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CN ll NAME § kk: Gayerer OEvi — ie ' - V RPuonecrrenaey) 1 © REGIND § O1ACNE! - : nee a ; re-3- |SECrtOn $ scsE-G ” 1 fo & Destine Towascripe ? prs Joan seriet fs prgrarming. nee “coromenNe bo aevetoeMiEDE fort was orgiraty to aclot tynamit . Taveseripr ees fr we clevetopedt a metscape jon fe to c Ondo waited Lonquage developed, by. San microsystems. as mecint fnftuenced et fowee the SYyNtee en BCMA sorte OA “extoting., gu Lie Toy Qaeripe ee foo Oni The tesest , Fowancripr sedines: feyen Cara types ¢ Pent erventen 27a stew Hupes ove, erteotive ig 9 sting i Mputo, Wort dA” ere. con Bovtednt represent, 2 beater entry Ard hare lAuumbeu f 6) O8,4. Oe, WD VOLS S \ tte or fotse. Reile ante ty pe who: @nly ore TellLe 2 Oty 14.3 3. ‘Wat is Functional Programming, " AM Puncefonct prqranmming fn ote . a | Paradiqr fm whieh we +ry +0 bind nea fm pure mathemarfear functfOn Lyle. It & | | ; | eer type OF Pregramming ttyle. de & | os Hen “what to tolve? In Contos +0 an erpuatine Cepsten™ who Ane MAR goers solve”. | ‘ a VIACNOIS wer the Syniax “Ot 't iBUEROE RON es Amado ee orga expeuion. you airs write the word tambda, a Single Mace then Comma seper ceed) Ufa OF OM the Fpltowed by color and then expansion arquements, thar tt beoty oF the Funce fon. Exe my ee = [1,253,456] tte Crap trambda%? 272) uer8; tOr12), new thr = my the). print (new tit) # [p> 5. Desktop Appiicotfens! The Graphricol wer FrerFace Ereractton wth ery apeko (guid anew: Jor easy trora OF qraphtcal “ser yen Pythen bo ple Interjace C4VD, tents ond frame creating wer Apel cons cosy. WEB AEPLCHTIONT? pyrbeo fe woidety used prograrming aa creattng web appltcarvons Pytheo 1 bangrage * f&S and populor pathy wee frOmework re ofangGo and Ptoue were used to Create many SF website we z dfaly- rans Fer callfnq- Pa PSE EIS Prvide simple =4 t th decorottt VIACNMs 2 eae ae Creating, ‘Towauser?pe Clan BS dimilar +O Torasery erect Constructor function, and Degen a = [aament Cc sugar | The Constructor, Function T2 deained! ast. | HComitructor fuinctien Jurcrten perm} +hEs name ='0b0! : : sa [Wh te. age =23 : lg (MCreate Qn Obj ext CemPa person) = Pew persone; Tnsvead Of using funocrfon ‘keyword, You can use Crow Pewword for crearing FH clartes. For emorek _Werearfing O Clon ‘ 4 CLO pessons — Wee Seon (mance) L | t+hfsifame =pomes 4 ~= | The clon Rexeoord) Fr wtedy to. Qreevte. Ctous , the eorentes ore cepa in, Constructor ] fancrion: Lites joo Sareea aepeee Ft H creating closs Class person? 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This tunerfen COnndE- Se cated 20 8 : Pieerty Onty From within ete i et [usr] bin len Python ; F cae 7 | | CLASS Core cer —- fnt'=— (ere? Sele-— updates Logeusdueny a def dafve (rere> : ®° S: . Sabkaal Bint ( *datv Pg) DS adiaais Syme ; Aef -—- upd ote 2O8tuGre Csereds ert . viacnors, pant (tpdatiag soatwoue) aw 7 Ire cou = cone) ‘red tou. drive £5 c ‘ Ab recl tow ~- updotes Gogrecus YW POF ancesfble “rv Unjeue Teh’ prgrom will output: | updating 2Odgrwous | diving . * Encapsulation prevents {rom aceustag acetdentaty bur not fintenttonolty » : ~~? wb) Encopulation Ts: eer cote and dare Fogel ex TnFO ore SMe unite ee SEncapetation 19 Foo Es pertormec} watrg, elcLes B ClOw ore Aways vworape Canle Ard dOsa SQQeKthe, ?dthia Concept enturres tna Clobe member Of ClO Prt always hidldensrom Other classed.) We CON) 'Snly Qevey these aata member wuttng Metheos. 1; +> Shp fe” pragqrove OF emoaprmtoarfon ™ fora. Cetouws Praga has two clare: — Employes, And! THE) hf: example TMusrrares ample encapsutortoen: Employee. Java Seat a walang Peweace com. tet? =(uur) bi-4sa 4 eel nie Fe dutty eteap suloted cies pote Chows aaa aa : Hasan 49 a ; oy Veg ot ost Me ee at ce A x Wt? Gets he Private Sering Name > NA wicicao Pr a [Private for erp-fa : : : il qetter Methools Pubife String qername $ | ' x * wehurn Name?’ 4 Pubic Tot-qet Emp—ract retuun smpa> 3 tHsettes Mcthools pudolic vota Ler Emp-td (Pot emp-Fay ihre: emp-"d =emp-ids B pubtic - void setname Centng pene \thft ‘name =name; ' | : ; teat + Fowvoe _ [Parage -com: ths; ; > | pubire Cars +esty Pubite erate vetd main (sting c3 orgs) 3 | Employee employee = new Employee 0 MH settng the waktres emplouee + Set Name ¢ “Rechul") 5 employee tes Emp —fa (100) + ie i 4 Qering the volues oe ad e “System: our. printty Co ame” temployes. JEL pe Susiem cour printto (ba =mployse.- Sek Emp ta) Die, rr — eo LIA CNOLS OU Pur s A , MOume Pouleuul At 5% Taz too. ¢ eS Nel Pyrnon OFFers multiple ways to oredte Lists we One of mote efrective ways Amb0q ther fe ute Comprehensfon Fearwre. Pr allows. Wo sp crete etre by voerPeing)sefngiers tine: HOO es you C0 use vest Comprerence ons to create Nevo Ws Bom Other FtyQble Clemend such as Ourays, SitPnqs ,+upte:) Wists ere: It fs mdicle up eacewto Of bracket: wth exprasfon. the fast~ the cxprenfon For every element wrth mpc toop to Trerate Over every element lize Hne ayntax for List camprebension tn purthon fs |Qs xfetlovs > | Your—new thst =Lenpreisien for ervement Fr Youre Jota- tect Pt condition]. (Bote an nf: eaample, We vill Create A Simple irby using purhen Compreneniton ¢ Paps > | Q=LP fore fy range CEO] | prfnt Oo Ourpurs (Ten 3,4) _ UO a Example rt En emample wetows we val CREE aC LIFenorg muttple es Of +009 Fopur se _ F i new ee = Loe a Yor a to range a0) Oubpur $ CO,d, UrGpBy LO, 12, thy, 14, t3], W—THE END — &

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