Daunt Letter

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Dear Judy –

Please accept this email as the formal resignation, effective immediately, of my position as a
member of the Michigan Republican Party State Committee from the Fourth Congressional

You are one of the most wonderful, principled, and hard-working individuals I’ve had the
pleasure of knowing, and it has been an honor to have your support. The Fourth District is
blessed to have such an honest and dedicated individual as their chairwoman, and I look
forward to continuing our friendship for years to come.

Unfortunately, the priorities and “leadership” of the Republican Party, particularly here in
Michigan, are no longer recognizable as those of a serious institution. Thanks to the disastrous
policies and poisonous cultural warfare being pushed by the equally unserious Democrats –
from Joe Biden to Gretchen Whitmer on down – Republicans should be poised for tremendous
gains across the country. But not here in Michigan. Not now.

Instead of focusing on highlighting the Democrats myriad failures – from the Afghanistan
debacle, to COVID authoritarianism (which didn’t even succeed at their supposed goal of
stopping the virus), to crippling inflation, to the still cratered and crumbling DAMN roads –
feckless, cowardly party “leaders” have made the election here in Michigan a test of who is the
most cravenly loyal to Donald Trump and relitigating the results of the 2020 cycle. A cycle that
saw Republicans PICK UP seats in the US House and win countless close elections across the
country, and that would have ended with Republicans maintaining their narrow majority in the
US Senate… if not for the disgraceful, petulant, and dangerous actions of a deranged narcissist.

Incredibly, rather than distancing themselves from this undisciplined loser, far too many
Republican “leaders” have decided that encouraging his delusional lies – and, even worse –
cynically appeasing him despite knowing they are lies, is the easiest path to ensuring their
continued hold on power, general election consequences be damned. Rather than assembling
the courage to do the right thing, at the right time, and guide the activist base towards the
truth, they’ve repeatedly backed down and dissembled, hoping that just one more act of
cowardice will be what does the trick. Apparently more than just the radical Left needs to get
back to basics on world history and the tragic consequences of appeasement.

Whether it’s misguided true belief, cynical cowardice, or just plain old grift and avarice, it’s a
losing strategy and I cannot serve on the governing board of a party that’s too stupid to see

All my best to you and the many other Republicans who are doing their best to do the right
thing despite a “leadership” class that refuses to help you.

Tony Daunt

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