Our Planet: FORESTs Nature at Your Service

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Zhou Qiang


Emmanuel Ze Meka
Well worth paying for

Ray C. Anderson
The magazine of the United Nations Environment Programme — June 2011 It’s nature’s way

Yolanda Kakabadse
Forests produce
green growth

Nature at your service


ZHOU QIANG : Transforming development page 4
Increasing forest cover, through continuous effort and co-operation, creates an environmentally-friendly society
and boosts investment.

EMMANUEL ZE MEKA : Well worth paying for page 6

Managing forests sustainably is viable so long as the goods and service they produce are properly valued and paid for.

FRANCES SEYMOUR : Overused, undervalued page 8

It is time to realize the benefits of forests for local communities as well as for the world as a whole.

YEMI KATERERE : Unique opportunity page 12

How REDD+ has brought conserving and sustainably managing forests back to centre stage.

reflections page 3 SATINDER BINDRA : Something’s cooking page 14
books page 11 How improving cookstoves can cut deforestation, save lives and combat climate change.

UNEP at work page 18

products PAGE 21
people page 24
awards and events page 30 RAY C ANDERSON : It’s nature’s way page 16
How mimicking the way a forest does things produced runaway business success.
star PAGE 34

YOLANDA KAKABADSE : Forests produce green growth page 22

Reforming how forests are managed will create an environmental and economic win-win.

MARYANNE GRIEG-GRAN and STEVE BASS : Economies grow on trees page 26

Forests can play an important part in the Green Economy, as long as their many benefits are properly valued.

ANDREW W. MITCHELL : Invest in Natural Capital page 28

Proactive investment is needed to pay for ecosystem services and thus help save forests.

TENSIE WHELAN : Visit them, conserve them page 31
Certifying sustainable tourism can create powerful incentives for conserving forests.
India has successfully introduced projects that track the health
of the nation’s plants, animals, water and other natural resources
including the Sunderbans — the largest deltaic mangrove forest in
the world, and home to one of India’s most iconic wildlife species:
the tiger.

Meanwhile the country is increasingly at the forefront of some of

the ‘green shoots’ of a Green Economy that are emerging across
the globe.

From its manufacturing of solar and wind turbines to its Rural

Employment Guarantee Act which underwrites paid work for
millions of households via investments in areas ranging from water
conservation to sustainable land management, foundations are
being laid in India towards a fundamental and far reaching new

reflections development path..

UNEP’s recent report — A Transition to a Green Economy:

Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication
underlines that such a transition not only possible but relevant to
Achim Steiner
developing nations as it is to developed ones.
UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director, UNEP
WED 2011 comes in advance of the UN Conference on
This year marks a first for the long standing relationship between Sustainable Development 2012 or Rio+20. Its twin themes are the
India and the United Nations. For the first time ever India will Green Economy within the context of sustainable development
host World Environment Day (WED). With a population of and poverty eradication and an institutional framework for
1.2 billion people, a rapidly growing economy and a diverse sustainable development.
cultural past, present and future there is enormous potential
for India to catalyze and to champion sustainable development Rio+20 comes against a backdrop of rapidly diminishing natural
nationally and internationally. resources and accelerating environmental change — from the loss
of coral reefs and forests to the rising scarcity of productive land;
This year’s WED theme is ‘Forests: Nature at Your Service’. It from the urgent need to feed and fuel economies and the likely
speaks to the intrinsic connection between livelihoods and human impacts of unchecked climate change.
well being and the health of forests and forest ecosystems.
India is among a range of nations spotlighting different choices
India has shown leadership by, for example, instituting a tree- that represent an opportunity to fulfil the promise of the 1992 Rio
planting system to combat land-degradation and desertification, Earth Summit in order to deliver development that meets the needs
including windbreaks and shelterbelts to protect agricultural of seven billion people, rising to nine billion by 2050.
land. The recently launched Mission for Green India, as part of
National Action Plan on Climate Change, aims at qualitaitive as One that delivers growth, greater equity and employment
well as quantitative improvement in forest cover over 10 million opportunities: one that keeps humanity’s footprint within
hectares, with an estimated outlay of about US$10 billion over the planetary boundaries in order to ensure that Nature can remain at
next 10 years. our service for current and future generations.

Minister for Environment and Forests, India

“We need a strong ethic of conservation and in this role, World

Environment Day is a powerful catalyst and voice. There must
be limits on how and where we encroach on the natural world
for without them habitats will be paved over, rivers ruined,
corals bleached and forests unwittingly plowed for agriculture.”
© John Lund/Getty Images

Zhou Qiang
Party Secretary of Hunan Province and
UNEP Champion of the Earth

Adopting a sustainable approach that both satisfies a society’s
economic dynamics and protects the ecological environment
has become a major international challenge. We in the
province of Hunan, in central China, are determined to meet
it, and will work with others across the world to do so.

Hunan is blessed with a high level of forest cover, along with

an optimal climate and abundant rainfall — but it faces
great environmental stresses with rapid industrialization and
urbanization. In recent years, it has actively responded to calls
to manage forests so as to increase their role as carbon sinks
and partially counteract emissions of carbon dioxide covered
by the Kyoto Protocol. In line with the Chinese Government’s
requirements and action to accelerate the transformation of the
country’s mode of development, Hunan’s basic principle and
aim is green, low-carbon and sustainable economic and social
development. Accordingly, we comprehensively are promoting
a new style of industrialization, agricultural modernization,
“We are aiming to
construct a resource-saving
and environment-friendly
society, focusing on
building a ‘Green Hunan’.
and urbanization. We are Continuous efforts in building
aiming to construct a resource- “Green Hunan” have yielded
saving and environmently- remarkable achievements. The
friendly society, focusing on Leading the people to forest land area of Hunan has
building a ‘Green Hunan’. reached 193 million mu (about
love trees and forests is an 12.87 million hectares), with the
Leading the people to love addition of a total 402 million
trees and forests is an essential
essential part of this.” cubic meters of storage volume.
part of this. For over 30 years, Forest cover amounts to over
provincial leaders have been in the has greatly stimulated farmers’ 50%, and it absorbs 60 million
forefront both of voluntary tree enthusiasm: many treat trees tons of carbon dioxide annually.
planting and of mobilizing people tenderly like grain seedlings and At the same time, over 90% of
throughout Hunan to engage in are willing to plant them wherever the province’s surface water meets
it — thus creating a multi-agent there is empty unused land. drinking water standards, and the
and multi-level afforestation air of all its cities and prefectures
programme. Zhangjiajie, a city We are also determined to has achieved the Second National
in northwestern Hunan, has held strengthen the environmental Ambient Air Quality Standard.
the China International Forest protection of forest in cities to This ecological environment
Protection Festival — with the counteract the effects of wood has attracted many well-known
theme ‘Green for the Earth and chopping and requisition of forest enterprises — both domestic and
Forests for Humanity’ for 14 land during rapid urbanization. foreign — to invest in Hunan, in
consecutive years. It is not only In addition, the province is turn promoting rapid and sound
one of China’s ten ecological making the Changsha-Zhuzhou- social and economic development.
festivals, but the only one featuring Xiangtan (CZT) city cluster a
‘forest protection’ as its theme. Vienna Forest — with tree cover Achieving sustainable development
greater than 45%— enacting calls for in-depth cooperation and
“Those who own some properties legislation to safeguard Zhaoshan joint efforts. These have global
and have greater perseverance”, Mountain, the green heart of the significance. Over recent years,
as the ancient Chinese Scholar city cluster, and protecting the for example, the Indonesian
Mencius put it, “tend to plan both core area by making it a pilot Government has adjusted its
production and their livelihoods of a resource-conserving and development strategy to enhance
in a systematic way”. Since 2008 environmentally-friendly society. the protection of tropical
Hunan has been vigorously rainforests, and it plans to plant
promoting the reform of the We are also attempting to turn the 1.5 billion trees each year. This
system of collective forest rights Xiangjiang River into an Oriental has enlightened our vision of
so as to protect the interests of Rhine through comprehensive building a ‘Green Hunan’. In
tree farmers and entice them into treatment of both it and Dongting turn, we are willing to share the
both planting trees and protecting Lake and by constructing a experience we have gained in such
forests. As a result, they can all Xiangjiang River Scenic Belt. As fields such as forest protection
receive forestry land use certificates a result, the CZT’s core ecological and sustainable development with
clarifying ownership and are district will be in good custody, Indonesia and other countries
encouraged to manage the land forest coverage will be increased and to further promote mutual
under contracts so that they can and the wetlands of the Yangtze, exchange and cooperation in
benefit from the orderly cutting of Xiangjiang and other rivers will protecting the earth — the
their own trees. This undertaking be conserved and well-protected. common homeland of humanity.
© Johner RF/Getty Images

Well worth
paying for
Many studies — such as UNEP’s The Economics of Ecosystems
and Biodiversity — have recently reported on the high ecosystem
service values associated with forests, especially tropical ones.
They have found that the values of water, carbon storage, soils,
Emmanuel Ze Meka
biodiversity maintenance and other forest ecosystem functions
dwarf the economic value of traditional forest products (primarily
Executive Director, timber). This leads to forests being valued at billions — or, globally,
International Tropical Timber Organization
trillions — of dollars. Nevertheless, about 13 million hectares of
tropical forests continued to be lost — along with their valuable
biodiversity and other ecosystem services — every year from 2000
to 2010. How could this be?

There is a simple answer. While the ecosystem services catalogued

and assessed in recent reports, using sophisticated economic
techniques, are indeed valuable, the markets for transferring
payments for them mostly remain in their infancy — if, indeed they
exist at all. With the exception of the emerging global market for
carbon, there are no mechanisms for tropical countries to monetorize
the potential value of their forests. No one is lining up to pay them
for these services. So it is not surprising that forest owners (mostly
countries but sometimes also the private sector) decide to use the
land on which those forests sit for what they perceive to be more
productive economic uses, such as agriculture.


