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Medical Management of Hyperthyroidism

Lauren A. Trepanier, DVM, PhD, Dip. ACVIM, Dip. ACVCP

Radioiodine is considered the treatment of choice for hyperthyroidism, but in some situa-
tions, methimazole therapy is preferred, such as in cats with pre-existing renal insuffi-
ciency. Methimazole blocks thyroid hormone synthesis, and controls hyperthyroidism in
more than 90% of cats that tolerate the drug. Unfavorable outcomes are usually due to side
effects such as gastrointestinal (GI) upset, facial excoriation, thrombocytopenia, neu-
tropenia, or liver enzyme elevations; warfarin-like coagulopathy or myasthenia gravis
have been reported but are rare. Because restoration of euthyroidism can lead to a drop
in glomerular filtration rate, all cats treated with methimazole should be monitored with
BUN and creatinine, in addition to serum T4, complete blood count, and liver enzymes.
Transdermal methimazole is associated with fewer GI side effects, and can be used in
cats with simple vomiting or inappetance from oral methimazole. Hypertension may not
resolve immediately when serum T4 is normalized, and moderate to severe hyperten-
sion should be treated concurrently with atenolol, amlodipine, or an ACE inhibitor.
Alternatives to methimazole include carbimazole, propylthiouracil, or iodinated contrast
Clin Tech Small Anim Pract 21:22-28 © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

KEYWORDS hyperthyroidism, methimazole, carbimazole, beta blockers, radioiodine, propyl-

thiouracil, ipodate, iopanoic acid, surgical thyroidectomy, antithyroid drugs, transdermal

H yperthyroidism is the most common endocrine disor-

der in cats, with a 2% prevalence in cats presenting to
teaching hospitals.1 Management options include radioio-
Methimazole Actions,
Dosing, and Efficacy
dine therapy, thyroidectomy, or medical treatment with an- Methimazole blocks thyroid hormone synthesis by inhibiting
tithyroid drugs such as methimazole. Radioiodine is consid- thyroid peroxidase, an enzyme involved in the oxidation of
ered the treatment of choice for hyperthyroidism, based on iodide to iodine, incorporation of iodine into thyroglobulin,
its high efficacy and relative lack of complications (Table 1). and coupling of tyrosine residues to form T4 and triiodothy-
However, there are some situations in which methimazole ronine (T3). Methimazole does not block the release of pre-
therapy may be preferred over radioiodine. Practical consid- formed thyroid hormone, which explains the delay of 2 to 4
erations, such as lack of a convenient referral center with a weeks before serum T4 concentrations fully normalize after
radiation license, client fears about radiation or quarantine, beginning treatment in cats.2 Methimazole does not decrease
or initial cost to the client, may drive the use of methimazole. goiter size, and in fact goiters may become larger over time
Methimazole can be used before thyroidectomy to normalize despite therapy.
serum thyroxine (T4) concentrations,2 and reduce the risk of Typical starting doses of methimazole range from 1.25 to
complications, such as tachyarrhythmias, during anesthesia. 2.5 mg twice daily (Table 2). More frequent dosing (q. 8
Methimazole, which is reversible, is also useful in cats with hours) is rarely necessary. Higher doses of 5 mg 2 to 3 times
renal insufficiency, either for long term therapy or as a “test daily, used in original cases of cats with relatively high serum
dose” to determine whether serum T4 can be safely lowered T4 concentrations,2 are probably not needed for initial ther-
without causing renal decompensation. apy of cats with mild to moderate hyperthyroidism, and
could potentially increase the risk of renal decompensation
from a rapid fall in serum T4. Methimazole is effective in
normalizing T4 in the majority of treated cats, and this effect
is dose-dependent.2 Starting dosages can be titrated upwards
Department of Medical Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madi- if there is an inadequate initial response to lower doses of
son, WI. methimazole over 2 to 4 weeks. In cats that tolerate methim-
Address reprint requests to Lauren A. Trepanier, DVM, PhD, Dip. ACVIM, Dip.
ACVCP, Associate Professor, Department of Medical Sciences, School of
azole without side effects, efficacy is greater than 90%.2-4
Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2015 Linden Drive, In humans, methimazole has a long residence time in the
Madison, WI, 53706-1102. E-mail: thyroid gland, and can exert antithyroid effects for 24 hours

