Biological Treatability Studies: New Regulations Require A New Approach

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Biological Treatability Studies:

New Regulations Require a New Approach

W. Wesley Eckenfelder, Jr.
227 French Landing Drive, Nashville, TN 37228

In the past, biological treatability studies were directed toward defining effluent
BOD and TSS. Recent regulations now require effluent limitations on volatile
organic carbon, specific priority pollutants, aquatic toxicity and in many cases
nitrogen for complex wastewaters. This, in turn, has changed the focus of
biological treatability studies.
It is assumed that a screening protocol has been employed to define biological treatment as
a candidate process [ I ] .
(a) Priority Pollutants-If one or more priority pollutants are a permit issue, a fed batch
reactor (FBR) is run using acclimated biosolids to determine the maximum degradation
rate, q,, and the half velocity constant, K,. From these data, the required SRT to meet
effluent limitations can be computed.
(b) Aquatic Toxicity-If the wastewater exhibits aquatic toxicity in addition to priority
pollutant requirements, bioassays are run on the biological units. Effluent toxicity and COD
are tracked with time. Since effluent toxicity is frequently associated with soluble microbial
products (SMP), the SMP is estimatedfiom the effluent COD over time of aeration.
(c) Nitrogen-Many organics including SMP are inhibitoiy to nitrification. The nitrification
rate should be determined on the efluents using seeded NH,Cl as a control. From these
data, the required SRT can be computed.
This paper reviews the required protocols and presents several case histories from the
chemical and pharmaceutical industry.

VOLATILE ORGANIC CARBON (VOC) should be employed. The degradation rate of specific
volatiles will be related both to the composite wastewa-
The prescnt emphasis on volatile emissions from wastewa- ter composition and process operating conditions such as
ter treatment plants requires that stripping be considered in SRT. Therefore, these variables must be fixed prior to
activated biosolids process design where volatiles are prescnt volatile stripping and degradation studies.
in the influent wastewater. There are several factors to be It has been shown that gas recirculation will significantly
considered in the experimental design. enhance biodegradation [ 21. Therefore, this should be in
the pilot studies if it is to be considered in the final
Both thc power level in the aeration basin and the type design.
of acrator (i.e., diffused or mechanical) significantly in- Covered aeration basins may result in a significant tem-
fluence stripping. The pilot reactor should therefore use perature rise due to the exothermic reaction with high
the type of aerator to be considered and operate at the strength wastewaters. Basin temperatures in excess of
design power level. 38°C will result in floc dispersion. In these cases, it is
The maximum concentration of each particular volatile therefore necessary to monitor the reactor temperature

