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Teacher Name: Joseph Giammona

Department: Music

Date(s):3/28/2022 - 4/14/2022

Grade: 4th

(Accommodations will be made for Special Ed.)

Title of Unit: What is Foley?

Title of Lesson: Creating Foley

Learning Objective:

● I can talk about Foley and how it plays a role in film

● I can use classroom instruments to create foley.

National Standards:


Plan and Make:

MU:Cr2.1.4a - Demonstrate selected and organized musical ideas for an improvisation, arrangement, or
composition to express intent, and explain connection to purpose and context.

Evaluate and Refine:

MU:Cr3.1.4a - Evaluate, refine, and document revisions to personal music, applying teacher- provided
and collaboratively- developed criteria and feedback to show improvement over time.

MU:Cr3.2.4a - Present the final version of personal created music to others, and explain connection to
expressive intent.

Materials and Resources:

● Google Slides, Smartboard, Chromebook, Random Materials for Foley

Vocabulary Words:

1. Timbre
2. Foley
3. Sample
4. QSoundFX
Questions to ask during the lesson to check for understanding (Depth Of Knowledge) (3a)

(Questions pre-written for checking students’ understanding)

1. What is Foley and how does it play a role in film?

2. How can we create our own foley sounds with scenes from Disney movies?


1. What is Foley?
a. Great Big Story - “The Magic of Making Sound”
b. Students will watch the following documentary and discuss what foley is and how it is
used in practice.
2. Experimenting with sound design
a. Students will break up into groups. Each group will be given classroom instruments for
sound design: rhythm sticks, drum pad, triangle, wooden beater, tambourine, egg
shaker, and xylophones.
b. Students will be shown how to properly and respectfully play instruments.
3. Students create a sound of their choice.
a. Students are tasked to create a sound effect of their choice. The class and I will make a
list of things that they can create sounds for.
i. Weather
ii. Haunted House
iii. Door Bell
iv. Roller coaster
4. (Day 2 ): Students and their groups will then be tasked with a challenge to create foley for
claymation film. This task will be heavily assisted by the teacher.
a. Students will be walked through an approach on how to create foley or sound effects for
a film.
b. The teacher will play the film in it’s entirety. The class will discuss what sounds that
would consider creating based on what they saw so far.
c. The teacher will then play the film and pause after the first instance of a sound effect.
d. The teacher will then ask the students in their groups to create a sound effect for the
e. The teacher will repeat this process until the entire film is down and each group
presents their sounds effects in full sequence with the film
5. (Day 3): Each group will now pick a film of their own choice based on a list that will be presented
to them. The students will be tasked to create sound effects of their own using the steps that we
did as class in the fifth step.
a. Groups will be asked to present their foley with their video. After they present their
foley they are going to explain how 2-3 sound effects that they create are intended to
match the film. Students can also talk about how they created their effect.


1. Students will be assessed on how they go about creating sound effects to the film. Students will
be given feedback from the students and the teacher. They will also be assessed on how well
they are able to take the feedback and improve over time. The groups and class will assess each
other and themselves about any improvements that they may have made.
2. Students will be assessed on their foley and how they create sounds to match film. Students will
be asked to present their final work for their class at the end of the period. After students
demonstrate their foley they are going to explain how their sound is intended to match the film.


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