Marijuana FAQ - US Anti-Doping Agency (Usada)

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● Starting in 2018 the WADA removed CDB from the list of prohibited substances. They
also set a urinary threshold of 150 nanograms per milliliter for THC. The purpose of this
is to ensure athletes do not use it on competition day but to allow them to still use it
casually outside of competition.
● The USADA (US Anti Doping Administration) did the same but only took off CBD,
THC and synthetic cannabinoids are still prohibited.
○ They have this page to clarify rules: Marijuana FAQ | US Anti-Doping Agency
● Where CBD is legal, restricted and illegal and the US as of 2022:

How Does CBD Work?

● CBD (cannabinoids) already exist in the human body as part of the endocannabinoid
system (ECS) but scientists' ideas on how the ECS works and how CBD is evolved is
constantly changing.
● Cannabidiol (CBD) is a phytocannabinoid found naturally in the cannabis plant but
unlike THC is not psychoactive.
● Scientists didn’t have a good idea on the ECS because of the legality of marijuana but
based on recent studies they have discovered; “The primary purpose of the ECS appears
to be maintaining homeostasis, which it does by keeping neurotransmitter levels in check.
Consuming CBD could be thought of as supplementing or increasing the activity of your
body’s existing endocannabinoid system.”
● Harvard Health says; “The ECS regulates and controls many of our most critical bodily
functions such as learning and memory, emotional processing, sleep, temperature control,
pain control, inflammatory and immune responses, and eating.” The ECS does this by
adjusting the different systems after receiving immediate feedback. The receptors are
stimulated by endocannabinoids which have a similar structure to the cannabis plant.
● Athletes put more stress on their bodies than the typical person and could easily
overwhelm their ECS with a high amount of pain and inflammation. Taking CBD could
help the ECS get neurotransmitters back under control.

Benefits for Athletes:

● Many sources say CBD is effective in relieving pain. It could be a safer alternative to
taking over the counter anti-inflammatory drugs because CBD doesn’t increase the risk of
heart attacks and strokes as frequent use of Advil and Aleve do.
● Anti inflammatory: “Cannabinoids binding to CB2 receptors may have an anti-
inflammatory effect by reducing cytokine (cell messengers) production.” Basically the
natural CBD in the body binds to receptors in the immune system to keep it in check.
Adding additional CBD could dial down the immune system response after a hard
workout to reduce inflammation.
● There are also CB1 and CB2 receptors in the colon which CBD can bind to and inhibit GI
● Adenosine binds to neurons and inhibits the release of neurotransmitters which slows
down brain activity, making you feel calmer and inducing sleep. CBD can bind to the
same receptors that adenosine binds to which can ultimately help adenosine accumulate
more quickly to make you feel sleepy sooner.
● It is also unclear whether CBD really works, the popularity has outrun the research.
○ When researching if CBD helps treat anxiety, which is the most common use, the
experiments have been contradictory. This is similar to experiments done on sleep
and depression, psychologists say that the effects of CBD on PTSD and
depression are still merely a hypothesis.
Taking CBD:
● Capsules, oil and edibles will take longer to work because they have to be digested.
Topical creams are quicker and drops are said to be the fastest. Although Harvard Health
says there is not enough research on topical creams to understand if they work.
● There is CBD isolate and CBD full spectrum, CBD isolate is supposed to contain only
CBD, no other compounds.
● CBD isn’t regulated by the FDA because it is considered a supplement.
● Testing showed that many products do not contain as much CBD as claimed on the label.
How Much CBD?
● Most information on how much CBD you should take is unclear and concludes that
people should start with a small dosage and gradually increase. It seems like a starting
amount for people experiencing severe pain is around 40 mg. The most common dose is
between 20 and 40 mg.
● Forbes health suggested different doses for different conditions, all the doses appear to be
very high such as 300-600mg a day for anxiety.
● A study from 2011 that was updated in 2017 concluded that taking up to 1,500 mg is
tolerated well by humans but a 2019 study on mice raised concerns about potential for
liver damage after taking too much CBD. The biggest health risk in taking CBD is
ensuring you are taking pure CBD. Studies have found CBD extracts that were advertised
as pure CBD have included dextromethorphan, THC and synthetic cannabinoid which all
have dangerous effects.
● A few drops of CBD oil in a drink likely won’t do anything but the placebo effect could
be at play.
● A chart from Daily CBD

The endocannabinoid system: Essential and mysterious - Harvard Health
CBD products are everywhere. But do they work? - Harvard Health.
CBD for Athletes: What You Need to Know About Cannabidiol - CTS
CBD Dosage: How Much Should You Take?
CBD Dosage: How Much Should You Take? – Forbes Health
CBD Dosage Calculator: How Much CBD Should I Take?
CBD Legal States 2022
What Are the Benefits of CBD? - The New York Times
House Passes Bill To Legalize Marijuana – Forbes Advisor
Is CBD Legal All States? Or Are There Some Exceptions 2022?

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