22 1096-2867/06/$-see front matter © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Medical management of hyperthyroidism 23

Table 1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Major Therapies for Blood Dyscrasias

Feline Hyperthyroidism
Methimazole can lead to neutropenia and/or thrombocyto-
Treatment Advantages Disadvantages penia in 3 to 9% of treated cats.2,3 Cats with methimazole-
Radioiodine >90% efficacy36,60 High initial expense induced blood dyscrasias usually recover within a week of
Single injection Somewhat limited drug discontinuation. Continuing methimazole in the face of
availability thrombocytopenia has lead to clinically significant hemor-
Few side effects Irreversible rhage, including epistaxis and oral bleeding.2 Rechallenge
(rare with methimazole in one cat with neutropenia lead to a re-
dysphagia)36 currence of severe neutropenia within seven days of re-ad-
Curative ministration.2
Thyroidectomy ⬃90% efficacy61 High initial expense
Although the mechanisms for these blood dyscrasias in
Curative Anesthetic risks
Risk of
cats have not been established, methimazole-induced neu-
hypoparathyroidism tropenia in humans is associated with an arrest of myeloid
Risk of recurrent progenitors in the bone marrow.9,10 Serum from affected hu-
laryngeal nerve mans inhibits normal granulocyte-macrophage CFUs in
damage vitro, suggesting antibody or cytokine-mediated effects.11
Irreversible Studies in humans have found an association between me-
Methimazole Low initial Daily drug thimazole-associated neutropenia and the presence of an-
expense administration tineutrophil antibodies and certain human leukocyte antigen
⬃90% efficacy Drug side effects (HLA) gene mutations, further implicating autoimmune
in cats that mechanisms.12,13 Treatment with granulocyte-macrophage
do not have side
colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) has been advocated in
humans,14 but does not appear to hasten recovery in most
cases.15 In cats, methimazole treatment has been associated
with red cell autoantibodies,2 but the presence of antibodies
to platelet or neutrophil antigens has not been evaluated.
or more,5,6 despite a short plasma elimination half life. Be-
cause of this, methimazole can be given once daily in humans Facial Excoriation
with remission rates that are comparable to divided daily Approximately 2 to 3% of cats treated with methimazole will
dosing.7,8 In our study of 40 hyperthyroid cats, we found that develop excoriations of the face and neck,2 leading to char-
once daily dosing (5 mg q. 24 hour) was less effective than acteristic scabbed lesions in front of the pinnae. Generalized
divided dosing (2.5 mg q. 12 hour), with only 54% of cats erythema and pruritus may also occur. These excorations are
euthyroid after 2 weeks of once daily treatment, compared only partially responsive to glucocorticoids, and drug discon-
with 87% of cats treated with divided dosing.4 Therefore, tinuation is almost always required.2 Pruritis has also been
unless clients are absolutely unable to dose more frequently reported in human patients treated with methimazole, but
than once daily, divided twice daily dosing of methimazole is the mechanisms for these reactions have not been explored.14
preferred to maximize efficacy. Dosing less frequently than
once daily is unlikely to be effective, as serum T4 concentra- Hepatotoxicity
tions rise to pretreatment hyperthyroid values within 48 Methimazole is associated rarely with cholestatic hepatopa-
hours after discontinuing methimazole.2 thy in humans.16 Increases in serum alkaline phosphatase
(SAP) and bilirubin, or alanine aminotransferase (ALT), are
observed in approximately 2% of cats treated with methim-
Methimazole Side Effects azole2,3; liver biopsy in one cat showed hepatic necrosis and
Side effects of methimazole have been reported in 18% of degeneration.2 Liver enzyme elevations are usually reversible
treated cats, to include blood dyscrasias, facial excoriation, over several weeks following drug discontinuation, although
hepatotoxicity, and simple gastrointestinal (GI) upset.2 Pos- nutritional and fluid support may be required. Rechallenge in
itive antinuclear antibodies (ANA) have been documented in one cat lead to recurrent hepatopathy,2 and future drug
over 20% of treated cats, with uncertain clinical significance.2 avoidance is generally recommended. In rodent models of
The risk of positive ANA increases with dose and duration of methimazole hepatotoxicity, an oxidative metabolite has
therapy, and can be reversed with dose reduction. Positive been implicated, and toxicity is exacerbated by glutathione
ANA were not associated with blood dyscrasias or other ad- depletion.17 The role of glutathione depletion, or supplemen-
verse clinical events, and no affected cats had lupus-like tation, in methimazole-associated hepatotoxicity in cats has
not been evaluated.
signs).2 The cats reported in this large series had relatively
high serum T4 concentrations (with many cats ⬎20 ␮g/dL,)
and were administered 10 to 15 mg of methimazole per day. Simple Gastrointestinal Upset
The incidence of positive ANA has not been subsequently Anorexia, vomiting, and lethargy are reported in approxi-
evaluated in a comparably large group of cats with milder mately 10% of cats treated with methimazole at 10 to 15 mg
hyperthyroidism treated with lower daily doses of methima- per day.2 Simple gastrointestinal (GI) upset is most common
zole. in the first 2 to 4 weeks of treatment, and can resolve with a
24 L.A. Trepanier

