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sezn00 205 Aung Curent vari Dec Carat -Calege Pry | Opa Alternating Current ‘Most ofthe examples dealt with so far, and particulary those utlzing batterie, have constant voltage ‘sources. Once the current is established, tis thus also @ constant. Direct current (00) isthe flow of electric ‘charge in only one direction tis the steady state ofa constant-voltage circuit. Most well-known ‘applications, however, use a time-varying vottage source, Alternating current (AC) isthe flow of electric ‘charge that periosioally reverses direction. If the source varies periodically, particulary sinusoidal, the Ccrcut is known as an alternating current cicut. Examples include the commercial and residential power ‘that serves so many of our needs. Figure 20.16 shows graphs of voltage and curent versus time for typical [DC and AC power. The AC voltages and frequencies commonly used in homes and businesses vary around ‘the wort, Figure 20.16 a} 00 votage and ‘caren ae constant ne, ones ‘me curent i esabiohed (A raph of vllage and curt versus time fer 60-H2 AC power. The veltage and curet sesso sed aren phase forasinpe resistence creim. The fequencias land poe votages of AC sources ter rat. Figure 20.17 The ptontal erece sop orocktslgephysspag0 5 tenstiy-cuersvorut ect cren ” swezna0 {25 Atarating Cuan vr Dic Carat Colepe Phy | Open V between th teins of 29 AC votage source hatte a shown “The mathematical expression or V Ison by V = Vo sin 2nft Floure 20.12 shows a schematic ofa simple circu with an AC voltage source. The voltage between the ‘terminals fictuates as shown, with the AC voltage given by V=Vpsin 2nft, 20.38] where V isthe voltage at time t, Vg isthe peak voltage, and fis the frequency in hertz. Fortis simple resistance crcl, = V/R, and s0 the AC current is I fy sin 2m ft, 20.29] where Tis the curent a ime t, and Jp = Vo /R isthe peak current, For this example, the voltage and ‘current ar said to be in phase, as seen in Figure 20.160). Current inthe resistor altsrates back and forth jst ike the diving voltage, since I = V/ R. Ifthe resistor 's a fluorescent ight bul, for example, It brightens and dims 120 times per second as the curent repeatedly goes through zero. A 120-He fckeris too rapid for your eyes to detect, but ifyou wave your hhand back and forth between your face and a fuorescent light, you wil see a stroboscopic effect evidencing AC. The fact tha he light output fluctuates means thatthe power i ictuating. The power supplied is P = IV.Using the expression for and V above, we soe that the time dependence of powers Jap sin? 2n ft, as shown in Figure 20.18 MAKING CONNECTIONS: TAKE-HOME EXPERIMENT AC/DC LIGHTS. "Wave yeur hand back and forth between your face anda fluorescent ight bulb. Do you observe ‘the same thing withthe headlights on your car? Explain what you observe, Warning: Do not look calrctly at very bright igh. Figure 2018 AC pone ab auction ot tine Since the vege and curente phase he, her prot non-negative and fuchates Dewees zero and JV ‘reaps powers (1/2)f 5. pepe ongternelage hyespegee tt steing et saideccarnt waza ‘25 Aterting Guan vent Bc Curent -Colage Pc | Opi \We are most often concerned with average power rather than its fluctuations—that 60-W light bulb in your desk lamp has an average power consumption of 60 W, for example. As llus¥ated in Figur 20.18, the average power Paye Pare = 50 (20.40) 2 ‘This i evident from the graph, since the areas above and below the (1/2)10V line are equal, but it can also be proven using trigonometric identies. Similar, we define an averageoor rms current Irag and average or rms voltage Vag t0 bo, respectively, [20.44 and i “+ (20.42 Vous \where rms stands for root mean square, a particular kind of averago In genet, to obtain a root mean ‘square, the particular quantity is squared, Its mean (or average) is found, andthe square root is taken. This, is usetl for AG, since the average values zero. Now, Pave = Tema Verass 20.43 win es ky Void ey hh va va" 2 zoe4 18s stated above itis standard practice to quote Tras, Vay ANG Paye rather than the peak values. For ‘example, most household electric Is 120 VAC, which moans that Vag is 120 V. The common 10-A circuit breaker wil interrupt a sustained Ing greater than 10 A, Your 1.0-KW microwave oven consumes aye = 1.0 kW, and s0 on, You can think ofthese rms and average values as the equivalent DC values for fa simple resistive circu To summarize, when dealing with AC, Ohm's aw and the equations for power are completely analogous to those for DC, but ems and average values are used for AC. Thus, for AC, Ohm's law is writen Vie hy on = 20.5 ‘The various expressions for AC power Paye aro Pore = Tees Viees 20.46] va, Pap =, 2047 R and pslopaaa opfootlnlgephysalpgee20 Salen ret vari et aan ‘e00 20 Atematng Cuervo Oro Curor- Cage Phys | Penix Pore = Hina 20.88 EXAMPLE 20.9 Peak Voltage and Power for AC (a) What isthe valu ofthe peak votage for 120-V AC power? (b) What isthe peak power Consumption rate of & 60.0-W AC light bub? Strategy We are told that Vins i 120V and Par 8 60.0 W, We can use Vins =“ to find the peak voltage, and we can manipuate the definition of power to find the peak power from the given average power. ‘Solution for (a) ‘Solving the equation Vins = 4% forthe peak votage Vo and substtuting the known valve for Vins 08 Vo = VBVine = 1.414(120 V)= 170V. 7008 Discussion for (a) “This means that the AC voltage swings from 470 V to ~170 V and back 60 times every second An equivalent DC voltage isa constant 120 V ‘Solution for (b) Peak powers peak current times peak voltage. Thus, Py= e¥o=2( iY) = Paw 2050 “We know the average power is 60.0 Wand so Pp = 2(60.0 W)= 120 W. 2051 Discussion ‘80 the power swings from zero to 120 W one hundred twenty times per second (twice each ‘ysl, and the power averages 60 W. Why Use AC for Power Distribution? ‘Most large powor-dstibution systems are AC. Moreover, the power I transmitted at much higher voltages. ‘than the 120-V AG (240 V in most pats ofthe world) we use in homes and on the job. Economias of scale ‘make it cheaper to buld a few very large electric power-generation plants than to build numerous smal os tpeniax nesstolape yippee Saber curen-vervdrectciet ‘waz02 205 Avming Cuan venus ec Cure -Clage Pyles | Opti ‘ney. This necessiales vniiig pow long Uslances, and is obviously important that energy losses en route be minimized, High voltages can be transmitted with much smaller power losses than low votages, as we shal see. (Soe Figura 20 19) For safety reasors, the voltage at tho user is reduced to familar values. ‘The crucial factor is that its much easier to increase and decrease AC voltages than DC, so AC Is used in ‘most large power distribution systems. Figure 20,49 Poweris dred ver lage tances at high votago to reduce power loss inthe varamasion lees. The ‘otagee gunerate he ower pant ae Stopped up by passe Gevcoscaled ‘eanstormers (see Tinsformas) to 590000 vots fr mere n some paces werd) Atha pont of use, the transformers reduce the votage ‘ranted oases ane commercial use (Cred: Georg, ‘Were Commons) EXAMPLE 20.10 Power Losses Are Less for High-Voltage Transmission (@) What currents needed to transmit 100 MW of poner at 200 KV? {o) What is the power

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