Paper 1: Structured Interviews For Personality and Communication Skills

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Paper 1: Structured interviews for personality and communication skills.

Industrial and organizational (I/O) psychology says that structured interviews are considered to
be more reliable than valid and unstructured ones. Structured interview questions are pre-
specified/decided before the interview, whereas in unstructured interviews the questions are
spontaneous and they may differ from candidate to candidate. The assessment approach for also
different in both cases. In the Structured approach, as the same set of lead and probe/follow-up
questions, are asked to everyone scores are scaled on the same basis but in an unstructured
approach, the lead and probe questions can be different for everyone; hence they are assessed on
an individual basis and therefore they aren’t standardized and not reliable. Structured interviews
are majorly categorized into behavioral and situational: In Behavioral interviews, candidates are
asked what that candidate will do or did in a context and these contexts are similar for everyone
whereas, in situational interviews, candidates are asked to describe their behavior in a simulated
context. Behavioral Interviews validate that the candidate is not only technically fit but also
behaviorally fit for the job because it reflects the behavior of the candidate towards the job and
other colleagues and in an AVI setting, it can be used to access the applicant’s interpersonal
communicational skills which are related with self-related organizational tenure and job
performance making the candidate not only skill fit but also fit for job context (P–J fit, called
personal and job fit) and fit for organizational culture (P–O fit, called the person and
organizational fit). However, interview questions do not assess personality traits directly because
personality traits imply how an individual would react to different situations. Personality traits
imply how a candidate will react in a situation; hence the interview questions don’t assess the
personality traits directly.

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Paper 2: Big Five Personality Traits Prediction Using TensorFlow
A temperament attribute could be a specific pattern of thought, thinking, or playing that manages
to be devoted over time and on the far side essential places. the large Five—Extraversion,
Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, psychological disorder, and Openness to observe square
measure a group of 5 broad, bipolar quality dimensions that establish the foremost extensively
used style of temperament construction. Earlier investigations discovered a growing interest in
processing the temperament and behavior of individuals in fields like career development,
customized health help, counseling, disorder analysis, and therefore the detection of physical
diseases with temperament shift symptoms. fashionable ways of discovering the Big-Five
temperament varieties embrace finishing a survey, that takes an associate degree impractical
quantity of your time and can't be used typically. This paper provides a survey on detective work
of huge 5 temperament traits supported face expression recognition victimization Tensor Flow
mechanism. And also, numerous ways to discover huge 5 temperament traits square measure
mentioned during this paper. Finally, during this paper, the graph provides a comparison between
numerous detections of huge 5 temperament traits on facial expressions.

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Paper 3: Nonverbal cues for communication skills and personality

According to Social signaling theory, A job applicant can demonstrate past behavior in the form
of interpersonal communication skills, which shows that the applicant possesses verbal as well as
nonverbal communication skills because it is noticed that non-verbal gestures, postures, face
movement, eye movement, etc. tend to have more influence during human interaction than verbal
signals [26]. As per Brunswik’s Lens Model [27], nonverbal messages are also observed and
interpreted along with the verbal messages by the audience [28] and these nonverbal messages
provide clues, additional info, and meaning over the verbal signals. Some researchers estimate
that approximately 70-80% of effective communication is nonverbal [29]. Among all nonverbal
messages, facial expressions are considered to be the most important for better control of
interpersonal communication. Unlike other nonverbal signals, facial expressions are universal
because they convey human emotion that can be recognized by humans as well as by computers
with a high degree of accuracy [30]. In the case of the Lens model, while raters or human
interviewers make inferences or attribution about applicants’ communication skills and
personality traits(addition to job-related information and behavior) during the job interview,
Applicant shows their underlying traits like facial expression and movement as observable
nonverbal cues in AVI [7] and as per their facial expressions, movements and other available
aspects their perceived personality is assessed [23]. Many researchers say that self-rated
personality results can be biased in terms of social desirability, especially in the case of the job
application process and therefore they suggest that self-reported personality assessments are
preferable for processing job applications [7].

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Paper 4: Intelligent video interview agent used to predict communication skills and
perceived personality traits
The prediction of individual social communication skills and temperament traits could be a vital
issue in each industrial and structured psychological science and emotional computing. during
this study, we tend to invite 114 participants, as well as fifty-seven interviewers and fifty-seven
interviewees, to gather the bottom truth of interviewees’ communication skills and temperament
traits as perceived by real human interviewers in a very structured activity interview setting. we
tend to develop an associate asynchronous video interview (AVI) platform with a man-made
intelligence (AI) call agent supported by a Tensor Flow convolutional neural network (CNN),
referred to as AVI-AI, which will be accustomed part displace human raters add the initial stage
of employment screening and to with success predict employment candidate’s communication
skills and temperament traits. The experimental results show that AVI-AI will predict not solely a
candidate’s social communication skills but conjointly his or her openness, agreeableness, and
mental disorder, as perceived by intimate with human resource professionals. The interrater
reliableness values were all acceptable to support the bottom truth assumption. However, our
AVI-AI couldn't predict the conscientiousness and socialness as perceived by the $64000 human
raters during this study.

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