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Self-tuned chaos from a fixed point in a flow system

Krishna Kumar, Pinaki Pal, and Alaka Das

+IBJ<+KF3L+ 3L+  MN O&P

Abstract— We present a low dimensional simple model of self-tuned in- duction profile, and the vortic-

stability directly from the conduction state. The self-tuning occurs due to ity field in
TVUW<X the 
fluid. The Rayleigh
R number is defined as
interaction of a stationary and an oscillatory bifurcations at the onset of
convection. The model shows intermittency directly from a fixed point in  9Z ,X where is the coefficient of thermal T ex-
a flow system, which is qualitatively new. The spatially averaged energy of pansion of the fluid, the acceleration due to gravity, and
the convective cells shows power law behaviour, which is typcal of intermit- the temperature difference across the fluid layer. The unit vector
tency. The presence of small Coriolis force leads to sel-tuned quasiperiodic # " is directed vertically upward. The stress-free conducting flat
waves from the conduction state. This leads to chaos via quasiperiodicity.  [ L  [W[\ ;  ]\@3^
boundary surfaces
Keywords—Instabilty, Intermittency, Quasiperiodicity, Convection.  5_FLF`imply
L stands for the horizontal Laplacian.
. The
The standard Galerkin procedure is used to describe the con-
vective patterns in the form two mutually perpendicular sets of
HE phenomenon of intermittency [1] has been observed wavy rolls, and the patterns resulting due to their nonlinear in-
in many theoretical models ([2]-[7]) and real experi- teraction. The spatial dependence of the vertical velocity and the
ments ([8]-[13]). The phenomenon of chaos appears in a flow vertical vorticity are expanded in Fourier series, which is com-
system when the later goes through a series of time-dependent patible with the stress-free flat conducting boundaries and peri-
behaviour. This is achieved by varying a control parameter. This odic boundary conditions in the horizontal plane. As DNS [16]
is true not only for intermittency, but for all standard routes to shows standing wavy patterns just above the onset of convec-
chaos in flow systems. Some maps (e.g., tent map [14]) do show tion, all Fourier amplitudes in the expansion are+ set
  to be real.
fully developed chaos directly from a fixed point. We present The vertical velocity and the vertical vorticity then read as
here a flow model which shows self-tuned temporal intermit-   a'bcFLFG<A0def ; f0g*h i2; 
tency directly from the fixed point. The control parameter is  ajFLFLFG<A0f0g*h ;kF/fHglh ; f0glhmi=; 
fixed once for all slightly above the its value at which fixed point Z Z
 a FLFG<A0def6n ;.F6doef ; f0g*hpi=;  3
becomes unstable. This is a new mechanism for intermittency, Z Z (4)
+   F def6ni=; 
qSF8bLbr<AHdoef ;kF`sqSF8b <AHdoef ;.,
which occurs due to the interaction of a stationary and a wavy Z Z
instability at the instability onset. Our model is based on the  qSFLFLFG<AHdoef ;kF,def ; doef9i=; 
physical problem of thermal convection in fluids with vanishing  qSF br<AHdoef ;kF,def_n ; $
Prandtl number ([15], [16]). The spatially averaged energy of Z Z (5)
the model also shows power law regimes. In the presence of 
The convective temperature field can be computed easily from
small Coriolis force, we observe quasi-periodic route to chaos 3. The solenoidal property of the velocity and the vorticity fields
instead of intermittency. determine their horizontal components. Projecting the hydrody-
namical equations (1 - 3) on these modes, we get a seven mode
II. T HE P HYSICAL PROBLEM AND THE M ODEL model. This is a minimum-mode consistent model for inves-
E consider a thin horizontal layer of fluid of thickness  , tigating competition between two mutually perpendicular sets
uniform kinematic viscosity  , and thermal diffusivity  wavy rolls.
confined between two conducting boundaries, and heated un-
i ^
derneath. The fluid motion is assumed to be governed by zero u t  v E w ! ^ u ! L^o\ymszx{7j|p8}
Prandtl number Boussinesq equations ([15], [16]), which may n \xi
^ v
! ~ \ L ^\y%^zx{- v p | L€23
be put in the following dimensionless form:

