K.gayatri Devi U19cn013 Oose Ia1

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a ee ’ Name? ks Gayater Devi SobrwA\r | Oriecr peienter ENG Ine FRING Pet eNO? OLACNOIS Lorn rope 2 UIBPCCSED2 | ection: ¢se -T IpA~) i Pate: 23-03-22, Le out the Ffereny sage: Tn Object ovvented apgsvod devetopment using fr The rafor Phaser Of soktroare Aotoqy cue: a Oriented methor orienred Analysts evened § derfqn priented Empteme nrotton b) Inheritence. Hy Ovject wriented praqyramming On vefert fo the 1 orarfon pr encaptar’ that with the me thoals vote: pswlor Zon. AU Chivers Pee ry op matter what endine Fneutated fran vest OF the precuction Paeclucs Rnhert the atitbute we Cheus vwohere eEnDiw0 A pens wu an DIICNDIS, What: Ore the Geneiat qufeetPner: For tdentteying €r_| TdenttyIng Claes there Ore three Oproache: 0% toe the | tente > ing lanquages atatiser tf Object Odented, Peqramm > quae Use Cre Batven APPROALh & Commen clan partne 3-Neun Phrase appreath, Wlhat are the Advantage: OF Object ontented | evelopment? * Reduce clevelopment time. #Reduce the Hme and retourees require FO mafnratn ™fting oppltcartons. ¥ Fncredie tecle trequitre. recite ~ Tt provide 2 comperetive acduantd Organrcattons that use fee take: 5, OMCNOI3 careayrtes the Clepe for ftnding Userases moe $ret step FH the analyte APA cdearqn of an to recogntce the actor: ene evject ovtented tyttr inked wlth sustero atrer thar Create tha We cose = dAfaqwom. core And craw the tue Pearce: sa Explain booch me thodoleqyu for modeling. METHORDLOGY ? | par THE RooCcH the Beech Methodology betps us to destqn system ustr object Paracliqm . *# Dr Covert: the oriented stystem- Thre methodology steurtt tof cleus and Bbycty Mocpes ~mi fr Analyste phous Ona retfne ther Afagrams > varfois steps usFng lots OF syerbol giver ley och. wefan > Conrhth of © analyte and destgn Phases BF Object ithe Booth method araarerms > class dPaqran — > Obfeet d > rate ¥ The BOO Proce 2 WIaAenols i Conce prualtzation | 2 Anatystc 3 Development Of moclel : Prchirectwue wo Deviqn oi create syseery pe FvOtut on op tmpl ment anen. ps. Matntcnance, PEOCES rz MICRD DEVELOPMENT ag a ° 2. lyapen eefern clevelopreen’ pwocen hos f1 DLON ¥O micro development procers « Folloun isthe micro Aevelopment prvce> cont hr q stepes t+ Falentity the Ctorrer | Object Oo. Potenti¥y Classes & object semantics a. Poentizy clases & Objet wetanonships Fyteracts aeons Palvanracie t ” ae . orronq method 07 : >. ortentea destqn pDtradvant- 4 2 pot x >» DLAICNONS what touttipte Toherlteance: Hous Me ¢ Of be thon wilt >Us 4 gener athx ation? multiple Anher#iteunte t Multiple Mrherftance Tea Featiine DF tore Objet Computer Pro gramming lanquage fo whithan orierec! fan Ynherf. Peatwue +0m more than clos orfect OY object or parent Clas. ne Pent general xatton with Inherftance 2 pe see rs : othe genes OURO oriented Preqrammeng tfon rerattonbip Te implemented fr object tanquages vtth Tnbed tance’ BYhe Icherttance ft SmmplemenrOrt on roechantere to | the ceneralixatfen retatPonihip » in sfnqle inher? Hance A tubsctars has only wee an muttiple Enherfrance oO sutecto super clas ° two 0) mere super Clauses. 