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Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Element 1.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Learns about students Gathers additional data to Uses data from a variety of Uses data from multiple Uses comprehensive
through data provided by learn about individual formal and informal sources measures to make knowledge of students to
the school and/or students. to learn about students and adjustments to instruction make ongoing adjustments
assessments. guide selection of and meet individual and accommodations in
instructional strategies to identified learning needs. instruction. 05/08/22
meet diverse learning 12/10/21
Using knowledge of needs. 07/18/21
students to engage Students take ownership of
them in learning Some students may engage Students engage in single Student engage in learning Students actively utilize a their learning by choosing
in learning using lessons or sequence of through the use of variety of instructional from a wide range of
instructional strategies lessons that include some adjustments in instruction to strategies and technologies methods to further their
focused on the class as a adjustments based on meet their needs. 07/18/21 in learning that ensure learning that are responsive
whole. assessments. equitable access to the to their learning needs.
curriculum. 12/10/21 05/08/22
I review student profiles I use formal and informal I use comprehensive
and demographics provided assessments (data) to meet knowledge of students to
by school. I use formal the individual needs of make on going adjustments
assessments to serve as a learners. An example I use to instruction by
baseline of students including leveled, small- incorporating engaging
knowledge and use informal groups called "Daily 5" for strategies that check for
assessment to create literacy workshop stations. I understanding. This includes
modifications for lessons. I have leveled each group to formal and informal
collaborate with resource target their needs, to either assessment during and after
teachers to find appropriate reteach, review, or lessons. 05/08/22
interventions for each challenge them. 12/10/21
diverse learner. 07/18/21 Students take ownership of
Students actively use their learning by choosing
Students engage in both various, leveled curriculum based activities
Evidence leveled whole-group and instructional resources (such as puzzles) to build
small-group instruction on a throughout the day. understanding of targeted
daily basis. During whole- Students are given modified objective. 05/08/22
group instruction, physical and digital
accommodations can be resurrect when needed.
made such as seating 12/10/21
arrangements, repeated
instruction, length of
assignment, or additional
work time. During small-
group instruction,
modifications are used at
appropriate levels to review
or enrich content. 07/18/21
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops awareness of Uses gathered information Uses school resources and Integrates broad knowledge Develops and
prior knowledge, culture, about students’ prior family contacts to expand of students and their systematically uses
backgrounds, life knowledge, cultural understanding of students’ communities to inform extensive information
experiences, and interests backgrounds, life prior knowledge, cultural instruction. 05/08/22 regarding students’ cultural
represented among students. experiences, and interest to backgrounds, life backgrounds, prior
support student learning. experiences, and interests to knowledge, life
Connecting learning 07/18/21 connect to student learning. experiences, and interests.
to students’ prior 12/10/21
backgrounds, life Some students connect Students participate in Students make connections Students can articulate the
experiences, and learning activities to their single lessons or sequences between curriculum, and Students are actively relevance and impact of
interests own lives. of lessons related to their their prior knowledge, engaged in curriculum, lessons on their lives and
interests and experiences. backgrounds, life which relates their prior society.
experiences, and interests. knowledge, experiences,
07/18/21 and interests within and
across learning activities.
12/10/21, 05/08/22
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Throughout lessons, I Students are actively I integrate a broad
reference relatable making connections to knowledge of students and
experiences to help deepen curriculum, particularly their communities to inform
student understanding. For during reading lessons. instruction. I reference
example, when conducting Students refer to prior familiar examples using
an opinion writing lesson, I knowledge on content to real-work experiences and
might ask students to decide make connections. For connections. For example, I
what their favorite food is. I example, students might had one student’s father
would have them reflect on connect two stories with a present on the cutie of a
ideas that are familiar to similar main idea or firefighter during our career
them and get them engaged characters. Also, students lesson. 05/08/22
and interested in the lesson. connect stories to their own
07/18/21 personal lives or interests. Students participate in
For example, students might activities that relate to their
say they are similar to the background and prior
main character in The Little knowledge. An example is
Red Hen because they are a when students completed
Evidence helper at home, too. "All About Me" activity on
07/18/21 SeeSaw. Students can
upload images of
I use school resources and themselves, their families,
online programs to help their favorite hobbies, and
integrate students prior things on a slideshow. Once
knowledge, backgrounds completed students can
and experiences into student share their work with their
learning. I use Aeries and peers. 12/10/21, 05/08/22
ELPAC test scores as data. I
use ELD and ELL resources
such as books, worksheets,
and videos to support daily
ELA lessons to connect
student knowledge with
curriculum. 12/10/21
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Element 1.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Uses real-life connections Explore using additional Integrates connections from Integrates connections to Engages student in actively
during instruction as real-life connections to subject matter to meaningful, real-life making connections to
identified to curriculum. subject matter in single meaningful, real-life contexts in planning subject relevant, meaningful, and
lessons or sequence of contexts, including those matter instruction and is real-life contexts
