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Zoe Kosa


English 101

Introductory Essay

My name is Zoe Kosa, I come from a small town in Utah named Moab. Living in a small

town has always pushed me to become someone great, and that is why I am continuing

my education here at NAU as a freshman. I decided to take the reasonable route and become a

CCC2NAU student. I am a nursing major and plan on applying to the NAUs nursing program

after I complete my prerequisites at the Coconino Community College. I am super excited to see

what is in store for me and my future.

Growing up I have always enjoyed taking care of others, making someone else feel better

gives me that relief that I know I need. I tend to put others before myself because that’s how my

family raised me, you will never see me as someone selfish. In my senior year of high school, I

took a Certified Nursing Assistant course. It was my job to make all the residents as comfortable

as possible and meet all their needs. It made me feel good knowing that I was not only benefiting

myself, but I was also making someone else feel better about themselves and their situation. The

minute you see a resident smile at you because of what you are doing for them makes every

minute worth it.

I have always been a super social person, I enjoy meeting new people and making new

friends. Nursing requires a lot of things that I feel I can bring to the table, everything that I have

an interest in plays a big part in my major. I try to keep a positive attitude while taking care of

myself as I start this new chapter in my life. My communication skills are one of my strong suits.

Talking to others and engaging with them about what they like and dislike is very important to
me, all around, taking care of others is something not many people enjoy. I'm thankful for the

way my parents brought me up to be, I get told very often that I am a very easy person to like

and get along with. I always strive to help others before I help myself. My drive to serve others

and ability to empathetically relate with individuals is why I want to become a nurse.

So many things make me happy as a person, but the one thing that makes me the happiest

is my family. As I mentioned before, I came from Utah, and I packed up and moved to a

completely different state. Moving has made me realize how important the word “Family” is. I

will cherish every opportunity that comes my way to visit them. The amount of support and

happiness that my family has supplied me with over the years is something I will never be able to

repay them for. I don't say it very often but I am so thankful for the family that I grew up in. I am

an only child so the endless amount of love that I get from my parents is such a blessing.

When I think about my future I think about how I wanna make my parents proud. Ever

since I was a little girl, becoming a nurse has always been my main goal. Throughout my high

school years, I've put in extra effort and tried my hardest to be my very best. After I complete

nursing school, I hope to move to Oregon with my best friend and continue with life, working as

an RN. As I move on to bigger and better things, taking time for myself is going to end up being

my main priority, for me to accomplish my goals being in a healthy physical and mental state is

very important. As of right now, I'm going with the flow, wherever I may end up in my

perspective is where I am supposed to be.

As I have mentioned multiple times, I am a young Utah girl with some big dreams. I

opened up and gave a good perspective on how my life is. Nursing is extremely important to me,

whether I am a nurse or not. Accomplishing my goals is something I am looking forward to, as I

continue my education for the next 4 years here in Flagstaff, I hope to take in every moment and
make as many new friends as I possibly can. I am currently living in a dorm at NAU with the

best roommate I could ever ask for. Life is about to take a huge turn but it is only for the better.

I've only lived here for a week and I have never been happier.

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