results in reduction of compressive strength. Thirdly, free CaO
percentage ranging from 8 to 15% (moderate free lime content), with low alkalies (less than 4% k20 or
3% Na2O, which would result in an increase in strength gained and durability as well as reduction in
swelling. The last possible CKD has LOI less than 9%, but with moderate alkalies i.e. above 3% Na2O,
there will be reduction in plasticity index as well as improvement in compressive strength.

The stabilizer has a high percentage of Calcium Oxide (CaO), followed by Silicon dioxide

Table 2. Chemical composition of CKD.

Oxide SiO2 Al2O3 CaO Fe2O3 MgO K2O Na2O SO3 LOI
Concentration %
CKD 16.93 4.27 62.8 2.57 2.03 0.34 0 1.22 7.05

2.3 Sample preparation and Laboratory tests

Preparation of samples for the series of tests carried out in this study was guided by the
standards listed in Table 3. For the modified soil, the natural soil was initially oven-dry, then thoroughly
mixed with various stabilizers at prescribed percentages as listed in Table 4. Afterward, the required
amounts of water were added and mixing was carried out until a homogenous mix was achieved.

Comprehensive geotechnical tests were carried out to access both the natural soil and modified
soil mixtures. The tests performed include Atterberg limits, free swelling, Proctor Compaction test, and
California bearing ratio (CBR). The standards and procedures followed for each test carried out on the
natural soil as well as the modified soil is listed in Table 3. The mixture table for the study is shown in
Table 4.

Atterberg limit tests were performed in accordance with ASTM D4318, the soil was sieved
through 425 μm sieve and the limits were recorded after 24 hours. The moisture- density relationship
was accessed using the Proctor compaction test. The test indicates the maximum dry density (MDD)

1st International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructural Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 640 (2019) 012080 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/640/1/012080

and the corresponding optimum moisture content (OMC) for the natural soil and the modified soil. For
this test, after achieving a homogenous mix, the test was carried out immediately to prevent voids
formation, which would reduce the dry density.

Curing effects were observed in California Bearing Ratio (CBR) for the period of 96 hours for
soaked condition and periods of 7, 14 and 28 days for unsoaked condition.

Table 3. The standards followed for each test.

Test Specification
Atterberg limit ASTM D4318
Specific gravity ASTM D854
Compaction test (OMC and MDD) ASTM D698
Swelling potential test
CBR – California bearing ratio ASTM D1883-05

Table 4. Mixture table and notation.

S/N Soil CKD Notation
% %
1 100 0 NAT
2 92.5 7.5 CKD 1
3 90 10 CKD 2
4 87.5 12.5 CKD 3
5 85 15 CKD 4

3. Results and discussion

3.1 Effect on the consistency limits

The Plasticity index (PI) of a soil or soil mixture indicates its expansive activity and is used primarily
for soil classification. Different soil type possess different PI, highly expansive soil possess high PI as
in the case of Na-montmorillonite [29 - 30]. Fig. 1 below shows the effects of the stabilizers on the
plasticity index and linear shrinkage. Improved soil samples showed reduction in the plasticity index
with the addition of CKD. The addition of CKD at various percentage results in a significant reduction
of liquid limit which in turn reduced in the plasticity index (PI) of the stabilized soil. The best plasticity
index reduction was achieved at 10% CKD modified soil where the natural soil index reduced from
81.54 to 28.6%. However, the lowest linear shrinkage was recorded against the soil stabilized with 7.5%
CKD. Increase in linear shrinkage was observed with all the improved soil mixture. The optimum
percentage for plasticity reduction using CKD is 7.5 to 10%.
As mentioned earlier, the physical (fineness) and chemical composition (free lime content,
alkali and sulfate content) of the CKD significantly affects the performance of the stabilizer for
plasticity index reduction [31]. The high percentage of CaO, has being documented by different studies
to be significantly responsible for the improvement in plasticity index as a result of cation ion exchange
of Ca2+ in the soil mixture. This reduces the affinity of the soil to water, as the clay minerals are
modified. In addition to ion exchange, fineness of the CKD as well as the presence of high alkali and
sulfate content affects it reactivity. [29] observed that CKD with high free lime as well as moderate
alkalies (= 4.6%, Na2O) leads to reduction in plasticity [28]. In cases where the free lime content is low,
reduction in liquid limit and PI, is relatively low. For plasticity limit, the addition of CKD either slightly
increase plasticity limit or causes little or no changes. A reduction in plasticity index is a clear indicator
of soil improvement as it aids workability [32].