ITTO — an intergovernmental intended to be kept as forest, both
organization based in Yokohama,
“Sustainable forestry and for production and for protection,
Japan — began life a quarter of in tropical countries. ITTO’s most
a century ago as a commodity
sustainably produced recent survey — Status of Tropical
organization focused on promoting Forest Management 2011 — finds
markets for sustainably produced
timber products must be that progress has continued over the
tropical timber. This objective is still past five years: well over three million
relevant, but the Organization has
a part of the solution both hectares a year has been added to the
increasingly sought to help countries total area under SFM in the tropics.
manage their forests sustainably
to valuing tropical forests However this still leaves over
and add value to all tropical forest 90% of the world’s tropical forests
services; it recognises that the appropriately under poor or no management.
revenue from any one service is Clearly, progress in SFM needs to
simply insufficient to offset benefits and to reversing their accelerate to meet our shared goal
from such competing land-uses as of ensuring the future of global
agricultural crops or oil palm, with continuing clearance while tropical forest resources.
their relatively short harvest cycles
and simpler management regimes. simultaneously promoting UNEP — as the key UN
agency charged with promoting
Timber remains the single most economic development.” environmental sustainability —
important way of generating revenue shares a special concern for tropical
from tropical forests. It has earned forests and their ecosystem values,
tropical countries over $20 billion sustainably — by taking the ecology and they have a high profile on
in export earnings annually over of the tree species into account, using the lead-up to next year’s Rio+20
the last decade, if both primary technology to reduce the impact of Earth Summit. It is worth recalling,
and secondary processed products harvesting, undertaking appropriate however, that many stakeholders
(like furniture) are taken into rehabilitation and/or reforestation (especially the developing countries
account. Indeed the forest sector’s afterwards, and providing market where virtually all tropical forests
contribution to economic develop- information to ensure the resulting exist) were disappointed with the lack
ment is even greater when the products are fairly priced, so that of “new and additional” resources
millions of jobs it creates and the funds can flow back to the forest. that the international community
revenues generated by domestic Of course corruption and poor was expected to make available to
timber markets are also considered. governance — which affect many implement the non-binding forest
Sustainable forestry and sustainably sectors and countries — need to principles agreed during the original
produced timber products must be tackled to allow the system to 1992 Earth Summit. In the nearly
therefore be a part of the solution work and to ensure funds are not two decades since that historic
both to valuing tropical forests misappropriated: significant work event many services provided
appropriately and to reversing on tackling such problems has been by tropical forests — including
their continuing clearance while undertaken globally in recent years. ecotourism, bio-prospecting, and
simultaneously promoting economic most recently REDD and carbon
development. So ITTO continues to ITTO has tracked progress towards — have been identified as having
argue that it is essential that the new sustainable forest management the potential to reverse their
funding schemes being formulated (SFM) in the tropics since its continued loss. Organizations like
to combat climate change (such as formation. One of the Organization’s ITTO and UNEP must work with
“REDD+” or Reducing Emissions first studies (published as the 1989 governments, NGOs, the private
from Deforestation and Forest book “No Timber without Trees”; sector and other stakeholders to
Degradation) include sustainable by Duncan Poore) found that only develop fair and equitable markets
forestry — incorporating sustainable a miniscule amount of the world’s for these and other forest products
timber production — within their tropical forest was under sustainable and services. In this way, we can
approved activities. management in the late 1980s. A help to send the global community
follow up study — ITTO’s Status of a clear message that managing
There is a wealth of experience — Tropical Forest Management 2005 tropical forests sustainably is a viable
some of it generated from ITTO — found that, though there had been land-use option — provided that we
field projects — on how to produce improvements, the area under SFM properly value and pay for the many
timber and other forest products was still only around 5% of what was goods and services they produce.
© Stringer/Corbis


Frances Seymour
Center for International Forestry Research

This should be a banner year for the world’s forests.

2011, the United Nation’s International Year of Forests,
was preceded by the auspicious agreement on reducing
emissions from deforestation and forest degradation
(REDD) at December’s UNFCCC’s COP16 in Cancun,
launching a long-sought mechanism to integrate
forests into the global climate protection regime.

The world’s forests should also be well positioned to take

advantage of the need to shift to a “green economy”.
We have long known that the economic value of forests
extends far beyond the timber that they produce.


© Nacivet/Getty Images
13 million
hectares of forests
lost every year,
the clock is ticking
pretty fast.”

Unfortunately, very little of that

income is captured in national
statistical surveys or accounts, and
so it remains invisible to national
policy-makers. Survey instruments
used by national statistical offices
need to be refined to illuminate
the important contribution that
forests make to the incomes of
some of the world’s most poor
and vulnerable communities.

Another reason for this invisibility

is that much of the income is at
Biological diversity, non-timber contributions to light often requires least technically illegal — and a
forest products, sources of changes in governance and markets. significant proportion is paid in
ecosystem services, and spiritual Researchers have long suspected bribes. When negotiations began
solace can all be found in them. that communities in and around several years ago on an agreement
And now as never before, forests derive much of their between the Government of
they are appreciated for their incomes from the direct Cameroon and the European
contributions to climate change consumption and sale of forest Commission to ensure that timber
mitigation and adaptation. products. A new database exported to the European Union
representing the results of income was legally sourced, it was assumed
Yet many of these values remain surveys from more than 8,000 that timber produced informally for
invisible to policy-makers and households (www.cifor.cgiar. the domestic market was smaller
to the general public, especially org/pen), confirms that hunch: than the formal sector share.
when compared to quick profits on average, 24 percent of their Research conducted by CIFOR
from such alternative land-uses total income comes from forest revealed that in fact this is about
as commercial agriculture and products. Wood for fuel and four times larger than previously
mining. Forests’ hold on public construction, bushmeat, fruits, thought, providing employment and
and political imagination will be nuts, honey, and mushrooms income to some 45,000 people.
tenuous as long as the economic for food — and a wide variety
contributions of keeping them of products used for medicines, Crackdowns on illegal logging
standing remain hidden or handicrafts, ornamentation, and tend to target the little guys with
undervalued. And bringing these other uses — all contribute. the chainsaws rather than the
“Everyone would be better
off if timber produced
informally for the domestic
market were brought into
big ones with the bank accounts. — and not to highlight their
Everyone would be better off if an appropriate regulatory important roles in contributing to
timber produced informally for food security, both in providing
the domestic market were brought framework that safeguards subsistence and cash income
into an appropriate regulatory and in supporting sustainable
framework that safeguards both agricultural productivity. Forest
the environmental sustainability of
both the environmental goods are a crucial component of
the resource and the livelihoods of rural livelihoods: 80 percent of
local producers. Professionalization
sustainability of the wood harvested in Sub-Saharan
rather than criminalization Africa is for energy; bushmeat
provides an alternative way forward. resource and the livelihoods harvested from Congo Basin forests
is equivalent to the production
Market-based mechanisms to of local producers.” of the Brazilian beef industry.
protect forests have a role, but And forests’ critical ecosystem
have not proven sufficient by benefits both of existing uses and services to agriculture — as in
themselves to reverse deforestation of those that may be created by maintaining hydrological flows and
and degradation. Certification REDD and other payments for pollination services — would be
schemes — such by the Forestry ecosystems services (PES) schemes. impossible or expensive to replace.
Stewardship Council — recognize
producers who take the right values The potential of using such Even those who understand the
into account in their practices. schemes — which depend on a need to maintain forests as part of
But industry leaders complain that clear “seller” of the environmental integrated landscape management
most people appear not yet ready service in question — to save strategies often focus exclusively on
to pay a price premium reflecting the forest is compromised by the increasing agricultural productivity
the costs of protecting those values. lack of clarity and conflict over as a way of taking pressure off
Purchasing decisions that reflect who owns it . CIFOR research them. Such productivity increases
concerns about the sustainability of has illuminated the extent of are certainly necessary, and
the world’s forests are driven more such barriers to operationalizing desirable for other reasons, but
by the reputational sensitivities of green economy tools in conditions are not in themselves sufficient
retailers than by the preferences typical of most tropical forests. It to reduce this pressure. Indeed,
of ultimate consumers. More estimates that only about half of research has shown that, depending
attention should be given to policy the forests in the Brazilian Amazon on relative prices and markets,
interventions to level the playing that would be economically increasing agricultural productivity
field for sustainable producers. viable for PES-type payments can actually create incentives to
to reduce forest-based climate accelerate forest clearance. So these
Logged-over “degraded” forests emissions are not compromised efforts must go hand-in-hand with
continue to be prime targets by such land tenure “chaos”. reform of forest governance to align
for conversion to other uses — incentives for forest protection.
despite the richness of carbon, The fragility of support for
biodiversity, and sources of local protecting forests in the absence So as we mark this International
livelihood (such as bushmeat) they of hard evidence of their economic Year of Forests, governments and
often contain. More informed value is perhaps best illustrated by other policy-makers must recognize
and accountable spatial planning recent debates about how to achieve the true value that forests hold for
processes should target agricultural food security. These debates tend local communities, countries and
expansion to genuinely degraded to characterize forests as a land-use the entire world. With 13 million
areas, and recognize the rights option competing in a zero-sum hectares of them lost every year,
of current resource users to the game with agricultural expansion the clock is ticking pretty fast.
books www.unep.org/publications
2010 UNEP Annual Report


Providing an overview of UNEP’s activities in 2010, this report looks at a broad


range of activities carried out by the organization as it follows its mandate


to provide environmental leadership and promote sustainable development. The


Annual Report catalogues the beginning of a new, strategic and transformational



direction for UNEP as it began implementing its Medium-term Strategy (MTS) for


United Nations Environment Programme
2010-2013 across six areas: climate change; disasters and conflicts; ecosystem
management; environmental governance; harmful substances and hazardous
waste; resource efficiency, sustainable consumption and production.

