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Donovan Fraser
The second week of my internship with Kate’s Club was focused more on completing

different tasks and getting ready for the upcoming events that would take place during the week

as well as during the weekend. As usual, we had our regular meetings this week and in some of

the meetings we went over information such as our ideal snow day as an intro because it had

snowed earlier in the week. Then we began to talk about things that pertains to Kate’s Club such

as campaigns that it is okay to grief and how much the campaign would cost, building up more

on staff, the budget, and building more programs. This week I also had helped with event held by

Kate’s Clubhouse Connection program via zoom in which we had held an activity with some

kids which was focused on keeping connections with other people and continuing bonds as it

pertains to grief of a loved one. We had done an ice breaker with everyone before we had started

the discussions and we had also played some games as well. This week I had also went on a

grocery run for the organization to pick up some food for the family orientation event that we

were having later that evening as well as for this weekend. During the family orientation event, I

helped the Kate’s Club employees pass out food to the parents and children and helped with the

activities that we had planned for them. So, I was able to learn what it is like to set up one of the

events and the importance of having fun activities for kids so that it can uplift their mood after

talking about the death of their loved one.

Another thing that I did this weekend was set up goodie bags for the children for the

events that will take place during the weekend and helped to ensure that we had everything that

the contractors would need for the events. The other interns and I had also gotten a presentation

over Trauma and Grief Component Therapy and Assessment (TGCT) as well as a bereavement

needs assessment (BNA) and the purpose of the assessment and how they, as Kate’s Club

conducts their assessment and the information that they provide in their survey. We had also
Donovan Fraser
done some activity planning for the month of March regarding activities that we can do for the

children and parents both in person and virtual. When it comes to my feelings, I felt good this

weekend while I worked and helped with the different events. It was sad to hear the children and

parents’ stories as they talked with us but it was good that they were able to express those

feelings out loud. The last thing that I did for the week was help lead one of the events that we

had today, on Sunday. So, for the first hour me and two other volunteers had done some

activities with the children as it relates to continuing bonds. Afterwards, we had taken the kids to

eat and then ushered and kept them under control as they went and transitioned to the other

activities that the contractors had in place such as making puppetry arts, story time, and music


Overall, this was another good week for me working as an intern with Kate’s Club. There

were many different things that I learned such as TGCT, bereavement needs assessments, how

the organization is wanting to expand and the different improvements that they want, and when

we are planning activities for events, it needs to pertain to the theme of the month. I would say

the only minor challenging thing is finding good articles that is free to the public because

sometimes, the institution does not have access to it. What I hope to learn and develop in the up-

coming weeks is learning and applying data entry as well as learning how to use apricot. Not

only that, but in this upcoming week, I hope to learn more about possible projects that I can

partake in which, we will be discussing on Thursday.

Donovan Fraser

Day Time In Lunch Time Out Hours Worked


January 10

Tuesday 8:30AM 11:00-11:30 5:00PM 8

January 11

Wednesday 9:00AM 12:00PM- 5:30PM 8

January 12 12:30PM

Thursday 9:00AM 1:00PM-1:30PM 9:00PM 11.30

January 13

Friday 8:30AM 1:00PM- 5:00PM 8

January 14 1:30PM



Sunday 8:30AM 11:30PM- 4:30PM 7.15

January 12:15PM

Total Weekly 47.45


Total Hours to 65.45

Donovan Fraser

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