lessons to support specific to students’ family responsive during throughout subject matter
understanding. and community. 07/18/21 instruction to engage instruction.05/08/22
Connecting subject students in relating to
matter to meaningful, subject matter. 12/10/21
real-life contexts Students routinely integrate
Some students relate Students make use of real- Students utilize real-life Students actively engage in subject matter into their
subject matter to real-life. life connections provided in connections regularly to making and using real-life own thinking and make
single lessons or sequence develop understandings of connections to subject relevant applications of
of lessons to support subject matter. 07/18/21 matter to extend their subject matter during
understanding of subject understanding. 12/10/21 learning activities.05/08/22
I integrate connections I integrate connections of I engages student in
from subject matter to real- real-life experiences with actively making
life contexts by using curriculum. An example is connections to content. For
familiar examples in reading about plants and example, every Monday,
students lives. For example, animal needs and having students write a narrative
I can connect a reading on students explain the steps piece of two-sentences to
Technology at Home and they need to care for their tell me about their weekend
School to our use of iPads garden/pets at home. and experiences. Allowing
and online programs in the 12/10/21 students to reference their
classroom. I connect the personal life helps keep
relevance of the content to Students actively endure in them engaged in writing.
their own lives and how it making connections to 05/08/22
is significant to our curriculum. Students use a
Evidence community and our every “making connections”
day lives. 07/18/21 anchor chart to think about Students integrate subject
their personal experiences matter into their own
Students use real-life and share with the class. thinking. Students often
connections to relate to the 12/10/21 raise their hand to share
content. Students explore their personal experiences
how stories and terms are and even reference these
familiar or similar to their experiences during writing
every day lives. Students time. Students share both
enjoy making these whole-class during reading
connections that make the lessons, and during think-
content relevant both in and pair-share time. 05/08/22
out of the classroom.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Element 1.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Uses instructional Explores additional Utilizes a variety of Creates, adapts, and Refines the flexible use of
strategies, resources, and instructional strategies, strategies including integrates a broad range of an extensive repertoire of
technologies as provided by resources, and technologies culturally responsive strategies, resources, and strategies, resources, and
school and/or district. in single lessons or pedagogy, resources, and technologies into technologies to meet
sequence of lessons to meet technologies during instruction designed to students’ diverse learning
students’ diverse learning ongoing instruction to meet meet students’ diverse needs. 05/08/22
Using a variety of needs. students’ diverse learning learning needs. 07/18/21,
instructional strategies, needs. 12/10/21
resources, and
technologies to meet Some students participate Students participate in Students participate in Students take
students’ diverse in instructional strategies, single lessons or sequence instruction using strategies, Students actively engage in responsibilities for using a
learning needs using resources and of lessons related to their resources, and technologies instruction and make use of wide range of strategies,
technologies provided. interests and experiences. matched to their learning a variety of targeted resources, and technologies
needs. 07/18/21 strategies, resources, and that successfully advance
technologies to meet their their learning. 05/08/22
individual students needs.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Students participate in I create lessons that I refine strategies,
instruction that meets their integrate the appropriate resources, and technologies
diverse learning needs. modifications and to meet students’ diverse
Students are provided with accommodations to meet learning needs through
appropriate materials that the needs of diverse assessment and appropriate
can either review or enrich learners. I use a range of accommodations. I use
concepts that were taught. teaching strategies daily, SeeSaw to create a variety
For example, my students including whole-group, of online activities to
participate an online small-group and one-on- review or enrich
program called iReady. one instruction, as well as, curriculum. 05/08/22
iReady supports student incorporating leveled online
learning based on the programs. I have various
individual’s level using resources and materials that
formal and informal support emerging, Students take
assessment. iReady developing, and/or responsibilities for using a
determines whether the expanding leveled learners. wide range of strategies,
student needs additional For example, I may work resources, and technologies
practice in an area or to with my emerging learners that successfully advance
move on to the next area of on alphabet identification, their learning using the
study. 07/18/21 while working on letter online program iReady.
sounds with my developing Students can track their
groups, and introduce CVC progress and
Evidence blending to my expanding accomplishments. 05/08/22
students during small-group
instruction. 07/18/21,

Students actively engage in

instruction through various
resources by use of formal
and informal assessments,
digital programs,
worksheets, and small-
group activities. Some of
these resources have been
modified by level to meet
the needs of each individual
learner. 12/10/21
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Asks questions that focus Includes questions in single Guide students to think Supports students to initiate Facilitates systematic
on factual knowledge and lessons or a sequence of critically through use of critical thinking through opportunities for student to
comprehension. lessons that require students questioning strategies, independently developing apply critical thinking by
to recall, interpret, and posing/solving problems, questions, posing problems designing structured
think critically. 07/18/21 and reflection on issues in and reflecting on multiple inquiries into complex
content. 12/10/21 perspectives. 05/08/22 problems.