Integrated Assessment of Black Carbon and Tropospheric Towards a GREEN Economy – Pathways to
Ozone – Summary for Decision Makers Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication

This report aims to provide science-based advice on action to reduce the This report aims to debunk several myths and misconceptions about the
impacts of the harmful air pollutants black carbon, tropospheric ozone economics of “greening” the global economy, and provides timely and practical
and its precursors. The report is a comprehensive analysis of drivers guidance to policymakers on what reforms they need to unlock the productive
of emissions, trends in concentrations, and impacts on climate, human and employment potential of a Green Economy. The report makes a compelling
health and ecosystems of these pollutants, which are often referred to as economic and social case for investing 2 per cent of global GDP in greening 10
short-lived climate forcers as they have a short lifetime in the atmosphere central sectors of the economy in order to shift development and unleash public
relative to carbon dioxide.. and private capital flows onto a low-carbon, resource-efficient path.

Climate Action 2010-2011

81( 3

UNEP Year Book 2011

Climate Action provides an essential platform for
— Emerging Issues in <($5
The ocean has become a global repository for much of the waste we produce. Scientists are concerned that
plastic debris in the ocean can transport toxic substances which may end up in the food chain,
causing potential harm to ecosystems and human health. The Year Book also explores the wider implications
of the use of phosphorus in food production. Phosphorus is an essential nutrient whose supply is

governments, international opinion leaders, industry

limited. Since demand for fertilizer in agriculture rocketed in the 20th century, large amounts of phosphorus

our Global Environment

% 22.
are flowing into the environment. New perspectives are also emerging on how biodiversity conservation can
be integrated in forest management. Forests are receiving increasing attention, not least because of their
role in climate change mitigation. Halting loss of forest biodiversity is essential if forests are to adapt
to mounting pressures, including climate change and pest outbreaks.

The Year Book’s overview of events and developments during 2010 shows how cutting edge
science reveals new opportunities to mitigate climate change while improving air quality. Stimulated by

experts, academics and environmentalists to debate

technological innovation and green investments, renewable energy supply is growing rapidly. This and
other developments are summarized in key environmental indicators that present the latest data
and trends for the global environment.


The UNEP Year Book aims to strengthen www.unep.org

 the business case for sustainable development and
the science-policy interface. It presents carbon neutrality. Climate Action 2010-11 assists
United Nations Environment Programme

recent developments and new insights businesses and organizations to reduce their
of particular interest to policymakers. carbon footprint, highlighting that environmentally
The 2011 Year Book looks at: progress responsible operations can
in environmental governance; the effects High Mountain Glaciers and Climate Change also be profitable. It offers
of continuing degradation and loss of — Challenges to Human Livelihoods and Adaptation insight into the pressing
the world’s ecosystems; impacts on the issues surrounding climate
atmosphere leading to continuing climate Compiled by UNEP in partnership with scientists and research centres from around the world, change and sustainability
change; harmful substances and hazardous including the Norwegian Polar Institute and Norut Alta, this report underlines a clear general while presenting practical,
waste that affect human health and trend of melting glaciers linked to a warming climate. The report points to consequences potentially money saving,
the environment; environment-related such as a reduction in seasonal water availability in dry areas; faster rate of melting of many “actions” that can be
disasters and conflicts; and unsustainable low-lying, smaller glaciers, which are often crucial water sources in drylands; an increasing taken to reduce carbon
use of resources. rate of glacial lake outburst floods in many countries over the last 40 years. footprints.

Enhancing Global Competitiveness Global Environmental Forest Policies

through Sustainable Environmental – An International Comparison
Stewardship Constance McDermott, Benjamin Cashore and Peter
Subhash C. Jain and Ben L. Kedia (Edward Elgar) Kanowski (Earthscan)

This book examines the impact that climate change This book provides a uniquely detailed and systematic
and other environmental factors have on business. It is comparison of environmental forest policies and
a collection of research that suggests that companies enforcement in 20 countries worldwide, covering
that are proactive in mitigating their exposure to developed, transition and developing economies. The
climate change risks will generate new profitable goal is to enhance global policy learning and promote
opportunities, and gain competitive advantage over well-informed and precisely tuned policy solutions, which it is hoped will lead to
their rivals in a carbon-constrained future. greater international accountability for forest stewardship.
© Image Werks/Corbis

Achieving reductions in carbon unique institutional architecture
emissions from forests may be the and capacity, political commitment
raison d’être of Reducing Emissions and forest-resource endowment.
from Deforestation and Forest All are looking at how, through
Degradation (REDD+). However, as REDD+, they can balance social
Dr. Yemi Katerere
is widely agreed, it also presents an and environmental goals, while
opportunity to address many of the Head, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
challenges related to the underlying UN-REDD Programme Secretariat Each nation’s uniqueness calls
drivers of global tropical forest for understanding the relative
loss. It is therefore, a potentially remains animated debate on how the importance of the different
powerful policy instrument for REDD+ mechanism should be drivers of deforestation and the
influencing how tropical forests are designed and implemented. roles that diverse stakeholders
managed and valued. Yet, despite play in them. There are indeed
this apparent “win-win” option — One explanation lies in its no simple answers or solutions to
or perhaps because of it — there complexity. Every country has its such issues.
At the same time, there are mounting It has, for example, moved faster critical look at the difficult trade-offs
expectations that REDD+ can equally and garnered more consensus than governments have to make between
benefit all forests, constituencies virtually any other mitigation option various policy options.
and countries — and that these in the UN Framework Convention
benefits could be substantial. Some on Climate Change (UNFCCC) REDD+ could also provide
believe, for example, that it offers negotiations over the past two opportunities for synergies between
unprecedented funding for forest and years. environmental and social benefits.
biodiversity conservation. Recent It has provided a platform to many
broadening of the scope of the The REDD+ mechanism has also Indigenous Peoples and forest-
REDD+ mechanism from the original mobilized significant ‘fast start’ dependent communities, enabling
objectives of reducing emissions from financial resources, which are them to participate at the national
deforestation and forest degradation facilitating a fresh look at the and international levels. While
to include conserving and enhancing challenges associated with how initial progress may not have met
forest carbon stocks and sustainably forests can be managed in a way that expectations, this is facilitating
managing forests — adding the “+” can help reduce global emissions dialogue and trust-building between
to “REDD+” — is seen as offering while benefiting people and forest them, the state and civil society
more countries the possibility of ecosystem services. It is effectively organizations.
participating and benefiting. But enabling countries to drill deeper
reconciling all these expectations and define the role of forests in their Ultimately, the issues critical to
will be challenging, especially as — in national economic development, REDD+’s success are those which
some national contexts — REDD+ the amount of forests they need to countries would have to deal with
might not be as “low-cost” as it was preserve, and the transformation of in achieving sustainability, whether
once credited to be: this is particularly their economies to low carbon. or not the mechanism existed.
so where small-scale farmers may not Irrespective of whether a nation
be operating in a well-functioning In forest-rich countries, for example, ever trades a single ton of carbon, it
market system, and may be unwilling it can be the catalyst for “negotiating” needs a national debate about where
to take the potentially huge risk of a balance between keeping forests its forests fit into national economic
giving up their current income streams intact and promoting economic dev- development policies: REDD+ is
for future carbon payments that no one elopment through land concessions proving a critical catalyst for such
can yet guarantee. Add the concerns for large-scale rubber, palm oil and a debate.
that REDD+ funding still falls short sugar plantations with significant
of what would be required to reduce employment, earnings and export The launch of the REDD+ concept
forest-based emissions, and we are potential. It can similarly catalyze a in 2008 was timely and visionary.
left with a mechanism that is likely to The design of the mechanism
require difficult trade-offs. and the Cancun agreements
The UN-REDD Programme are a measure of the level of
Highlighting such challenges to is the United Nations the international community’s
the mechanism is both healthy and collaborative initiative on commitment. It therefore presents
important, as it is forcing those Reducing Emissions from a unique opportunity to respond to
involved in the early stages of the challenge of reducing carbon
Deforestation and Forest
designing and implementing it to emissions from forests while
Degradation (REDD+) in
think through the full range of related limiting any negative impacts on
issues. Indeed, it is thanks to such
developing countries. The both the environment and people
openness that the overarching value Programme was launched that might result from its design
of the mechanism is holding strong, in 2008 and builds on the and implementation.
backed by early lessons emerging convening role and technical
from countries developing REDD+ expertise of the Food and
strategies. To make progress, it is Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),
important that all stakeholders are the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and
prepared to abandon long established the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
“business as usual” models. The UN-REDD Programme supports nationally-led REDD+
processes and promotes the informed and meaningful
REDD+ has brought forests back to involvement of all stakeholders, including Indigenous Peoples
centre stage, forcing a debate and and other forest-dependent communities, in national and
a re-examination of issues related
international REDD+ implementation.
to Sustainable Forest Management.
Satinder Bindra
UNEP Division of Communications
and Public Information

“The relentless
search for fuel
puts enormous pressure
on forests:
many of India’s
700 million people
collect their wood
from them.”
Growing up in India, one of my The stove’s inefficiencies occur Women in Nepal’s hills, for
earliest childhood memories was at many levels. Their mud bodies example, spend almost 2.5 hours
watching my grandmother by the are poor insulators, and so devour per day collecting fodder, grass and
smoky ‘chulha’ — the three-sided more fuel than necessary. And the firewood. Deforestation means they
rudimentary clay stove, that still volume of air cannot be controlled: have to go further afield, increasing
serves as the hearth in millions too little produces thick smoke; too their burden by almost 1.1 hours
of rural South Asian homes. Not much cools the flames. This places a day, giving them less time to
that I stayed there long: all the a big social burden on the shoulders devote to agriculture, raising their
smoke and soot the inefficient of women and endangers their — children or earning income.
stove produced ensured I never and their children’s — health.
spent more than the odd minute Again, I can still vividly recall my The relentless search for fuel puts
in my grandmother’s kitchen. grandmother’s average day, much of enormous pressure on forests:
it spent fretting over her fuel supply. many of India’s 700 million people
This picture from my past is still She depended on cow dung that collect their wood from them
today’s reality across South Asia had to be painstakingly gathered, Deforestation in neighbouring
and large tracts of the developing then mixed with hay and dried Pakistan is among the highest
world. Approximately 1.6 billion into small pizza-shaped patties. In in the world: many activists
people worldwide still lack a sense she was lucky: in parts of believe it was a critical factor in
access to electricity and some 3 South Asia women have to collect aggravating 2009’s devastating
billion still use inefficient stoves firewood from distant jungles floods, which killed nearly
that rely on traditional biomass and are regularly at risk of being 2,000 people, displaced almost
fuels such as firewood, crop molested, hurt and injured when 18 million and caused billions
residues and dung for cooking. they leave the safety of their homes. of dollars in damage.


