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Donovan Fraser
The third week of my internship went well. We all have gotten more comfortable with

one another to the point where another intern and I had gone to Dunkin Donuts to complete some

work on our day off. This week mainly consisted of our weekly meetings, setting up events,

discussing project proposals, brainstorming activities for next month, and sending out referrals.

So in our intern checkup meeting, we had talked about each intern choosing two topics from the

list given to us to create a PowerPoint on so that we can record it and upload it to the PUB so that

individuals who decided to volunteer with Kate’s Club would be able to look at the PowerPoints

and videos so that they can learn information when it comes to working with us and being more

knowledgeable in different areas. For example, some of the topics that we, the interns will be

covering consists of power struggles, healthy boundaries, coping with loss, favoritism, volunteer

reactions to trauma/loss, relationship building, connection building, general safety protocols at

Kate’s Club, having difficult conversations, and mandated reporting. The two topics that I will

be covering are favoritism, and relationship building. Another thing that we had discussed would

be that the interns will pick a children’s book that relates to the theme of the month and then

record a video of us reading that book to upload it. For the older kids, we decided that reading a

book may not be the best options for them, especially considering that the books for their ages

are typically chapter books so instead, we decided that we could find poems instead for them.

In terms of the project proposal, my supervisor and I decided that the project will consist

of two parts. The first part will consist of analyzing survey data and then applying it to the

program and for the second part, we will analyze qualitative data and then create a report on

it. Some other information discussed consists of analyzing the care giver survey that Kate’s Club

gives out 3 times a year., creating a report that we can show to the funders, volunteers, and

families. We will also develop surveys so that in the end we can get a report on how the kids
Donovan Fraser
liked the activities we had for them, feedback on the facilitators regarding if they were doing a

good job, if the activities made them feel more equipped in their journey, etc. We also talked

about in the survey, for the parents, how often does Kate’s Club have a difference on not only

their child but on them as well. Also, if they have seen any differences in their child, them as a

parent, or both the child and the parent as a family since coming to Kate’s Club. Since we had an

event this weekend, we had to make sure that we had all the materials that the contractors would

need as well as having to fill up the lunch and snack bags for the children. When the event came,

everyone had designated duties to fulfill for when the child gets dropped off. You had two

individuals who would go to the cars to get the children and then direct them to me. Once the

children came to me, I would then direct them to two of the volunteers so that they can take them

to their designated rooms based on their age. Once we had gotten all the kids to their designated

room, I then went to the group that I was going to help facilitate, and two other volunteers and I

had led that group for the day. The last major activity that I had done was look for referrals for

individuals. So, my main supervisor had sent us some referrals that they had gotten from some of

the families regarding helping them find somewhere that they can go to for counseling. We were

given a link to approved referrals and potential referrals to look through. The list consisted of the

organization/individual, what kind of therapy they specialize in, their address, the type of

insurance that they take, and if the sessions would be catered to either both the children and

adults, or it was just for children or adults. With this, we had to make sure that we matched the

description of the type of therapy that the family was looking for and ensured that it would take

no longer than 30 minutes from the individuals address because we did not want them to have to

drive far.
Donovan Fraser
Overall, week three was a good week for me. It was very productive, and I was able to

learn something new which, were the referrals. I am starting to notice that I am becoming a little

more comfortable with helping lead the activities however, I still know that there are some

improvements that need to be made. My supervisor and I have planned to go over some data

entry things and learn more about apricot this upcoming week because we were not able to do it

this week because she was backed up with meetings, so I am excited to learn more about it in this

upcoming week.
Donovan Fraser

Day Time In Lunch Time Out Hours Worked

Monday 8:30AM 12:00PM - 5:00PM 8

January 24 12:30PM

Tuesday 11:00AM N/A 1:00PM 2

January 25

Wednesday 11:00AM 12:00PM- 9:00PM 9.30

January 26 12:30PM

Thursday 8:30AM 1:00PM-1:30PM 5:00PM 8

January 27

Friday 8:30AM 1:00PM- 5:00PM 8

January 28 1:30PM

Saturday 8:30AM 4:30PM 7.15

January 29


January 30

Total Weekly 42.45


Total Hours to 102.9


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