Table 2 Drugs Useful in the Medical Management of Hyperthyroidism

Drug Indications Dosage Side effects Comments
Methimazole Hyperthyroid cats with 1.25 to 5 mg per cat GI upset Transdermal route has
azotemia, or for twice daily (start at Facial excoriation fewer GI side effects
clients declining lower end) Blood dyscrasias
radioiodine Hepatopathy
Carbimazole Prodrug of methimazole 2.5 to 5 mg per cat GI upset
twice daily Facial excoriation
Blood dyscrasias
Iopanoic acid or Adjunct control of T3 in 100 to 200 mg per Inhibits conversion of T4
calcium ipodate cats intolerant of day (empirical) to T3
methimazole Effects may be transient
Propylthiouracil Unclear if useful for 25 mg per cat twice Hemolytic anemia
cats intolerant of daily (empirical) Thrombocytopenia
methimazole Bleeding diathesis
Propranolol Control of 2.5 to 5 mg per cat Bronchoconstriction Inhibits conversion of T4
tachyarrhythmias or three times daily in cats with prior to T3
hyperactivity; adjunct lower airway
control of T3 in cats disease
intolerant of full
dosages of
Atenolol Control of 3.125 to 6.25 mg per Beta-one selective
tachyarrhythmias or cat twice daily blocker
Enalapril or benazepril Control of hypertension 0.5 mg/kg once daily Lethargy, inappetance Potential effect of limiting
glomerulosclerosis in
cats with renal disease;
benazepril does not
accumulate in renal
Amlodipine Control of moderate to 0.625 mg per cat Lethargy, inappetance Drug of choice for severe
severe hypertension once daily hypertension

reduction in drug dosage. These signs may be due in part to by warfarin), at high concentrations.22 In a study of 20 hy-
direct gastric irritation from the drug, because transdermal perthyroid cats treated with methimazole, there were no sig-
administration of methimazole is associated with signifi- nificant changes in prothrombin time or activated partial
cantly fewer GI side effects than the oral route.3 thromboplastin time, but one cat developed a prolonged
PIVKA clotting time.23 No cats had clinically significant
Renal Decompensation bleeding. This suggests a possible, but apparently uncom-
Cats with hyperthyroidism have abnormally high glomerular mon, “warfarin-like” effect of methimazole in cats as well.
filtration rates (GFR), as measured by iohexol clearance or This may explain why a single methimazole-treated cat
renal scintigraphy.18-20 Treating hyperthyroidism with me- (0.3%) in the large case series2 developed a bleeding diathesis
thimazole leads to decreases in GFR in most hyperthyroid without thrombocytopenia. This reaction is rare enough not
cats.18 Similar results have been found in hyperthyroid cats to warrant routine monitoring, but should be considered in
treated with thyroidectomy or radioiodine,21 with 15 to 22% any cat presenting with hemorrhage that is also being treated
of cats developing new azotemia.19,20 While these biochemi- with methimazole.
cal changes are generally clinically silent, occasional cats will
develop signs of illness referable to underlying renal dis-
ease.18 Because methimazole is reversible, it is the preferred Acquired Myasthenia Gravis
approach for initial treatment of hyperthyroid cats with pre- Another apparently rare side effect of methimazole in cats is
existing azotemia, to determine whether lowering of serum the development of acquired myasthenia gravis.24 Neuro-
T4 will lead to unacceptable renal decompensation.21 muscular weakness, along with positive antibody titers to the
acetylcholine receptor, were reported in 4 cats treated with
Coagulation Abnormalities methimazole for 2 to 4 months. Creatinine kinase was ele-
In humans, methimazole is uncommonly associated with hy- vated in 2 cats, and 1 cat had a biopsy diagnosis of concurrent
poprothrombinemia.22 Methimazole, and to a lesser extent polymyositis. Cats responded to drug discontinuation, or the
propylthiouracil, inhibit vitamin K-dependent clotting factor addition of prednisone to the methimazole treatment regi-
activation (␥-carboxylation) and epoxide reductase (neces- men. One cat relapsed with re-introduction of the drug. Al-
sary for vitamin K recycling, and the same enzyme targeted though this does not appear to be a side effect of methimazole
Medical management of hyperthyroidism 25

