Bora Sasika

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April 14,2022,
Bora sasika

Dear Bora sasika

.We arepleasedtoofferyoutheposition of aAssociateonthefollowingterms:

1. PlaceofEmploymentand Timing.

1.1 Your initial place of work will be at Hyderabad However, your services are transferable, andmay be
assigned, after reasonable notice, to any location in India or abroad where
thecompanyoritsaffiliatesconductsbusiness.Thedutiestobeperformedbyyouhereundershall be
performed in such locations as are reasonably necessary or appropriate to carryout your duties
hereunder, subject to reasonable travel requirements on behalf of theCompanyfromtimetotime.
1.2 You will be expected to attend office - except when traveling on business during
workinghours/shiftsas may bedecidedby the Company.

2. CompensationandBenefits.

2.1 Compensation.Ascompensationforservicestoberenderedpursuanttothis letter,the

asdue toyou aredetailed inAnnexure I.
2.2 YouwillbeprovidedwithaComprehensiveMedicalInsuranceandwillalsobecovered
2.3 YouwillbeprovidedwithRetirementBenefitsnamely,ProvidentFundandGratuity,in
accordancewiththelaws ofthecountry,and/or, asper companypolicy.
2.4 Yourcompensationshallbereviewedonthebasisofmerit andwillbeatthesole

3. Reimbursement of Expenses: The Company will reimburse you for reasonable travel, and
otherbusiness expenses incurred in connection with the performance of your duties hereunder,
inaccordancewiththepolicyoftheCompany withrespectthereto.

4. Leaves:You shall be entitled to reasonable periods of leave as per company policy (to be takenby
agreement with the Company) with full pay. Entitlement & accumulation of the leave will be aspercompany

5. Term:Employment period shall commence on 1st May 2020. Your appointment is terminable bytwo
months’ notice by either party or two months’ salary in lieu thereof. Also, in case of anysubsequent
movement out from DOP and/or progression to Band B1 & above, your appointmentwill become
terminable by three months’ notice by either party or three months’ salary in lieuthereof. Wipro reserves the
right to pay or recover salary in lieu of notice period. Further, theCompany may, at its discretion relieve you
from such date as it may deem fit even prior to theexpiry of the notice period given by you. However, if the
management desires you to continue theemploymentduringthenoticeperiod,youshall doso.
During the term of employment, your performance and suitability for the roles will be
continuouslymonitoredandevaluated. Giventhenatureofyourrole,whichisdependentoncustomer

requirement, you would have to clear assessments prescribed by Wipro from time to time. In
theeventyoufailtomeettheprescribedmeasurementcriteriaasdefinedforyourProcess/Functionor there isno
suitable role available for you based on companyrequirement, the
companyreservestherighttoterminateyouremploymentin accordance withthebenchpolicy.
If you remain absent from work without authorization or reasonable explanation for more thanseven
consecutive working days, it will be presumed that you are no longer interested in workingfor Wipro and
have voluntarily abandoned your services. In such a case, your employment withWiprowillstandterminated.
6. Retirement:Youwillautomaticallyretireonattainingtheage
of58years.Youmayberetiredearlieriffoundmedically unfit.
7. Confidentiality

7.1 During the course of its business, the Company is required to keep confidential,
theinformationaboutitsCustomersanditselfandforthatpurposetoensurethesamefromeach employee
assigned to perform services for the Company/its Customers and eachemployee who
obtainsorisin apositiontoobtainanyinformationormaterials.
7.2 During the normal course of business, it may be imperative to record / monitor all calls madeby you
in order to asses quality, as applicable. This clause by no means would
impedeuponyourworkingability/capacityandshouldbetakeninlightof companyproceduresand
7.3 You shall therefore regard and preserve as confidential all information related to thebusiness and
activities of the Company as well as its Customers, their clients, suppliersand other entities with
whom they do business which may be obtained by them from
anysourceormaybedevelopedasaresultofanyofthesaidagreementswiththeCompany’s Customers.
You shall hold such information in trust and confidence for themand not disclose any such
information to any person, firm or enterprise, or use any suchinformation for your own benefit or
the benefit of any other party, unless authorized by theCompany.
7.4 You shall not directly or indirectly, engage or assist others to engage in, any activity
orconductthatviolates theprovisionsofthis Clause.
7.5 You acknowledge that the information, observations and data concerning the Companyand/or the
Customers provided to you, is and shall continue to be the property of theCompany and/or its
Customer’s, as the case may be and that you shall not be entitled toany right or license in relation
to the said information, nor shall you copy, reproduce,publish, distribute, adapt, modify or amend
any part thereof, without the prior writtenconsentoftheCompany/theCustomers,as thecasemay.
7.6 Youarenotapartytoorawareofany agreement,obligationorrestrictionthatpreventsorprohibits youfrom
complying with these obligations and youagree to take any othersteps reasonably required and/or
appropriate to ensure compliance with the obligationssetforthherein.
7.7 You understand that if you threaten to or actually breach or fail to observe any of
theobligationssetforthinthisClause,Companywillbesubjecttoirreparableharm,whichwill not be
adequately satisfied by damages and you therefore agree that the Companyshall be entitled to
injunctive relief and/or any other remedies permitted, to ensure andenforce your compliance with
these obligations in the unlikely event you do not complywith them; provided, however, that no
specification herein of any a particular legal orequitable remedy shall be construed as a waiver,
prohibition or limitation of any legal orequitableremedies availabletotheCompany.