2 for example, the sttlectau cab ton shone ag otbuier & Operarfeni: The scan Teas Otriloute: And Operatfons . Draenor Nehithe Speed | KA | Lark | | | Stop | beer :. Hout sree | . | Srert | Operator | | .op, a G- Explain wie care Mode! votth prrper examples Hor LSE Care MODEL? ie The tle COse Comeepe “Mout Fntrooluced wacobron fn the OOSE pocthod The functfonattry vepraents peti Fo the CYstens. OLON DIZ fp ystem when Ole COse FL Performed cs tie COre, Ore ttenarto for Lanclersbaanaling Auqste ro VeQeavier Ge son bode Mur hove name and thovt +teatual deierip tO . Raife MOole? ctements: fuse (Ose f Use Cae Te tpethal flew OF evENr Horn Hg te Sytem g.petor A Ottor Fe ther Playfng wle tot ‘reapert to Cugtem. orort CON be human user wf an enternar cystem : puocration: Br Fk urecl to Acurn retatfonrhip Blis 3. Asoctarte : Qurers % Use, COtets Example? ae tob + eraen O18 Parr-c Fapiain Object mtented Snatyt prcess To the oniried Approach. The aAnatyste and deitqn tools Ore propuecl by eath of BoDch , FACObIOY 2 Ratembaugh were ATF, Sob th appreach. Fach paol Hinge Patt ee oF tgtere anol each hoo) Approac hing the analyst ¢ Fe cron botttenects ot methools wos efetciently eOudh = 4 Neither Db me wnshiecl Oppredth’ woos cteveloped Tt Erolaacied Ot Pmpoerront deni Of Shree methnols. ‘ “es ‘the unified Approach O wre Combine: all tre Pewargu feoturet present 0 methods OF Greely augh % gocabien and +hus Repoh, Teumes 1 Lams £, mooletttng OF i mrontes peus pipeline ~CnCaiies Systems Bago thts Oppreath involves the combi picets OTF esp feature Of Fraivielucy © Onahyt and cdearqo methods OF Booch Tacebston . sThe raute OF tuts is repre Liye APFferent vrewee =ach — set OF dagram:. P Vow wae single ALAQrams. he c e wructore! medet ee Struct oro) statfe & - IACNO IS a Behavfowal Model VFcure m™ represent the dynamic Arpecta, oy Sy”? Pt Alo cepicr the wteracHont Gore OF Collab on aufon beloec? varfous rtruetureal ctement deterfeed t vrews, Fn other =. User Mode! view! presents susten f8wm he where vtoo ve * wer perp Hye. retton Model vide the gererurat and Ty behavioural Oupects OF the Syseen? ore representeal ar they Ore ae te Pmptementast ipa “2. 5: Environment Mode view? Fhe churrural and behowiou Fn whreh System Fs te yrronment are represented. ee le pra enol3 WA Explain toftiware development Life Cycle votth Yetevant pictures be viewed as & FNL H oftware Development COP ie it yfote Proce 0 the Pyoless tan be a vict 4 process § ematt Prterace ?nq phase: > cub (* , ontowing > *e fach Cttbh Proce mut have the q *® cesevfprton En terms of how TF Loos | + Cpecigcarion OF Fn put wequived toy Process yoduce al. = Spec®iFcatron oF outpub to be P softwere evelopment Prrecen bores OF traNMtto mato tranihormasreon + informarton. # Generaty . the con be vfewed au * of One where Mhe output leeanmer top DE tee G transfo marten’ There Ore “three bbelous . 1 TRON FOR MOTION |S (enna) eTr +rantete: the wer med system wequfrement anol real woty they ute tysteno Into the were wequis (Qs TREMLFORD BOD Bt ——__ LAICNON, o thts tranrFormatten FProtuder LOftrware development lpancty mowing “Gelintifon (C5 lou +o buttd the epHweue evelopment and Ft tating. 2 Pr ALO inctudto q destqe dercripttve Preqroms ana seat Fo] materials, TREN LEORMATION 33 CAMPLE MENITANON) Aestqn Tto the syster> urer Necole, .PE rexrer the dle Hucteel development hor acttt sorttt, ae Lah take: into actount the equtpmenk, Procedcucs pesple ert tents embeddling the coftwa o tt wepre | ustain fe: eperattonal environment: - > VAACNOI. | Example OF fhe clevetoproent lige eyelet Watergatl Med | ; ae | toe | | # What: Fe +e be clone ( whar & tre Btow? onde requirements have beer Aecitte Wow te acromp tth then, #00: Do the Emplemenranm, rest te Unt seating , §ntegratton § & pw tser tlhat we howe clones

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