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Republic of the Philippines


Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines



LEVEL/BLOCK: 3-D DATE: 11-09-21

Reflective Exercise

1. What did you learn from today’s CHN duty?

- Today’s CHN duty was very substantial and informative. We’ve learned about the
demographic status of our designated place in General Tinio “Papaya, Nueva Ecija which is the
Poblacion West. We were also taught of the medicinal plants that are approved by the DOH.
I’ve recalled what are the uses of it and how to prepare the herbal medicines.

2. How was your orientation today? Describe how did it make you feel or any realizations you
- Our orientation today is very smooth and well-organized as our head nurses explained
the grading system, upcoming activities, and the class etiquette that we need to follow. It made
me realize that despite of the pandemic, we are able to conduct community health nursing
through the virtual community teaching that we will make.

3. What are your impressions or recommendations to your head nurses so he/she could further
improve the entire related learning experience in CHN II?
- As I’ve observed in our CHN II duty earlier, our head nurses are prepared of what are
they discussing and very approachable because we have the freedom to ask questions if there
are things we don’t clearly understand.

4. What are the things that you, as a student nurse, will do for the rest of the night which you think
will help you be a better nurse in the future?
- As a student nurse, every night I make sure that I don’t have missing activities or
backlogs that will give me stress and anxiety in the next following days. I know how to manage my
time to make all the school requirements as well as my errands for the day. I know that time
management will help me a better nurse in the future because I can do all my tasks without feeling

5. What are your expectations for tomorrow’s CHN duty?

- For tomorrow’s CHN duty, I expect to learn more about the roles and activities of the
nurse in the community and how they respond to the emergencies and health situations in that
certain place. I also expect to broaden my knowledge of the programs that are implemented by the
DOH that will help and preserve the health of the people.

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