© Gawrav Sinha/iStockphoto
© Bartosz Hadyniak/iStockphoto
© oytun karadayi/iStockphoto
The inefficient stoves’ emissions study in Rwanda shows that to introduce 150 million low
of soot, black carbon particles, is — at a cost of just a few extra emission stoves in India alone
even more devastating. The World dollars — they can cut charcoal could prevent about two million
Health Organization estimates use from 0.51 kg to 0.33 kg per premature deaths. And UNEP
household exposure to it causes person per day: in a year a family field studies show that reducing
1.6 million premature deaths per could save about US$84 in fuel the emissions of just one ton of
year, predominantly in women and costs — a substantial amount when black carbon can slow global
children. Studies in India show average annual incomes in eastern warming as much as cutting
that women who have cooked on and central African countries 250 to 3,000 tons of carbon dioxide.
biomass stoves for years exhibit are only US$300 to US$370. Unlike carbon dioxide, which
a higher prevalence of chronic stays in the atmosphere for
lung disease than those who have In India — host to this year’s many years, soot falls out
not. Black carbon also causes or World Environment Day in just a few weeks.
compounds pneumonia, bronchitis, celebrations — UNEP has
cataracts, heart disease, high blood been involved in an exciting Improving cookstoves must now
pressure and low birth weight. project called ``Surya’’(Sunlight), become public policy. Millions of
which is providing a rural area cleaner stoves have been distributed
And the effect of the chulhas of approximately 100 square free in India over the past 20 years
goes beyond hearth and home. kilometres and 50,000 people through government-led campaigns
As the smoke escapes outdoors with cleaner cookstoves. It will but limited information on their
— and undergoes chemical document the impact on air benefits has left many unused.
transformations in the presence of quality, climate, and health, using Institutionalizing the switch
sunlight — it forms Atmospheric mobile phones and advanced to green chulhas must become
Brown Clouds (ABCs) of particles NASA technology — and plans a national priority, through a
and ozone gas. In Asia alone, to use this data to try to obtain public awareness campaign that
the particles in ABCs can lead carbon credit offsets to help highlights health safety, air quality,
to an additional 500,000 deaths spread the use of the stoves. climate change mitigation and
annually, while the ozone causes ultimately the creation of a Green
billions of dollars of crop damage. Last September, UNEP joined Economy and overall economic
the Global Alliance for Clean development for rural populations
Black carbon also produces Cookstoves launched by US in India and around the world.
between 10 to 40 per cent of global Secretary of State Hilary Clinton.
warming, as the particles warm The US Government has provided My grandmother lived to the ripe
the air like tiny heat-absorbing US$50 million in seed money old age of 97 and — while she
black sweaters. And when they for the project, which hopes to bucked the trend by not developing
settle on snow and ice they darken provide 100 million clean burning any lung disease — her life around
it, causing it to melt much faster. stoves to villages in Africa, Asia the hearth left her with a bad back.
and South America by 2020. Now Indian women, the custodians
But change is under way. Much of the chulha, have a chance both
more efficient stoves are being A study published in The Lancet to improve their lives and the
developed. A recent World Bank indicates that a ten-year program state of the world as a whole.


© Nacivet/Getty Images

nature’s way
Ray C. Anderson
Founder and Chairman,
Interface, Inc.

When I speak to audiences I often forest, a meadow, or a sparkling We asked ourselves ‘How does nature
ask everyone to close their eyes and river. In fact almost everyone was design its own carpets and floors?’
picture in their mind a place of peace doing so. In hundreds of cases, with and five years ago our design team
and repose, tranquility and creativity, audiences all over the world, it has held a workshop with Janine Benyus,
the place that makes them feel the always been the same. the President of the Biomimicry
happiest — their perfect comfort Institute and a UNEP Champion
zone. Then, with their eyes still So what does nature have to say to of the Earth. She introduced the
closed, I ask those who are picturing a company like ours — the world’s concept of biomimicry — using
somewhere outdoors to raise their largest manufacturer of commercial nature as a design mentor and a
hands. And then I ask them to open carpet tile — about the way we source of inspiration — challenging
their eyes and look around. conduct our commerce and design us to integrate nature’s principles
our products? Quite a bit, as it into design concepts for carpet tiles.
What do they see? A room full of turns out — as I explain in my book
raised hands and a lot of surprised Business Lessons from a Radical As a result, our lead product designer,
expressions. Nearly everyone thought Industralist, where I tell the story David Oakey, sent our designers
that only they were imagining a in full. out into the forest to see what they
“No two
square yards
could learn about how nature would of forest floor derived from emulating nature. It
design a floorcovering. They were also has everything to do with that
befuddled at first, thinking they perfect place I ask my audiences
were being sent out to copy flowers are the same, to imagine.
and leaves — but then discovered
something far more interesting. yet they all blend “Nature’s designs are organic,”
says David Oakey. “Natural shapes
What they came back with was depend upon their functions. They
‘organized chaos’. No two square
perfectly together in are not linear. They are not based on
yards of forest floor are the same, yet lines and are therefore not limited
they all blend perfectly together in a harmonious whole.” by them. So the tiles look beautiful
a harmonious whole. They realized on a floor for the same reasons that
that there is no perfect flower and a carpet of leaves, twigs, earth,
there is no solid color: it’s just a and rocks looks beautiful on the
diverse system — characterized by Off-quality practically vanished; floor of a forest.” In other words,
the word ‘entropy’. inspectors could not find defects it reproduces that perfect place we
among the deliberate ‘imperfection’ all imagine when we close our eyes
They then set out to design a of making no two tiles alike. And it and subliminally brings outdoors
modular carpet the same way. In practically eliminated installation indoors. No wonder it sold so well!
nature, each ‘module’ is slightly waste. Now, every tile can find a
different in pattern and color, and place in a symphony of color and When you build your design around
that was the whole challenge. It was pattern, all different, all harmonious a natural model, good things happen
a challenge for the designers to let and pleasing, with none having to be and people become excited. We
go of the aesthetics of ‘perfection’ discarded as ‘wrong.’ Different dye sometimes say, “It’s nature’s way,”
and sameness. They also needed lots now merge indistinguishably, referring to the right way of doing
help from our engineers. How making it no longer necessary to something, and “It’s only human.”
could you make it so that, in one keep extra tiles from each lot in case referring to making a mistake — and
production run, the color and design they were needed. And the user can that’s a key difference between how
of every single tile would come out now rotate tiles to equalize wear we and nature do things. Nature
slightly different? the way we rotate tires on our car to learns from mistakes and evolves a
extend their useful life. better answer — or else. We humans
Suddenly we were bringing designers can find it hard to break free of the
and engineers together to make it Similarly, while repairing traditional status quo, even though it may be
happen, something that had not carpet requires calling in specially leading us to bankruptcy — or even
been done before. The problem trained professionals, the random killing us. How long, under nature’s
was solved, and thus began a new nature of Entropy’s design allows rules, would an organism that refused
product line named — in honor of for much more flexibility. So, for to learn survive?
that afternoon stroll through the instance, if a tile in a hotel room is
Georgia forest — Entropy.™ damaged, the housekeeping staff The responsibility of industrialists is
can replace it — not worrying about to find ways to work with what we’ve
Designing carpet in nature’s way which way to lay it — making the been given by nature, emulating its
has many advantages. We can room ready again in minutes. highly effective ways to: eliminate
actually lay the tiles randomly the very concept of waste; make what
instead of in a monolithic fashion. So how was all this received by the we need from available, renewable
We found that it is easy to make market? In a word, spectacularly! resources; close the loop; and feed
repairs, because the tiles do not Entropy has become the biggest our production lines to make our
match each other exactly. It didn’t — selling product in the shortest products with renewable or recycled
make any difference if it looked period of time in Interface’s entire raw materials. In the long term —
slightly different; indeed, it was history. And that’s not only because and perhaps much sooner than that
better if it did! of the many technical advantages — there is no other way.
UNEP at work
UNEP undertakes a wide range of activities in promoting and facilitating the development and uptake of clean
technology. Here are a couple of recent examples. For further examples of UNEP’s climate change work visit:

Planting a seed
for climate protection
Unsustainable use of forests causes approximately The CASCADe programme is implemented by
17 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions globally. UNEP and the UNEP Risoe Centre and supported
In Africa, around 600 million people rely on forests by FFEM (the Fonds Français pour l’Environnement
and woodlands for their livelihoods. Despite the Mondial). In Benin, Cameroon, the Democratic
rapid growth of carbon finance transactions, Republic of Congo, Gabon, Madagascar, Mali and
projects in sub-Saharan Africa are often ignored Senegal, the programme has been helping to
because of a misconception that the region has generate carbon credits by providing technical
limited potential. support and training to project developers,
communities and national climate change
institutions. CASCADe has provided assistance to
more than 20 projects in community reforestation,
commercial forestry, efficient cooking stoves and
fish smokehouses, and bioenergy, and has avoided
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM),

deforestation in seven African countries.

established under the Kyoto Protocol,
allows industrialized countries to receive
carbon credits for financing carbon
mitigation and sequestration projects
The success of CASCADe’s pilot projects provides
in less-developed countries. Since 2007
a framework for the programme’s expansion into
UNEP’s CASCADe — Carbon Finance for
other countries to further strengthen national
Agriculture, Silviculture, Conservation
regulatory frameworks for carbon finance
and Action against Deforestation — has
projects. UNEP is planning a follow-up programme
been opening up opportunities for African
that will support a range of projects to open up
participation in the CDM and voluntary
opportunities for African participation in the CDM
carbon markets.
and voluntary carbon markets.