in humans, hyperthyroidism itself can copresent with myas- Lack of

thenia in humans25; in 1 human patient, methimazole ther-
apy was thought to worsen the clinical signs of myasthenia.26
Response to Methimazole
The most common reason for failure of methimazole therapy
is the development of side effects requiring drug discontinu-
Clinical Monitoring ation. It is otherwise uncommon for cats to fail to respond to
a dose titration of methimazole; in one series of 262 cats
Based on the spectrum of possible adverse reactions to me-
(some severely hyperthyroid), less than 1% of cats were re-
thimazole, clinical monitoring at 2 to 3 and 4 to 6 weeks of fractory to titrated dosages of methimazole.2 However, some
treatment should include a complete blood count (CBC), cats will not tolerate the dose of methimazole that is needed
ALT and SAP, and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine, to normalize serum T4 concentrations. In these cases, radio-
in addition to serum T4. This same work-up should also be iodine is indicated. For cats that are not good candidates for
performed if a cat becomes clinically ill during methimazole radioiodine (eg, moderate to severe azotemia, advanced age
treatment, since it is important to differentiate simple GI with other debilitating problems), an alternative approach is
upset (for which a lower dose or a switch to transdermal to use lower doses of methimazole that are tolerated, and add
methimazole may be curative) from blood dyscrasias or hep- a beta blocker (eg, atenolol, 3.125 or 6.25 mg per cat twice
atopathy, for which methimazole should be discontinued. daily) to control tachycardia. These cats need to be moni-
It is also important to measure renal function and T4 si- tored for changes in renal function or for continued weight
multaneously during methimazole therapy, to determine loss.
whether the cat’s kidneys can tolerate the level of GFR asso-
ciated with normal thyroid function. If a cat becomes newly
azotemic, with clinical signs of polyuria, polydipsia, and in-
Methimazole Before
appetance, the dosage of methimazole can be titrated to Pertechnetate Scanning
maintain the serum T4 in the high normal range, with addi- or Radioiodine Therapy
tional use of drugs to control hypertension and tachyarrhyth-
Because methimazole does not inhibit iodide uptake by the
mias (see Management of Hypertension, below).
thyroid, concurrent methimazole therapy does inhibit
99mTC-pertechnetate thyroid scanning in hyperthyroid

