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Name: Benedict Ivan B. Barron Section: BSIT 401B

Date: 4/11/2021 Score:

Case Study
The Hawsha Tea Shop: Traditions and Technology

For the past 35 years, Hawsha Tea Shop has been successful in its operation in Binondo. This
second-generation Chinese tea shop has withstood the countless challenges of time, and Mr. Ty, the
second-generation owner, has developed the tea shop’s vision-mission statements:

Vision: To proudly produce traditional teas and food for all generations to enjoy and be recognized
globally as a premiere traditional tea shop in the Philippines.

Mission: To provide quality traditional teas and food products and exceed customer satisfaction.

Mr. Ty had retired and has given the business to his oldest daughter, who is very traditional. As a
Chinese family business, family members have a thing or two to suggest, especially the young ones.
One of which is to build a website to further market their tea shop and make more profits. Another
suggested that the shop goes technological, which includes the use of new point of sale (POS)
machines as opposed to the conventional cash register (which is very difficult to operate and has
been on the irk of the Bureau of Internal Revenue [BIR]), advance ordering systems to help ease the
queue, and early reservation systems, which rely on the use of the Internet. The eldest daughter has
shunned the use of such technologies insisting that these can cause more problems. To avoid
conflicts within the family, Mr. Ty, the second-generation owner, sought the expertise of a business
strategist. If you were the business strategist, how would you help the tea shop stay in business?
Answer the guide questions below.

Questions: (3 items x 10 points)

1. Establish the strategic objectives that will help the tea shop in its transition
while giving credence to the suggestions of both the eldest daughter and the
younger members of the Ty family.
 The first move is to plan a new gimmick that certainly captures consumers by
refurbishing the place into an instagrammable one to attract the attention of content
creators, vloggers, or bloggers. Since the shop is renowned for its typical tea and
served 35 years, maybe, in a Chinese Traditional house, we can have them traditional
garments and equipment as well as the waiter and waitresses. These will capture the
seniors to resuscitate their youthful lives and capture them as they live in the past.
Perhaps bring a little spin to the list so loyal shoppers won't get bored of still
purchasing the same menu. Think of other items which can be combined with genuine
tea to assure that it is ready for the hangouts. Most cafes provide Internet access for the
needs of customers. But whether they have books or animals they can play with to
ease boredom, they might still carry their curiosity. If this is established, as you are
certain to have loyal clients, you will now have people to advertise the shop through
their social media pages, which could naturally be a good chance to build a page, since
most customers would choose to incorporate your page in their social media messages,
so anyone intrigued can simply visit your page to learn more about the product.
Because you require a fresh POS, you should prioritize this more particularly if the
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aGdMyT. -0W5:00hen an industry has increased
steadily and established a solid base, it is time to make minor modifications. It simply
takes minor, however risky, actions at a time to prevent problems from exploding all at

2. What type of strategic planning model will you employ to address the
challenges of the tea shop, and why will you use it?
 The most widely used strategy methodology is the Strategic Alignment Model
(SAM). This would be beneficial to everyone that is hoping to enter that
technological future without losing more than half of their current market plan.
The reality also that tea shop has been open for years indicates that it has regular
clients who might not be tech-savvy, which explains why the company has still not
been widely publicized on social media. As a result, using the influence of
technology, such as the internet and social media, it will assist the company in
being nationally famous and, later, establishing a name.

3. Recommend courses of actions that will help Hawsha Tea Shop rise above
in the age of technology while maintaining its traditional ways.
 Firstly, impress consumers with the consistency of the goods such that they can share
their positive experience with others and recommend the shop as a must-visit. Next is to
constantly come up with new tricks and promotions, so consumers want to feel like
something is fresh now and then. Lastly, the goal is to preserve the product's authenticity
and individuality despite the current trends in the food industry. That's because, even if
people are always looking for something different, if they can't tell one product from
another, they will choose to eat something they already want.

Rubric for grading:

Provided pieces of evidence, supporting details, and factual
Content 5
Grammar Used correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. 2
Organization Expressed the points in clear and logical arrangement of ideas in
of ideas the paragraph
Total 10

05 eLMS Assignment 1 *Property of STI

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