Quarter 4-Science 4

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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Rizal
Morong, Rizal
Name: Quarter: FOURTH
Grade: Week: 1
Section: Timeframe: MAY 17 – JULY 10

The Earth is composed of three parts namely; soul, water, and air with the interaction of the sun as the
main source of energy on earth.
Soil is a very important natural resource on earth made of rocks and decayed plants and animals. It also
contains water and some gases found at the uppermost layer.
More than 97% of the earth’s water is in the world’s seas and oceans. Some are underground, and some
are stored in the mountains of ice caps in the pole of the earth. Water also helps in shaping the land and it helps
keep the earth’s climate from getting too hot or too cold. Without water no living thing can exist. Therefore, we
need to conserve these natural resources to be able to support life on earth.
The Earth is surrounded by a blanket of air called the atmosphere. The conditions of the atmosphere
give rise to weather conditions. The changing weather is caused by components which include air temperature,
wind speed and direction, and cloud formation which can be measured through the use of different weather
instruments. These factors are affected by the presence of the sun’s heat. It is important that we know the
weather conditions of the day to keep us safe and avoid accidents.
Life processes on earth is greatly influenced by the sun as the main source of heat and light energy. As
it warms the earth, it affects the temperature of the surface causing changes on the different processes needed to
support different life forms and other environmental processes.
Since the sun’s heat can also harm us, one should also know and practice the necessary safety
precautions to avoid the harmful effects of the sun.

WEEK 1-2: The different types of soil

There are three different types of Soil in our environment, namely:

Soil is a system into which energy and matter from the sun, the atmosphere, and living organisms
penetrate and interact. It is a system because it is composed of many different parts. Each of the layers has a
special function to perform.

Types of Soil Commong Characteristics

Particles, are packed together tighly. It is sticky when
1. Clay
wet and has the finest texture.
It is a mixture of sand and clay. It contains large
2. Loam amount of decaying plants and animals. It has a fine
3. Sand Particles are coarse and loose.
Learning Task 1
Prepare the following:
3 plastic cups of the same size, shape and color
3 popsicle sticks
3 plastics spoons
3 sheets of used short bond paper
Permanent marker

What to do:
1. Collect three samples of soil in your are and place each on separate cups
2. Label each sample with A, B, and C
3. Scoop at least two tablespoons of soil from each sample.
4. Place each sample on a separate bond paper.
5. Using a popsicle stick, observe each sample.
6. Write your observations on your science notebook using the table below.

Soil Characteristics
Soil Color Texture Odor

1. What common characteristics did you observe on your samples?
2. Do the samples have the same color, texture and color? Why do you think so?
3. What do you think is the type of soil that you observe?

WEEK 3-4: The different sources of water suitable for human consumption
Sources and Kinds of Water
Water comes from different sources. It may come from open or closed sources. It may also come from a
small body of water or a big body of water. Rainwater comes from clouds.
There are three main sources of water. The kind of water depends on its source. The three different
kinds of water are seawater, freshwater, and groundwater.

1. Seawater is salty. It contains plenty of salt. It is found in the seas and oceans. Seawater is also called hard

2. Freshwater is also called surface water. Unlike the seawater, it does not contain salt. This is found in
open but small bodies of water like rivers, lakes, creeks, and ponds. Surface water comes mostly from rain.
Rainwater flows from land into streams and rivers. In cold countries, it also comes from snow. Great quantities
of snow accumulate on highlands and mountains during winter. In spring, the snow melts and runs off into
surface water.

3. Groundwater is found beneath the earth’s surface. It comes from water that seeps into the ground. This
accumulates in the underground layer called water table. Groundwater is the safe source of water. It is
considered the cleanest water and contains plenty of dissolved minerals which the human body needs.

Uses of Water
Freshwater is used for cleaning, washing, bathing, preparing food and other household uses.
It sustains plant and animal life. It is used to water plants. It is given to animals to drink. Without
water, animals and people will die of thirst.

Freshwater in rivers, lakes and springs is used for recreation. One can go swimming or
boating in these places. Clean rivers and lakes are also a rich source of shrimps, crabs, and shellfish.
Rivers and lakes, like seawater, can serve as routes of transportation for boats like ferry boats
in Pasig River. Freshwater and groundwater may also be used in farms for irrigation and livestock
watering and in factories
Seawater is the habitat of marine aquatic plants and animals.

Learning Task 1
Write True if the statement is correct and False if not. Write your answer on the space before each
______ 1. Freshwater is also called hard water.
______ 2. Groundwater is a safe source of water.
______ 3. Seawater can be used as routes for transportation for boats.
______ 4. The different kinds of water are seawater, freshwater, rainwater and groundwater.
______ 5. Seawater is also called surface water.
______ 6. Seawater is good for drinking
______ 7. The oceans, seas, rivers and ponds are the habitats of most aquatic plants and animals.
_______ 8. Without water life on earth is possible.
_______ 9. Freshwater and groundwater are two important sources of water supply.
_______10. Another source of water are clouds and snow.
_______11. Groundwater is considered as the cleanest water.
_______12. Groundwater is found in lakes, creeks, and rivers.
_______13. Seawater can be turned into rock salts.
_______14. Seawater may also be used in farm for watering.
_______15. Freshwater accumulated in the underground layer is

WEEK 5-6: Trace and describe the importance of water cycle

The water part of the earth is called hydrosphere or water sphere. This covers three-fourths of its
surface. Therefore, water covers a larger area of its surface than land. That is why the earth is called “the blue
planet”. Water gives the earth its characteristics of blue color as seen from outer space. Water continuously
moves in the earth’s surface in a process called “water cycle”.

