BL A2 (Report LO4) 2022

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Student Name/ID Number

Unit Number and Title Unit 7: Business Law

Academic Year Semester 2, Academic year 2021 - 2022
Unit Assessor Dr. Doti Chee and Dr. Vu Kim Ngan
Assignment Number and Title BL2: Legal Advice and Legal Solutions (2 of 3)
Issue Date 21st February 2022
Submission Date To be announced by office
IV Name Dr. Doti Chee (Lead IV) and Dr. Vu Kim Ngan (IV)

IV Date 24th January 2022

Submission Format:

The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal
business style using 1.5 spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs,
and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the
Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system.
The recommended word limit is 1100-1300 words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the
total word limit.
Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO4 Recommend appropriate legal solutions to resolve areas of dispute

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

Scenario and activity:

In your role as a paralegal in DLA Piper (UK office), you have been asked by your firm to prepare a report
to recommend appropriate legal solutions to resolve areas of dispute.

The written report will consist of the followings:

1: You will be given three different business problems. For each problem case presented, you must
demonstrate how a party might obtain legal advice and support as well as to explain, apply and justify a
legal solution to the problem.
2: Compare and contrast the different sources of legal advice for all the problem cases presented.
3 Evaluate the effectiveness of at least three legal solutions presented in detail for business problems.

Three (3) Business Problems to Solve

Scenario 1

Susan offers to sell her factory for £800,000, payable in 60 days. Bruce, the buyer accepted to buy it for
only £700,000 and payable in 45 days but Susan rejected his proposal. Subsequently Bruce agreed to buy
the house for £800,000, however, Susan refused to sell it to him. Bruce intends to sue Susan for specific
performance of contract. Will he succeed?

Advice Bruce.

Scenario 2

Susan’s eldest son, Johnny, the owner of Splendid Livestock approached Tommy to buy his farm. Tommy
replied that he would not be interested until the end of the year and that the price would be £50,000.
Johnny knows that Tommy likes to drink and would often go on drinking benders. During one such bender,
Johnny offered to buy Tommy’s farm again. After discussion, Tommy agreed and signed a contract at an
undervalued term of £30,000. Tommy sobered up the two days later and decided not to complete the
contract. Johnny sued to enforce the contract, but Tommy stated that he was incapable of knowing or
understanding the nature or effect of the contract because he was intoxicated.

Advice Johnny.

Scenario 3
Lucy has been working for Johnny, the owner of Splendid Livestock as a receptionist for five years.
Recently she was severely injured in a car accident and is now confined to a wheelchair. Johnny has given
her notice saying that the company cannot guarantee her safe evacuation from the building in the event of
fire and that the toilet arrangements are not safely accessible to wheelchair users.

Advice Johnny.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Pass Merit Distinction
LO4 Recommend appropriate legal solutions to resolve areas of dispute D3 Critically evaluate the
P6 Compare and contrast different M4 Recommend legal solutions effectiveness of legal solutions,
sources of legal advice and support for resolving a range of disputes, legal advice and support for
for dispute resolution to make using examples to demonstrate dispute resolution.
appropriate recommendations to how a party might obtain legal
legal solutions. advice and support.

Pearson Education 2016

Higher Education Qualifications
Summative Assignment Feedback Form

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