© Sung-Il Kim/Corbis
Maps for a Greener REDD+


REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation The UN-REDD Programme is a partnership
and forest degradation) is a mechanism aimed at between FAO, UNDP and UNEP, that helps
creating a financial value for the carbon stored in developing countries to prepare and implement
forests, offering incentives for developing countries national REDD+ strategies and mechanisms.
to reduce emissions from forested lands and invest Through the programme, UNEP provides
in low-carbon paths to sustainable development. financial, technical and strategic support and
But there is insufficient awareness of the potential works closely with geographic information
of REDD+, and countries often lack the tools to system specialists in national and provincial
implement it. institutions in many developing countries, to
gather and collate information which provides
spatial analysis tools in support of REDD+
strategy development.
Among other things, the UN-REDD

Programme helps countries recognize and

tap the potential of REDD+ via technical
support. One of the key tools it offers is a THE BIG PICTURE:
carbon mapping capability that shows the At the global level, the UN-REDD Programme
carbon stored in ecosystems, highlighting supports countries in their efforts to integrate
areas of significant biodiversity and ecosystem multiple benefits into their REDD+ strategies and
services’ importance, and threats to forests development plans. Replicable initiatives, such
themselves. Used together with other decision as the spatial analysis activities, help to ensure
support tools, it helps countries to develop that forests continue to provide multiple benefits
national REDD+ strategies that maximize the for livelihoods, conserve the planet’s biodiversity,
development potential that forests provide. and act as important carbon stores.


Protecting and valuing
mangroves in Guinea Bissau
Mangrove forests are made up of trees, shrubs, palms du Rio Cacheu and the Parc National des iles d’Orango.
or ferns which have adapted to grow in salt water in However, until now there has been low capacity to
the tropics and sub-tropics. At the boundary between monitor the parks and enforce protection due to a lack of
land and sea, they are important for the livelihoods of staff and equipment to stop illegal poaching and logging
the communities that live in their vicinity and provide in the protected areas.
valuable ecosystem services such as the protection of
coastlines from storm surges and erosion; stabilization UNEP, through the Spanish Lifeweb project, is working
of land by sediment trapping; maintenance of water with the International Union for Conservation of Nature
quality; sequestration of carbon dioxide; food security (IUCN) to improve the management of the parks. This
from subsistence and commercial fisheries; honey; includes training and outreach work with government
building materials; traditional medicines; and revenue rangers and local fishing communities who will
from tourism. These ecosystem services translate participate in park management.
into direct economic benefits and the UNEP World
Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) UNEP has already supported IUCN to purchase three
estimates that mangroves are worth up to US$500,000 motorboats as well as GPS and radio equipment which
per km2 per year. are indispensable for enforcement of park regulations.
Satellite data-sets showing historical as well as current
The 2010 UNEP-WCMC World Atlas of Mangrove mangrove coverage and rates of deforestation have
estimated Guinea Bissau’s mangrove cover to be close to also been provided to local governments and NGOs.
3,000 km2, the second highest cover in the region after By protecting the mangroves against deforestation and
Nigeria. The mangroves of Guinea Bissau are particularly over-exploitation, important biodiversity and fisheries
important for biodiversity (including 180 bird species, resources will be conserved for the future well-being of
40 terrestrial mammal species, five marine turtle species, local populations.
hippopotami, manatees, dolphins and dwarf crocodiles)
and fisheries (providing revenue and food security from Alongside the efforts to bolster monitoring and
oysters, crabs, shrimps and finfish), with about 70% of enforcement, UNEP is also working to economically
national fish production linked to mangroves. However, value the mangrove resources of Guinea Bissau and the
they are threatened by over-exploitation as well as ecosystem services they provide. This will provide the
clearance for agriculture and urban expansion. economic evidence and rationale for policy-makers and
local communities to protect these important forests. By
In order to protect these natural resources, the measuring carbon storage in mangrove forests it could
Government of Guinea Bissau has created a system of be possible to develop mangrove projects for REDD+ and
protected areas that covers 12% of the country. These thus access international carbon funding for mangrove
include the mangrove-rich Parc Naturel des Mangroves conservation in Guinea Bissau.
Underwater kite
“Deep Green” behaves just like a kite, only it flies not in the wind but tidal currents. Attached to the
ocean floor by a long tether, it glides from side to side. The water flowing past it spins a turbine under
its “wing” and generates electricity. Among the advantages it has over other tidal power concepts is
increased power from a smaller package, and a capacity to harness power from slow moving waters.
It’s still a prototype but it’s estimated that a Deep Green system mounted along UK shores could
generate enough green electricity for approximately 4 million UK households every year.

Wind-powered car crosses Australia

The Wind Explorer is the first electric vehicle to cross a continent powered by the wind. The light-
weight vehicle crossed Australia, from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean—4,800 kilometres—
in 18 days. Piloted by German extreme sportsmen Dirk Gion and Stefan Simmerer, the 200 kg
car set three new records: the first time a continent had been crossed by a vehicle powered by
wind, the longest overall distance covered by an exclusively wind-powered land vehicle, and the
longest distance covered in 36 hours. The Wind Explorer was powered by lithium-ion batteries,
recharged by a portable wind turbine whenever wind conditions permitted.

Fully recyclable laptop

Roughly 2 million tons of electronics became obsolete in the US in 2005, but less than 380,000
tons of electronics were recycled. Hence, the motivation behind the Bloom Laptop was to reduce
the amount of e-waste going to landfill. The Bloom laptop is fully recyclable in two minutes, via 10
easy steps — no screwdriver required. All the components can be separated easily from the frame
for proper recycling. It’s the brainchild of a group of mechanical engineering students at Stanford
University, USA, and Finland’s Aalto University. Their project won the students an inventor of the
month award from design software giant Autodesk.

Tue blue gowns are truly green

The blue graduation gown of the University of North Carolina has gone green. With the
encouragement of eco-conscious students who prefer a gown that might only be worn
once in a lifetime to be made from recycled materials, award-winning fashion designer
Alexander Julian, an alumnus of the University, worked with manufacturers Oak Hall Cap
& Gown, to create the first designer graduation gown. In addition to adopting the perfect
“Californian blue”, the garment is made from 100 per cent post-consumer recycled plastic
bottles. Twenty-three plastic bottles are used to make each gown. The label is printed
directly onto the garment rather than a separate label.

Greenest container ships ever built

Shipping company Maersk has announced that it will be buying ten of the world’s largest, most
efficient container ships ever built. Curiously, the ships will be both the largest and greenest shipping
vessels ever to set sail. They are more environmentally friendly due to the economy of scale — they
carry more cargo, so the emissions per container are less. These huge ships produce 50 per cent
less CO2 than the industry standard for Asia-Europe trips and consume 35 per cent less fuel per
container. The ships will be 400 m long, 59 m wide, 73 m tall, and carry 16 per cent more than the
current standard.

Surfboards Made From Ocean Trash

Surfer Kevin Cunningham has come up with one of the coolest ways to recycle ocean pollution.
Sick of all the debris on his local beaches, he decided to make surfboards out of it. Fragments of
human-made debris such as plastic and glass are recycled and reused in the skin of the surfboard,
plastic bags are woven into a strengthening cloth; plastic bottles are cut up and reassembled into
fins; and there are many other possibilities to be explored, says Cunningham. His company Spirare
Surfboards is producing a limited series of boards made from reclaimed debris for public exhibition,
to be followed by a line of 100 boards that will be sold as custom orders.
© Pete McArthur/Corbis

