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Name: SOLANO, Geneva Mae M.

Year & Section: BSN – 4B

Activity #2:

1. Other than a knowledge of (Philippine) history, what else can YOU get
from our subject? Discuss.
- The others things that I can get from the this subject is feeling of
appreciation of our ancestors and thankful of the things we have now
compared to before. There was so much suppression and less freedom
for any people in those times. This makes me really appreciate the
now that we have and we should learn from the past to build a better

2. After our discussion of the first two topics, describe how the Spaniards
treated the Filipinos then. (His mother was imprisoned twice and the
family lost their leased farmlands)
- Oppression, injustice, disrespect, racism and others. What more is
there to say than we were mistreated from the Spaniards role. So
many things were stolen from us as Filipinos some history’s and
traditions that should have passed down to us that we only have
recently discovered.

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