7.8 You shall deliver to the Company upon cessation or termination of your employment, or atany
other time the Company may request, all memoranda, notes, plans, records, reports,computer tapes
and software and other documents and data (and copies thereof) relatingto the said, or the business
of the Company or any affiliate or its Customers which youshall thenpossess

You agree that, notwithstanding the cessation or termination of your Employment,

theconfirmations and undertakings under this Clause shall always continue in full force andeffect.

8. Whilstemployedbythecompany,you:

8.1 Willnotengageinanyexternalactivitiesofacommercial nature

8.2 Willnotengageinanyactivityofanon-commercial naturewithoutpriorwrittenapprovaloftheCompany .
8.3 Will be required to effectively carry out all duties and responsibilities assigned to you by
yoursupervisor and others authorized by the Company to assign such duties
8.4 Willberequiredtoapplyandmaintainthehigheststandardsofpersonalconductandintegrityandcomply
withallCompany policiesandprocedures.
8.5 Youagreethatyoushallnotdirectly orindirectly,share,discussyourcompensationdetails,infull or part, with
any person in or outside the organization other than those authorized todoso.
8.6 Willmaintainbeststandardsofpersonalhealthandshouldnecessarilybemedicallyfittoperformyourduti

9. OtherProvisions.

9.1 Language. This appointment letter was originally drafted in the English language. If it istranslated
into any language other than English, the provisions of the original
Englishlanguageversionshallcontrolinthecaseofanyassertedconflictin terms.
9.2 GoverningLaw.Thisappointmentshallbegovernedbyandinterpretedinaccordancewith
9.3 Youshallbegovernedbythe“ServiceAgreement”asapplicabletoyou.
It is understood that your date of joining Wipro Limited, will not be later than 1st May 2020 failingwhich
this offer will automatically stand revoked without any further notice. Please sign and return theduplicatecopyof
thisletterintokenofyouracceptance ofthetermsdescribedinthisletter.





Enclosed: Annexure I (Salary Break

ure IV (Consent for Random or ReasonableSuspicion


Name Bora sasika

Designation Associate

DateOfJoining 20/April/2022


AnnualCTC(Rs.) 218129

Component In₹PA In₹PM

Basic 99000 8250

HRA 49500 4125

Bonus 19800 1650

WBP 24050 2004

TotalFixedCash 192350 16029

PF 14766 1231

Gratuity(4.81%of Basic) 4762 397

TotalFixedCompensation 211878 17657

ESI 6251 521

TargetCosttoCompany 218129 18177


customersandallotherorganizationsorindividualsdoingorseekingto dobusiness withWipro.
1. For an employee or any dependent member of his family to have an interest in
anyorganization, which has business dealings with the company, where there isanopportunity
for preferential treatment to be given or received, except where such
rthe interestis notmaterial.
2. Foranemployeeoranydependentmemberofhisfamilytobuy,sellorleaseanykind of property,
facilities or equipment from or to the company or any affiliate or toany company,firmor
individual whoisoris seeking tobecomethecontractor,supplierorcustomer,
exceptwiththeknowledgeand consentoftopmanagement.
3. For an employee to serve as an officer, director or in any other management capacityor as
consultant of another company or organization doing or seeking to do
4. For an employee to use or release to a third party any data on decisions, plans,competitive bids
or any other information concerning the company, which might
5. Foranemployeeoranydependentmemberofhisfamilytoacceptcommission,ashareinprofitsorother
ertainmentandtravelorgiftsofmorethan nominal value from any individual or organization,
doing or seeking to dobusinesswiththecompany.
Ihavereadandunderstoodthe abovementioned'ConflictofInterest'policyandIdeclare thatthere is no
'Conflict of Interest' in my employment. If in future any conflict arises, I will informtopmanagement.


I{ }, confirmthatIamvoluntarily
a. ValidatingmyProfessionalrecordsandretainingthesameforanyfuturereference/
b. Processingmyjobapplicationincludingbackgroundverificationchecksandmedicalchecks
c. Employment-related actions including record keeping, processing compensation
andbenefitsand anyactionrequired in thecontext ofmyemploymentwith Wipro.
Inthiscontext,Ialsoagreetothe retentionofsuch PersonalInformationbyWiproforany
futurereference/verificationand authorizeWiprototransferthesame toa thirdparty.
Iunderstandthat'Personal Information'meansanyinformation,relatingtomethat is
availablewithWipro andis capableofidentifyingme.




I am aware that Wipro has a policy which stipulates that employees while at work cannot beunder the
influence of any narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and/or alcohol so as toensure a healthy work
force. To ensure the adherence of this policy, Wipro might be requiredto collect specimen of
employee’s hair, urine, blood, or any other relevant bodily sample, asmay be required (hereinafter the
“Sample”) and submit it for drug test screening (hereinafter“Test”).

Ihereby ),consent to allow WiproLimited(hereinafter“Wipro”)tocollect Samplefromme forthe


Infurtherance oftheabove stated:

1. IunderstandthattheTestshallbeconductedonrandombasiswithoutanyprejudicetoanyone.
2. IauthorizeWiprotosharetheSamplewithWipro’sauthorizedvendorforthepurposeofprocessingthe
Sample andmakingtheresult availableto Wipro.
3. I understand that Wipro provides adequate security measures to safeguard

4. I understand that neither Wipro nor any authorized third party under clause (3) aboveshall
retain the data collected in respect of the Test for period no longer than asrequiredforstatutory
5. IunderstandthatWipro isentitledtoinitiatesuitableactions againstmeincludingbutnot limitedto
disciplinary action basedon theTestresults.
6. IunderstandthatWipro maynotify

SIGNEDthis dayof ,20 at




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