Forests produce
green growth
So, if it isn’t working for all these Forests are crucial because their
people, animals and natural products and ecosystem services touch
resources, how much longer will it all sectors of the economy. Their
continue to work for the lucky and perilous state can be correlated to the
relatively few whose lifestyles are flaws in our current economic model:
Yolanda Kakabadse the least sustainable? poor governance, corporate greed,
President, disenfranchisement of the poor. A
WWF International The answer is: not long at all. Green Economic model would correct
WWF’s Living Planet Report these through new incentives and new
shows that wealthy nations continue measures of progress.
“What will the Green Economy to depend on resources from other
look like?” is a hot topic countries, contributing to an Indonesia provides an interesting
among bean counters and tree alarming rate of biodiversity loss example of how these shifts
huggers alike. in low-income ones. Indeed, the might play out. It has made public
poorest and most vulnerable nations commitments to 7 per cent GDP
There is a growing awareness that are subsidizing wealthy lifestyles. In growth and up to 41 per cent (with
the prevailing economic model isn’t all, humanity is using the resources international support) carbon
delivering. It’s not delivering for of 1.5 planets. You don’t have to be emission reductions by 2020. This
the roughly 3 billion people an economist to know that such an ambitious “7-41” aspiration can only
worldwide who live on the overdraft will come painfully due. be achieved through responsible
equivalent of US$2 a day or less. management of forests and sustainable
It’s not delivering for species: That’s why the concept of a land-use planning. With more
WWF’s Living Planet Index shows Green Economy is so exciting. than half of Indonesian emissions
a decrease in biodiversity by 30 Finally, CEOs and heads of state, coming from deforestation and forest
per cent since 1970. And it is not conservationists and community degradation — and 15 per cent of
working for forests, which are being leaders are laying the foundation for GDP from forestry and agriculture
lost at a rate of some 13 million a system that creates well-being, not — realigning the forest system
hectares a year. just wealth. is essential.
“We still have forests have protected the whole
watershed, including a tributary
good forests that flows near the village on
its way to the Mahakam River,
because people know their which will generate hydropower
to bring electricity to the village.
lives depend on them. Establishing such micro-hydro is
one way WWF and partners are
trying to make conservation pay
When we want to eat, dividends for rural communities.
1.4 billion people globally have no
we come to the river access to reliable electricity and
this affects their health, education,
or to the forest.” earning potential and ability to
participate fully in society.
(Just as a responsible person
doesn’t become a thief just because “This project is a partnership
the shop owner isn’t looking, between the provincial government,
responsible businesses don’t take the local government, the
advantage of poor governance to community and WWF,” says
turn a profit.) In the long term, Data Kusuma, WWF’s project
such public/private-sector groups leader. “Originally, the provincial
lead to better policies that apply government proposed installing
to all companies. the micro-hydro turbine in another
community. But WWF showed
Traditional conservation values them that the forest was too
— the product of generations of degraded — the river had become
We are squandering forests. It’s reliance on the bounty of forests, silted and didn’t even run all year.
easier to cut into pristine natural rivers and seas — can be recognized That community would be very
forest than it is to untangle the red and properly rewarded in Indonesia. disappointed to have a system that
tape around already deforested land. REDD+, with strong social didn’t work properly.
But resolving tenure and land-use safeguards, could be a significant
rights for this degraded land — of step forward in preventing runaway “In Long Pahangai, the river can
which there are an estimated 30 climate change and reducing the support the micro-hydro turbine
million hectares in Indonesia — burden of poverty. and this can be a model for
would significantly enhance the other communities; if they
prospect of developing it for new Even as we work to scale up rehabilitate and reforest their
oil palm and timber plantations. REDD+, there are sparks of catchment areas, micro-hydro
Such policy reforms — alongside progress that demonstrate how could work for them, too.”
incentives created by a market that indigenous communities can reap
is increasingly discerning about the the rewards of their environmental Tigang Himang, the Head of the
carbon footprint of products and stewardship in a new, Green sub-district, adds, “The villages
willing to reward emission reduction Economy. Take Long Pahangai in this sub-district depend on
— will create an environmental and in Borneo’s East Kalimantan. Its nature and live in harmony with
economic win-win. Dayak people live much as their their environment. But we need
ancestors did, with close ties to the economic development, too.
For their part, many businesses have land. “We still have good forests Here, everything is done by human
already realized that their bottom because people know their lives power. With electricity, we can
line depends on healthy forests, and depend on them. When we want be more productive and benefit
have endorsed voluntary standards to eat, we come to the river or to from technology.”
like the Forest Stewardship Council the forest,” says Iskander Idris,
and Roundtable on Sustainable Secretary of the village. We might yet not have definitive
Palm Oil. In the short term, these understanding of what makes a
standards can mitigate the losses And Long Pahangai’s conservation “Green Economy”, but that must be
caused by poor forest management. may have other benefits. The intact a good start.

Climate champion Mexico’s President Calderon

has made clear his ambition to make Mexico a world
leader on climate action during the last meeting in Cancun
and has been active in promoting the Green Economy,
particularly in his work with forests.

Russian scientist Dr. Olga Speranskaya has been garnering

headlines worldwide for her work to reduce the harmful impact of toxic
chemicals in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia and was
the winner of the prestigious Goldman Prize in 2009 for her work in
identifying and eliminating the Soviet legacy of toxic chemicals in the


Angélique Kidjo, from Benin has a voice
loved by thousands of fans around the world.
The singer-songwriter is also a powerful voice
for humanitarian and environmental change.
Described by Time Magazine as “Africa’s Premier
Diva”, Kidjo uses her celebrity status to speak
out in support of a number of important causes,
particularly girls’ education and sustainable

Zhang Yue – Chairman and Founder. Louis Palmer of Switzerland provides a green
“Responsibility is more important than twist on Jules Vernes’ famous voyage. The adventurer
growth”, runs one of the company mottos of successfully led a fleet of electric vehicles around
China’s BROAD Group. With a degree in fine arts, the world last year. The “Zero Race” teams crossed
Zhang Yue has put his creative powers to work the globe in eighty days, highlighting two of the
and is now focusing on sustainable buildings major environmental challenges facing the world
worldwide with energy efficiency five times today – the need for more sustainable transport
that of conventional buildings. and cleaner energy supplies.


© BASE/Corbis

Maryanne Grieg-Gran
Principal Economist,
International Institute for Environment
and Development

Steve Bass
Head, Sustainable Markets Group,
International Institute for Environment
and Development

Economies grow on trees

Many countries are beginning cent of global GDP and 0.4 per Forests are a renewable resource —
completely to rethink their cent of formal employment, but their products are also recyclable
economic strategies, as they make a bigger contribution in some and biodegradable — and there have
struggle with tackling recession and African countries — up to 13 per been notable advances in processing
reducing high levels of public debt. cent of GDP. Important as this is, efficiency, including through using
The Green Economy offers them forests contribute much more. Over wood residues and recycling wood
a means to grow out of recession 2 billion people depend on wood and paper products. As a result, an
in ways that are resource-efficient, for cooking, heating and preserving expected doubling of global demand
ecologically-sound and equitable — food. Hundreds of millions for wood and fibre by 2030 can be
and so produce genuine wellbeing. (estimates vary from 119 million to met with only a 40 per cent growth
Forests can play an important part 1.4 billion) depend on forests for in timber harvesting. And much
in the Green Economy, providing employment and livelihoods. More of this increase in demand will be
attention shifts beyond wood and hidden still are the public goods met from planted forests, which
fibre production alone to the full derived from forest ecosystems: have also shown marked increases
range of the ecosystem services forests sustain over 50% of the in productivity.
they provide. world’s terrestrial species; they
regulate global climate through With such advances in resource
Economic statistics for forests tend carbon storage and protecting efficiency, the forest sector could
only to track wood and fibre-based watersheds; and they have great seem a perfect example of the
products. These account for 1 per cultural significance. Green Economy in action. However,
shaping a Green Economy also forests that support many ecosystem lack of funds to scale up from pilot
entails stopping bad practice. Much services. From certified timber projects. But if a deal can be struck,
timber harvesting is conducted on a production and markets for there could be a step change in the
non-renewable basis, often because ecosystem services, to partnerships funds available. A global REDD+
of pressure from cash crops and that reward local poor people for agreement could tip the finance
cattle ranching, which offer higher conserving forests, we already have and governance balance in favour
returns. Deforestation, mostly in enough examples that work of of long-term sustainable forest
the tropics, is currently 13 million Green Economy forestry to warrant management. It would also open
hectares per year, which the Food and more serious policy attention. Such up the prospect of new types of
Agriculture Organisation considers ‘glimpses of the future’ need to be forest-related jobs, livelihoods and
alarmingly high. Large areas of assessed for the ecosystem services revenues where local people can be
forest are being degraded through they offer and their distribution rewarded as guardians of forests
poor harvesting practices and illegal of costs, benefits and risks, and and ecosystem services. Safeguards
logging is widespread. So valuable promoted more widely in the will be needed to protect the
ecosystem services and economic REDD+ negotiations. rights of forest-dependent people
opportunities are being lost. These — particularly when these derive
services are currently unpriced, and “Decision-makers and the wider from traditional systems rather than
thus largely ignored, in management formal legal ones — and to ensure
decisions — except in the islands public would better appreciate that those who bear the opportunity
of innovation represented by costs of REDD+ schemes receive an
the many roles of forests —
payments for environmental services appropriate share of the benefits.
(PES) schemes . as ‘ factories’ (producing goods
A vision for a forest sector in a Green
Yet the last decade has also brought
from wood to food), Economy is now in sight. Decision-
good news. It is increasingly recog- as ecological ‘ infrastructure’ makers and the wider public would
nized that investing in reducing better appreciate the many roles of
deforestation as a climate change (regulating climate and forests — as ‘factories’ (producing
mitigation option makes economic water regimes), goods from wood to food), as
sense: the climate regulation benefits ecological ‘infrastructure’ (regulating
of halving deforestation have been and as providers of innovation climate and water regimes), and
estimated to be worth three times and insurance services as providers of innovation and
the costs. This is helping to push a insurance services (through the
forest-based approach to mitigation (through the resilience provided resilience provided by forest
up the agenda in international biodiversity). The economic reach
climate negotiations, first as
by forest biodiversity).” of forests would extend to sectors
REDD (reducing emissions from beyond wood and paper industries
deforestation and degradation) and Economic modelling for UNEP’s alone, lightening their ecological
more recently as REDD+ (which Green Economy report indicates footprints by substituting renewable
adds conservation, sustainable that green investments in forests forest fibre for non-renewable
management of forests and can boost national economies, metals, concrete and plastics, and
enhancement of carbon stocks to while protecting ecosystem services. carbon-neutral woodfuels for fossil
the list of eligible activities). Providing just 0.035 per cent of fuels. Effective local control and
global GDP each year between 2010 management of forests would be
This is all leading to greater and 2050 in public investment to encouraged by greater financial
recognition that investments in pay forest landholders to conserve incentives, sustained by a robust
forests are more attractive if they forests, plus private investment and fair international regime to
capture the full range of forest in reforestation, could raise value pay for forest global public goods.
ecosystem services, not just wood and added in the forest sector by 20% Such payments would also support
fibre. This means more investment and increase the amount of carbon and reward partnerships with local
in: protecting forests, principally stored by 28%. and community stakeholders who
by ensuring a greater share of the depend closely on forest health. With
benefits for local communities; A global deal on REDD+ may be the such incentives to produce multiple
improving management of prod- best opportunity to conserve forests benefits, forest stakeholders will
uction forests to minimise damage and invest in their contribution to routinely value the range of forest
to ecosystem services; and increasing a Green Economy. Existing PES goods and services, and account for
the area of the kinds of planted schemes have been limited by a them better.
© Bill Ross/Corbis
Andrew W. Mitchell
Founder and Director,
Global Canopy Programme,
Chairman, Forest Footprint Disclosure Project

The English playwright, Oscar Wilde,

once commented that the cynic
knows the price of everything but
the value of nothing. Today many
claim that biodiversity is ‘priceless’,
but few seem prepared to pay for it.
The value of its existence alone has
not been able to stem a 20th century
tsunami of economic forces that

Invest in
regards destruction of biodiversity
as the acceptable collateral damage
of prosperity. And, too often,
rising population has left the poor
with little option but to plunder

Natural Capital
biodiversity for survival.

