Donovan Fraser Kins 4306 Journal Week 10

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Donovan Fraser
The tenth week of my internship went well. This week was focused on making sure that

we had everything ready for this weekend’s Sunday program, completing a referral for a family,

activity planning, finishing looking through surveys, seeing what the differences was between

the years, and then uploading them onto a google drive folder.

Sine we had Sunday Clubhouse this weekend, we had to make sure that we had all the

snack bags prepared for each group and we had to ensure that we had all the activities bags

ready. The activity bags consist of the materials that each group would need for their designated

activities such as things that our contractors specifically need for the activities that they have

planned for the kids, and the activities that we, the employees and interns had planned for the

children. After ensuring that we had everything prepared for each group, we then placed all the

activities bag into the conference room so that when Sunday comes, all we would have to do it

hand the bags to the designated persons. Another task that I had completed was to complete a

referral for a family. I was given information about the family, the type of insurance that they

had, the type of counseling that they preferred, and the issues that they were having. With that

information, I had to look through our excel sheet with a list of approved counselors and

potential counselors to see which ones aligned with the family’s request as well as ensuring that

the distance was 30 minutes or less. I was able to find one approved counselor and then two

potential counselors for the family. After I found them, I had written them down in a word

document including the name of the company/counselor, their distance from the family’s home

address, if it was approved or potential, an email address, phone number, if it was virtual, in-

person, or provided both in-person and virtual sessions. Once that was done, I had sent the

information over to Debra which, she would then look over it to ensure everything looks good

and then send the information to the family.

Donovan Fraser
Activity panning was another task that we had did this week. Since Spring Break was this

week for some of the other interns, they did not have to work this week. So, during the meeting,

it was Debra, two other interns and me. We had discussed what we had on April’s excel sheet for

possible activities that we could do for that month. We were able to look through the list of

activities that we had and highlight the ones that we believe best fits the theme of the month. We

had also discussed some of those activities, seeing how we could edit it to make sure that it best

aligns with the theme of the month of April. The last task that I did was the completion of seeing

the differences between surveys throughout the years. After completing the comparisons, I had

gone to the scanner to scan each of the surveys so that it would be sent to my intern email. Once

each survey that had notes on it were scanned, I had downloaded them onto my computer and

made a folder for the different types of survey they were. After placing their surveys in their

designated folders, I had then pulled up the google drive folder that we have and added a new

folder to the drive called “Survey Comparisons” and then placed the different folders inside of

the Survey Comparisons folder so that it would be easier to read and locate.

Overall, this week has been productive. I was able to complete multiple tasks in a timely

manner. I was supposed to have a meeting with Ashlie regarding SPSS and analyzing the 2020-

2021 Caregiver Survey data however, Ashlie had to work on the BNA data for a funder, so we

had pushed it to this oncoming week. So, in this upcoming week, I look forward to analyzing that

data and working with SPSS. I already have my notes that I had took from Dr. Speelman, so I

believe it is not going to be too hard of a process compared to someone who has not worked with

SPSS at all.
Donovan Fraser

Day Time In Lunch Time Out Hours Worked


March 14

Tuesday 8:30AM 12:00PM- 5:00PM 8

March 15 12:30PM

Wednesday 8:30AM 12:00PM- 5:00PM 8

March 16 12:30PM

Thursday 8:30AM 12:00PM- 5:00PM 6.33

March 17 12:30PM

Friday 8:30AM 12:30PM- 4:00PM 7

March 18 1:00PM


March 19

Sunday 11:22AM 4:00PM 4.63

March 20

Total Weekly 33.96


Total Hours to 355.71


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