cats,29 and in fact, may enhance imaging.30 Methimazole does

Transdermal Methimazole inhibit organification of iodine, which would be expected to
Methimazole is available through custom compounding decrease the residence time of radioiodine within the thyroid.
pharmacies in a transdermal formulation in pluronic lecithin In humans, patients randomized to treatment with methim-
organogel (PLO). PLO acts as a permeation enhancer to allow azole up to 4 days before radioiodine had no difference in
drug absorption across the stratum corneum. Although me- outcome when compared with patients given no methima-
thimazole in PLO has been shown to have poor absorption in zole pretreatment.31 However, other studies in humans have
cats after a single dose,27 chronic dosing in hyperthyroid cats found that administration of methimazole before32 or imme-
is effective in lowering serum T4 concentrations.3,28 Methim- diately after33 radioiodine was associated with poorer re-
azole in PLO is applied to the cat’s inner pinna, alternating sponses. Retrospective studies in hyperthyroid cats have
ears with each dose. Owners wear examination gloves or found no association between the time of methimazole dis-
finger cots during administration, and are instructed to re- continuation before radioiodine, and long-term radioiodine
move crusted material with a moistened cotton ball before efficacy.34,35 Even cats that had methimazole discontinued
less than 5 days before radioiodine had no overall difference
the next dose.
in outcome compared with cats with a longer washout
In a randomized trial comparing oral to transdermal me-
period.35 However, there is no data to support the continua-
thimazole in PLO in 47 hyperthyroid cats (2.5 mg q. 12
tion of methimazole up until the time of radioiodine therapy.
hour), transdermal methimazole had significantly fewer gas-
A 1- to 2-week washout period for methimazole has been
trointestinal side effects (4% of cats) compared with oral adopted by many radioiodine facilities, based on efficacy data
(24% of cats).3 There were no differences in the incidence of from the largest cases series published (524 cats).36 There is
facial excoriation, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, or hepa- some evidence to suggest that recent methimazole discontin-
totoxicity between routes. However, transdermal methima- uation may actually have a short term rebound effect to en-
zole was associated with somewhat lower efficacy (only 67% hance radioiodine efficacy.37 This is consistent with a study in
euthyroid by 4 weeks) compared with oral methimazole normal cats, in which methimazole, when discontinued 4 to
(82% euthyroid by 4 weeks). This may be because of lower 9 days before radioiodine, lead to maximally increased radio-
bioavailability of the transdermal formulation. iodine (123I) uptake compared with no methimazole treat-
Drawbacks of methimazole in PLO include erythema at the ment.30
dosing site in some cats, increased formulation costs, and
unproven drug stability beyond 2 weeks. However, methim-
azole in PLO appears to be effective (anecdotally) beyond 2 Management of Hypertension
weeks. We recommend that serum T4 values be checked Hypertension has been reported to be as prevalent as 87% in
toward the end of a 2-month prescription of the transdermal hyperthyroid cats38; however, it is possible that hospital-in-
formulation, to confirm that thyroid control persists. duced stress affected the readings in this early study. Subse-
26 L.A. Trepanier