A very different view of conservation

is needed if the Millennium
Development Goal of immediately
reducing biodiversity loss is to have
any hope of being achieved this
century. At the leading edge of the Perhaps half of all life on earth lives and roots. Furthermore, trees release
debate - biodiversity itself should be up there, never coming down to the vast quantities of a rich mix of
replaced by the ecosystem services it ground. Some 80% of the insects volatile organic compounds into the
provides to humanity. Forests offer a that entomologists discovered in the air - where the chemicals oxidise in
proxy through which to explore how canopy in Asia had no name, about sunlight to create tiny nuclei around
natural capital underpins everyone’s 60% in Central America were still which water droplets form. In effect,
climate, water, food, energy, health new to science. the Amazon canopy seeds its own
and livelihood security. rain. Thus biodiversity provides
Thirty years on, much more - of immense regulating services to our
The unknown world of the tropical possibly greater significance atmosphere.
rainforest canopy fascinated me as a - is understood. Atmospheric
young zoologist in Borneo. Reaching scientists and eco-physiologists at Imagine the world’s tropical forests
the treetops - where the tallest the Brazilian and NASA-funded as giant ‘eco-utilities’, like a power
Dipterocarp soars over 90 metres - Largescale Biosphere Atmosphere station or water treatment plant,
was a dangerous operation involving experiment built towers across providing ecosystem services we all
catapults and climbing ropes from Amazonia’s forests and measured use, but no one yet pays for. They
below or hot air balloons from the fluxes of gasses like carbon are the largest existing terrestrial
above: so I constructed precarious and oxygen in and out of the forest carbon capture and storage (CCS)
aerial walkways to enable scientific canopy. This revealed that such system, scrubbing the atmosphere
teams to explore at ease. What we forests remove about a tonne of of a billion tonnes of pollutantss
discovered stunned us, revealing the carbon per hectare each year from each year. They do it for free, while
breathtaking extent of our ignorance. the atmosphere, storing it in trunks industrial CCS may cost US$300
year. Investors are waking up to

© Vaara/iStockphoto
the fact that some companies are
running increasing risks by failing
to account for their use of natural
capital, and its ecosystem services,
in their business models. The Forest
Footprint Disclosure Project calls
on companies to disclose their use
of commodities - such as beef and
leather, soy, palm oil, paper or pulp
- that drive deforestation: in
just two years, 57 major investing
institutions managing US$ 5.7
trillion in assets have endorsed it.
On the upside, a UNDP report:
Latin America and the Caribbean — A
Biodiversity Superpower shows that
the region has a major economic
opportunity in trading in ecosystem
per tonne or more to do the same moisture to fall as rain on the beef services,
job. Clearing and burning tropical and soy ranches of southern Brazil,
forests both removes this unique and possibly on the economic Proactive Investment in Natural
system and emits smoke equivalent breadbasket of the La Plata Basin. Capital (PINC), as outlined in the
to the annual carbon emissions of Global Canopy Programme’s Little
all transport worldwide. Payment What would happen if this pump Biodiversity Finance Book, offers a
for halting the loss of forests is the should ever become unreliable? new economic vision for nature.
inspiration for REDD, the proposed Would the lights go out in São Whilst REDD is inexorably linked
UNFCCC mechanism to reduce Paulo as giant hydro dams ran dry, to emerging markets for carbon,
emissions from deforestation and or would food prices in Europe rise the PINC framework offers 17
degradation, and could generate as Amazon soy mechanisms that could
billions of dollars for poor forest- failed to arrive to pay for biodiversity
owning nations. The glacial feed its chickens, “Valuing natural capital and its ecosystem
pace of UN negotiations has pigs and cows? services, reaching
admittedly bred cynicism in carbon Severe droughts and paying for its US$140 billion
markets, but Norway has provided are increasing maintenance, depletion, or annually in 2020. Many
$2.5 billion to set the pace for in the Amazon, are available now.
implementing what promises to be and those in restoration should become Valuing natural capital
the largest, cheapest and quickest 2005 and 2010 and paying for its
means of combating climate change provided a as commonplace as using maintenance, depletion,
this decade. foretaste of what or restoration
could happen.
financial or social capital.” should become as
Forests also provide another, Rivers dried commonplace as using
possibly even more valuable up, grounded financial or social
ecosystem service. According to soy barges had to make a 2,000-kms capital. Safeguards and equitable
the Intergovernmental Panel on deviation to reach markets, fish benefit sharing in this process are
Climate Change, Amazonia’s tree gasped on river banks as remote fraught with difficulties, but the risk
crowns release eight trillion tonnes villages starved, hospital admissions from business as usual is greater.
of water vapour a year. This is rose and airports closed due to Tropical forest nations and their
recycled many times by the forest smoke from forest fires. peoples are rich in natural capital,
canopy water pump before reaching and they need to be adequately
the Andes. Some of it falls as snow, UNEP’s landmark report The rewarded for maintaining ecosystem
to feed melt water into the vast Economics of Ecosystems & Biodiversity services. If a way can be found to do
river basins of the Western Amazon estimated the ecosystem services this, one day their forests really will
and scientists speculate that a lost by deforestation as worth be worth more alive, economically,
low level jet stream transports between US$1.4 – 4.5 trillion a than dead.
awards Two exciting projects took joint

UNEP Sasakawa Prize

honours in the 2011 Sasakawa Prize for

and grassroots sustainable development

initiatives. Both projects won for
their work in conserving forests and
promoting sustainable development
in remote rural communities of Latin
America and Asia. The Asociación
Forestal Integral San Andrés, Petén
(AFISAP) in Guatemala and the Manahari Development Institute in
Clean Up the World

Nepal (MDI-Nepal) are the co-winners of this year’s award around the
theme “Forests for People, Forests for Green Growth” in support of the
2011 International Year of the Forests. The winners were announced in
February and each received a cash prize of US$100,000 to expand their
groundbreaking initiatives.


World Environment Day

World Environment Day (WED)
takes place on 5 June. WED
is a global day for positive
environmental action and
Clean Up the World is a community- one of the United Nations
based environment campaign held key initiatives to stimulate
in partnership with UNEP. Clean Up worldwide awareness of the
the World inspires and empowers environment and encourages
individuals and communities from political attention and action.
every corner of the globe to clean up, WED 2011 is expected to
fix up and conserve their environment. be the biggest ever and communities the world over are encouraged
The tag line for 2011 is “Our Place… take action to care for their local environment. This year’s global host
Our Planet… Our Responsibility”, in for WED is India, and the theme is “Forests: Nature at Your Service” in
keeping with the World Environment keeping with the 2011 International Year of Forests.
Day theme. To find out how you
can help with Clean Up the World www.unep.org/wed
Weekend, 16-18 September, and learn
more, visit www.cleanuptheworld.org
and find us on:
SEED Awards 2010

Grassroots environmental projects in Burkina

Faso, China, Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda,
Senegal, South Africa and Sri Lanka are winners
of the 2010 SEED Gold Awards. The 2010 SEED
Awards were presented in February this year by
the SEED Initiative, whose mission is supporting
entrepreneurs for sustainable development.
Ugandan radio journalist, The prize recognizes promising, locally-driven
UNEP Young Environmental
Journalist Award

Patricia Okoed-Bukumunhe, start-up enterprises that work in developing

won the prestigious new UNEP countries to improve livelihoods, tackle poverty and manage natural
Young Environmental Journalist resources sustainably. The winners will receive individually tailored
Award. Okoed-Bukumunhe business and partnership support services, worth US$35,000 to help
won for her report Climate them become established and increase their impact.
Change and Uganda, broadcast
on Radio France International. www.seedinit.org
Jury members described the
entry as “original, cutting edge
environmental reporting”.
and sustainability
Green Awards for creativity

The Green Awards highlight the best examples

Launched in November 2010, the of green marketing and sustainability
UNEP Young Environmental Journalist communications that have made a real difference
Award aims to showcase excellence in in the fight against global warming. The Green
the field of environmental reporting Awards recognize excellence in 16 categories from
and to nurture new talent that Best Green International Campaign, for global
will help to shape opinion on the entrants, to Best Green Campaigner, for individuals
environment in Africa, and beyond, in and small groups championing sustainability. The
years to come. overall 2010 winner was the China Environmental
Protection Foundation, by virtue of
www.unep.org/yeja/ an innovative and effective outdoor
campaign created by DDB China, urging
people to walk more and drive less.



Visit them,

© Paul Souders/Getty Images

conserve them

© Pacuare lodge
© Huaorani Ecolodge
Tensie Whelan
President, Rainforest Alliance

No fewer than 1.6 billion people

— nearly a quarter of the world’s
population — depend on forests
for their livelihoods. Forests
are also critical to maintaining
biodiversity, mitigating
climate change and enabling
key ecosystem functions that
regulate the biosphere. And,
as the UN resolution declaring
2011 the International Year of
Forests recognized, managing
forests sustainably can contribute
significantly to sustainable
development, poverty eradication
and meeting the Millennium
Development Goals. And yet
about 45 per cent of the world’s
forests have already been cleared.