Promoting critical
thinking though Students respond to varied Students pose problems and
inquiry, problem Some students respond to questions or tasks designed Students respond to construct questions of their Students pose and answer a
solving, and reflection questions regarding facts to promote comprehension questions and problems own to support inquiries wide-range of complex
and comprehension. and critical thinking in posed by the teacher and into content. 05/08/22 questions and problems,
single lessons or a sequence begin to pose and solve reflect, and communicate
of lessons. 07/18/21 problems of their own understandings based on in
related to the content. depth analysis of content
12/10/21 learning.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Throughout lessons, I ask I guide students through I supports students to
students to think about the asking questions and initiate critical thinking
problem and come up with sneering problems during through independently
solutions or answers based our whole-group lessons. developing questions,
on prior content or real-life I have students think- posing problems and
experiences. For example, reflecting on multiple
in the story The Boy Cried
pair-share their thoughts
and guide students perspectives. For example,
Wolf, I might ask students I incorporate thematic
to think why lying about through steps to solve
those problems. 12/10/21 STEM projects each month,
seeing a wolf poses a I tell students the end goal
problem to other villagers. (i.e. making a rainbow) and
This invites students to Students respond to the materials needed. I
think critically about the questions and problems allow them time to explore
text and foreshadow a posed by teacher during different strategies to make
potential problem. 07/18/21 daily reading lessons. the tower and encourage
Evidence For example, students them to keep trying new
Students participate in were asked to critically ideas until it works.
whole-class and partner- 05/08/22
share discussions to think
think about the story,
critically about content. For "The Little Red Hen". Students pose problems and
example, students may be On SeeSaw, students had
to retell key details in the construct questions of their
asked a question about a own to support inquiries
story and they will think story and identify the into content. Students ask
about it, refer to the text, sequence of events. questions during STEM
and reflect on what they Students were able to projects to think critically
know or predict will reflect on the content in about engineering. For
happen. 07/18/21 the story and use images example, a student might
to relate to the text. ask “how can I get this to
12/10/21 stay up?” and will explore
different strategies of
building. 05/08/22

Element 1.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Implements lessons Seeks to clarify instruction Makes ongoing adjustments Adjusts strategies during Makes adjustments to
following curriculum and learning activities to to instruction based on instruction based on the extend learning
guidelines. support student observation of student ongoing monitoring of opportunities and provide
understanding. engagement and regular individual student needs for assistance to students in
checks for understanding. assistance, support, or mastering the concepts
challenge.07/18/21, flexibly and effectively.
Monitoring student 12/10/21 05/08/22
learning and adjusting Students successfully
instruction while Some students receive Students receive assistance participate and stay Students monitor their
teaching. individual assistance during individually or in small engaged in learning Students are able to progress in learning and
instruction. groups during instruction. activities.07/18/21 articulate their level of provide information to
understanding and use teacher that informs
teacher guidance to meet adjustments in instruction.
their needs during 05/08/22
instruction. 12/10/21
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Students are engaged in I am actively monitoring I make adjustments to
lessons through various student learning during extend learning. I use
strategies, including Whole instruction. I informally and informal and formal
Brain Thinking (WBT) formally assess to see what assessment to check for
practices. Students use adjustments can be made understanding. Then, I can
whiteboards, hand-gestures for the students as an plan for a multitude of
(thumbs up/thumbs down), individual or as a whole teaching strategies to either
partner-share, call-outs, and class. I check for reteach, review, or enrich
sentence frames during participation, call on content based on students
instruction to keep them random names to evaluate needs. 05/08/22
involved. 07/18/21 understanding, and use
student work to determine Students monitor their
which strategy to use next. progress in learning and
For example, I might ask provide information to
my students to identify a teacher that informs
number greater than 6. If adjustments in instruction.
students are struggling, I Students are able to track
would choose to reteach the their growth in class using
concept. I would remind goal setting sheets, charts,
Evidence students reference our and reward certificates. For
number chart, practice example, students can see
counting in number- order, their letter identification
and remember the term progress through
“greater than” means highlighted letters and a
bigger. 07/18/21, 12/10/21 certificate of mastery.
Students are able to
articulate their own
understanding by setting
goals for themselves and
tracking their progress.
Students use a visual chart
and star stickers, hand
signals, and use of
whiteboards throughout the
day to track their
development and check for
understanding. 12/10/21

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