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● It is not typical for a person to be labeled as austiic

● Autism affects about 1 in every 88 children

Common Characteristics of Children with Disability

- Hand flapping

- Emotional meltdowns

- Avoidance of eye contact

- Skilled at perceiving details as opposed to whole gestalts

- Do better than their typically developing peers

Accommodations/Modifications that
may help students be more successful
- Using email, chat rooms, and social media sites can be better for them because there are not many social cues

to pick up on online

- Touchscreen interfaces for those who have difficulty using a mouse or joystick or keyboard

- Development of robots that teach social skills

- Mytalk mobile app allows those with autism to express their needs to others through pictures

- stories2Learn provides a vivid way of putting together stories with pictures

- Look in my eyes app rewards players for quickly focusing on the onscreen eyes of a virtual person

- paying attention to the gifts and abilities of children on the autism spectrum is very important

- Look for ways in which a student’s special interests can be used to help teach different parts of the curriculum

- Students should have access to visual resources that provide them with opportunities to succeed, including

visual puzzles, art materials, and heavily illustrated books and magazines

- Sharing interests can help students gain self esteem and promote peer acceptance
● Learning disabilities are the most common reason that children are referred for special education services

● Students can have one or more or these disorders at the same time

Common Characteristics of Children with Disability

- Students may have trouble reading, writing, listening, speaking, reasoning, calcularing, sensory processing, and


- Process information with greater difficulty in two areas of the brain.

- Many of these kids doodle on their worksheet, draw cartoons, etc

Accommodations/Modifications that
may help students be more successful

- audio books provide access to books they might find difficult to read

- Word processing programs provide a range of features to help readers and writers with dyslexia

- Font sizes can be made larger or more colorful

- Background colors can be varied

- Word count feature helps keep track of their progress in writing tasks

- Spell and grammar checkers

- Tape recorders to record lectures for playback

- Smart pens which record lectures while the student takes notes

- Speech to text software translates oral language to text on the computer

- Devices that translate printed text into spoken languages

- Having students form letters in clay or with pipe cleaners, draw them on pavement with chalk, trace them in sandpaper,

manipulate them using colored block or tiles

- Suggest that students write captions for photographs

- Tell students to close their eyes and visualize what they just read

- Use video to teach specific content

● The prevalence of ADHD in the United States has increased dramatically in the past few years

● ADHD diagnoses on increased by 21.8 percent from 2003 to 2007

Common Characteristics of Children with Disability

- Hyperactivity

- Distractibility

- Inattention

- Impulsivity

Accommodations/Modifications that
may help students be more successful
- Many tools used for students with LD will also help those with ADHD

- Animated apps

- Give students choices

- Programs such as Clutter Cloak, readability, and pace care help minimize distractions on websites

- iStudiez app tracks tasks and deadlines and helps with homework planning and assignments

- iHomework records grades and keeps track of reading assignments

- The time timer app lets students know how much time they have left to complete an activity

- Neurofeedback training


Learning stratege=ies for students should

- Be delivered in short, dynamic segments

- Have high emotional content

- Deal with creativity

- Activite the students imagination

- Employ humor

- Provide immediate feedback

- Relate to personal lives

- Utilize novel situations

- Involve frequent changes like standing then sitting

- Learning activities should involve physical movement

- Hands on learning activities

- Use guided imagery to teach lessons

● People with intellectual disabilities are capable of many wonderful things

● Having an intellectual disability is defined as having an IQ score of 70 or below and impairments in daily

functioning such as communication, self-care, social interactions, and academic achievement

● “People with disabilities can learn!”

Common Characteristics of Children with Disability

- Low IQ score

- Those with down syndrome have considerable power of imitation

- They are humorous

- Lively sense of the ridiculous often colors their mimicry

- Friendly and charming

- Those with WIlliams syndrome show higher musical ability

Accommodations/Modifications that
may help students be more successful
- Word processors
- Calculators

- Books on tape

- Many apps available for computers, tablets, and smartphones

- Touchscreens

- Augmentative and alternative communication programs are important for those who struggle with


- Proloquo2go digital library provides sentences that are converted to picture buttons

- Nintendo Wii and Microsoft Kinect for Xbox allow players to engage in the physical motions of a sport

- Teaching through games is another strategy that can benefit students

- Having students learn with hands on, vivid, and experiential activities

- Emphasize their strengths such as musical, spatial, interpersonal, etc

- Engage students by linking lessons to their personal lives

- When studying geography and maps have students create a highly visual and colorful map of their

journey from home to school or to a friends house

- Be dramatic when presenting a new learning material

- Teach the same concept in many different contexts

- Listen carefully to what students say and use the students’ own words

● Half of all students with emotional and behavioral disorders drop out of school

● They fail more classes, earn lower grade point averages, and miss more days of school

● Twenty percent of students are arrested before they even leave school

Common Characteristics of Children with Disability

- Insights, charisma, playfulness, and vitality
- Hyperactivity

- Aggression

- withdrawal

Accommodations/Modifications that
may help students be more successful
- Self-monitoring strategies

- Create computer-based multimedia presentations

- TraxItAll app

- T2 mood tracker app

- Take photos or videos of students behaving poorly or appropriately to show them later

- Reinforcing positive behaviors

- Employing frequent praise and encouragement

- Providing students with regular feedback

- Show students how to monitor their own behavior over the course of a school day

- Help students pinpoint selected behaviors to observe

- Teaching self talk skills

- Have relaxation techniques to reduce stress

- Use handheld microphone to enhance your voice

- Give students meaningful responsibilities to do in the classroom

- Provide students with choices in reading materials, homework, assignments, etc

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