Building a sustainable tourism economy downturn: by 2021, it Of course, large-
around visiting forests is a powerful is forecast to generate “The value scale tourism can also
way of witnessing and leveraging their over 13% of GWP decimate ecosystems,
contributions If that sounds a little or US$9.2 trillion, of forests, from coral reefs to
trivial compared to the planetary employing one in ten rainforests: so it’s
stakes of conserving the world’s of the world’s workers. like the value critically important
remaining forests then consider these that it, like forestry, is
economic facts. Ecotourism is of survival, managed sustainably.
estimated to be Forest Stewardship
The global timber trade is worth over growing three times can’t be measured Council (FSC)
US$150 billion a year. That money often faster among leisure certification has a huge,
creates short-term, perverse incentives travelers than the
in money: positive impact on
— especially in developing nations — to
fell forests even though in the long run
overall industry: it of
course encompasses
but forest management. So
far 334 million acres of
countries are far stronger economically forest-based tourism forestland — about 1%
when they manage them sustainably. — including travel to lodges that of the Earth’s land area, roughly twice the
own protected areas or to forest- size Texas — are under FSC responsible
The value of forests is far higher than based communities that run tourism management (just under half of those
the value of the timber trade. The total operations, situated acres are certified by the
value of the ecosystem services they near or within national if Rainforest Alliance). FSC
provide — such as carbon capture, parks and biosphere is growing rapidly, and
water filtration, soil fertility and pest reserves. Though a we compare them its sustainable practices
management — is estimated at fraction of the total are deeply and rapidly
US$4.7 trillion annually. Forests market, the potential to human influencing industry
contain over half of the planet’s economic value of practice — including
biodiversity, on which around forests as tourist economic activity, selective harvesting of
40% of the world’s economy — destinations could lower volumes of wood,
particularly agriculture, forestry and clearly exceed their
they couldn’t be replanting, providing
pharmaceuticals — directly depends.
The value of forests, like the value of
market value as timber
stocks, and would be
“worth” less than 20% wide conservation areas,
preserving sensitive
survival, can’t be measured in money: exploited much less of Gross World ecosystems, protecting
but if we compare them to human destructively and the habitat of endangered
economic activity, they couldn’t be more profitably. The Product, species and maintaining
”worth” less than 20% of Gross World power of tourism carbon sequestration
Product, or at least US$15 trillion can generate massive or at least US$15 to reduce carbon
— two orders of magnitude higher investments in emissions. It is the
than their timber. conservation that trillion – two orders gold standard for
carry a high rate environmentally and
Now consider the value of travel and of return. Tourism of magnitude higher socially responsible
tourism, one of the world’s largest and market values forestry, helping
fastest growing industries. It generates are much more than their timber.” communities earn a
about US$6 trillion worldwide — commensurate with living by maintaining
over 9% of Gross World Product a broader view of what forests are healthy, productive forests.
— and employs 235 million people. “worth” (many trillions of dollars)
It is especially important for the Tapping those values can preserve Given the value of the tourism sector,
economies of developing countries, forests’ biodiversity, ecosystems and the rapid growth of ecotourism, an
which house most of the world’s most services and other invaluable assets. analogous system for sustainable tourism
biodiverse forests. From 1990 to 2006, USAID’s Forestry Team found that could be a powerful tool in providing
international tourism revenues in nature-based tourism contributes to communities with an additional way
developing countries quintupled, from forest protection “through heightened to make a good living by keeping their
US$43 billion to US$222 billion. Travel awareness of biological resources and forests standing. Tourism is relatively
and tourism globally has continued to the generation of alternative income- labor-intensive and can help reduce
grow robustly through the economic producing opportunities.” poverty and increase economic equality

© Explorer’s Inn

© Explorer’s Inn
for women, who make up 46% of the
tourism workforce, higher than the
global average. Tourism jobs offer
relatively high wages and have a job- The Explorer’s Inn has preserved a forest setting
creating multiplier effect. A new study along the Tambopata River in Peru that contains
by the Center for Responsible Travel,
a record biodiversity of birds and butterflies.
for example, found that workers in
ecolodges in Costa Rica’s Osa Peninsula
— which National Geographic calls
In Guatemala, the Ecolodge

© El Sombrero
“the most biologically intense” place
on earth, but is also one the country’s El Sombrero in Peten region
poorest regions, — earn twice as much supports local communities
($710 a month) as workers in a range and initiatives for conserving
of other fields. In Nicaragua, where the Yaxha-Nakum-Naranjo
tourism focuses prominently on the
National Park, while the
natural environment, the Rainforest
Alliance estimates that every job in Tak’alik Maya Lodge is
tourism creates an additional local job preserving its surrounding
in another sector, with a higher wage Subtropical Very Humid Forest,
than the national average.
home to 29 known species of
For all these reasons, Rainforest amphibians and reptiles, nine

© Pacuare lodge
Alliance promotes sustainable tourism mountain springs, rodents,
along with sustainable forestry and bats, carnivores and ungulates,
agriculture. It helps tourist businesses
otter, paca, coati and ocelot.
get up to speed by providing them with
training and technical assistance, and The Pacuare Lodge on the
verifies compliance with sustainability Pacuare River, is deep inside
requirements, so they can achieve a 25,000 sq km primordial
sound accredited certifications. We forest which contains jaguars,
supported the launch of the global
ocelots, monkeys, sloths, and
Tourism Sustainability Council, which
advances universal principles and numerous other species of
criteria, connecting diverse businesses, mammals and birds.
governments, UN bodies, research
and academic institutions, social and
environmental NGOs and certification
© Kapawi Ecolodge

© Huaorani Ecolodge

© Huaorani Ecolodge

programs around the world. And we

launched the website SustainableTrip.
org, aggregating businesses that are
verified by independent, third-party
sustainable tourism certification
programs on a searchable database
where travellers can find sustainable
forest destinations.

Sustainable tourism certification is In Ecuador, the Kapawi Ecolodge and Huaorani Ecolodge are in
still in its relatively early days, but it remote and well-protected parts of the Amazon, deep in the
has already demonstrated a potential
large First Nation territories of the Achuar and Huaorani people,
to tap the power of market forces and
the need for sustainable development respectively. Both peoples have chosen tourism as an alternative
to create powerful incentives for and effective way of conserving their land and heritage, and — in the
conserving forests. case of the Huaorani — to keep their land from exploitation for oil.
“We need to start from every small change in our lives.”

“If you eat up forests today, the deserts will eat you But forests remain an equally strong
up tomorrow.” Top Chinese actress Li Bingbing passion. “Every time I travel along the
recalls this phrase when asked about the importance Yangtze River,” she says, “I remember the
of forests. “It’s quite simple, but to the point,” she summer of 1998 when for three months
says. And she has backed up her words with action. it was ravaged by severe flooding that
washed away thirteen million homes and
Last year the award winning actress – a UNEP caused US$26 billion worth of damage.
Goodwill Ambassador – created her own charity, The floods showed how destructive
Love Green, “to promote green ecosystems, the nature can be in the absence of forests.
Green Economy, and green life”. Its first project - Yet for decades we have been trying
which she launched with former British Premier, to harvest our economic gains at the
Tony Blair, and has been carried out in collaboration cost of unsustainably exploiting our
with the Climate Group – was to plant trees to environment and the forests, its most
combat desertification in northwestern China. valuable asset.”

It is succeeding beyond expectations. “It took only The Chinese Government took notice
nine months, instead of the planned two years, to of the 1998 floods, she says, and set
plant the first million trees,” she tells Our Planet. up a nationwide campaign to halt
deforestation later the same year, with
She has been an environmentalist from an early age. the result that over half of the country’s
“As a young girl, I would make a point of switching natural forests are now protected.
off the air conditioner when we left the house. As
a teenager, I opted to walk or use public transport “We have learned a lesson the hard way,
wherever possible and, ever since, I have separated that our forests support our modern way
my trash for recycling. I believe that if we all take of life. Without them, nature can wreak
our responsibilities towards the Earth seriously, and havoc. With them, nature can protect us
make caring for the planet part of our daily routine, and enrich our ecosystems,” she says.
we could make great strides towards preserving it
for future generations. We need to start from every “Forests provide us with so many
small change in our lives.” services to sustain our lives. I have
seen with my own eyes the beauty
Born in Heilongjiang province, in the far and strength of a healthy forest that
northwestern China, in February 1973, Li Bingbing provides the water we drink and protects
originally had no intention of becoming an actress, us during the rainy seasons against
and instead enrolled in a school for prospective landslides and flooding. And a healthy
schoolteachers. But, after graduating, she became forest brings back wildlife.”
dissatisfied with that career, and was eventually
persuaded by a friend to join the Shanghai Drama She likes to quote Mahatma Gandhi,
Institute in 1993. She won the first of many “best who famously stated:
actress” awards at the 1999 Singapore Film Festival “Your beliefs become your thoughts;
for her film debut, later winning similar titles in the your thoughts become your words;
2005 Golden Rooster Awards, the 2007 Huabiao your words become your actions;
Awards, the 2008 Hundred Flowers Awards, and the your actions become your habits;

2009 Golden Horse Film Awards. your habits become your values;
your values become your destiny.”

“We can change our planet’s destiny one

country at a time, one community at a
time, one individual at a time, one action
at a time. Everyone can influence those
around them. This will have a positive
and exponential effect and attract more
and more people to join us,”.


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Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Editor : Geoffrey Lean the views or policies of UNEP or the editors, nor are they
PO Box 30552, Nairobi, Kenya
Coordinator : Mia Turner an official record. The designations employed and the
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