# " %$ '&)(*,+ $ -. ! / $ -0+2143 i
! (1) €t  
nw ! nL€
 +   +  5(*6+ $ 78  ! 9 $ 70+  143 ^ ~ v
(2) ^
:   ! 3  L^\y%j|‚szx{kL^o\ u ! vƒ 3
(3) ^\\ (7)
,<;=30>.3?@3A0CBDE @FG3H 30    i
where is the velocity field, (x, y, t  L ^ z w !  Iv <{7j|‚ ~ y9€
z, t) the deviation in temperature field from the steady con- ƒ „… v v †v ƒ n …
Krishna Kumar (corresponding author) is with the Department of Physics and ! x\Gi 
xz {- „ |‡ˆ^\y@8}.3 (8)
Meteorology, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 721 302 (e-mail: ku- This work was carried out under DST sponsored i i
project Pattern-forming instabilities and interface waves. yt  ! y 
m L^\ u ! 8}
Pinaki Pal is with the Department of Mathematics, Kabi Sukanta Ma- n … \ ƒ
havidyalaya, Hooghly, West Bengal, (e-mail: p i
Alaka Das is with the Department of Mathematics, Hooghly Women’s Col- ! … \ L ^\ u  v ƒ L€23 (9)
lege, Hooghly, West Bengal, (e-mail: alaka

n !
}t  ! ni } n 
nxym v { ! |% u rolls makes them unstable. This leads to the generation of
i n !
  ~ y ! x {7j|p 3 vertical vorticity; making the growing rolls wavy. This leads
nG\ ƒ (10) to waves along axis and the velocity
becomes non-zero.
The spatially averaged energy of the self-tuned standing
zi i waves (bottom left) grows from vanishingly small value. This
|t  ! |‡ E i € s}_ u waves introduces
n ! extra dissipation
n ! and consequently stops the
n …
i growth of rolls. The rolls then start interacting with the
 L^ } „ i €` 3
… \ v ! ƒ (11) standing
n ! wave perturbations along their axis. The energy of the
rolls (top right) and the waves (bottom right) start compet-
ing and  this
w ! leads
^$ ^oto\&%(intermittency.
' The same behaviour is seen
„ i i for #
{t  ! {- Ei € ! }_ u . However, the statistical analysis5ofw ! the^
n … energy maxima become difficult at very low values of #
i due to critical slowing down.
 v Ei €  }_ 3
… \ v ƒ (12)
2000 6000

u ˆ  a'bcFLF  a LF F €‚ ajFLFLF yV qSF8bLb {  qF8b

|  qSF b } ], ƒ qSFLFLF , , , ,

(Emax )n+1
, and .

0 0
E now numerically integrate this dynamical system to in- 0 200 0 6000
t (E )

 i Y in
max n
vestigate the unsteady solutions. As we are interested n 10
solutions near the w instability onset, we set Z Z  .
For each value of , we integrate with randomly chosen initial w 20

ni(∆ t)
conditions for longTperiods to get rid of transients. We raise i
w 10
in small steps of (=0.01) and repeat the above w procedure.
We observe wavy rolls oscillating chaotically for w 1.11. We 10 0
2 4 0 25 50
have also repeated the above procedure by lowering in small 10 10
steps. The model does not show any hysteresis. The bifurcation
is forward. Fig. 2. The mechanism of self-tuned intermittency. The first column shows the
plot of spatially averaged energy   of ) rolls (above) and wavy
energy *

(below) with respect to dimensionless time for   .
The second column

x 10
2 800
shows the same entities immediately after the self-tuned
1.5 intermittency sets in.

1 400
The nature of waves  depend on the wavenumber + of the wavy

0.5 perturbations. For + Z  , the convective instability leads to in-

0 50 100
100 150 200 250 300
termittency directly from the conduction state. The statistical
properties of the energies of the convection cells in the for of
2000 1500 wavy n)&^orolls
\ ' are studied by using three to five independent long
(w dimesionless time steps) data sets for each value of
considered. Figure 2 shows -the
,  statisticalwj properties
^ $ \@^ of spa-

500 tially averaged total energy nx\\ at . The energy

signal (top left) is shown for dimensionless unitsof time for
0 50 100
100 150 200 250 300
/.  ^G The actual signal used is. sufficiently long. The plot of
Dimensionless Time th energy maxima with th maxima (top right) shows
smaller peaks are generally followed by smaller peaks but may
Fig. 1. The mechanism of self-tuned intermittency. The first column shows the
be followed by larger peaks. The larger peaks are followed by
plot of spatially averaged energy 

 of  rolls (above) and wavy
 smaller peaks. The events of larger peaks followed

(below) with respect to dimensionless time for  
 . T:A by larger
The second column shows the same entities immediately after the self-tuned peaks are rare. The distribution of time intervals between
intermittency sets in. two successive peaks (bottom right) shows a sharp peak. This
implies that the energy peaks may be varying wildly but they
Figure 1 shows the mechanism of self-tuned intermittency at occur almost periodically. The spatially averaged energy signal
the onset of convection. The first column shows the integration shows an interesting intermittent pattern showing almost peri-
fromw a random ^initial
 condition. The reduced Rayleigh num- odicity. The energy histogram (bottom left) shows power ,21 law
ber is raised above the critical
 F value
[  and then left
n"! fixed. behaviour. We make 0 energy bins , 1 with mean values . The

