Mba 3 Sem FT Business Policy and Stratigic Analysis DR 405 2020

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RollNo.... Printed Pages : 2 DR-405 M.B.A. (IIfrd-Sem.) (FT) Examination, 2029-20 BUSINESS POLIGY & STRATIGIC ANALYSIS Papor-CP.301 Time :3.00 Hours Maximum Marks :80 Section-A Short Answers Type Questions Note: Attempt any fourquestions. Allquestions carries equal marks. 4x8=32 1) "Business Policy is supported to integrate the knowledge of different functional areas of management for long term strategic decisions.” Exqpain 2) Differentiate between. Vision and Mission of a ‘company with help ofan example 3) "SWOT analysis is a very crucial element of Strategic Planning "Explain, 4) Explain Michae! Porters Five Forces Model for ‘Anaiysing the Competitive environment ofa frm. 5) Whatis the impact Matix, howis tusedin Strategic Managementof afin, 8) Explain the concept of value chain in briot 105 co) PTO. 7) Explain the concept of Gompatitve Advantage ofa firm, How does it helps in Strategy Formulation, 8) Whatare differentievels of Strategies? Explain with the help of examples. Section-B Long Answer Type Questions Note: Attempt any three questions. 3x18=48, 9) Write a detailed note on the areas covered in the study of Business Policy. 40) What do you understand by Environmental ‘Analysis? What changes are taking place in Indian Environment which nieeds to be considered in Formulating Business Policy. 411) Explain the folowing in Detall- (@)B.C.G Matrix (©) GEC Model 42) "The objective of Industry Analysis sto determine the opgortunitios and threats that exist for firms. “within'a competitive Environment’. Comment. 13) Wiite a Detailed note on Framework for Ana. sing] ‘compsition, hetpe/ Whatsapp @ 9300930012 ‘Your old paper & get 10 pros Qa Ea ake 10 ea Paytm or Google Pay

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