The Water Cycle

Water evaporates into the atmosphere from the land
and sea. Heat from the sun causes water to evaporate from
oceans, lakes and streams. Evaporation occurs when liquid
water on Earth’s surface turns into water vapor in our
atmosphere. Plants and animals then use and reuse water and
release water vapor into the air. When plants and trees release
water into the air, transpiration occurs. Animals and humans
release water to the atmosphere through the process called
Warm water vapor rises up through the Earth’s
atmosphere. As the water vapor rises higher and higher, the
cool air of the atmosphere causes the water vapor to turn
back into liquid water, creating clouds. This process is
called condensation.
When a cloud becomes full of liquid water, it falls from the
sky as rain or snow—also known as precipitation. Rain and
snow then fill lakes and streams, and the process starts all over
again. This sequence of events is known as the water cycle or hydrologic cycle.
Water cycle is important because it is how water reaches plants, animals and us. It provides
people, animals and plants with water. All life is dependent upon water. Water makes up 60 to70 percent of
all living matter and humans cannot live without drinking water for more than a week.
Although there is a continuous cycle of water, you might wonder if there will come a time when we will
run out of water. This happens because about 97% of the water in our surrounding is salty. Thus, only 3% of
this water is fresh or potable. This very small amount of fresh water is 67% locked in the form of ice mainly
found in Greenland and Antarctic. Therefore, only a very small amount of freshwater is found in rivers, lakes,
ponds and in the atmosphere in the form of water vapor.
Learning Task 1
Study the picture then answer the questions below. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. What do you think is the illustration about?
2. What are the different forms of water in the environment?
3. Do you think each form of water is important? Why?
4. Do you think balance in nature will be achieved if water cycle processes are not complete? Why?
Learning Task 2
Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Why is water cycle important?

a. It is a source of money.
b. It causes droughts.
c. It provides people, animals, and plants with water.
d. It is not useful to us.
2. What would happen if the water cycle stopped?
a. Stopping it would cause endless drought.
b. Stopping it would clean our rivers.
c. Stopping it would make the plants grow.
d. None of the above.
3. Which of the following human activities affect the water cycle?
a. Cleaning up streams and rivers
b. Swimming and fishing
c. Damming rivers for hydroelectricity
d. Planting trees along the river banks.
4. How can we protect our water sources?
a. planting trees
b. using chemicals
c. burning fossil fuels
d. dumping of garbage

5. Which of the following statements is false?

a. Water cycle is important because it is how water reaches plants, animals and humans.
b. 97% of the water in our surroundings is fresh or potable.
c. Water gives the earth its characteristic blue color as seen from outer space.
d. Water can change into three phases.

WEEK 7-8: Identify safety precautions during different weather conditions


It is important that we need to know weather conditions to keep us safe. We all love outdoor activities
only if we have fine weather. Field trips, kite flying, sports and camping are rarely held during rainy days.
Weather helps you decide what games or
activities you do.
Information and knowledge on weather forecast for the day also help us make necessary preparations.
During sunny days, we wear light, thin clothes and eat cold foods like ice cream, shake and others. We
must avoid exposing our skin to extreme sunlight by using umbrellas, hats, caps, or shades and/or applying
sunscreen lotion to protect the skin. We also need to drink a lot of water to keep us hydrated.
On rainy days, we usually wear thick cloths and eat warm food and we do not play in the rain to avoid
colds. We use raincoats, umbrellas and boots to keep us safe if we need to go out.
During windy days, we also wear thick clothes and we fly kites. We drink warm milk or coffee and we
also eat warm food. We should be very careful with fire during windy days, avoid burning dry leaves, and avoid
playing with fire. We should also avoid fishing or swimming during windy days as it is unsafe.

Weather also helps us decide what clothes to wear. We feel comfortable wearing light-colored thin
clothes on warm weather and dark-colored thick clothes and use blankets on cold weather.
Weather influences the kind of food we eat and the activities we do every day.
In case of stormy or windy weather, we are advised to stay home and take the needed safety measures.
We store enough food and prepare the flashlights, candles, water, and other needs in case there is a need to

Learning Task 1
Below is the list of activities that you should not do during a specific kind of weather. Write either sunny days,
rainy days, windy days. The first number is given to you as an example. Write only your answers on the space
before each number.
windy days 1. Do not burn dried leaves.
___________ 2. Do not expose yourself to too much heat of the sun.
___________ 3. Do not go for a walk under the trees.
___________ 4. Do not wear thick clothes.
___________ 5. Do not play uner the rain.
___________ 6. Do not wade in dirty water.

Learning Task 2
Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect. Write only your answers on the
space before each number.
_______ 1. We need to know weather conditions to keep us safe.
_______ 2. Weather helps us decide what clothes to wear.
_______ 3. Weather influenced the kind of activities we do.
_______ 4. Knowledge on weather forecast help us to prepare.
_______ 5. Typhoons can destroy properties and lives.

Check if you are done:

Week 1 Week 5
Week 2 Week 6
Week 3 Week 7
Week 4 Week 8

Parents/Guardian Signature, Date

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