172 August, 1995 Environmental Progress (Vol. 14, No. 3)

and make appropriate temperature adjustments as re- the priority organic levels may be too low, requiring that the
quired. concentration be supplemented to provide a sufficient con-
centration to meet the conditions of the test. The data arc
Once the degradation rate is defined, the calculations to de- only relevant so long as levels achieved i n
termhe the fraction of the volatile stripped can be made [ I ] . the test reactor are below the threshold, This can
be determined from the shape of the concentration-time
curve. The maximum degradation rate q,, is computed as the
PRIORITY POLLUTANTS difference in slope of the addition rate and the residual accu-
It has been shown that specific organics such as phenol are A second FBR test is then conducted with the addition
removed in a biological process in accordance with Monod rate of the compound equal to one-half the maximum dcgra-
kinctics. For a complcte mix reactor o r multistage reactors, dation rate (q,J determined in the first test. As shown in
the effluent quality is defined by the relationship: Figure I , the steady state concentration observed in the reac-
tor during this test will be K , in mg/L. Since these coeffi-
cients have been observed to vary with SRT, it may be desir-
able to repeat the test with biosolids acclimated to a range o f
SRTs if available or relevant.
As previously mentioned, these parameters are influenced
in which: by changes in wastewater composition and process operating
s = effluent concentrations, mg/L variables so that in many cases require statistical evaluation.
8,. = S R r , days Three continuous units arc then run, one at the S R T dcter-
(I = biological biosolids yield coefficient
mined by the FBR, one at a SO percent higher S R T and one
h = endogenous coefficient, days-' at a SO percent lower SRT. Multi-stage operation should be
X, = degradable fraction of the biological volatile suspended considered in order to reduce volumetric requirements.
q,n = maximum degradation rate, g/g VSS . day
K , = substrate concentration when the concentration is
one-half the maximum rate, mg/L TOXICITY REDUCTION
The coefficients a, h, and X, are determined from con-
ventional treatability studies or plant operating data. The Aquatic toxicity is now a parameter on virtually all efflucnt
coefficients q, and must be determined for the specific discharge permits. Toxicity can bc generated by organics
operating conditions. Several investigators have shown that which are biodegradable, non-biodegradable, or generated
the history of the biomass and the wastewater composition within the process as soluble microbial products (SMP). One
will influence the value of the coefficients in Equation (1) [3 , of the first steps in a treatability study therefore is to deter-
41. mine the applicability of biological treatment to the wastewa-
It is therefore important to determine the coefficients with ter stream in question.
a biomass cultured at the appropriate biosolids age with the Two cases will be considered. In the first, there is a known
appropriate substrate. In order to maintain the integrity of toxic compound which is biodegradable. A series of reactors
the results, a short term test such as the FBR should be used at varying SRT are run in order to determine the rcquircd
in order not to change the population dynamics. S R T to meet permit requirements. An example of this using
The modified FBR test would appear to be most applica- nonylphenol from a surfactant manufacturing wastewater is
ble to the determination of the kinetic coefficients q,, and shown in Figure 2. In the second more common case. toxicity
K,, under appropriate operating conditions. In the test, is caused by an unknown mixture of organics or generated o r
biomass produced under field condition is used. The com- enhanced by the production of SMP during biooxidation. A
pound in question is added at a constant rate. In order to protocol has been developed to define treatment options in
determine q",, the addition rate must exceed the degradation this case [ 5 ] .The biodegradability of the wastewater in ques-
rate as shown in Figure 1. When testing wastewater samples, tion is determined through a Fed Batch Reactor (FBR) test

r /

2B -
v -
Feed Rate l/2 qm
m Acclimation
2 -
Ks = 0379 mg/L
* Feed
n I 0 I
0 30 60 90 120
TIME (min)

Xv = 1,500 m g L
- -
29640 19472 = 0.78 rng Plmg VSS day
qm - 1,500
FIGURE 1. FBR test for determination of g, and K,.

Environmental Progress (Vol. 14, No. 3) August, 1995 173

lo r
c 8G
SRT = 4.5 days

0 1 2 3 4

Nonylphenyl Mono and Diethoxylate, mg/L
SO ld, 150 2b, 2lO 3bo d 0 4dO 450 560
PAC Dosage (mg/L)
FIGURE 2. Effect of SRT on toxicity reduction for FIGURE 4. Toxicity reduction in an organic chemi-
nonyl phenolics. cals wastewater using PAC.

procedure. It is important that the biological biosolids used

in the test is fully acclimated to the wastewater in question. If not be used for process design as shown in Figure 3 [I]. A
the wastewater proves to be nondegradable and toxic, it is series of reactors should be run at various carbon dosages. It
then considered for pre or source treatment. The primary should be noted that the SRT of the system is defined by that
objective of pretreatment would be detoxification and en- required to remove degradable organics and/or priority pol-
hanced biodegradability. If the wastewater is degradable as lutants. Each reactor should be preloaded with carbon which
defined by the FBR procedure, then a long-term oxidation, has been brought into equilibrium with the effluent. The
usually 48 hours aeration follows. The objective is to degrade carbon concentration in the reactor is calculated from the
all degradable components. This effluent is then subjected to relationship:
an appropriate bioassay. If this effluent is still toxic, then
pretreatment or tertiary treatment should be considered.
Since it is not possible to distinguish between wastewater
component toxicity and SMP toxicity, the wastewater should
be pretreated for detoxification. A subsequent long-term oxi- in which:
dation test should determine the source of the toxicity.
If the toxicity is caused by SMP, tertiary treatment with
carbon should be evaluated. In most cases, powdered acti-
X = equilibrium PAC concentration
= PAC dosage
Oc = SRT
vated carbon (PAC) will be the cost-effective technology of HHT = hydraulic retention time
choice. It has been shown that while laboratory adsorption A relationship between PAC dosage and effluent toxicity
isotherms will establish the applicability of carbon, they can- will be defined as shown in Figure 4.


