Donovan Fraser Kins 4306 Journal Week 15

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Donovan Fraser
The fifteenth week of my internship went well. This week was primarily focused

analyzing the data on SPSS from the Caregiver survey that Ashlie and I had coded, finalizing my

presentation, working on activity plans, completing referrals, and prepping activity and snack

bags for this weekend’s events.

After getting everything situated and fixing the problem that we had ran into last week

regarding our files getting corrupted, we were able to redo the data and then utilize SPSS to

analyze it. The first day that we started to analyze it, it was through Zoom since I was working

remotely but with that, there were some difficulties because we had to keep switching between

screens so we had started analyzing the data and then decided that the next day, I would come

into office so that it can be easier to analyze the data and ask questions when needed. So when

we started we were going to analyze not only the child outcomes but also the parent and family

outcomes as well as it pertains to social support, grieving process, and emotional behavior

however, we decided that with the 30 minute time limit that we have for this presentation, we

would just focus on the child outcomes because trying to focus on all three areas would exceed

our limit or we would have to cut down very valuable information. We did not want to cut down

any valuable information just to squeeze all three areas in so we thought it would be best to just

focus on the child outcomes and provide in depth data regarding what we found. Once that was

done, we began to run multiple different tests and then began to make graphs as well. At first, we

had a little bit of difficulty with some of the graphs because we did not want to have separate

graphs on each page but then we figured out a way to combine them onto the same chart.

Once we were able to run our tests, we would then be able to interpret the results that we

got. After interpreting the data, we then began to make charts for it so that we could add visual

representation of data into the PowerPoint because we are aware of the important role data charts
Donovan Fraser
plays as well as for those individuals who may learn better with visuals rather than text on a

screen or just by listening to someone speak. After we had collected everything, we had

discussed the best way to set up the PowerPoint to ensure that it had a natural and logical flow to

it. After discussing and rearranging things, we were able to review it and approve of everything.

The final thing that I just needed to do was to review and prepare for when I would present my

project to the staff and interns. After practicing multiple times, I began to feel more comfortable

and prepared to talk about it to an audience and then when the day came to present, even though

I was a bit nervous, I felt more comfortable and a little more confident in myself.

Another task that I did was to work on activity plans. I had to transfer one of the interns

Family Night activity plans into a virtual Family night. So, I had to alter some things so that it

would fit for those who would be conducting the event virtually. Another activity plan that I had

to work on was converting one of the contractors plans into a Kate’s Club activity plan layout so

that for this weekend’s event, the volunteer would be able to have a better understanding of the

activity and would provide them a guide on how to do everything. Completing referrals was

another thing that I had did this week as well. I had to ensure that the information that the

parent/caregiver had given us would match up to any arrived or potential counselors that we have

or have found. There was a family who had informed us that there were some issues contacting

the counselors that we recommended to them, so we had gone in and gave them three more

recommendations to try. I had also prepped activity and snack bags for this weekend’s event.

Since this weekend’s event would be a half-day, we did not have to prep too many materials.

After all the bags were prepped, I had gone to make the snack bags for the children so that when

we do the final activity during the half-day program, they would be able to have a snack to eat.
Donovan Fraser
Overall, I had a productive week. I personally believe that my project provided valuable

insight to the staff at Kate’s Club, and they will be able to utilize this information for any

discussions that they may have with parents, vendors, and the funders. I was able to learn

valuable information throughout my duration of my internship and am appreciative that Kate’s

Club had given me the opportunity to intern with them. All the information and skills that I have

gained from this internship will be useful not only for myself, but for any potential jobs that I

may get in the future.

Donovan Fraser

Day Time In Lunch Time Out Hours Worked

Monday 8:30AM 12:00PM- 5:00PM 8

April 18 12:30pm

Tuesday 8:30AM 12:00PM- 6:00PM 9

April 19 12:30PM

Wednesday 8:30AM 12:00PM- 4:00PM 7

April 20 12:30PM

Thursday 8:30AM 12:30PM- 1:20PM 4.20

April 21 1:00PM

Friday 8:30AM 12:00PM- 3:20PM 6.20

April 22 12:30PM

Saturday 8:40AM 12:50PM 4.10

April 23


April 24

Total Weekly 38.5


Total Hours to 521.44


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