The spatially averaged
; energy ( ) of the rolls frequency of acquiring 1 the value by the
1 spatially averaged en-
(say, parallel to axis) initially
n ! increases exponentially (top ergy
,1 is denoted
, 1 %54 by 3 . The R frequency 3 scales RSF with the energy,1
left). When the energy of the! rolls are large enough, rolls asR . The exponent
,1 takes two values: R7698 for smallerw
become wavy and therefore v . The fast motion of the fluid in and for larger s. Generally values of depend on . The

^ [R F ˆn R  n
two exponents are: and 4 0.2

2 0.1

N the presence of small rigid rotation, the equation is modi- −2 −0.1

Fourier Amplitudes
fied as rotation generates vertical vertical vorticity. A similar,
−4 −0.2
as in the absence of rotation, model (please see Appendix) may −5 0 5 −4 −2 0 2 4

be derived in such situation [18]. We present here the results −3

x 10
1 0.2
in rotating convection. The rotation rate is measured by dimen-
sionless rotation rate  , which
U  is the Y
root of the Taylor 0 0.1
number. Taylor number †   . The route to chaos
−1 0
is completely differnt above certain value of the dimensionless
rotation rate  . The rotation couples vertical velocity and ver- −2 −0.1

tical vorticity linearly. The nonlinearity creates other vorticity −3 −0.2

−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4
modes, which were considered in the absence of Coriolis force. W101
The saturation mechanism of the convective instability in the
presence of rotation
n ! is shown in Fig. 3. Various vorticity modes Fig. 4. The projection the quasiperiodic motion in the different planes of the
interact with the roll mode at the saturation of the later re- phase space in the presence of Coriolis force.
sulting in two frequency at the onset. The transient settles for
quasiperiodic waves after long time.
control parameter
n ! remains fixed during this process. The ampli-
30 0.8 tude of the rolls, which is an order parameter, functions as
”control parameter”. This intermittency directly from the con-
20 0.6 duction state is thus self-tuned. The presence of small Coriolis

orce affects the route to chaos significantly. The rotation can

10 0.4
make self-tuned chaos quasiperiodic instead of intermittent.
0 0.2
0 50 100 85 90 95 R EFERENCES
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^  R 6
APPENDIX t '  ! } ' [  n U


The dynamical system for convection in metallic fluid in the 6
presence of Coriolis force [18].   
n  GF  F  
 ^  †
tF   ! 
  F ! i2 U F
 R 6
:( Ei ! n  1   t   !  † Z   + S   F  nGFG
v Z  ! +   nG\
! nxR % F
(  ! Ei= ! Z    6 1   6
! †  \ v 
! nxR % F  ' ! F   5^\ G †

! ( † R   E i ! Z 81  ! i R  

ni=   ^o\R    c R 6
  ' (13) t  !  † Z   +     F  s  nF  
 ^  6 R 6 ! R
      ! ! †  v 
 n F ! Fo ! †  
t n
Z  +    †
n9i UR % F     
F  ^ U ^ 6

F<R %  '  z G=
 F t   !  
 F% S  ! 

n n n
! ni R GF S † 
i 6  
 (14) RPR % F R ! R % F
 GF '
n n
 ^ z4  R  RS 6
Z  + !    ! v
G F  v  !   
 n  †
n@i U  ! F F 61 8 68  F3  
'  ! where the temporal variables and & are defined asF
! †   ! † i '
ajF8bcFG3 ! ajFLFLFo  3 6 !*'
) F , F ) ,+
a -F -FLF 3 !
) a'bcF F . ,
! nx\Gi R GF ! i  6      F  ! ) y F
bcF  3%  % ! <y bcF8b 3Ly bLb  c3%  p !
(15) F F , )
y bcF   3% S ! F / F y F8b 3 ! y - -F b0
/ y FLFLF 3 ! y -F -F F0   !
, '  ,  ' .
t  }9  ! F Y Y
 The coefficients
 Ei   % of the
RC above dynamical  system are:
+    6  R
   Y  Z   ,   ˆ+ Ei Z  ,   Z   % Z F  }Vˆ +  , i   % F ,

ni } U '   F   F  1, = i †
F  Z (  + i † Z  + 5 , Ei
 Z 61 +

+ ,
   F i 6 }GF    v R‚ ! 6 Z    Y ! Z     , R2 ) i v  ! Z   ! +  ,
n 3
zi !    † ,   6 }. v i ‚n Z ‚n +  Y … ,

'  R }. i Y v Y $ Z [
!  Z n +  , R=}. i  ! 

^  nxR   +R  ,
t F  ! GF  U F   F

  v + , †  + † , v .

! n       ' ! z  
n cS nGR %    '  
    5^\!" (17)

R 6
t  ! +  !   F snF
n F#  !  GFo ! R    (18)

^ U
t   !    !  ! F   zx
n v ' !
  !     v

GF  $ GF
n n 
WRS 6 
v  !   (19)

t   ! † Z    ! v FF ! n 
n  !


^ ~ †
R (20)

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