1st International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructural Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 640 (2019) 012080 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/640/1/012080

3.2 Effects on free swelling.

Apart from the improvement in plasticity limit, the reduction of the free swelling of the natural soil was
reduced significantly. It was discovered that according to [33], the degree of expansion is medium.
However, the addition of CKD at various percentages, changes the degree of expansion from medium
to low as indicated in Fig 2. The change in degree of expansion is due to isomorphous substitution,
which modifies the clay mineral layers and the water layer thickness. The addition of CKD modifies
the water layer thickness, reducing the amount of water film. The lowest free swelling was observed at
CKD with 7.5%, different studies has documented the expansion of CKD itself at certain percentages,
yet, at the percentages investigated, the free swelling was reduced.

Figure 1: Effect of stabilizer on Atterberg limit.

3.3 Effect on the compactability.

The results as illustrated in Fig. 3 depicts that an increase in Optimum moisture content (OMC) and
Maximum dry density (MDD), was observed as the percentage of CKD is increased. Different
mechanisms are responsible for the increase in MDD. Such mechanisms include filler effects, specific
gravity of the stabilizer and flocculation. The fineness of the CKD reduces the void within the soil while
the effects of higher specific gravity of the CKD to the soil, induced increased MDD. The demand for
more water for these mixtures is observed to be due to need for water for hydration products. The
addition of CKD has being observed to increase the pH of the soil mixture due to the presence of

1st International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructural Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 640 (2019) 012080 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/640/1/012080

hydroxide ion from Calcium carbonate formed in the soil mixture. This indicates the need for higher
compactive energy to attain MDD when stabilization with CKD is carried out [34]. The might lightly
increase compaction cost during construction.

3.4 Effect on CBR.

Fig. 4 shows the effects of the stabilizer on the California bearing ratio of the soil samples. It was
observed that the addition of CKD at various percentages ranging from 7.5 to 15% improves the soil
strength significantly. The results indicated that the optimum CKD percentage is 10%, which
corresponds with the plasticity index. The result also indicates as established by various research works
that curing periods significantly improve soil strength due to development of hydration products.
Different research have revealed the production of calcium hydroxide which is absorbed by the clay,
modifying the clay microstructure, thereby improving the mechanical strength of the stabilized soil
[35]. The CBR value of the CKD stabilized soil improved the strength gained by 96.4% from 7 to 28
days. The results indicated that the use of CKD at 7.5% addition is optimum. Soaked CBR tests
indicated a similar pattern to that of unsoaked as the addition of CKD efficiently improved the soaked
CBR values from 0.5% to 16.01% at 10% CKD addition. The peaked for soaked CBR was achieved
with 15% CKD addition, a CBR value of 16.8%.

Figure 2: Effect of stabilizer on free swelling.

1st International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructural Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 640 (2019) 012080 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/640/1/012080

Figure 3: Effect of stabilizer on compaction.

1st International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructural Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 640 (2019) 012080 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/640/1/012080

Figure 4: a) Effect of stabilizer on unsoaked and, b) effect of stabilizer on soaked CBR.

4. Conclusion

A study to determine the effectiveness of CKD generated in a cement plant in Ogun state, Nigeria for
stabilization of soft clayey soil along failed road section near the plant is reported. The use of CKD on
weak soil would reduce construction cost, extended service life of roads, and sustainability of the
environment, the use of CKD in subgrade improvement is paramount. The following conclusion can be

 The addition of CKD reduces the plasticity due

 Increase in OMC and MDD was observed as a result of filler effects, development of hydration
products and variation in specific gravity.
 Reduction in free swell from medium degree of expansion to low was observed as the CKD
was added due to modification of the clay minerals.
 Mechanical strength improvement was observed with CKD at all combinations, and increased
strength was recorded as curing days increased due to formation of hydration product.
 The addition of CKD at 10% was observed to be the optimum percentage for unsoaked CBR
with 1,792% percent improvement at 7 days and 3638% at 28 days. However, for soaked CBR,
the 10% addition, lead to 2,774 % improvement. Although the optimum for soaked CBR is
15% to 2,915% improvement, as more CKD in the system encouraged the formation of
hydration product with the availability of more moisture in the soil mixture. However, due to
only a slight difference in the soaked improvement with 15% when compared to 10% and the
optimum performance of 10% in unsoaked condition, the optimum for CKD addition is 10%.
 The addition of CKD improves workability and reduces cost as the required pavement thickness
is reduced.


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