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Intelligence Project UNIT 5: Caixa Bank

1. Basic Personal Data

Name: José Ignacio Goirigolzarri Tellaeche

NIF: 14.909.223-W
Residence: Paseo Ibiltokia, 3. Plentzia 48620
Telephone: 946 77 42 62 / 944 100 389
Date of birth: 04/02/1954
Place : Bilbao
Job Position: President Bankia, President CaixaBank
(since march 2021),
President BFA Tenedora de Acciones (Holding)
Location and liaison Data:
address, phones, emails, personal website, etc:
Personal Website:
Nationality/religion/ethnic origin: Spanish, Catholic, White European
Languages: Spanish, Basque
Habits: No consta
Sensible issues or issues that have to be avoided in case of contacting him: No consta

2. Personal, familiar, and public sphere:

Wife: Isabel Artaza Bilbao

NIF: B48473102

Daughter: Josebe Goirigolzarri Artaza

DNI: 78937808‐Z

Son: Jon Goirigolzarri Artaza Asociado en J & .A Garrigues.


Health: No consta
Interests: No consta
3. Skills, Education, Profession


No consta School Jesuitas Bilbao, Spain High School period

Comercial Economy and

No consta University of Bilbao, Spain Business Studies

Leeds, Finances and

No consta Leeds University United Kingdom Strategic Planning
a. CV:


1977-1979 Professor Deusto University

1977-2009 Management Bilbao Bank/BBV Head of Commercial

Committee Banking and
operations in Latin

December 2001- CEO BBVA

September 2009

May 2012 - March President BC Bankia


March 2021 - President Caixa Bank


May 2012 - present President BFA Tenedora de


Present Vicepresident CECA

President Deusto Business


President Garum Foundation

2002-2003 Vicepresident Telefónica

2002-2003 Vicepresident Repsol

2005-2009 President Spain-USA


Bank Advisor Bancomer (Mexico)

City Bank (China)
CIFH (Hong Kong)
4. Attitudes

Regarding our organization and interests:

Bankia recorded its best business year in history in 2020. The financial entity has obtained a profit
of 541 million € in 2019 and reaches a solvency ratio of 13.02%, the highest of the large Spanish
banks. Thus, this solid capital position allows the entity to announce its intention to maintain the
dividend and and pay a total of 355 million € to its shareholders, one more step in the return of aid
to taxpayers and all the aid provided by the Spanish State. Ignacio Goirigolzarri, president of the
entity, has been very satisfied with the results. The austerity policies approved by the president,
who closed 1000 offices and fired 7000 people, have managed to make the entity more solvent
and generate large profits.

Regarding possible opponents or competitors:

The current president of CaixaBank, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, defended last March at the National
Court that there was no irregularity in the sale, for 400 million €, of the Cepsa Tower to Sheikh
Khadem Al Quabisi in 2016 by Bankia. Goirigolzarri, who then presided over this entity and who is
in such condition has testified as a witness before Judge José Luis Calama, has assured that the
operation with the skyscraper, located in Madrid´s Paseo de la Castellana, was carried out because
it was not possible to go back despite the fact that at that time in the bank they already knew the
news that implicated Al Quabisi in serious financial irregularities in other countries.

Regarding situation that caused the elaboration of the report:

CaixaBank and Bankia are considering a merger of the two banks to create the biggest leader
in Spain, so the president of CaixaBank has asked us to investigate and obtain useful information about
José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, president of Bankia in order to be sure that everything's alright and
safe before the start of the merging negotiations with them.

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