Carbon A



0 10 20 30 40 50 60


FIGURE 3. Performance comparison between continuous PAC reactors and their adsorption isotherms.

174 August, 1995 Environmental Progress (Vol. 14, No. 3)

tNH3-N Added
tNH3-N Measured

VSS N = 250 mg/L

RN = 1.15 mg NH3-Nlmg VSS * day

I I I 1
100 150 200 250
Time (mint

FIGURE 6. FBR determination of nitrification rate.

The nitrification rate is therefore:

Time, hours
FIGURE 5. Batch nitrification results. 0.022
~- - 0.9mgNH3-N/mgVSS, - day
NITRIFICATION and the growth rate is 0.9 * 0.15 = 0.135 days-’.
The required SRT is therefore:
Many organics and in some cases, inorganics, are inhibitory
to nitrifiers. Therefore, when treating industrial wastewaters,
it is essential to determine the nitrification rate and in turn
the required S R T to achieve nitrification under field operat-
ing conditions. This can be accomplished in one of two ways. A control test should be run using the same nitrifier
biosolids with ammonium chloride at the same concentra-
tions. The growth rate for the control at 20°C should be in
Batch Oxidation the order of 0.34 days-’.
The second procedure is to use the FBR as previously
A wastewater sample is aerated with a nitrifying biosolids described. In this case, the wastewater, spiked with NH,-N if
(this can be biosolids obtained from an actively nitrifying required is added at a constant rate to the reactor. The am-
plant or ii commercial culture of nitrifiers. The initial NH,-N monia concentration is intermittently measured and the con-
concentration should be between 20 and 50 mg/L. centration added calculated as shown in Figure 6. COD or
If the wastewater contains organic nitrogen, then TKN T O C is also measured during the course of the test. The
should be measured instead of NH,-N since some of the nitrification rate and required SRT is calculated in a manner
organic nitrogen may convert to NH,-N during the test. similar to the batch test.
T h e alkalinity should b e adjusted to 7.15 mg
alkalinity/mg NH,-N plus 50 mg/L.
If the wastewater contains high organics then the NH,-N LITERATURE CITED
removal must be corrected for synthesis, based on the
C O D removed during the test run. NH,-N,,, = 1. Lankford, P. W., and Eckenfelder, W. W., Toxicity Reduc-
0.04ACOD tion in Industrial EfJluents, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New
A batch test run is shown in Figure 5. The initial York (1990).
wastewater had an NH,-N of 48 mg/L and a COD of 2. Argaman, Y., and Musterman, J. L., “Off-Gas Recycle
310 mg/L. At the end of the batch test, both the NH,-N for VOC Emission Control, Conceptual Model,” Journal
and the COD were essentially removed. Over 24 hours of Enoironmental Engineering ASCE, 120, 3, May/June
38 mg/L NH,-N was removed. The amount nitrified was (1994).
38 - 0.04 (310) = 26 mg/L. The nitrification rate is 3. Philbrook, D. M., and Grady, C. P., “Evaluation of
therefore: Biodegradation Kinetics for Priority Pollutants,” Pro-
ceedings 40th Industrial Waste Conference (1985).
26 mg/L day
= 0.022 mg NH,-N/mg -
4. Templeton, L. L., and Grady, C. P., “Effect of Culturc
1,200 mg/L VSS History on the Determination of Biodegradation Kinetics
by Batch and Fed Batch Techniques,” J . Water Pollution
The fraction of nitrifiers is estimated as: Control Federation, 60(5), 65 1 (1988).
5. Eckenfelder, W. W., and Lankford, P. W., “Protocol for
0.15 26 Source Toxicity Evaluation,” Water Science and Technol-
fN = -
0.5 .310 + 0.15 26 = 0’0245 ogy, 25, 3 (1992).

Environmental Progress (Vol. 14, No. 3) August, 1995 175

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