quent surveys of cats with hyperthyroidism report the prev- bimazole is used in the United Kingdom for cats with hyper-
alence of hypertension in hyperthyroid cats to be 5 to thyroidism, and there are anecdotal reports that side effects
22%,3,4,39 with many cats with hypertension having concur- such as blood dyscrasias are less common with carbimazole
rent azotemia.39 in cats in the UK compared with methimazole in cats in the
Normalizing serum T4 may not significantly control blood US. This may be related to the finding that a 5 mg dose of
pressure in the first weeks of therapy.4 Therefore, direct man- carbimazole yields approximately 50% lower methimazole
agement of moderate to severe hypertension is indicated plasma concentrations than does a 5 mg dose of methima-
along with antithyroid treatment. Commonly used antihy- zole.51 There are no good studies comparing the side effect
pertensive agents include amlodipine, beta-blockers, or the rates of methimazole to carbimazole, and because carbima-
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors enalapril or zole is converted into methimazole, its use in cats with ad-
benazepril. There have been no clinical trials evaluating the verse reactions to methimazole is probably ill-advised.
comparative efficacy of these drugs in this setting. Beta block-
ers such as atenolol may be particularly useful if signs of
hyperactivity or tachyarrhythmias are present. The calcium Beta-Blockers
channel blocker amlodipine (starting dose, 0.625 mg per cat Beta-blockers can reduce the “sympathetic overdrive” char-
once daily40;) may be particularly effective for severe hyper- acteristic of hyperthyroidism, to include tachycardia, ar-
tension.41 ACE inhibitors such as benazepril (0.5 mg/kg once rhythmias, hyperactivity, and aggression. Propranolol has
daily) have the potential benefit of reducing intraglomerular the additional potential benefit of reducing the conversion of
pressure in patients with renal disease.42 In cats with overt T4 to T3.52 Therefore, propranolol (2.5 to 5 mg per cat three
azotemia, benazepril, which does not accumulate in renal times daily) is useful for the short-term management of cats
insufficiency,43 has an advantage over enalapril. intolerant of methimazole, for which radioiodine or thyroid-
In some hyperthyroid cats without initial hypertension, ectomy are planned. As a nonselective beta-blocker, how-
hypertension can actually develop several months after treat-
ever, propranolol can lead to bronchospasm in cats with a
ment for hyperthyroidism,39 possibly because of unmasking
prior history of reactive airway disease.53,54 Atenolol, a selec-
of underlying renal insufficiency. Therefore, rechecking cats
tive beta-1 blocker, is not associated with bronchospasm,
for hypertension 2 to 3 months after restoration of a euthy-
and is preferred (3.125 or 6.25 mg per cat twice daily) for
roid state is indicated.
beta blockade in cats with a history of cough or bronchial
changes on chest radiographs. Because neither of these treat-
Other Antithyroid Drug Options ments normalizes serum T4 or prevents weight loss, these
drugs alone are not appropriate for long-term management of
Propylthiouracil (PTU) hyperthyroid cats.
Propylthiouracil (PTU) was the first drug used in the man-
agement of hyperthyroid cats in the early 1980s.44 This drug
is less potent than methimazole, and required high doses (eg, Iodinated Contrast Agents
50 mg q. 8 to 12 hours) to normalize serum T4 concentra- Iodinated contrast agents, such as ipodate and iopanoic acid,
tions. PTU was associated with an unacceptably high inci- inhibit conversion of T4 to T3,55 and have been advocated for
dence of adverse events, to include positive ANA, Coombs use in hyperthyroid cats that do not tolerate methimazole.
positive hemolytic anemia, and thrombocytopenia with The efficacy of ipodate was evaluated in hyperthyroid cats,56
bleeding diathesis, in approximately 8% of hyperthyroid at a dosage of 100 mg of calcium ipodate daily, titrated to 200
cats.45 This syndrome was reproduced experimentally in mg/d as needed. Eight out of 12 cats responded with weight
more than 50% of cats in a research setting,46 with a dose- gain, decreased in serum T3, and decreased heart rate. Serum
dependent induction of ANA that was attributed to a reactive T4 concentrations were unaffected. Ipodate (Oragrafin; 308
sulfur atom in the drug’s structure.47 A similar atom is also mg iodine per 500 mg calcium ipodate) is no longer mar-
present in methimazole, and, unfortunately, is necessary for keted, but iopanoic acid (Telepaque; 333 mg iodine per 500
the antithyroid action of these drugs.48 Later attempts to ex- mg iopanoic acid)57 and diatrizoate meglumine (Gastrogra-
perimentally recreate this syndrome in cats were not success- fin; 370 mg iodine per mL) have been used anecdotally in
ful. Researchers hypothesized that taurine deficiency (with hyperthyroid cats at comparable doses. However, long term
associated impaired drug elimination) may have exacerbated control may be poor, as the effects of these agents are often
the side effects of PTU when it was first used.49 Methimazole
transient in both cats and humans.56,58 All iodine-containing
and PTU share structural similarities, and patients with blood
agents will interfere with thyroid scanning and radioiodine
dyscrasias, hepatopathy, or facial excoriation from methim-
therapy. In humans, iopanoic acid is discontinued 2 weeks
azole may well have similar adverse reactions to PTU; how-
before radioiodine therapy, with 94% of patients having a
ever, the degree of cross-reactivity has not been critically
normalized thyroid scan, and response to radioiodine, by
examined in cats.
then.59 Similar data are not available for cats.60,61
Carbimazole is a substituted derivative of methimazole that Acknowledgment
was developed with expectations of a longer duration of ac- Supported in part by grants from the Winn Feline Founda-
tion in humans.50 However, carbimazole acts primarily as a tion, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison Companion
prodrug of methimazole in both humans and cats.50,51 Car- Animal Grant Fund.
Medical management of hyperthyroidism 27

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