Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Educaation-Jennyhernandez

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At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:
a. Know the background of the game softball
b. Differentiate the responsibilities and characteristics of positions
c. Display the field positioning in softball.


a. TOPIC: Fielding Positions in Softball
b. REFERENCE: Internet
c. MATERIALS: laptop, projector, videos and pictures.


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

(Preparatory Activity)

Good morning class!

Good morning ma’am!

So before you take your seats kindly pick out the

pieces of paper and make sure that your chair is in
line straight.


Okay class, kindly stand up and we are going
to play a game. (The teacher will tell the students
to form a line and the activity will be done outside)

The Students will stand up and will form a

line and they will proceed outside the
Okay, class the game that you are about to
experience is what we called “touch, catch and
(The teacher will discuss the instruction and
mechanics of the game )

Are you excited?

Okay let’s have 5 groups. The members per group Yes Teacher!
will consist of 5 members.
(The students will group by the instruction
of the teacher)

Now class, let’s begin the game!

(The teacher will assist the students and give
scores to respective group)

Very good everyone! You all did a great job!

Let’s give “mahusay clap” to the winning group.

1, 2, 3.
1, 2, 3 MAHUSAY!
1, 2, 3.
For now class before we go back to our classroom 1, 2, 3 MAHUSAY!
let’s cool down first.

(The class will proceed to cool down

After the cool down exercises the class will go
back to the classroom.

Now let’s move on with our topic. But before that
(The teacher will show a picture), what can you
see in this picture?

A diamond Teacher!
Okay very good. Let’s pretend that this picture is a
softball diamond.
What is the missing to complete that softball

Yes, Shaina? Teacher!

If that is a softball diamond and it is about

sport that is connected to our last topic, I
Very good! think it should have players.
So, what we going to do is to put the missing
Positions in that diamond.
Kindly paste it on their respected positions.
(volunteer students will paste the players in
Okay, let’s find out if you guess it right! a position they think suited to each players)

Our topic for today is all about fielding positions

in softball.
But before we formally dive in to our discussion,
what do you realize after we play the game
“Touch, catch and Home?”
Yes Nicolla?
I realize that in the game we play, we need
Okay that’s a good realization. Another? to know our position, aim and we need to
Yes Leo? focus.

Okay very good. Teacher, I realize how important speed and

So class all your realization and the game we alertness is.
played is connected to our lesson.


Okay class, let me introduce to you first the history

of softball.

(The teacher will read the history of Softball)

There are two teams compete in each game. (The students are listening attentively)
How many players are there in a team?

Okay. It composed of nine player’s man the field,

and nine batters hit in a predetermined order for Nine Players Teacher.
each team know as a batting order or line up.

The nine defensive positions can be grouped into

two general categories.

It is called the INFIELDERS AND

Infielders are composed of six positions.
Kindly give them class?
Yes Kristine?

What else? Yes Jaira?

Pitcher Teacher.
Another? Yes Jen?
Catcher Teacher.
What else? Yes Diane?
1st baseman Teacher.
Another? Yes Ely?
2nd baseman Teacher
How about the last one? Yes Justine?
3rd baseman Teacher.
Okay very good class, you really list the important
details I’ve read. Shortstop Teacher.
But to widen your understanding, all that positions
has their responsibilities. Can you please read the
first one, Michael?

Thank you. Okay it is said that Pitcher pitches the Pitcher-pitches the ball from the pitcher’s
ball from the pitcher’s mound to the catcher. How mound to the catcher.
about the responsibility of Cather? Yes Charry
Please read.

Catcher-crouches behind home plate and

Okay thank you Charry. How about the next 3 Pitches thrown by the pitcher. Also
baseman positions and their responsibilities? Yes receives throws from fielders attempting to
Jenna? Next Kim. Next Ry. make outs at home plate.

1st baseman-“Fields,” or defends, balls hit

near the 1st base line. Receives throws from
fielders attempting to make outs at 1st

2nd baseman-Fields balls hit near 2nd base.

Receives throws from fielders attempting to
make outs at 2nd base. Often involved in a

3rd baseman-Fields balls hit near the 3rd

base line.
Receives throws from other fielders
attempting to make outs at 3rd base.

Okay, as you can see they all have different

responsibilities that they need to focus especially
when they are in game. And it is really important
to know your place, positions and assign
responsibilities. Shortstop-Fields balls hit between the
How about the last one? Yes Ralph? second baseman and third baseman. Covers
2nd base when the ball is hit to the second

None teacher.
Any question from the infielders class?

Now, let’s proceed to outfielders.

Outfielders are composed of 3 positions.
Based on the history I’ve read a while ago, what The three positions in outfielders are Left
are these 3 positions? fielder, right fielder and center fielder
Yes Gemma? Teacher.

Okay you got it right! And class just like the

infielders, outfielders’ positions has their
corresponding responsibilities also.

The three fielders, they are attempting to catch

balls hit into their portion of the outfield. Balls hit
to the outfield are generally ground balls or fly
balls hit past the infield.
None teacher.
2 teams Teacher.
Class, any question about the fielding positions in
softball? 6 positions Teacher.
Again, how many team compete in each game? 3 fielders Teacher.
How many positions occupied the infielders?

How about the outfielders?

Okay very good class. You really understand the

discussion. But to fully assess your understanding
let’s have an activity.

IV. EVALUATION (The students will follow the instruction of

the teacher)
Get a 1sheet of typewriting, pencil and colouring
materials. Draw and label the “Fielding Position in


Next meeting, wear your proper uniform and ready for our activity as we apply the lesson
we tackled today in physical and actual practice.

Prepared by:

Jenny A. Hernandez


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