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ISR//Administrative Assistant//Website and Advertising Mgr

Insurance Sales Representative/Administrative Assistant/Website and Advertising

My name is Charlene Gebhardt and I am a licensed Insurance Sales Rep, specializi
ng in the PL/GL and Workers Comp arenas, as well as a seasoned administrative as
sistant specializing in client service and coolness under fire. I am an organize
d, analytical person with strong motivational skills who can handle multiple tas
ks. I have been a marketing and sales professional for over 15 years. I have the
ability to work with a diverse staff and environments and I can see assignments
through to a prompt and successful completion.
Salary Requirements
$37,000 + Benefits including, but not limited to: Direct Deposit, Health and Den
tal Insurance, 401 K plan with matching contributions, 1 week paid vacation afte
r 6 months of
employment and 2 weeks after one year.
Work Experience
ISR//Admin Asst//Website Admin//Advertising Mgr
6/2008 - Present MedPLUS, LLC, Houston, TX
ISR - Work with agents, insurance companies, and policyholders performing duties
associated with the paperwork required by insurance policies, like applications
, changes, or renewals of
current policies-Help customers by answering questions related to policy coverag
e, and provide any other support that might be needed.
Admin Asst - Direct incoming calls and correspondence, greet clients-Provide cal
endar of work needed each day pulling the appropriate files for that day to dist
ribute to each producer-
Prepare confidential correspondence, reports and other complex documents-Manage
multiple projects with rapid turnaround time on each project-Create Acord Certif
icates of Insurance-Enter and update new and renewal applications into computer-
Assist management with the creation of presentations-Keep track of office suppli
es-Routinely creating and distributing mass mailings.
Website Admin/Advertising Mgr - Maintain website, update and/or create new pages
as needed. Create or revamp flyers and brochures for the company as needed and/
or requested.
Contract Website Administrator 11/2008 - 11/2009 Contract - Holloman Corporation
- Houston, TX
Website admin for oil & gas corporation making updates, adding additional pages,
redirecting others, updating brochure as needed and/or requested.
Commercial//Production Artist
3/1985 - Present Commercial/Production Artist, Houston, TX
Temporary layout and page paste up assistant when requested-Generated design ide
as and interpreted creatively those already provided-Took ideas from concept thr
ough mechanicals-Prepared illustrations or rough sketches of material according
to instructions of supervisor-Assisted in the design and production of weekly re
tail advertising inserts-Photoshop and Illustrator knowledge-Have a unique combi
nation of administrative skills, creative design skills and good communication s
kills-Extensive experience working under deadlines-Communicated with customers t
o ensure quality and satisfaction-Excellent illustration skills
Owner//Manager// Buyer
1/2000 - 10/2001 Laglio - Kitchen Wares Gourmet Foods, Katy, TX
Owned and operated a small kitchen wares/gourmet foods store in Katy, Texas. Dut
ies included but not limited to maintaining office staff by orienting, and train
ing employees-Organizing office operations and procedures-Accounts Payable / Rec
Banking and related financing transactions-Order processing and invoicing- Inven
tory Management-Designing creative storage systems-Shipping and receiving docume
ntation-Website design & maintenance-Ad design & layout for local newspapers-Oth
er administrative/accounting assignments as needed
Admin Asst//Receptionist//Data Entry//A/P Clerk
3/1980 - 7/1984 Hollywood Marine, Inc, Houston, TX
Mail Distribution-Answered Clients Inquiries-Maintained files and calendars-Set-
up appointments-Screened phone calls-Greeted visitors-Took messages-Drafted corr
espondence-Made travel arrangements and prepared travel itineraries-Accounts Pay
able /Receivable-Shipping and receiving documentation-10 key Data Entry
1/1983 - 5/1985 Art Institute of Houston, Houston, Texas
Associate Degree in Commercial Art Minor in Marketing and Design
Top of the Deans list each semester
Member of the IAAP (International Association of Administrative Personnel)
Skill Name Skill Level Last Used/Experience
Basic HTML Intermediate Currently used/15
Excel Intermediate Currently used/3
Word Intermediate Currently used/15
Goldmine Intermediate Currently used/2
Image Composer Intermediate Currently used/7
Microsoft Front Page Expert Currently used/7
QuickBooks Intermediate Currently used/7
Quicken Intermediate Currently used/7
FileZilla Intermediate Currently used/9
Type 73wpm 10 Key 1200 strokes/min
English (Fluent - Full Knowledge)
Reference Name Phone Email Type
Kellen White 713-372-6758 Personal
Lisa Baumbach 713-858-6776 Personal
Jim Gentry 281-883-9331 Personal
Debbie Butt 713-535-5519 Professional
Additional Info
I am a licensed Insurance Service Representative specializing in the Property &
Casualty fields. I have also been a marketing and sales professional for over 15
years with a proven track record. While owning a small business in Katy, Texas,
a leading gourmet retail shop, I helped to build the clientele from approximate
ly 100 to well over 500 repeat customers in the first year, which resulted in in
creased revenue of over $10,000 monthly.
I attained my P&C ISR license in August of 2009. I am a graduate of the Art Inst
itute of Houston where I acquired an Associate Degree in Commercial Art in 1985
and I have done free-lance work since graduating.
2002-2004 Service Unit Cookie Manager for the Girl Scouts of America's Tall Pine
s Hill Service Unit*Organized the selling and distribution of 79 troops' cookie
orders involving 1,216 Brownie, Junior and Cadet Girl Scouts who sold 6123 CASES
of cookies in 2004*I was on the GSSJC "Cookie Committee" in 2005 helping to dec
ide which cookies would be sold the next year and what prizes the girls would re
ceive for their sales.
I have been a volunteer at my children's school for over 20 years and a long tim
e member of the Timbergrove Manor Civic Club where my family lived for the past
24 years. I now own a home in the Spring Branch area and am now part of the Spri
ng Oaks community. My oldest son in working on his Masters degree at Sam Houston
State University and will become a High School English teacher upon completion
of his studies. My second son is a senior at Houston Christian High School as we
ll as my daughter who will be a freshman this coming year. All with excellent gr
ades and at the top of their classes.
I love the outdoors and cycle 3 miles 3 days a week before work (weather permitt
ing) I enjoy attending and watching an array of sports including football, baske
tball and even hockey. College and professional teams alike as I grew up the *to
m-boy' of 4 girls. My father was a track star at SMU and thus became my coach of
all sports throughout my childhood. Always attaining a first place status no ma
tter which sport we played. I am a remarkable cook and love to entertain with fr
iends on the weekends when possible. (You should try my biscotti!)
My knowledge of how to care for my family and run a small business as well as my
education in the insurance and advertising fields will lend to my success and c
ommitment in any position that I am offered.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to learning more about your company and
what I can bring to your establishment.
With sincerest gratitude,
Charlene Gebhardt
But please.... Call me *Charley*

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