Pure 1 2022 Feb March Paper: (Bra-R)

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Pure 1 2022 feb march paper

5. (r+1) -2} - 85
A curve with equation y= f(t) is such that f'(x) =2-.It is given that f(8) =

Find f(r). 4)

is constant.
has equation y x*+2cr +4 and a straight line has equation y 4r+Cwhere
c = a
2A curve =

Find the set ofvalues of c for which the curve and line intersect at two distinct points. [51

Find the tem independent of x in each of the following expansions.

85 and the straight line with eqzation y Sx 20 are

[3 The circle with equation (r +1) +(y-2)*
= -

of the circle is at C.
shown in the diagram. The line intersects the circle atA and B, and the centre
( a Find,by calculation,
thecoordinates of Aand B

(bra-r) 3 (b) Find an equation of the circle which has its centre at C and for which the line with equation
3r-20 is a tangent to the circle.

The first term of a geometric progression and the first term of an arithmetic progression are both equal s i n + 2 cos6 sin 6- 2 cos6_
7 (a) Show that
to a. cos-2 sin 4 cos 8+2sin 5 cos*8-4

The third tem of the geometric progression is equal to the second term of the arithmetic progression.

The fifth term of the geometric progression is equal to the sixth term of the arithmetic progression. in &+2 cos 4 sin 6-2cos 5 for 0° < 6< 180°.
(b) Hence solve the equation +2 sin
of the first twenty terms of
os -2 sin cos
Given that the terms allare
arithmetic progression in terms of a.
and not all
positive equal. find the sum

(a) Express 2r-8+14 in the form 2[r-a)* +b]. (21

The functions f and g are definedby

f(r)= * for x e R.
glr)= 2r-8x+14 for x ¬R.

(b) Describe fully a sequence of transformations that maps the graph of y = f(x) onto the graph 141
y = glr), making clear the order in which the transformations are applied.
(r-2)+ =8

The diagram shows a circle with centre A of radius Scm and a circle with centre B of radius 8 cm.
The circles touch at the point C so that ACB is a straight line. The tangent at the point D on the
The diagram showsthe circle with equation (a-2 + = 8. The chord AB of the circle intersects Smaller circle intersects the larger circle at E and passes through B.
the positive y-axis at A and is parallel to the x-axis.
(a) Findthe perimeter of the shaded region.
(a) Find, by calculation, the coordinates of Aand B.
(b) Find the area of the shaded region.
bFind the volume of revolution when the 3
shaded segment, bounded by the circle and the chord
AB, is rotated through 360° about the x-axis.
11 ltis given that a curve has equation y= k(3r- k)l + 3x. where k is a constant.
9Functions f. g and h are defined as follows:
(a) Find, in terms of k, the values of r at which there is stationary point
f:x*-4r3+1 forr>0.
g: mx +n for x>-2, where m andn are constants,
The funetion f has a stationary value at.r = a and is defined by
h:X 2 forr> 0.
ftr)=4(3x-4)+x for x
(a) Solve the equation f(r) 0, giving your solutions in the formr
=a+byc, where a, b and c are
(b) Find the value of a and determine the nature of the stationary value.
integers. [4

(b) Given that f(x) = gh(r). find the values of m and n. (c) The function g is defined by glr) = -(3r+1+3r for.r >0.
Determine, making your reasoning clear. whether g is an increasing function. a
function or neither.

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